英文名称:Red Joan
时间 | 英文 | 中文 |
[01:37] | Joan Elizabeth Stanley You are resident at this address? | 琼·伊丽莎白·斯坦利 你住在这儿吗 |
[01:39] | Special Branch, you are under arrest! | 特殊分局 你被捕了 |
[01:41] | What’s going on?! | 发生什么事了 |
[01:42] | You are being charged with 27 breaches of the official secrets act | 你被控违反27项国家机密法案 |
[01:45] | you must come with us now | 你现在必须跟我们走 |
[02:06] | In other news, The investigation is continuing… …into the death | 另一方则新闻 关于前外交部长威廉 |
[02:09] | of the former head of the Foreign Office, Sir William Mitchell… | 米歇尔爵士去世的调查还在继续 |
[02:12] | …a statement will be made to Parliament on Friday. | 周五会在议会发表声明 |
[02:53] | Sit here, please | 坐这儿 谢谢 |
[03:03] | I don’t want a lawyer | 我不需要律师 |
[03:07] | I haven’t done anything wrong | 我又没做错什么 |
[03:09] | Mrs. Stanley, you are being charged with treason! | 斯坦利太太 你被指控叛国罪 |
[03:12] | What?! | 什么 |
[03:12] | Unless you can prove to the contrary, | 除非你能证明你无罪 |
[03:14] | your name will be released to the House of Commons on Friday | 否则你的名字会在周五的议会上公布出来 |
[03:16] | Why? | 为什么 |
[03:18] | There is a case against Sir William Mitchell, | 有一个针对威廉·米歇尔爵士的案子 |
[03:20] | which strongly implicates you | 很明显牵连到了你 |
[03:22] | If you are going to present a defense, then you must do it before Friday | 如果你要提出辩护 必须在星期五之前 |
[03:25] | I have nothing to defend! | 我没有什么需要辩护的 |
[03:27] | There’s a file on you. | 这儿有你的档案 |
[03:28] | Starting in 1938, when you went to Cambridge University | 从1938年你上剑桥大学开始记录 |
[03:35] | Mrs. Stanley? | 斯坦利夫人 |
[04:28] | My room is on the third floor | 我的房间在三楼 |
[04:32] | I can’t climb that high! | 我可不能爬那么高 |
[04:36] | I have been out on the razzle | 我出去嗨去了 |
[04:48] | Are you also a first year? | 你也是一年新生吗 |
[04:54] | English Literature? | 英国文学系吗 |
[04:55] | Natural Sciences, Physics | 自然科学 学物理的 |
[04:58] | I was fooled by your cushion covers | 我被你的外表风格给蒙住了 |
[05:00] | Modern languages | 我学现代语言的 |
[05:02] | Can I borrow a dressing gown? | 我能跟你借件起居服吗 |
[05:05] | If a bulldog catches me, I can say we were drinking cocoa | 如果我被捉住 我可以说我在你这喝可可 |
[05:13] | Is that a mink? | 那是貂皮吗 |
[05:18] | Hideous isn’t it? My mothers cousin brought it by | 很丑是吗 我母亲的表弟带来的 |
[05:20] | No, it’s not hideous… | 不 一点也不丑 |
[05:29] | …it’s different. | 很特别 |
[05:44] | I’ll bring it back tomorrow | 我明天还你 |
[05:50] | thank you so much | 太感谢你了 |
[06:24] | Oh, wait a second | 哦 等等 |
[06:27] | Hello! | 哈罗 |
本电影台词包含不重复单词:1296个。 其中的生词包含:四级词汇:259个,六级词汇:110个,GRE词汇:129个,托福词汇:182个,考研词汇:251个,专四词汇:219个,专八词汇:41个, 所有生词标注共:428个。 定制生词标注的台词本和单词统计,请访问生词标注台词本 | ||
[06:30] | That’s the girl I was telling you about. | 那就是我告诉你的那个女孩 |
[06:32] | I climbed into her window | 我昨天晚上就是爬她的窗户进来的 |
[06:51] | It’s all been a bit of a scramble | 我这里有点混乱 |
[06:54] | My mother was so busy ordering me my college trousseau, that | 我妈妈忙着给我置办大学用的东西 |
[06:58] | we didn’t buy any of the practical science equipment; | 我们没有买任何实用的科学实验设备 |
[07:01] | let alone the set texts | 更不用说本子什么了 |
[07:02] | So, are you parents against you coming here? | 那么 你父母是反对你来这里吗 |
[07:05] | My father was delighted | 我父亲很高兴 |
[07:08] | Yours? | 你呢 |
[07:10] | I am an orphan | 我是个孤儿 |
[07:13] | Oh, I’m… I’m so sorry | 哦 我很抱歉 |
[07:16] | No, it happened a long time ago | 不必 那是很久以前的事了 |
[07:19] | Flu… Russia… | 在俄罗斯 染了流感 |
[07:24] | So I went to live With my cousin Leo in Germany | 然后我就和我在德国的表弟里奥住在一起 |
[07:29] | He had just moved there | 他那时也刚搬到那里 |
[07:32] | And when Leo came here, I followed him | 里奥来到这里之后 我跟着他来了 |
[07:35] | He is a student here too? St. John’s | 他也是这里的学生吗 圣约翰的 |
[07:41] | You know? I guess I am just making up excuses, | 你知道的 我想我只是在编造借口 |
[07:44] | to why we are older than everybody else | 解释为什么我们比别人老一些 |
[07:58] | Russia, Germany What’s why modern languages | 从俄罗斯到德国 难怪你选现代语言学 |
[08:02] | After the first three, it all gets really easy | 会说三种之后 一切都变得很容易 |
[08:08] | We’re Jewish, by the way | 顺便说一下 我们是犹太人 |
[08:12] | I have never met … | 我从未见过 |
[08:13] | Mazel tov! | 祝你好运 |
[08:15] | Pardon? | 什么 |
[08:19] | Would you like to come to a film night with me tomorrow? | 明晚你愿意和我一起去参加电影之夜吗 |
[08:23] | I would love to, but I have my tutor’s sherry evening. | 我很想去 但我有家教们的雪利酒之夜 |
[08:40] | Let’s go! | 走吧 |
[08:42] | That’s William! …William Mitchell | 那是威廉 威廉·米歇尔 |
[08:45] | He’s a viscount or something. | 他是个子爵之类的 |
[08:49] | Kharak is a Mahārāja | 卡拉克是个印度邦主 |
[08:50] | Are we the only ones here without a title? | 我们是这里唯一没有头衔的人吗 |
[08:56] | William! Kharak! Wonderful to see you | 威廉 卡拉克 真高兴见到你们 |
[09:05] | That’s my cousin, Leo | 那是我表哥里奥 |
[09:18] | Fancy for film night! | 喜欢电影之夜吗 |
[09:19] | Socialists can’t have glamour? | 社会主义的人就不能有魅力吗 |
[09:25] | You must be Joan | 你一定是琼 |
[09:27] | I’m… Leo | 我是里奥 |
[09:31] | Sonya says you saved her life | 索妮娅说你救了她的命 |
[09:34] | not exactly | 不完全是 |
[09:38] | I hope you enjoy the film, then … | 那我希望你喜欢这部电影 |
[09:41] | …Joan. | 琼 |
[09:42] | Beneath its shade we’ll live and die, | 在它的笼罩下 我们共存亡 |
[09:46] | Though cowards flinch | 尽管懦夫会退缩 |
[09:49] | and traitors sneer, We’ll keep the red flag flying here. | 叛徒会嘲笑 我们也会让红旗一直飘 |
[10:18] | Mrs. Stanley? | 斯坦利夫人 |
[10:21] | At Cambridge, you were known to consort with Communists | 在剑桥 大家都知道你与共产党结盟 |
[10:24] | And attend their meetings and their film showings | 参加他们那些聚会和电影放映 |
[10:27] | Oh, is that what this is all about? Everyone did it back then | 就是因为这个吗 当时每个人都做过 |
[10:31] | Even if the films were dreadful! Not that you could say it, but … | 即使电影很难看 你也不能说出来 |
[10:36] | It was the in thing | 这在当时是一种潮流 |
[10:38] | The world was so different then | 当时的世界和现在是截然不同的 |
[10:42] | You have no idea | 你根本不知道 |
[10:45] | So, tell me, Mrs. Stanley … | 那么 告诉我 斯坦利夫人 |
[10:47] | Would you describe your father as a socialist? | 你觉得你父亲可以称作一个社会主义者吗 |
[10:51] | Goodness! | 天哪 扯这远 |
[10:54] | Well, he was a headmaster | 他当时是个校长 |
[10:58] | He cared for the ordinary man | 他关心每一个人 |
[11:01] | He’d seen the Gyro marches pass through the town. | 他看过太多飞机掠过城市上空 |
[11:04] | But a socialist? No! | 但是社会主义者吗 当然不是 |
[11:05] | So, who politicized you, then? | 那么说说 谁把你政治化了呢 |
[11:08] | That’s a peculiar way of putting it. | 你这种表达方式很特别啊 |
[11:10] | My family escaped anti-Semitism In Russia to settle in Germany | 我家因为反犹太主义而从俄罗斯逃到德国 |
[11:16] | It was not the best decision | 那可不是最好的决定 |
[11:18] | By the time I was at university, Hitler’s thugs were unstoppable. | 当我上大学时 希特勒已经暴行天下了 |
[11:25] | But I would not hide from them. Not because I was a hero! | 但我不会躲着他们 不是因为我是英雄 |
[11:29] | But because if I did not stand up to them, who would? | 而是如果我不反抗他们 谁又来反抗呢 |
[11:33] | Well said, sir | 说得好 先生 |
[11:34] | My small action… could join with a small action | 我一点行动 你一点行动 |
[11:38] | of another until we had a movement! | 我们就可以发展成一个运动了 |
[11:41] | Yes That’s right, yes | 是的 没错 |
[11:42] | Compelling, isn’t it? | 很有说服力 不是吗 |
[11:44] | All of us have to decide… …which side we are on. | 我们都得决定我们站在哪一边 |
[11:48] | Warmonger! | 你个好战分子 |
[11:50] | Let him speak | 让他说 |
[11:51] | The war has already begun | 战争已经开始了 |
[11:54] | While they are saying “Peace at all costs” | 在他们说着”不惜一切代价保卫和平”时 |
[11:57] | We are being dragged into the future by dark forces | 我们的未来正在陷入黑暗势力中 |
[12:00] | We have to stand together | 我们必须站在一起 |
[12:03] | Banish our enemies of apathy and hatred | 驱逐冷漠和仇恨的敌人 |
[12:07] | Rally our allies of hope! | 团结我们的希望同盟 |
[12:10] | Yes! | 没错 |
[12:13] | Take action! join us | 行动起来 加入我们 |
[12:20] | – Great speech, Leo Well done, old man | 说得好 里奥 漂亮 老伙计 |
[12:22] | They tried to drown him, you know | 你知道吗 他们曾经想淹死他 |
[12:25] | The Nazis? | 纳粹吗 |
[12:26] | They beat him up… … and threw him off a bridge | 他们殴打他 还把他从桥上扔了下去 |
[12:34] | What did you think? | 你觉得怎样 |
[12:36] | very moving. | 非常感动 |
[12:37] | Moving? | 感动而已吗 |
[12:38] | I wanted it to be rousing! | 我想让听的人热血沸腾 |
[12:39] | Extremely good show, Leo! | 表现很不错 里奥 |
[12:41] | Thank you Yes, | 谢谢 是的 |
[12:42] | well done, old chap | 干得好 老伙计 |
[12:43] | If I hadn’t already I’d sign up on the spot | 如果我先没有加入的话 我会当场报名的 |
[12:58] | It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. | 那是个最美好 也最糟糕的年代 |
[13:04] | It was the age of wisdom. It was the age of foolishness. | 是个充满智慧 同时又愚昧无知的年代 |
[13:09] | It was the epoch of belief. It was the epoch of incredulity. | 也是充满信仰 又充满怀疑的新纪元 |
[13:15] | It was the season of light. It was the season of darkness. | 这是光明的季节 也是黑暗的时分 |
[13:20] | The tale of two cities, book one. Recalled to life! | 《双城记》第一册 回忆生活 |
[13:25] | That’s communism. | 那就是共产主义 |
[13:27] | That’s Dickens. | 那明明是狄更斯 |
[13:29] | and I thought far too English for you. | 你得非常了解英国才能懂得 |
[13:34] | So, what made you want to read physics? | 所以怎么 是什么让你想读物理呢 |
[13:37] | The clever answer, is when in 1932, they discovered the Neutron… | 聪明的回答是 1932年 他们发现了中子 |
