时间 | 英文 | 中文 |
[00:07] | 此片涉及文學藝術等好些個方面的詞彙 耐心的观众可以在注释处暂停细心观看噢=w= | |
[00:33] | 紅色 作者:約翰·洛根 | |
[03:07] | What do you see? | 你看到什麼 |
[03:09] | No wait, stand closer. | 不 等一下 站近點 |
[03:11] | Ya gotta get close. | 你得靠近點 |
[03:12] | Let the picture pulsate, let it work on you. | 想象這幅畫是有生命 讓它跟你交流 |
[03:17] | Closer. | 再靠近點 |
[03:21] | Nah, too close. | 太近了 |
[03:23] | There. | 可以了 |
[03:25] | Let it spread out. | 想象它擴散出來 |
[03:26] | Let it wrap its arms around you. | 慢慢伸開雙臂 向你擁來 |
[03:28] | Let it embrace you, filling even your peripheral vision | 然後包圍你整個身體 充滿你全部視野 |
[03:31] | so nothing else exists or has ever existed | 其他一切都消失了 彷彿從來沒有存在過 |
[03:34] | or will ever exist. | 也不會再存在 |
[03:35] | Let the picture do its work. | 讓這幅畫充滿你的世界 |
[03:38] | But work with it. | 感受它的變化 |
[03:39] | Meet it halfway for God’s sake. | 看在上帝的份上 主動向前迎接它吧 |
[03:42] | Lean forward, lean into it, engage with it. | 向前傾斜你的身體 融入其中 跟它交流 |
[03:48] | Now, what do ya see? | 現在 你看到什麼 |
[03:50] | Oh no, no, wait, wait, wait. | 不不 等一下 |
[03:57] | Now, what do ya see? | 好了 你看到什麼 |
[03:59] | Be specific. | 具體些 |
[04:00] | No, no, be exact. | 不不 準確些 |
[04:03] | Be exact. | 確切點 |
[04:04] | But sensitive, you understand. | 仔細感受 明白嗎 |
[04:06] | Be kind. | 耐心點 |
[04:08] | Be a human being, that’s all I can say. | 做個真正的人吧 我只能說到這了 |
[04:11] | Be a human being for once in your life. | 哪怕就這一次 認認真真去感受這幅畫 |
[04:13] | These pictures deserve compassion | 這些作品值得你付出感情 |
[04:15] | and they live or die in the eye of the sensitive viewer. | 在敏感的觀衆眼中 它們是有生命的 |
[04:18] | They quicken only if the empathetic viewer will let them. | 而唯有感受到它們存在的人才能使其復活 |
[04:22] | That is what they cry out for. | 那正是它們所渴求的 |
[04:24] | That is why they were created. | 那正是它們存在的理由 |
[04:26] | That is what they deserve. | 那也正是它們的價值所在 |
[04:29] | Now what do you see? | 現在 你看到了什麼 |
[04:32] | – Red? – But do ya like it? | -紅色 -你喜歡紅色嗎 |
[04:34] | Yeah,speak up. | -是 -說出來 |
[04:35] | – Yes! – Yes, yes, | -是的 -沒錯 |
[04:36] | of course you like it. | 你當然喜歡它 |
[04:37] | How can you not like it. | 你怎麼能不喜歡呢 |
[04:39] | Everyone likes everything now a days. | 現在人們喜歡一切 |
本电影台词包含不重复单词:1593个。 其中的生词包含:四级词汇:289个,六级词汇:166个,GRE词汇:247个,托福词汇:271个,考研词汇:339个,专四词汇:268个,专八词汇:94个, 所有生词标注共:686个。 定制生词标注的台词本和单词统计,请访问生词标注台词本 | ||
[04:42] | They like the television and the phonograph | 他們喜歡電視 喜歡留聲機 |
[04:44] | and the soda pop and the shampoo and the Cracker Jack. | 喜歡汽水 洗髮露和花生酥 |
[04:47] | Everything becomes everything else. | 一切都趨於同化 |
[04:49] | It’s all nice and pretty and likable. | 每一樣東西都很好 很漂亮 讓人喜歡 |
[04:53] | Everything’s fun in the sun, huh? | 每一樣東西都很有趣 是嗎 |
[04:55] | Where’s the discernment? | 哪裏有什麼區別 |
[04:57] | Where’s the arbitration that separates what I like | 哪裏有什麼裁斷 可以將我所謂喜歡的 |
[05:00] | from what I respect, what I deem worthy? | 同我認爲值得尊重的藝術品區分開來呢 |
[05:03] | What, listen to me now, | 現在聽我說 |
[05:05] | what has significance. | 什麼是有意義的 |
[05:10] | Maybe this is a dinosaur talking. | 也許我在對牛彈琴 |
[05:12] | Maybe I’m just a dinosaur sucking up the oxygen | 也許我纔是那頭恐怖的蠻牛 |
[05:15] | from you cunning little mammals hiding in the bushes | 把你這隻躲在灌木叢裏等媽媽的小動物 |
[05:18] | waiting to take over. | 嚇得大氣不敢出 |
[05:20] | Maybe I’m speaking a lost language | 也許我說的東西 |
[05:22] | unknown to your generation. | 你們這代人已經聽不懂了 |
[05:24] | But a generation that does not aspire to seriousness, | 但是不認真追求生命意義的一代 |
[05:27] | to meaning, is unworthy to walk in the shadow | 是不配在前人的樹蔭下 |
[05:30] | of those who have gone before. | 乘涼的 |
[05:32] | I mean those who have struggled and surmounted, | 那些艱苦奮鬥 克服困難的人 |
[05:35] | I mean those who have aspired. | 那些胸懷夢想的人 |
[05:37] | I mean Rembrandt. | 比如倫勃朗 |
[05:39] | I mean Turner. | 比如透納 |
[05:40] | I mean Michelangelo and Matisse. | 比如米開朗基羅和馬蒂斯 |
[05:40] | 前者爲意大利文藝復興時期偉大的繪畫家 雕塑家 建築師和詩人 後者爲20世紀法國著名畫家 雕塑家 版畫家 野獸派創始人和主要代表人物 | |
[05:44] | I mean obviously Rothko. | 顯然 還有羅斯科 |
[05:47] | Do you aspire? | 你有所追求嗎 |
[05:48] | Yes. | 是的 |
[05:49] | To what? | 追求什麼 |
[05:50] | To what do you aspire? | 你追求什麼 |
[05:53] | I want to be a painter so I guess I aspire to painting. | 我想成爲一位畫家 所以我想我渴望畫畫 |
[05:59] | Then those clothes won’t do. | 但你穿得不像畫畫的 |
[06:00] | Now we work here. | 我們先從這個開始 |
[06:01] | Hang up your jacket outside. | 把你的外套掛在外面 |
[06:03] | No, no, I appreciate it. | 不不 我很感激 |
[06:04] | You put on your Sunday clothes to impress me. | 你穿的這麼正式 想給我留個好印象 |
[06:06] | It’s poignant really, it touches me | 我印象很深 也很感動 |
[06:07] | but it’s ridiculous. | 但是它很可笑 |
[06:08] | We work hard here. | 我們是要在這裏辛苦幹活的 |
[06:10] | This isn’t a god-damn old world salon | 這裏不是傳統的沙龍 |
[06:12] | with teacakes and lemonade. | 沒有茶點和檸檬水 |
[06:13] | Go hang up your jacket outside. | 去把你的外套掛在外面吧 |
[06:16] | Sidney told you what I need here? | 西德尼告訴你我要你做什麼了嗎 |
[06:18] | Yes. | 是的 |
[06:18] | We start every morning at nine and we work until five. | 工作時間跟那銀行職員一樣 |
[06:22] | Just like bankers. | 朝九晚五 |
[06:23] | You’ll help me stretch the canvases, mix the paints, | 你需要幫我鋪平畫布 混合顏料 |
[06:25] | clean the brushes, build the stretchers, | 清洗畫筆 製作畫架 |
[06:28] | move the paintings, also help apply ground color, | 移動圖畫 同時也幫忙在空白處 |
[06:31] | which is not painting. | 填塗底色 |
[06:33] | So any lunatic assumptions | 所以 如果你對你的工作 |
[06:34] | you make in that direction you need to banish immediately. | 有什麼愚蠢的期許 你要立刻拋棄 |
[06:38] | You’ll pick up food, cigarettes, anything else I want, | 你需要幫我送飯 遞煙 服從一切命令 |
[06:41] | any whim, no matter how demanding or demeaning. | 不管那會多苛刻 甚至有辱你的尊嚴 |
[06:44] | You don’t like that you can leave right now. | 你不喜歡的話 現在就可以走 |
[06:46] | Answer me, yes or no? | 回答我 留下或離開 |
[06:47] | – Yes. – Consider. | -留下 -仔細考慮 |
[06:48] | I’m not your rabbi, I’m not your father, | 我不是你導師 也不是你父親 |
[06:51] | I’m not your shrink. | 我不是你的心理醫生 |
[06:53] | I’m not your teacher, I’m not your friend. | 我不是你的老師 也不是你的朋友 |
[06:55] | I am your employer, you understand? | 我是你的老闆 明白嗎 |
[06:57] | – Yes. – As my assistant, | -是的 -作爲我的助手 |
[06:58] | you’re gonna see many things here. | 你會在這裏看到很多東西 |
[07:00] | Many ingenious things. | 很多有創造性的東西 |
[07:01] | But they’re all secret. | 但它們都是祕密 |
[07:03] | You cannot talk about any of this. | 你不能跟外人談論這裏一切 |
[07:05] | Don’t think I don’t have enemies, because I do. | 別以爲我沒有對頭 因爲我有 |
[07:07] | And I don’t just mean those other painters | 並且不僅僅是其他的那些畫家 |
[07:09] | and gallery owners and museum curators | 畫廊主人和博物館館長 |
[07:12] | and god damn son of a bitch art critics. | 還有那些該死的藝術評論家 |
[07:15] | Not to mention that vast panoply of disgruntled viewers | 更別提大批不滿的觀衆了 |
[07:19] | who loathe me and my work | 那些厭惡我和我作品的人 |
[07:21] | because they do not have the heart, nor the patience, | 因爲他們沒有思想 沒有耐心 |
[07:23] | nor the capacity to think, to understand, | 沒有能力去思考 去領悟 |
[07:26] | because they’re not even human beings like we talked about. | 他們甚至不能稱作真正的人 |
[07:28] | You remember? | 記住了嗎 |
[07:29] | Yes. | 記住了 |
[07:30] | I’m painting a series of murals now. | 我正在創造一系列壁畫 |
[07:33] | I’ll probably do 30 or 40. | 我會畫大概30到40幅 |
[07:35] | Then choose which work best in concert, like a fugue. | 然後挑出適合音樂廳的最有韻律的一幅畫 |
[07:39] | You’ll help me put on the undercoat. | 你需要幫我刷上底漆 |
[07:41] | Then I’ll paint them, then I’ll look at them, | 然後我先畫一部分 仔細審視 |
[07:43] | then I’ll paint some more. | 然後再畫 |
[07:45] | I do a lot of layers. | 我會畫很多層 |
[07:47] | One after another like a glaze slowly building the image, | 像釉一樣一層覆一層地勾勒整幅畫面 |
[07:50] | like pentimento, letting the luminescence emerge | 就像舊畫翻新 讓光澤顯現 |
[07:53] | until it’s done. | 直到完成 |
[07:55] | How do you know when it’s done? | 你怎麼知道何時完成呢 |
[07:56] | There’s tragedy in every brush stroke. | 任何多餘的筆畫都是悲劇 |
[07:59] | Ah swell, let’s have a drink. | 很好 讓我們喝一杯吧 |
[08:10] | Answer me a question. | 回答我一個問題 |
[08:11] | Don’t think about it, | 不要思考 |
[08:12] | just say the first thing that comes into your head. | 你第一時間想到什麼就說什麼 |
[08:13] | – No cognition. – Okay. | -無需思考 -好的 |
[08:15] | – You ready? – Yeah. | -準備好了嗎 -好了 |
[08:15] | Who’s your favorite painter? | 你最喜歡的畫家是誰 |
[08:16] | Jackson Pollock. | 傑克遜·波洛克 |
[08:18] | Sorry. | 抱歉 |
[08:19] | No, no, no. | 不不不 |
[08:19] | – Let me do it again. – No, forget it. | -再來一次 -不 不必了 |
[08:21] | – Come on. – No, no, it’s silly. | -來吧 -不不 這很蠢 |
[08:22] | Come on, ask me again. | 來吧 再問我一次 |
[08:23] | Who’s your favorite painter? | 你最欣賞的作家是誰 |
[08:24] | Picasso. | 畢加索 |
[08:31] | Pollock. | 波洛克 |
[08:32] | It’s always Pollock. | 永遠都是波洛克 |
[08:34] | Oh don’t get me wrong. | 別誤會 |
[08:35] | He was a great painter. | 他確實是一個偉大的畫家 |
[08:36] | We came up together. | 我們觀點一致 |
[08:36] | I knew him very well. | 我很瞭解他 |
[08:38] | What was he like? | 他是個什麼樣的人 |
[08:38] | You read Nietzsche? | 你看過尼采的作品嗎 |
[08:39] | – What? – You ever read Nietzsche? | -什麼 -你看過尼采的作品嗎 |
[08:40] | “Birth of Tragedy”? | 讀過”悲劇的誕生”嗎 |
[08:40] | 尼采在書中以”致瓦格納”爲序言 從論述希臘悲劇的誕生入手 展開對藝術和美學的看法 後面劇情中出現的太陽神/阿波羅和酒神/狄俄倪索斯文化在書中有重點描述 | |
[08:42] | – No. – And you call yourself an artist? | -沒有 -你居然把自己稱作藝術家 |
[08:44] | One can’t discuss Pollock without it. | 這都不知道 就不要提波洛克 |
[08:46] | One can’t discuss anything without it. | 這都不知道 你就別說話了 |
[08:48] | What do they teach you in art school now? | 現在藝術學校都教你些什麼 |
[08:49] | – I… – You read Freud? | -我 -你看過弗洛伊德的作品嗎 |
[08:50] | – No. – Jung? | -沒有 -榮格呢 |
[08:51] | – Well – Byron? Wordsworth? | -沒 -拜倫呢 華茲華斯呢 |
[08:51] | 前者爲英國19世紀初期偉大的浪漫主義詩人 後者爲18-19世紀英國浪漫主義詩人 曾當上桂冠詩人 | |
[08:53] | Aeschylus? Turgenev? | 埃斯庫羅斯呢 屠格涅夫呢 |
[08:53] | 前者爲古希臘悲劇詩人 “悲劇之父” 古希臘三大悲劇作家之一 後者爲19世紀俄國批判現實主義作家 | |
[08:56] | Sophocles? Schopenhauer? | 索福克勒斯呢 叔本華呢 |
[08:56] | 前者爲古希臘三大悲劇作家之一 後者爲18-19世紀德國著名哲學家 是唯意志論的創始人和主要代表之一 | |
[08:59] | Shakespeare? “Hamlet”? | 莎士比亞呢 “哈姆雷特”呢 |
[08:59] | 前者爲英國文學史上最傑出的戲劇家 也是歐洲文藝復興時期最重要最偉大的作家 全世界最卓越的文學家之一 後者爲其所作的代表悲劇作品 | |
[09:01] | Oh, please God, at least Hamlet. | 上天 至少讀過”哈姆雷特”吧 |
[09:03] | Quote me Hamlet right now. | 告訴我”哈姆雷特”中的名句 |
[09:04] | To be or not to be, that is the question. | 生存還是死亡 這是個問題 |
[09:06] | Is that the question? | 這是個問題嗎 |
[09:07] | I don’t know. | 我不知道 |
[09:09] | You’ve got a lot to learn, young man. | 那你需要學的東西很多啊 小夥子 |
[09:11] | Philosophy, theology, literature, poetry, drama, | 哲學 神學 詩歌 戲劇 |
[09:14] | history, archeology, anthropology, mythology, music. | 歷史 考古學 人類學 神話學 音樂 |
[09:18] | Come on. | 好嘛 |
[09:18] | These are your tools as much as brush and pigment. | 這都是你作畫的工具 同畫筆和顏料一樣 |
[09:22] | You cannot be an artist until you are civilized. | 你成不了畫家 除非你接受了教育 |
[09:24] | You cannot be civilized until you learn. | 你成不了畫家 除非你主動學習 |
[09:27] | To be civilized is to know where you belong | 接受教育是爲了讓你知道 |
[09:29] | in the continuum of your art and your world, | 自己在藝術世界裏處於什麼位置 |
[09:32] | to surmount the past you must know the past. | 要想超越過去 你必須瞭解過去 |
[09:35] | I thought you weren’t my teacher. | 我還以爲你不是我的老師 |
[09:36] | You should be so blessed I talk to you about art. | 我跟你討論藝術 你應該感到榮幸 |
[09:45] | How do you feel? | 你感覺怎麼樣 |
[09:47] | How do I feel? | 我感覺怎樣 |
[09:48] | How do they make you feel? | 它們讓你有什麼樣的感覺 |
