时间 | 英文 | 中文 |
[00:33] | Hi Mom Wanna buy a worm? | 妈咪 买只虫虫吧 |
[00:36] | For crying out loud | 哦滴神啊 你去挖煤了吗 |
[00:39] | Well let’s get you clean up | 快去洗洗干净 |
[00:43] | And do not forget your ears Dewey | 别忘了耳朵也要洗哦 Dewey |
[00:46] | Okay | 遵命 |
[01:29] | When Francis is at home everything we do is fun | 当Francis在家的时候 他玩什么我们就得玩什么 |
[01:31] | I mean we we’re just watching some stupid TV show | 我们只能傻着脸看无趣的电视节目 |
[01:33] | but that dosen’t matter this totally rules . | 但没办法 谁让他是老大 |
[01:35] | Totally sucks, isn’t anything fun to do around here | 电视哥看烦了 我们就没有其他乐子了吗 |
[01:40] | I’ve got some chalk we can draw some dead guy outline off the sidewalk | 我们拿粉笔 在路边玩跳房子吧 |
[01:44] | Boring | 你多大了 |
[01:45] | Mom is at home we can play camelot-ball | 我们和妈咪一起玩假面舞会吧 |
[01:47] | We did that last time I was home | 我上一次回家时已经玩过了 |
[01:50] | Come on guys think! | 都想想 别傻坐着啊 |
[01:54] | I’ll be for the chalk line thing | 我也想玩儿跳房子 |
[02:01] | Kitty has end-of-the ear infection, he will need drops three times a day | 小主耳朵稍略有不适 需要一日点三次消炎液 |
[02:06] | Now Jelly Bean likes to have a cup of wet food in one bowl | 小主喜欢食物干湿参半 |
[02:10] | And a half cup of dry in another | 分放于两碗之中 |
[02:13] | And he likes the juice from the wet half poured onto the dry | 记得要将湿食中的肉汁倾入干食之中 |
[02:17] | And no overfeeding , I mean that Mister. | 可不能让他吃太多 爸爸可是认真的哟 |
[02:20] | Okay, maybe tomorrow I can say no to you | 噢 这次可以除外 我的小心肝 |
[02:23] | Greg can we speak things up we’ve got Jelly Bean’s emergency number | Greg 咱能一次说完吗 我们有了小主的紧急呼叫号码 |
[02:26] | we know where its sweaters are | 记住了他换洗的毛衣在什么地方 |
[02:27] | you showed us how to take its temperature | 你也教我们怎么给他量体温了 |
[02:29] | Is there anything else Dewey needs to know? | 看看还有什么需要Dewey注意的 |
[02:31] | Guess that is his sport | 那就剩小伙子的士气了 |
[02:32] | Now taking care of another living thing is a big responsibility | 你现在手里可是握着一个小生灵的命 可谓责任重大 |
[02:36] | Are you sure you up to the challenge? | 你准备好迎接挑战了吗 |
[02:39] | Dont’t worry Greg I have a feeling that Dewey is gonna do a great job | 别担心 Greg 我儿子可有本事了 |
[02:44] | Great! And when the long weekend is over you have earned five whole dollars! | 很好 等我熬过了这漫长的周末后 你将得到5美元 |
[02:49] | You told my mom 10! | 你给俺妈说的是10美元 |
[02:50] | Right, 10 aren’t you a good listener? | 哦 好吧 没想到你这臭小子耳朵这么尖 |
[02:53] | I’m not so sure about this ,Hal | 我还是放心不下 孩儿他爹 |
[02:56] | Are you sure that Dewey can handle this? | 你觉得Dewey能行吗 |
[02:58] | Ah,it’s no big deal, honey job is a good thing for a boy | 亲爱的 没事滴 男儿当自强嘛 |
[03:01] | teaches them value of money gives them a little self-confidence. | 一份工作可以让他知道挣钱的不易 还能增强他的自信 |