[13:43] | …and the whole world changed, and I wanted to be a part of that | 整个世界都改变了 我想成为其中的一员 |
[13:48] | The the reality is… tadpoles | 事实是 我对蝌蚪感兴趣 |
[13:52] | When my sister and I were little, | 我和妹妹小的时候 |
[13:53] | we used to go down to our local pond, and take them home with us. | 我们经常去当地的池塘 带他们回家 |
[13:57] | They were a bit smelly, so we gave them a nice hot bath… | 他们有点臭 所以我们给他们洗个热水澡 |
[14:02] | …and accidentally boiled them alive! | 结果不小心把他们活活煮了 |
[14:03] | – You are a monster! – No! | -你真是个怪物 -才不是 |
[14:07] | It made me want to understand. | 激发了我的求知欲 |
[14:11] | And now I’m here studying physics | 所以我现在在这里学习物理 |
[14:16] | I want to show you something | 我想给你看些东西 |
[14:20] | Let’s go! | 我们走 |
[14:26] | This way | 这边 |
[15:04] | Tell me, if all of this … | 告诉我 如果所有的一切 |
[15:07] | The whole world is going to be destroyed … | 整个世界都将毁灭的话 |
[15:11] | What would you save? | 你会想拯救什么 |
[15:15] | The Pyramids, The Eiffel Tower, perhaps? | 金字塔 也许是埃菲尔铁塔 |
[15:19] | Why those things? Why any of them? | 为什么是这些东西 为什么 |
[15:25] | Maybe it’s a chance to rebuild a civilization from scratch. | 也许这是一个开始重建文明的机会 |
[15:32] | A completely new way | 以一种全新的方式 |
[15:40] | My little Comrade | 我的小同志 |
[15:56] | See you at the meeting? | 我们会上再见吧 |
[16:22] | Mrs. Stanley? | 斯坦利夫人 |
[16:23] | I, Zinoviev, would like to repeat, that I am fully and utterly guilty | 我兹诺维耶夫 再次重申 我的确有罪 |
[16:28] | I am guilty of having been the organizer, | 我是仅次于托洛茨基 |
[16:31] | second only to Trotsky of the attempted killing of Stalin | 企图杀害斯大林的组织者 |
[16:38] | Do you think Stalin forced him to confess? | 你认为斯大林强迫他认罪的吗 |
[16:40] | Of course not! These confessions are freely given | 当然不是 这些认罪都是自由的 |
[16:43] | The only people who claim otherwise, | 只有西方的媒体为了诋毁苏联 |
[16:45] | are members of the Western press out to discredit the USSR | 而声称这个是假的 |
[16:47] | But surely you can see why they say some of the confessions aren’t credible | 但你一定能明白为什么很多人说这不可信 |
[16:51] | Who is they? | 很多人是哪些人 |
[16:51] | Most people in England | 大多数英国人 |
[16:52] | Then they are playing into the hands of criminals, and enemies of the state who plant confusion | 那他们就是上了那些罪犯和国民公敌的当 |
[17:00] | The final words of his co-conspirator Kamenev say it all: | 他的同谋加米涅夫说的最后一句话是 |
[17:03] | “Whatever my sentence may be, | 不管我的判决是什么 |
[17:05] | I consider it just … together with the people, follow where Stalin leads!” | 我认为全国人民应该站一起 跟随斯大林 |
[17:23] | How funny! About you and Leo. | 你和 里奥之间 真有趣 |
[17:27] | What about us? | 我们怎么了 |
[17:30] | Are you sleeping together? | 你们上床了吗 |
[17:32] | Sonya! | 索妮娅 |
[17:33] | What are you waiting for? | 你还在等什么呢 |
[17:37] | You will laugh but … | 你听了会笑我的 但是 |
[17:41] | I think people should be in love | 我觉得应该要等到两个人相爱之后 |
[17:45] | See? | 看吧 |
[17:47] | You silly goose! | 你个笨呆鹅 |
[17:49] | Love? | 相爱 |
[17:50] | That’s not how Leo works | 里奥才不是那样的人呢 |
[17:52] | If you wait for him to say he loves you | 你要是等到他说出爱你的话 |
[17:54] | you’ll die a virgin. | 你到死都还会是处女 |
[17:56] | Anyway It doesn’t matter now, does it? | 不管怎么说现在都没关系了 不是吗 |
[17:58] | What do you mean? | 你什么意思 |
[18:01] | – He’s going next week. – Where? | -他下周就要走了 -去哪儿 |
[18:18] | Russia? For three months? | 去俄罗斯 要三个月吗 |
[18:22] | We can write | 我们可以写信 |
[18:24] | No, I think it’s a wonderful opportunity | 不是 我只是觉得这是个绝佳的机会 |
[18:27] | I’m giving a lecture, | 我要做一次讲座 |
[18:28] | and then I’ll be taken on a tour of the factories for my thesis | 然后我就会随从去工厂实践我的论文 |
[18:35] | Leo… | 里奥 |
[18:37] | I’ll miss you | 我会想你的 |
[18:45] | My little Comrade! | 我的小同志 |
[19:21] | Hello! Mum? | 有人在吗 老妈 |
[19:26] | Mum! | 老妈 |
[19:30] | There you are! | 你在这呢 |
[19:31] | Listen, I’ve heard the strangest thing | 最近我听到了件相当奇怪的事 |
[19:33] | I have been calling you | 我一直在给你打电话 |
[19:36] | Is your Sciatica back? | 你的坐骨神经痛又发作了吗 |
[19:41] | I got a call in chambers | 我接到个来自议院的电话 |
[19:43] | It’s a tip-off from the CPS | 是份来自皇家检察署的密报 |
[19:45] | who’d somehow heard this from MI-5 | 有人不知怎的从军情五处打听到这条消息 |
[19:48] | It’s utterly ridiculous; you will laugh | 这真是荒谬至极 你听到会发笑的 |
[19:50] | I don’t supposed you’ve heard about | 你该不会听说过一个最近去世的 |
[19:51] | a man called Sir William Mitchell Who died recently? | 叫做威廉·米歇尔爵士的男人吧 |
[19:57] | Well, they think he was a communist | 他们认为他是共产主义分子 |
[20:01] | And might have been part of some Cambridge spy ring | 而且可能还隶属于一个什么剑桥间谍团伙 |
[20:04] | But that is not the funny part, this is: | 但那不是有趣的部分 这才是 |
[20:06] | they think you might be involved | 他们还认为你与此有关 |
[20:08] | That’s nonsense, isn’t it? | 这该有多荒谬 不是吗 |
[20:10] | Isn’t it? | 难道不是吗 |
[20:22] | What’s the matter? | 怎么了 |
[20:31] | What have they done to you? | 他们对你做了什么 |
[20:33] | It’s like a nightmare. | 就像噩梦一样 |
[20:35] | I can’t believe it’s happening, Nick. | 我不敢相信事情就这么发生了 尼克 |
[20:38] | – They put me under a control hood. – What? | -他们把我纳入了监控范围 -什么 |
[20:41] | Sir William. I knew him at Cambridge | 威廉爵士 我在剑桥认识他 |
[20:44] | We were there at the same time | 我们同一时间都在那里 |
[20:47] | This is an absolute disgrace | 这真是让人蒙羞 |
[20:51] | I’ll talk to Bernard directly. | 我会直接和伯纳德谈谈 |
[20:53] | I’ll take them to the bloody cleaners | 我要让他们颜面尽失 |
[20:54] | How dare they put that thing on you? | 他们怎么敢把那东西戴在你身上 |
[21:01] | The Home Office has announced, that all foreign nationals | 内政部已经宣布所有外国人 |
[21:04] | must report immediately with their passports | 必须立即带着他们的护照 |
[21:07] | to their local police station for registration… | 去当地警局报道注册 |
[21:12] | Darling! | 亲爱的 |
[21:16] | So sorry I am late! | 很抱歉我来晚了 |
[21:17] | You know what Alistair can be like | 你知道阿利斯泰尔是怎样一个人 |
[21:20] | Alistair? I thought it was Angus | 阿利斯泰尔吗 我还以为是安格斯 |
[21:22] | Former was Angus | 以前是安格斯 |
[21:25] | This is Alistair | 现在是阿利斯泰尔了 |
[21:26] | Afternoon! What would you like, Ma’am? | 下午好 您来点什么呢 夫人 |
[21:29] | Tea and a crumpet, please | 我要茶和一块烤面饼 |
[21:31] | Coffee, please | 一杯咖啡 |
[21:34] | Have you heard from Leo? | 你有里奥的消息吗 |
[21:36] | I have not heard a word for weeks! | 我好几周都没有他的消息了 |
[21:38] | They will let him back in, won’t they? | 他们会让他回国的 对吧 |
[21:41] | Don’t worry about Leo. | 别担心里奥 |
[21:43] | Our passports make it difficult for us | 虽然我们的护照会让我们难以回国 |
[21:45] | But he can be very persuasive. | 但他可是相当能说服人的 |
[21:48] | This is war, Sonya! | 索妮娅 这可是战争时期啊 |
[21:50] | His beloved Stalin is cahoots | 他那心爱的斯大林 |
[21:51] | with the Nazis who tried to kill him. | 跟那些企图杀害他的纳粹是一伙儿的 |
[21:53] | You mean the pact? | 你是说华约吗 |
[21:55] | That’s just tactics to buy us time. | 那只是为我们争取时间的斡旋而已 |
[21:58] | Not us, you! | 不是我们 只是你 |
[22:01] | We are not on the same side anymore | 我们不再站在战争的同一边了 |
[22:14] | 亲爱的里奥 | |
[22:37] | JoJo! | 琼琼 |
[22:40] | Leo! | 里奥 |
[22:49] | I missed you so much! | 我真是太想你了 |
[22:52] | Did you miss me? | 你想我了吗 |
[22:54] | Yes, but not as much as the roast beef at the Eagle. | 想啊 但比不上想吃老鹰店的烤牛肉 |
[22:57] | – You Rotter! – What? | -你个讨厌鬼 -怎么 |
[23:01] | – How did you get back in? – I told them, | -你是怎么回国的 -我告诉他们 |
[23:03] | I… had to finish my studies | 我得完成我的学术研究 |
[23:07] | But I might be on borrowed time | 但我在这儿的时间可能有限 |
[23:14] | Communist International. | 国际共产主义组织 |
[23:15] | Comintern, that was the name of the group | 共产国际 这是该组织的名称 |
[23:20] | I was never a member | 我从来都不是其中的一员 |
[23:21] | Of the group? | 组织的一员吗 |
[23:23] | – Of anything! – Why not? | -任何组织都不是 -为什么不加入呢 |
[23:26] | I didn’t agree with what they said | 我并不认同他们的主张 |
[23:28] | When are you going to realize, | 你们什么时候才能意识到 |
[23:29] | you are wasting your time? | 你们完全是在浪费时间 |
[23:29] | Because we’re not, | 因为这不是在浪费时间 |
[23:30] | are we, Mrs. Stanley? | 对吗 斯坦利太太 |
[23:37] | Leo Galich, you are being interned as an enemy alien | 里奥·加里奇 根据紧急权力法 |
[23:39] | under the Emergency Powers Act | 你将作为敌方外侨俘虏被扣押 |
[23:41] | – Come now – He’s on our side! | -现在跟我们走吧 -他是我们这边的 |
[23:43] | – Can I take anything? – One case | -我能带什么东西吗 -一件行李箱 |
[23:45] | Don’t you know anything? The Nazis tried to kill him | 你什么都不懂 那些纳粹还试图杀害他 |
[23:47] | I have been expecting this | 我一直对此有所准备 |
[23:49] | Do not make a scene. | 不要在这个时候发脾气 |
[23:50] | Young lady, he’s a German | 这位年轻姑娘 他可是个德国人 |
[23:52] | Joan! Joan! Joan! | 琼 琼 琼 |
[23:54] | Can we have a moment? | 能让我们单独待一会儿吗 |
[23:56] | We’ll be outside | 我们就在外面等着 |
[23:58] | You should be ashamed of yourselves | 你应该为自己感到羞耻 |
[24:03] | Joan, Come on! Come! | 琼 拜托 过来 |
[24:08] | Please, do not take this so hard | 拜托了 不要感到太难过 |
[24:12] | I can’t bear it | 我无法承受 |
[24:16] | This is not the Joan I know | 这可不是我认识的那个琼啊 |
[24:19] | When this is all over, we… | 当这场战争完全结束的时候 我们 |
[24:23] | … we will be together. | 我们会在一起的 |
[24:29] | In 1940, Sonya went to Switzerland … | 1940年 索妮娅去了瑞士 |