[09:54] | Give me a second. | 稍等一會 |
[10:01] | So? | 感覺怎樣 |
[10:03] | Give me a second. | 再等一會 |
[10:19] | -Disquiet. -And? | -不安 -還有呢 |
[10:21] | – Thoughtful – And? | -令人深思 -還有呢 |
[10:25] | – Sad. – Tragic. | -傷心 -悲痛 |
[10:26] | Yeah. | 是的 |
[10:28] | They’re for a restaurant. | 這些都是給餐廳的 |
[10:29] | What? | 什麼 |
[10:31] | They’re for a restaurant. | 是給餐廳畫的 |
[10:32] | So I’m minding my own business | 菲利普·約翰遜先生給我打電話的時候 |
[10:34] | when Mr. Philip Johnson calls me. | 我在忙我自己的事 |
[10:36] | You know Mr Philip Johnson | 你知道菲利普·約翰遜吧 |
[10:37] | the world-renowned architect? | 那個世界聞名的建築師 |
[10:38] | Not personally. | 不認識本人 |
[10:39] | Yeah, of course you don’t know him personally. | 你當然沒見過他本人 |
[10:41] | You don’t know anyone personally. | 你誰都不認識 |
[10:42] | Don’t interrupt. | 別插嘴 |
[10:43] | Mr. Philip Johnson, he’s designing | 菲利普·約翰遜先生 正在設計 |
[10:45] | the new Seagram Building on Park Avenue, | 公園大道的新西格拉姆大廈 |
[10:47] | he and Mies van der Rohe. | 他和密斯·凡德羅合作 |
[10:50] | These are names with which to conjure, are they not? | 這些都是振聾發聵的大師 對吧 |
[10:53] | Philip Johnson, Mies van der Rohe, | 菲利普·約翰遜 密斯·凡德羅 |
[10:55] | these are titans in their field, revolutionists. | 他們是各自領域的泰斗 革新者 |
[10:58] | Together they are making a building, | 他們正一起建造一座大廈 |
[10:59] | unlike anything the world has yet seen, | 一座世界上前所未有的建築 |
[11:02] | reflecting the golden ambitions of not only this city | 它不僅反映這座城市及其市民的追名逐利 |
[11:05] | and its inhabitants, but of all mankind. | 更體現了全人類的貪婪本性 |
[11:08] | In this building there is to be a restaurant | 這棟樓裏會設一間餐廳 |
[11:11] | called The Four Seasons. | 名爲四季 |
[11:13] | like the Vivaldi, | 與維瓦爾第的”四季”同名 |
[11:14] | and on the walls of this restaurant, | 爲裝飾這間餐廳 |
[11:20] | $35,000 they’re paying me. | 他們付給我35000美元 |
[11:23] | No other painter comes close. | 一個前所未有的高價 |
[11:26] | My first murals. | 買我的第一套壁畫集 |
[11:28] | Imagine a freeze all around the room. | 想象一下整個房間寒意逼人 |
[11:31] | A continuous narrative filling the walls | 源源不斷的寒氣從牆上溢出 |
[11:33] | one to another, each a new chapter of the story unfolding. | 一面接着一面 故事的新篇章隨之展開 |
[11:37] | You look and they are there. | 你看 食客在那裏 |
[11:40] | Inescapable and inexorable, like doom. | 無處遁形 迴天無力 末日降臨 |
[11:46] | Are these ones done? | 這些是已經畫好的嗎 |
[11:47] | They’re in process. | 我正在畫 |
[11:48] | I have to study them now. | 我現在必須研究它們 |
[11:49] | Study them? | 研究它們 |
[11:50] | Yeah. Most of painting is thinking. | 是啊 大部分時候繪畫就是思考 |
[11:51] | Didn’t anybody teach you that? | 就沒有人教過你嗎 |
[11:53] | 10% is putting paint on canvas. | 只有十分之一花在塗抹油彩上 |
[11:56] | The rest is waiting. | 其餘都在等待 |
[11:58] | All my life I’ve wanted just this, my friend. | 我的朋友 我畢生所求 |
[12:01] | To create a place, | 就是能有一個地方 |
[12:02] | a place where the viewer could live in contemplation with the work | 我的觀衆可以認真欣賞我的畫作 |
[12:07] | give it some of the same attention and care | 能像我一樣 |
[12:09] | that I gave it. | 給它們同樣的關注與感情 |
[12:11] | Like a chapel, a place of communion. | 類似小教堂這樣 心靈交融的地方 |
[12:15] | But, it’s a restaurant. | 但是這是一間餐廳 |
[12:17] | No, I will make it a temple. | 不 我會把它變成聖堂 |
[14:51] | Rembrandt and Rothko. | 倫勃朗和羅斯科 |
[14:55] | Rembrandt and Rothko. | 倫勃朗和羅斯科 |
[14:59] | Rothko and Rembrandt. | 羅斯科和倫勃朗 |
[15:02] | Rothko and Rembrandt and Turner. | 羅斯科和倫勃朗和透納 |
[15:07] | Rothko and Rembrandt and Turner. | 羅斯科和倫勃朗和透納 |
[15:10] | Rothko and Rembrandt and Turner. | 羅斯科和倫勃朗和透納 |
[15:13] | Oh my. | 天啊 |
[15:16] | The Chinese place is closing. | 這家中餐館停業了 |
[15:17] | Yeah, everything worthwhile ends. | 是啊 一切有價值的都將結束 |
[15:19] | We’re in the perpetual process now, | 我們也正經歷這個過程 |
[15:21] | creation, maturation, cessation. | 出生 成人 消亡 |
[15:23] | There’s another Chinese around the corner. | 街角還有另一家中餐館 |
[15:25] | Oh the eternal cycles grind on. | 輪迴往復 永無休止 |
[15:27] | Generations pass away, hope turns arid, | 一代接着一代 希望破滅 |
[15:29] | but there’s another Chinese around the corner. | 但街角又開了一家中餐館 |
[15:31] | Not much for small talk. | 這微不足道 |
[15:33] | It’s small. | 不值一提 |
[15:39] | I went to the Modern last night | 我昨晚去了現代美術館 |
[15:41] | saw the Picasso show. | 看了畢加索的畫展 |
[15:42] | And? | 然後呢 |
[15:43] | I don’t think he’s so much concerned | 我覺得他不會太在意 |
[15:45] | with generations passing away. | 時代更迭的問題 |
[15:46] | Oh don’t kid your self kid, that man, | 別自欺欺人了 孩子 那人 |
[15:49] | though now a charlatan, of course, | 當然了 現在像個江湖騙子 |
[15:51] | signing menus for money like Dali when he’s not making | 跟達裏一樣在菜單上簽名賺錢 |
[15:54] | those, those ugly little pots, also for money, | 他做那些醜陋的小罐子 也是爲了錢 |
[15:57] | that man at his best understood the workings of time. | 他以前最懂那個年代的作品 |
[16:01] | Where’s the receipt? | 收據呢 |
[16:04] | Ah, it’s tragic, really, | 真是個悲劇 |
[16:06] | to grow superfluous in your own lifetime. | 在自己有生之年逐漸被時代拋棄 |
[16:09] | 20世紀美國抽象表現主義的靈魂人物之一 新行動畫派的大師之一 立體主義爲西方現代藝術史上的一個運動和流派 追求碎裂 解析 重新組合的形式 形成分離的畫面 | |
[16:09] | We destroyed cubism, de Kooning and me | 我們毀了立體主義 德古寧和我 |
[16:11] | and Barnett Newman, Smith, all the others. | 還有巴尼特·紐曼 史密斯 其他所有人 |
[16:13] | We stomped it to death. | 我們把它踩在腳下 |
[16:14] | Nobody can paint a cubist picture today. | 今天沒人可以畫出一幅立體主義畫作 |
[16:17] | You take pride in that? | 你爲此而驕傲嗎 |
[16:19] | Stomping cubism to death? | 毀掉立體主義嗎 |
[16:20] | The child must banish the father. | 孩子必須走出父輩的陰影 |
[16:23] | Respect him, but kill him. | 尊敬他 但否定他 |
[16:24] | And enjoy it? | 且樂此不疲嗎 |
[16:25] | It doesn’t matter. | 這無關緊要 |
[16:25] | Just be audacious and do it. | 只是大膽一點 放手去做 |
[16:28] | You know, courage in painting | 你要明白 作畫的勇氣 |
[16:29] | is not facing a blank canvas, | 可不是面對一張空白畫布 |
[16:31] | 前者爲19世紀法國畫家 印象主義的奠基人之一 後者爲17世紀巴洛克時期西班牙畫家 西班牙畫史上第一位大師 | |
[16:31] | it’s facing Manet, it’s facing Velasquez. | 那是面對馬奈 面對委拉斯開茲的勇氣 |
[16:34] | All we can do is move beyond what was there, | 我們能做的就是走出過去 |
[16:36] | to what is here, and hope to gain some intimation | 着眼當下 並希望得到一些 |
[16:39] | of what will be here. | 關於未來的啓示 |
[16:41] | “What is past and passing and to come.” | “一切過去、現在和未來的事情” |
[16:43] | That’s Yeats, whom you haven’t read. | 那是葉芝的詩句 你從未聽過 |
[16:45] | Come on, but Picasso is | 拜託 但畢加索 |
[16:46] | Picasso I thank for teaching me | 對於畢加索我感謝他教會我 |
[16:48] | that movement is everything. | 世界是運動的 |
[16:50] | Movement is life. | 生命是運動的 |
[16:52] | The second we’re born | 從降生的那一刻起 |
[16:53] | we squall, we writhe, we squirm. | 我們啼哭 我們扭動 我們打滾 |
[16:55] | To live is to move. | 生命在於運動 |
[16:57] | Now without movement paintings are what? | 你覺得缺了動態的畫作會是怎樣的 |
[16:59] | – Dead? – Yeah, precisely. | -死去嗎 -沒錯 |
[17:00] | Look, look at the tension between the blocks of color. | 看 看看這些色塊之間的張力 |
[17:03] | The dark and the light, the red, the black and the brown. | 明與暗 紅色 黑色和棕色 |
[17:05] | They exist in a state of flux, of movement. | 它們處於不斷的運動 變化中 |
[17:09] | They abut each other on the actual canvas. | 它們在畫布上相互毗鄰 |
[17:11] | So too do they abut each other in your eye. | 在你的眼裏也是這樣 |
[17:13] | They ebb and flow and shift, gently pulsating. | 它們此起彼伏 流動轉化 律動不止 |
[17:18] | The more you look at them the more they move. | 你越是觀察 越會發現它們不停的運動 |
[17:20] | They float in space. | 它們浮在空中 |
[17:22] | They breathe. | 它們呼吸 |
[17:23] | Movement, communication, gesture, flux, | 運動 交流 變換姿態 不斷流動 |
[17:27] | interaction, letting them work. | 相互影響 相互反應 |
[17:29] | They’re not dead because they’re not static. | 它們並非死氣沉沉因爲它們不是靜態的 |
[17:31] | They move through space if you let them. | 如果條件合適 它們會在空間中穿行 |
[17:34] | Now this movement takes time, so they’re temporal. | 這樣的運動需要時機 所以它們還在蟄伏 |
[17:37] | They require time. | 它們需要時間 |
[17:39] | They demand it. | 它們急需機遇 |
[17:40] | They don’t work without it. | 沒有時機它們無法運動 |
[17:41] | Yeah, this is why it’s so important to me | 這就是爲何這樣的地方 |
[17:43] | to create a place. | 對我很重要 |
[17:45] | A place the viewer can contemplate these paintings | 在那裏鑑賞者細細欣賞這些畫 |
[17:47] | over time and let them move. | 時機到來它們會律動起來 |
[17:49] | They need the viewer. | 它們需要觀衆 |
[17:51] | They’re not like representational pictures, | 它們不像具象畫作 |
[17:53] | like traditional landscapes or portraits. | 比如傳統風景畫和肖像畫 |
[17:55] | Yeah, tell me why. | 對 告訴我爲什麼 |
[17:56] | Because they change. | 因爲它們會變化 |
[17:58] | They move, they pulse. | 它們運動 它們有律動 |
[18:00] | Representational pictures are unchanging. | 具象畫不會變化 |
[18:02] | They don’t require the active participation of the viewer. | 它們不需觀衆的深度參與 |
[18:07] | In the Louvre, in the middle of the night, | 在盧浮宮 深夜 |
[18:10] | the Mona Lisa’s still smiling. | 蒙娜麗莎仍舊在微笑 |
[18:12] | But do these paintings still pulse when they’re alone? | 但無人觀看時這些畫還在律動嗎 |
[18:17] | That’s why you keep the lights so low. | 這就是你調暗光線的原因 |
[18:19] | Is it? | 是嗎 |
[18:20] | To help the illusion. | 有助於形成那種感覺 |
[18:22] | Like a magician. | 像魔術師 |
[18:23] | Like a play. | 像一出好戲 |
[18:25] | To keep it mysterious, to let the pictures pulsate. | 保持神祕感 讓畫面律動 |
[18:29] | Turn on bright lights and the stage effect is ruined. | 強光打開 舞臺效果被毀 |
[18:32] | Suddenly it’s nothing but a bare stage | 瞬間舞臺上空無一物 |
[18:34] | with a bunch of fake walls. | 只有一面面道具牆 |
[18:43] | What do you see? | 你看到什麼了 |
[18:45] | My eyes are adjusting. | 我還在適應光線 |
[18:47] | Just white. | 眼前只有白光 |
[18:50] | What does white make you think of? | 這白色讓你想到了什麼 |
[18:52] | Bones. | 白骨 |
[18:54] | Skeletons. | 骷髏 |
[18:55] | Charnel house. | 殯儀館 |
[18:57] | Anemia. | 流血 |
[19:00] | Cruelty. | 殘暴 |
[19:01] | Really? | 真的嗎 |
[19:03] | It’s like an operating theater now. | 像身處手術室 |
[19:05] | How does white make you feel? | 白色讓你感覺怎麼樣 |
[19:07] | Frightened. | 恐懼 |
[19:08] | Why? | 爲什麼 |
[19:09] | – Doesn’t matter. – No, no, why? | -沒什麼 -不不 爲什麼 |
[19:12] | It’s like the snow. | 像下雪天 |
[19:15] | Outside the room where my parents died. | 我父母死在屋外 |
[19:18] | It was winter. | 那是一個冬天 |
[19:19] | I remember the snow outside the window. | 我記得窗外的大雪 |
[19:22] | White. | 白色 |
[19:25] | And the pictures in this light, they’re flat. | 這種光線下的畫作 它們變得扁平 |
[19:28] | Vulgar. | 粗俗 |
[19:29] | This light hurts them. | 光破壞了它們的氣質 |
[19:33] | Now you see how it is with them? | 現在你明白這有多重要了吧 |
[19:34] | How vulnerable they are? | 這些畫有多麼脆弱 |
[19:36] | People think I’m controlling, | 人們認爲我是在控制 |
[19:38] | controlling the light, | 控制光線 |
[19:39] | controlling the height of the pictures, | 控制畫的懸掛高度 |
[19:41] | controlling the shape of the galleries. | 控制展廳的形狀 |
[19:42] | It’s not controlling, it’s protecting. | 那不是在控制 那是在保護 |
[19:45] | A picture lives by companionship. | 一幅畫在特定氛圍下生動 |
[19:48] | It dies by the same token. | 也會因氣氛不合而死亡 |
[19:51] | Ah, it’s a risky act to send it out into the world. | 把它公之於衆真是個冒險 |
[20:23] | You ever paint outdoors? | 你在室外畫過畫嗎 |
[20:24] | Oh, you mean out in nature? | 你是說在野外嗎 |
[20:25] | Yeah. | 對 |
[20:26] | Nature doesn’t work for me. | 野外不適合我 |
[20:27] | The light’s no good. | 光線很差 |
[20:30] | And all those bugs. No. | 還有那些小蟲 是的 |
[20:32] | Oh, I know, I know, those plein air painters, | 我知道那些外光畫家們 |
[20:34] | oh my God, they’ll sing to you endless paeans | 天哪 他們無休止地歌頌 |