[03:04] | Besides Greg’s new place is only 2 blocks from our house | 而且 Greg的新居就离我们家两步远 |
[03:07] | Hey, you can see our backyard from here. | 哇 从这能看见俺家的后院耶 |
[03:08] | Hey, almost forgot to show you my itinerary | 啊 我差点忘记让你们看看我的行程安排 |
[03:12] | Yes, the convention lasts 3 days I’ll be back early Monday evening. | 嗯 我要开三天的会 在下周一晚饭前就会回来了 |
[03:16] | Wow Greg, I had no idea you are so into comic books | 看不出来啊 Greg 你这么喜欢看漫画 |
[03:19] | Well it’s not like I’m freak about it just tales could keep life in perspectives | 也谈不上为此痴迷 但就是觉得弱智儿童欢乐多 |
[03:23] | You know sometimes my problems seem insignificant | 有时啊 我遇到的生活难题 和小富豪相比 |
[03:25] | when compared to Richie Rich’s | 那简直是小的像苍蝇屎 |
[03:28] | Well, it’s time to say goodbye Jelly Belly | 小主 要就此分别了 |
[03:31] | Come and give daddy some kissy kisses | 快来亲亲爸爸 |
[03:39] | I know son, but job is a job | 儿子 你受苦了 但这就是工作 |
[03:45] | Big news guys. Things are gonna get more interesting around here. | 好消息 兄弟们 咱们找到乐子了 |
[03:50] | What’s up | 啥事儿 |
[03:50] | I forgot you guys enjoy the wrestling,don’t ya? | 不是喜欢看摔跤吗 看看我手上拿的啥 |
[03:54] | Rage in the cage? | 笼中狂吼 |
[03:55] | Oh my god, you’re the best brother ever, we’re gonna so much fun.. | 哦老天 大哥你老好了 这下有乐子了 |
[03:59] | That’s only two tickets | 但是有个人去不成啊 |
[04:00] | I know! how am i ever gonna decide which one of you to take? | 对啊 所以我琢磨着选你们当中那一个捏 |
[04:05] | You do liberately bought two tickets just to torment us? | 你故意只买两张来折磨我们弟兄俩 |
[04:08] | No, of course not. | 怎么说话呢 |
[04:10] | I bought them to see who loves me the most. | 我只买两张是想看看你们谁更崇拜哥 |
[04:13] | Now, I know you both love me. | 我深知 你俩都对我不薄 |
[04:15] | But .. I bet one of you just love me a little bit more. | 但是 谁能对我多一些温存呢 |
[04:19] | No, no way. we’re not doing another butt-kissing contest. | 我不干 又要搞什么拍马屁比赛 |
[04:22] | There can be another way. | 想想其它办法 |
[04:23] | Okay, fine, Who’s got a quarter? | 好吧 谁有25分硬币 |
[04:26] | Here | 我有 |
[04:27] | Great You are in the lead | 好吧 你已领先一分了 |
[04:29] | Maybe you should make me a sandwich | 不想输 就给我做个三明治 |
[04:31] | Oh come on guys, it’s rage in the cage | 赶紧啊兄弟们 你们不想看笼中狂吼了吗 |
[04:34] | You should be happy | 给哥高兴点 |
[04:36] | We are happy | 我们很高兴 |
[04:37] | You are not doing the happy dance. | 那怎么证明呢 |
[04:43] | Happy dance, happy dance … we love to do the happy dance. | 欢乐舞 欢乐舞 我们爱跳欢乐舞 |
[04:47] | Happier | 再欢快点 |
[04:49] | Happy dance, happy dance … we love to do the happy dance. | 欢乐舞 欢乐舞 我们爱跳欢乐舞 |
[04:53] | Happier | 还想要票吗 |
[04:54] | Happy dance, happy dance … we love to do the happy dance. | 欢乐舞 欢乐舞 我们爱跳欢乐舞 |
[05:02] | A half cup of wet food in one ball | 带水的食物放置一碗中 |