[24:32] | … and Leo was interned briefly on the Isle of Man. | 而里奥曾被短暂地囚禁在曼恩岛上 |
[24:36] | I lost touch with him then | 那时我就跟他失去了联系 |
[24:38] | No, you corresponded regularly | 不 你们仍然还在正常通信 |
[24:41] | Right up until you started work | 直到你1941年在剑桥 |
[24:42] | at the Tube Alloys project, in Cambridge in ’41 | 刚进入管合金公司项目工作之前 |
[24:47] | So, did Leo Galich get you that job? | 是里奥·加里奇给你搞到的那份工作吗 |
[24:59] | Bag please, Miss | 请交出提包检查 小姐 |
[25:03] | Joan Smith! | 琼·史密斯 |
[25:04] | Very Punctual! I’m Max. | 相当准时啊 我是麦克斯 |
[25:08] | Alright, follow me | 好了 跟我来吧 |
[25:12] | You come highly recommended | 有人向我强烈推荐你 |
[25:14] | First Class Certificate in the natural sciences | 获得了自然科学的一级证书 |
[25:16] | Specializing in theoretical physics, Professor | 教授 我是专攻理论物理的 |
[25:18] | We are going to be working with the Yanks here, | 我们会在这儿跟美国佬一块工作 |
[25:20] | so just Max. | 所以叫我麦克斯就行了 |
[25:23] | – Do you have any idea what we do here? – No | -你知道我们在这做什么工作吗 -不 |
[25:26] | I just had a letter telling me, to report here for an interview | 我只是收到一封信告诉我来这面试 |
[25:30] | Yes! We recruit by personal recommendation only | 对 我们只通过个人推荐招募 |
[25:37] | This way | 这边走 |
[25:47] | So I’m looking for a personal assistant. | 我在招一位私人助理 |
[25:49] | Typing, filing, that sort of thing. | 打字 归档之类的事情 |
[25:51] | But crucially, someone who understands the science | 但至关重要的是要一个懂科学的人 |
[25:54] | Now, that’s important | 这点很重要 |
[25:55] | because you could be a party to everything that goes on here. | 因为你可能对这里的一切都要游刃有余 |
[25:58] | So, before we go any further, | 那么 在我们进一步沟通之前 |
[26:00] | I’m going to need you to sign one of these. | 我需要你签署这份协议 |
[26:04] | It’s an undertaking, | 这是一项承诺书 |
[26:06] | that binds you to absolute secrecy. | 旨在令你对工作保持绝密 |
[26:11] | Do you have a pen? | 你有笔吗 |
[26:19] | So, our name: Tube Alloys | 我们的项目名 管合金公司 |
[26:23] | Any idea what that means? | 知道那是什么意思吗 |
[26:26] | I would assume you are developing non-corrosive metals | 我猜测这是在为石油钻机或天然气管道 |
[26:29] | for oil drills or gas pipes? | 开发非腐蚀性金属吗 |
[26:32] | But I don’t know how it fits in with secret war work | 但我不知道这和秘密的战争工作有何关系 |
[26:34] | Tube Alloys is a code name | 管合金公司只是一个代号 |
[26:37] | Even some members of the Cabinet don’t know what we do. | 甚至一些内阁成员也不知道我们在做什么 |
[26:40] | Am I allowed to know what you do? | 我可以知道你们做什么吗 |
[26:44] | Our aim is to break the machine… | 我们的目标是击破机器 |
[26:49] | – …touch the ghost of matter. – And that means? | -触碰物质之灵 -那是什么意思 |
[26:53] | After your probation. | 等你试用期过后再说 |
[27:14] | The critical mass is less than anyone thought. | 临界质量要比任何人认为的都要低 |
[27:15] | That can’t be right. 235 with a radius … | 那不可能 铀235的原子半径为 |
[27:36] | I’m sure we’ll get better a better answer, | 我相信只要我们能拿到铀235的数据 |
[27:38] | as soon as we have the data on 235 | 我们就能得出更好的答案 |
[27:40] | But getting enough of the damn stuff is tough. | 但是想要拿到足量的铀235相当困难 |
[27:43] | Centrifuge? | 要不试试离心机 |
[27:46] | I’m so sorry, I studied gasses. | 很抱歉 我研究了气体 |
[27:48] | Say that again. | 再说一遍 |
[27:50] | – I studied gases – No, the other bit? | -我研究了气体 -不是 上一句 |
[27:54] | Well, I’m sure you’ve already thought of this, but … | 我相信你们已经考虑过这种了 不过 |
[27:58] | …a centrifugal force could | 离心力可以 |
[28:00] | separate a gaseous mixture of the two isotopes | 将两种同位素的气态混合物分离 |
[28:04] | That’s good. It’s an interesting theory. | 不错的想法 这理论有点意思 |
[28:08] | Go and have a chat with Spencer about it. | 去跟斯宾塞讨论下这个理论吧 |
[28:20] | This is exactly why I wanted | 这正是我为什么要招一个 |
[28:22] | a first class science graduate as an assistant … | 一级自然科学的毕业生当助理 |
[28:24] | …and not a pretty face. | 而不是招个花瓶 |
[28:27] | I mean, of course… | 我的意思是 当然 |
[28:29] | You’re not… NOT a pretty face. | 当然不是说 你不漂亮 |
[28:35] | – Can we start again? – Please do | -我们能重来一遍吗 -请便吧 |
[28:40] | Imagine if it were possible, to separate the two isotopes. | 假设有这种可能 可以分离两种同位素 |
[28:45] | And you had a critical mass. | 然后也达到了临界质量 |
[28:48] | Pure uranium 235 in isolation. | 分离提纯后的铀235 |
[28:52] | One atom split. | 此时一个铀原子分裂 |
[28:55] | That would produce more neutrons. | 那就会产生更多的中子 |
[28:58] | Then more Uranium nuclei would split | 然后更多的铀核就会碰撞分裂 |
[29:02] | The result will be a self-sustaining chain reaction | 结果将得到一个自给的链式反应 |
[29:07] | – A bomb? – A super bomb | -一个炸弹吗 -一个超级炸弹 |
[29:10] | If we have a chance in hell of winning this damned war, | 如果我们有机会赢得这场该死的战争 |
[29:13] | We have to beat the Germans to it | 我们必须要赶在那些德国人前面 |
[29:16] | Now, I want you to read these summaries | 现在 我要你读一下这些摘要 |
[29:21] | See if you can create a basic diagram for the laymen to understand | 看你能不能画一个基本的图示让外行理解 |
[29:25] | We don’t have much time. | 我们时间不多 |
[29:26] | We have an important delegation arriving. | 有一个重要的代表团要抵达这里 |
[29:29] | not just scientists | 不光有科学家 |
[29:30] | Deputy Prime Minister Atly, as well as Sir James Chadwick, | 副首相艾特里和詹姆斯·查德威克爵士 |
[29:35] | – James Chadwick? – That’s right! | -詹姆斯·查德威克吗 -没错 |
[29:37] | Nobel prize winner for the discovery of the neutron? | 发现中子的诺贝尔奖得主吗 |
[29:40] | I hope you are good at drawing! | 希望你擅长画画哦 |
[30:00] | Listen, if you want to make pictures of the next phase, | 听着 如果你想要画下一个阶段的图示 |
[30:03] | that would be good | 就得这样才行 |
[30:19] | Joan! | 琼 |
[30:22] | William! Hello! | 威廉 你好 |
[30:28] | You are a long way from the Foreign Office! | 你真是从外交部大老远跑过来 |
[30:30] | I came to see my old tutor before he pops his clocks | 在我的老导师寿终正寝前我跑来看他 |
[30:36] | Have you heard from anyone? | 你有其他人的消息吗 |
[30:38] | Leo writes | 里奥会给我写信 |
[30:40] | Sonya has my new address, but no word | 索妮娅知道我的新地址 但没什么消息 |
[30:43] | The cat that walks alone… | 好一只踽踽独行的猫咪 |
[30:45] | Are you enjoying your job? | 你喜欢你的工作吗 |
[30:46] | Working in sciences is all I ever wanted to do | 我一直以来都想在科学界工作 |
[30:49] | – Which is exactly? – Research | -具体是什么工作呢 -做研究 |
[30:52] | Into? | 哪个地方 |
[30:53] | – You know I can’t say – Come on, Jojo | -你知道我不能说 -说嘛 琼琼 |
[31:01] | Now we’ve reconnected I could pop up next week? | 现在我们又在一起了下周我能去找你吗 |
[31:05] | Maybe you could show me around your office? | 也许你可以带我参观你的办公室 |
[31:07] | In laboratory! | 在实验室里 |
[31:07] | And we could have lunch? | 或者我们可以吃午饭吗 |
[31:09] | – I can’t! – Come on! | -我不能 -别这样 |
[31:11] | They are going to send me abroad any moment | 他们随时都会派我出国 |
[31:13] | We might not have much time | 我们可能没有太多时间 |
[31:15] | William, I … | 威廉 我 |
[31:16] | I just have to say, that … | 我只能说… |
[31:20] | – I don’t think of you that way – What way? | -我不这么看你 -什么意思 |
[31:23] | Husband material | 丈夫的人选 |
[31:25] | God! Joan! | 天啊 琼 |
[31:28] | I’m already spoken for. Remember Kharak? | 我已有所属了 还记得卡拉克吗 |
[31:32] | We have been together for years | 我们在一起很多年了 |
[31:36] | So, William knew what you were doing at Tube Alloys, | 所以 威廉知道你在管合金公司干什么 |
[31:38] | didn’t he? | 是吗 |
[31:39] | Did you tell him? | 你告诉他了吗 |
[31:40] | No, I didn’t tell him! I did not tell anyone! | 不 我没告诉他 我没有告诉任何人 |
[31:55] | Who is there, miss Smith? | 史密斯小姐 是谁来了 |
[31:58] | It’s just my cousin, Mrs. Fitzpatrick. | 只是我表哥 菲茨帕特里克夫人 |
[32:01] | He’s here to … | 他来这里是为了 |
[32:02] | Make passionate love to me | 和我激烈云雨一番 |
[32:04] | Help me build a bookshelf | 帮我做个书架 |
[32:09] | So, you can’t even tell me the basics? | 所以 你什么都不能告诉我吗 |
[32:12] | No, I can’t. It’s the rules | 不 我不能 这是规则 |
[32:16] | We are on the same side now | 我们现在是一条船上的人了 |
[32:18] | Even Churchill says so. | 连丘吉尔都这么说 |
[32:20] | I am not telling you! | 我不会告诉你的 |
[32:28] | I left the party | 我离开组织了 |
[32:32] | – Did they make you? – No | -是他们强迫你了吗 -不是 |
[32:36] | It’s easier for Comintern. | 对第三国际来说更容易 |
[32:40] | I can continue my work in Canada … | 我可以继续我在加拿大的工作 |
[32:41] | Canada? | 加拿大 |
[32:42] | Not be considered a security risk. | 为了避免被视为隐患 |
[32:44] | You’re going to Canada? | 你要去加拿大吗 |
[32:50] | I need your help | 我需要你的帮助 |
[32:52] | JoJo | 琼琼 |
[32:54] | That is why I’m here. | 这就是我来这里的原因 |
[32:55] | I thought you were here to see me | 我以为你是来看我的 |
[33:01] | Come on | 别这样 |
[33:05] | That goes without saying | 我对你的感情还用得着说吗 |
[33:06] | Well, try saying it sometimes! | 偶尔试着说出来 |
[33:14] | My little Comrade! | 我的小同志 |
[33:29] | When the USSR came into the war … | 当苏联参战时 |
[33:32] | Churchill promised that all technological advancements would be shared | 丘吉尔承诺将分享所有的先进技术 |
[33:36] | He has not kept that promise. | 他没有遵守诺言 |
[33:39] | We need documents … | 我们需要文件 |
[33:42] | … designs… | 设计图 |
[33:44] | … research… | 研究资料 |
[33:48] | How do you know… about the project? | 你怎么知道这个项目的事情的 |
[33:52] | It’s nothing to do with you and me | 这跟你我无关 |
[33:55] | It is about saving the revolution | 这是为了拯救革命 |
[33:56] | You want me to smuggle the research out? | 你想让我把研究资料偷运出去 |
[34:00] | – To steal it? – No! No! No! It’s not | -偷了它吗 -不 不是的 |
[34:02] | To share it | 是分享 |
[34:03] | No, Leo! No, I won’t! | 不 里奥 我不会这么做的 |
