英文名称:Erin Brockovich
时间 | 英文 | 中文 |
[00:47] | 「本片为真人真事改编」 | |
[00:52] | You have no actual medical training? | 你没有受过正规的护理训练? |
[00:55] | No. I have kids. | 没有,但我有孩子 |
[00:58] | I learned a lot right there. | 所以经验丰富 |
[01:00] | I’ve seen nurses give my son throat cultures and… What is it? | 我看过护士帮我儿子做喉头组织培养… |
[01:03] | 怎么做来着 | |
[01:05] | You stick a giant Qtip down their throat and wait. | 把棉花棒塞进他们的喉咙里等 |
[01:08] | Or a urinalysis where you take that dipstick… | 或是做尿检 |
[01:11] | to see whether or not the white count’s high. | 看看白血球数是否过高 |
[01:13] | Yes, I understand. | 是的,我了解 |
[01:15] | And I’m great with people. | 我对付病人很有一套 |
[01:17] | You’d have to observe me to know for sure, but you can trust me on that. | 当然你要眼见为信,但是你可以相信我 |
[01:21] | I’m an extremely fast learner. You show me something in a lab once… | 我学得很快,只要在实验室示范一次 |
[01:24] | and I’ve got it down. | 我就会了 |
[01:28] | I always wanted to go to medical school. | 念医学院一直是我的志向 |
[01:31] | That was my frst interest, really… | 医学是我的兴趣 |
[01:33] | but then I got married and had a kid too young and that blew that. | 但后来结婚生子,只有打消这个念头 |
[01:37] | When I got out of high school, I got a job… | 我高中毕业后 |
[01:39] | with Fleuer Engineers and Constructors in Irvine. | 在尔湾的弗勒工程公司找了一份工作 |
[01:43] | I fell madly in love with geology. | 我疯狂的爱上地质学 |
[01:48] | Geology? | 地质学? |
[01:49] | I learned how to read maps. I love maps. | 我学会怎么看地图,我爱死地图了 |
[01:52] | But I lost my job because… | 但我后来不得不离职 |
[01:55] | my boy came down with chicken pox, had 104 temperature. | 因为我儿子出水痘,发烧发到104度 |
[01:58] | My ex-husband was useless, so… | 我前夫又一无是处,所以… |
[02:01] | that didn’t really work out. | 我们之间没维持多久 |
[02:09] | You got a really nice offce. | 你的办公室很不错 |
[02:14] | Thanks. | 谢谢 |
[02:21] | Look. | 这样吧… |
[02:36] | 主演:朱莉娅·罗伯茨 | |
[02:45] | 永不妥协 | |
[02:49] | 主演:阿尔伯特·芬尼 | |
[02:53] | Oh, fuck! | 妈的! |
[03:03] | Goddamn it. | 可恶 |
[03:45] | Good morning, Mr. Masry. How are you doing today? | 早安,马西瑞先生,你今天还好吗? |
[03:49] | Fine, thanks. And you? | 好极了,你呢? |
[03:51] | Very well. Thank you for asking. | 好极了 |
[03:53] | Good morning. | 早安 |
[04:03] | Did you see it last night? | 你昨晚有没有看? |
[04:05] | I was out, but I taped it. Don’t tell me what happens. | 我出去了,但录了 别说后来怎么了 |
[04:07] | It was so good. Your 9:00 is here already. | 很好看,你九点约的人已经到了 |
本电影台词包含不重复单词:1558个。 其中的生词包含:四级词汇:271个,六级词汇:132个,GRE词汇:128个,托福词汇:198个,考研词汇:300个,专四词汇:249个,专八词汇:33个, 所有生词标注共:505个。 定制生词标注的台词本和单词统计,请访问生词标注台词本 | ||
[04:19] | Remind me. | 她是谁? |
[04:20] | Erin Brockovich. Car accident. Not her fault, she says. | 艾琳·波可维奇,车祸,她宣称不是她的错 |
[04:26] | She was referred. | 她是别的地方介绍来的 |
[04:34] | Erin, hi. | 艾琳,嗨 |
[04:36] | Ed Masry. Sorry you had to wait. | 我是艾德·马西瑞,抱歉让你久等 |
[04:40] | That’s okay. | 没关系 |
[04:41] | Here, sit down. | 请坐 |
[04:53] | Thank you. | 谢谢 |
[04:58] | I never thought just standing could take it out of you… | 我没想到站着也会这么累 |
[05:01] | but ever since that shithead hit me, I feel like my body’s put together wrong. | 但自从那混球撞了我后 |
[05:03] | 我觉得五脏六腑都不对劲了 | |
[05:05] | You poor thing. | 小可怜 |
[05:09] | Did anyone ask if you wanted coffee? | 有没有问过你…要不要喝咖啡? |
[05:11] | – Yeah. I’m fne. – Good. | 有,但我不喝 好 |
[05:15] | Listen. Whoever did this to you made one hell of a mistake. | 那个把你害成这样的人,倒大楣了 |
[05:19] | And you and me, we’re gonna make him pay for it. | 我们两个要让他悔不当初 |
[05:26] | 说说事发经过 | |
[05:27] | Why don’t you tell me what happened. | |
[05:29] | I was pulling out real slow… | 我当时正慢慢驶离停车位 |
[05:32] | and out of nowhere… | 接着不知怎么着 |
[05:34] | his Jaguar comes racing around the corner like a bat out of hell. | 他的积架车像从地狱冲出来的蝙蝠一样 |
[05:37] | 狠狠地撞了过来 | |
[05:39] | They took some bone from my hip and put it in my neck. | 医生把我髋部的骨头拿出来,装在我颈部 |
[05:43] | I don’t have insurance, so… | 我没有保险,所以… |
[05:45] | I’m about $17,000 in debt right now. | 我现在欠了17000元 |
[05:50] | I couldn’t take painkillers ’cause they made me too groggy to care for my kids. | 我还要照顾小孩,所以不能吃止痛药 |
[05:55] | Matthew’s eight and Katie’s almost six… | 马修八岁,凯蒂快六岁了 |
[05:58] | and Beth’s just nine months. | 贝丝才九个月大 |
[06:01] | I just wanna be a good mom, a nice person… | 我只想当个好妈妈,好人 |
[06:04] | a decent citizen. | 好国民 |
[06:07] | I just wanna take good care of my kids. | 我只想好好照顾我的孩子 |
[06:11] | Yeah, I know. | 我明白 |
[06:15] | Seventeen thousand in debt? | 你欠17000元? |
[06:19] | – Is your ex-husband helping? – Which one? | 你的前夫不帮你吗? 哪一个? |
[06:24] | There’s more than one? | 你的前夫不只一个? |
[06:27] | Yeah, there’s two. Why? | 我有两个,为什么? |
[06:34] | So, you must’ve been feeling pretty desperate that afternoon. | 你那天下午一定很绝望了 |
[06:38] | What’s your point? | 你这话什么意思? |
[06:40] | Broke, three kids, no job. | 破产,三个小孩,又失业 |
[06:42] | A doctor in a Jaguar? Good meal ticket. | 一个开积架的医生,定能让你大捞一票 |
[06:45] | – Objection. – What? He hit me. | 抗议 什么?是他撞到我的 |
[06:47] | So you say. | 那是你单方面的说词 |
[06:49] | He came tearing around the corner out of control. | 他高速冲过转角,简直像失控一样 |
[06:52] | An ER doctor who spends his days saving lives was the one out of control? | 一个整日忙着救人的急诊室医生居然会失控? |
[06:56] | That asshole smashed in my fucking neck. | 那个王八蛋撞上我的脖子 |
[07:03] | – Open and fucking shut? – It’s that language that lost the case. | 还说我们铁赢? 就因你口出秽言才会输 |
[07:07] | – It was over long before then. – I told you they’d get personal. | 我们早就输了 我说过他们会搞人身攻击 |
[07:11] | – You told me I’d be set. – I never said that. | 你说过我稳赢的 我没说过这句话 |
[07:13] | You told me I had a good shot. I had no shot. | 你说我的胜算很大,我根本毫无胜算 |
[07:16] | – Let’s settle down. – Fuck settle down! | 我们别急 他妈的别急 |
[07:18] | I’ve got $74 in the bank. I can’t afford to settle down. | 我银行里只剩下74元,你还叫我别急 |
[07:22] | I’m sorry. | 对不起 |
[07:25] | Do they teach lawyers to apologize? | 没人教你们这些律师要如何道歉吗? |
[07:28] | Because you suck at it. | 因为你的道歉实在瘪脚 |
[08:03] | Hello? | 喂? |
[08:07] | You’re back so soon. | 这么快就回来了 |
[08:10] | Were you a good girl? | 你乖不乖? |
[08:13] | You’re my little baby. | 你是我的好宝贝 |
[08:15] | – What, is that a little cough? – She’s got a little cough. | 怎么,她咳嗽? 她有点咳嗽 |
[08:18] | I sat in the steam with her to try to loosen it up, but… | 我试着用蒸气疗法,但是… |
[08:22] | I think I’ve got some cough medicine. | 我家还有咳嗽药 |
[08:26] | Listen. I didn’t want to tell you before. | 听着,我本来不想告诉你 |
[08:29] | – You know, with your worries. – What? | 让你心烦事实在太多 什么事? |
[08:32] | My daughter, she bought a big house with a room for me. | 我女儿买了一间大房子 |
[08:35] | – I’m moving in with her. – When? | 我要搬去和她住 什么时候? |
[08:38] | – Next week. – Next week? | 下个星期 下个星期? |
[08:40] | I know, but it’s good for me. | 我知道,但这对我也好 |
[08:43] | Now I can help my daughter take care of my grandkids. | 我可以帮我女儿照顾她的小孩了 |
[08:45] | And it’s good for you too. Now that you have money… | 对你也好,你现在发财了 |
[08:48] | you can hire a good baby-sitter, not the old lady next door. | 就可以找个好点的保姆 |
[08:50] | 而不是找隔壁的老太太带孩子 | |
[08:52] | Thanks. | 谢谢 |
[08:58] | Matthew? Katie? You back here? | 马修?凯蒂? |
[09:00] | 你们在这里吗? | |
[09:03] | Come on in. | 进来 |
[09:09] | Get in the house. No dripping. | 进屋来,水别滴的一地 |
[09:11] | Okay. | 知道了 |
[09:17] | Please don’t get sick on me. Please. | 别生病,求求你 |
[09:30] | Let’s fx some dinner. | 我们来弄晚饭吧 |
[09:40] | Look at the water. | 你看水 |
[09:49] | Oh, God! | 天啊 |
[09:51] | Damn it. | 可恶 |
[09:53] | I’m sorry. I’m sorry. | 对不起 |
[09:57] | 马修,凯蒂 | |
[10:00] | We’re going out. | 我们出去吃 |
[10:06] | Go ahead and order. | 快点菜吧 |
[10:07] | I’m gonna have a cheeseburger deluxe with a Coke. | 我要吃起司汉堡和可乐 |
[10:12] | Mommy, can I have a cheeseburger deluxe with no cheese and no bread? | 妈,我点起司汉堡,但不加面包和起司? |
[10:19] | – Did you get that? – Yeah. | 你记下来了吗? 记下来了 |
[10:21] | And she will have a cup of chicken broth and a few crackers, please. | 给她一碗鸡汤和几片饼干 |
[10:26] | – And for you? – Just a cup of coffee. | 你呢? 一杯咖啡 |
[10:30] | Mom, you’re not eating? | 妈,你不吃吗? |
[10:31] | My lawyer took me out to a fancy lunch to celebrate, and I’m still stuffed. | 律师中午请我吃大餐庆祝,我饱到现在 |
[10:36] | How ’bout that? | 怎么样? |
[11:07] | 「事求人」 | |
[11:18] | I’m calling about the job ad in the paper. | 我看到你们的征人启事 |
[11:21] | I’m calling about the job ad. | 我看到你们的征人启事 |
[11:24] | The great personality, good voice. | 你们要找可亲又声音甜美的人 |
[11:27] | I don’t have any actual sales experience. | 我没有实地推销的经验 |
[11:29] | I don’t really have a resumé, but I can… | 我也没有履历表,但我可以… |
[11:32] | No, I don’t have any computer skills, but… | 我不会用计算机,但我可以… |
[11:37] | I thought it… I thought it was the local store. | 我以为…这不是本地分店吗? |
[11:40] | Okay. Thanks anyway. | 好,还是谢谢你 |
[11:43] | Okay, bye. | 好,再见 |
[11:51] | Ed Masry, please. | 我要找艾德马西瑞 |
[11:52] | Yes, I’m holding for Ed Masry. | 是的,我要找艾德马西瑞 |
[11:54] | Is he ever in the offce? | 他到底会不会进公司啊? |
[11:56] | I’ve called about a dozen times. | 我打了十几次了 |
[11:59] | Yes, I’d like to leave another message. | 是的,我要留言 |
[12:01] | Brockovich. B-R-O-C-K-O-V-l-C-H. | 波可维奇,波…可…维…奇 |
[12:05] | I’m a client. I want him to call me. It’s as simple as that. | 我是客户,我要他回电,就这么简单 |
[12:29] | Goddamn it! | 可恶! |
[12:31] | 兰达!兰达! | |
[12:35] | Who put that there? | 这是谁放在这里的? |
[12:37] | Those are the fles you asked for. | 这些是你要的那些档案 |
[12:39] | But I didn’t ask for you to put it in the middle of the floor. | 但我没有要你把它们堆在地板上吧? |
[12:41] | Look at me. Get a towel, will you? | 看我搞得一团狼狈,去拿条毛巾来给我 |
[12:47] | – What’s she doing here? – Who? | 她在这里干嘛? 谁? |
[12:54] | 唐纳 | |
[12:57] | What’s she doing here? | 她在这里干嘛? |
[12:59] | She works here. | 她在这里工作 |
[13:14] | How’s it goin’? | 艾琳 |
[13:15] | 你好吗? | |
[13:17] | You never called me back. I left messages. | 我留了好多次言,你一直没回电 |
[13:20] | You did? Well, I didn’t know that. | 是吗?没人告诉我 |
[13:22] | Donald seems to think… | 唐纳似乎认为… |
[13:24] | There’s two things that aggravate me, Mr. Masry: | 马西瑞先生,我最讨厌两种事: |
[13:27] | Being ignored and being lied to. | 别人对我视而不见和被别人骗 |
[13:29] | – I never lied. – You told me things would be fne. | 我从不骗人 你告诉我一切都会没事的 |
[13:32] | They’re not. I trusted you. | 结果不是如此,亏我那么相信你 |
[13:34] | – Sorry about that. – I don’t need pity. I need a paycheck. | 那件事我很遗憾 怜悯不如给我薪水 |
[13:37] | And I’ve looked. But when you spend the past six years raising babies… | 我努力找工作,但当了六年黄脸婆 |
[13:41] | it’s real hard to convince someone to give you a job that pays worth a damn. | 要找份好工作难如登天 |
[13:43] | Are you gettin’ every word of this down, honey, or am I talkin’ too fast for you? | 亲爱的,听到没?我会不会说得太快? |
[13:48] | I’m sorry about that. I really am. | 我真的很为你难过 |
[13:50] | – We have a full staff right now. – Bullshit! | 但我们现在不缺人 放屁! |
[13:53] | If you had a full staff, this offce would return a client’s phone call. | 要是不缺人,你们就不会不回客户电话了 |
[13:57] | I’m smart, I’m hardworking and I’ll do anything… | 我聪明,又努力,我什么都愿意做 |
[14:00] | and I’m not leaving here without a job. | 你们不请我,我就不走 |
[14:15] | Don’t make me beg. | 别逼我求你们 |
[14:17] | If it doesn’t work out, fre me. | 要是我不行的话,就开除我 |
[14:22] | Don’t make me beg. | 别逼我求你 |
[14:29] | No benefts. | 你没有员工福利 |
[14:34] | What we do in here is fle all of the cases. | 我们在这里把所有的案件归档 |
[14:38] | That way, at any time, we can tell the status of a fle… | 这样我们就能随时追踪到案件的动向 |
[14:42] | you know, where it is in the offce, stuff like that. | 比如说,档案在谁手上 |
[14:44] | Here’s where we organize all the fles alphabetically. | 所有的档案都是照字母排列 |
[14:48] | Simple enough. | 挺简单的 |
[14:50] | And here is your desk. | 这是你的桌子 |
[14:52] | Now I want to show you where the Xerox machine is. | 我带你去看看复印机 |
[14:55] | Everybody has a code and you need to know about that. | 每个人都有使用密码,你一定要知道这点 |
[14:58] | – Do I get to pick my own code? – We’ll see. | 我可以自己选密码吗? 看看吧 |
[15:03] | 马西瑞先生 | |
[15:07] | I was wondering, who would I talk to about getting an advance on my paycheck? | 我要预支薪水的话,要找哪一位? |
[15:11] | Just for the weekend. | 好撑过这个周末 |
[15:14] | Rosalind’s the offce manager. She handles the payroll and petty cash. | 总务是罗莎琳,她负责管薪水和零用金 |
[15:19] | But she’s gone already. She leaves early on Fridays. | 但她已经走了,她周五一向提早下班 |
[15:27] | – Okay. Thank you. – For Pete’s sake. Here. | 好,谢谢 看在老天的份上,拿去 |
[15:33] | I’ve only got hundreds. | 我只有百元大钞 |
[15:38] | Here. | 拿去 |
[15:41] | I don’t want your money. | 我不要你的钱 |
[15:43] | Where do you think your paycheck comes from? Here. | 你的薪水还不是我出的?拿去 |
[15:47] | – Have a good weekend. – Thank you. | 祝你周末愉快 谢谢 |
[15:50] | See ya. | 再见 |
[16:07] | Hi, my sweetie. | 嗨,甜心 |
[16:10] | How are you? Matthew. Katie. | 你好吗?马修,凯蒂 |
[16:13] | Hey, Mom. | 妈 |
[16:19] | – Thanks a lot. – You’re welcome. | 谢谢 不用客气 |
[17:06] | Hello. | 嗨 |
[17:07] | What are you doing making all that goddamn noise? | 你干嘛吵得半天价响? |
[17:12] | Introducing ourselves to the neighborhood, I guess. | 好向邻居们自我介绍吧 |
[17:15] | Well, I’m the neighbors. | 我就是你的邻居 |
[17:18] | There. We’re introduced. So shut the fuck up. | 现在我们见过面了,请你他妈的安静点 |
[17:23] | Wait. Hold on there. | 等等 |
[17:25] | Let’s start over, okay? My name’s George. What’s yours? | 我们从头来过,我叫乔治,你叫什么? |
[17:29] | Just think of me as the person next door who likes it quiet. | 我是你喜欢安静的邻居 |
[17:33] | Don’t be like that. | 别这样嘛 |
[17:35] | We live next door to each other, and I feel bad. | 我们是邻居,我觉得很过意不去 |
[17:38] | I feel terrible. I’m sorry. Will you accept my apology? | 我真的很难过,我道歉,你接受吗? |
[17:41] | We’re livin’ next door to each other. If you need a cup of sugar… | 毕竟我们是邻居,若你要借糖的话… |
[17:45] | – I don’t need sugar. – You don’t. | 我不要糖 你不要 |
[17:47] | Why don’t I take you out to dinner to apologize for my rudeness? | 我请你吃晚饭,算是向你道歉,好吗? |
[17:50] | You give me your number. I already got your address. | 你把电话号码给我,我知道你住哪 |
[17:53] | So you can’t get away. | 跑得了和尚跑不了庙 |
[17:56] | I’ll call you up proper and ask you out. | 我打电话正式约你出去 |
[17:59] | You want my number? | 你要我的号码? |
[18:01] | I do. I do want your number. | 是的 |