[05:05] | and a half of dry in another | 不带水的则与之分置开来 |
[05:07] | He likes the juice from the wet half poured onto the other | 要将肉汁从湿食倒入干食之中 |
[05:11] | Jelly Bean also likes you better than your brothers | 小主在你们四兄弟中 对你偏爱有加 |
[05:14] | Everyone likes you better than your brothers | 你比你那泼猴兄弟讨喜多了 |
[05:17] | Someday you are gonna be the president of Idohole | 等到未来的某年某月 你当上了州长 |
[05:20] | Anyone who is taller than you will be fed to wolves | 就可以把所有比你高的人拉出去斩了 |
[05:23] | Time for ear drops, Jelly Beans | 小主 该滴耳朵咯 |
[05:35] | Okay, Jelly Bean stop hiding. | 小主 别害羞哦 |
[05:39] | Here kitty kitty | 到这来 咪咪 |
[05:43] | Okay Come on | 要乖哦 |
[05:53] | Please don’t go outside Jelly Bean | 小主 千万别往外跑 |
[05:56] | Do not be afraid, Jelly Bean they are just drops, see? | 小主 滴耳药不会咬人的 不信 你看 |
[06:03] | Jelly Bean | 回来 小主 |
[06:18] | Francis | 周末愉快 |
[06:42] | Turn | 翻页 |
[06:47] | Hi Mom can I borrow the car to go over Riche’s House? | 老妈 我想借车到Riche家 |
[06:50] | -No – Why not? | – 不行 – 为什么啊 |
[06:52] | Because whenever you return the car,it is always filthy. | 因为每次你都把车弄得像在屎坑里爬过一样 |
[06:54] | That is so unfair, you always assume the worsest of me. | 真是傲慢与偏见 你总是乱猜 我会出岔子 |
[06:58] | Assume? … I see it . | 乱猜 你当老娘瞎了吗 |
[07:00] | How am I gonna show you that I will ever actually grow up | 如果你连机会都不给我 |
[07:02] | if you never give me the chance? | 我怎么向你证明我真的在长大在成熟 |
[07:04] | Okay, I am listening | 你倒是证明给我看看啊 |
[07:05] | Okay, how about I wash the car before I take it. | 好 我借车之前会把它擦得晶光瓦亮的 |
[07:09] | And I’ll rip the leaves and screw out the gutters | 还有由我来扫叶子 和擦排风机 |
[07:12] | And if that’s not enough I will clean the whole attic. | 如果您还觉得不够 再加上打扫整个阁楼 |
[07:14] | Mom, give him a break. | 妈 你就相信哥一回吧 |
[07:16] | Okay. You got yourself a deal. | 好吧 我就信你一次 |
[07:19] | Bring it home in one piece. | 车在 你在 |
[07:21] | U need anything to Iron,Mom? | 妈咪 要我来帮您熨衣服吗 |
[07:25] | Dewey, are you in here son? | Dewey 你在里面吗 |
[07:30] | What’s wrong son ? You were supposed to be home one hour ago. | 怎么啦 孩子 你一个小时之前就应该到家了呀 |
[07:32] | I can not do anything right. | 俺办啥 啥不成 |
[07:35] | Dewey … | 别这样说 |
[07:38] | Where is Jelly Bean? | 小主呢 |
[07:40] | I left the door open and it ran away | 趁门开着 小主跑出去了 |
[07:43] | Oh, dear. | 哦 不妙 |
[07:44] | Do we have to tell mom? | 我们要禀报妈妈么 |
[07:47] | Well, this is a very serious situation .. son. | 嗯 这次的事态有点严重了 孩子 |
[07:51] | Of course we’re not gonna tell your mother. | 你妈知道了会发飙的 我们不告诉她 |
[07:53] | – Really? – Really | – 真的 -真的 |
[07:55] | I think there might be a little bit too much responsibility for your first job | 可能对你来说 这第一份工作责任有点大了 |