[34:06] | This new weapon is on a completely different level .Is it not? | 这件新武器的等级完全不同 对吗 |
[34:12] | – Help us – No! Absolutely not! | -帮帮我们 -不 绝对不行 |
[34:14] | Do you know, Jojo? | 你知道吗 琼琼 |
[34:15] | I really expected more from you! | 我真的对你期待很高 |
[34:19] | Do not you see that you are in a special position? | 你没发现你的地位特殊吗 |
[34:25] | You can change the world | 你可以改变世界 |
[34:28] | No, for God’s sake! I’m not one of your rallies! | 不 老天 我不是重振士气的工具 |
[34:30] | Jojo, listen! | 琼琼 听着 |
[34:31] | No, Leo, I won’t! I won’t do it! | 不 里奥 我不会这么做的 |
[34:34] | You shouldn’t have asked me! | 你不应该来找我 |
[34:37] | Just leave! I’ve had enough! | 你走吧 我受够了 |
[34:48] | You are being principled and stubborn. | 你可真有原则 太固执了 |
[34:53] | – No reason – Just go! | -不可理喻 -快滚 |
[35:17] | I have to take this! | 我要接个电话 |
[35:22] | Time is now 12:31, and this interview is suspended. | 现在时间是12:31 审问暂停 |
[35:34] | You never told me you worked on the bomb | 你从没告诉过我你在制造炸弹 |
[35:37] | I couldn’t tell you | 我不能告诉你 |
[35:38] | I signed the Offical Secrets Act. | 我签署了官方保密协议 |
[35:42] | I’m not angry, mama I’m just surprised | 我没有生气 妈妈 我只是很惊讶 |
[35:47] | I thought you were over-educated for a librarian | 我以为你是个受过高等教育的图书管理员 |
[35:51] | It’s like I don’t know you | 好像我并不认识你 |
[35:54] | I am your mother | 我是你妈妈 |
[35:57] | Did you know what the bomb could do? | 你知道炸弹能做什么吗 |
[35:59] | We knew that we had to get it before Germany. | 我们只知道我们必须在德国之前得到它 |
[36:03] | Just imagine if they got it first | 想象一下如果他们先得到的后果 |
[36:05] | We knew we were doing something worthwhile | 我们知道我们做了一件值得做的事情 |
[36:08] | You know, for the long term | 你知道 从长远来看 |
[36:10] | – The uses of its energy – Did dad know? | -它的力量的用途 -爸爸知道吗 |
[36:15] | Yes, that’s why we moved to Australia | 知道 这就是我们搬到澳大利亚的原因 |
[36:19] | I thought you met on the boat going over? | 我以为你是在船上遇到的 |
[36:22] | Well, we did know each other beforehand, but … | 我们早就认识了 但是 |
[36:27] | We thought it would be better, if we pretended … | 我们认为如果我们假装… |
[36:30] | Is anything you’ve ever told me actually true? | 你告诉我的一切都是真的吗 |
[36:34] | Yes, everything relating to you | 是的 和你有关的一切都是真的 |
[36:55] | Deputy Prime Minister! Professor Chadwick! | 副总理 查德威克教授 |
[36:57] | This is Professor Edward, Professor Jenkins, | 这位是爱德华教授 詹金斯教授 |
[37:00] | Good morning Good morning | 你好 你好 |
[37:01] | – Professor Thornau – Good morning | -索诺教授 -你好 |
[37:04] | – And this is Donald Hastings Good morning | -这位是唐纳德·海斯廷斯 -你好 |
[37:07] | He is in charge of quantitative and qualitative analysis | 他负责定量和定性分析 |
[37:10] | Are you in charge of the tea? | 你负责茶水的吗 |
[37:20] | You have come a long way | 你已经做了很多了 |
[37:22] | Not far enough sir | 还远远不够 先生 |
[37:23] | We need to build a reactor to breed Plutonium | 我们需要建造一个反应堆来制造钚 |
[37:25] | – The Canadians? – Exactly | -只有加拿大人能做吗 -是的 |
[37:28] | If we can share with them … | 如果我们能和他们合作 |
[37:29] | We need to go there | 我们得去那里 |
[37:32] | With your permission, sir | 需要你的许可 先生 |
[37:38] | Agreed! | 同意 |
[37:40] | If you succeed, you understand what it means? | 如果你成功了 你明白这意味着什么吗 |
[37:43] | A seat at the table… | 谈判桌上的一席之地 |
[37:46] | How will we sleep at night? | 我们怎能安心入睡 |
[37:50] | At the moment, it’s only intended as a deterrent | 目前 这只是作为一种震慑手段 |
[37:53] | All the more reason to develop one of our own. | 所以我们自己更应该要发展 |
[37:57] | Otherwise the Yanks will control everything. | 否则美国佬会控制一切 |
[38:00] | We need one now … | 我们现在需要一个炸弹 |
[38:02] | And we need it with a bloody Union Jack on top | 并且上面必须画着英国的国旗 |
[38:11] | Sonya! | 索妮娅 |
[38:14] | You’re late, so the landlady let me in! | 你回来晚了 所以女房东让我进来了 |
[38:16] | – It’s lovely to see you! – And you! | -见到你真是太高兴了 -我也是 |
[38:21] | Three years! | 三年没见了 |
[38:23] | – Thanks for looking after my trunk! – That’s alright. | -谢谢你帮我看管箱子 -不用客气 |
[38:30] | I am married | 我结婚了 |
[38:32] | To Jamie; I met him last winter in Switzerland. | 和杰米 去年冬天我在瑞士遇到他 |
[38:35] | Thanks to William. | 多亏了威廉 |
[38:37] | He is a Pinko, and he is English | 他是一个共产主义者 他还是英国人 |
[38:42] | Is that why you’re back? | 这就是你回来的原因吗 |
[38:44] | – Where will you live? – In Eli | -你住在哪里 -在以利 |
[38:51] | Look! | 看 |
[38:55] | Do you know what happened to my mink coat? | 你看见我的貂皮大衣了吗 |
[38:58] | It disappeared | 它不见了 |
[39:03] | I am going to Canada | 我要去加拿大 |
[39:05] | – I hope you are in a convoy – In a destroyer | -希望你是在护卫队里 -坐驱逐舰去 |
[39:08] | It’s terrifying | 很可怕 |
[39:10] | Well, with some handsome scientists? | 和一些英俊的科学家一起去吗 |
[39:15] | Anyone a catch? | 有看上的人吗 |
[39:18] | They’re all married | 他们都结婚了 |
[39:20] | So? | 然后呢 |
[39:21] | – Sonya! – Aw, come on | -索尼娅 -开玩笑嘛 |
[39:25] | You know, Leo is in Montreal At the University | 你知道的 里奥在蒙特利尔市 在大学里 |
[39:29] | You could see him | 你可以去见他 |
[39:31] | Montreal! I don’t think… | 蒙特利尔市 我不这么认为 |
[39:34] | Imagine how annoyed Leo would be, | 想象一下里奥会多么恼火 |
[39:35] | to discover you’re having an affair | 如果他发现你有了外遇 |
[39:37] | Oh, stop it! | 别说了 |
[39:40] | It’s a hell of a journey! | 旅途长着呢 |
[39:42] | What else is there to do? Except have marvelous sex … | 还有什么可做的 除了美妙的性爱 |
[39:48] | I thought I’d take a book | 我想我得带上本书 |
[39:52] | … Becomes explosive | 会爆炸 |
[39:53] | So, that’s why the backup reactor is … | 所以 这就是为什么备用反应堆 |
[39:56] | a breeder reactor. | 是制备反应堆 |
[39:59] | The thing is, there’s lots of chemicals | 问题是 里面有很多化学物质 |
[40:01] | you see, and if you mix … | 你知道 如果你混合 |
[40:04] | Heterogeneous reactor Uses far less heavy water | 非均相反应堆使用的重水要少得多 |
[40:07] | If you take the Plutonium from Uranium | 如果你从铀中提取钚 |
[40:09] | or Uranium 233 from Thorium, | 或者从钍中提取铀233 |
[40:11] | or … | 或者 |
[40:13] | Or Borium! Christ! | 或者硼 天啊 |
[40:15] | Listen to me; I’m sorry! | 听我说 十分抱歉 |
[40:16] | I haven’t stopped talking shop since we left. | 自从我们离开后我就一直在说工作的事 |
[40:19] | There’s plenty of time to go through all of this. | 我们有足够的时间来完成这些事 |
[40:24] | Will your wife miss you for five weeks? | 你离开的这段时间你妻子会想你吗 |
[40:28] | I’d be surprised if she even noticed that I’d gone | 如果她能发现我走了 我反而惊讶 |
[40:36] | To not being torpedoed! | 为不被鱼雷炸飞干杯 |
[40:40] | Yes, receiving | 好的 正在接收 |
[40:46] | No, it’s gone again, I’m afraid | 不 恐怕又没有了 |
[41:02] | We married too soon | 我们结婚太早了 |
[41:04] | – But you were in love? – Yes! | -但是你们曾经相爱过吗 -当然 |
[41:07] | No? I don’t know … | 不 我不知道 |
[41:12] | I don’t think so! | 我不这么认为 |
[41:45] | Have you ever loved anyone enough to … | 你曾经爱过什么人吗 |
[41:51] | There was someone … | 曾经有这么一个人 |
[41:54] | I loved him and I think he loved me | 我爱他 我也以为他爱我 |
[41:59] | I thought I was going to marry him, but … | 我以为我会嫁给他 但是 |
[42:03] | He never asked. | 他从来没有提起 |
[42:06] | He sounds like an idiot! | 他听起来像个白痴 |
[42:22] | Professor Davis! | 戴维斯教授 |
[42:24] | – Taylor Scott – Good to meet you | -我是泰勒·斯科特 -很高兴见到你 |
[42:26] | – Please, this way! – Thank you! | -请这边走 -谢谢 |
[42:32] | They will take you to your cabins later | 稍后他们会带你去你的小屋 |
[42:34] | Cabins? | 小屋吗 |
[42:36] | Your quarters. But first, you should meet Kierl | 你的住处 但首先 你应该见见基尔 |
[42:39] | I know I met him once before. | 我以前见过他一次 |
[42:40] | In London, I think. | 我想是在伦敦的时候 |
[42:41] | Oh, that makes it even easier | 那就事情就更好办了 |
[42:43] | There is something for the little lady. It’s called a tumble dryer | 我们为这位年轻的女士准备了一台甩干机 |
[42:49] | – For isotopes? – No, for laundry | -分析同位素吗 -不 洗衣服用的 |
[42:52] | Not that you’ll have any time to do it | 不是说你有时间洗衣服 |
[42:54] | We’re all on 18 hour shifts | 我们都上18小时的班 |
[43:00] | Are there any American scientists here? | 这里有美国科学家吗 |
[43:01] | No, no, they stopped sharing research with us | 不 不 他们开始曼哈顿计划时 |
[43:04] | when they started the Manhattan project | 就不再和我们合作研究了 |
[43:06] | They think all us foreigners are security risks | 他们认为我们外国人都是隐患 |
[43:08] | And they got it into their heads that we Canadians … | 他们认为我们加拿大人 |
[43:10] | … want to bring the russians into it. | 想把俄国人带进这个项目 |
[43:12] | Well, it might not be such a bad idea. | 这也许不是个坏主意 |
[43:14] | Excuse me? | 你说什么 |
[43:16] | The Russians saved us, | 俄国人救了我们 |
[43:17] | we couldn’t have stood much more of the Blitz | 我们无法再抵御闪电战了 |
[43:18] | Thank God Hitler invaded them, and not us | 谢天谢地希特勒入侵了他们 而非我们 |
[43:20] | Don’t let anyone else here know that you think that. | 不要让这里的任何人知道你那样想 |
[43:23] | They are our allies. | 他们是我们的盟友 |
[43:24] | Now we have cut them out of research. | 我们却不让他们参与研究 |
[43:26] | Hardly surprising, it’s making them even more paranoid. | 不难料想 这让他们更加多疑 |
[43:28] | The Yanks want to get there first. | 美国佬想捷足先登 |
[43:30] | They don’t trust anyone now, | 他们现在谁都不相信 |
[43:31] | and they’re looking for any excuse to see us shut down. | 他们在找各种事由让我们关门 |
[43:34] | Ah, Professor Kierl, | 基尔教授 |
[43:36] | this is Professor Davis and his assistant … | 这是戴维斯教授和他的助手 |