[20:37] | about the majesty of natural sunlight. | 自然光有多美妙 |
[20:40] | Get out there, muck around in the grass, | 他們會鼓勵你 走出去 |
[20:42] | they tell ya, like a cow. | 像母牛一樣 在草叢中漫步 |
[20:43] | Well when I was younger, I didn’t know any better. | 我年輕時 對具體情況瞭解不多 |
[20:45] | I’d go out there with my supplies | 我帶着我的工具出門 |
[20:47] | and the wind would blow the paper, the easel would fall over, | 狂風會吹走我的畫紙 翻倒我的畫架 |
[20:50] | ants would get into my paint. | 螞蟻會爬到我的畫上 |
[20:53] | But then I go to Rome, for the first time. | 然後我去了羅馬 平生第一次去 |
[20:56] | I go to the Santa Maria del Popolo to see | 我去到了人民聖母教堂 |
[20:59] | Caravaggio’s Conversion of Saul, | 去欣賞卡拉瓦喬的作品掃羅皈依圖 |
[21:01] | which turns out is tucked away in a dark corner | 它被放置在這個昏暗教堂的一個陰暗角落 |
[21:04] | of this dark church with no natural light. | 沒有任何自然光線 |
[21:07] | It’s like a cave in there. | 就像洞穴一樣 |
[21:09] | But that painting, it glowed. | 但是那副畫 它在發光 |
[21:13] | With a sort of rapture it glowed. | 它在狂喜 它在發光 |
[21:15] | I consider, Caravaggio, | 我認爲卡拉瓦喬 |
[21:17] | he was commissioned to paint that picture for that specific place. | 是受委託爲那個特定的地方作畫 |
[21:20] | He had no choice. | 他無權選擇 |
[21:22] | He stands there and he looks around. | 他站在那裏 環顧四周 |
[21:23] | It’s like under the ocean it’s so god-damn dark. | 就好像黑暗的海底 |
[21:26] | How’s he gonna paint here? | 他要如何在這裏作畫 |
[21:28] | He turns to his creator, | 他向他的主求助 |
[21:29] | “God, help me, unworthy sinner that I am. | “上帝 請幫我 我是個無用的罪人 |
[21:32] | Tell me, O Lord on high, | 至高無上的耶和華 請告訴我 |
[21:34] | what the fuck do I do now?” | 我他媽到底要怎麼做” |
[21:37] | And then it comes to him, the divine spark. | 然後他想到了 腦海中迸發出神聖的火花 |
[21:40] | He illuminates that picture from within. | 他用自己的內心照亮了這幅畫 |
[21:43] | He gives it inner luminosity. | 他賦予其靈魂的光亮 |
[21:46] | That painting, it lives. | 那副畫活了起來 |
[21:47] | It lives like, | 它活了起來 它就像 |
[21:49] | like one of those bioluminescent fish from the bottom of the ocean, | 它就像海底深處的那些會發光的魚一樣 |
[21:52] | radiating its own effulgence. | 散發着自己的光 |
[21:54] | You understand me? | 你懂嗎 |
[21:55] | Caravaggio, he… | 卡拉瓦喬 他 |
[21:58] | Bring me the second bucket. | 把第二個桶拿給我 |
[22:01] | Are you really gonna paint? | 你真的要畫畫嗎 |
[22:02] | Now what the hell do you think I have been doing? | 那你覺得我一直在做什麼呢 |
[22:11] | Yeah, give me, gimme the black number four | 給我第四號黑色 |
[22:13] | and the first maroon. | 和第一個紅褐色 |
[22:20] | Yeah, just a pinch of black. | 加一點黑色 |
[22:30] | Yeah, just that amount again. | 再加上那麼多 |
[22:38] | Yeah, twice as much maroon. | 兩倍的紅褐色 |
[22:49] | Oh, come on. | 拜託 |
[22:51] | Come on, come on. | 拜託 拜託 |
[22:54] | What does it need? | 它需要什麼 |
[22:58] | Red? | 紅色 |
[23:00] | I wasn’t talking to you. | 我沒有跟你講話 |
[23:10] | Don’t you ever do that again! | 再也不許插話 |
[23:13] | By what right do you speak? | 你有什麼資格說話 |
[23:14] | By what right do you express an opinion on my work? | 你有什麼資格對我的作品發表意見 |
[23:18] | Who the fuck are you? | 你是什麼東西 |
[23:20] | What have you done? | 你有什麼成就 |
[23:20] | What have you seen? | 你欣賞過什麼 |
[23:21] | Where have you earned the right to | 誰給你的資格 |
[23:24] | even exist here with me and these things you don’t even understand? | 和我還有這些你不懂的畫共處一室 |
[23:27] | “Red”? | 紅色 |
[23:27] | Oh, you wanna paint the god-damn thing? | 你想畫這破玩意嗎 |
[23:29] | Go ahead. | 畫吧 |
[23:29] | Here’s some red. | 這是紅色 |
[23:30] | And red, and red. | 這也是紅色 這還是紅色 |
[23:31] | Lots of red! | 很多紅色 |
[23:32] | I don’t even know what that means. | 我都不知道紅色有什麼意義 |
[23:34] | What the hell does red mean to me? | 紅色對我到底有什麼意義 |
[23:36] | Oh, you mean scarlet? | 你是說鮮紅色 |
[23:38] | You mean crimson? | 深紅色 |
[23:39] | You mean plum? Mulberry? | 還是紫紅色 深紫紅色 |
[23:41] | Magenta? Burgundy? | 是品紅 或是葡萄紅 |
[23:43] | Salmon? Carmine? | 橙紅色 胭脂紅 |
[23:44] | Carnelian? | 紅玉髓色 |
[23:45] | How about coral? | 或是珊瑚色 |
[23:46] | Anything but red! | 唯有紅色毫無意義 |
[23:48] | What the hell is red? | 紅色到底是什麼 |
[24:34] | I meant sunrise. | 我是說日出 |
[24:35] | Sunrise? | 日出 |
[24:36] | I meant the red at sunrise. | 我是說日出時的紅色 |
[24:38] | The feeling of it. | 它的感覺 |
[24:39] | Oh, “the feeling of it”. | 哦 “它的感覺” |
[24:40] | What the hell does that mean, “the feeling of it”? | 那又是什麼意思 “它的感覺” |
[24:42] | I didn’t mean red paint only. | 我的意思不是隻畫紅色 |
[24:44] | I meant the emotion of red at sunrise. | 我的意思是日出時紅色的情緒 |
[24:46] | Sunrise isn’t red! | 日出不是紅色的 |
[24:47] | Yes it is. | 是紅色的 |
[24:47] | I’m telling you it’s not. | 我告訴你不是 |
[24:48] | Sunrise is red and red is sunrise. | 日出就是紅色的 紅色代表着日出 |
[24:54] | Red is heartbeat, red is passion. | 紅色是心跳 紅色是激情 |
[24:58] | Red wine. | 紅酒 |
[24:59] | Red roses. | 紅玫瑰 |
[25:00] | Red lipstick. | 口紅 |
[25:01] | Beets. | 紅菜頭 |
[25:02] | Tulips. | 紅色鬱金香 |
[25:03] | – Peppers. – Arterial blood. | -辣椒 -動脈血 |
[25:05] | – That too. – Rust on the bike on the lawn. | -那也是 -草坪上自行車生的鏽 |
[25:07] | And apples and tomatoes. | 蘋果和番茄 |
[25:09] | Dresden firestorm at night. | 德累斯頓的夜晚大火肆虐 |
[25:11] | The sun in Rousseau. | 盧梭的太陽 |
[25:11] | 19世紀法國巴比鬆派的風景畫家 也是法國後期印象派畫家 此處應指其畫中多出現的太陽 | |
[25:12] | The flag in Delacroix. | 德拉克洛瓦畫中的紅旗 |
[25:12] | 18-19世紀法國著名畫家 浪漫主義畫派代表人物 此處指畫作”自由引導人民” | |
[25:13] | The robe in El Greco. | 艾爾·葛雷柯畫中的紅色長袍 |
[25:13] | 西班牙文藝復興時期著名的幻想風格主義畫家 此處指畫作”脫掉基督的外衣” | |
[25:15] | A rabbit’s nose. | 兔子的紅鼻子 |
[25:16] | An albino’s eyes. | 白化病人的眼睛 |
[25:17] | A parakeet. | 一隻長尾鸚鵡 |
[25:18] | Florentine marble. | 佛羅倫薩的紅色大理石 |
[25:19] | Atomic flash. | 原子發出的光 |
[25:20] | Nick yourself shaving. Blood in the Barbasol. | 刮鬍子時劃破皮膚 流在剃鬚膏中的血 |
[25:22] | The ruby slippers. | 紅寶石鞋 |
[25:23] | Technicolor. | 彩色印片法 |
[25:24] | That phone to the Kremlin on the President’s desk. | 總統桌子上放的與蘇聯通話的電話 |
[25:26] | Russian flag, Nazi flag, Chinese flag. | 蘇聯國旗 納粹旗 中國國旗 |
[25:28] | Persimmons. | 柿子 |
[25:29] | Pomegranates. | 石榴 |
[25:30] | Red Light District. | 紅燈區 |
[25:31] | Red tape. | 紅絲帶[繁文縟節] |
[25:31] | – Rouge. – Lava! Lobsters! | -胭脂 -火山岩漿 龍蝦 |
[25:33] | Scorpions! | 蠍子 |
[25:34] | Stop sign. | 停車標誌 |
[25:34] | Sports car. A blush. | 跑車 臉紅 |
[25:36] | Viscera! | 內臟 |
[25:37] | Flames! | 火焰 |
[25:37] | Dead Fauvists! | 死掉的野獸派 |
[25:38] | Traffic lights. | 紅綠燈 |
[25:39] | Titian hair. | 提香的頭髮 |
[25:39] | 意大利文藝復興後期威尼斯畫派的代表畫家 他後期的作品中美麗的女人總是身披赤褐色的頭髮 後來也被稱作爲”提香紅” | |
[25:39] | Slash your wrists. | 自殘 |
[25:40] | Blood in the sink. | 水池裏的血 |
[25:41] | – Santa Claus. – Satan. | -聖誕老人 -撒旦 |
[25:46] | So? | 所以 |
[25:48] | Red. | 紅色 |
[25:51] | Exactly. | 沒錯 |
[25:54] | We got more cigarettes? | 還有煙嗎 |
[26:02] | Oh, more than anything, you know what? | 最重要的你知道是什麼嗎 |
[26:03] | What? | 什麼 |
[26:04] | Matisse’s painting, The Red Studio. | 馬蒂斯的畫 “紅色畫室” |
[26:07] | It’s a picture of his own studio. | 畫的是他自己的畫室 |
[26:09] | The walls are a brilliant red, | 牆都是亮紅色的 |
[26:11] | the floor, the furniture, it’s all red. | 地板 傢俱 都是紅色 |
[26:13] | It’s like that color had radiated out of him | 就好像那紅色從他身體中放射出來 |
[26:16] | and swallowed everything up. | 然後吞噬了一切 |
[26:18] | When the Modern first put that picture up | 現代藝術博物館展出這幅畫的時候 |
[26:20] | I spent hours looking at it. | 我花了幾小時來觀察 |
[26:21] | Day after day I would go. | 我天天去 |
[26:25] | You could argue, everything I do today, | 你可以說 我今天做的一切 |
[26:27] | you can trace the bloodlines back to that painting | 都能追溯到那副畫上 |
[26:29] | and those hours I spent standing there, | 在我花費的時間裏 |
[26:31] | letting that picture work, allowing it to move. | 我讓那副畫產生作用 讓它運動 |
[26:34] | The more I looked at it the more it pulsated around me. | 我看得越多 它在我周圍就運動得越多 |
[26:37] | I was saturated, it swallowed me. | 我被滲透了 它將我吞噬 |
[26:40] | Oh, such plains of red he made. | 他創造出了大片紅色 |
[26:42] | Such energetic blocks of pure color, such emotion… | 那樣充滿精力的純色快 那樣飽滿的情緒 |
[26:49] | Yeah, it was a long time ago. | 是很久以前了 |
[26:51] | It’s still there. | 它還在那 |
[26:52] | I can’t look at it now. | 我現在不能看它了 |
[26:54] | Why? | 爲什麼 |
[26:54] | It’s too depressing. | 太壓抑了 |
[26:56] | How can all that red be depressing? | 紅色怎麼會壓抑呢 |
[26:58] | I don’t see the red anymore. | 我再也看不到紅色了 |
[27:01] | Even in that painting, | 即使是那副畫中 |
[27:02] | that total and profound immersion in red, it’s there. | 完全又深刻地沉浸在紅色中 就在那 |
[27:07] | The mantel, above a dresser, just over the center line, | 梳妝檯上方的壁爐架 就在中心線上方 |
[27:11] | set off by yellow of all god-damn things. | 被一些黃色的東西襯托着 |
[27:14] | He wanted it inescapable. | 他想讓它擺脫不掉 |
[27:16] | – What? – Black. | -什麼 -黑 |
[27:18] | The color black? | 顏色中的黑色嗎 |
[27:19] | No, the thing black. | 不是 黑暗的東西 |
[27:23] | There’s only one thing in life I fear, my friend. | 生活中 只有一件事令我懼怕 |
[27:26] | One day, the black will swallow the red. | 有一天 紅色會吞噬掉黑色 |
[30:50] | That’s easy for you to say, you don’t know him. | 你說着容易 你又不認識他 |
[30:55] | I’ll show it to him if I think the moment’s right. | 時機到了 我會給他看的 |
[30:58] | He knows I’m a painter. | 他知道我是個畫家 |
[30:59] | He’s gotta be expecting it, right? | 他一定會期待的 是吧 |
[31:03] | No, no. | 不 不 |
[31:06] | It depends on his mood. | 取決於他的心情 |
[31:09] | Don’t tell me what to do. | 不要告訴我該做什麼 |
[31:11] | You’re just like him. | 你就像他一樣 |
[31:13] | He’s here. | 他來了 |
[31:15] | I’ll tell ya how it goes. | 我會跟你跟進進展的 |
[31:16] | Pray for me. | 祝我好運 |
[31:26] | – Good morning. – Morning. | -早上好 -早上好 |
[31:28] | I got the other maroon. | 我又買了些紅褐色顏料 |
[31:29] | I’ll take over. | 我來接手 |
[31:30] | You finish the canvas. | 你把畫布弄好 |
[31:31] | I’ll just go change. | 我去換個衣服 |
[31:56] | I went by the Seagram Building last night. | 昨晚我路過了西格拉姆大廈 |
[31:59] | It’s coming along. | 快要建好了 |
[32:00] | How’s the restaurant? | 餐廳呢 |
[32:02] | Still under construction. | 還在建 |
[32:04] | But they took me round. | 但他們帶我到處看了看 |
[32:05] | I got a sense of it. | 我有了一種感覺 |
[32:08] | And? | 什麼感覺 |
[32:08] | Too much natural light, as always, but it’ll work. | 太多自然光了 但效果蠻好 |
[32:12] | You’ll be able to see the murals from the main dining room. | 你能從主餐廳看到壁畫 |
[32:14] | I made some sketches. | 我畫了點草圖 |
[32:15] | I’ll find them for you. | 我拿給你看 |
[32:17] | You ever worry it’s not the right place for them? | 你會擔心這地方不適合掛那些壁畫嗎 |
[32:19] | How can it not be the right place for them? | 怎麼可能不合適 |
[32:21] | They’re being created specifically for that place. | 它們是專門爲了那裏而畫的 |
[32:24] | Your logic, sometimes, baffles me. | 你的邏輯有時令我疑惑 |
[32:51] | So I read Nietzsche. | 我讀了尼采 |
[32:52] | “Birth of Tragedy”, like you said. | “悲劇的誕生” 你說的 |
[32:54] | Like I said? | 我說的 |
[32:55] | You said if I wanted to know about Jackson Pollock | 你說過我要是想了解傑克遜·波洛克 |
[32:57] | I had to read “The Birth of Tragedy”. | 就要讀讀”悲劇的誕生” |
[32:59] | – I said that? – Yeah. | -我說過嗎 -是啊 |
[33:00] | I don’t remember. | 我不記得了 |
[33:01] | It’s very like something I would say. | 不過倒像是我會說的話 |
[33:03] | So what about Pollock? | 那波洛克怎麼了 |
[33:04] | First tell me what you make of the book. | 先跟我說說你讀完書的感想 |
[33:07] | Interesting. | 有趣 |
[33:07] | Oh, that’s like saying red. | 這就和你說”紅色”一樣 |
[33:10] | Don’t be enigmatic. | 別神祕兮兮的 |
[33:11] | You’re too young to be enigmatic. | 你太年輕了 不應該那麼神祕 |
[33:13] | I think I know why you wanted me to read it. | 我想我明白你爲何想讓我讀它了 |