[08:00] | Hey, do not worry .. we will find Jelly Bean. | 嘿 打起精神来 我们会找到小主的 |
[08:02] | But I have been looking for hours | 但是我都找了好长时间了 |
[08:04] | Well, that is your first lesson Dewey. | 嗯 这是你要学习的第一课 |
[08:06] | Sometimes it takes a lot of time and hardword to accomplish something. | 有时要想完成一件事 需要很长时间和极大的努力呦 |
[08:10] | What if Jelly Bean is hurt? | 要是小主受伤了怎么办 |
[08:12] | It is dark outside | 现在天都黑了 |
[08:14] | Let me tell you something about cats right? | 看来你还不太了解喵星人啊 |
[08:17] | They are nocturnal creatures which means they prefer the night | 为什么叫 夜猫子呢 因为猫猫喜欢在夜间行动 |
[08:21] | Although coyotes and wild dogs and devil warshippers | 尽管夜晚是恶犬的世界 |
[08:27] | My point is that Jelly Bean is fine. | 我的意思是 小主会没事的 |
[08:31] | They won’t get home until they are good and ready | 猫猫们不在外边浪到腻 是不肯蹭家门的 |
[08:34] | We are just gonna put a little bit food out, | 我们呢 就把小主的碗放在窗台上 |
[08:37] | and he’ll come back | 他就会闻味而归的 |
[08:39] | Are you sure? | 你确定 |
[08:40] | Trust me Tomorrow morning everything is gonna be fine. | 放心 明天早上就是见证奇迹的时刻 |
[08:49] | Dad Jelly Bean’s bowl is empty.He must be here. | 爸爸 小主的碗碗空了 他一定是回来过 |
[08:53] | You are the smartest man in this world. | 您真是诸葛再世啊 |
[08:56] | Yes! | 太棒了 |
[09:01] | No sign of forced entry. I just wandering where did this guy got in. | 没有撬门而入的迹象 那小偷是从哪里进屋的呢 |
[09:04] | It’s a mystery | 丈二的和尚摸不住头脑 |
[09:05] | You left the window open | 您不是打开了窗户吗 |
[09:08] | Mystery solved. | 露馅了 |
[09:09] | Sorry .. What did he say what they did here? | 打住 你儿子刚才说啥 |
[09:11] | We are watching the cat while the owner is away | 这屋的主人不在家 我们帮他照看猫咪 |
[09:15] | I do not see a cat | 猫咪呢 |
[09:17] | We’re not doing a good job | 我们把猫咪弄丢了 |
[09:24] | – Hello -Hal | – 哪位 – Hal |
[09:26] | Oh Greg! | 哦 Greg 是你呀 |
[09:29] | How is the convention? | 漫展怎么样啊 |
[09:31] | Fantastic I think there are some great bargains | 非常精彩 这儿好多不错的便宜货呢 |
[09:34] | you will not believe so many idiots over here | 你都不知道 这有很多二逼青年呢 |
[09:37] | Anyway, I just call to see how Jelly Bean is doing | 嗯 我打电话 想问问小主怎么样了 |
[09:40] | Oh, fine. It’s a frisky little guy , you know. Get off the TV Jelly Bean | 他挺好的呀 活蹦乱跳的 嘿 小主 从电视上下来 |
[09:45] | That reminds me. Cound you hit the timer button on my VCR | 哦这到提醒我了 你能把我录像机打开吗 |
[09:48] | I want to tape Arles. | 我想要把<阿勒斯>录下来 回来看 |
[09:50] | Oh, sure. No problem. | 这个 这个 好的没问题 |
[09:55] | Hey hal. I know you will think i am weird | Hal 我知道你会觉得这有点别扭 |
[09:58] | but ..Could you put Jelly Bean on the phone? | 但是 你能不能让小主接下电话 |
[10:02] | Oh yeah .. let me just pick him up in the air. Here it is | 额 好的 让我把他抱起来 来了 |
[10:09] | Ok got his ears to the phone. | 然后把听筒放在他耳朵旁 |