[43:40] | Joan Smith! We’ve met once before | 琼·史密斯 我们以前见过一次 |
[43:42] | Yes, I admire your work at Cambridge. | 是的 我很欣赏你在剑桥的工作 |
[43:45] | One, we won’t know if we have enough Plutonium … | 首先 我们不确定是否有足够的钚 |
[43:48] | … until we have our pilot reactor at criticality using heavy water. | 得等中式反应器对重水做出临界反应 |
[43:53] | I will leave you to it. We all eat dinner together every night, | 我会让你去看的 我们每天都共进晚餐 |
[43:55] | so I’ll see you then. | 到时候见 |
[43:56] | Two, we are planning to closely follow DuPont, Oak Ridge, | 再者 我们计划紧随杜邦和橡树岭实验室 |
[43:59] | using chemical separation techniques Bismuth-Phosphate process. | 采用化学分离铋-磷酸技术 |
[44:03] | Now about that tumble dryer it really is fun. | 那个滚筒式烘干机真的很有趣 |
[44:06] | If I am gonna get up to speed, | 若我要加快进程 |
[44:08] | I’ll need the help of First Class Cambridge Science Graduate | 我会需要有关于原子上敏捷思维的 |
[44:10] | with one of the quickest minds in atomic physics, | 剑桥毕业的科学家的帮助 |
[44:12] | so maybe your tumble dryer could wait? | 或许你的滚筒式烘干机能先靠边站站 |
[44:16] | Peter Kierl is a genius, | 彼得·凯瑞尔是一位天才 |
[44:20] | … but he is utterly exhausting. | 但他似乎脑细胞全用在了这一方面 |
[44:22] | I don’t know why the man can’t just talk normally. | 我不知道这家伙为啥不能好好说话 |
[44:27] | Thank you for sticking up for me today. | 谢谢你今天能为我出头 |
[44:30] | It was the truth. | 事实就是如此 |
[44:31] | It’s nice … working together | 和你一起工作 真是棒极了 |
[44:45] | Joan. | 琼 |
[44:52] | Don’t worry. I promise I won’t tell anyone! | 不必担心 我发誓我不会说出去的 |
[44:54] | No, that isn’t it. | 不 我不是这个意思 |
[44:58] | I love you. | 我深爱着你 |
[45:01] | – No, don’t be silly… – I’ve loved you from the moment … | -不 别傻了 -我从 |
[45:05] | From the moment I said you were not a pretty face | 我说你长得一般时就开始爱上你了 |
[45:08] | But my wife … | 但我的妻子 |
[45:13] | She’ll never divorce me… | 她不会和我离婚 |
[45:16] | That’s why I don’t want to have just an affair with you | 所以我才不想和你只是外遇而已 |
[45:20] | Not like this, do you see? | 不想要这个样子 你懂吗 |
[45:23] | I love you, | 我爱你 |
[45:27] | you deserve more than that, | 但你值得好的 |
[45:32] | Maybe … one day… | 或许有一天 |
[46:24] | One last thing my colleagues would like to show you around the | 还有一件事 我的同事们会带你环游 |
[46:27] | University of Montreal. | 蒙特利尔大学一圈 |
[46:29] | the University? No! | 参观大学 不必了 |
[46:32] | I mean we don’t have time… | 我是说我们没有时间 |
[46:33] | I have asked them to put together a tour for you! | 我会要求他们给你放个小假 |
[46:37] | There has been tension between the university and us. | 大学和我们间有些摩擦 |
[46:41] | You know, funding. | 你知道 像是提供资金 |
[46:43] | You must, please meet the dean. | 请你务必见见那儿的院长 |
[46:49] | So it is, thank you, Goodbye. | 就是这样 谢谢你 再见 |
[47:19] | – Hello! – Good to meet you! | -你好 -很高兴见到你 |
[47:21] | – Max Davis. – Please, this way. | -麦克斯·戴维 -请往这边走 |
[47:25] | 蒙特利尔大学 皮埃尔·奎克乐馆 | |
[47:27] | -Professor Smith. – Max Davis. | -我是史密斯教授 -我是麦克斯·戴维 |
[47:47] | JoJo! | 琼琼 |
[48:02] | What are you doing in here? | 你在这做什么 |
[48:04] | I was told by friends, that you were visiting the university. | 我朋友告诉我你正在参观大学 |
[48:08] | I meant, lurking in the Ladies. | 我是说你干嘛潜伏在女更衣室 |
[48:10] | Oh, well, we can’t be seen together. | 我们俩不能被看到一起 |
[48:22] | You are on a research trip? | 你在进行一次调研之旅吗 |
[48:28] | – Dare I ask? – No. | -能否冒昧一问 -不行 |
[48:35] | Jojo, I have had to find you! | 琼琼我好不容易找到了你 |
[48:42] | I… I can’t stop thinking about you. | 我无法停止对你的思念 |
[48:53] | My little Comrade! | 我的小同志 |
[48:56] | The bomb must be shared … | 核弹必须要被分享 |
[49:00] | The Russians, they deserve to know… | 俄罗斯人他们得知道 |
[49:04] | The Allies are going to do something dreadful with it. | 盟友们也将会用它做出一些可怕的事 |
[49:09] | Do not be naïve. | 别太天真了 |
[49:16] | Joan! | 琼 |
[49:20] | I am sick of your poison kisses. | 我已经厌倦了你毒药般的亲吻 |
[49:25] | Has any of it… us … been real? | 我们之间有半分真情吗 |
[49:29] | – Joan! – I’m fed up with being picked up and let down! | -琼 -我受够了被你这样折磨 |
[49:35] | You pop up whenever you want something, | 你总在你需要什么东西的时候突然出现 |
[49:36] | and never when I need you! | 而不是在我需要你的时候 |
[49:38] | Is everything alright? | 你没事吗 |
[49:40] | – They are waiting to start the tour. – Coming | -他们要等不及了 -来了 |
[49:45] | You have got me all wrong! | 你想错我了 |
[49:49] | If you change your mind, call Sonya. | 如果你改变了想法 联系索妮娅 |
[50:09] | Did you meet Leo in Montreal? | 你在蒙特利尔市遇见了里奥吗 |
[50:12] | What about after the war back in Cambridge? | 战后您回到了剑桥吗 |
[50:17] | Mrs. Stanley? | 斯坦利太太 |
[50:20] | 108 long tons, releasing the equivalent of | 108长吨 释放出相当于 |
[50:26] | 22 Kilotons of TNT. | 22千吨的炸药的威力 |
[50:29] | Successful detonation in New Mexico! | 它成功在美国的新墨西哥州引爆 |
[50:36] | One chance to get it right and they did it! | 机会只有一次 而他们做到了 |
[50:41] | – Now what? – They’ll use it. | -现在呢 -他们也会用的 |
[50:44] | Japan? | 你是说日本吗 |
[50:45] | Well, they will warn them first, won’t they? | 他们会事先警告他们 不是吗 |
[50:48] | I went to the pictures last night, | 我昨晚去了电影院 |
[50:50] | and saw the news reels of the death camps. | 看到了死亡集中营的报道 |
[50:51] | We should have used it on the Krauts. | 我们应该把它用在德国佬身上 |
[50:53] | But unlike the Germans, the Japanese, they’ll never surrender. | 不像德国人 日本人是不会投降的 |
[50:56] | It would mean the death of hundreds of thousands of people! | 这意味着成千上万的人会死 |
[50:59] | Don’t think like that! | 别这样想 |
[51:00] | We are scientists, our job is to get the physics right. | 我们是科学家 我们的工作是做好物理 |
[51:04] | Leave the politics to the politicians. Now, listen, | 把政治问题留给政客吧 现在听好 |
[51:08] | it is not a secret, that America has the bomb. | 这已经不是个秘密 美国人也有核弹了 |
[51:10] | It’s bound to come out, that we are trying to make one. | 一定会有的 我们也要试着做一个 |
[51:13] | Stalin will want one, too. | 斯大林会想要一个的 |
[51:15] | What are they going to do about that? | 他们会拿它做什么 |
[51:17] | Bring Russia in on it! | 让俄罗斯也参与进来 |
[51:20] | Well, they will! Won’t they?! | 他们也会有的 不是吗 |
[51:23] | – I don’t think so. – But we are allies! | -不敢苟同 -但我们是盟友 |
[51:25] | For now, but who knows later. | 现在是 但以后的事谁知道呢 |
[51:26] | But when we were in Canada … | 但我们在加拿大的时候 |
[51:28] | They won’t want Stalin having a weapon like this! | 他们不会想让斯大林有这样的武器 |
[51:30] | Why? In case he uses it like we could? | 为什么 以防他像我们这样使用吗 |
[51:38] | I tell you what! Scratch all this! | 我就是随口一说罢了 |
[51:40] | Pub lunch on me, and an afternoon off! What do you say? | 中午我请客 下午休息 怎么样 |
[51:46] | Well done! | 干得漂亮 |
[51:49] | Jolly good work! | 工作开心 |
[51:55] | The first atomic bomb has been dropped | 第一颗原子弹 |
[51:57] | by United State aircraft on the Japanese city of Hiroshima… | 被美国飞机投向日本的广岛市 |
[52:01] | President Truman has said that the device was more than 2000 | 杜鲁门总统说这比 |
[52:04] | times more powerful | 从前的普通炸弹轰炸两千次 |
[52:05] | than the largest ever bomb used to date… | 还要有力 |
[52:12] | President Truman has announced, a second bomb has been dropped | 杜鲁门总统宣布 第二颗核弹 |
[52:16] | on the city of Nagasaki… | 将会投向长崎市 |
[52:18] | 74,000 people have been killed and at least as many injured. | 七万四千名群众将会被杀死或受伤 |
[52:35] | This is what Hiroshima looked like after the blast | 这就是广岛市被轰炸后的模样 |
[52:40] | four and a half square miles of this heavily populated city | 四英里半的人口密集城市 |
[52:44] | completely burned out, | 被尽数烧毁 |
[52:46] | 135,000 dead either killed instantly | 十三万五千人或被直接炸死 |
[52:50] | or from the effects of radiation in the aftermath. | 或死于爆炸后的辐射 |
[52:54] | Nobody yet knows how many more thousands will die | 至今也没人知道会有多少人 |
[52:57] | in the coming years, due to radiation. | 会因接下来几年的核辐射而死亡 |
[53:00] | The world has never witnessed destruction on this scale before… | 全世界从未见证过如此规模的人祸 |
[53:52] | – Eli 4 3 6. – Sonya! | -这里是以利 4 3 6 -索妮娅 |
[53:54] | – Joan? – I’ve got something for you | -琼 -我有东西要给你 |
[53:58] | Preparing Exhibit E. | 准备展示E号文件 |
[54:00] | Can we wrap this up? We’ve been through all this! | 我们能快点结束吗 我们经历过这一切 |
[54:03] | She’s denied everything you’ve alleged. | 况且她否认你所声称的一切 |
[54:05] | Passing Exhibit E to the accused. | 向被告展示E号文件 |
[54:09] | Do you recognize this? | 你认识这个吗 |
[54:10] | “Fluctuations in the efficiency of | 扩散装置效率的波动 |
[54:12] | a diffusions plant, 2 September 1945 “ | 1945年9月2日 |
[54:15] | No. | 不 |
[54:17] | This report was produced by the Cambridge division of Tube Alloys | 这份报告由战争结束后的1945年 |
[54:20] | in 1945 just after the end of the war. | 剑桥管合金分部提供 |
[54:22] | It’s classified material. | 这个是机密文件 |
[54:24] | Yet somehow found its way into a KGB file in Moscow | 现在却在莫斯科的克格勃属于特工洛托 |
[54:27] | attributed to Agent Lotto. | 文件中找到 |
[54:29] | Who is Agent Lotto? | 谁是特工洛托 |
[54:30] | We have this file from a recently defected Russian agent. | 我们从最近在叛逃的俄罗斯特工那拿到的 |
[54:35] | What does it got to do with me? | 这与我又有什么关系呢 |
[54:50] | Joan! | 琼 |
[54:53] | I’ve become so English, I’m desperate for a tea! | 我非常英国范 所以我超想喝茶 |
[54:58] | – Sonya! – What? | -索妮娅 -怎么了 |
[55:00] | – Congratulations! – Oh, this? | -恭喜你 -你是指这个 |