[33:15] | Why? | 爲什麼 |
[33:15] | Because you see yourself as Apollo | 因爲你把自己看作阿波羅 |
[33:17] | and you see him as Dionysus | 把他看作狄俄倪索斯 |
[33:19] | Oh, don’t be so pedestrian. | 別這麼平庸乏味 |
[33:20] | Think more. | 再想想 |
[33:24] | Dionysus is the god of wine and excess. | 狄俄倪索斯是掌管美酒與縱慾之神 |
[33:27] | Of movement and transformation. | 是運動與轉變之神 |
[33:29] | This is Pollock, wild, rebellious, drunken and unrestrained. | 這就是波洛克 狂野 叛逆 醉酒 不羈 |
[33:34] | The raw experience itself. | 是原始體驗本身 |
[33:37] | Apollo is the god of order, method and boundaries. | 阿波羅是秩序 條理 界限之神 |
[33:41] | This is Rothko. | 這就是羅斯科 |
[33:43] | Intellectual, rabbinical, sober and restrained. | 智慧 虔誠 清醒又剋制 |
[33:47] | The raw experience leavened by contemplation. | 是經過沉思醞釀後的原始體驗 |
[33:51] | He splatters paint, you study it. | 他潑灑顏料 而你進行研究 |
[33:54] | He’s Dionysus and you’re Apollo. | 他是狄俄倪索斯 而你是阿波羅 |
[33:56] | Exactly right but for entirely missing the point. | 十分正確 但完全沒有抓住重點 |
[33:59] | How so? | 爲什麼 |
[34:00] | You missed the tragedy. | 你忘記了悲劇 |
[34:01] | The point is always the tragedy. | 重點永遠是悲劇 |
[34:02] | For you. | 對你而言 |
[34:04] | You think human beings | 你認爲人類 |
[34:05] | can be so easily divided into character types? | 是可以輕易區分爲幾種性格的嗎 |
[34:08] | You think the multifarious complexities and nuances | 你認爲經過世世代代的演變 |
[34:10] | of the psyche, evolving through countless generations | 經過社會疾苦 個人痛苦 |
[34:14] | perverted and demented through social neurosis | 信仰虔誠 或是缺乏信仰而錯亂癡呆 |
[34:16] | and personal anguish or molded by faith, | 從而形成的心智上的紛繁複雜與細微差別 |
[34:19] | or lack of faith, can all be so god-damn simple? | 就這麼簡單嗎 |
[34:22] | Pollock is emotion, Rothko is intellect? | 波洛克是感性的 羅斯科是知性的 |
[34:25] | Oh, you embarrass yourself. | 你真讓自己難堪 |
[34:26] | Think more. | 再想想 |
[34:30] | Maybe it’s like one of your paintings. | 也許與你的一幅畫作相似 |
[34:32] | Yeah, most things are. | 大部分事物都是如此 |
[34:33] | How? | 怎麼相似 |
[34:34] | Dark and light, order and chaos, existing at the same time | 黑暗與光亮 秩序與混沌 |
[34:38] | in the same plain, pulsing back and forth. | 共存於一塊畫布上 來回脈動 |
[34:42] | We pulse too. | 我們也在脈動 |
[34:43] | We’re subjects of both Apollo and Dionysus, | 我們同時具有阿波羅與狄俄倪索斯的特性 |
[34:46] | not one or the other. | 而不是非此即彼 |
[34:48] | We ebb and flow, like the colors in your pictures. | 我們就像你畫中的色彩般 潮起潮落 |
[34:51] | The ecstasy of the Dionysian at war | 狄俄倪索斯的狂喜 |
[34:53] | with the restraint of the Apollonian. | 與阿波羅的剋制相互交戰 |
[34:55] | – Not at war. – Not at war? | -沒有交戰 -沒有交戰嗎 |
[34:57] | It’s not really conflict. More like symbiosis. | 兩者並不衝突 更像是共生關係 |
[34:59] | They need each other. | 他們相互依存 |
[35:02] | Dionysus’ passion is focused, | 狄俄倪索斯的激情需要阿波羅的意志 |
[35:04] | is made bearable by Apollo’s will to form. | 得以凝聚 得以存在 |
[35:08] | In fact, the only way we can endure | 事實上 我們之所以能忍受狄俄倪索斯 |
[35:11] | the sheer ferocity of Dionysus’ emotion | 純粹之至的猛烈情緒 |
[35:14] | is because we have the control and intelligence of Apollo, | 是因爲我們擁有阿波羅的掌控與智慧 |
[35:17] | otherwise the emotion would overwhelm us. | 不然情感就會把我們淹沒 |
[35:20] | So back and forth we go, myth to myth, pulsating. | 所以我們來回地從神祗到神祗間脈動着 |
[35:23] | Yeah, and the perfect life will be perfectly balanced | 是啊 完美的生活應當 |
[35:25] | between the two, everlastingly on that fulcrum. | 在永久的支點上保持完美的平衡 |
[35:28] | But our tragedy is we can never achieve that balance. | 但我們的悲劇在於 我們永無平衡 |
[35:32] | We exist, all of us, for all time, | 我們所有人 無時不刻 |
[35:34] | in a state of perpetual dissonance. | 都存在於永恆的不和諧狀態下 |
[35:36] | Oh, we long for the raw truth of emotion | 我們渴望情感的原始真諦 |
[35:38] | and can only endure it with the cool lie of reason. | 但只能以理智的冷酷謊言來忍受 |
[35:42] | We seek to capture the ephemeral, the miraculous, | 我們試圖捕捉那轉瞬即逝的奇蹟 |
[35:44] | put it on to canvas, stopping time but, | 把它描繪在畫布上 將時間停駐 |
[35:46] | like an entomologist pinning a butterfly, | 但就像是昆蟲學家釘住蝴蝶一般 |
[35:49] | it dies when we try. | 我們一旦嘗試 它就死了 |
[35:51] | We’re foolish that way, we human beings. | 這麼看來 我們人類是愚蠢的 |
[35:54] | We try to make the red black. | 我們試圖讓紅色變爲黑色 |
[35:56] | But the black is always there, like the mantel in Matisse. | 但黑色永遠存在 就像馬蒂斯畫中的壁爐 |
[35:59] | Like the snow outside your window. | 就像你窗外的白雪 |
[36:01] | Never goes away. | 從不褪去 |
[36:03] | And once glimpsed, you can’t help but be preoccupied with it | 只要輕瞥一眼 你就情不自禁地全神貫注 |
[36:06] | for the intimations of our own mortality are. | 因爲這暗示着我們自己的死亡 |
[36:10] | Ah, but still we go on, clinging to that tiny bit of hope, | 但我們還是會繼續 抓住那一點點希冀 |
[36:14] | that red, that makes the rest endurable. | 那紅色 能讓我們忍受其餘一切 |
[36:17] | Or just less unendurable. | 也許只是沒那麼難以忍受 |
[36:19] | Yeah, well, that’s my friend Jackson Pollock. | 是啊 那就是我的朋友傑克遜·波洛克 |
[36:21] | Finally it was just unendurable. | 最終還是變得難以忍受 |
[36:24] | – What do you mean? – His suicide. | -什麼意思 -他的自殺 |
[36:26] | He didn’t commit suicide. | 他沒有自殺 |
[36:27] | Oh, didn’t he? | 沒有嗎 |
[36:37] | Jackson Pollock died in a car accident. | 傑克遜·波洛克死於車禍 |
[36:39] | A man spends years of his life getting drunk. | 他好幾年酗酒成性 |
[36:42] | Day after day the guy is hammered. | 日復一日酒氣沖天 |
[36:44] | He then gets into an Oldsmobile convertible, | 然後開着一輛奧茲莫比爾敞篷車 |
[36:46] | races round these little country roads like a goddamn lunatic. | 像個該死的瘋子在鄉間小路上飆車 |
[36:50] | You tell me what that is if not a lazy suicide. | 你告訴我這不是懶惰自殺是什麼 |
[36:53] | Oh, believe you me, when I commit suicide | 相信我 我自殺的時候 |
[36:56] | there won’t be any doubt about it. | 人們不會有任何疑慮 |
[36:57] | No mysterious crumpled car in a ditch. | 不會有神祕的汽車落入溝裏 |
[36:59] | Did he, didn’t he. | 他自殺了嗎 還是沒有 |
[37:00] | Ah, gives me a headache it’s so boring. | 讓我頭疼 真是無聊 |
[37:03] | – When you commit suicide? – What? | -你自殺的時候 -怎麼了 |
[37:05] | You said, “When I commit suicide”. | 你說”我自殺的時候” |
[37:07] | – No, I didn’t. – Yes, you did. | -我沒有 -你說了 |
[37:08] | You misheard me. | 你聽錯了 |
[37:09] | Let me tell you something about your hero. | 讓我告訴你關於你的英雄的一些事 |
[37:12] | That man, he confronted his tragedy. | 那個男人 他直面了自己的悲劇 |
[37:14] | He was valiant in the face of it. | 他勇敢地面對了它 |
[37:16] | He endured as long as he could | 他儘可能久地堅持着 |
[37:18] | and then he tried to recede from his life. | 直到他試圖從自己的生活中退卻 |
[37:21] | But how could he? | 但他如何做到的 |
[37:22] | He was Jackson Pollock. | 他可是傑克遜·波洛克 |
[37:23] | What was his tragedy? | 什麼是他的悲劇 |
[37:24] | He became famous. | 他出名了 |
[37:26] | Don’t be glib. | 別油腔滑調的 |
[37:26] | His muse evacuated. | 他的靈感消失了 |
[37:28] | He grew tired of his form. | 他厭倦了自己的形式 |
[37:30] | He grew tired of himself. | 他厭倦了他自己 |
[37:31] | He lost his faith in his viewers. | 他對觀衆失去了信心 |
[37:33] | Take your goddamn pick. | 你隨便選一個吧 |
[37:35] | He no longer believed there were any real human beings left | 他不再相信人世間還有真實的人 |
[37:39] | to even look at pictures. | 配得上欣賞畫作 |
[37:40] | How does that happen to a man? | 他怎麼會這樣 |
[37:42] | Oh, better you should ask how occasionally it doesn’t happen. | 你應該問問爲什麼偶爾不會有這種想法 |
[37:45] | I mean he’s an artist. | 他可是個藝術家 |
[37:46] | He’s in “Life” magazine. | 他上過”生活”雜誌 |
[37:48] | He’s young, he’s famous, he has money. | 他年輕 出名 又有錢 |
[37:50] | Yeah, that’s exactly it. | 一點沒錯 |
[37:51] | Here’s a schmuck from Wyoming who can paint. | 他是個來自懷俄明的會畫畫的笨蛋 |
[37:54] | Suddenly he’s a commodity. | 驟然間 他變成了一件商品 |
[37:56] | He’s Jackson Pollock. | 他是傑克遜·波洛克 |
[37:57] | Let me tell you, kid, that Oldsmobile convertible, | 我告訴你吧 那輛奧茲莫比爾敞篷車 |
[38:00] | it really did kill him. | 的確殺了他 |
[38:01] | Not because it crashed, because it existed. | 不是因爲撞毀了 而是因爲它的存在 |
[38:04] | Why the fuck did Jackson Pollock | 傑克遜·波洛克究竟爲什麼 |
[38:06] | have an Oldsmobile convertible? | 會有一輛奧茲莫比爾敞篷車 |
[38:08] | So artists should starve? | 所以藝術家就該捱餓嗎 |
[38:09] | Yes, artists should starve. | 沒錯 藝術家就該捱餓 |
[38:13] | Except me. | 除我之外 |
[38:16] | – Take a look. – Yeah. | -看看吧 -是啊 |
[38:18] | Hey, you would have loved Jackson. | 你會很喜歡傑克遜的 |
[38:21] | He was a downtown guy, real Bohemian. | 他是個城裏人 真正的放蕩不羈的人 |
[38:24] | No banker’s hours for him, believe you me. | 相信我 他從不像銀行家朝九晚五 |
[38:26] | Every night, with the talking and the drinking | 每天晚上 聊天喝酒 |
[38:28] | and the fighting and the dancing and the staying up late, | 打架跳舞 然後熬夜 |
[38:31] | he was like everyone’s romantic idea | 他就是每個人心中 |
[38:33] | of what an artist ought to be. | 一個藝術家應該有的浪漫形象 |
[38:35] | Huh, he was the anti-Rothko. | 他和羅斯科相反 |
[38:38] | At his worst, ya still loved him, though. | 就算是最壞的一面 你也會喜歡他 |
[38:41] | You loved him because he loved art so much. | 你喜歡他 因爲他如此熱愛藝術 |
[38:45] | Jackson thought it mattered. | 傑克遜認爲藝術很重要 |
[38:48] | He thought painting mattered. | 他認爲繪畫很重要 |
[38:50] | Does not the poignancy of that just stop your heart? | 那份淒涼不會讓你的心臟停跳嗎 |
[38:53] | How could this story not end in tragedy? | 這個故事又怎能不以悲劇收尾 |
[38:57] | Goya said, “We have art | 戈雅說過 “我們擁有藝術 |
[38:58] | that we may not perish from truth”. | 使我們不致因真相毀滅” |
[39:01] | Well, Pollock saw some truth. | 波洛克看到了真相 |
[39:02] | And then he didn’t have art to protect him any more. | 但他已沒有藝術來保護他 |
[39:05] | Who survives that? | 誰能活過這些 |
[39:09] | Come on. | 過來 |
[39:12] | Oh, I was walking up to my house last week | 我上週走回家時 |
[39:15] | and a couple was passing. | 一對夫婦正巧經過 |
[39:16] | The lady looks inside my window and says, | 那位太太從窗口看進來說 |
[39:18] | “Oo, I wonder who owns all those Rothkos”. | “我真好奇是誰有那麼多的羅斯科” |
[39:24] | Just like that I’ve become a noun. | 我就像那樣 成爲了一個名詞 |
[39:27] | A Rothko. | 一幅羅斯科 |
[39:28] | A commodity. | 一樣商品 |
[39:28] | An overmantel. | 壁爐上的飾架 |
[39:30] | – A what? – The overmantels. | -什麼 -壁爐上的飾架 |
[39:31] | You know, those paintings doomed to become mere decoration, | 那些註定淪爲裝飾的畫作 |
[39:35] | over the fireplace in the fancy schmancy penthouse. | 掛在豪華頂層公寓的壁爐上方 |
[39:38] | Oh, they say to you, | 他們會對你說 |
[39:39] | “I need something to work with the sofa. | “我得要點東西配我的沙發 |
[39:41] | You understand? | 你明白嗎 |
[39:42] | Something bright and cheery for the breakfast nook, | 要點明快的東西放在吃早餐的角落裏 |
[39:44] | which is orange. | 橙色的那種 |
[39:45] | You got something in orange? | 你有橙色的畫嗎 |
[39:46] | Or burnt umber? | 或者深褐色 |
[39:48] | Or sea-foam green? | 或者海綠色 |
[39:49] | Here’s a paint chip from the Sherwin-Williams. | 這裏有一塊宣偉油漆的漆片 |
[39:51] | Oh, and can you chop it down to fit the sideboard?” | 你能幫我切小一點裝飾餐具櫃嗎” |
[39:54] | Or worse, “Darling, I simply must have one | 更糟的是 “親愛的 我一定要有一幅 |
[39:57] | because my neighbor has one, that social-climbing bitch. | 因爲我那個趨炎附勢的婊子鄰居也有一幅 |
[40:00] | In fact, if she has one, I need three.” | 她有一幅 我就要有三幅” |
[40:02] | Or even worse. | 還有更糟的 |
[40:03] | I gotta have one because | 我必須要有一幅 |
[40:05] | “The New York Times” says I gotta have one. | 因爲紐約時報說我應該有一幅 |
[40:07] | Or somebody told me | 或者有人告訴我 |
[40:08] | “The New York Times” says I gotta have one | 紐約時報說我應該有一幅 |
[40:09] | because I haven’t got time to read The New York Times any more. | 因爲我可沒時間去讀紐約時報 |
[40:12] | “Oh, no, no, no, no, don’t make me look at it. | “不不不 別逼我看它 |
[40:14] | No, I never actually look at it. | 我從不仔細看它 |