[18:04] | Which number do you want? George? | 你要哪一个号码,乔治? |
[18:08] | George. I like the way you say that. | 乔治,我喜欢听你叫我 |
[18:11] | How many numbers you got? | 你有多少个号码? |
[18:12] | I got numbers coming out of my ears. For instance, ten. | 我现在想的数字多得很,比如说,10 |
[18:16] | 10? Yeah. That’s how many months old my baby girl is. | |
[18:17] | 我的小女儿现在十个月大 | |
[18:21] | You got a little girl? | 你有个小女儿? |
[18:23] | Sexy, huh? How about this for a number? | 很性感吧?6这个数字如何? |
[18:26] | Six. That’s how old my other daughter is. Eight is the age of my son. | 我另一个女儿六岁,我儿子八岁 |
[18:29] | Two is how many times I’ve been married and divorced. | 2,是我结婚和离婚的次数 |
[18:32] | Sixteen is the number of dollars I have in my bank account. | 16,是我目前存款的数目 |
[18:35] | 850-3943, that’s my phone number. | 850-3943,是我的电话号码 |
[18:38] | With all the numbers I gave you, I guess zero is how many times you’ll call. | 告诉你这么多数字,我想你会打来的次数是零 |
[18:43] | How do you remember your bank balance off the top of your head? | 你怎能不加思索地说出…你银行存款数目 |
[18:46] | That impresses me. | 真是不简单 |
[18:49] | You’re dead wrong about that zero thing. | 至于我打电话的次数,你可就猜错了 |
[19:00] | How long has she been crying like that? | 她这样哭闹多久了? |
[19:04] | She’s got that tooth comin’ in. | 她在长牙 |
[19:06] | Give her a cold wash cloth to suck on. I got to go. | 给她一条湿布让她咬,我得挂了 |
[19:09] | I’ll check back later. | 我晚点再打电话来 |
[19:11] | Where’s Anna? | 安娜呢? |
[19:12] | She’s out to lunch with the girls. | 她跟女生们去吃午餐了 |
[19:17] | I have to open a fle. | 我要找一个档案 |
[19:21] | Real estate thing, pro bono. | 是房地产的,是公众地产 |
[19:24] | – You know how to do that, don’t you? – Yeah, I got it. No problem. | 你知道这是什么吧? 我知道,没问题 |
[19:31] | You’re a girl. | 你是女生 |
[19:35] | Excuse me? | 什么? |
[19:36] | Why aren’t you out to lunch with the girls? You’re a girl. | 你没和那些女生出去?你也是女生啊 |
[19:41] | I guess I’m not the right kind. | 我想我不是她们喜欢的那种 |
[19:51] | You may want to, now that you’re working here… | 既然你现在在这里上班 |
[19:54] | you may want to rethink your wardrobe a little. | 你最好改改你穿衣服的风格 |
[20:00] | Why is that? | 为什么? |
[20:01] | Well, I think some of the girls… | 我想公司有些女同事 |
[20:04] | are a little uncomfortable because of what you wear. | 因为你的穿着打扮,而有些不自在 |
[20:11] | Is that so? | 是吗? |
[20:13] | Well, it just so happens… | 是这样的 |
[20:15] | I think I look nice. | 我以为我这样穿很好看 |
[20:17] | And as long as I have one ass instead of two, I’ll wear what I like… | 只要我还窈窕动人,我爱怎么穿就怎么穿 |
[20:21] | if that’s okay. | 你没意见吧 |
[20:30] | You might wanna rethink those ties. | 你最好别再打那些领带了 |
[20:47] | With this real estate stuff, could you remind me? | 安娜,能否提醒一下,这些房地产的? |
[20:51] | I’m a little confused exactly how we do it. | 我有点胡涂了 |
[20:53] | Why are there medical records and blood samples in real estate fles? | 房地产档案里怎会有医疗纪录和验血结果? |
[20:58] | You’ve been here long enough. | 你也来了一阵子 |
[21:00] | If you don’t know how to do your job, I’m not about to do it for you. | 你要是到现在都还不知道该怎么做 |
[21:03] | 我也不打算帮你 | |
[21:21] | Hello? | 哈啰? |
[21:26] | 哈啰? | |
[21:28] | 马修,凯蒂? | |
[21:50] | 马修,凯蒂? | |
[21:58] | 马修? | |
[21:59] | 马修? | |
[22:19] | What the hell happened? | 发生什么事了? |
[22:22] | – Hungry? – Am l… | 饿了吗? 我是不是… |
[22:26] | Why are they here? I went to pick them up. | 他们为什么会在这里?我刚去接他们 |
[22:28] | She came by and said something came up and had to drop the kids off. | 她说临时有事,要把孩子们送回来 |
[22:32] | Something came up? Why didn’t she call me at work? | 临时有事?她为什么不打到公司? |
[22:36] | I don’t know. She… I was… I don’t know why. | 我不知道,她…我…我不知道 |
[22:39] | – That stupid bitch! – Mom! | 那个笨婊子 妈! |
[22:42] | Sorry. I just can’t believe she dumps my kids off when nobody’s home. | 对不起,我只是不敢相信 |
[22:44] | 她明知没人在家,还把孩子送来 | |
[22:46] | I was home. | 我在家 |
[22:49] | We’re fne. We cooked some burgers, had some milk. | 我们很好,做了汉堡,还喝了牛奶 |
[22:52] | Want a hot dog? There an extra one on the grill. | 要不要吃热狗?烤架上还有一个 |
[22:55] | Or a cheeseburger. | 也可以吃起司汉堡 |
[22:56] | But this mustard is slippery. | 可是加了芥末就很滑 |
[23:00] | Mom, what do you think about me getting a tattoo? | 妈,我去刺青好不好? |
[23:03] | 1、2、3 One, two, three. | |
[23:10] | I got kings. You win. You got a joker. | 我拿到国王,你是小丑牌,你赢了 |
[23:13] | King. Joker. | 国王,小丑 |
[23:16] | You stole a joker! | 你偷了一张小丑牌 |
[23:20] | – You cheat! – What do you mean, I cheat? | 你作弊 你这话什么意思? |
[23:23] | You’re cheating! | 你作弊 |
[23:25] | Get another one. | 再拿一张 |
[23:27] | Time to go to bed. | 该睡了 |
[23:30] | Excuse me. Get ready for bed. Brush your teeth. | 该睡了,去刷牙 |
[23:34] | Play tomorrow? | 明天再玩? |
[23:40] | Good night, buddy. | 晚安,老弟 |
[23:42] | What’s that? | 那是什么? |
[23:43] | This is a Harley-Davidson. It’s the best damn motorcycle ever made. | 这是哈雷机车,世界上最棒的机车 |
[23:47] | And if I ever catch either one of you near one, I’ll knock you silly. | 要被我逮到你们骑哈雷,我就要揍你们 |
[23:56] | Brush your teeth. And keep it down. The baby’s asleep. | 刷牙,小声点,宝宝睡了 |
[24:00] | You got great kids. | 你的孩子很可爱 |
[24:02] | Well, I’m sure I’ll fuck ’em up eventually. | 我迟早会害惨他们的 |
[24:07] | Why? | 为什么? |
[24:09] | Obviously, not a good judge of character… | 很显然的,我实在不会看人 |
[24:11] | or I would never have left them with that idiot… | 否则我不会把他们留给那个 |
[24:14] | who cost a fortune and smelled like chicken fat. | 又贵又满身鸡油味的白痴 |
[24:17] | And after I fnd her and kill her… | 等我找到她,杀了她之后 |
[24:20] | I don’t know what I’m gonna do. | 我就不知道以后要怎么办了 |
[24:22] | If you need help with them, I can do that. | 我可以帮你带孩子 |
[24:26] | – I’m not leaving my kids with you. – Why? | 才不要 为什么? |
[24:30] | – I don’t even know you. – What do you want to know? Ask. | 我根本不了解你 想知道什么尽管问 |
[24:34] | – Thanks for today. – You’re welcome. | 谢谢你 不客气 |
[24:36] | It was my pleasure. | 这是我的荣幸 |
[24:40] | – How many decks do you guys have here? – We have more than enough. | 你们这里有几副牌? 太多了 |
[24:44] | What, you got so many friends you can’t use one more? | 怎么,你朋友太多,不想多我一个? |
[24:48] | I’m serious. If you need someone to look after your kids after school… | 我是认真的,如果你想找人帮你带孩子 |
[24:53] | I don’t have a job now, so… | 我现在没有工作… |
[24:56] | That’s a great recommendation. I’m unemployed. | 「我目前失业」,好精彩的自我推荐 |
[25:00] | By choice. | 那是我不想工作 |
[25:01] | I work when I need to. | 有必要时,我自然会工作 |
[25:03] | What do you do the rest of the time, live off your trust fund? | 你不工作时,靠信托基金过日子吗? |
[25:07] | I do construction which pays real good, and I make it last by livin’ cheap. | 我搞营造,薪水不错,日子又过得省 |
[25:11] | I hope that’s not supposed to impress me. | 你这不是在讨好我吧? |
[25:13] | Hey, bed. | 上床去 |
[25:15] | Your little ghosts. | 你的小鬼 |
[25:19] | You always this hard on people who try to help you? | 你对所有想帮你的人,都这么凶吗? |
[25:23] | I’m out of practice. | 我很久没练习了 |
[25:25] | Well, let me remind you, then. | 那让我来提醒你吧 |
[25:27] | The polite thing is to say, Thank you. Start it off with that. | 你该说「谢谢」,一开始要先道谢 |
[25:31] | And you could say, Hey, that’s a really nice offer. | 然后说 「这个提议很不错」 |
[25:34] | I don’t mind taking you up on that.” | 我同意你的说法 |
[25:37] | Why the hell do you wanna watch my kids? | 你为什么要帮我带孩子? |
[25:40] | – I like kids. – Right. | 我喜欢小孩 是啊 |
[25:41] | I like hanging out with them. They keep it simple. | 我喜欢跟小孩子相处,小孩比较直爽 |
[25:47] | You’re home every afternoon? | 你每天下午都在家? |
[25:48] | I’m usually just workin’ on my bike. | 我通常会在家修我的车 |
[25:54] | It’s no big deal. | 没那么严重啦 |
[25:55] | If it doesn’t work out, you can send them back to the chicken fat lady. | 要是行不通,你再送他们回鸡油女士那 |
[26:05] | This isn’t gonna get you laid. | 我不会因此和你上床 |
[26:09] | Get in bed. | 上床去 |
[26:11] | That’s good, ’cause I didn’t fnd you attractive either. | 很好,我也不觉得你有多美 |
[26:14] | Well, good. Then we’re even. | 好,咱们扯平了 |
[26:16] | So we don’t have to worry about that. I’m glad we got that out of the way. | 先把事情说清楚,就不用再疑神疑鬼了 |
[26:20] | – I feel much better. – I do too. Really, seriously. | 我心里好受多了 我也是,真的 |
[26:22] | I can just look after the kids and not worry about you coming on to me. | 现在我可以专心带孩子 |
[26:24] | 不用担心你会对我性骚扰了 | |
[26:36] | 「PG&E太平洋瓦斯电力公司」 | |
[26:38] | 「地产出价书」 | |
[26:40] | 「致唐娜、彼德·约翰逊,PG&E」 | |
[26:50] | 「PG&E欲收购阁下房产」 | |
[26:53] | 「出价为66500元」 | |
[27:03] | 「毒物小组检验结果」 | |
[27:06] | 「姓名:唐娜·约翰逊」 | |
[27:11] | 「检验结果异常」 | |
[27:14] | 「白血球数减少,淋巴球数增加」 | |
[27:17] | 「T4细胞数增加」 | |
[27:25] | Bring the phone into the changing room. Of course they won’t. | 把电话拿到更衣室里去,他们当然不会的 |
[27:29] | Mrs. Masry, don’t be such a tease. | 马西瑞太太,别逗了 |
[27:32] | Hold on. Yeah? | 等等,什么事? |
[27:34] | Sorry. Would you mind if I investigate this further? | 对不起,我可以做进一步调查吗? |
[27:37] | Investigate what? | 调查什么? |
[27:39] | This real estate thing with theJensens. The pro bono case. | 约翰逊地产案 |
[27:44] | I just wanna make sure I’m understanding what I’m reading. | 我只是想搞清楚文件上写的是什么 |
[27:47] | – Sure. – You don’t mind? | 没问题 你不反对? |
[27:50] | Okay. Great. Thanks. | 好极了,谢谢 |
[28:38] | 「太平洋瓦斯电力公司」 | |
[29:02] | Hi. Donna Jensen? | 你是唐娜·约翰逊吗? |
[29:04] | I’m Erin Brockovich, with Masry and Vititoe. | 是的 |
[29:05] | 我是艾德律师事务所的艾琳·波可维奇 | |
[29:08] | Oh. You’re a lawyer? | 你是律师? |
[29:10] | Hell, no. | 当然不是 |
[29:12] | I hate lawyers. I just work for ’em. | 我讨厌律师,我只是为他们工作罢了 |
[29:14] | Do you have a minute? | 你有空吗? |
[29:16] | I don’t mean to be a pain in PG&E’s backside… | 我不是有意要找电力公司的麻烦 |
[29:19] | especially after all they’ve done for Hinkley, but… | 尤其是在他们在地方上出钱出力后 |
[29:22] | I look around here and I think… | 我环顾四周,心想… |
[29:24] | if they want this place, they’re gonna have to pay for it. | 他们要真想要这地方,就得付出代价 |
[29:27] | So you didn’t put the house up for sale? They just wanted to buy it. | 你无意出售房子,是他们主动说要买的? |
[29:32] | Oh, yeah. | 是的 |
[29:33] | I don’t wanna move. | 我并不想搬家 |
[29:36] | Uproot the kids? I got a couple of girls. | 要孩子离开家乡?我有两个女儿 |
[29:39] | Honest to God, I don’t know if I have the energy. | 老天,我没有精力搬家 |
[29:43] | You know, I’ve been sick. Me and Pete both have. | 我和彼德都病了 |
[29:48] | The whole idea of selling this house… | 要是他们不出个公道的价钱 |
[29:50] | if they’re not gonna pay us properly, I just don’t see the point. | 我不明白干嘛要把房子卖给他们 |
[29:55] | I can see that. But… | 我明白,但是… |
[29:58] | The thing confusing me, not that your medical problems aren’t important… | 我最不明白的是 |
[30:00] | 我不是说…你们的病史不重要啦 | |
[30:04] | but how come the fles on that are in with all the real estate stuff? | 但医疗纪录为何会放在房地产档案里呢? |
[30:09] | There’s so much correspondence, I just keep it all in one place. | 书信往来多,我习惯把东西都放在一起 |
[30:14] | Right. Right. | 是的 |
[30:18] | I’m sorry. I just don’t see… | 对不起,但我不懂 |
[30:21] | why you’re corresponding with PG&E about your medical problems at all. | 你为什么要把医疗纪录寄给电力公司 |
[30:26] | Well, they paid for the doctor’s visit. | 我们看医生他们会付钱 |
[30:30] | They did? | 真的? |
[30:32] | You bet. Paid for a checkup for the whole family. | 没错,全家健康检查的费用都是他们付的 |
[30:35] | And not like with insurance where you pay… | 他们不像保险公司 |
[30:37] | and a year goes by and maybe you see some money. | 要花好几年才有的理赔 |
[30:40] | They just took care of it, just like that. | 他们做事的效率快极了 |
[30:43] | – We never even saw a bill. – Wow. Why’d they do that? | 连账单都没看到 他们为何要这么做? |
[30:47] | ‘Cause of the chromium. | 因为铬 |
[30:49] | – The what? – The chromium. | 什么东西? 铬 |
[30:51] | Well, that’s what kicked this whole thing off. | 这就是一切祸事的源头 |
[31:35] | – What kind of chromium is it? – There’s more than one? | 是哪种铬? |
[31:36] | 有不止一种吗? 是啊 | |
[31:38] | There’s straight up chromium, does all kind of good things for the body. | 有纯的铬,这种铬对身体很好 |
[31:42] | Chrom three, which is fairly benign. | 有三价铬,这也没什么害处 |
[31:44] | Then there’s chrom six, hexavalent chromium… | 还有六价铬 |
[31:47] | which, depending on the amounts, can be very harmful. | 视含量多少,有时对人体很不好 |
[31:50] | Harmful, how? What would you get? | 怎么个不好法?会怎么样? |
[31:53] | With repeated exposure to toxic levels, God, anything really… | 若持续曝露在高量的铬下,天啊,可能会… |
[31:57] | from chronic headaches and nosebleeds to respiratory disease… | 有慢性头痛,流鼻血,或发生呼吸道疾病 |
[32:01] | liver failure, heart failure, reproductive failure… | 肝衰竭,心脏衰竭,生殖系统出问题 |
[32:04] | bone or organ deterioration, plus, of course, any type of cancer. | 骨骼或器官衰败,当然,还有各种癌症 |
[32:08] | So, that stuff, it kills people. | 这玩意儿会要人命 |
[32:11] | Yeah, defnitely. Highly toxic, highly carcinogenic. | 没错,有剧毒,也很容易致癌 |
[32:15] | It gets into your DNA too, so you pass the trouble to your kids. | 它还会入侵DNA,所以会遗传给下一代 |
[32:18] | It’s very, very bad. | 这玩意真的很危险 |
[32:19] | What’s it used for? | 它的功用是什么? |
[32:21] | A rust inhibitor. | 通常用来防锈 |
[32:23] | Utility plants use piston engines. The engines get hot. | 电力公司采用活塞式引擎,引擎过热时 |
[32:27] | They run water through them. Chromium’s in the water to prevent corrosion. | 就用水冷却,水里加铬以防锈 |
[32:30] | Well, how do I fnd out what kind of chromium they use in Hinkley? | 我要怎么查出辛克利用的是哪种铬? |
[32:35] | – Been to their water board? – What’s that? | 有没有去过他们的水利会? 那是什么? |
[32:37] | Every county has one. | 每个郡都有 |
[32:39] | It has records of anything water-related within its jurisdiction. | 辖区内和水有关的事,他们都有纪录 |
[32:42] | – You should fnd something there. – County water board. | 你在那应该会有所发现 郡水利会 |
[32:45] | All right. Well, thanks. | 知道了,谢谢 |
[32:47] | Good luck. | 祝你好运 |
[32:49] | I wouldn’t advertise what you’re looking for. | 我劝你最好不要张扬 |
[32:52] | Incriminating records have a way of disappearing when people smell trouble. | 若发现苗头不对,可疑纪录常会马上消失 |
[32:57] | I’ll remember that. Thanks. | 我会记住的,谢谢 |
[33:04] | 「拉罕登区水利会」 | |
[33:30] | Damn, that’s a heavy door. | 可恶,这扇门好重 |
[33:32] | – Let me give you a hand. – Thank you very much. | 我来帮你 谢谢 |
[33:35] | – Aren’t you a gentleman, Mr… – Scott. | 你真有绅士风度… 我姓史考特 |
[33:39] | Mr. Scott. Pleased to meet you. | 史考特先生,幸会 |
[33:43] | I’m Erin. | 我叫艾琳 |
[33:44] | Erin. Cool. | 艾琳,酷啊 |
[33:46] | So what can I do for you? | 有什么事吗? |