[55:04] | We thought it was about time it has been much easier than… | 我们觉得它比那啥来得更早 |
[55:09] | than what? | 比什么 |
[55:12] | Than I expected! Jamie’s been wonderful. | 比我预期更早 杰米高兴坏了 |
[55:26] | So! Have you got something for me? | 所以你有什么要给我的 |
[55:31] | – What if it goes wrong? – The KGB will have me shot! | -要是它是错的呢 -克格勃会给我一枪的 |
[55:35] | I mean here. | 我是说这里 |
[55:37] | The British hang you for treason, don’t they? | 英国人会因为叛国罪而吊死你吗 |
[55:42] | Stop scaring yourself. | 别自己吓自己了 |
[55:44] | – We’re going to be fine. – I’m not brave like you. | -我们会没事的 -我不像你这样勇敢 |
[55:47] | Nobody would suspect us! We’re women. | 没人会怀疑我们的 我们只是女人罢了 |
[55:52] | I almost forgot… | 我差点忘了 |
[55:55] | – Happy Birthday, darling! – But it’s not … | -生日快乐 亲爱的 -但是 |
[55:57] | I know it’s a little early, so do not open it here. | 我知道有点早 但是别现在打开 |
[56:01] | Save it! | 收下吧 |
[56:14] | what happens… | 在我把它给了你后 |
[56:16] | After I give it to you? | 接下来会发生什么 |
[56:18] | I tell William then some of it, I can radio. | 我会告诉威廉 我可以发无线电 |
[56:22] | Can’t people listen in? | 不会被人监听到吗 |
[56:23] | I’ll encrypt it first! | 我会把它先做成密码 |
[56:31] | Behave normally. Don’t look nervous. | 举止正常些 别太紧张 |
[56:36] | – Thank you. – Thanks. | -谢谢你 -不客气 |
[56:37] | We need files, reports, drawings, diagrams… | 我们需要文件 报道 图纸 图表 |
[56:49] | So sorry! | 对不起 |
[56:57] | We should always meet in public places.. | 我们应该频繁地在公开场合碰面 |
[57:01] | It’s too dangerous to come to my house.. | 直接来我家碰面太危险了 |
[57:05] | For new material, make an extra copy. | 每一份新材料都要做一份额外的副本 |
[57:07] | Don’t conceal it. | 但不要隐藏它 |
[57:09] | Keep it with the real filing, | 把它和真正的文件放在一起 |
[57:10] | until you’re ready to bring it to me.. | 直到你准备好把它给我 |
[57:14] | If you must hide anything, do it in plain sight. | 若你必须要隐藏某个东西 要显而易见 |
[57:19] | Be prepared to improvise! | 随时做好即兴表演的准备 |
[57:22] | Oh! Sorry! | 对不起 |
[57:24] | And if you think you’re being followed, go into a ladies’ shop. | 如果你觉得被跟踪了 那就去女装店 |
[57:28] | No man will follow you there.. | 没男的会跟到那去 |
[57:37] | Hello Katya.. | 你好呀卡提亚 |
[57:43] | Agent Lotto! | 特工洛托 |
[57:47] | You did this, didn’t you? | 难道不是你做的吗 |
[57:54] | What did you think? | 你怎么想的 |
[57:59] | – Nick … – How could you? | -尼克 -你怎么能这么做 |
[58:06] | Why? | 为什么 |
[58:11] | Everyone in my office, now! | 现在 每个人都来我办公室集合 |
[58:20] | I have been informed by MI-5, that Peter Kierl. | 我被军情五处告知 那个彼得·凯瑞尔 |
[58:25] | The scientist whom Joan and I worked with in Canada. | 也就是我和琼在加拿大的共事的科学家 |
[58:29] | Has been uncovered as a Russian spy. | 被揭发出是一名俄罗斯间谍 |
[58:31] | He’s given the Russians a windfall, | 他给俄罗斯人了一个意外收获 |
[58:33] | which could accelerate them making their own bomb. | 加速了他们做己方核弹的进程 |
[58:36] | So everyone please, extra precaution, extra vigilance! | 所以拜托大家要格外警惕 额外小心 |
[58:43] | Thank you. | 谢谢 |
[58:46] | Joan! Could I have a word, please? | 琼 我还有话要和你说 |
[58:56] | It seems Kierl wasn’t such a wet fish after all. | 看来基尔也不怎么狡猾 |
[59:01] | I’ve been given a list of potential suspects, identified in Canada. | 我拿到一份加拿大认出的潜在嫌犯名单 |
[59:06] | That might have been Kierl’s contact. | 可能会是基尔的联系人 |
[59:08] | One of them is Leo Galich. | 其中有一个是里奥·加里奇 |
[59:10] | Now, I know that from your file, | 我知道你的档案上说 |
[59:12] | you were associated with him while he was here. | 他在这里的时候 你和他有联系 |
[59:19] | He’s not the one, is he? | 不会就是他吧 |
[59:22] | On the … On the boat. | 在 在船上的时候 |
[59:25] | When you said that, there was one who didn’t … | 你说过 有那么一个人没有 |
[59:30] | It was a long time ago. | 那是很久以前了 |
[59:35] | I still think he’s an idiot, by the way. | 话说回来 我还是觉得他是个傻子 |
[59:39] | I haven’t mentioned him in my report. There’s no need to, is there? | 我还没在报告里提到他 没必要对吧 |
[59:44] | The police are here! It’s some sort of inspection. | 警察来了 说是什么检查 |
[59:48] | Who has the key to this locker? Open it, please! | 这些柜子的钥匙在谁那里 麻烦打开 |
[59:51] | Open this door, sir! | 先生 麻烦开一下门 |
[1:00:31] | Goodness! What a palaver! | 我的天 真是乱成一团 |
[1:00:34] | Karen, I don’t suppose you have any spare sanitary towels? | 凯伦 你还有多的卫生巾吗 |
[1:00:38] | I’ve been caught out! | 我突然来生理期了 |
[1:00:39] | – I left a box in the cupboard in the lavvy. – Thanks. | -我在厕所的柜子里留了一盒 -谢谢 |
[1:00:59] | Excuse me, Miss. The professor said you might be here. | 打扰一下 教授说你可能在这里 |
[1:01:02] | We need to examine some files. | 我们要检查一些文件 |
[1:01:07] | – Tea! – Pardon? | -喝茶吗 -您说什么 |
[1:01:10] | – Well, you must be parched! – Not on duty. | -你们应该都渴了 -当班时不行 |
[1:01:16] | – If you don’t need me … – Would you mind if I take a look? | -如果你们不需要我在 -我能看下吗 |
[1:01:20] | Of course not. | 当然 |
[1:01:45] | I’m sorry, Miss. | 很抱歉 小姐 |
[1:01:49] | Don’t worry! Excuse me. | 没关系 先失陪了 |
[1:02:18] | Don’t be scared. | 别害怕 |
[1:02:22] | It’s only me. | 是我而已 |
[1:02:28] | I don’t know how you can be so relaxed. | 我不知道你怎么还这么悠闲 |
[1:02:31] | The police searched Tube Alloys today. | 警察今天搜查了管合金公司 |
[1:02:42] | Kierl was one of yours, wasn’t he? | 基尔是你的人 对吧 |
[1:02:45] | He fell more easily than you. | 他比你更容易拉拢 |
[1:02:48] | He was angry at how the Soviet Union had been exluded from the research. | 他很生气苏联被排除在研究之外 |
[1:02:51] | They’re on to you! | 他们查到你身上了 |
[1:02:53] | MI-5 … They have your name on a list! | 军情五处 他们把你列在了名单里 |
[1:02:55] | Well, I’m part of the establishment now. | 我现在也是重建的一部分了 |
[1:02:59] | They’d look pretty slack, if they hadn’t spotted me. | 要是没发现我 他们也太懈怠了 |
[1:03:05] | I’ve been given a research post at King’s College in London | 我拿到一份在伦敦国王学院 |
[1:03:08] | on Soviet planning policy. | 针对苏联规划政策的研究工作 |
[1:03:11] | – That’s why you’re back, then. – No! | -这才是你回来的原因 -不是 |
[1:03:14] | For you. | 是为了你 |
[1:03:20] | I want you to be careful. | 我希望你小心一点 |
[1:03:23] | – I am careful! – JoJo! | -我很小心 -琼琼 |
[1:03:26] | Be more … more careful! | 请再 再小心一点 |
[1:03:31] | You have no idea how important you are. | 你不知道你有多重要 |
[1:03:44] | There’s a key in there. My London address; telephone number. | 里面有把钥匙 我在伦敦的地址和电话 |
[1:03:49] | Call me … Any time. | 给我打电话 随时都行 |
[1:03:56] | You better go. It’s getting late. | 你最好走吧 挺晚的了 |
[1:03:59] | I rather thought I could stay. | 我其实更想留下 |
[1:04:07] | I’ll get some blankets. | 我去拿点毯子 |
[1:04:08] | The sofa is a bit lumpy, but with some cushions… | 沙发不太平 但有些垫子 |
[1:04:47] | I have something for you. | 我有东西要给你 |
[1:05:05] | It’s the patron saint of scientists. | 这是科学家的守护圣人 |
[1:05:10] | You? | 你 |
[1:05:12] | – Religious? – We all have one. | -相信这些 -我们都有一个 |
[1:05:16] | Mine is St. Christopher. | 我的是圣克里斯托弗 |
[1:05:19] | Patron saint of travelers. | 旅者的守护圣人 |
[1:05:31] | Curare. You place it in the crook of your elbow. | 箭毒 你把它放在胳膊肘这边 |
[1:05:38] | It’s untraceable. | 这个是追踪不了的 |
[1:05:40] | Keep it with you at all times. | 随身带着它 |
[1:05:44] | Will I need it? | 我会用得到吗 |
[1:05:55] | So, your affair with Leo Galich started again? | 那么你和里奥·加里奇又开始交往了吗 |
[1:06:00] | You saw quite a lot of him over the next few months? | 接下来几个月你们见了好几次面 |
[1:06:04] | I’m sorry, I have got a terrible headache. | 很抱歉 我真的头很痛 |
[1:06:09] | Time’s 15:23; interview suspended. | 时间15时23分 审问暂停 |
[1:06:12] | Very well, we’ll take a break. See what we can find. | 好 我们休息一下 看看有什么收获 |
[1:06:20] | I’m so sorry, Nick. | 我很抱歉 尼克 |
[1:06:22] | – For what you did? – Or getting found out? – About all this. | -为你做的 还是为被抓了 -一切 |
[1:06:26] | Sorry doesn’t quite cover it. | 说抱歉没什么作用 |
[1:06:30] | There’s something, I’ve been meaning to ask you. | 有些事我一直想要问你 |
[1:06:33] | Could you … would you speak for me, when this goes to court? | 这事上法庭 你能 愿意为我辩护吗 |
[1:06:40] | I’d plead guilty; I’m not asking you to lie for me. | 我会认罪的 我不是要你为我说谎 |
[1:06:43] | Good! We’d both end up in jail if I did. | 很好 要是说谎我们就会一起坐牢 |
[1:06:47] | Your only chance is mitigating circumstances. | 你唯一的机会就是从轻发落 |
[1:06:50] | – I knew you would understand. – I don’t! | -我就知道你会理解 -我不理解 |
[1:06:54] | – How could you have done this?! – Nick! | -你怎么可以做这些事 -尼克 |
[1:06:59] | You became a barrister because you believed in what you were doing. | 你当出庭律师是因为你相信自己做的事 |
[1:07:03] | Well, so did I! | 我也是一样的 |
[1:07:04] | So, in your arrogance, you decided you’d save the world, by sending | 你这么自大 你决定要拯救世界 |
[1:07:07] | our classified documents to a murderous dictator?! | 就把我们的机密文件送给杀人的独裁者吗 |
[1:07:10] | We didn’t know that then! | 我们当时又不知道这点 |
[1:07:13] | Sonya and Leo and I, we had no idea! | 索妮娅 里奥和我 我们不知道 |
[1:07:15] | They were using you! | 他们就是在利用你 |
[1:07:16] | No! | 才不是 |
[1:07:21] | So… | 那么 |
[1:07:23] | Nick… | 尼克 |
[1:07:26] | – Will you speak for me? – I don’t know! | -你会为我辩护吗 -我不知道 |
[1:07:32] | I don’t know if I can. | 我不知道我做不做得到 |
[1:07:42] | I was thinking of going away. | 我在想离开 |
[1:07:47] | Where? | 去哪里 |
[1:07:53] | Not Russia. | 俄罗斯不行 |
[1:07:55] | – I want you to come with me. – I’ll never go there. | -我想你跟我一起走 -我绝不去那里 |