[40:16] | “It’s so god-damn depressing. | 太壓抑了 |
[40:17] | “Jesus, all those fuzzy rectangles. | 就那虛晃的矩形 |
[40:19] | “My kid could do this in kindergarten. | 我幼兒園的孩子都能畫 |
[40:22] | “The whole thing’s a scam. | 徹頭徹尾的欺詐 |
[40:23] | “This guy’s nothing but a fraud.” | 這傢伙就是個騙子 |
[40:29] | Oh, still they buy it. | 但他們還是在買 |
[40:31] | It’s an investment. | 爲了投資 |
[40:34] | It’s screwing the neighbors. | 噁心鄰居 |
[40:35] | It’s buying class. | 買身份地位 |
[40:36] | It’s buying taste. | 買審美品位 |
[40:38] | It goes with the lamp. | 買來配合燈光 |
[40:41] | It’s cheaper than a Pollock. | 比買波洛克的畫划算 |
[40:44] | It’s interior decoration. | 買來作室內裝飾 |
[40:48] | It’s anything but what it is. | 原因千萬 唯獨不是爲了畫本身 |
[41:02] | Okay, good. | 不廢話了 |
[41:06] | Let’s, let’s prime the canvas. | 來 讓我們給畫布上底色 |
[45:06] | That’ll do. | 這樣也行吧 |
[45:08] | Maybe it’ll do. | 應該可以 |
[45:10] | Possibly adequate. | 可能足夠了 |
[45:12] | What do you think? | 你怎麼看 |
[45:14] | You mean me? | 我嗎 |
[45:16] | You want me to answer? | 你要我回答嗎 |
[45:17] | Who else? | 還有別人嗎 |
[45:18] | It’s a, it’s a good ground. | 這是個 是個不錯的底色層 |
[45:23] | A good base layer. Nice and even. | 細膩平滑 很好的底色層 |
[45:25] | Yeah, we’ll see when it dries. | 是的 等它幹了 |
[45:27] | Then maybe I can start to paint. | 或許我就可以開始畫了 |
[45:29] | You really care what I think? | 你真的在意我的想法嗎 |
[45:30] | Not at all. | 並不 |
[46:19] | What? | 怎麼了 |
[46:20] | – Nothing. – No, what is it? | -沒什麼 -你在想什麼 |
[46:23] | It’s strange. | 真怪 |
[46:24] | I’m remembering something. | 我好像記起了一些事 |
[46:27] | – The color is – Is what? | -這顏色是 -是什麼 |
[46:33] | Doesn’t matter. | 不重要 |
[46:48] | What? | 幹嘛 |
[46:49] | Dried blood. | 乾涸的血 |
[46:53] | When the blood dried it got darker. | 血幹了後顏色加黑了 |
[46:58] | – On the carpet. – Yeah? | -在地毯上 -是嗎 |
[47:00] | Which carpet? | 哪張地毯 |
[47:04] | Where my parents died. | 在我父母去世的地方 |
[47:12] | It’s exactly the color. | 正是這顏色 |
[47:15] | When the blood dried it got darker. | 血幹了之後的黑色 |
[47:18] | That surprised me. | 我很驚訝 |
[47:19] | I remember being surprised by that. | 我記得當時的驚訝 |
[47:23] | Yeah? What happened to your parents? | 你父母怎麼了 |
[47:27] | I don’t wanna talk about it. | 我不想談這事 |
[47:28] | Yes, you do. | 你已經談了 |
[47:31] | They were murdered. | 他們被謀殺了 |
[47:33] | Did you say murdered? | 你說謀殺嗎 |
[47:36] | Well how old were you? | 你當時多大 |
[47:38] | Seven. | 七歲 |
[47:39] | This was back in Iowa. | 當時在愛荷華 |
[47:41] | What happened? | 發生了什麼 |
[47:43] | I honestly don’t remember it too well. | 老實說 我記不太清了 |
[47:45] | Sure you do. | 你記憶猶新吧 |
[47:51] | What do you see? | 你看到了什麼 |
[47:55] | What do you see? | 你看到了什麼 |
[47:59] | I woke up and the first thing I saw | 早晨一醒來我就看見 |
[48:03] | was the snow outside my window. | 窗外白雪皚皚 |
[48:06] | I was glad it snowed because it was Saturday | 我很開心下雪了 |
[48:09] | and I could go sledding. | 因爲那天星期六 我可以去滑雪撬 |
[48:12] | My dad would take me sledding, me and my sister, | 我爸爸會帶我和妹妹去滑雪撬 |
[48:15] | but, but I didn’t smell anything. | 但 但是我什麼都沒聞到 |
[48:22] | That was weird. | 很奇怪 |
[48:24] | Normally my mom would be up making breakfast. | 通常我媽媽會早起做早餐 |
[48:29] | It was really quiet. | 出奇地安靜 |
[48:32] | I put on my slippers. | 我穿上拖鞋 |
[48:35] | They were those Neolite ones that look like moccasins. | 是那種硬底軟面的拖鞋 |
[48:39] | Go into the hall. | 走進客廳 |
[48:42] | Now it’s really quiet. | 還是出奇地安靜 |
[48:45] | And it’s cold. | 還有些冷 |
[48:46] | There’s a window open somewhere. | 不知是哪扇窗戶開着 |
[48:51] | Then I see my sister. | 然後我看見妹妹 |
[48:55] | She’s just standing in the hallway, | 她正站在走廊 |
[48:58] | staring into my parents’ room. | 凝視着我父母的房間 |
[49:01] | The door’s open. | 門開着 |
[49:04] | My sister, she’s standing in a puddle of pee. | 我妹妹 她站在一灘小便中 |
[49:11] | Just staring, her eyes. | 她的眼睛 直直地盯着 |
[49:16] | I go to the door and look in | 我走到門前 朝房裏看 |
[49:19] | and see the snow first. | 入目便是白雪 |
[49:23] | Outside the window, so much snow. | 窗外厚厚的雪 |
[49:26] | Maybe I’ll still go sledding. | 或許我還可以去滑雪撬 |
[49:31] | And then the blood. | 然後我看到了血 |
[49:34] | The bed’s stained with it. | 牀上 |
[49:38] | And the wall. | 牆上都濺着血 |
[49:39] | They’re on the bed. | 他們躺在牀上 |
[49:42] | It was a knife. | 有一把刀 |
[49:46] | Apparently it was a knife, I found out later. | 很明顯的一把刀 我後來纔看到 |
[49:50] | Burglars, I found out. | 我發現是小偷 |
[49:51] | At least two of them. | 至少有兩名 |
[49:52] | But right now, I don’t know what to do. | 但當時 我大腦一片空白 |
[49:55] | I just, see. | 我只是呆呆地看 |
[50:00] | I don’t want my sister to see any more. | 我不想妹妹再看下去 |
[50:03] | My little sister. | 她還小 |
[50:04] | I turn around and push her out and shut the door. | 我轉身把她推開 關上門 |
[50:13] | The door handle, | 門把手上 |
[50:16] | with blood, is red. | 沾滿了紅色的血 |
[50:26] | That’s all. | 就這樣 |
[50:27] | What happened then? | 後來呢 |
[50:28] | You mean after that? | 你問這之後嗎 |
[50:29] | Um, nothing really. | 沒什麼了 |
[50:32] | We, we went to the neighbors. | 我們 我們去了鄰居家 |
[50:34] | They called the police. | 他們報了警 |
[50:35] | What happened to you two? | 你們倆個孩子呢 |
[50:36] | State took us. | 政府帶走了我倆 |
[50:38] | Foster homes. | 我們住在寄養家庭 |
[50:39] | People were nice, actually. | 人們都很善良 |
[50:40] | They, they kept us together. | 沒有把我們分開 |
[50:43] | But they shuffled us around a lot. | 但我們經常搬家 |
[50:46] | We were rootless. | 就像無根的草 |
[50:49] | She’s married to a CPA now. | 妹妹現在嫁給了一個註冊會計師 |
[50:51] | Rootless? | 無根的草 |
[50:52] | Never belonged. | 沒有歸屬感 |
[50:54] | Never had a place. | 沒有固定的家 |
[50:56] | – They ever find the guys who did it? – No. | -抓到兇手了嗎 -沒有 |
[51:00] | I paint pictures of them sometimes. | 我有時會畫他們 |
[51:02] | You paint pictures of the men who killed your parents? | 畫殺害你父母的兇手嗎 |
[51:06] | What I imagine them to look like. | 想象他們的樣子 |
[51:08] | Which is what? | 什麼樣 |
[51:12] | Normal. | 一般兇手的樣子 |
[51:23] | When I was a kid in Russia, I saw the Cossacks | 我小時候在俄羅斯時 |
[51:25] | cutting people up and tossing them into pits. | 我看見哥薩克人把人砍了扔進坑裏 |
[51:29] | Least I think I remember that. | 至少我自認記得 |
[51:32] | Maybe someone told me about it, | 也可能是道聽途說 |
[51:34] | or I’m just being dramatic. | 或是我的編造 |
[51:35] | It’s hard to tell sometimes. | 有時也很難深究 |
[51:38] | – How old were you when you came here? – 10. | -你來美國時多大 -10歲 |
[51:41] | We went to Portland. | 我跟隨家人去了波特蘭 |
[51:42] | Lived in the ghetto | 住在一個貧民窟 |
[51:43] | alongside all the other talky, thinky Jews. | 周圍都是能說會道的猶太人 |
[51:46] | I was Marcus Rothkowitz then. | 當時我叫馬克斯·羅斯柯維茲 |
[51:49] | You changed your name? | 你改了名字嗎 |
[51:50] | Yeah, my first dealer said he had | 是的 我的第一個經銷商說 |
[51:52] | too many Jewish painters on his books. | 他手裏有太多猶太畫家 |
[51:54] | So Marcus Rothkowitz becomes Mark Rothko. | 所以馬克斯·羅斯柯維茲改成了馬克·羅斯科 |
[51:57] | Now, nobody knows I’m a Jew. | 現在沒人知道我是個猶太人 |
[52:01] | Can I ask you something? | 我能問你一些問題嗎 |
[52:02] | Can I stop you? | 能不問嗎 |
[52:03] | Are you really scared of black? | 你是真害怕黑色嗎 |
[52:05] | No, I’m really scared of the absence of light. | 不 我害怕的是黑暗 |
[52:08] | Like going blind? | 就像雙眼失明嗎 |
[52:09] | Like going dead. | 像死亡 |
[52:10] | And you equate the color black with death. | 你認爲黑色等同於死亡 |
[52:12] | Doesn’t everyone? | 誰不是呢 |
[52:12] | I’m asking you. | 我在問你 |
[52:13] | Yes, yes, I equate the color black | 對 沒錯 我認爲黑色 |
[52:15] | with the diminution of the life force. | 代表生命的消逝 |
[52:17] | Black means decay and darkness. | 黑色意味着衰亡和黑暗 |
[52:19] | Doesn’t it? | 難道不是嗎 |
[52:19] | Because black is the lack of red, if you will. | 對你來說 只是因爲黑色缺少紅色 |
[52:22] | Because black is the opposite of red. | 因爲紅與黑對立 |
[52:24] | Not on the spectrum, but in reality. | 我指的不是色譜 而是在現實中 |
[52:26] | I’m talking about in painting. | 我說的是在繪畫中 |
[52:27] | Well then talk about painting. | 那就說繪畫 |
[52:29] | In your pictures, the bold colors | 在你的畫作中 大膽的色彩 |
[52:32] | are the Dionysian element, kept in check | 體現了酒神精神 |
[52:35] | by the strict geometric shapes, the Apollonian element. | 而規整的幾何圖形體現了太陽神精神 |
[52:39] | The bright colors are your passion, | 明亮的色彩是你的激情 |
[52:41] | your will to survive, your life force. | 你的生存意志和生命力 |
[52:44] | But if black swallows those bright colors, | 但如果黑色吞噬了明亮的色彩 |
[52:47] | then you lose that excess and extravagance, | 你就失去了豐富和張揚 |
[52:49] | and what do you have left? | 那麼你還剩下什麼 |
[52:50] | Go on, I’m fascinated by me. | 繼續 我被自己所吸引 |
[52:53] | Lose those colors | 失去那些色彩 |
[52:54] | and you have order with no content. | 你就空有形式而無內容 |
[52:57] | You have mathematics with no numbers. | 空有數學而無數字 |
[52:59] | Nothing but empty, arid boxes. | 除了空洞和乏味 一無所有 |
[53:01] | And trust me, as you get older | 相信我 隨着你年齡漸長 |
[53:02] | those colors are harder to sustain. | 很難留住這些顏色 |
[53:05] | The palate fades. | 感觀逐漸退化 |
[53:06] | We race to catch it before it’s gone. | 我們卻仍想拼命抓住它 |
[53:08] | – But? – What? | -可是 -什麼 |
[53:10] | – Never mind. – No, what? | -沒什麼 -別 你說 |
[53:12] | You’ll get mad. | 你會瘋掉的 |
[53:13] | Me? | 我嗎 |
[53:14] | You will. | 你會的 |
[53:14] | And? | 原因 |
[53:16] | I just think. | 只是我在想 |
[53:19] | It’s kind of sentimental to equate black with death. | 把黑色看作死亡是種感傷 |
[53:22] | That seems an antiquated notion. | 就像一種懷舊 |
[53:24] | Sort of romantic. | 或是某種浪漫 |
[53:25] | Romantic? | 浪漫嗎 |
[53:26] | I mean, not honest. | 我是說 不真誠 |
[53:28] | Really? | 是嗎 |
[53:28] | In reality | 在現實中 |
[53:29] | we both know black’s a tool, | 你我都明白黑色只是一種色彩 |
[53:31] | just like ochre or magenta. | 就像赭色和品紅 |
[53:32] | It has no affect. | 顏色沒有情感 |
[53:34] | Seeing it as malevolent is a weird sort of | 把顏色看作邪惡 |
[53:37] | chromatic anthropomorphizing. | 是一種怪異的色彩擬人化 |
[53:38] | Oh, you think so? | 你這麼想的嗎 |
[53:39] | What about equating white with death, | 那把白色看作死亡呢 |
[53:41] | like snow? | 比如說雪白 |
[53:42] | That’s different. | 那不同 |
[53:43] | That’s just a personal reaction. | 那只是我的個人反應 |
[53:44] | I’m not building a whole artistic sensibility around it. | 我纔不要營造一種藝術的感性 |
[53:47] | Well, maybe you should. | 也許你該這麼做 |
[53:48] | – I really don’t think you’ve… – Use your own life, why not? | -我真的覺得你沒 -用你的生命 不行嗎 |
[53:50] | – It’s not that I don’t… – Unless you’re scared of it. | -我不是因爲 -除非你害怕了 |
[53:51] | I’m not scared. | 我沒有害怕 |
[53:52] | – Get into all that white! – I’m not scared! | -邁入那片純白 -我不是害怕 |
[53:54] | It’s just self-indulgent. | 那不過是自我放縱 |
[53:55] | If you say so. | 見仁見智 |
[53:56] | Not all art has to be psychodrama. | 並非所有的藝術都需要發人深省 |
[53:58] | – Doesn’t it? – No! | -不需要嗎 -當然不 |
[53:59] | You paint pictures of the men who killed your parents. | 你畫下了殺死你父母兇手的肖像 |
[54:01] | That’s not all I paint. | 那又不是我畫作的全部內容 |
[54:02] | Yeah, well maybe it should be. | 也許他就該成爲你唯一的主題 |
[54:03] | Then maybe you’d understand what black is. | 那樣你就會理解黑色的意義 |
[54:05] | – Back to that. – Always. | -又說回來了 -沒錯 |
[54:06] | At least equating white with death isn’t so predictable. | 至少用白色代表死亡沒那麼好預料 |
[54:09] | Oh, I’m predictable now. | 我現在很好預料了 |
[54:09] | – Kind of. – Dishonest and predictable! | -有點 -不誠實 又好預料 |
[54:11] | Come on. | 別這麼說 |
[54:14] | A painter gets older | 畫家年歲越長 |
[54:16] | and the color black starts to infuse his work. | 他作品就會染上越多的黑色 |