[33:49] | Believe it or not, I’m on the prowl for some water records. | 信不信由你,我在找水利资料 |
[33:53] | – You’ve come to the right place. – I guess I did. | 那你来对地方了 我想应该是吧 |
[33:58] | Just tell me what you wanna look at and I’d be glad to dig ’em out for you. | 告诉我你要找什么,我很乐意帮你找 |
[34:02] | I wish I knew. It’s for my boss. | 我要是知道就好了,这是我老板要的 |
[34:04] | He’s in this water dispute… | 他因水权之争,闹得不可开交 |
[34:06] | and he wants me to fnd all kinds of papers from all kinds of places. | 他要我找一大堆地方的数据 |
[34:15] | You know, it would probably be easiest… | 我看不如这样吧 |
[34:19] | if I just squeezed back there and poked around myself. | 你让我自己去翻翻好吗? |
[34:22] | – Would that be all right with you? – Heck, yeah. Come on back. | 你不会反对吧? 没问题,你请便 |
[34:26] | I’m just gonna need you to sign in here. | 不过要先请你在这里签个字 |
[34:28] | Sure. | 没问题 |
[34:35] | – Pattee. Is that your middle name? – Maiden. | 帕提,是中间名吗? 是我娘家的姓 |
[34:38] | You’re married? | 你结婚了? |
[34:41] | Not anymore. | 早就挣脱婚姻枷锁了 |
[34:45] | Can I just… | 我可以… |
[34:48] | I love your pants. | 我喜欢你的裤子 |
[34:51] | Thanks. | 谢了 |
[34:53] | This is it. | 就是这里了 |
[34:55] | It’s impressive. | 真壮观 |
[35:00] | I’ll call you if I need anything. | 我有需要会叫你的 |
[35:06] | Thank you. | 谢谢 |
[35:36] | 「清除及废除令」 | |
[35:39] | 「6-87-160号」 | |
[35:52] | 「影印」 | |
[35:54] | 「加州区域水质控制委员会」 | |
[35:58] | 「太平洋瓦斯电力公司清除废弃物」 | |
[36:01] | 「排放六价铬」 | |
[36:05] | 「导致污染,污染地下水质」 | |
[36:09] | 「铬含量」 | |
[36:13] | 「采样计划,污染范围」 | |
[36:16] | 「向北一英里」 | |
[36:31] | Where’s my stuff? | 我的东西呢? |
[36:33] | – Where have you been? – Where the fuck’s my stuff? | 你到哪里去了? 妈的,我的东西呢? |
[36:37] | Don’t you use language like that with me. Who do you think you are? | 别这样对我说话,你算哪棵葱? |
[36:42] | – Someone took my stuff. – Nice to see you. | 有人把我的东西拿走了 幸会 |
[36:44] | – I had photos of my kids, a mug… – Toothpaste, mousse and deodorant. | 有我孩子的照片,马克杯… |
[36:47] | 牙膏,慕斯和体香剂 | |
[36:49] | – Here. – What’s going on? | 在这里 怎么回事? |
[36:52] | There may be jobs where you can disappear, but this isn’t one of’em. | 有些事能让你混水摸鱼,但在我这不行 |
[36:56] | Here, you don’t do the work, you don’t get to stay. | 在这里,不工作就请你走人 |
[36:59] | I’ve been working. Ask Mr. Masry. He knows. | 我在工作,你去问马西瑞先生,他知道 |
[37:02] | You ask Mr. Masry. He fred you. | 要问你去问,是他开除你的 |
[37:08] | You said to fre me? | 你开除我? |
[37:10] | I’ll call you back. You’ve been gone for a week. | 我再回电,你消失了一星期 |
[37:13] | I left a message. I was working on this real estate thing. | 我有留言,我在调查那房地产案子 |
[37:16] | – I was gonna write a report. – You don’t leave a message and take off. | 我本来打算要写份报告的 |
[37:18] | 你不能留个言就不见了 | |
[37:21] | – Do I check in every two seconds? – Yes, it’s called accountability. | 难道要我每两秒就打电话来 |
[37:23] | 是的,这叫做责任感 | |
[37:24] | – I’m not talking to you, bitch! – Excuse me? | 我没跟你说话,婊子! 什么? |
[37:27] | That’s enough. Look, Erin. | 够了,听着,艾琳 |
[37:29] | This incident aside, I don’t think this is the right place… | 这件事先不提,我不认为这里… |
[37:32] | for you, okay? | 适合你,好吗? |
[37:34] | So I’ll make a few calls on your behalf and fnd something else. | 我会帮你打几通电话…找份别的工作 |
[37:38] | – Don’t bother. – I’m trying to help. | 别费事了 我只是想帮忙 |
[37:40] | You’re trying to feel less guilty about fring someone with three kids. | 你只是想要减轻…开除我的罪恶感 |
[37:44] | Fuck if I’m gonna help you do that! | 我才不会让你称心如意呢 |
[37:49] | Get back to work! | 回去工作! |
[38:12] | – What the hell are you doing here? – Fixing the leak under your sink. | 你在这里干什么? 修你的水槽 |
[38:16] | Damn it, George. I don’t ask you to do things like that. | 该死的,乔治,我没要你做这些事 |
[38:20] | Look at this mess you’ve made. | 看看你搞的一团糟 |
[38:23] | I’m not done with that. | 我还没弄好 |
[38:25] | Get it out. | 拿出去 |
[38:26] | – Jesus! – Relax. | 天啊! 别激动 |
[38:28] | Shit! Where did it go? | 该死的,到哪里去了? |
[38:30] | – Where is it? – Somewhere back there. | 在哪里? 在后面吧 |
[38:33] | Behind your foot. Going up your leg now. | 在你的脚后面,爬到你的腿上去了 |
[38:35] | Jesus! Who fucking lives like this? | 天啊!这他妈算哪门子生活? |
[38:39] | Who lets their kids run around in a place… | 是谁会让自己的孩子住在… |
[38:42] | that is crawling with bugs the size of house cats? | 一个蟑螂像猫一样大的房子里 |
[38:45] | All you have to do is call an exterminator. Everybody gets them. | 找除虫公司来好了,大家都这么做 |
[38:48] | I can’t call an exterminator. | 我不能找除虫公司 |
[38:51] | I can’t afford one. I can’t even afford my phone. | 我请不起,我连电话费都付不起 |
[38:58] | I got fred. | 我被开除了 |
[38:59] | What? | 什么? |
[39:01] | What do you mean you got fred? You’re working so hard. | 你这话什么意思?你工作很努力啊 |
[39:06] | It doesn’t matter. | 那根本不重要 |
[39:11] | It doesn’t make one fucking bit of difference. | 这他妈的么有任何分别 |
[39:28] | I don’t know what happened to me. | 我不知道我是怎么了 |
[39:35] | I mean… | 我是说… |
[39:37] | God, I was Miss Wichita, for Christ’s sake. | 天啊,我以前还是维奇塔小姐呢 |
[39:43] | Did I tell you that? | 我有没有告诉过你? |
[39:47] | You are living next door to a real live fucking beauty queen. | 你隔壁邻居,是个他妈的选美皇后 |
[39:58] | I still have my tiara. | 我的后冠还在呢 |
[40:03] | And I thought it meant I was gonna do something important with my life… | 我以为自己会有一番作为 |
[40:07] | that it meant I was someone. | 证明我也是很重要的 |
[40:17] | You’re someone to me. | 你对我很重要 |
[40:29] | Are you gonna be something else that I have to survive? | 你会不会也让我心痛? |
[40:34] | ‘Cause I’ll tell you the truth. | 我老实告诉你 |
[40:39] | I’m not up to it. | 我会受不了的 |
[41:23] | So I get up on the stage, right? | 我走上舞台 |
[41:25] | And I have the big bouquet of flowers. | 手上拿着一大束花 |
[41:28] | And I had my foot out like this, and I say… | 我一脚在前,说… |
[41:31] | I will devote my entire reign as Miss Wichita… | 「我要把自己做维奇塔小姐的任期」 |
[41:35] | to bringing an end to world hunger… | 「致力于解决世界饥荒」 |
[41:37] | and to the creation of a peaceful Earth… | 「创造世界和平新契机」 |
[41:41] | – for every man, woman and child.” – God! | 「让男女老幼安居乐业」 天啊! |
[41:44] | – How long were you Miss Wichita? – One year. | 维奇塔小姐的任期多久? 一年 |
[41:48] | Of course, by the time I got through opening new supermarkets… | 当然,替新超市剪彩完了后… |
[41:51] | I only had a few weeks left to work on hunger and world peace. | 我只剩下几周可以拯救世界了 |
[41:57] | – Right. – I don’t know what I was thinking. | 是啊 我不知道自己在想什么 |
[42:01] | What about you, huh? | 那你呢? |
[42:03] | What about me? | 我怎样? |
[42:08] | What about you? | 你怎样? |
[42:11] | Hey, baby, let me tell you somethin’. | 宝贝,我告诉你 |
[42:13] | Let me get that out of your hair. | 我帮你拿下来 |
[42:17] | – Thank you. – Nice. | 谢谢 很好看 |
[42:26] | You’re a very special lady. | 你是个很特别的女人 |
[42:34] | – Don’t be too nice to me, okay? – Why? | 别对我太好,好吗? 为什么? |
[42:39] | Makes me nervous. | 会让我紧张 |
[42:43] | 「逾期,请延展」 | |
[42:45] | 「最后通知」 | |
[42:54] | It’s some slim pickings here, baby. | 宝贝,好机会真难找 |
[42:59] | Maybe that’s Ed McMahon. Let’s go see. | 也许是彩卷使者艾德·麦克汉,去看看 |
[43:09] | Wrong Ed. | 是另一个艾德 |
[43:10] | – I’m sorry? – What are you doing here? | 你说什么? 你来干嘛? |
[43:13] | I had an interesting call this afternoon… | 我今天下午接到一通很有意思的电话 |
[43:16] | from Dr. Frankel from UCLA. | UCLA的法兰科博士打来的 |
[43:19] | He wanted you to know that the legal limit for hexavalent chromium… | 他想告诉你,六价铬法定最高含量 |
[43:24] | is.05 parts per million. | 是百万分之0.05 |
[43:29] | And at the rate you mentioned, .58… | 而你查到的是0.58 |
[43:32] | it could be responsible for the cancers in that family you asked about… | 也许就是那家人患癌症的原因 |
[43:37] | theJensens. | 约翰逊家 |
[43:39] | Well, wasn’t that nice of him? | 他人真好 |
[43:42] | Isn’t it funny how some people help people and others just fre them? | 有人一心助人,而有人却只知炒人鱿鱼 |
[43:47] | I’m sorry. You were gone. I assumed you were off having fun. | 对不起,我以为你是去玩的 |
[43:51] | And why the hell would you assume that? | 你为什么会这样想? |
[43:54] | I don’t know. Maybe you look like someone who has a lot of fun. | 我不知道,大概是因为 |
[43:56] | 你看起来像一天到晚玩乐的人 | |
[43:58] | So by that standard, I should assume you never get laid. | 照这个标准来看,你大概从不做爱啰 |
[44:03] | I’m married. | 我结婚了 |
[44:06] | What is all this… What is the story on this cancer? | 这…这癌症病例到底是怎么回事? |
[44:14] | You wanna know? Hire me back. I got a ton of bills to pay. | 想知道就请我回来,我有很多账单要付 |
[44:20] | Fine. | 好 |
[44:23] | So Donna just put in these new cabinets, real nice, stained the wood and all… | 唐娜才刚在家里装了漂亮的新木柜 |
[44:28] | when she gets a call from somebody at PG&E… | PG&E忽然打电话给她 |
[44:30] | saying a freeway’s gonna be built and they wanna buy her house… | 说附近要开一条公路,想买下她的房子 |
[44:33] | to put in an off-ramp to the plant. | 好修一条通往他们厂房的交流道 |
[44:35] | Meanwhile, the husband’s sick with Hodgkin’s. | 她的先生患恶性肉芽肿 |
[44:38] | She’s in and out of the hospital with tumors… | 她自己又因癌症,而以医院为家 |
[44:40] | believing one thing has nothing to do with the other. | 他们坚信,这两件事间没有任何关联 |
[44:42] | Because PG&E told her about the chromium? | 因为PG&E告诉她有关铬的事? |
[44:45] | Get this. They had a seminar. | 听好了,他们举办了一场研讨会 |
[44:47] | They invited 200 residents from the area, had it at the plant… | 他们邀请了200位当地居民到发电厂去 |
[44:51] | telling them all about chromium three, and how good it is for you… | 告诉他们三价铬对人体好处多多 |
[44:54] | when all the time they’re using chromium six. | 而他们使用的却是六价铬 |
[44:58] | That document you found at the water board… | 你在水利会找到的那份文件 |
[45:02] | the one that says about the bad chromium… | 说六价铬的那份… |
[45:07] | you didn’t happen to make a copy? | 你该不会正好有影印下来吧? |
[45:10] | Of course I did. | 当然啰 |
[45:12] | Well, could I have a look at it? | 我可以看看吗? |
[45:14] | I want a raise. | 我要求加薪 |
[45:16] | And benefts, including dental. | 还要有员工福利,包括看牙医 |
[45:21] | This isn’t the way I do business. | 我们不是这样做生意的 |
[45:23] | – What way is that? – Extortion. | 怎样? 勒索 |
[45:32] | A 5% raise. We’ll talk about benefts later. | 加薪5%,福利的事以后再说 |
[45:35] | 10% Ten. | |
[45:37] | There are lots of other places I could get work. | 要请我的公司多得很呢 |
[45:42] | Ten percent raise and benefts. But that’s it. I’m drawing the line. | 加薪10%,外加福利,这是我的底限了 |
[45:47] | He’s drawing the line. | 这是他的底限 |
[45:59] | Is this all you’ve got? | 你只查到这么多? |
[46:01] | So far. That place is a pigsty. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s more. | 目前是,不过那里很乱,定有更多数据 |
[46:05] | Yeah, those things are a mess. | 是啊,那种地方就是这样 |
[46:08] | What makes you think you can just walk in there… | 你凭什么以为自己能大摇大摆地走进去 |
[46:11] | and fnd what we need? | 为所欲为呢? |
[46:15] | They’re called boobs, Ed. | 因为我有大咪咪 |
[46:37] | I understand. | 我懂了 |
[46:38] | Okay, I agree. I’m going to. | 我同意,我会的 |
[46:42] | Right now. | 现在就去 |
[46:51] | I’m almost done. Look. | 我快好了,看 |
[46:53] | How are we doing? | 进展如何? |
[46:55] | We’re doing great. | 很顺利 |
[46:59] | Good. | 很好 |
[47:00] | You’ve got quite a lot done already, so… | 你已经印了很多… |
[47:06] | I’m sorry, but we need those records back now, okay? | 对不起,但我要收纪录了,好吗? |
[47:09] | 不好 | |
[47:12] | What? | 什么? |
[47:13] | These papers are a matter of public record… | 这些纪录是公共财产 |
[47:16] | and I’m not leaving until they’re copied. | 我没印完是不会走的 |
[47:33] | Fax these to this number, okay? | 帮我把这些传到这里去 |
[47:36] | – All of them? – All of them! | 全部都要? 全部都要 |
[47:47] | 「传送中」 | |
[47:49] | 「PG&E理赔部门」 | |
[48:00] | An on-site monitoring well? That means it was… | 水质检验井?那表示… |
[48:04] | Right on the PG&E property. | 就在PG&E的产业上 |
[48:07] | And you say that this stuff… | 你说这种东西 |
[48:10] | hexavalent chromium… | 六价铬… |
[48:13] | it’s poisonous. | 是有毒的 |
[48:14] | 没错 | |
[48:21] | 艾琳 | |
[48:23] | It’s gotta be different than what’s in our water… | 我们水里的成份一定不同 |
[48:26] | ’cause ours is okay. | 因为我们的水没有问题 |
[48:28] | The guys from PG&E told me. | PG&E的人说的 |
[48:30] | They sat right in the kitchen and told me that it was fne. | 他们就在我家厨房,说我家的水没问题 |
[48:36] | I know, but the toxicologist I’ve been talking to… | 我知道,我请教的毒物学家 |
[48:40] | he gave me a list of problems that can come from hexavalent chromium exposure. | 给了我一份六价铬导致病变的清单给我 |
[48:45] | Everything you all have is on that list. | 你们全家人的病痛都在这份清单上 |
[48:49] | 不,不会的 | |
[48:53] | No, that’s not what our doctor said. | 我们的医生不是这么说的 |
[48:58] | He said that… | 他说… |
[49:01] | that one’s got absolutely nothing to do with the other. | 这两件事,根本八竿子打不到一块 |
[49:05] | Right. | 是啊 |
[49:06] | But PG&E paid for that doctor. | 但那医生是PG&E付钱请的 |
[49:30] | 艾希礼,珍娜! | |
[49:33] | – Get out of the pool! – How come? | 快出来 为什么? |
[49:35] | ‘Cause I said so! | 因我叫你们出来 |
[49:39] | That’s it. Okay, girls. | 这样才乖 |
[49:43] | The minute Brenda sent that fax… | 兰达一把那份东西传出去 |
[49:46] | I’m saying the second she pressed the send button… | 她一按下「传送」钮 |
[49:52] | PG&E’s claim department was on the phone to me… | PG&E理赔部门的电话就来了 |
[49:56] | scheduling a meeting. | 要跟我安排时间开会 |
[49:58] | So you think… Wait. Let me do it. | 你认为…等等,让我来 |
[50:01] | You’re driving me nuts. You think we scared ’em, don’t you? | 我快被你逼疯了,你说他们怕了对不对? |
[50:04] | They’ve taken the trouble to send someone. | 他们甚至派了人来 |
[50:07] | Sure as hell sounds like they’re sitting up and taking notice. | 看来他们一刻都没得闲 |
[50:26] | Mr. Foil? | 费欧先生? |
[50:29] | In the interest of putting this whole thing to rest… | 为了要平息这整件事 |
[50:31] | PG&E is willing to offer theJensens $250,000 for their home. | PG&E决定要出25万元买他们的房子 |
[50:36] | $250,000? | 25万? |
[50:39] | In terms of land value out in Hinkley… | 照辛克利的地价来看 |
[50:42] | we feel that’s a more than fair price. | 我们认为这个价钱已经非常公道了 |
[50:45] | How about in terms of medical expenses? | 那从医学的观点来看呢? |
[50:48] | 250,000 isn’t come close to what this family is gonna spend on doctors. | 25万元根本无法支付他们未来的医药费 |
[50:54] | I understand they’ve had bad luck, health-wise. They have my sympathies. | 我知道他们健康不佳,也很同情他们 |
[50:59] | – But that’s not PG&E’s fault. – You’re kidding, right? | 但这不是PG&E的错 你在开玩笑吧? |
[51:05] | Look at these readings. | 看看这些结果 |
[51:07] | PG&E’s own technicians documented… | 这是你们自己技术人员的纪录 |
[51:11] | toxic levels of hexavalent chromium in those wells on numerous occasions. | 检测井中的六价铬含量,高得惊人 |