[1:07:58] | Think of what they can offer us! | 想想他们能给我们的东西 |
[1:08:06] | Years and years ago… you told me, | 很多很多年以前 你跟我说 |
[1:08:08] | if there was total destruction, which we’ve had, | 如果能完全摧毁 这我们已经有了 |
[1:08:11] | you communists would build up civilization. From scratch. | 你们共产主义者会重新建立文明 |
[1:08:15] | In a new way. | 用新的方式 |
[1:08:17] | How is Russia doing that? | 俄罗斯又做得如何 |
[1:08:19] | – All I see is repression. – So why do you help us? | -我只看到镇压 -那你为什么帮我们 |
[1:08:25] | To make a just world! | 为了建立一个公正的世界 |
[1:08:27] | An equal place. I am not doing it for them! | 一个公平的所在 我才不是为了他们 |
[1:08:30] | I’m doing it for everyone! | 我是为了所有人 |
[1:08:33] | – You are so blinkered! – No, that’s belief! | -你太狭隘了 -不 那是信仰 |
[1:08:39] | What about my beliefs? The purity of science? | 那我的信仰呢 单纯的科学 |
[1:08:42] | You’ve ruined that for me! | 你们已经毁了我的信仰 |
[1:08:53] | And us? | 那我们呢 |
[1:08:55] | A smokescreen. | 不过是障眼法 |
[1:08:59] | Fog. | 是雾 |
[1:09:03] | I’ve been a fool, | 我一直是个傻子 |
[1:09:07] | and that’s not what love is. | 爱情不是这样的 |
[1:09:18] | Get off me! Excuse me! | 放手 借过一下 |
[1:09:44] | 伦敦 坎伯威尔 山谷区 林德海尔街22号 | |
[1:09:45] | Come on, Leo! Answer! | 快点 里奥 快接电话 |
[1:09:48] | Pick up! | 接电话啊 |
[1:10:31] | Leo! | 里奥 |
[1:11:37] | The police ruled it suicide. | 警察将其归为自杀 |
[1:11:41] | But our files suggest the KGB were involved. | 但我们的文件说克格勃参与其中 |
[1:11:45] | I should never have walked out on him. | 我不应该抛下他离开的 |
[1:11:51] | What else did he have? Poor Leo! | 他还有什么 可怜的里奥 |
[1:11:55] | I think that’s enough for now. | 我觉得暂时先到此为止吧 |
[1:11:59] | We’ll give you a few minutes. | 我们会给你们一点时间 |
[1:12:01] | Time’s 11:32; interview suspended. | 时间11时32分 审问暂停 |
[1:12:14] | – They’ll wear you out. – It was only a blackout. | -他们会把你累垮的 -这就是晕厥 |
[1:12:18] | I’ve still got all my marbles. | 我的理智都还在 |
[1:12:22] | Did you tell Allison and the children? | 你跟艾利森和孩子们说了吗 |
[1:12:25] | Allison, yes. | 艾利森说了 |
[1:12:26] | Don’t know what to say to the boys. | 不知道怎么跟孩子们说 |
[1:12:31] | Maybe I can. | 或许我可以去说 |
[1:12:35] | There is one thing you have to tell me. And I want the absolute truth. | 有一件事你要告诉我 我要听实话 |
[1:12:41] | How much did dad know? | 父亲知道多少 |
[1:12:48] | Enough. | 够多了 |
[1:12:58] | What are you doing here? | 你在这里做什么 |
[1:13:01] | This is bigger than one person, you know. | 不能因为一个人因小失大 |
[1:13:03] | Have you already white-washed him from history? | 你们是不是已经把他从记录里抹去了 |
[1:13:06] | That’s what you lot usually do, isn’t it? | 你们这些人一般都会这么干不是吗 |
[1:13:09] | – Doesn’t anyone care why? – Of course we do! | -有人在意原因吗 -我们当然在意 |
[1:13:14] | You know what I felt for him! | 你知道我对他什么感觉 |
[1:13:18] | Sonya thinks he’d lost his way. | 索妮娅觉得他迷失了方向 |
[1:13:20] | He was questioning Stalin; the whole system! | 他在质疑斯大林 还有整个体系 |
[1:13:21] | That’s rubbish! He wanted to go to Russia. | 什么胡话 他还想去俄罗斯 |
[1:13:27] | William, I think… | 威廉 我觉得 |
[1:13:32] | The last thing I said to him was… | 我跟他说的最后的话还是 |
[1:13:36] | Was that I didn’t love him! | 还是我不爱他 |
[1:13:40] | And then I found his body! | 然后我就发现了他的尸体 |
[1:13:45] | Look, everyone thinks you did all this for Leo. | 所有人都以为你做这些是为了里奥 |
[1:13:48] | But I know that wasn’t true. | 但我知道不是这样的 |
[1:13:51] | I can’t start again. | 我没法重新开始了 |
[1:13:54] | We’re not allies any more. The war’s over. | 我们不再是同盟了 战争结束了 |
[1:13:56] | Yes, with 80 million dead. | 是啊 八千万人死了 |
[1:13:59] | 20 million of them Russians. | 其中两千万是俄罗斯人 |
[1:14:00] | Do you want that again? | 你想让这再发生一次吗 |
[1:14:03] | – What happens if I get caught? – You won’t! | -我被抓了怎么办 -不会的 |
[1:14:06] | But, if it looks like you might … I can help! | 但如果你觉得会被抓 我能帮忙 |
[1:14:10] | – I can get you out. – How? | -我可以把你弄出来 -怎么弄 |
[1:14:12] | I’m pretty high up in the Foreign Office these days. | 我这些日子在外交部的地位很高 |
[1:14:15] | For some reason, they rather like me. | 不知为什么 他们挺喜欢我的 |
[1:14:18] | Did Sonya tell you, I’m getting married? | 索妮娅有跟你说过 我要结婚了吗 |
[1:14:21] | She is my secretary. Lovely girl! | 是我的秘书 很可爱的女孩 |
[1:14:25] | It is a good cover for Kharak. | 是卡拉克很好的掩护 |
[1:14:29] | Listen, Joan. | 听我说 琼 |
[1:14:31] | We need you. | 我们需要你 |
[1:14:35] | Let me tell Sonya to expect your call! | 我让索妮娅等你电话吧 |
[1:14:50] | Please connect me to Eli 4-3-6. | 请帮我接以利436 |
[1:14:56] | I am sorry, caller. That line is no longer in service. | 很抱歉 该号码已不再使用 |
[1:15:00] | – Would you like me to try another? – No. | -还需要我接其他号码吗 -不用了 |
[1:15:06] | No, thank you. | 不用了 谢谢 |
[1:15:15] | Now boarding! | 现在上车 |
[1:15:22] | Now boarding! Platform 2. | 请尽快上车 二号月台 |
[1:15:25] | Excuse me, do you know where this is? | 打扰一下 请问你知道这是哪里吗 |
[1:15:31] | Here we go. | 到了 |
[1:15:33] | – Thank you! – Madam. | -谢谢 -为您效劳 |
[1:16:03] | Sonya! | 索妮娅 |
[1:16:30] | Sonya? | 索妮娅 |
[1:16:43] | Sonya! Are you here? | 索妮娅 你在吗 |
[1:18:55] | Uhm, Joan! | 琼 |
[1:19:05] | Come and have a drink with me. | 来和我喝一杯吧 |
[1:19:28] | – I have to go. – Joan! | -我得走了 -琼 |
[1:19:32] | – I thought you said you didn’t want an affair? – I don’t! | -我以为你说你不想有外遇 -是不想 |
[1:19:34] | – Then, why… – I asked my wife for a divorce. | -那为什么 -我向妻子提出离婚了 |
[1:19:40] | I have been asking her for years. | 我问了她几年了 |
[1:19:41] | Ever since we got back from Canada. | 我们从加拿大回来就开始问了 |
[1:19:43] | She has always refused … The social embarrassment. | 她一直很拒绝 怕见到别人会难堪 |
[1:19:46] | But she can’t hold out forever. I’ve offered her … | 但她不能一直拒绝妥协 我答应给她 |
[1:19:50] | … everything. | 一切 |
[1:19:53] | I need to be responsible for my own happiness. | 我需要为自己的幸福负责 |
[1:19:57] | That means being with you. | 那意味着和你在一起 |
[1:20:00] | I still love you, Joan. | 我还爱着你 琼 |
[1:20:02] | Tell me you feel the same. | 告诉我你也一样 |
[1:20:38] | – Yes, sir! – We are from Special Branch. | -是 长官 -我们来自政治保安处 |
[1:20:42] | We are here to see Professor Davis. | 来这里见戴维斯教授 |
[1:20:47] | One moment. | 稍等 |
[1:20:52] | Max! The police are here! | 麦克斯 警察来了 |
[1:20:58] | MI-5 will think it’s come from us! | 军情5处会认为是我们出了问题 |
[1:21:02] | The Russians. They’ve done it! They’ve tested! | 俄罗斯人 他们做出来了 也测验了 |
[1:21:04] | How did they get there? | 他们怎么做到的 |
[1:21:04] | They were nowhere near us! | 他们原来和我们比差远了 |
[1:21:05] | So, someone must … | 所以 一定是有人 |
[1:21:10] | Everything I’ve worked for – it’s gone! It’s … | 我为之努力的一起 都 都没了 |
[1:21:17] | I can’t believe this is happening! | 我简直不敢相信 就这么发生了 |
[1:21:20] | Professor Max Davis? | 麦克斯·戴维教授 |
[1:21:22] | Special Branch. You are under arrest! | 政治保安处 你被捕了 |
[1:21:26] | I haven’t done anything! | 我什么都没干 |
[1:21:27] | We have received a report from the Canada Research Unit | 我们收到了一份来自加拿大研究单位的报告 |
[1:21:30] | about your Russian sympathies. | 说你对俄罗斯持同情态度 |
[1:21:42] | How could you let them arrest him? | 你怎么可以让他们逮捕他 |
[1:21:44] | I thought he was safe. | 我想着他没事 |
[1:21:46] | There was no evidence against him. | 没有任何证据可以指控他 |
[1:21:48] | I knew something was wrong. | 我知道有什么东西不对劲 |
[1:21:49] | I had no idea it was all built on lies. | 我不知道那些都建立在谎言之上 |
[1:21:51] | What lies? My love for you? For your father? | 什么谎言 我对你 对你父亲的爱吗 |
[1:21:54] | You clearly had no love for your country! | 很显然你不爱你的国家 |
[1:21:57] | How dare you?! | 你怎么敢这么说 |
[1:21:59] | You have no idea what it was like! | 你压根不知道那是什么情况 |
[1:22:01] | War after war after war; | 一场又一场的战争 |
[1:22:03] | all the dead, the grieving, the heartbreak! | 那些死者 悲伤 心碎 |
[1:22:06] | We were saturated with it. | 我们都快被淹没了 |
[1:22:08] | I would have done anything to stop that happening again. | 我现在依旧愿意为阻止它们发生做任何事 |
[1:22:11] | It wasn’t about communism or fascism. | 那无关共产主义 亦或法西斯 |
[1:22:14] | They were using you and you still don’t see it? | 他们在利用你 你还不明白吗 |
[1:22:17] | Who was using who? | 谁在利用谁 |
[1:22:18] | Alright, I was a shadow in a man’s world. | 是 我是男性世界里暗藏的阴影 |
[1:22:20] | Invisible, but … | 虽然不可见 但 |
[1:22:21] | In the end, powerful. | 最终 变强了 |
[1:22:23] | Betraying your own country? God, I’m ashamed of you! | 通过背叛你的国家吗 我为你感到羞耻 |
[1:22:27] | I loved my country! | 我爱我的国家 |
[1:22:31] | Alright, I was frightened out of my wits most of the time! | 没错 大部分时间我都被吓得魂不附体 |
[1:22:33] | But I knew I had to do it. I knew I had to carry on. | 但我知道我必须那么做 必须坚持下去 |
[1:22:37] | Why can’t you understand? | 你怎么就不明白呢 |
[1:22:40] | Use your heart for once, Nick, | 尼克 听从你的的心 |
[1:22:41] | instead of your head. | 偶尔也别那么理性一回 |
[1:22:43] | – You are a traitor. – To what? | -你是个叛徒 -导致了什么 |
[1:22:45] | To millions more dying? | 导致成千上万的人死掉吗 |
[1:22:47] | I was fighting for the living! | 我是为了活着的人而战斗 |
[1:22:50] | I thought if both sides had the same weapon, | 我想着如果双方有同样的武器 |
[1:22:52] | that could destroy each other … | 可以毁灭对方的那种 |
[1:22:54] | … neither side would use it. | 那么两方都不会使用它 |
[1:22:57] | I was in a unique position … | 我处于一个特殊的位置 |