[54:19] | Therefore, the clichée declension goes he’s depressed, | 那些陳腔濫調就會因此評判他是抑鬱了 |
[54:22] | he’s fearing death, he’s losing touch, | 怕死了 失去了感知力 |
[54:24] | he’s losing relevance, he’s saying goodbye. | 與萬物失去了聯繫 要告別這個世界了 |
[54:26] | Yeah, that’s a cliche except for when it’s not. | 陳腔濫調有時候說得也在理 |
[54:28] | But it’s not true. | 但這不是真相 |
[54:29] | Oh, now you know truth? | 你又知道什麼是真相了 |
[54:30] | Look at Van Gogh. | 看看梵·高 |
[54:32] | His last pictures are all color. | 他的遺作色彩豐富 |
[54:34] | He goes out and paints the most ecstatic yellows and blues | 他畫出了最令人着迷的黃色和藍色 |
[54:38] | known to man, then shoots himself. | 前所未見 然後了結了自己 |
[54:41] | Or Matisse, his last works were nothing | 還有馬蒂斯 他的遺作帶來的 |
[54:43] | but great shocks of primary colors. | 只有三原色的極致震撼 |
[54:45] | You admire those colors. | 你很敬仰那些色彩 |
[54:46] | Absolutely. | 當然了 |
[54:47] | Why? | 爲什麼 |
[54:48] | Well, Matisse, he was dying. | 馬蒂斯 他快要死了 |
[54:51] | He knew he was dying, but still he was Matisse. | 他知道自己快死了 但他仍然是馬蒂斯 |
[54:55] | When he got too ill to hold a paintbrush | 他病重到拿不起畫筆的時候 |
[54:56] | he used scissors, cutting up paper and making collages. | 就用剪刀 剪紙片來做成貼畫 |
[55:00] | He never gave up. | 他從來沒有放棄 |
[55:01] | On his deathbed he was still | 臨終時 他還躺在那裏 |
[55:03] | organizing the color patterns on the ceiling. | 描繪天花板的配色 |
[55:05] | He had to be who he was. | 那纔是他 |
[55:06] | And you think I’m the romantic! | 所以你覺得我纔是那個浪漫主義者嗎 |
[55:09] | Oh, can’t you do any better than that? | 你就這麼點領悟力嗎 |
[55:10] | Matisse the dying hero, | 馬蒂斯 垂暮的英雄 |
[55:12] | struggling with his last puny gasp to finish | 掙扎着用他最後一口氣 |
[55:14] | the final masterpiece. | 來完成他的遺世之作 |
[55:16] | And Jackson Pollock, the beautiful doomed youth, | 還有傑克遜·波洛克那美麗的不幸的青春 |
[55:19] | dying like Chatterton in his classic Pieta-pose. | 像查特頓以他經典的聖母憐子圖的形象死去 |
[55:22] | Oh, and Van Gogh, of course Van Gogh, | 還有梵·高 怎麼能少得了梵·高 |
[55:23] | trotted out on all occasions, | 任何場合都被提出來 |
[55:25] | the ubiquitous symbol for everything. | 那無處不在的象徵 |
[55:27] | Van Gogh the misunderstood martyr! | 梵·高 被世人誤解的先烈 |
[55:30] | You insult these men. | 你侮辱了這些人 |
[55:32] | You insult these men | 你用你幼稚的刻板印象 |
[55:34] | when you reduce them to your adolescent stereotypes. | 侮辱了這些偉大的人 |
[55:37] | Oh, grapple with them, yes. | 和他們搏鬥 可以 |
[55:38] | Argue with them, always. | 和他們爭論 必不可少 |
[55:39] | But don’t think you understand them. | 但別以爲你理解他們 |
[55:40] | Don’t think you have captured them. | 別以爲你掌握了他們 |
[55:43] | They’re beyond you! | 他們是超乎你的所在 |
[55:44] | Spend a lifetime with them, a lifetime, | 用盡你的一生去研讀 一生的時間 |
[55:46] | you might have one moment of insight into their pain! | 你也許會有那麼一瞬間窺視到他們的痛苦 |
[55:50] | Until then, allow them their grandeur in silence. | 在那之前 請讓他們的偉大在沉默中安眠 |
[56:03] | Silence is so accurate. | 沉默是金 |
[57:44] | We need some coffee. | 我們需要來點咖啡 |
[57:45] | Mind if I go out? | 我出去一下可以嗎 |
[57:46] | Go on. | 去吧 |
[57:49] | Wait. | 等等 |
[57:57] | In the National Gallery in London | 在倫敦國家美術館 |
[57:58] | there’s a painting by Rembrandt. | 有一幅倫勃朗的畫作 |
[58:01] | It’s called Belshazzar’s Feast. | 叫作”伯沙撒的盛宴” |
[58:04] | It’s an Old Testament story from Daniel. | 來自舊約”但以理書” |
[58:08] | Belshazzar, the King of Babylon, | 巴比倫的國王伯沙撒 |
[58:10] | is giving a feast and he blasphemes, | 舉辦了一場宴會 因爲褻瀆神明 |
[58:13] | so a divine hand appears | 一隻神聖的手出現了 |
[58:16] | and writes some Hebrew words on the wall as a warning. | 在牆上寫了一段希伯來語以示警戒 |
[58:20] | In the painting, those words, they, | 在那幅畫裏 那些文字 |
[58:23] | they pulsate from the dark canvas like something miraculous. | 在黑色的畫布上跳動 像一個神蹟 |
[58:28] | Rembrandt’s Hebrew was atrocious, as you can imagine, | 倫勃朗的希伯來語很糟糕 可以想見 |
[58:32] | but he wrote, | 但是他寫道 |
[58:38] | “You have been weighed in the balance | “你的靈魂被放上了公平之秤 |
[58:41] | and have been found wanting.” | 你的貪慾過盛” |
[58:46] | That’s what black is to me. | 這就是黑色之於我的意義 |
[58:51] | What is it to you? | 黑色對你來說又是什麼呢 |
[1:02:44] | They’re trying to kill me. | 他們想殺了我 |
[1:02:46] | I swear to God they’re trying to kill me. | 我發誓他們想殺了我 |
[1:02:47] | Those prosaic insects. | 那些乏味的蟲子 |
[1:02:49] | Those presumptuous, counter-jumping, | 那些狂妄專橫的 反覆無常的 |
[1:02:51] | arriviste sons-of-bitches. | 該死的暴發戶們 |
[1:02:53] | These are the same god-damn walls where I hang. | 這是我親手掛起來的牆 |
[1:02:55] | You appreciate that? | 你喜歡嗎 |
[1:02:56] | My gallery. | 我的畫廊 |
[1:02:57] | My walls. | 我的牆 |
[1:02:57] | Polluted now beyond sanitation, beyond hygiene | 現在都被污染了 什麼衛生 什麼健康 |
[1:03:01] | like the East River, choked up with garbage. | 就像伊斯特河一樣 被垃圾塞滿 |
[1:03:03] | All that superficial, meaningless sewage | 這些牆上 |
[1:03:05] | right up there on those walls! | 都是些膚淺的 毫無意義的污水 |
[1:03:08] | This is the same sacred space as De Kooning | 這是塊神聖的地方 和德古寧 |
[1:03:10] | and Motherwell and Smith and Pollock and… | 馬瑟韋爾 史密斯 波洛克 還有 |
[1:03:13] | What is this music? | 這是什麼鬼音樂 |
[1:03:15] | – Chet Baker. – Ah, just when I thought | -查特·貝克 -我還正以爲今天 |
[1:03:16] | today couldn’t get worse. | 不能更糟糕了 |
[1:03:18] | It’s jazz. | 這是爵士樂 |
[1:03:18] | Yeah, like I care! | 是嗎 我纔不在乎 |
[1:03:20] | When you pay the rent, ya can pick the records! | 付房租的人才有權利挑選唱片 |
[1:03:26] | So, how did you like the exhibit? | 今天的展覽怎麼樣 |
[1:03:28] | Those young artists, they’re out to murder me. | 那些年輕藝術家 真是要了我的老命了 |
[1:03:30] | That’s kind of extreme. | 這麼說有點極端了吧 |
[1:03:31] | Yeah, but not inaccurate. | 是有點極端 但不能說是不準確 |
[1:03:32] | You think Jasper Johns is trying to murder you? | 你覺得賈斯培·瓊斯試圖謀殺你嗎 |
[1:03:35] | Yes. | 對 |
[1:03:36] | – What about Frank Stella? – Yes. | -弗蘭克·斯特拉呢 -也一樣 |
[1:03:37] | – Robert Rauschenberg? – Yes. | -羅伯特·勞森伯格呢 -一樣 |
[1:03:39] | – Roy Lichtenstein? – Which one is he? | -羅依·李奇登斯坦呢 -他是哪個 |
[1:03:41] | Comic books. | 漫畫書 |
[1:03:41] | Yes! | 他也是 |
[1:03:43] | Andy Warhol? | 那安迪·沃霍爾呢 |
[1:03:48] | You sound like an old man. | 你聽起來像個老頭子 |
[1:03:49] | Yeah, I am an old man. | 我本來就是個老頭子 |
[1:03:50] | – Not that old. – Yeah, today I’m old. | -也沒那麼老 -今天我老了 |
[1:03:52] | If you say so. | 你非要這麼說我也沒辦法 |
[1:03:52] | Look, my point is, people like me, | 我想說的是 像我一樣的人 |
[1:03:54] | my contemporaries, my colleagues, all those painters | 我的同齡人 我的同事 |
[1:03:56] | who came up with me, we all had one thing in common, | 那些和我一樣的畫家們都有一個共同點 |
[1:03:59] | we understood the importance of seriousness. | 我們理解認真的重要性 |
[1:04:02] | You’re too much. | 你太過分了 |
[1:04:03] | What? | 什麼 |
[1:04:04] | – You heard me. – What the hell did you say to me? | -你聽到了 -你剛剛說我什麼 |
[1:04:05] | Who are you to assume they’re not serious? | 你憑什麼認爲他們不認真 |
[1:04:07] | – Oh, look at their work. – I have. | -看看他們的作品 -我看過 |
[1:04:09] | No, not like you usually look at things, | 不 不是像你平常看東西那樣 |
[1:04:11] | like an over-eager undergraduate. | 像個毛毛躁躁的大學生 |
[1:04:12] | – I have. – Yeah, and what do ya see? | -我認真看過 -是嗎 你看到了什麼 |
[1:04:14] | – Nevermind. – No, never mind, never mind. | -算了 當我沒說 -別算了呀 說說看 |
[1:04:16] | What do you see? | 你看到了什麼 |
[1:04:17] | This moment, right now. | 此時 此刻 |
[1:04:18] | In all those flags and comic books | 你從那些旗幟和漫畫書 |
[1:04:20] | and god-damn soup cans? | 和那些該死的湯罐裏看出來的 |
[1:04:21] | This moment, right now, and a little bit tomorrow. | 此時 此刻 還有一點未來 |
[1:04:24] | Oh, you think that’s good? | 你覺得這是好的嗎 |
[1:04:24] | It’s neither good nor bad, but it’s what people want. | 不說好也不說壞 這是人們想要的 |
[1:04:27] | Exactly my point. | 我就是這個意思 |
[1:04:28] | So art shouldn’t be popular at all now? | 所以藝術就一點都不該流行嗎 |
[1:04:30] | It shouldn’t only be popular! | 藝術不該迎合流行 |
[1:04:32] | You may not like it, but nowadays as many people | 你也許不喜歡 但是現在有不少人 |
[1:04:34] | are genuinely moved by Frank Stella as by Mark Rothko. | 是真的被弗蘭克·斯特拉的作品打動 不亞於馬克·羅斯科 |
[1:04:37] | – Nonsense. – Don’t think so. | -無稽之談 -我不這麼認爲 |
[1:04:38] | You know the problem with these painters? | 你知道這些畫家的問題在哪嗎 |
[1:04:40] | It’s exactly what you just said. | 就是你剛纔說的 |
[1:04:41] | they’re painting for this moment, right now. | 他們爲當下創作 爲此時此刻作畫 |
[1:04:43] | And that’s all. | 僅此而已 |
[1:04:43] | It’s nothing but zeitgeist art. | 不過是時代潮流藝術 |
[1:04:45] | Completely temporal, completely disposable, like Kleenex. | 完全是臨時的 一次性的 就像面巾紙 |
[1:04:49] | Like Campbell’s soup, like comic books. | 比如說罐頭湯 還有漫畫書 |
[1:04:51] | Oh, you think Andy Warhol’s gonna be hanging in museums | 你覺得安迪·沃霍爾的作品配在博物館裏 |
[1:04:53] | in a hundred years? | 懸掛百年之久嗎 |
[1:04:54] | Alongside the Bruegels and Vermeers? | 與布勒哲爾和維梅爾這樣的人物比肩嗎 |
[1:04:54] | 前者爲16世紀尼德蘭地區最偉大的畫家 一生以農村生活作爲藝術創作題材 後者爲荷蘭優秀的風俗畫家 被看作”荷蘭小畫派”的代表畫家 | |
[1:04:56] | He’s hanging alongside Rothko now. | 他的作品現在就掛在羅斯科的旁邊 |
[1:04:58] | Because those god-damn galleries’ll do anything for money! | 因爲那些該死的畫廊爲了錢什麼都肯做 |
[1:05:01] | Cater to any wicked taste! | 迎合所有惡劣的口味 |
[1:05:03] | That’s business, young man, it’s not art. | 這是生意 年輕人 不是藝術 |
[1:05:05] | You ever get tired of telling people what art is? | 每天向人說教藝術是什麼 你就不累麼 |
[1:05:07] | No, not ever. | 不累 一點也不 |
[1:05:08] | Until they listen. | 說到他們聽爲止 |
[1:05:09] | What, better you should tell me? | 怎麼 難不成要你來教我嗎 |
[1:05:11] | Fuck off. | 滾蛋吧 |
[1:05:12] | You’re just mad because the barbarians are at the gate. | 你生氣的是野蠻人打到了大門口 |
[1:05:15] | And what do you know, people seem to like the barbarians. | 結果呢 大家好像還挺喜歡這些野蠻人的 |
[1:05:18] | God dammit, of course they like it. | 媽的 他們當然喜歡 |
[1:05:19] | That’s the god-damn point. | 這就是問題所在 |
[1:05:21] | You know what people like now, | 你知道人們現在喜歡什麼嗎 |
[1:05:23] | you know what they like? | 你知道他們喜歡什麼嗎 |
[1:05:24] | They like happy, bright colors. | 他們喜歡歡快的 明亮的色彩 |
[1:05:25] | They want things to be pretty. | 他們想讓一切都很美好 |
[1:05:27] | They want things to be beautiful. | 一切都很美 |
[1:05:28] | Jesus, when someone tells me one of my pictures | 上帝啊 要是有人說我的作品很美 |
[1:05:30] | is beautiful I wanna vomit! | 我都想吐 |
[1:05:32] | – What’s wrong with… – Pretty, beautiful, nice, fine. | -美有什麼不 -漂亮 美麗 美好 |
[1:05:35] | God, that’s our life now. | 天啊 這就是我們現在的生活 |
[1:05:37] | Everything’s fine. | 一切都很好 |
[1:05:38] | We put on the funny nose and the glasses | 我們戴上滑稽的鼻子和眼鏡 |
[1:05:39] | and we all slip on the banana peel, | 腳下踩着香蕉皮 |
[1:05:41] | and the TV makes everything happy, | 還有電視把一切都裝點得很歡樂 |
[1:05:42] | everyone’s laughing all the god-damn time. | 每個人的臉上都洋溢着笑容 |
[1:05:44] | It’s our constitutional right to be amused | 時時刻刻被取悅是我們與生俱來的權利 |
[1:05:47] | all the time, isn’t it? | 不是嗎 |
[1:05:48] | We’ve become a smirking nation, | 我們變成了一個傻笑的國家 |
[1:05:50] | living under the tyranny of fine. | 生活在美好的暴政下 |
[1:05:52] | How are you?Fine. | 你好嗎 很好 |
[1:05:54] | How was your day?Fine. | 今天怎麼樣 很好 |
[1:05:55] | How are you feeling?Fine. | 你感覺如何 很好 |
[1:05:56] | You like the painting?Fine. | 你喜歡這幅畫嗎 很好 |
[1:05:58] | How about some dinner?Fine. | 一起吃晚飯嗎 很好 |
[1:06:00] | Well, let me tell you, everything is not fine! | 讓我告訴你吧 一切都不好 |
[1:06:03] | How are you? | 你好嗎 |
[1:06:05] | How was your day? | 今天怎麼樣 |
[1:06:06] | How are you feeling? | 感覺如何 |
[1:06:08] | Conflicted? | 矛盾 |
[1:06:09] | Nuanced. Troubled. | 微妙 困惑 |
[1:06:11] | Diseased. Doomed. | 病態 註定死亡 |