[51:16] | Everything theJensens have had… | 约翰逊家人的疾病 |
[51:19] | is proven reaction to exposure to hexavalent chromium… | 都是已证实…曝露在六价铬下的后遗症 |
[51:22] | and they have had… | 他们的疾病包括… |
[51:25] | 包括… | |
[51:29] | Breast cysts, uterine cancer, Hodgkin’s disease, immune defciencies… | 胞部囊肿,子宫瘤,恶性肉芽肿,免疫不全 |
[51:34] | asthma, chronic nosebleeds. | 气喘,慢性鼻血 |
[51:36] | A million things could have caused those problems. | 发生那些疾病的原因很多 |
[51:38] | Poor diet, bad genes, irresponsible lifestyle. | 营养不良,先天不良,生活没有节制 |
[51:43] | Our offer is fnal. And it’s more than fair. | 我们不会再加钱了,这价钱非常公道 |
[51:45] | Wait a minute. I thought we were negotiating here. | 等等,我们不是在协商吗? |
[51:51] | Two hundred and ffty thousand dollars is all I’m authorized to offer. | 上级给我的命令,最高只能出25万 |
[51:58] | I’ll present your offer to my clients. | 我会把这个数目转告当事人 |
[52:01] | I’ll doubt they’ll accept. | 但我不认为他们会接受 马西瑞先生 |
[52:04] | Before you go off on some crusade… | 在你大肆宣扬之前 |
[52:07] | you might wanna remember who it is you’re dealing with here. | 你最好弄清楚,你的对手是谁 |
[52:09] | PG&E’s a $28 billion corporation. | PG&E身价280亿 |
[52:13] | Twenty-eight billion dollars? | 280亿? |
[52:17] | I didn’t know it was that much. Wow! | 我不知道有这么多耶 |
[52:21] | 280亿! | |
[52:24] | Holy cow! | 我的妈呀! |
[52:26] | At least they made an offer. | 至少他们愿意和解 |
[52:28] | That wasn’t an offer. A million would have been an offer. | 出一百万,才叫做有和解的诚意 |
[52:31] | And they send their mail clerk to jerk me off, waste my time! | 他们还派了个小弟来浪费我的时间 |
[52:35] | – Why would they do that? – Because they can. | 他们为何要这么做? 因为他们玩得起 |
[52:38] | You heard that kid. They have $28 billion at their disposal. | 你听到那个小子说了 他们有280亿美元任意支配 |
[52:41] | – They can afford to waste time. – And you can’t? | 他们可以浪费时间 你不行吗? |
[52:44] | – You think I’m made of money? – What are you yelling at me for? | 你以我是摇钱树吗? 你干嘛吼我? |
[52:46] | – Because I’m pissed off! – Good. | 因为我不爽 很好 |
[52:49] | – Fuck you! – Fuck you back! | 去你的! 我去你的! |
[53:01] | I really hate you sometimes. | 我有时候真的很讨厌你 |
[53:04] | No, you love me. | 才不,你爱死我了 |
[53:18] | You’ve been reading for hours. | 你看了好久了 |
[53:20] | I’m a slow reader. | 我看书看得慢 |
[53:52] | Excuse me. | 对不起 |
[53:54] | – Are you Erin Brockovich? – Yeah. | 你是艾琳·波可维奇吗? 是的 |
[53:57] | I’m Tom Robinson. This is my wife Mandy. | 我是汤姆·曼宾森,这是我太太曼蒂 |
[54:01] | We used to live across the street from theJensens. | 我们以前住在约翰逊家对面 |
[54:04] | I think you know Donna. | 你应该认识唐娜吧? |
[54:08] | PG&E bought our house last year. | PG&E去年买了我们的房子 |
[54:12] | The vets said they had a bunch of tumors and stuff. | 兽医诊断说,它们身上长满了肿瘤 |
[54:17] | You can see they couldn’t really walk. | 你看,它们根本无法行走 |
[54:20] | How many were born like this? | 有多少生下来就是如此? |
[54:24] | Twelve or thirteen or so. | 12,13只左右 |
[54:26] | Yeah. | 对 |
[54:28] | When Donna told us about you and what you told her about the chromium… | 当唐娜告诉我有关你和铬的事 |
[54:32] | we fgured that might have something to do with this too. | 我们心想,这件事也许也和铬有关 |
[54:35] | Yeah, it might. | 有可能 |
[54:36] | – I’m really… May I keep these? – Yeah. | 我真的…可以给我吗? 可以 |
[54:39] | Okay, great. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. | 好极了,真是太感谢你们了 |
[54:44] | There’s something else too. | 还有一件事 |
[54:48] | What? | 什么事? |
[54:53] | Mandy here has had… | 曼蒂一共… |
[54:56] | fve miscarriages. | 流产了五次 |
[54:59] | I’m so sorry. | 我很遗憾 |
[55:02] | I fgured it was something I did… | 我以为是我的错 |
[55:05] | like when I smoked marijuana, maybe… | 也许是因为我抽大麻 |
[55:08] | or took birth control pills. | 或是避孕药吃多了 |
[55:11] | But then Donna said… | 但后来唐娜说 |
[55:13] | that you thought that this chromium might be to blame for her problems… | 你认为她的病是因铬而起 |
[55:17] | so I fgured… | 所以我想… |
[55:22] | maybe it wasn’t just me. | 也许问题不全出在我身上 |
[55:33] | Whoa. | 哇 |
[55:40] | I gotta take a bath. | 我要去洗个澡 |
[55:43] | You should go in. | 你该进去一下 |
[55:47] | They’re not asleep? | 他们还没睡? |
[55:52] | Beth and Katie are. | 贝丝和凯蒂睡了 |
[56:10] | How was school? | 学校如何? |
[56:11] | Fine. | 很好 |
[56:14] | – Did you do your homework? – Yeah. | 你功课做好了吗? 有 |
[56:18] | Any problems? | 有问题吗? |
[56:31] | I know you’re upset, but… | 我知道你不高兴 |
[56:34] | the way this job is, things come up at the last minute… | 但我工作就是这样,事情常在最后关头蹦出来 |
[56:38] | real important things that I gotta deal with… | 很重要的事,我不管不行… |
[56:40] | Fine! | 好嘛! |
[56:47] | Please don’t be mad at me. | 请不要生我的气 |
[56:50] | I’m doing this for us. | 我是为了我们在打拼 |
[56:52] | I know it’s hard for you to understand, but… | 我知道要你明白这一切太难,但… |
[56:57] | Don’t you want Mama to be good at her job? | 你不希望妈妈在工作上表现出色吗? |
[57:00] | Hmm? | 呣? |
[57:07] | I don’t miss dinner all the time. We all ate together last night. | 我又不是从不回家吃饭,昨晚才一起吃过 |
[57:11] | You were reading the whole time. | 你一直在看书 |
[57:19] | Okay. | 好吧 |
[57:37] | There’s something about this whole thing I don’t quite understand, Mr. Masry. | 我有件事搞不懂,马西瑞先生 |
[57:42] | If PG&E messed with our water… | 若PG&E真的污染水源 |
[57:45] | why would they bother saying anything about it to us at all? | 他们干嘛还要费事对我们解释? |
[57:48] | Why not just keep quiet? | 为什么不干脆保持沉默? |
[57:50] | To establish a statute of limitations. | 好建立追诉时效 |
[57:52] | In a case like this, you only have one year… | 这种案子,从发现问题… |
[57:56] | from the time you frst learn about the problem to fle suit. | 到提出告诉,只有一年的期限 |
[57:59] | So PG&E fgures… | 所以PG&E心想… |
[58:01] | We’ll let the cat out of the bag, tell people the water’s not perfect… | 不如先下手为强,让人知道这水质并不好 |
[58:05] | and if we can ride out the year with no one suing… | 只要撑过一年不挨告 |
[58:09] | we’ll be in the clear forever. | 我们就可以高枕无忧了 |
[58:11] | But it was more than a year ago that they told us. | 但他们告诉我们,此事也不止一年了 |
[58:13] | – That’s okay. We’re not suing. – Not yet. | 不要紧,别告他们 现在还不要 |
[58:17] | All we’re doing is using this information… | 我们现在只打算利用这些信息 |
[58:20] | to get you a real nice purchase price on your house… | 逼迫他们用高价买你们的房子 |
[58:23] | and you two a comparable retroactive bonus on your sale price. | 再帮你们两位追讨他们该付你们的钱 |
[58:28] | That way PG&E can still look good to their shareholders… | 这样PG&E在股东面前,也不会颜面扫地 |
[58:31] | ’cause they’re not involved in an ugly lawsuit. | 因为他逃过了诉讼之灾 |
[58:33] | All they’re doing is buying a little property. | 他们只不过是买了几块地而已 |
[58:37] | Doesn’t say here how much this whole thing’s gonna cost us. | 上面没写我们要花多少钱 |
[58:41] | My fee’s 40 percent of whatever you get awarded. | 我的费用是,你们得到金额的40% |
[58:54] | Boy, do I know how you feel. | 我了解你们的想法 |
[58:56] | The frst time I heard that number I said, You’ve got to be kidding me. | 第一次听到这个数时,我说「开玩笑吧」 |
[59:01] | 40%? Forty goddamn percent? | |
[59:02] | I’m the one that’s injured, this joker sits at a desk all day… | 受伤的人是我,这小丑坐在办公室里 |
[59:06] | and he wants to walk away with almost half my reward?” | 居然想拿走我近一半的赔偿金? |
[59:10] | But then… | 但后来… |
[59:11] | I asked him… | 我问他… |
[59:14] | what he makes if I don’t get anything. | 要是我没拿到钱的话,他怎么办 |
[59:18] | Then I don’t get anything either. | 那我也一毛都拿不到 |
[59:20] | Plus, he’s out all the costs. | 而且还赔上自己的时间 |
[59:23] | So I realized… | 所以,我明白了 |
[59:25] | he’s taking a chance too. | 他也是孤注一掷 |
[59:36] | You got a pen, honey? | 你有笔吗,蜜糖? |
[59:43] | All right, then. | 好 |
[59:48] | Oh, I made a bundt cake. | 我做了蛋糕 |
[59:51] | Who would like coffee and cake? | 谁要来点下午茶? |
[59:53] | – I do. – We have to be getting back. | 我要 我们要回去了 |
[59:57] | Have a fucking cup of coffee, Ed. | 艾德,喝杯他妈的咖啡 |
[59:59] | Coffee will be great. Thank you. | 我来杯咖啡好了,谢谢 |
[1:00:01] | – All right. – I’ll help you. | 好 我来帮忙 |
[1:00:08] | My wife makes really good bundt cake. | 我太太的蛋糕很好吃 |
[1:00:11] | I love bundt cake. | 我喜欢吃蛋糕 |
[1:00:16] | Well, seems like everybody in the family ended up with a rash somehow. | 不知怎么地,我们全家人都起红疹了 |
[1:00:21] | It also seems like no matter what we did for it, it always came back. | 不管我们怎么做,红疹就是消不了 |
[1:00:25] | Over what kind of period of time? | 一共多久? |
[1:00:28] | Oh, a long time. You know, years. | 好多年,我们没有认真记录 |
[1:00:32] | We never did keep track of it. Kids are sick, animals need to be fed. | 孩子们纷纷病倒,我还要照顾牲口 |
[1:00:35] | Just couldn’t get rid of it, that’s all. | 反正就是摆脱不了那些讨厌的红疹 |
[1:00:38] | Uh, well, Mrs. DeSoto said… | 迪索托太太说… |
[1:00:41] | that she wasn’t exactly sure what you had. | 她不确定你们到底生了什么病 |
[1:00:44] | Oh, well, we know what it is. | 我们很确定 |
[1:00:47] | It’s gastrointestinal cancer. | 是肠胃癌 |
[1:00:49] | She got sick about nine months ago… | 她九个月前病倒了 |
[1:00:53] | and they operated on her about six months ago. | 她六个月前动了手术 |
[1:00:56] | – The intestine. – Right. | 肠道手术 我知道了 |
[1:01:05] | 「谢绝推销」 | |
[1:01:08] | – Hi. I’m Erin Brock… – I know who you are. | 艾琳·波可维奇… 我知道你是谁 |
[1:01:11] | Donna called me. | 唐娜打电话给我了 |
[1:01:12] | Oh. Can I come in? | 我可以进来吗? |
[1:01:16] | I told Donna we’re not interested in getting involved. | 我告诉唐娜,我对这件事没兴趣 |
[1:01:20] | Can I ask why? | 为什么? |
[1:01:23] | What’s the point? | 何必呢? |
[1:01:27] | Well, Donna told me that you and your kids have been sick… | 唐娜告诉我,你和孩子们都病了… |
[1:01:30] | Oh, you people don’t give a shit. | 你们才不关心呢 |
[1:01:34] | Anything to get what you want. | 你们为了谋利不择手段 |
[1:01:44] | – It’s good of you to have me here. – It’s a good day to come by. | 谢谢邀请 你今天来得正是时候 |
[1:01:48] | She’s feeling good today. | 她今天身体比较舒服 |
[1:01:49] | Mike Ambrosino said he saw you folks at the hospital from time to time… | 麦克·安伯西诺说,常在医院看到你们 |
[1:01:55] | so that’s what brought me out here. | 所以我今天才会到这儿来 |
[1:01:59] | Yeah, we’ve been there from time to time. | 我们是常跑医院 |
[1:02:02] | And you. Wooftie! | 还有你,小可爱! |
[1:02:05] | Aren’t you a beauty? | 你真是个小美人 |
[1:02:06] | You have all the boys crazy, don’t you? | 把那些男孩迷得团团转,对吧? |
[1:02:09] | I can see it in your eyes. You drive ’em wild. | 我从你眼神就看得出来,你把他们逼疯了 |
[1:02:13] | You do, don’t you? | 我说对不对? |
[1:02:14] | Torture ’em. It’s good for ’em. | 别对他们太好,这对他们有好处 |
[1:02:20] | Don’t teach her anything too early. | 别这么早就教她这种事 |
[1:02:22] | Yeah, she can’t wait to get on her new dress. Isn’t that right? | 她等不及要试穿新衣了,对不对? |
[1:02:26] | She wants to go back to school, hopefully in the next couple of months. | 她希望几个月后能重回校园 |
[1:02:30] | Yeah, get her out of her nightgown here. | 是啊,这样就不用一天到晚穿睡衣了 |
[1:02:34] | She’s gonna do it. | 她一定可以的 |
[1:02:56] | Uh-uh. Absolutely not. | 绝对不行 |
[1:02:57] | – That’s crazy. Why not? – Because I said no. | 太荒谬了,为什么不行? 我说不行 |
[1:03:00] | PG&E is only talking to us because this is a quiet real estate dispute. | PG&E想谈,是因为这只是件房地产之争 |
[1:03:05] | We add plaintiffs, suddenly we’re in the middle of a toxic tort… | 如果告他们,一下就变成毒害过失案 |
[1:03:09] | with a statute problem against a massive utility. | 就变成我们要对抗大电力公司了 |
[1:03:12] | – No, thank you. – Okay, so here’s what I’ll do. | 我敬谢不敏 我打算这么做 |
[1:03:15] | I’ll go to Ted and Rita Daniels, two of the nicest people you could ever meet… | 我要去找泰德和丹妮丝,两个大好人 |
[1:03:19] | who every day watch their Annabelle fght like a dog against cancer… | 却必须眼睁睁看女儿和癌症病魔搏斗 |
[1:03:22] | and I’ll tell them we can’t help them because you don’t wanna work that hard. | 我去说我们爱莫能助,因为你不想做苦工 |
[1:03:28] | Work hard? Why, you little manipulative… | 做苦工?你这个颐指气使的… |
[1:03:30] | Let me tell you something. I’ve worked all my life. | 我告诉你,我做了一辈子苦工 |
[1:03:33] | I built a frm and kept it alive through lawsuits, injunctions and evictions. | 我建立的公司,带着它渡过惊涛骇浪 |
[1:03:38] | I’ve survived a quadruple bypass, cancer… | 我自己熬过开心手术,癌症 |
[1:03:41] | being born with one kidney and having diabetes. | 现在只剩下一颗肾脏和糖尿病 |
[1:03:44] | I’ve personally managed to save a million dollars… | 我30年来,辛辛苦苦存了一百万 |
[1:03:46] | over 30 years of getting some clients ten times that. | 为客户赚的钱,十倍都不止 |
[1:03:49] | Don’t tell me I don’t work hard. | 所以别告诉我…我不做苦工 |
[1:03:52] | Don’t tell me I haven’t earned the right to stop, take a breath and enjoy life. | 别告诉我…我不能休息一下,享受生命 |
[1:03:55] | What the hell do you know about any of this anyway? | 你到底懂不懂情况啊? |
[1:03:58] | Something like this, Erin, it could take forever. | 艾琳,像这样的案子,要缠讼多年 |
[1:04:02] | They’re a huge corporation. | 对方是大公司 |
[1:04:04] | They could bury us in paperwork for the next 15 years. | 光是文件往来,就可以耗上15年 |
[1:04:06] | I’m just a guy with a small, private frm! | 而我只是一名小小的律师罢了 |
[1:04:10] | Who happens to know they poisoned people and lied about it. | 你碰巧知道他们荼毒乡民,有意欺瞒 |
[1:04:14] | We can get these people. | 你能够整垮他们 |
[1:04:15] | With a little effort, I really think we can nail their asses to the wall. | 只要稍做努力,我相信能整死他们 |
[1:04:19] | With all your legal expertise, you believe that? | 你是凭法律专业知识做出这个决定吗? |
[1:04:22] | – Don’t you ever just know? – Where’s the money coming from? | 难道你没这种预感? 知不知道钱哪来? |
[1:04:25] | That’s why most of these cases settle… lack of money. | 缺钱是这种案子和解的主因… |
[1:04:27] | Do you know what toxicologists and geology experts cost? | 你知道请毒物和地质专家要花多少钱吗? |
[1:04:30] | A hundred grand a month, easy. | 常常一个月就得花上十万块 |
[1:04:32] | – I’ve already used a lot of my savings. – We’ll fgure it out. | 我已开始吃老本了 可以想办法 |
[1:04:36] | I admit I don’t know shit about shit… | 我承认,我屁都不知道 |
[1:04:38] | but I know the difference between right and wrong! | 但我还是分得出孰对孰错! |
[1:04:40] | – Lovers’ quarrel? – Oh, bite my ass, Krispy Kreme. | 小情人吵嘴啦? 你去死,肥泡芙 |
[1:04:47] | I feel you looking at me. | 我知道你在瞪我 |
[1:04:52] | I’m sorry. | 对不起 |
[1:04:57] | How many families are we talking about here? | 一共有多少个家庭? |
[1:05:00] | Four more. Eleven people so far. | 我再去找四个就好,现在已有11人了 |
[1:05:02] | You mean there’s more? | 你是说还有更多? |
[1:05:04] | Well, I found one document that was a toxic test-well reading from 1967. | 我在水利会找到一份1967年的毒物检测报告 |
[1:05:09] | A hell of a lot more people have lived on that land since then. | 那之后去过那儿的人一定很多 |