[1:22:59] | I could defuse their bombs. | 我可以让他们的核力量相互制衡 |
[1:23:01] | So I did! | 我也做到了 |
[1:23:01] | And I was right, wasn’t I? | 而我是对的 不是吗 |
[1:23:03] | They haven’t used it; not for 50 years. Have they?! | 50年了 他们从没使用过 不是吗 |
[1:23:08] | Have they?! | 不是吗 |
[1:23:12] | Alright, you can call me a traitor to my county, but … | 是 你可以称我是国家的叛徒 但是 |
[1:23:15] | …at least I was trying to save the world from mass destruction! | 至少我曾努力拯救世界于水火中 |
[1:23:19] | You are just twisting words. | 你只是在巧言令色 |
[1:23:22] | You gave Russia the bomb! | 你让俄罗斯拥有了核弹 |
[1:23:25] | I’m finished when this comes out! | 这事出来了我就不干了 |
[1:23:30] | I can’t … | 我不能 |
[1:23:34] | Can’t what, Nick? | 不能怎样 尼克 |
[1:23:37] | I can’t do this! | 我不能这么做 |
[1:23:40] | You mean … | 你是说 |
[1:23:43] | You mean you won’t stand by me?! Your own mother? | 你是说 你不能支持我 你的母亲吗 |
[1:23:51] | I can’t do this, Nick! | 我坚持不下去的 尼克 |
[1:23:56] | Not on my own. | 一个人坚持不下去的 |
[1:25:09] | You came! | 你来了 |
[1:25:11] | – Of course I came. – Keep your distance! | -我当然要来 -保持距离 |
[1:25:24] | The service around here is terrible. | 这里的待遇糟糕极了 |
[1:25:31] | I brought you some cigarettes. | 我给你带了一些烟抽 |
[1:25:34] | I’ve got some news! | 我有些事要说 |
[1:25:37] | I got a letter from my wife. | 我收到一封来自我老婆的信 |
[1:25:40] | If I had known all I had to do, was get myself arrested … | 如果我早知道我要做得 是让自己被捕 |
[1:25:46] | Why are you crying? | 你为什么要哭 |
[1:25:52] | I can’t marry you, Max! | 我不能嫁给你 麦克斯 |
[1:25:54] | – Of course you can. – No I can’t! | -你当然可以 -不 我不能 |
[1:26:00] | I’ll get out of here, I haven’t done anything. | 我会出去的 我什么都没干 |
[1:26:01] | I know you haven’t! | 我知道你没有 |
[1:26:19] | Two minutes alone? | 能让我们单独待两分钟吗 |
[1:26:55] | – It was me. – What? | -是我干的 -什么 |
[1:27:01] | The secrets! | 那些机密 |
[1:27:08] | – Secrets? – I’m so sorry! | -什么机密 -我十分抱歉 |
[1:27:13] | I’m going to tell them everything! | 我会向他们坦白一切的 |
[1:27:21] | The bomb! | 关于核弹 |
[1:27:24] | – Oh My God! – I’m so sorry! | -我的天 -非常对不起 |
[1:27:29] | You? | 是你 |
[1:27:40] | How could you? | 你怎么能 |
[1:27:43] | Why? | 为什么 |
[1:27:47] | Hiroshima! | 广岛 |
[1:27:51] | Why? | 为什么 |
[1:27:58] | I’m going to tell them everything! | 我会向他们坦白一切的 |
[1:28:00] | There is a boat to Australia. | 有一艘去澳大利亚的船 |
[1:28:02] | I’ll get on it, confess … And then you’ll be free! | 我会登船 坦白 然后你就自由了 |
[1:28:05] | No! | 不 |
[1:28:10] | No! | 不 |
[1:28:12] | But don’t you see? What is the point of that? I love you! | 你不明白吗 那有什么意义 我爱你 |
[1:28:16] | I can’t live without you! | 没有你我活不下去 |
[1:28:21] | I don’t want you to go to Australia! | 我不想你去澳大利亚 |
[1:28:24] | I love you! | 我爱你 |
[1:28:27] | – Do you feel the same? – Of course, I do! | -你和我一样吗 -当然 我也爱你 |
[1:28:31] | – Max! What have I done? – Let me go to trial! | -麦克斯我都做了什么 -让我上法庭 |
[1:28:35] | There is no evidence. I’ll clear my name. | 没有任何证据 我会为自己正名 |
[1:28:37] | No, then you’ll have to lie about me In court. | 不 那样你在法庭上一定会为我撒谎 |
[1:28:39] | I can’t let you do that. | 我不能让你那么做 |
[1:28:40] | Even if you are acquitted, everyone will remember this | 即便你被无罪释放 所有人也都记得 |
[1:28:43] | You won’t be able to clear your name! | 你无法为自己正名 |
[1:28:45] | You won’t be able to go back to your old job … or your old life! | 你无法回到你原来的工作 原来的生活 |
[1:28:48] | But don’t you see? I don’t want my old life! | 但你不明白吗 我不想要原来的生活 |
[1:28:50] | I want a new life here | 我想要新的生活 |
[1:28:52] | with you! | 和你一起的生活 |
[1:28:59] | – There might be another way! – What? | -还有一个办法 -什么 |
[1:29:03] | Time! | 到时间了 |
[1:29:05] | What other way? | 什么办法 |
[1:29:18] | I will not be put off any longer! | 我不会再待着了 |
[1:29:20] | I have been sat there for a whole bloody hour! | 我已经在那儿坐了整整一小时了 |
[1:29:22] | Now, you tell Mr. Mitchell that | 现在 你去告诉米歇尔先生 |
[1:29:23] | – I want to see him right now! – Excuse me, excuse me. | -我立刻就要见到他 -借过 |
[1:29:25] | I demand to see him! It’s completely unacceptable! | 我要求现在见他 完全不可接受 |
[1:29:28] | I’m so sorry! A dreadful misunderstanding. | 我十分抱歉 一个糟糕的误会 |
[1:29:32] | Did you have to make such a ghastly scene? | 你非要搞得这么难堪吗 |
[1:29:35] | Did you have to ignore my calls? | 你有必要躲我的电话吗 |
[1:29:40] | Everything’s falling apart! | 一切都在分崩离析 |
[1:29:42] | Kharak’s been posted to the Indian embassy in Washington. | 卡拉克被派往驻华盛顿印度大使馆 |
[1:29:45] | It should be a coup, except he’s a terrible lush, | 本来可以是场政变 可他是个糟糕的酒鬼 |
[1:29:48] | falling out of clubs. | 没起到啥作用 |
[1:29:50] | I think the pressure’s got to him. | 我觉得他被压垮了 |
[1:29:53] | But that’s not why you’re here though, is it? | 但这不是你来这里的原因 对吧 |
[1:29:55] | How could you let Sonya do it? | 你怎么可以让索妮娅那么做 |
[1:30:02] | I can’t stop Sonya doing anything. | 我无法阻止索妮娅做任何事 |
[1:30:04] | Well, you run all the operations … | 你负责所有的行动 |
[1:30:05] | My dear girl, Sonya does! | 亲爱的姑娘 索妮娅负责所有的行动 |
[1:30:07] | Always has … | 一直都是 |
[1:30:17] | I didn’t know she denounced him, until it was too late. | 我知道她告发他时 为时已晚 |
[1:30:20] | Do you think I’d let anyone hurt him? | 你觉得我会让任何人伤害他吗 |
[1:30:31] | Who is this? | 这是谁 |
[1:30:36] | – Leo – Turn it over! | -里奥 -翻背面看看 |
[1:30:41] | – Who is it? – Leo’s son. | -是谁 -里奥的儿子 |
[1:30:46] | With Sonya? | 和索妮娅的吗 |
[1:30:50] | So that’s why she suddenly went to Switzerland | 这就是她突然去瑞士的原因 |
[1:30:55] | Everybody knew, except me. | 所有人都知道 除了我 |
[1:30:58] | You must think I’m such an idiot! | 你肯定觉得 我就是个傻子 |
[1:31:00] | He felt deeply for you, you know. He just didn’t have the words. | 他很爱你 你知道 他只是没说出来 |
[1:31:06] | Listen, I can organize a full defector program! | 听着 我可以组织一个完整的叛逃计划 |
[1:31:10] | Not Russia. Australia! | 不去俄罗斯 去澳大利亚 |
[1:31:13] | – That’s where I want to go. -You’re right. | -那才是我想去的地方 -你说得对 |
[1:31:14] | Sonya’s gone back to Moscow, that might be awkward. | 索妮娅去了莫斯科 那会有些尴尬 |
[1:31:18] | Australia … | 澳大利亚 |
[1:31:20] | – Alright, but give me a week or two. – No. | -好吧 但给我一两周时间 -不 |
[1:31:23] | There is a boat; leaves in 3 days. And I need two tickets. | 有一艘船三天后离开 我要两张船票 |
[1:31:28] | You have to get Max out of prison! | 你必须把麦克斯弄出监狱 |
[1:31:31] | The professor? | 那个教授吗 |
[1:31:32] | – I told him everything! – Why? | -我把一切都告诉他了 -为什么 |
[1:31:34] | Because I am not going to let him rot in jail | 因为我不会让他因为没做过的事 |
[1:31:36] | for something he didn’t do. | 在监狱待到地老天荒 |
[1:31:38] | No, I can’t. It’s too risky! | 不 我做不到 风险太大了 |
[1:31:41] | You will have to leave him, and go alone. | 你得抛弃他 自己走 |
[1:31:55] | You wouldn’t! | 你不会的 |
[1:31:56] | I have one for you wife, and one for the Daily Mail. | 我有一张给你妻子 一张给《每日邮报》 |
[1:32:00] | I want two tickets; two new identities. | 我要两张船票 两个新的身份 |
[1:32:07] | Britain’s last spy from the Atomic Age has finally been exposed. | 英国在核时代的最后一个间谍终于暴露了 |
[1:32:11] | Joan Stanley’s name was released | 昨日在下议院 |
[1:32:12] | to the House of Commons yesterday. | 琼·斯坦利的名字被公布了出来 |
[1:32:15] | She was personally responsible for providing Russia | 她个人对向俄罗斯提供英国的原子机密 |
[1:32:18] | with British atomic secrets. | 这一行为负责 |
[1:32:41] | I have been accused of passing information | 我被指控于上世纪40年代 |
[1:32:44] | to the Russians in the 1940s. | 向俄罗斯人传递信息 |
[1:32:49] | Information which accelerated their ability to build an atomic bomb. | 那些信息加快了俄罗斯人制造核弹的步伐 |
[1:32:59] | I have been accused of deceiving my colleagues and my family. | 我被指控欺骗了我的同事 我的家人 |
[1:33:04] | This I don’t deny. | 这些我并不否认 |
[1:33:15] | But I have also been accused of deceiving my country. | 但我亦被指控欺骗了我的国家 |
[1:33:25] | I’m not a spy! | 我不是间谍 |
[1:33:32] | I don’t believe in working against one’s country. | 我没有与国家作对 |
[1:33:38] | I wanted the Russians to be on equal footing with the West. | 我想让俄罗斯人与西方人保持同样的水准 |
[1:33:43] | I’m not a traitor | 我不是一个叛徒 |
[1:33:51] | I… | 我 |
[1:33:54] | I wanted everyone to share the same knowledge | 我希望所有人拥有同样的知识 |
[1:33:59] | – Because … – How much did the Russians pay you? | -因为 -俄罗斯人给了你多少钱 |
[1:34:01] | Did you think you would get away with it? | 你觉得你能逃脱惩罚吗 |
[1:34:02] | Because only that way | 因为只有那样 |
[1:34:06] | Could the horror of another World War be averted | 才能避免又一次世界大战的浩劫 |
[1:34:14] | And I think if you look back at history, | 而我相信如果你回顾历史 |
[1:34:17] | you’d see I was right. | 你就应该明白 我是对的 |
[1:34:22] | You should be ashamed of yourself! | 你应该为自己感到羞耻 |
[1:34:26] | Red Joan! | 红琼 |
[1:34:30] | Mrs. Stanley has nothing to be ashamed of! | 斯坦利夫人无需为任何事而感到羞耻 |
[1:34:35] | She has made real something we all talk about, | 她做到了我们一直在讨论 |
[1:34:37] | but have no idea how to achieve. | 却不知如何下手的事 |
[1:34:40] | Peace | 和平 |
[1:34:43] | Now, if you have any further questions | 现在 如果你们还有 |
[1:34:45] | for Mrs. Stanley, | 关于斯坦利夫人的问题 |
[1:34:46] | would you please address them to me. | 可以问我 |
[1:34:48] | I am her lawyer | 我是她的律师 |
[1:34:52] | And her son. | 也是她的儿子 |
[1:35:26] | 她被指控在20世纪40年代向苏联提供 英国的核弹研究信息 | |
[1:35:35] | 由于她年事已高 英国政府 决定不予起诉 |