[1:06:12] | I am not fine. | 我不好 |
[1:06:13] | We are not fine. | 我們都不好 |
[1:06:14] | We’re anything but fine! | 我們缺好的 |
[1:06:16] | Look at these pictures. | 看看這些畫 |
[1:06:18] | Look at them. | 看看它們 |
[1:06:19] | You see a dark rectangle, | 你看到一個黑色的矩形 |
[1:06:21] | like a doorway, an aperture, yeah, | 像一道門 一個光圈 是的 |
[1:06:22] | but it’s also a gaping mouth letting out a silent howl | 但它也像一張大嘴 正發出無聲的嚎叫 |
[1:06:25] | of something feral and foul and primal and real. | 那是野性而兇狠 原始而真實的咆哮 |
[1:06:28] | It’s not nice. | 這不好看 |
[1:06:29] | It’s not fine. | 這不好 |
[1:06:30] | It’s real! | 這是真實的 |
[1:06:32] | A moan of rapture. | 一聲狂喜的喟嘆 |
[1:06:33] | Something divine or damned! | 是神聖或被詛咒的 |
[1:06:35] | Something immortal! | 是永恆的 |
[1:06:36] | Not soup cans or god-damn comic books! | 不是湯罐頭或該死的漫畫 |
[1:06:39] | Something beyond me and beyond now! | 是超越了我及超越現在的東西 |
[1:06:41] | And whatever it is, it’s not pretty, it’s not beautiful. | 不管它是什麼 它不好看 也不漂亮 |
[1:06:45] | I’m here to stop your heart! | 我來這兒是爲了讓你停止心跳 |
[1:06:47] | You understand that? | 你明白嗎 |
[1:06:49] | I’m here to make you think! | 我在這兒是爲了讓你思考 |
[1:06:51] | I’m not here to make pretty pictures! | 我在這兒不是爲了構造好看的圖畫 |
[1:07:10] | So said the cubist, | 立體派藝術家說過 |
[1:07:12] | the second before you stomped him to death. | 在你踩死他前的一刻 |
[1:07:24] | “Tragic, really, to grow superfluous in your own lifetime.” | “悲哀啊 真的 你讓你的一生變得多餘” |
[1:07:31] | Right? | 對嗎 |
[1:07:33] | “The child must banish the father. | “孩子必須驅逐父親 |
[1:07:35] | Respect him, but kill him.” | 尊重他 卻殺了他” |
[1:07:37] | Isn’t that what you said? | 這不是你說的嗎 |
[1:07:38] | You guys went after the cubists and surrealists | 你們追求立體主義和超現實主義 |
[1:07:41] | and, boy, did you love it. | 並且 你 你一度熱愛它 |
[1:07:43] | And now your time has come and you don’t wanna go. | 而現在你們的時代結束了 你卻不想離開 |
[1:07:46] | Well, exit stage left, Rothko. | 行了 從舞臺左側下場吧 羅斯科 |
[1:07:48] | Because pop art has banished abstract expressionism | 因爲波普藝術已經摒棄了抽象表現主義 |
[1:07:48] | 前者爲一種主要源於商業美術形式的藝術風格 其特點是將大衆文化的一些細節 如連環畫 快餐及印有商標的包裝進行放大複製 | |
[1:07:52] | I only pray to God they have more generosity of spirit than you do, | 我只求上帝有着比你更慷慨的精神 |
[1:07:55] | and allow you some dignity as you go. | 讓你離開的時候可以保留一些尊嚴 |
[1:07:59] | consider the last gasp of a dying race. | 想想瀕死者的最後喘息 |
[1:08:06] | Futility. | 毫無意義 |
[1:08:10] | Don’t worry, you can always sign menus for money. | 別擔心 你可以時常在菜單上簽名拿錢 |
[1:08:12] | How dare you? | 你怎麼敢這樣說 |
[1:08:14] | – Do you know where I live? – What? | -你知道我住哪兒吧 -什麼 |
[1:08:15] | – Do you know where I live in the city? – No. | -你知道我住在城裏哪兒嗎 -不知道 |
[1:08:17] | – Uptown, Downtown, Brooklyn? – No. | -郊區 市中心 布魯克林 -不知道 |
[1:08:20] | – You know if I’m married? – What? | -你知道我是否已婚了嗎 -什麼 |
[1:08:21] | You know if I’m married? | 你知道我是否已婚了嗎 |
[1:08:22] | – Dating, queer, anything? – No! | -戀愛中 同性戀 其它的 -不知道 |
[1:08:24] | – What’s this got to… – Two years I’ve been working here. | -這什麼意思 -我在這兒工作了兩年了 |
[1:08:26] | Eight hours a day, five days a week | 一天八小時 一週五天 |
[1:08:28] | and you know nothing about me? | 而你卻對我毫無瞭解 |
[1:08:30] | You ever once asked me to dinner? | 你有請我一起吃過飯嗎 |
[1:08:31] | Maybe come to your house? | 或者請我去過你家嗎 |
[1:08:32] | – What this got to do… – You know I’m a painter, don’t you? | -什麼意思 -你知道我是個畫家 對嗎 |
[1:08:34] | – I suppose. – No. | -我想是吧 -不 |
[1:08:35] | – Answer me, you know I’m a painter? – Yes. | -回答我 你知道我是個畫家嗎 -知道 |
[1:08:37] | Have you ever once asked to look at my work? | 你有提過要看看我的作品嗎 |
[1:08:39] | – Why should I? – Why should you? | -爲什麼我要那樣 -爲什麼你要這樣 |
[1:08:41] | You’re an employee. This is all about me. | 你只是個打工的 而這兒是我做主 |
[1:08:44] | Everything here is about me. | 這兒的一切都是我做主 |
[1:08:47] | You don’t like that, leave. | 你不喜歡 那就離開 |
[1:08:50] | Oh, is that what this is all about? | 這就是爲什麼你說那些的原因嗎 |
[1:08:51] | Baby feels wounded, daddy didn’t pat you on the head? | 孩子感到受傷 父親沒有拍拍他的頭 |
[1:08:54] | Mommy didn’t hug you today? | 媽媽也沒有抱抱他嗎 |
[1:08:55] | – Stop it! – Don’t blame me, I didn’t kill them. | -你閉嘴 -別怪我身上 我沒有殺了他們 |
[1:08:57] | Stop it. | 你閉嘴 |
[1:08:57] | Oh, go find yourself a psychiatrist | 去給你自己找個心理醫生吧 |
[1:08:59] | and quit whining to me about it! | 別在這兒跟我大發牢騷 |
[1:09:01] | Your neediness bores me. | 你的需求使我厭煩 |
[1:09:04] | Bores you? | 讓你厭煩 |
[1:09:06] | Bores you? | 讓你厭煩 |
[1:09:07] | Christ Almighty, try working for you for a living. | 全能的主啊 爲謀生盡力做好你的工作吧 |
[1:09:11] | The talking-talking-talking-Jesus-Christ-won’t-he-ever-shut-up | 這個喋喋不休沒完沒了的 |
[1:09:14] | Titanic self-absorption of the man. | 自私自利的男人 |
[1:09:17] | You stand there trying to look so deep | 你站那兒故作深沉 |
[1:09:19] | when you’re nothing but a solipsistic bully | 你不過是個 |
[1:09:22] | with your grandiose self-importance and lectures and arias | 用浮誇自大的演講和腔調的自我主義者 |
[1:09:26] | and let’s look at the fucking canvas for another few weeks, | 讓我們再看上幾個星期那些該死的畫布 |
[1:09:28] | let’s not fucking paint. | 讓我們別他媽的畫畫 |
[1:09:30] | Let’s just look. | 就看着 |
[1:09:32] | And the pretension. | 自命不凡 |
[1:09:34] | Jesus Christ, the pretension. | 老天啊 自命不凡 |
[1:09:38] | I can’t imagine any other painter | 我無法想象藝術史上 |
[1:09:40] | in the history of art ever tried so hard to be significant. | 還有哪位畫家如此努力地這樣標榜自己 |
[1:09:45] | You know not everything has to be | 你要知道不是每件事都 |
[1:09:47] | so god-damn important all the time. | 一直那麼重要 |
[1:09:50] | Not every painting has to rip your guts out | 不是每幅畫都得掏空你的內臟 |
[1:09:53] | and expose your soul. | 直擊你的靈魂 |
[1:09:54] | Not everyone wants art that actually hurts. | 不是每個人都想受到藝術抨擊 |
[1:09:58] | Sometimes you just want a fucking still life | 有時候你就想要一個他媽的平靜的生活 |
[1:10:02] | or landscape, or soup can, or comic book. | 或風景畫 或湯罐頭 或漫畫 |
[1:10:06] | Which you might learn if you ever actually left | 等你真正離開你那該死的密封潛艇 |
[1:10:08] | your god-damn hermetically sealed submarine in here | 也許你纔會明白 |
[1:10:12] | with all the windows closed and no natural light | 你把所有窗戶緊閉 不透一絲自然光 |
[1:10:15] | because natural light isn’t good enough for you. | 就因爲自然光對你來說不夠好 |
[1:10:22] | But then nothing is ever good enough for you. | 但對你而言一切都不好 |
[1:10:25] | Not even the people who buy your pictures. | 即便是那些買你畫的人 |
[1:10:28] | Museums are nothing but mausoleums, | 博物館不過是塊墓地 |
[1:10:30] | galleries are run by pimps and swindlers, | 畫廊都由皮條客和詐騙犯經營 |
[1:10:33] | and art collectors are nothing but shallow social-climbers. | 藝術收藏家也都是膚淺的趨炎附勢的人 |
[1:10:36] | So who is good enough to own your art? | 那誰足夠資格擁有你的藝術作品呢 |
[1:10:39] | Anyone? | 有人嗎 |
[1:10:43] | Or maybe the real question is | 或許真正的問題在於 |
[1:10:46] | who’s good enough to even see your art? | 誰足夠資格欣賞你的藝術作品 |
[1:10:51] | Is it just possible no-one is worthy | 會不會沒人配得上 |
[1:10:54] | to look at your paintings? | 看你的畫作 |
[1:10:56] | That’s it, isn’t it? | 就是這樣 不是嗎 |
[1:10:58] | We have all been “weighed in the balance | 我們都在”平衡中考量 |
[1:10:59] | and have been found wanting”. | 並發現自己的不足” |
[1:11:04] | You say you spend your life in search of real human beings, | 你說你用一生來尋找真正的人 |
[1:11:09] | people who can look at your pictures with compassion | 那些以憐憫之心欣賞你畫作的人 |
[1:11:11] | but in your heart you no longer believe those people exist. | 但你心裏壓根不相信這些人的存在 |
[1:11:15] | So you lose faith. | 所以你失去信念 |
[1:11:16] | So you lose hope. | 所以你失去希望 |
[1:11:17] | So black swallows red. | 所以黑色吞噬了紅色 |
[1:11:24] | My friend, | 我的朋友 |
[1:11:26] | I don’t think you’d recognize a real human being | 我想如果一個真正的人出現在你面前 |
[1:11:29] | if he were standing right in front of you. | 你也認不出他吧 |
[1:11:36] | Never mind. | 無所謂 |
[1:11:37] | Oh, don’t give up so easy. | 別這麼輕易放棄 |
[1:11:38] | This isn’t a game. | 這不是一場比賽 |
[1:11:39] | You do make one salient point, | 你確實抓住了一個重點 |
[1:11:41] | though not the one you think. | 雖然不是你所想的那樣 |
[1:11:42] | Naturally. | 那當然 |
[1:11:43] | I do get depressed when I think | 我確實感到沮喪當在想 |
[1:11:44] | how people are gonna look at my pictures. | 人們會如何欣賞我的畫作 |
[1:11:46] | If they’re going to be unkind. | 是否他們會變得刻薄 |
[1:11:49] | Selling a picture’s like sending a blind child | 賣一幅畫就像是把一個失明的孩子 |
[1:11:51] | into a room full of razor blades. | 帶進一個鋪滿剃鬍刀片的房間 |
[1:11:53] | It’s gonna get hurt. | 他會傷痕累累 |
[1:11:54] | It’s never been hurt before. | 此前他從未受過傷 |
[1:11:55] | It doesn’t know what hurt is. | 他不知道受傷是什麼滋味 |
[1:11:57] | Which is why I’m looking to do something different | 這就是爲何我會以不同的方式 |
[1:12:00] | with these ones. | 來處理這些畫作 |
[1:12:02] | They’re less vulnerable somehow, more robust. | 它們不再那麼脆弱 它們更強壯 |
[1:12:05] | Some hues from the earth even to give them strength. | 那些取自大地的色調會給予它們力量 |
[1:12:07] | And they’re not alone. | 它們也不孤獨 |
[1:12:08] | They’re a series. | 它們是同個系列 |
[1:12:09] | They’ll always have each other | 它們永遠都 |
[1:12:10] | for protection and companionship. | 相互維護彼此陪伴 |
[1:12:13] | And most important, they’re going to a place | 最重要的是 它們將會去一個 |
[1:12:15] | created just for them. | 專爲它們而造的地方 |
[1:12:17] | A place of reflection and safety. | 一個能沉思且安全的地方 |
[1:12:20] | A place of contemplation. | 一個能沉思的地方 |
[1:12:22] | Yes. | 是的 |
[1:12:23] | A place with no distractions. | 一個不會分心的地方 |
[1:12:24] | Yes. | 是的 |
[1:12:25] | – A secret space. – Yes. | -一個祕密之地 -是的 |
[1:12:26] | – A chapel. – Yes. | -一個小教堂 -是的 |
[1:12:27] | Like The Four Seasons restaurant? | 像四季餐廳那樣 |
[1:12:30] | At least Andy Warhol gets the joke. | 至少安迪·沃霍爾明白這個笑話 |
[1:12:33] | No, you don’t understand! | 不 你不明白 |
[1:12:33] | It’s a fancy restaurant in a big high-rise | 那就是一家開在富人公司擁有的 |
[1:12:36] | owned by a rich corporation, what don’t I understand? | 高樓內的昂貴餐廳 我有什麼不明白的 |
[1:12:38] | You don’t understand my intention. | 你根本不明白我的用意 |
[1:12:41] | Your intention is immaterial. | 你的用意並不重要 |
[1:12:44] | Unless you’re gonna stand there for the rest of your life, | 除非你一輩子就站在那兒 |
[1:12:46] | next to the pictures, giving your lectures, | 在那副作品旁 演講解說 |
[1:12:48] | which you’d probably enjoy, | 樂在其中 |
[1:12:50] | the art has to speak for itself, yes? | 藝術得爲它自身說話 對嗎 |
[1:12:52] | Yes but– | 對 但是 |
[1:12:53] | The truth is you mix your hypocrisy, | 真相是你帶着你的虛僞 |
[1:12:55] | the high priest of modern art | 現代藝術的最高權威 |
[1:12:57] | is painting a wall in the temple of consumption. | 正在消費殿堂裏粉牆 |
[1:13:01] | You rail against commercialism in art, but, pal, | 你指責藝術商業營利 但是 朋友 |
[1:13:03] | you’re taking the money. | 你也正獲利拿錢 |
[1:13:04] | No, I’m doing more than– | 不 我做的不止 |
[1:13:05] | Sure, you could try to kid yourself you’re making a | 當然 你可以試着欺騙自己你正在打造 |
[1:13:07] | holy place of contemplative awe | 一個充滿沉思敬畏之地 |
[1:13:11] | but in reality, you’re just decorating | 但現實是 你只是在爲超級富豪們 |
[1:13:13] | another dining room for the super-rich. | 裝飾着另外一家餐廳 |
[1:13:16] | And these things are nothing but the world’s | 並且這些畫作只不過是 |
[1:13:19] | most expensive overmantels. | 世界上最昂貴壁爐上的裝飾品 |
[1:13:23] | Why do you think I took this commission? | 你認爲我爲什麼接受這個委託 |
[1:13:24] | It appealed to your vanity. | 因爲它滿足了你的虛榮心 |
[1:13:26] | How so? | 怎麼說 |
[1:13:27] | They could have gone to De Kooning, they went to you. | 他們本可以找德古寧 可他們找了你 |
[1:13:29] | It’s the flashiest mural commission | 這可是自西斯廷教堂以來 |