[1:05:12] | Oh, this is a whole different ball game. | 这样情况就大大不同了 |
[1:05:15] | A much bigger deal. | 事情这下大条了 |
[1:05:17] | Kinda like David and what’s-his-name. | 有点像圣经里的戴维和那个什么巨人 |
[1:05:22] | It’s kinda like David and what’s-his-name’s whole fucking family. | 应该说,是戴维单挑巨人家族 |
[1:05:28] | Okay, here’s the deal. | 这样吧 |
[1:05:30] | Lf, and only if, you fnd all the evidence to back this up… | 只要你能找到真凭实据 |
[1:05:33] | I’ll do it, I’ll take it on. | 我就接这个案子 |
[1:05:35] | You’re doing the right thing. | 你这样做是对的 |
[1:05:37] | Yeah, yeah, yeah. | 是啊 |
[1:05:38] | Remind me of that when I’m fling for bankruptcy. | 我申请破产时,别忘了提醒我这点 |
[1:05:43] | Of course, gathering evidence is a big job. | 搜集证据是很吃重的工作 |
[1:05:47] | A hell of a lot bigger than just fling. | 比归档重要多了 |
[1:05:49] | I’ll be working a lot harder now. | 我会比现在更辛苦 |
[1:05:51] | – Taking on a lot more responsibility. – I don’t believe this. | 责任更重大 我真不敢相信 |
[1:05:55] | Another raise wouldn’t hurt. | 帮我加薪会死啊 |
[1:05:57] | And I’ll be spending a lot of time in my car… | 我会长时间在外奔波 |
[1:06:00] | so I’ll probably be needing a cell phone. | 最好给我配一个行动电话 |
[1:06:03] | I don’t believe this. | 我真不敢相信 |
[1:06:05] | Just a little phone? | 一个小小的行动电话? |
[1:07:15] | Thank you! | 谢谢! |
[1:07:26] | Just go ahead and play. | 「大富翁,哈雷机车版」,快玩啊 |
[1:07:29] | Roll the dice and play. | 快点丢骰子 |
[1:07:34] | Come on. Aren’t you gonna play? | 快点,你不玩吗? |
[1:07:36] | Roll the dice! | 快丢骰子! |
[1:07:38] | Come on. | 快点 |
[1:07:45] | Is this the Erin Pattee Brockovich who’s been snooping around the water board? | 你是在水利会乱翻资料的那个艾琳吗? |
[1:07:49] | Yeah. Who’s this? | 我是,你是谁? |
[1:07:51] | You should watch your step. | 你最好小心点 |
[1:07:53] | Ayoung lady like yourself, with three young children, should think again. | 带三个小孩的年轻妈妈,做事该三思 |
[1:07:57] | Who is this? | 你到底是谁? |
[1:07:59] | Do you understand what I’m saying? | 你懂不懂啊? |
[1:08:08] | Who was it? | 谁打来的? |
[1:08:11] | It’s okay. | 不要紧 |
[1:08:14] | I’m not gonna quit ’cause of one creepy phone call, George. | 乔治,我不会因一通电话就打退堂鼓 |
[1:08:18] | Come on, Erin. Your job is supposed to pay your bills, not put you in danger. | 艾琳,你工作是为付账单,不是找麻烦 |
[1:08:23] | I’m not in danger. | 我没有为自己找麻烦 |
[1:08:25] | The phone might be tapped, but that’s usual. | 也许有人窃听电话,这是很普通的事 |
[1:08:28] | We’ve got a dead bolt. It’s not a big deal. | 这没什么大不了的 |
[1:08:31] | You’re not out of your league? | 你不觉得捞过界? |
[1:08:33] | See? See? | 懂了吗? |
[1:08:35] | That’s what those arrogant PG&E fucks want me to think. | 那些PG&E的浑蛋,就是希望我这么想 |
[1:08:38] | – But they’re wrong. – It doesn’t have to be so complicated. | 他们错了 事情不用弄得这么复杂 |
[1:08:41] | – There are plenty of jobs out there. – How would you know? | 外面的工作多的是 你怎么知道? |
[1:08:53] | – What’s that supposed to mean? – Nothing. | 你这话什么意思? 没什么意思 |
[1:08:56] | If you’d rather I got a job instead of taking care of your kids, just say so. | 如果要我找工作,不帮你带孩子就直说 |
[1:08:59] | – I didn’t say that. – Because I will. | 我没这么说 我可以去找工作 |
[1:09:01] | And you can start leaving the kids with the chicken-fat lady again. Okay? | 你可以再把孩子交给那个肥鸡油太太 |
[1:09:04] | I said I’m sorry. Keep your voice down. | 我说过我很抱歉,你别这么大声 |
[1:09:06] | Please. I know what these kids can sleep through. | 少来了,我知道孩子们睡得有多沉 |
[1:09:08] | I probably know ’em better than you. | 我搞不好比你还了解他们 |
[1:09:24] | Hey, Scott, tell me something. | 史考特,我问你 |
[1:09:26] | Does PG&E pay you to cover their ass… | PG&E付钱要你帮他们做事 |
[1:09:29] | or do you just do it out of the kindness of your heart? | 还是你大发善心自动自发? |
[1:09:32] | – I don’t know what you’re talking about. – The fuck you don’t. | 我不知道你在说什么 不知道个屁 |
[1:09:35] | Nobody calls me Pattee. | 除了你之外,没人会叫我帕提 |
[1:09:37] | That sicko that called the other night could’ve only found about me from you. | 那个打电话到我家的变态,定是听你说的 |
[1:09:42] | People are dying, Scott. | 有许多人奄奄一息 |
[1:09:44] | You’ve got document after document right under your nose that says why… | 你这边的文件上写得一清二楚 |
[1:09:48] | and you haven’t said one word about it. | 你却只字未提 |
[1:09:51] | I wanna know how the hell you sleep at night. | 我想知道,你晚上怎么睡得着啊 |
[1:10:15] | I’m about to drive off the road, I’m so tired. Keep me awake, will ya? | 我快要睡着了,拜托你帮帮我的忙 |
[1:10:20] | What do you want, a joke? | 你想听笑话吗? |
[1:10:22] | No, I don’t want a joke. | 我不想听笑话 |
[1:10:25] | Tell me about your day. What went on back there? | 告诉我今天家里的情况如何? |
[1:10:30] | Come to think of it, we had a pretty big event around here. | 仔细想想,今天倒是发生了一件大事 |
[1:10:35] | Beth… | 贝丝… |
[1:10:37] | started talking. | 开始说话了 |
[1:10:40] | What? | 什么? |
[1:10:43] | Beth? My Beth? | 贝丝?我的贝丝? |
[1:10:45] | We were all sitting around at lunch… | 我们当时正在吃午餐 |
[1:10:48] | and she pointed at a ball and said… | 她指着球说 |
[1:10:51] | “ball.” | 「球」 |
[1:10:53] | Right out of the blue. | 忽然就冒出这么一句话 |
[1:10:58] | It was pretty intense… | 我当时很激动 |
[1:11:00] | you know, seeing somebody’s first word. | 看她说这辈子第一句话 |
[1:11:02] | All the words they say in their life, the first word she says is “ball.” | 也许以后喋喋不休,但第一个字却是「球」 |
[1:11:10] | She was pointing her little finger… | 她用小小的手指指着 |
[1:11:13] | with her beautiful, soft, chubby little arm… | 可爱的小手臂伸得直直的 |
[1:11:16] | and her little cheeks… | 鼓起胖胖的脸颊… |
[1:11:18] | She was looking at it like she’d been looking at it for nine months… | 她盯着球,彷佛已经看了九个月 |
[1:11:21] | and just couldn’t get it out but knowing what it was. | 像她明明知道那是什么,却说不出来 |
[1:11:24] | She didn’t look away or anything. | 她直直地盯着球 |
[1:11:27] | She was just sitting there with her arm out. | 她伸直双臂坐在那儿 |
[1:11:29] | You should’ve seen Matthew and Katie and me. | 你当时该看看我马修和凯蒂的表情 |
[1:11:32] | Ourjaws just dropped, and we were looking at her. | 我们张口结舌盯着她 |
[1:11:35] | We must’ve stood there three or four minutes and just looked at her. | 我们呆呆地坐了3、4分钟 |
[1:11:39] | And she just had her arm out like that. “Ball.” | 她伸直双臂,说「球」 |
[1:11:42] | And, you know, her little lips wrapped around her… | 她张开小小的嘴巴… |
[1:11:47] | It was great. It was intense. | |
[1:11:54] | 「九个月后」 | |
[1:11:57] | I brought some stuff that I thought you guys might be interested in seeing. | 我带来一些文件,我想你们也许会有兴趣 |
[1:12:01] | My name’s Erin, and I’ll be here all day. | 我叫做艾琳,我整天都会待在这里 |
[1:12:04] | Let’s go over to these nice ladies. Hi. How are you? | 我们去跟她们聊聊,你们好吗? |
[1:12:08] | My name is Erin, and I’ve brought some information today… | 我叫艾琳,我今天带了些资料来 |
[1:12:11] | if you want to look at it. | 你们可以参考一下 |
[1:12:13] | Any questions, please let me know. | 有问题可以随时来问我 |
[1:12:15] | Excuse me, ladies. I’m Ed Masry. | 打扰一下,各位,我是艾德·马西瑞 |
[1:12:18] | I’m a lawyer involved in the case. I thought you might like to read these. | 我是办这件案子的律师,请各位看看资料 |
[1:12:22] | – Any questions, I’ll be here all day. – Sounds good. | 有问题来找我,我整天都在 好 |
[1:12:25] | Thanks so much. | 谢谢 |
[1:12:27] | You got your phone number in this? | 这上面有你的电话吗? |
[1:12:30] | There’s more important information in there than that, trust me. | 相信我,上面的数据比我电话更重要 |
[1:12:35] | I’m bored. So are the kids. | 我和孩子们都无聊死了 |
[1:12:37] | Okay, well, I’m a little busy here, honey. | 亲爱的,我很忙 |
[1:12:41] | We invited all these people here. Ed and I have to… I’m sorry. | 我和艾德请这些人来,我们要…对不起 |
[1:12:44] | You know what? I have an idea. Please. I have an idea. | 这样吧,我有个点子 |
[1:12:47] | Can you take her? | 能不能帮我抱她? |
[1:12:49] | She’s getting heavy, and I can do my work faster if you take her. | 她越来越重了,没有她我会做得比较快 |
[1:12:59] | Sugar sleepin’ on two feather pillows | 宝贝在羽毛枕上睡觉 |
[1:13:01] | Sleepin’ on two feather pillows | 宝贝在羽毛枕上睡觉 |
[1:13:03] | Got a need for me? | 想不想我? |
[1:13:06] | – Hello. – Hello, sweetness. | 哈啰 哈啰,亲爱的 |
[1:13:08] | – Guess what. – What? | 你猜怎么着? 怎么样? |
[1:13:10] | I would like to go home. | 我想回家 |
[1:13:12] | – Get anything done? – I got a lot of work done. | 都弄好了吗? 我做了很多事 |
[1:13:16] | I think I ate three watermelons. | 我大概吃了三个西瓜 |
[1:13:18] | Piggyback! | 背我! |
[1:13:19] | Let’s go, brother. Get on. | 走吧,老弟,上来 |
[1:13:21] | Careful, careful. | 小心 |
[1:13:22] | Here, get on me now. | 快上来 |
[1:13:24] | – Erin, excuse me. – Oh, hi. | 艾琳,打扰一下 嗨 |
[1:13:26] | This is Nelson Perez. | 这位是尼尔森培瑞兹 |
[1:13:28] | – He works at the compressor station. – Hi. Nice to meet you. | 他在压缩机组那里工作 幸会 |
[1:13:31] | PG&E. | 在PG&E |
[1:13:32] | Oh, hi. Wow. | 嗨 |
[1:13:35] | – I’ve come at a bad time. – No, no. | 现在来是不是不方便? 不会… |
[1:13:37] | Can you just give me one… | 你们等我一下… |
[1:13:40] | – Of course. Sure. – Thank you. Thank you. | 没问题 谢谢 |
[1:13:43] | Oh, my God. | 天啊 |
[1:13:46] | You know what? | 这样吧 |
[1:13:48] | You guys go ahead without me… | 你们先回去 |
[1:13:50] | and I’ll get a ride with Ed… | 我搭艾德的便车回去… |
[1:13:52] | Sweetie, I’ll be right behind. | 亲爱的,我马上就回去 |
[1:13:54] | I’ll be right behind you. Okay? | 我随后就到,好吗? |
[1:13:57] | – I really… This is so… – Fine. Go, go, go. | 我真的…这真的… 没问题,你去啊 |
[1:14:05] | Get down, bud. | 下来吧,老弟 |
[1:14:08] | We’re gonna go home. All right? | 我们先回家 |
[1:14:11] | Hang on tight there. | 抓紧了 |
[1:14:13] | Help your sister with her shoes. Come on. Let’s go. | 帮你妹妹穿鞋,咱们走 |
[1:14:31] | Mr. Perez, this is so helpful. May I write some of this down? | 培瑞兹先生,你提供的资料很有用 |
[1:14:34] | I have so many questions. | 我能写下来吗? |
[1:14:35] | I wanna know how the plant works, the cooling towers, everything. | 我有好多问题要请教 |
[1:14:37] | 我要知道发电厂的运作、冷却塔等等 | |
[1:14:41] | They used the hexachrome here in these cooling towers… | 他们在冷却塔里使用六价铬 |
[1:14:42] | They used the hexachrome here in these cooling towers… | 他们在冷却塔里使用六价铬 |
[1:14:45] | as an anticorrosive. | 来当防锈剂 |
[1:14:47] | Then they dumped the excess water into these ponds. | 再将多余的冷却水排放到这些池塘里 |
[1:14:50] | I don’t remember seeing any ponds up there. | 我们去的时候,好像没有看到池塘 |
[1:14:53] | This is an old picture. They’ve been covered over. | 照片是以前的,他们早把池塘盖住了 |
[1:14:56] | And not too carefully, because if you dig one inch under the surface… | 不过做得很草率,只要向下挖一英吋 |
[1:14:59] | the dirt’s as green as a fuckin’ shamrock. | 那里的土都绿得像榨浆草一样 |
[1:15:02] | And that’s what caused the contamination? | 这就是污染源? |
[1:15:04] | Well, it didn’t help, but no. The problem started on the bottom. | 不是,问题出在池底 |
[1:15:08] | According to… | 根据… |
[1:15:12] | this… | 这份文件来看 |
[1:15:14] | in most cases you would line these ponds… | 通常,这些池塘都要做防漏处理 |
[1:15:17] | so this shit didn’t seep into the ground. | 这样,毒物才不会漏到地底 |
[1:15:19] | – But guess what. – They skipped that step? | 你猜怎么着? 他们省掉这个步骤? |
[1:15:24] | And here are the ponds. | 假设池塘在这里 |
[1:15:26] | The plume comes down like this, and Hinkley is down here. | 污水会这样下来,辛克利的位置在这 |
[1:15:29] | It’s, like, 14 years of hexachrome just flowing into the ground water. | 14年来,排放的六价铬直接流进地下水 |
[1:15:33] | Jesus. | 我的天啊 |
[1:15:35] | And this guy just offered all this information? | 那个人就这样把资料透露给你? |
[1:15:38] | Well, yeah. | 没错 |
[1:15:40] | Nelson cares what’s in those ponds. | 尼尔森很关心池塘里的东西 |
[1:15:42] | He used to spend half the day wading around in them… that was his job. | 他常在里面泡上半天…那是他的工作 |
[1:15:46] | Shit. | 天啊 |
[1:15:54] | What’s the matter? | 怎么了? |
[1:15:58] | I don’t know if we can pull this off. | 我不知道,我们能不能成功 |
[1:16:01] | This is a monster case. | 这件案子非同小可 |
[1:16:03] | We’re up to 411 plaintiffs. | 我们有411名原告 |
[1:16:06] | We’ve taken 162 declarations. | 也有162份陈述状 |
[1:16:11] | Probably hundreds more out there have moved away. | 也许有好几百人早就搬走了 |
[1:16:14] | We’re gonna have to find ’em. It’s taking time, manpower. | 我们要找到他们,这费时又费力 |
[1:16:17] | Money’s going out, nothing’s coming in. I’ll have to take out a second mortgage. | 钱只出不进,我要去申请二次贷款 |
[1:16:21] | – So? – “So”? | 那又怎样? 「那又怎样」? |
[1:16:24] | So… | 所以… |
[1:16:27] | I have to tell you… | 我得告诉你 |
[1:16:29] | I’ve been making inquiries… | 我到处向大型法律事务所… |
[1:16:32] | with other firms, bigger firms… | 打听… |
[1:16:35] | to share some of the cost. | 问他们愿不愿意分担费用 |
[1:16:37] | They all said no, said we don’t have it. | 他们一口回绝说,我们毫无胜算 |
[1:16:41] | Bullshit. We got PG&E by the balls. | 放屁,我们已经盯住PG&E的要害 |
[1:16:44] | PG&E Hinkley by the balls. | 那只是他们的辛克利分公司 |
[1:16:45] | But nobody’ll get rich unless we can pin this on PG&E Corporate in San Francisco. | 但如果扯不上PG&E旧金山总部就白搭 |
[1:16:49] | What do you mean? | 你这话什么意思? |
[1:16:50] | PG&E Corporate claims they had no way of knowing what was going on in Hinkley. | PG&E总部能说,对辛克利的事毫不知情 |
[1:16:54] | Oh, they knew. They had to know. | 不知道才怪 |
[1:16:56] | Show me the document that proves it. | 那就提出文件证明啊 |
[1:17:00] | Then they didn’t know, and if they didn’t know… | 如果他们坚称不知情的话 |
[1:17:03] | we can’t hit them with punitive damages. | 我们就不能要求他们赔偿 |
[1:17:05] | Punitive damages means a sum that can actually have some effect… | 惩罚性赔偿的金额… |
[1:17:10] | on these people’s lives. | 才能实际影响这些人未来的生活 |
[1:17:14] | So what do we do now? | 我们现在怎么办? |
[1:17:20] | Let’s assume there are documents… | 让我们来假设 |
[1:17:21] | connecting PG&E Hinkley with PG&E Corporate… | 有文件能证明PG&E总部脱不了关系 |
[1:17:25] | and they know these documents exist. | 他们也知道这些文件的存在 |
[1:17:27] | We take our 400-or-so plaintiffs and everything you’ve dug up… | 我们也有400多名原告和你找到的证据 |
[1:17:32] | we file a lawsuit to provoke a reaction… | 我们提出诉讼,看看他们有何反应… |
[1:17:35] | see if they offer a reasonable amount or just throw more paper at us. | 是提出合理赔偿金额,还是打笔墨官司? |
[1:17:39] | That sounds great. Let’s do that. | 听起来不错,就这么做吧 |
[1:17:41] | There’s a downside. | 不过,这个做法也有风险 |
[1:17:43] | PG&E will submit a demurrer… | PG&E会提出抗辩 |
[1:17:46] | a list of reasons attacking each complaint… | 他们会提出一系列的理由 |
[1:17:48] | claiming that each cause of action has no merit. | 个别攻击每名原告,说原告论点不充分 |
[1:17:51] | If the judge agrees with them, he’ll dismiss our case… | 如果法官同意,他会驳回我们的诉状 |
[1:17:55] | PG&E will have no reason to settle… | PG&E就不需要跟我们和解 |
