英文名称:The Battle for Marjah
时间 | 英文 | 中文 |
[01:00] | There’s a part of a machine that always wins. | 我们是军中战无不胜的精锐之师 |
[01:03] | There’s no worse enemy than the United States Marine. | 没有比美国海军陆战队更难对付的敌人 |
[01:09] | You know, we’re… | 你知道 我们… |
[01:11] | We’re masters of… | 我们最善于制止 |
[01:13] | control chaos and violence. | 一切暴乱和暴力冲突 |
[01:29] | 阿富汗战争开战以来 最大一次军事行动即将拉开序幕 | |
[01:39] | You know, there are some definitely | 这个计划 |
[01:40] | scary parts of that plan. | 必然存在其冒险的部分 |
[01:46] | Marjah is such a difficult piece of ground. | 马尔亚这个地方非常棘手 |
[01:49] | Hundreds of hundreds of Taliban here, | 数以千计的塔利班盘踞在此 |
[01:50] | and not only Taliban but | 而且不是一般的塔利班 |
[01:54] | kind of the hardcore extremists, | 是那些最死忠的极端分子 |
[01:56] | best trained guys they’ve got. | 他们中最精锐的都聚集在此 |
[01:58] | IEDs everywhere, | 自制爆炸装置遍布全城 |
[01:59] | triple possible, you know, anti-aircraft guns… | 可能还会有防空炮火的威胁 |
[02:02] | …definitely expecting casualties. | 人员伤亡自然是难免的 |
[02:07] | But that’s what the Marines do. | 但这是美国海军陆战队的使命 |
[02:09] | Whatever the President needs us to do, is what we do. | 总统的命令即我们的使命 |
[02:21] | – What’s going on, Bravo? – Yeah. | -B连怎么样 -牛 |
[02:24] | – You guys ready to go? – Yeah. | -准备好出发了吗 -一切就绪 |
[02:27] | The Taliban have their fist in the mix here. | 塔利班的拳头力量都埋伏于此 |
[02:31] | Trust me, this is going to be chaotic. | 相信我 这将会是一场恶战 |
[02:33] | This plan that we’ve rock drilled over and over, | 整个计划我们已经演练了无数遍 |
[02:36] | as soon as you get off the bird, it’s not worth anything. | 但从你落地那一刻起 计划就毫无价值 |
[02:39] | Every single one of you | 你们每一个人 |
[02:41] | is going to have to make a 100 decisions | 都要做出数以百计的决定 |
[02:43] | that there is no right answer to. | 而你要决定的问题并无正解 |
[02:45] | But guess what? You have to act. | 但是懂吗 你们必须采取行动 |
[02:47] | You have to decide, you have to act. | 必须做出决定 必须采取行动 |
[02:50] | I’ve talked to you before about the gift of aggression. | 我之前跟你们谈过攻击性是一种天赋 |
[02:51] | You are here for a reason. | 派你们来此自然有其原因 |
[02:53] | When the enemy chooses to face us on the battlefield, | 当敌人们选择和我们兵戎相见的时候 |
[02:57] | win the direct fire fight, right now. | 就要在直接交火中迅速占据上风 |
[02:59] | Overwhelming surgical fire power. | 以密集火力全面压制对方 |
[03:01] | Destroy him. | 于顷刻之间 |
[03:02] | Immediately. | 消灭敌人 |
[03:05] | I guarantee you we will lose Marines. | 可以肯定我们会有兄弟阵亡 |
[03:08] | I guarantee you we will. | 我可以给你们打包票 |
[03:10] | Don’t let the emotions control you. | 不要让情绪左右了你 |
[03:13] | There’s 80,000 civilians in this city. | 这座城里有八万名居民 |
[03:16] | There’s maybe a thousand enemy. | 可能有一千个敌人 |
本电影台词包含不重复单词:1099个。 其中的生词包含:四级词汇:187个,六级词汇:100个,GRE词汇:85个,托福词汇:135个,考研词汇:204个,专四词汇:175个,专八词汇:18个, 所有生词标注共:355个。 定制生词标注的台词本和单词统计,请访问生词标注台词本 | ||