[10:11] | Hello Jelly Bean how is my widow pussy cat? | 小主有没有想我呀 |
[10:14] | Have you been a good boy when I have been away? | 爸爸不在家 小主有没有乖乖呀 |
[10:21] | I love you, honey | 爸爸爱你呦 |
[10:23] | Give Daddy a kiss | 亲爸爸一下 |
[10:27] | Jelly Bean? | 你能听懂人话 |
[10:30] | I gotta to tell you Reese are doing a great job I am very impressed. | Reess 你现在上道了 我对你灰常的满意 |
[10:34] | Thank you. | 谢哥夸奖 |
[10:35] | Here? | 坐这儿 |
[10:37] | Naa more over. | 不 往那边走点 |
[10:41] | I just want to point out that remember Malcolm has not done a thing | 我不得不指出了 Malcolm啥事儿也没干 |
[10:44] | And I have been caring your around all afternoon. | 我可是伺候你一下午了啊 |
[10:47] | Don’t think your enthusiasm, | 放心 你的努力 你的渴望 |
[10:48] | pathetic look of desperation are going unnoticed. | 还有你那让人怜惜的表情 哥记在心里呢 |
[10:51] | Here you go. Fracis | 给你 Francis |
[10:53] | What is this? | 这是啥 |
[10:54] | Your English term paper on Rise of the Novel, it is a ganranteed A | 这是你关于小说发展史的学年论文 保证你得A |
[10:57] | You can scrap the whole rest of this semester,and still pull a C | 就算你翘了这学期剩下的所有英语课 你还能照过 |
[11:03] | This pleases me. | 真是服侍到哥的心里去了 |
[11:19] | Jelly Bean, Come on. Jelly Bean. | 小主 你在这儿 |
[11:22] | Come down. | 过来 过来 |
[11:33] | Damn Come here Jelly Bean. | 该死 回来 小主 回来 |
[11:58] | What | 干嘛 |
[11:59] | You know I realized something | 我才恍然大悟 |
[12:01] | you can do Francis’s homework for the next 10 years | 你可以给Francis把接下来10年的家庭作业都写了 |
[12:04] | But you still can not go to The Rage in the Cage if you are grounded. | 但是如果妈妈不让你出门 那你就别想去看摔跤比赛 |
[12:06] | What are you talking about? | 你该吃药了吧 |
[12:09] | Mom! | 妈妈 快来 |
[12:20] | What is with you Reese? | 发生什么事了 Reese |
[12:21] | You gotta to get in there and see what | 你一定要亲眼看看 Malcolm对可怜的Dewey |
[12:22] | Malcolm did to Dewey.He is totally lost it. | 做了什么伤天害理的事 他的节操掉了一地 |
[12:25] | Hi Mom | 嗨 妈妈 |
[12:26] | Where’s Dewey? | Dewey 呢 |
[12:27] | He left over Greg’s cat. | 他去照看Greg家的猫了 |
[12:29] | No way. | 骗人 |
[12:34] | What is going on with you Reese? | 你又发什么羊癫疯 Reese |
[12:47] | Dewey “Look who I found? | Dewey 看我怀里抱的谁 |
[12:50] | What happened to your face? | 你的脸怎么了 |
[12:52] | What happened to your pants? | 你的裤子去哪儿了 |
[12:54] | Ah, no matter … Look what I had. | 哦 没事 你看看这是谁啊 |
[12:57] | This is Johnson’s cat? | 这是Johnson家的猫啊 |
[13:00] | Yes, Ms.Jonnson’s cat , yes. | 哦 是 Johnson家的猫 |
[13:02] | Go. Scoop. | 边玩儿去 |
[13:45] | Hey, I found these in the laundry my shirt pocket | 我从放在洗衣机的衣服里发现了这个 |
[13:48] | You put them their, didnt you? | 是你为了诬陷我放的吧 |
[13:50] | Yes, just like you put my muddy sneaker on kitchen table. | 是你先把我的脏鞋放在厨房里的 |
[13:53] | Guys what’s going on? | 你们搞毛线啊 |