[1:17:58] | and it’s all over. | 本案到此结束 |
[1:18:06] | So, basically, it all comes down to… | 所以说最后就要看… |
[1:18:09] | what this one judge decides. | 法官怎么说了 |
[1:18:13] | Basically, yeah. | 没错 |
[1:18:15] | Jesus. | 天啊 |
[1:19:00] | I’d gotten so used to having them come up benign. | 我以前检查的结果都是良性 |
[1:19:05] | Guess I just didn’t expect it. | 这次我真的措手不及 |
[1:19:10] | Sure wish I would have had longer to get used to the idea. | 真希望有时间慢慢适应 |
[1:19:17] | You think if you’ve got no uterus… | 如果没有子宫 |
[1:19:20] | and no breasts… | 也没有乳房 |
[1:19:23] | you’re still technically a woman? | 还算是个女人吗? |
[1:19:27] | Sure you are. | 那当然 |
[1:19:29] | Yeah, you’re just… | 你只是… |
[1:19:31] | you’re actually a happier woman… | 你会变成一个更快乐的女人 |
[1:19:34] | because you don’t have to worry about maxi pads and underwire. | 你再也不需要用护垫,穿钢丝胸罩 |
[1:19:45] | We’re gonna get them, Erin, aren’t we? | 艾琳,你会要他们认错,对吧? |
[1:19:47] | You gotta promise me that we’re gonna get them. | 答应我,你一定会整垮他们 |
[1:19:53] | Yeah. | 我会的 |
[1:20:06] | All right, I have before me a complaint… | 我这里有一份辛克利居民 |
[1:20:10] | on behalf of the residents of Hinkley… | 提出的控诉:「圣伯纳帝诺郡司法大厦」 |
[1:20:12] | who have filed this lawsuit against Pacific Gas and Electric… | 他们对太平洋瓦斯电力公司提出诉讼 |
[1:20:17] | for damages, medical expenses and personal trauma… | 要求其支付身心赔偿及医药费 |
[1:20:20] | due to contamination of the ground water in their area… | 因为该公司污染当地的地下水 |
[1:20:23] | by the defendant. | |
[1:20:25] | And I have here 84 motions to strike… | 而太平洋瓦斯电力公司 |
[1:20:28] | and demurrers submitted by representatives… | 也提出84份取消诉讼 |
[1:20:31] | of Pacific Gas and Electric… | 及抗辩书 |
[1:20:33] | each one attacking the validity of this complaint. | 每份都对居民诉讼的合法性提出质疑 |
[1:20:37] | I have reviewed all of the information carefully. | 我已经仔细的看过所有文件了 |
[1:20:41] | I’m ready to give my decision. | 现在要宣判了 |
[1:20:43] | Before I do, is there anything anyone wants to say? | 在宣判之前,双方有什么话要说? |
[1:20:47] | No, Your Honor. | 没有,法官大人 |
[1:20:49] | 没有 | |
[1:20:51] | Very well. | 很好 |
[1:20:53] | In the matter of the Plaintiffs of Hinkley, California… | 加州辛克利居民… |
[1:20:55] | versus Pacific Gas and Electric… | 控告太平洋瓦斯电力公司一案 |
[1:20:58] | it is the order of this court… | 本庭决定… |
[1:21:00] | that each of the 84 motions to strike and demurrers… | 84份抗辩书… |
[1:21:03] | are denied… | 将全数予以驳回 |
[1:21:06] | and the causes of action against Pacific Gas and Electric are upheld. | 针对太平洋瓦斯电力公司的控告成立 |
[1:21:11] | On a more personal note… | 我还有话要说 |
[1:21:12] | as a resident here in Barstow, which is not far from Hinkley… | 我身为巴斯托的居民,此地离辛克利并不远 |
[1:21:17] | I am disturbed by reference to evidence… | 这些证据,让我深感不安 |
[1:21:21] | that suggests that not only was hexavalent chromium used… | 证据显示,该公司不仅使用六价铬 |
[1:21:25] | but that your clients actually sent these residents pamphlets… | 当事人居然还印制宣传手册给居民 |
[1:21:31] | telling them that it was good for them. | 告诉他们这对他们的身体有好处 |
[1:21:34] | Tell your clients they’re going to trial. | 告诉你们的当事人,准备上法庭吧 |
[1:21:48] | Jesus. They look like the Secret Service. | 天啊,他们看起来像是特勤组的 |
[1:21:52] | Intimidation. | 他们只是虚张声势 |
[1:21:55] | Let the games begin. | 让好戏开锣吧 |
[1:21:58] | Show them into the conference room. | 带他们到会议室去 |
[1:22:02] | Donald. Anna. | 唐纳,安娜 |
[1:22:05] | I want to talk to you for a minute. | 我有话跟你们说 |
[1:22:12] | Counselors. | 各位好 |
[1:22:14] | 你们好! | |
[1:22:22] | Let’s be honest here. | 咱们有话直说吧 |
[1:22:23] | Twenty million dollars is more money than these people have ever dreamed of. | 两千万是这些人一辈子也不敢梦想的财富 |
[1:22:28] | See, now that pisses me off. | 听到这话,我就火大 |
[1:22:31] | First of all, since the demurrer we have more than 400 plaintiffs. | 第一,在抗辩后 我们已找到四百多名原告 |
[1:22:35] | Let’s be honest. We all know there are more out there. | 直说吧,大家都知道原告人数不止于此 |
[1:22:38] | They may not be the most sophisticated people, but they do know how to divide. | 他们也许没受过高深教育,但也懂得除法 |
[1:22:41] | Twenty million dollars isn’t shit when you split it between them. | 两千万元分一分,连屁都买不起 |
[1:22:44] | Second of all, these people don’t dream about being rich. | 第二,这些人并不想要一夜致富 |
[1:22:48] | They dream about being able to watch their kids swim in a pool… | 他们只希望他们的孩子能自由戏水 |
[1:22:51] | without worrying that they’ll have to have a hysterectomy at the age of 20… | 而不用在20岁时,就切除子宫 |
[1:22:54] | like Rosa Diaz, a client of ours… | 比如萝莎·迪亚兹,我们的当事人 |
[1:22:56] | or have their spine deteriorate like Stan Bloom, another client of ours. | 或像另一位客户史坦布鲁一样脊椎退化 |
[1:23:01] | So before you come back here with another lame-ass offer… | 在你们提出那些笑死人的赔偿金额之前 |
[1:23:05] | I want you to think real hard about what your spine is worth, Mr. Walker… | 华克先生,想想你的脊椎值多少钱 |
[1:23:09] | or what you might expect someone to pay you for your uterus, Ms. Sanchez. | 山契斯小姐,也想想你的子宫值多少钱 |
[1:23:13] | Then you take out your calculator… | 然后,拿出你们的计算器 |
[1:23:15] | and you multiply that number by 100. | 乘以一百 |
[1:23:18] | Anything less than that is a waste of our time. | 只要少于那个数目,就是在浪费我们的时间 |
[1:23:23] | By the way, we had the water brought in special for you folks. | 对了,这水是特别为你们运来的 |
[1:23:26] | Came from a well in Hinkley. | 是从辛克利运来的 |
[1:23:44] | I think this meeting’s over. | 我想会议到此结束吧 |
[1:23:46] | Damn right it is. | 你说得一点都没错 |
[1:24:26] | Fuck, George, did a bomb blow up? You letting the kids run wild? | 搞什么,乔治,发生大地震啦? |
[1:24:40] | What’s that? | 那是什么? |
[1:24:52] | I saw ’em in a mall one day. | 我有天逛街的时候看到的 |
[1:24:55] | I said, ” Damn… | 我心想「天啊」 |
[1:24:57] | those would look good on those beautiful ears.” | 「她戴起来一定很漂亮」 |
[1:25:02] | So I bought ’em and said, ” Next time Erin does or says something nice… | 我买下来心想「下次艾琳对我温言软语时」 |
[1:25:05] | I’ll surprise her with ’em.” | 「就把这对耳环送给她」 |
[1:25:09] | You know how long ago that was? | 你知道,那是多久以前的事吗? |
[1:25:13] | Six months ago. | 六个月前 |
[1:25:17] | I’m sorry… | 对不起… |
[1:25:18] | And so what I’m thinking is… | 我在想… |
[1:25:25] | either you gotta find a different job or a different guy. | 要么你换份工作,不然就换个男人 |
[1:25:30] | 也许有很多男人 | |
[1:25:33] | There may be many men out there… | |
[1:25:35] | who don’t mind being the maid and getting nothing in return… | 愿意为你做牛做马,不求回报 |
[1:25:38] | but I sure as shit ain’t one of’em. | 但我不是其中之一 |
[1:25:42] | I can’t leave my job, George. | 乔治,我不能辞职 |
[1:25:44] | Yes, you can. | 你可以 |
[1:25:46] | You can just quit. People do it all the time. | 你只要开口辞就行了,大家都这样 |
[1:25:50] | How can you ask me to do that? | 你怎么可以要我这么做? |
[1:25:53] | This job… | 这份工作… |
[1:25:57] | For the first time in my life I’ve got people respecting me. | 是我这辈子第一次感受到被人尊重的滋味 |
[1:26:01] | Up in Hinkley… | 在辛克利 |
[1:26:03] | I walk into a room and everyone shuts up to hear if I’ve got something to say. | 人们看到我都闭口不言,等我开口 |
[1:26:07] | I never had that before. Ever. | 我从来没有过这种感觉 |
[1:26:11] | Please don’t ask me to give it up. | 请不要逼我放弃 |
[1:26:13] | What about what your kids are giving up? | 那孩子们的牺牲,又怎么说? |
[1:26:17] | I’m doing more for my kids now than I did living with my parents. | 我现在能为他们做的,比以前多多了 |
[1:26:20] | One day they’ll understand that. | 他们迟早会明白的 |
[1:26:22] | – Well, what about me? – What about you? | 那我怎么办? 什么你怎么办? |
[1:26:29] | You think either one of the men who gave me those children… | 我孩子的父亲 |
[1:26:32] | asked me what I wanted before he walked away? | 在弃我而去之前,有问过我要什么吗? |
[1:26:35] | All I’ve ever done is bend my life around what men decide they need. | 我这辈子都对男人屈服,为男人牺牲 |
[1:26:41] | Well, not now. I’m sorry. I won’t do it. | 这次我不干,对不起 |
[1:26:44] | Well… | 那么… |
[1:26:46] | Erin, I’m not them. | 艾琳,我不是他们 |
[1:26:49] | What more do I have to do to prove that to you? | 你要我怎么向你证明呢? |
[1:26:53] | Stay. | 留下来 |
[1:27:10] | What for? | 为什么? |
[1:27:13] | Hmm? | 嗯? |
[1:27:14] | You got a raise. | 你加了薪 |
[1:27:16] | You can afford day care. You don’t need me. | 可以请保母,你不需要我 |
[1:28:15] | Thank you. | 谢谢 |
[1:28:20] | We can get them, Pamela. | 帕梅拉,我们一定会赢的 |
[1:28:23] | We can. | 真的 |
[1:28:26] | I don’t want to feel it all over again… | 我不想再重新感受这种痛苦 |
[1:28:28] | and then not have it come out right. | 结果却一无所获 |
[1:28:33] | I don’t know if I could handle that. | 我不知道,自己是否受得了 |
[1:28:36] | Put the kids through that. | 我不能让孩子们吃这种苦 |
[1:28:39] | The thing is, it doesn’t matter… | 重点是… |
[1:28:41] | whether you win, lose or draw here. | 你是赢是输,并不重要 |
[1:28:43] | You were lied to. You and your kids are sick because of those lies. | 你被人骗了,你和孩子因谎言而病魔缠身 |
[1:28:51] | And for no other reason, you all have to come together… | 光凭这点,你们就该团结起来 |
[1:28:54] | to stand up in a courtroom and say that. | 在法庭中大声疾呼 |
[1:29:02] | I’d bring the kids into the hospital… | 我以前常常带孩子们跑医院 |
[1:29:06] | with towels soaked from their nosebleeds. | 他们手上的毛巾被鼻血湿透了 |
[1:29:12] | They called County Services… | 医院通知儿福局 |
[1:29:14] | ’cause they assumed the kids were being abused. | 因为他们以为,我虐待孩子 |
[1:29:22] | Am I gonna get the best behavior I was talking about earlier? | 你们在办公室里,会不会乖乖的? |
[1:29:26] | 不会 | |
[1:29:27] | What’s with the attitude? I just need cool, I need quiet. | 你们怎么这种态度?我只是要你们安静 |
[1:29:31] | Okay? | 可以吗? |
[1:29:33] | Hello? Am I alone in the car? Yes? | 怎么听不到回答? |
[1:29:35] | I said we’ll see. I don’t wanna talk about it right now. | 我说走着瞧,我现在不想谈 |
[1:29:39] | – All the other moms gave permission. – I don’t care. | 其它人的妈妈都答应了 我不管 |
[1:29:42] | When can I get a freakin’ answer? | 你什么时候才能他妈的回答我? |
[1:29:44] | Don’t talk to me like that. | 不准这样对我说话 |
[1:29:46] | – Randy’s mom said “”yes”” right away. – Goddamn it, Matthew! | 蓝迪的妈答应了 该死的,马修! |
[1:29:49] | Randy’s mom doesn’t work, and Randy’s dad did not leave her. | 蓝迪妈不用上班,蓝迪爸也没抛弃孩子 |
[1:29:52] | Figuring out who can take who to roller hockey is easier at Randy’s house. | 他们当然有空带蓝迪出去玩 |
[1:29:57] | Now cool it. | 你别闹了 |
[1:30:00] | 嗨,艾琳 | |
[1:30:03] | I’ll be as quick as I can. Matthew, can you watch your sister? | 我一下就好,马修,你能看好你妹妹吗? |
[1:30:07] | All right, fine. Come here, Beth. | 马修! |
[1:30:08] | 好吧,贝丝,过来 | |
[1:30:10] | – Can I come with you? – No, baby, I’ll just be a second. | 我能一起去吗? 不行,我马上就好 |
[1:30:43] | You can’t fight a war without ammunition, can you? | 没有弹药不能打仗,对吧? |
[1:30:49] | Thank you. I’m only sorry you didn’t get to meet Erin. | 谢谢,很遗憾没让你见到艾琳 |
[1:30:52] | Well, I will. We have a lot of work to do together. | 没关系,来日方长 |
[1:30:56] | Okay. Well, thanks for coming over. | 多谢你跑这一趟 |
[1:30:58] | Erin, I was just talking about you. | 艾琳,我们刚刚还在谈你 |
[1:31:00] | This is our new partner, Kurt Potter. He’ll be handling Hinkley now. | 这是辛克利案的合作伙伴寇特波特 |
[1:31:03] | Oh, I see what you mean about a secret weapon. | 难怪你说,她是你的秘密武器 |
[1:31:06] | Erin, it’s great to meet you. You’ve done a fabulous job. | 艾琳,幸会,你做得很好 |
[1:31:09] | – I’ll be seeing you. – Thanks. I appreciate your coming over. | 我们晚点再聊 谢谢,多谢你跑这一趟 |
[1:31:25] | What? | 干嘛? |
[1:31:26] | Our new partner? When was I gonna hear about this, in the monthly newsletter? | 我们的合作伙伴?你打算几时告诉我? |
[1:31:30] | Hey,just listen. Did I ever tell you about that airline case? | 听好,我跟你讲过那件航空公司案子吗? |
[1:31:34] | What the fuck are you talking about? | 你他妈的在说什么? |
[1:31:37] | A few years back I was trying this airline case. | 几年前,我处理一件航空公司的案子 |
[1:31:40] | I got my ass kicked by this guy. He just buried me in paper. Brutal. | 我被他整惨了,光用文件就把我活埋了 |
[1:31:44] | Toughest mother I’d ever been up against. | 我从没遇见过这么难缠的对手 |
[1:31:47] | -Jesus, make a point! – It was Kurt Potter. | 说重点! 整惨我的就是寇特波特 |
[1:31:51] | When we got the PG&E decision, I asked him to partner. He didn’t hesitate. | 法官同意审理此案时,他一口就答应合作 |
[1:31:56] | Of course he wouldn’t hesitate now. We did all the fucking work. | 那当然,因难的事我们都做了 |
[1:31:59] | Where was he before? | 那时候他在哪里? |
[1:32:00] | It doesn’t matter. Erin, listen to me. You want to win this? | 艾琳,那不重要,你到底要不要赢? |
[1:32:04] | He just gave me this check. It covers all our expenses to date. | 他刚开了张支票给我,支付所有费用 |
[1:32:09] | He’s got more toxic tort experience than anyone in this state. | 他对这种案件的经验,非常丰富 |
[1:32:12] | This is good news. | 这是天大的好消息 |
[1:32:18] | By the way, I got Pamela Duncan. | 对了,我说服帕梅拉·邓肯合作 |
[1:32:32] | I wanna open it, Mommy. | 我要开,妈妈 |
[1:32:35] | You wanna open the can for Mommy? Well, here, I’ll help you. | 你要帮妈妈开罐头?我来帮你 |
[1:32:39] | Can you turn it? | 你能转吗? |
[1:32:42] | Hi, George. | 嗨,乔治 |
[1:32:44] | Let’s go see. | 我们去看看 |
[1:32:45] | Let’s go see if it’s George. | 我们去看看是不是乔治 |
[1:33:11] | Erin Brockovich? | 艾琳波可维奇? |
[1:33:13] | – Yeah. – Package from Masry and Vititoe. | 是的 马西瑞事务所给你的包裹 |
[1:33:27] | Thank you. | 谢谢 |
[1:33:30] | Let’s see what’s in here. | 我们来看看里面是什么 |
[1:33:32] | – What’s in here? – Baby. | 里面是什么? 宝宝 |
[1:33:34] | There’s no baby in here. | 里面没有宝宝 |
[1:33:37] | – What is it? – A dolly. | 那是什么? 是娃娃 |
[1:33:39] | It’s a dolly? | 是娃娃? |
[1:33:40] | It’s– | 是… |
[1:33:41] | 「支付艾琳波可维奇五千块」 | |
[1:33:48] | 「艾琳,找个保母,看看外面打起精神,艾德」 | |
[1:33:54] | Lookit. | 看 |
[1:33:58] | “” Lookit”” is right. | 说的对 |
[1:34:08] | Do you see that? | 你看到了吗? |
[1:34:13] | – I want that. – I want that too. | 我要 我也要 |
[1:34:16] | It’s our lucky day. | 今天我们真走运 |
[1:34:18] | 马修,凯蒂 | |
[1:34:30] | PG&E has requested that we submit to binding arbitration. | PG&E要求进行具结裁决 |
[1:34:34] | What’s that? | 那是什么? |
[1:34:38] | That’s where we try the case without a jury,just before a judge. | 表示本案没有陪审团,单由法官来判决 |
[1:34:41] | It’s called a test trial. The judge’s decision is final. There’s no appeal. | 这叫做试审,法官做裁决后就不得上诉 |
[1:34:47] | – How many plaintiffs do you have? – Six hundred and thirty-four. | 你们手上有多少名原告? 634名 |
[1:34:51] | They’ll never try that many all at once. | 他们的案子无法同时审理 |
[1:34:54] | So we need to get them together in groups of 20 or 30– | 我们要分成2、3 0人一组… |