[1:13:30] | since the Sistine Chapel. | 最華麗的壁畫委託 |
[1:13:32] | Oh, you would have turned it down? | 那你會拒絕它嗎 |
[1:13:33] | In a second. | 立馬拒絕 |
[1:13:33] | Easy for you to say. | 說得倒輕鬆 |
[1:13:35] | You know what it is? | 你知道嗎 |
[1:13:37] | It’s your Oldsmobile convertible. | 你就像奧茲莫比爾敞篷車 |
[1:13:41] | Come on, you don’t need the money. | 對吧 你不要錢 |
[1:13:43] | You don’t need the publicity. | 也不要宣傳 |
[1:13:44] | Why make yourself a hypocrite | 那爲什麼還要因爲西格拉姆公司 |
[1:13:46] | for the Seagram Corporation? | 把自己變成一個僞君子呢 |
[1:13:47] | I did not enter into this capriciously. | 我不是非常任性隨意地答應這件事情 |
[1:13:49] | I thought about it. | 我有認真考慮過 |
[1:13:50] | No kidding. | 沒跟你開玩笑 |
[1:13:51] | And of course it appealed to my vanity. | 對 它勾起了我的虛榮心 |
[1:13:52] | Come on, I’m a human being too. | 那又如何 我也是個人啊 |
[1:13:53] | But still, I hesitated. | 但是 我猶豫過 |
[1:13:55] | And the very same thoughts. | 我無數次問自己 |
[1:13:56] | Is it immoral? | 這是不是不道德的 |
[1:13:57] | Is it corrupt? | 這是不是腐敗的 |
[1:13:58] | Am I feeding the whims of the bourgeoisie? | 我是不是被用來滿足資產階級一時的興致 |
[1:14:00] | Should I even do it? | 我應該這麼做嗎 |
[1:14:02] | I know that place is where the richest bastards in New York | 我知道那個地方是紐約最富有的混蛋 |
[1:14:05] | will come to feed and show off! | 纔會來進食和顯擺的地方 |
[1:14:07] | And I hope to ruin the appetite of every | 我多希望能搗毀每一個 |
[1:14:09] | son-of-a-bitch who eats there! | 在那裏吃飯的畜生的胃口 |
[1:14:12] | You mention this to the Seagrams people? | 你真是這麼看待西格拉姆的人嗎 |
[1:14:15] | It would be a compliment if they turned the murals down. | 如果他們拒絕壁畫 我倒很樂意恭維一下 |
[1:14:20] | They won’t. | 他們沒有 |
[1:14:27] | You want a drink? | 來點酒嗎 |
[1:14:30] | Sure. | 好啊 |
[1:14:36] | I don’t know. | 我不知道 |
[1:14:37] | What? | 什麼 |
[1:14:38] | I don’t know that I believe you. | 我不知道我該不該相信你 |
[1:14:39] | About what? | 相信我什麼 |
[1:14:40] | Them. | 對他們的 |
[1:14:42] | This malicious intent of yours. | 你對他們的惡意 |
[1:14:45] | The old lion still roaring, still trying to provoke, | 老獅子仍咆哮着 試着挑釁它 沾上光 |
[1:14:48] | to be relevant, stick it to the bourgeoisie, | 好讓它牢牢地禁錮在資產階級的身邊 |
[1:14:51] | it doesn’t scan. | 它從不細看 |
[1:14:52] | Too romantic for you? | 對你來說太浪漫了嗎 |
[1:14:53] | Too cruel to them. | 對壁畫來說太殘忍了 |
[1:14:55] | Your paintings aren’t weapons. | 你的畫作又不是武器 |
[1:14:57] | You would never do that to them, | 你永遠也不能那麼對它們 |
[1:14:59] | never reduce them like that. | 那樣的去消耗它們 |
[1:15:03] | Maybe you started the commission thinking that way, | 也許是你讓委員會那麼想的 |
[1:15:05] | but | 但是 |
[1:15:08] | then, art happened. | 然後 藝術就被創造了出來 |
[1:15:12] | You couldn’t help it, that’s what you do. | 你都控制不住自己 這纔是你要做的事情 |
[1:15:14] | So now you’re stuck. | 所以現在你卡住了 |
[1:15:16] | You’ve painted yourself into a corner, | 你把你自己畫進了一個死角 |
[1:15:18] | you should forgive the expression. | 所以你應該原諒這些畫表達得不盡人意 |
[1:15:21] | No, you’re wrong. | 不 你錯了 |
[1:15:23] | Their power will transcend the setting. | 它們的魅力會超出我所預設的 |
[1:15:25] | Working together, moving in rhythm, | 一起運作 隨着韻律移動 |
[1:15:28] | whispering to each other. | 互相低語 |
[1:15:29] | They will still create a place. | 它們會創造出自己的天地 |
[1:15:34] | Oh, you think I’m kidding myself. | 你認爲我是在說笑嗎 |
[1:15:38] | You think this is all an act of | 你認爲我所謂的藝術全都只是一個 |
[1:15:40] | monumental self delusion? | 患有嚴重妄想症的人的所作所爲嗎 |
[1:15:44] | Answer me. | 回答我 |
[1:15:47] | Answer me! | 回答我 |
[1:15:54] | Yes. | 是的 |
[1:15:58] | I’m fired, aren’t I? | 我被炒了 對嗎 |
[1:16:01] | Fired? | 炒了你 |
[1:16:01] | This is the first time you’ve existed. | 怎麼會 這是你第一次在我這找到存在感 |
[1:16:08] | I’ll see you tomorrow. | 明天見 |
[1:19:34] | Can I lower the music? | 能把聲音調小點嗎 |
[1:20:02] | Oh, Christ. | 哦我的上帝 |
[1:20:04] | I was going to paint. | 我是準備要畫畫的 |
[1:20:06] | Obviously. Jesus Christ. | 是是是 我的上帝 |
[1:20:09] | You want a towel or something? | 要不要給你拿個毛巾什麼的 |
[1:20:12] | Maybe a paintbrush? | 或者拿個畫筆來 |
[1:21:45] | I went there. | 我去了那裏 |
[1:21:48] | What? | 啥啊 |
[1:21:50] | The Four Seasons restaurant. | 四季餐廳 |
[1:21:55] | After our chat, yesterday. | 在我們昨天聊完之後 |
[1:22:00] | I went there for dinner. | 我去那吃晚飯 |
[1:22:05] | It’s been open couple of weeks now. | 已經開業幾周了 |
[1:22:08] | Thought I should finally take a look. | 我想着終於能看看餐廳是什麼樣子 |
[1:22:14] | And? | 然後呢 |
[1:22:17] | You go in from 52nd. | 你會從52號街口走進去 |
[1:22:21] | And then you go up some stairs to the restaurant. | 上樓梯之後就能到餐廳 |
[1:22:28] | You hear the room before you see it. | 從很遠的地方開始 就能聽到那些聲音 |
[1:22:30] | Glasses clinking, silverware, voices, hushed here | 你慢慢走進 聲音越來越大 越來越清晰 |
[1:22:35] | but building as you get closer. | 玻璃杯和銀器碰撞在一起 叮鈴咣鐺 |
[1:22:38] | It’s a desperate sound, | 那是一種令人絕望的聲音 |
[1:22:40] | like forced gaiety at gunpoint. | 像是逼着人在槍口下強顏歡笑 |
[1:22:44] | You go in, feel fat, feel under-dressed, | 你進去之後 感覺自己肥胖 衣着還樸素 |
[1:22:49] | feel too god-damn Jewish for this place. | 我他媽感覺自己在這像個猶太人一樣 |
[1:22:53] | Give your name. | 你報上自己的名字 |
[1:22:55] | Pretty hostess gives you a look that says, | 漂亮的女老闆看你的眼神像是在說 |
[1:22:57] | I know who you are and I’m not impressed. | 我知道你是誰 但我並不在乎你 |
[1:23:00] | We get millionaires in here, pal. | 夥計 我們這兒可是有不少百萬富翁的 |
[1:23:03] | She snaps for the maitre d’ who snaps for the captain | 餐廳老闆 大堂經理 服務員 |
[1:23:07] | who snaps for the head waiter who brings you | 一個接一個不耐煩地命令着 |
[1:23:09] | through the crowd to your table, heads turning, | 服務員帶你去餐桌 穿過人羣 然後轉身 |
[1:23:14] | everyone looking at everyone else all the time, | 你發現那裏的每一個人時時刻刻 |
[1:23:17] | like predators. | 都虎視眈眈地打量着對方 |
[1:23:20] | Who are you? | 你是什麼人 |
[1:23:22] | What are you worth? | 你有什麼價值 |
[1:23:24] | Do I need to fear you? | 我需要怕你嗎 |
[1:23:25] | Do I need to acquire you? | 我需要得到你嗎 |
[1:23:29] | Wine guy comes, speaks French, | 說着法語的調酒師向你走來 |
[1:23:31] | you obviously don’t understand, he doesn’t care. | 你顯然沒明白他在說什麼 但他纔不關心 |
[1:23:36] | You embarrass yourself ordering something expensive | 爲了得到他的欽佩 你點了那樣昂貴的酒 |
[1:23:39] | just to impress the wine guy, who goes, unimpressed. | 真是令人羞愧 他還是絲毫沒有感到震驚 |
[1:23:44] | And then, you can’t help it. | 接下來發生的一切 你完全沒有辦法控制 |
[1:23:50] | You start hearing what people are saying all around you, | 你開始不斷聽到身邊人的談話 |
[1:23:52] | that’s the worst of all. | 這是最糟糕的事情 |
[1:23:53] | The voices. | 那些聲音 |
[1:23:54] | It’s the chatter of monkeys and the barking of jackals. | 那是猴子在嘰嘰喳喳 是豺狼無休的吠叫 |
[1:23:58] | It’s not human. | 它不屬於人類的聲音 |
[1:23:59] | And everybody’s clever, everybody’s laughing, | 每一個人都那麼圓滑 每一個都在賣笑 |
[1:24:02] | no one looks at anything, no one thinks about anything. | 沒有人去觀察些什麼 去思考些什麼 |
[1:24:06] | All they do is chatter and bark and eat, | 他們只是嘰嘰喳喳 吠叫 還有進食 |
[1:24:09] | and the knives and forks click and clack and the words cut | 刀叉撞擊叮鈴咣鐺 咔噠一聲 |
[1:24:12] | and the teeth snap and snarl. | 食物被撕咬開 空氣中混雜着憤怒的叫囂 |
[1:24:15] | And in that place, there, | 而就是在這樣的地方 |
[1:24:21] | will live my paintings for all time. | 會永遠呈現上我的畫作 |
[1:24:33] | I wonder, | 我捫心自問 |
[1:24:37] | do you think they’ll ever forgive me? | 我的畫作真的會原諒我嗎 |
[1:24:47] | They’re only paintings. | 它們只是畫而已 |
[1:24:56] | Turn that off, would you? | 把音樂關了 好嗎 |
[1:25:26] | Yeah, Mr. Philip Johnson, please? | 你好 麻煩幫我接菲利普·約翰遜先生 |
[1:25:29] | This is Mark Rothko on the line. | 我是馬克·羅斯科 |
[1:25:35] | Philip, this is Rothko. | 菲利普 我是羅斯科 |
[1:25:38] | Yeah, listen. | 好的 聽着 |
[1:25:41] | I went to the restaurant last night, and let me tell you, | 昨天晚上我去了那家餐廳 你給我聽好了 |
[1:25:43] | anyone who eats that kind of food for that kind of money | 任何在那樣的場合花了那樣的錢吃了那樣 |
[1:25:47] | in that kind of joint will never look at a painting of mine. | 的食物的人 永遠都沒有資格看到我的畫 |
[1:25:53] | No, I’m sending the money back | 對 我會把你的錢寄回去 |
[1:25:55] | and I’m keeping the pictures. | 然後留下我的畫 |
[1:25:59] | Yeah. | 好的 |
[1:25:59] | No offense. | 無意冒犯 |
[1:26:02] | Yeah, well, this is the way it goes. | 反正這事兒就這樣了 |
[1:26:03] | Good luck to you, buddy. | 祝你好運吧 兄弟 |
[1:26:07] | Now, now, you are Mark Rothko. | 終於 終於 你終於變回馬克·羅斯科了 |
[1:26:12] | Only poorer. | 就是又窮了些 |
[1:26:16] | Having money doesn’t make you wealthy. | 擁有金錢不能讓你變得富有 |
[1:26:18] | It helps though. | 但沒錢是萬萬不能的 |
[1:26:19] | This is a day for the books. | 今天是值得紀念的一天 |
[1:26:20] | – We’ll have to… – You’re fired. | -我們可以去 -你被炒了 |
[1:26:23] | What? | 啥 |
[1:26:24] | You’re fired. | 你被炒了 |
[1:26:27] | Why? | 爲什麼 |
[1:26:28] | Doesn’t matter. | 不重要 |
[1:26:30] | It does. | 重要啊 |
[1:26:31] | Write down your address, I’ll send you your final check. | 把你的地址給我 我把薪資給你結了 |
[1:26:33] | You owe me an explanation. | 你欠我一個解釋 |
[1:26:34] | No, I don’t owe you anything. | 不 我不欠你任何東西 |
[1:26:36] | Two years and you expect me to walk out, just like that? | 我跟了你兩年了 你就想着這麼打發我 |
[1:26:39] | Oh, you want a retirement party? | 你還想要一個離職派對嗎 |
[1:26:40] | I want a reason! | 我想知道原因 |
[1:26:41] | It’s none of your business! | 不關你的事 |
[1:26:42] | I want a reason. | 我想知道原因 |
[1:26:43] | You’re too god-damn needy, alright? | 你太依賴我了 知道嗎 |
[1:26:46] | I don’t need it. | 我不需要你 |
[1:26:46] | I don’t need your need. | 也不需要你需要我 |
[1:26:48] | Since you’re seven years old you’ve been looking for a home. | 從七歲開始 你就在找尋一個家 |
[1:26:51] | Well, this is not it, and I’m not your father. | 但是這裏不是你的家 我也不是你的父親 |
[1:26:53] | Your father’s dead, remember? | 你的父親已經死了 記得吧 |
[1:26:54] | I’m sorry, but that’s it. | 我很遺憾 但這是事實 |
[1:26:56] | Come on, Doctor Freud. | 不是吧 弗洛伊德醫生 |
[1:26:57] | You can do better. Why? | 你應該還能給我更好的解釋吧 爲什麼 |
[1:26:58] | – I told you why. – Why? | -我說過爲什麼了 -爲什麼 |
[1:27:00] | Because I don’t need an assistant. | 因爲我不需要一個助手 |
[1:27:01] | Bullshit. | 瞎扯 |
[1:27:02] | Because you talk too much. | 因爲你話太多了 |
[1:27:03] | So do you. | 你不也是 |
[1:27:03] | Because you have lousy taste. | 因爲你有口臭 |
[1:27:04] | Bullshit. | 瞎扯 |
[1:27:05] | Because I’m sick of you. | 因爲我厭倦你了 |
[1:27:06] | Bullshit. | 瞎扯 |
[1:27:06] | Oh, because your life is out there! | 因爲屬於你的大好時光在外面 |
[1:27:10] | Listen to me, kid. | 聽着 孩子 |
[1:27:13] | You don’t need to spend any more time with me. | 你不需要再花費其他時間來陪着我 |
[1:27:17] | You gotta find your own contemporaries, | 你得去和你的同齡人在一起 |
[1:27:19] | make your own world, your own life. | 創造你自己的世界 你自己的生活 |
[1:27:22] | You gotta get out there now, into the thick of it, | 你現在就得離開這 去往人羣的深處 |
[1:27:24] | shake your fist at them, talk their ears off. | 用你最猛烈的拳頭 扒開他們的耳朵 |
[1:27:27] | Make them look. | 讓他們瞧好了 |
[1:27:40] | When I was your age, | 當我在你這個年紀的時候 |
[1:27:43] | art was a lonely thing. | 藝術意味着孤獨 |
[1:27:44] | There were no galleries, no collecting, | 那個時候還沒有畫廊 沒有收藏家 |
[1:27:47] | no critics, no money. | 沒有批評的聲音 沒有經濟收入 |
[1:27:50] | We didn’t have parents. | 我們沒有父母 |
[1:27:52] | We didn’t have mentors. | 沒有良師益友 |
[1:27:54] | We were alone. | 我們孤身一人 |
[1:27:55] | But it was a great time | 但那也是一段很好的時光 |
[1:27:58] | because we had nothing to lose | 因爲一無所有意味着無所畏懼 |
[1:28:01] | and a vision to gain. | 擁有着無邊的想象力 |
[1:28:06] | Okay? | 可以了嗎 |
[1:28:15] | Okay. | 可以了 |
[1:28:26] | Thank you. | 謝謝你 |
[1:28:30] | Make something new. | 去創造新的事物 |
[1:29:21] | What do you see? | 你看見了什麼 |
[1:29:44] | Red. | 紅色 |