[13:55] | He tries to get me grounded,so that i can’t go with you. | 他想让妈妈惩罚我 关我禁闭 这样我就看不成比赛了 |
[13:57] | But he is too stupid to pull it off. | 但是他个蠢货每次都没有得逞 |
[13:59] | Listen you stupid, while this stupid is watching a wrestling match. | 行啊 你聪明 看看谁笑到最后 |
[14:02] | Oh, guys. This is supposed to be a contest about love | 兄弟们啊 这本来是个关于爱的测试 |
[14:05] | and you twisted it into something ugly. | 怎么让你们弄得这么俗呢 |
[14:08] | Carry on. | 开打啊 |
[14:13] | These two pleases me. | 看的心里真爽 |
[14:16] | ok, we can fix it. | 一定会有办法的 |
[14:19] | Cats are territorial. | 猫猫喜欢划地盘 |
[14:21] | I put money on it that Jelly Bean hasn’t been outside the square blocks of this place. | 我敢打赌小主就在附近 没有跑远 |
[14:27] | Yes, it has been back. | 是的 他回来过 |
[14:31] | These are fresh. | 刚走不久 |
[14:32] | But he never stays | 但是他来了就走 |
[14:34] | Well we have to find a way to keep him here, won’t we. | 我们得想个办法让他走不成 |
[14:38] | Paid a little visit to my doctor | 我今天去见了我的医生 |
[14:40] | What are those? | 这是啥 |
[14:41] | These are sleeping pills, Dewey. | 是安眠药 Dewey |
[14:44] | I simply told him I have not slept for the past few nights | 我就告诉他因为我们小两口闹别扭 |
[14:47] | Things are not going well wiht the wife I’m afraid I am gonna lose the house | 我可能要被逐出家门 所以几夜未眠 |
[14:52] | Dont you worry son | 别害怕 要想拿到处方安眠药 |
[14:53] | those are lies I told to get prescription drugs. | 善意的谎言是少不了的 |
[14:56] | Well, we just grind a few of these up . | 我们把药片磨成末末 |
[14:59] | Sprinkle on his food and sweet dreams Jelly Bean. | 洒在小主的食物中 他就会进入甜蜜的梦乡中 |
[15:02] | What we put them in the wet or dry? | 那放到哪个碗里呢 |
[15:04] | The wet, the dry the milk water.We have to cover all our bases. Son | 都放 还有牛奶里也要放 一个都不能少啊 儿子 |
[15:08] | We are gonna catch this cat. | 宁错抓一千 也不放过一个 |
[15:16] | Which one is Jelly Bean? | 哪个是小主啊 |
[15:18] | That is another challenge. | 另一个严峻考验啊 |
[15:21] | We make three piles | 我们分三组进行调查 |
[15:22] | Probably not Jelly Bean | 可能有小主的一组 |
[15:23] | definitely not Jelly Bean and not even a cat. | 绝不可能有小主的一组 以及连猫都不是的一组 |
[15:26] | We start with that possum. | 我们就从那只负鼠开始找 |
[15:29] | I think it’s time to call Mom. | 我想是时候向老妈坦白了 |
[15:31] | I was hoping you’d say that. | 爹就盼着你的这句话呢 |
[15:36] | Rage in the Cage Rage in the cage. | 为了看摔跤比赛 豁出去了 |
[15:39] | What are you doing? | 你要干什么 |
[15:40] | Let mom see you break my expensive microscope. | 让妈妈看看你砸坏了我昂贵的显微镜 |
[15:43] | You do not have the guts | 你没那个胆 |
[15:44] | Say you quit Reese | 你退出 我就不砸了 |
[15:46] | No! You will be totally grounded | 想的美 我要让妈妈看看你是怎么打我的 |
[15:48] | if mom sees beating you gave me. | 到时候就该你满地找牙了 |
[15:52] | What are you doing? | 你在干什么 |