[1:34:58] | worst cases, the most life-threatened, the sickest in the first group… | 情况最差的人,分到第一组 |
[1:35:01] | and so on and so on. | 以此类推 |
[1:35:03] | Each one gets to go before a judge to determine damages. | 法官分别裁定赔偿金额 |
[1:35:06] | PG&E has proposed that they are liable… | PG&E表示愿意支付… |
[1:35:09] | anywhere between 50 and 400 million. | 五千万到四亿不等的赔偿金额 |
[1:35:14] | Wait a minute. Let me just get this straight. | 等等,让我搞清楚 |
[1:35:17] | If we went to trial, PG&E could stretch this over ten years… | 如果真的开庭审理,过程可能拖上十年 |
[1:35:21] | with appeal after appeal. | PG&E会不断上诉 |
[1:35:23] | – Those people in Hinkley– – These people are expecting a trial. | 辛克利的居民… 他们要的是公开审判 |
[1:35:26] | That’s what we told them, you and me. They won’t understand this. | 是这么告诉他们的,他们不会了解 |
[1:35:32] | Kurt thinks it’s the best way to go. | 寇特认为,这样做最好 |
[1:35:44] | Look, I promise you that we’ll be very sensitive on this point. | 我保证会审慎处理此事 |
[1:35:49] | We’ll make sure they understand… | 我们会让他们了解 |
[1:35:51] | that this is the only way that we can go forward at this time. | 目前这是唯一的办法 |
[1:35:56] | But we have a lot of work to do… | 但我们还有很多工作要做 |
[1:35:58] | before we even broach that subject. | 才能开始进入正题 |
[1:36:03] | Why don’t I take Erin down the hall so we can start on this stuff… | 我跟艾琳开始处理这些数据 |
[1:36:06] | and I’ll fill her in on the rest of the details. | 同时进一步跟她解释 |
[1:36:10] | – Those are my files. – Yeah. We had them couriered over. | 那是我的档案 没错,快递送给我们 |
[1:36:14] | And listen, good work. They’re a great start. | 你做得很好,这是个很好的起步 |
[1:36:17] | We’ll just have to spend some time filling in the holes in your research. | 只要花点时间,填补你数据上的漏洞 |
[1:36:21] | Excuse me– Theresa, is it? | 对不起… 你叫泰瑞莎吧? |
[1:36:23] | There are no holes in my research. | 我的数据没漏洞 |
[1:36:26] | No offense. Some things we need you probably didn’t know to ask. | 我无意冒犯,但有些事你也许不知道 |
[1:36:29] | Don’t talk to me like I’m an idiot. | 别把我当白痴 |
[1:36:31] | I may not have a law degree, but I’ve spent 1 8 months on this case… | 我也许没念过法学院,但我研究了18个月案情 |
[1:36:35] | and I know more about these plaintiffs than you ever will. | 我对这些原告的了解,你一辈子望尘莫及 |
[1:36:40] | You don’t even have phone numbers for some of them. | 有些人甚至连电话号码都没记录 |
[1:36:42] | – Whose number do you need? – Everyone’s. | 你要谁的号码? 每个人的都要 |
[1:36:44] | We need to be able to contact the plaintiffs. | 我们必须要跟每个原告联络 |
[1:36:47] | I said, whose number do you need? | 我问你要谁的电话号码? |
[1:36:51] | You don’t know 600 plaintiffs’ numbers by heart. | 你不可能把600名原告的号码都背下来吧 |
[1:37:08] | Annabelle Daniels. | 安娜·贝尔·丹尼斯 |
[1:37:09] | Annabelle Daniels. 7 1 4-454-9346. | 安娜·贝尔·丹尼斯,714-454-9346 |
[1:37:14] | Ten years old, eleven in May. Lived on the plume since birth. | 她到5月就满11,一出生就住在污染区 |
[1:37:17] | Wanted to be a synchronized swimmer, so she spent every minute in the PG&E pool. | 她以后想跳水上芭蕾,整天泡在游泳池 |
[1:37:22] | A tumor on her brain stem was operated on on Thanksgiving… | 她脑干出现肿瘤,感恩节动了手术 |
[1:37:25] | shrunk with radiation after that. | 之后,用放射线疗治 |
[1:37:27] | Her parents are Ted and Rita. Ted’s got Crohn’s disease. | 她父母是泰德和莉塔,泰德患克隆氏症 |
[1:37:30] | Rita has chronic headaches and nausea and underwent a hysterectomy last fall. | 莉塔有慢性头痛,去年夏天子宫切除 |
[1:37:35] | Ted grew up in Hinkley. | 泰德在辛克利长大 |
[1:37:36] | His brother Robbie, his wife May and their five children… | 他哥罗比和嫂嫂媚依,共有五个孩子 |
[1:37:39] | RobbieJr., Martha, Ed, Rose and Peter also lived on the plume. | 罗比二世,马莎,艾德,萝莎和彼德 |
[1:37:42] | 也都住在污染区 | |
[1:37:43] | Their number is 454-95 54. | 他们的号码是454-9554 |
[1:37:46] | You want their diseases? | 想知道他们生什么病吗? |
[1:37:53] | Look, we got off on the wrong foot here. | 我们也许一开始就踏出错误的第一步 |
[1:37:55] | That’s all you got, lady– two wrong feet and fucking ugly shoes. | 没错,小姐,你天生有两只左脚和难看的鞋子 |
[1:38:05] | She insulted me. | 她羞辱我 |
[1:38:07] | Bullshit. It was a misunderstanding. | 放屁,那只不过是个误会 |
[1:38:09] | But instead of handling it politely and treating her with respect– | 你对她不礼貌,不尊重她… |
[1:38:12] | Why should I respect her? | 我为什么该尊重她? |
[1:38:14] | Just because she’s not supporting 3 kids with no husband and no education… | 她没三个孩子要养,也没离婚失学 |
[1:38:17] | doesn’t make her an idiot. | 并不表示,她就是个白痴 |
[1:38:19] | Just because she dresses like a lawyer… | 她穿着律师套装 |
[1:38:22] | doesn’t mean she didn’t work her ass off in shit positions to earn her way. | 并不表示,她没吃尽苦头才有今天的地位 |
[1:38:25] | Excuse me for not going to law school. | 很抱歉,我没念过法学院 |
[1:38:27] | Law school? At this point I’d settle for charm school. | 法学院?你只要上过礼仪学校,我就心满意足 |
[1:38:38] | 林…林伍先生 | |
[1:38:41] | Mr. Linwood. | 天啊 |
[1:38:43] | Oh, God. | 林伍先生 |
[1:38:49] | Bob? | 鲍伯? |
[1:38:55] | 6086 Bridge Road… | 大桥路6086号 |
[1:39:00] | Hinkley, California. | 加州辛克利 |
[1:39:02] | 电话714 … | |
[1:39:05] | 455 … | |
[1:39:08] | Okay, now, if you could walk me through… | 我想请你们详细的… |
[1:39:11] | all of the elements of… | 告诉我 |
[1:39:14] | Annabelle’s illnesses. | 安娜贝尔的病情 |
[1:39:17] | Specific details. | 我要知道细节 |
[1:39:19] | When the symptoms began prior to the first medical visit. | 在第一次看医生前,多久发现她的症状… |
[1:39:25] | If you could reserve sentimental embellishments, I’d appreciate it… | 希望各位不要加上情绪上的反应 |
[1:39:30] | because they’re not gonna help you in court. | 因为这些在法庭上毫无帮助 |
[1:39:32] | I just need facts, dates, time. | 只要告诉我确切的日期及情况 |
[1:39:37] | I know Theresa isn’t real warm, but they say she’s a good lawyer. | 我知道泰瑞莎很冷淡,但他们说她是好律师 |
[1:39:40] | She asked the same questions you asked. I already told you everything. | 她问过的你都问过了,我都告诉过你了 |
[1:39:44] | I don’t want her here again. She’s kinda stuck-up, and she upsets Annabelle. | 我不要她再到我家来 |
[1:39:46] | 她很傲慢,安娜贝尔不喜欢 | |
[1:39:49] | Okay, if you don’t like Theresa, that’s okay. | 如果你们不喜欢泰瑞莎,也不要紧 |
[1:39:53] | You know how important Annabelle is to me. | 但安娜贝尔对我来说,意义重大 |
[1:39:55] | Ed and I are still here for you. | 艾德和我,仍随时为你们服务 |
[1:39:57] | I called Ed two days ago, Erin. He still hasn’t called me back. | 我两天前打电话给艾德,到现在还没回电 |
[1:40:02] | Now, I hate to say this, but… | 我也不想这么说,但是… |
[1:40:04] | everyone’s pretty upset about this arbitration thing. | 裁决的事,让大家都很不高兴 |
[1:40:08] | What? | 什么? |
[1:40:09] | Pamela’s written a letter in the Hinkley News… | 帕梅拉投书到报社 |
[1:40:11] | telling everybody to get new lawyers… | 叫大家另请高明 |
[1:40:14] | that we’ve been lied to. | 说我们被你们骗了 |
[1:40:16] | Is it true? | 是真的吗? |
[1:40:17] | 不… | |
[1:40:19] | Did you? Did you? | 你们有骗我们吗? |
[1:40:20] | I’m telling you the truth, and I will get to the bottom of this. | 我说的都是实话,我会查清楚的 |
[1:40:25] | Don’t lie to us. | 不要骗我们 |
[1:40:27] | – I’ll take care of this, I promise. – We’re trusting you, so– | 我会处理这件事的 我们信任你… |
[1:40:30] | Thanks. I’ll talk to you soon. | 谢谢,我再跟你们联络 |
[1:40:32] | All right. Bye-bye. | 好,再见 |
[1:40:37] | I’m not saying it’s not a strong case. | 我不是说这个案子不行 |
[1:40:39] | If it wasn’t a strong case, every demurrer wouldn’t have been dismissed. | 如果真的不行,法官就不会驳回抗辩 |
[1:40:43] | I wouldn’t be here. | 我也不会在这里 |
[1:40:44] | What I am saying is, we still don’t have a smoking gun… | 但我们到现在都还没有证明… |
[1:40:47] | that ties San Francisco to Hinkley… | 旧金山总部和辛克利有关的证据 |
[1:40:49] | something that proves that prior to 1 987… | 证明在1987年之前 |
[1:40:53] | PG&E Corporate knew the water was bad in Hinkley… | PG&E总部知道辛克利的水质有问题 |
[1:40:56] | and did nothing about it. | 但却坐视不管 |
[1:40:59] | Hey, Erin. I thought you were taking a sick day. | 艾琳,你今天不是请病假吗? |
[1:41:02] | So did I. | 我本来也这么想 |
[1:41:09] | What’s going on in there? | 里面是怎么回事? |
[1:41:11] | Meeting about the PG&E thing. | PG&E会议 |
[1:41:14] | – Are you sure? – Yep. | 你确定吗? 确定 |
[1:41:17] | We can find it, or we don’t have a big win. | 我们一定要找到证据,否则无法大胜 |
[1:41:21] | Can I take a brief break here for a moment? | 我可以告退一下吗? |
[1:41:24] | I’ll be right back. | 我马上就回来 |
[1:41:28] | What are you doing? | 你在做什么? |
[1:41:30] | If you tell me to relax, I’m gonna choke you with that fucking tie. | 如果你叫我别激动,我就勒死你 |
[1:41:36] | – You told me you weren’t feeling great. – Oh, that is bullshit! | 你自己说不舒服 你根本是在放屁! |
[1:41:39] | If I was on my death bed, if it helped you, you’d drag me out of it. | 如果你要我上班,就算我快死了你也不管 |
[1:41:48] | How could you take this away from me? | 你怎么可以把这一切夺走? |
[1:41:50] | – Nobody’s taking anything. – Bullshit! | 我没有夺走什么东西 放屁! |
[1:41:52] | You stuck me in Siberia, dictating to some goddamn steno clerk… | 你把我放逐边疆,要我跟速记员做笔记 |
[1:41:57] | so you could finish this without me. | 然后自己完成这件事 |
[1:41:59] | They screwed up, Erin. Do I have your attention now? They admit it. | 他们搞砸了,艾琳,听到吗?他们承认了 |
[1:42:04] | The arbitration proposal they submitted could have been written in Sanskrit… | 他们写的裁决庭企划书,对辛克利居民而言 |
[1:42:08] | for all the sense it made to the people in Hinkley. | 简直就像是无字天书 |
[1:42:10] | I know. I spoke to Ted. Pamela Duncan wouldn’t even get on the phone with me. | 我知道,我跟泰德谈过,帕梅拉拒接我电话 |
[1:42:15] | She’s got everybody seeing red with that letter she wrote. She called us thieves. | 她写的那封信引起人心浮动 说我们是小偷 |
[1:42:19] | – The whole thing is falling apart. – Why? Why? | 我们的案子快完了 为什么? |
[1:42:22] | Because before we go to arbitration, we have to get the plaintiffs to agree. | 因为我们上庭之前,必须征得原告同意 |
[1:42:26] | – How many? – Usually they require about 7 0%. | 多少个? 通常要70%的人 |
[1:42:29] | PG&E is demanding 90. In other words, everybody. | PG&E要求90%,所以几乎要人人同意 |
[1:42:33] | Now do you understand? This is serious. | 你懂吗?这次是认真的 |
[1:42:35] | And what, Ed? I’m not serious? | 艾德,难道我不认真吗? |
[1:42:38] | You’re emotional. You’re erratic. | 你情绪化,又冲动 |
[1:42:40] | You say whatever comes into your head. You make this personal, and it isn’t. | 说话不用脑,什么事都当做是针对你 |
[1:42:43] | Not personal? | 不是针对我? |
[1:42:45] | That is my work, my sweat, my time away from my kids. | 那是我的工作,我的血汗 |
[1:42:47] | 我牺牲和孩子相处的时间 | |
[1:42:49] | If that’s not personal, I don’t know what is– | 不是针对我,那就不知道什么是… |
[1:42:58] | Hey, come on. | 别这样 |
[1:43:00] | Come on. | 别这样 |
[1:43:03] | Go home. Get well. | 回家休息吧 |
[1:43:05] | Because you’re no good to me sick. | 你病成这样,帮不了我 |
[1:43:08] | I need you. All right? | 我需要你 |
[1:43:11] | This case needs you. | 这个案子少不了你 |
[1:43:15] | Did you tell them that? | 你有没有告诉他们? |
[1:43:43] | Binding arbitration isn’t all that different from a trial. | 具结裁决庭和公开审判差不多 |
[1:43:47] | It’s overseen by a judge. | 由法官负责审理 |
[1:43:49] | Evidence is presented in much the same way. | 我们一样要把证据提出来 |
[1:43:51] | Then a jury decides? | 然后由陪审团判决? |
[1:43:53] | Oh, no, sorry. I forgot to mention that. | 不,对不起,我忘了提这一点 |
[1:43:56] | There’s no jury in binding arbitration. | |
[1:43:59] | No jury, no appeals. | 没有陪审团,也不能上诉 |
[1:44:02] | What option do we have if we don’t like the result? | 那我们不满意裁决结果怎么办? |
[1:44:05] | None. The judge’s decision is final. | 不怎么办,法官说了就算 |
[1:44:07] | – Not a good answer. – But we don’t think that’s a problem. | 我不喜欢 但我们不认为这有问题 |
[1:44:12] | As I already told you… | 我已经告诉各位 |
[1:44:13] | it’s definitely between 50 and 400 million dollars. | 你们绝对能争取到五千万至四亿元的赔偿 |
[1:44:17] | Well, which? There’s a big difference there. | 到底是多少?这两者有天壤之别 |
[1:44:20] | I wouldn’t like to speculate at this point. | 我现在不想妄加揣测 |
[1:44:23] | Well, how does it get divided? | 赔偿金怎么分? |
[1:44:26] | Yeah, who gets what? | 谁拿到多少? |
[1:44:30] | My medical bills started two years ago, before some of the other people here. | 我两年前就看医生了,比很多人要早许多 |
[1:44:35] | My daughter has been in and out of hospitals a lot more than his. | 我女儿看医生的次数,比他多多了 |
[1:44:38] | It shouldn’t matter when it started. | 什么时候开始看病,不是重点 |
[1:44:41] | Just a minute, please. | 请各位等一等 |
[1:44:42] | People, listen, please. | 请各位听我说 |
[1:44:45] | Please, the point we have to address tonight is getting everyone to agree… | 目前我们要做的是 |
[1:44:48] | 就具结裁决一事达成共识 | |
[1:44:50] | that going binding arbitration… | |
[1:44:52] | is preferable to a trial that could last ten years before you see any money. | 认为这样比缠讼十年才拿到钱好多了 |
[1:44:57] | Maybe some of us want to wait ten years. | 也许我们之中有人愿意等上十年 |
[1:45:04] | Everyone has to agree, or no one has a chance. | 我们一定要达成共识,否则就没有希望 |
[1:45:07] | Those of you about to leave, keep this date in mind– | 准备离开的人,请记住这个日期吧-- |
[1:45:11] | 1 97 8. | |
[1:45:13] | That’s the year of the Love Canal controversy. | 那是勒福运河事件发生的那一年 |
[1:45:16] | Those people are still waiting for their money. | 这些人到现在,都还没拿到钱 |
[1:45:19] | Think about where you’ll be in 1 5 or 20 years. | 15年或者20年后,你们会在哪里? |
[1:45:29] | Look, everyone, is this a big decision? Absolutely. | 各位,这的确是个重大的决定 |
[1:45:34] | But I do not believe, and I wouldn’t say this otherwise, this is a sell-out. | 但我绝对坚信,这不是出卖你们 |
[1:45:38] | This is the best shot at getting everyone some money now. | 只有这样,才能立即帮你们争取到赔偿 |
[1:45:43] | You and I both know… | 我们都知道… |
[1:45:46] | there are people in this room who can’t afford to wait… | 在座有些人,可能等不了多久了 |
[1:45:51] | who need to take that chance. | 他们必须把握这个机会 |
[1:45:53] | Are you gonna make them wait? | 你们要让他们干等下去吗? |
[1:46:02] | So, how many altogether? | 一共有多少个? |
[1:46:06] | Well, we got just about everybody that came here tonight… | 今天晚上来的人几乎都签了 |
[1:46:09] | but that still leaves us about 1 50 short. | 现在还缺150份 |
[1:46:11] | Oh, shit. | 可恶 |
[1:46:15] | We’ll have to go door-to-door. | 我们得挨家挨户拜访 |
[1:46:19] | I gotta go pick up my kids. | 我要去接孩子们 |
[1:46:25] | – You need a hand with that? – No, I got it. | 要不要帮你? 不用了 |
[1:46:34] | You did good. | 你做的很好 |
[1:46:37] | We’ll see. | 走着瞧吧 |
[1:46:39] | Yeah. | 是啊 |
[1:47:13] | Thanks for coming. | 多谢你来 |
[1:47:19] | Don’t take ’em anywhere on your bike, okay? | 别骑摩托车载他们出去 |
[1:47:21] | I’ll give you some money for a cab if you wanna go somewhere. | 我给你出租车钱 |
[1:47:25] | I got money. | 我有钱 |
[1:47:27] | So how long is this gonna take? | 你这次要去多久? |