[15:57] | Shocker | 吓着了吧 |
[15:59] | Oh yeah? Oh yeah. | 我好怕怕 好怕怕呀 |
[16:12] | Hey, Hey … this is not about tickets, is it? | 闹够了吗 嘿 又是因为票的事情吗 |
[16:15] | You have to decide who is going with you. | 你现在必须选一个 和你看比赛的人 |
[16:19] | Oh well I should have told you something. | 哦 我应该早告诉你们的 |
[16:20] | I met a girl at the Burger Browning And guess what? She likes the wrestling. | 我今儿遇到个妞儿 你猜怎么着 她也喜欢摔跤 |
[16:25] | What? You can not … | 你个见色忘义的 |
[16:27] | Guys it is a girl who likes wrestling. | 拜托 这可是个喜欢摔跤的妞啊 |
[16:31] | I am just as much a victim as you are. | 我和你们一样也是个受害者啊 |
[16:35] | You will understand when you are older. | 说了你们也不懂 |
[16:38] | You guys are cool. | 我看好你们哦 |
[16:39] | I will definitely bring home to you a copy of programs. | 回来我给你们带比赛回放 |
[16:44] | You’re telling me none of these are not Jelly Bean. | 你是说 这群猫里面 没有一个是小主 |
[16:46] | What’s wrong with you? | 你这是造的什么孽啊 |
[16:48] | Lois this is a complicated situation do not blame Dewey. | Lois 这次情况有点复杂 别怪孩子 |
[16:52] | I’m not blaming Dewey. | 你少装蒜 我说的是你 |
[16:55] | – “Mama, maybe .. – “Okay son let your mom take care of it. | – 妈妈 也许 – 别担心 让妈来解决这件事 |
[16:58] | Now here is what we gonna do. | 我们应该这样做 |
[17:02] | Okay I’ll say it. It was really a bad idea. | 好吧 我承认 这是个馊主意 |
[17:07] | Tell you one thing I have never seen 50 cats run out of a place so fast. | 但是 我才知道50只猫的逃跑速度惊人啊 |
[17:10] | Hal How could this happen? | Hal 之前到底发生了什么 |
[17:12] | We ruined Greg’s life. | 我们毁了Greg的生活 |
[17:14] | No, it was not our fault Lois | 别往自己身上扣屎盆子 |
[17:16] | At a certain point we simply have said to ourselves that Greg is just cursed | 其实要怪不如怪Greg命不好 |
[17:20] | Dad it’s Jelly Bean. | 爸爸 小主回来了 |
[17:22] | O god, let me grind up one of these sleepy pills .. | 天啊 赶快拿安眠药 睡死他 |
[17:26] | will take it in a minute. Keep entertaining. | 我马上把药磨好 你们来分散他注意力 |
[17:30] | Or We can just pick it up. | 额 我想多了 |
[17:35] | Yes! | 太好了 |
[17:36] | Dewey see I told you that everything will work out. | 儿子 我说过吧 一起都会好起来的 |
[17:43] | It dose not pay as much as summer jobs | 我今年夏天得到一个支教的机会 |
[17:46] | but I got the chance to mentor the inner city children | 虽然挣得不多 |
[17:49] | How can you put a price on smiles? | 但有什么比看到孩子的笑容更可贵呢 |
[17:52] | Cute and sweet | 你真是又可爱又贴心 |
[17:54] | This is the first time I’ve gone out in 6 months. | 这是我6个月来第一次出门玩儿 |
[17:58] | Then we will have to make this night to remeber, won’t we? | 那我们可要难忘今宵了 对吗 |
[18:07] | Immatures. | 这群熊孩子 |
[18:09] | What? | 什么 |
[18:09] | Ah, it’s nothing. It’s just a prank from some of the kids in center. | 没什么 就是一些孩子们的恶作剧 |
[18:14] | It is inspiring to see how they can laugh at all they have been through. | 看到这些孩子们对待生活的积极态度 还挺感人的 |
[18:19] | Oh man. | 哦我做了什么 |
[18:21] | It wasn’t speeding, was that? | 我没有超速啊 |
[18:22] | I don’t think so. | 对啊 |
[18:28] | License and registration | 请出示驾照和行驶证 |
[18:30] | Officer what did I do? | 长官 我做错了什么吗 |
[18:31] | The car was reported stolen. | 有人报告这辆车被偷了 |
[18:32] | License and registration please. | 请出示驾照和行驶证 |
[18:34] | Ah, it was reported stolen? | 哦 那我就出示驾照和行驶证呗 |
[18:44] | I will not ask you again license and registration | 我再说一遍 请出示驾照和行驶证 |
[18:46] | Look officer I know it looks bad but … | 长官 我现在是哑巴吃黄连有苦… |
[18:52] | – “Open the trunk here – Officer let me explain | – “打开后备箱” – 长官 请容我解释 |
[18:54] | Open the trunk! | 打开后备箱 |
[19:06] | Get out of the car! | 给我下车 |
[19:12] | Mom was too thrilled about having pick up Francis at the police station, | 因为Francis进了警察局 妈妈快吓疯了 |
[19:15] | but it was totally worth it. | 但是有个好处就是 |
[19:16] | We dont have to serve Francis any more. | 我们不必伺候Francis了 |
[19:18] | Here’s your sandwich Greg “I can go to bed now? | 你要的三明治 Greg 我能去睡了吗 |
[19:22] | Uh, mayonnaise on only one side? | 嗯 蛋黄酱就抹了一面吗 |
[19:23] | It’s a lot of mayonnaise | 我已经放了超级多了 |
[19:24] | I wont say it’s not. But i specifically ask for on both sides. | 我没说放少了 但我说过两面都要抹 |
[19:28] | Greg! | 你不是为难人么 |
[19:28] | Malcolm I dont like this any more than you do. | 小马 我也不愿这样 |
[19:31] | But it was your mom’s idea. | 但是拜你老妈所赐 我的房子毁了 |
[19:33] | Since as long as I’m living here.You have to do everything i say. | 只要我住在这儿 你就要好好听我的吩咐 |
[19:35] | I’ll try to meet you halfway | 我会试着让你好过一点 |
[19:37] | and make my orders as clear as possible. | 也会把我的要求说得清清楚楚明明白白 |
[19:39] | Okay champion? | 明白了吗 孩子 |
[19:40] | Here, I heated it for just 10 sec just as your said. | 我照你说的 就把牛奶加热了十秒 |
[19:44] | It’s still not quite yet room temperature. | 嗯 还是比室温低了点 |
[19:47] | Look I know I am being demanding, | 我知道 我现在的要求有点过了 |
[19:49] | Jelly Bean’s apartment has been burned down too. | 但是 小主的窝窝也被火烧了 |
[19:55] | All right, it was almost worth it. | 好吧 竹篮打水一场空 |
[20:05] | There’s something you have to see. | 有个东西要请你过目一下 |
[20:13] | Cut cut | 停 停 |
[20:17] | Oh dear the night is still .. What’s My Line? Sorry | 哦 亲爱的 夜幕还没降临呢 我忘词了 对不起 |
[20:21] | Cut | 停 |
[20:38] | Shut up we won’t be in this mess if you hadn’t called for help. | 你丫闭嘴 要不是你大喊救命 我们也不会趟这浑水 |
[20:41] | Keep pushing me asshole | 激怒我 傻逼 |
[20:47] | Why you guys laughing? It is not that funny. | 你们笑嘛啊 你们笑点好低啊 |
[20:49] | You can not say asshole . | 说”傻逼”时不能发出音 |
[20:51] | Keep pushing me. asshole. | 激怒我啊 傻 |
[21:05] | Honey I’m sorry you had to see that. | 亲爱的 让你看这个 心里好愧疚哦 |