[1:47:32] | I don’t know. A few days. | 不知道,几天吧 |
[1:47:35] | Got you your own room. | 我给你你房间的钥匙 |
[1:47:49] | I am really sorry, George. | 对不起,乔治 |
[1:47:53] | Have the kids eaten? | 孩子们吃过了吗? |
[1:47:58] | 还没 | |
[1:49:07] | Wanna go get some pancakes? | 要不要去吃煎饼? |
[1:49:10] | Let’s go. Everybody up. | 走吧,大家都醒了 |
[1:49:11] | Everybody up today. | 今天大家都醒了 |
[1:49:14] | All right. | 好 |
[1:49:16] | – Let’s go get some pancakes. – What time is it? | 我们去吃煎饼吧 几点了? |
[1:49:18] | It’s early. We’re gonna take your car and get some breakfast. | 还很早,我们开你的车去吃早点 |
[1:49:24] | No, I need my car. | 不行,我要用车 |
[1:49:26] | We’ll be back in a minute. | 我们很快就回来 |
[1:49:28] | – Okay. – Get some sleep. | 好 你再睡会儿 |
[1:49:31] | Hey, buddy. | 老弟 |
[1:49:33] | – Put that down. Let’s go. – I’ll be there in a minute. | 把东西放下,咱们走 我马上来 |
[1:49:38] | Let’s go eat some pancakes, girlie. | 咱们去吃煎饼 |
[1:49:41] | Come on. | 走吧 |
[1:49:52] | Baby, don’t play with that. It took me so long to get it organized. | 别玩那堆文件,我花了好久才整理好 |
[1:49:55] | Will you put that back, please? | 乖乖放回去,好吗? |
[1:49:57] | This girl’s the same age as me. | 这个女孩跟我一样大 |
[1:50:05] | She’s one of the sick people? | 她也病了吗? |
[1:50:10] | That’s why I’m helping her. We’ll get her some medicine, make her feel better. | 所以我才要帮她争取医药费,让她早日康复 |
[1:50:15] | Why can’t her own mama help her? | 为什么她自己的妈妈不帮她? |
[1:50:21] | Because her own mom’s real sick too. | 因为她妈妈也病了 |
[1:50:36] | I’ll bring you back some breakfast. | 我帮你带点早餐回来 |
[1:50:39] | You want eggs? | 你要不要吃蛋? |
[1:50:44] | Eggs would be great. | 蛋很好 |
[1:50:54] | Eggs would be perfect. | 我很喜欢吃蛋 |
[1:51:27] | 「签署」 | |
[1:52:07] | Hey, Matt. | 麦特 |
[1:52:08] | Erin, how are you? | 艾琳,你好吗? |
[1:52:13] | – So, been at this all day? – Yeah. | 你忙了一整天? 是啊 |
[1:52:16] | – You look tired. You want some coffee? – I’d love some. | 你看起来很累,要咖啡吗? 好 |
[1:52:18] | – I’ll make a fresh pot. – Thanks. | 我帮你煮一壶新的 谢谢 |
[1:52:47] | Don’t I know you? | 我是不是看过你? |
[1:52:49] | I don’t think so. | 应该没有 |
[1:52:51] | Sure, you were at the barbecue in Hinkley… | 有,我们在辛克利的烤肉会上见过… |
[1:52:54] | and at the town meetin’. | 在小区大会上也见过 |
[1:52:56] | I was watching you. | 我一直在看你 |
[1:53:00] | I had my eye on you. | 眼神简直无法离开你 |
[1:53:04] | How nice. | 你真会说话 |
[1:53:06] | Sure, you were talkin’ to everybody and writin’ down a lot of stuff. | 你跟大家谈,忙着写笔记 |
[1:53:11] | When I saw you I said to myself… | 我看到你的时候心想… |
[1:53:14] | “”There’s something about her. | 「这个女孩很特别」 |
[1:53:16] | I really like that girl.” | 「我真的很喜欢她」 |
[1:53:21] | – Matt, can I get that coffee to go? – Sure thing. | 麦特,我咖啡要外带 没问题 |
[1:53:27] | I feel like I can talk to you too… | 我觉得自己可以向你坦诚 |
[1:53:31] | like you’re the type of person I could say anything to. | 你是那种能让我无拘无束、说出心里话的人 |
[1:53:36] | – There you go. – Great. What do I owe you? | 咖啡来了 很好,多少钱? |
[1:53:38] | There’s no charge. | 不用了 |
[1:53:40] | Thanks, Matt. | 谢谢你,麦特 |
[1:53:42] | Well, nice talking to you. | 很高兴认识你 |
[1:53:45] | Would it be important if I told you that when I worked at the Hinkley plant… | 如果我说我在辛克利发电厂…专门负责… |
[1:53:48] | I destroyed documents? | 销毁文件,你会有兴趣吗? |
[1:53:55] | Maybe. | 也许吧 |
[1:53:59] | What was your name? | 你叫什么名字? |
[1:54:00] | Charles Embry. | 察尔斯艾比利 |
[1:54:03] | 我是艾琳 | |
[1:54:05] | Nice to meet you. | 幸会 |
[1:54:09] | Can you excuse me for just a quick second? | 我失陪一下 |
[1:54:28] | Come on. | 别这样 |
[1:54:31] | Oh, you fucking piece of crap with no signal! | 你这他妈的烂手机! |
[1:54:35] | Fuck! | 该死! |
[1:54:54] | Ed! Oh, my God. | 艾德,我的天 |
[1:54:55] | This guy Charles said he destroyed records. | 有个叫察尔斯的人说,他专门销毁文件 |
[1:54:58] | He worked at Hinkley. | 而且还在辛克利厂做过 |
[1:54:59] | Slow down. | 慢一点 |
[1:55:00] | I’m trying to relax, and this Charles Embry guy– | 我正想休息一下,这小子… |
[1:55:03] | – Who? – Charles Embry. | 谁? 察尔斯·艾比利 |
[1:55:05] | First I thought he wanted to kill me. Then I thought he wanted to pick me up. | 开始我以为他想杀我,后又觉得他想钓我 |
[1:55:08] | But why would he say that? Why would he use that as his line? | 但他为什么要说那句话 |
[1:55:14] | Shit. Now go back and see if he’ll make a declaration. | 该死的,你回去看看,他愿不愿写陈述状 |
[1:55:19] | – A declaration. – Yeah, but be careful. | 陈述状 对,但要小心 |
[1:55:21] | Don’t scare him off. | 别把他吓跑了 |
[1:55:22] | And stay calm. Stay calm! | 你冷静点! |
[1:55:26] | Remember, if it weren’t for you, I’d be in Palm Springs right now. | 别忘了,要不是因为你,我早就在棕榈泉享福了 |
[1:55:29] | You’re good at talking people into things. | 你的说服力一流 |
[1:55:32] | Don’t pepper him with questions. Don’t do that. | 别问他太多问题 |
[1:55:35] | Just let– | 只要… |
[1:55:37] | You know, people want to tell their story.Just let him talk. | 人们都想说出自己的故事,让他说 |
[1:55:41] | Let him do all the talking. | 让他尽量说 |
[1:55:48] | Sorry. | 对不起 |
[1:55:54] | Would you like another beer? | 你要不要再来杯啤酒? |
[1:56:04] | 我表弟昨天死了 | |
[1:56:06] | My cousin passed away yesterday. | |
[1:56:10] | He had kidney tumors. No colon. | 他肾脏有肿瘤,结肠早就切除了 |
[1:56:14] | His intestines were eaten away. | 他的肠道早就被癌细胞侵蚀 |
[1:56:17] | Forty-one years old. | 才41岁 |
[1:56:19] | I remember seeing him over at the plant. | 我还记得他在发电厂工作的情形 |
[1:56:22] | He’d be cleaning the cooling towers wearing one of those– | 他负责清理冷却塔,脸上戴着… |
[1:56:26] | What do you call ’em? | 那叫什么来着? |
[1:56:28] | – A mask? – Yeah, yeah, doctor’s masks. | 口罩? 对,医生戴的口罩 |
[1:56:32] | It’d be soaked in red from the nosebleeds. | 鼻血流出来,口罩都浸透了 |
[1:56:49] | I was working in the compressor… | 我原本在压缩机站工作 |
[1:56:51] | and out of nowhere the supervisor calls me up to the office and says… | 忽然有一天,上级打电话给我说… |
[1:56:55] | “”We’re gonna give you a shredder machine and send you on down to the warehouse… | 「要给你一台碎纸机,你到仓库去」 |
[1:56:58] | to get rid of the documents we’ve got stored there.” | 「销毁存放在那里的文件」 |
[1:57:03] | Did he say why? | 他有没有说为什么? |
[1:57:05] | Nope. | 没有 |
[1:57:07] | And I didn’t ask. | 我也没有问 |
[1:57:12] | Did you get a look at the stuff you destroyed? | 你有没有看那些文件? |
[1:57:15] | It was a lot of dull stuff– vacation schedules and the like. | 多半很无聊… 像轮休表等等 |
[1:57:20] | But then there were a few memos about the holding ponds, the water in them. | 但有几份有关储水池和污水的备忘录 |
[1:57:24] | They had readings from the test wells… | 还有检测井水质检测结果 |
[1:57:27] | stuff like that. | 诸如此类的 |
[1:57:32] | You were told to destroy those? | 他们要你销毁这些文件? |
[1:57:35] | That’s right. | 是的 |
[1:57:38] | Of course, as it turns out… | 但事实证明 |
[1:57:41] | I wasn’t a very good employee. | 我并不是个听话的员工 |
[1:58:00] | – Good morning! – Good morning. | 早安! 早安 |
[1:58:02] | Ed, Erin, what’s this? | 艾德,艾琳,这是什么? |
[1:58:05] | – May I? – Go ahead. | 我可以吗? 请便 |
[1:58:08] | Well, you know what, Mr. Potter? | 你知道吗,波特先生? |
[1:58:11] | We completely forgot your birthday this year… | 我们今年把你的生日忘得一乾二净 |
[1:58:13] | and as you’ve been so good to me, it seemed a terrible oversight. | 你对我这么好,我实在不该这样 |
[1:58:18] | So what Ed and I have been doing is putting together a present for you. | 艾德和我决定,要给你个生日礼物 |
[1:58:22] | Six hundred and thirty-four. | 一共634份 |
[1:58:24] | They’re all signed, every single one. | 而且全都签好了 |
[1:58:27] | – Holy shit! – Don’t go getting jealous, Theresa. | 我的天啊! 泰瑞莎,你别吃醋 |
[1:58:30] | She’s getting jealous. | 她吃醋了 |
[1:58:32] | We have something for you too. | 我们也有东西要给你 |
[1:58:34] | Internal PG&E documents all about the contamination. | 这是PG&E内部文件,关于水质污染的事 |
[1:58:37] | The one that I like best says– | 我最喜欢的一份上面写… |
[1:58:39] | I’m paraphrasing here, but it says, Yes, the water’s poisonous… | 我不逐字引述,但上面说「没错,水中是有毒」 |
[1:58:43] | but it would be better for all involved to not discuss this with the neighbors. | 「但最好不要把这件事张扬出去」 |
[1:58:47] | It’s to the Hinkley station from PG&E headquarters. | 这是PG&E总公司写给辛克利分公司的 |
[1:58:50] | Stamped “” Received, March 1 966.”” | 日期是「1966年3月」 |
[1:58:54] | 你…你是怎么办到的? | |
[1:58:58] | How did you do this? | |
[1:59:00] | Well, seeing as how I have no brains or legal expertise… | 我无知,又没有念过法学院 |
[1:59:04] | and Ed here was losing faith in the system… | 艾德又对这个体制失去信心 |
[1:59:06] | – No faith. – I just performed sexual favors. | 是,我完全没信心 我只好出卖肉体 |
[1:59:10] | Six hundred and thirty-four blow jobs in five days. | 我在五天内,帮634个人吹喇叭 |
[1:59:19] | I’m really quite tired. | 我真的累毙了 |
[1:59:22] | Oh, thank you. | 谢谢 |
[1:59:49] | I’m still not sure why you wanted me to come. | 我还是不知道,你为何坚持要我一起来 |
[1:59:53] | I want to show you what you helped to do. | 因为我要你亲眼看看,你帮我成就的事 |
[2:00:24] | – How are you feeling today? – Good. | 你今天觉得如何? 很好 |
[2:00:26] | – It’s a good day. – Oh, I’m glad. | 今天很好 我很高兴 |
[2:00:29] | Come on in. | 进来吧 |
[2:00:32] | What a nice surprise this is. | 什么风把你们吹来了 |
[2:00:37] | 唐娜 | |
[2:00:41] | I wanted to come out here instead of calling… | 我想亲自来,而不想打电话给你 |
[2:00:46] | because the judge came back with a number. | 法官做出裁决了 |
[2:00:56] | For the whole group, or… | 是全体,还是… |
[2:00:59] | for us, or– | 还是只有我们… |
[2:01:01] | Both. | 都有 |
[2:01:04] | He’s gonna make them pay… | 他要电力公司… |
[2:01:06] | 333 million. | 赔偿三亿三千三百万元 |
[2:01:13] | Oh, my God. | 还有… 我的天啊 |
[2:01:15] | 他还要电力公司从中拨五百万给你们家 | |
[2:01:17] | And he’s gonna make them give five million of that to your family. | |
[2:01:22] | Five million dollars? | 五百万元? |
[2:01:24] | 五百万元! | |
[2:01:29] | I don’t even know how much money that is! | 我甚至不知道这是多少钱! |
[2:01:33] | Well, it’s enough… | 这笔钱… |
[2:01:35] | for whatever you could ever need… | 够你一辈子用 |
[2:01:37] | or whatever your girls need or your girls’ girls need. | 也够你女儿和你的外孙花一辈子 |
[2:01:41] | It’ll be enough. | 他们一辈子都不缺钱了 |
[2:01:43] | Oh, Erin. | 艾琳 |
[2:01:45] | Oh, God. | 天啊 |
[2:01:49] | Thank you so much. | 太谢谢你了 |
[2:01:54] | It’s okay. | 没事的 |
[2:02:01] | I don’t know what I would’ve done without you. | 要是没有你,我不知道要怎么办 |
[2:02:05] | It’s a good day. | 今天真不错 |
[2:02:08] | This is too much! | 这实在是太多了! |
[2:02:20] | Masry and Vititoe. Can I– | 马西瑞·维提托事务所,我可以… |
[2:02:23] | Shoot. | 可恶 |
[2:02:28] | I have a delivery for Ed Masry. | 我送货来给艾德·马西瑞 |
[2:02:30] | It’s the last office down the corridor on the right. | 他的办公室在走廊尽头右手边 |
[2:02:33] | Thank you. | 谢谢 |
[2:02:34] | Masry and Vititoe– | 马西瑞·维提托… |
[2:02:37] | Damn it. Does anyone know anything about these phones? | 该死的,有没有人知道这些电话怎么办? |
[2:02:46] | Everybody loves the desk… | 「巨人小心了」,大家都很喜欢… |
[2:02:49] | you picked out for me, baby. | 你帮我挑的办公桌 |
[2:02:52] | And guess who’s on the cover of Los Angeles Lawyer magazine. | 猜猜本月洛杉机律师月刊的封面人物是谁? |
[2:02:56] | Talk to you later. Bye. | 待会儿再打给你,再见 |
[2:03:03] | – Thank you. – You’re welcome. | 谢谢 不客气 |
[2:03:19] | I’d rather walk her through this in person. | 我最好还是自己跟她说 |
[2:03:22] | There’s some things I want to show her– visual aides, documents and stuff. | 我要拿些东西给她看… 一些数据文件 |
[2:03:26] | If you could just tell her I won’t take up too much of her time. | 麻烦你转告她,我不会耽误她太久的 |
[2:03:31] | Right. | 好 |
[2:03:33] | Well, it’s a little more complicated than Hinkley, so let me do that. | 这比辛克利案复杂一些,让我来吧 |
[2:03:39] | Tell her I’m not a lawyer. That may help. | 告诉她我不是律师,说不定会有帮助 |
[2:03:43] | Great. | 好极了 |
[2:03:44] | Why don’t you give me the address now, just in case. | 你现在就把地址给我好了,以防万一 |
[2:03:51] | All right. | 好 |
[2:03:53] | Thanks so much. Bye. | 谢谢,再见 |
[2:03:55] | What’s up? | 什么事? |
[2:03:58] | I have your bonus check. | 你的红利在我这里 |
[2:04:02] | 我要你有心理准备 | |
[2:04:05] | I want you to be prepared… | |
[2:04:07] | because… | 因为… |
[2:04:09] | the figure’s not exactly what we discussed. | 金额跟我们说好的有出入 |
[2:04:15] | Why not? | 为什么? |
[2:04:17] | Because after careful consideration, I felt… | 因为在仔细考虑后,我认为… |
[2:04:22] | that the figure was not… | 那个金额… |
[2:04:24] | appropriate. | 并不妥当 |
[2:04:26] | Although you may not agree… | 你也许不同意 |
[2:04:29] | you have to trust my judgment. | 不过,你还是信任我吧 |
[2:04:31] | Trust? You want me to trust you? | 信任?你要我信任你? |
[2:04:34] | Do me a favor, Ed. Don’t use big words you don’t understand. | 帮个忙,艾德,别说你不懂的话 |
[2:04:37] | It’s a complicated issue, Erin. You’re not a qualified lawyer. | 艾琳,事情很复杂,你不是合格的律师 |
[2:04:40] | I did a job. You should reward me accordingly. | 你应该论功行赏 |
[2:04:44] | That is the problem. All you lawyers do is complicate uncomplicated situations. | 问题就出在这,律师总喜欢把事情复杂化 |
[2:04:49] | Do you know why people think all lawyers are backstabbing, bloodsucking scumbags? | 知不知道,律师是吃人不吐骨头的恶棍? |
[2:04:52] | Because they are. | 因为这是实情 |
[2:04:53] | I cannot believe you’d do this when I’m up to my ass in Kettleman plaintiffs… | 我在忙克特曼原告的事,你竟这样对我 |
[2:04:58] | which, by the way, looks like it’s gonna be double the amount we had in Hinkley. | 这个案子比辛克利大上两倍 |
[2:05:01] | You expect me to go out there, leave my kids to be looked after by strangers… | 你要我抛下孩子出差 |
[2:05:04] | get these people to trust you with their lives, and all while you’re screwing me. | 要这些人把生命交给你,被你耍得团团转? |
[2:05:10] | I want you to know something, Ed. It is not about the number. | 艾德,我在意的不是钱 |
[2:05:13] | It’s about the way my work is valued in this firm. | 而是本公司对我工作的评价如何 |
[2:05:16] | It’s about how, no matter what I do, you’re not– | 对,不管我怎么努力,你根本… |
[2:05:18] | 「给艾琳·波可维奇两百万元」 | |
[2:05:23] | As I was saying… | 我刚刚说… |
[2:05:25] | I decided that… | 我认为… |
[2:05:28] | the figure you proposed… | 你提出来的金额 |
[2:05:31] | was inappropriate… | 并不妥当 |
[2:05:33] | so I increased it. | 所以我加了一些 |
[2:05:46] | Do they teach beauty queens how to apologize? | 没人教选美皇后怎么道歉吗? |
[2:05:50] | Because you suck at it. | 因为你的道歉实在瘪脚 |
[2:06:00] | 「辛克利控告PG&E一案的赔偿金额」 | |
[2:06:04] | 「是美国有史以来」 | |
[2:06:05] | Thank you, Ed. | 「直接诉讼案中最高的一笔」 |
[2:06:07] | 谢谢你,艾德 | |
[2:06:12] | 「PG&E声称,他们不再使用六价铬」 | |
[2:06:17] | 「来做防锈用途」 | |
[2:06:19] | 「他们的废水池都做了防漏处理」 | |
[2:06:23] | 「以免污染地下水」 | |
[2:06:27] | 「艾琳和艾德目前手上还有七件案子」 | |
[2:06:31] | 「包括加州克特曼居民控告PG&E一案」 |