[03:19] | So when I go home, I don’t want to feel ashamed because, | 当我回家时 我不想带着耻辱回去 |
[03:22] | you know, I’m having problem sleeping at night, | 我不想因为纠结于作出的决定正确与否 |
[03:25] | because I’m not sure that I did the right thing. | 而彻夜无眠 |
[03:29] | What happens over the next 5 days, | 未来五天里将要发生的事 |
[03:32] | will be | 将会成为 |
[03:33] | a cornerstone of your memory for the rest of your life. | 在你余生的记忆之中难以磨灭的片段 |
[03:38] | All right, gents, that’s all I’ve got. | 好的 先生们 我就说这么多 |
[04:16] | In Afghanistan the stage has just set | 在阿富汗 联军迄今为止规模最大的一次攻势 |
[04:18] | for one of the biggest allied offensive so far. | 即将拉开帷幕 |
[04:22] | The US Marines are heading up a force to attack the Taliban. | 美国海军陆战队正在部署兵力进攻塔利班 |
[04:26] | They are gathering around the town of Marjah in Helmand Province, | 联军正在赫尔曼德省的马尔亚城周围集结 |
[04:30] | getting ready to drive off the Taliban | 为清剿塔利班武装 |
[04:33] | and restore government orders. | 以及重建政府秩序做着准备 |
[04:36] | This is the first major offensive since President Barack Obama | 这是自奥巴马总统宣布增兵3万之后 |
[04:39] | announced he was sending 3,0000 reinforcements, | 展开的首场大规模攻势行动 |
[04:43] | a new strategy for turning back the Taliban. | 来作为铲除塔利班武装的新策略的实施 |
[04:48] | Afghanistan is not lost. | 阿富汗的局势并未失去控制 |
[04:50] | For several years, it has moved backwards. | 只是近几年里 形势有所恶化 |
[04:53] | Gradually, the Taliban has begun to control | 逐渐地 塔利班得以掌握 |
[04:55] | additional swathes of territory. | 对个别地区的控制权 |
[05:00] | This is a date with destiny. | 这是改写我们命运的一天 |
[05:01] | For the rest of your career, | 在今后的军旅生涯中 |
[05:03] | you will be known as Marjah Marines. | 你们将作为”马尔亚陆战队”被人们所铭记 |
[05:06] | The Afghan army will be fighting alongside of the Marines. | 阿富汗军队将会与美国海军陆战队并肩作战 |
[05:09] | You don’t wanna mess with this guy. | 这家伙你绝对惹不起的 |
[05:13] | We will pursue a military strategy | 我们会全力寻求一个 |
[05:15] | that will secure key population sites. | 可以保障人口聚集地安全的军事策略 |
[05:19] | The Marines have effectively cut off | 美军陆战队已经有效地切断了 |
[05:20] | all escape routes out of Marjah. | 逃出马尔亚城的一切路线 |
[05:23] | They’re doing everything they can | 他们正竭尽全力 |
[05:25] | to let the people of Marjah know | 让马尔亚的人民知道 |
[05:27] | they’re coming. | 他们赶到了 |
[05:29] | Many families have already left the city | 许多家庭已经离开马尔亚城 |
[05:31] | to avoid being caught in the crossfire. | 以避免在交火中被伤及 |
[05:34] | Ultimately, our efforts across Afghanistan | 根本上说 我们在阿富汗所做的努力 |
[05:37] | are about changing the perceptions of people. | 都是为了改变当地人民(对美军)的认识 |
[05:40] | I want the Afghan people to understand | 我希望阿富汗人民能明白 |
[05:43] | America seeks an end to this era of war and suffering. | 美国正努力来结束这旷日持久的战争和苦难 |
[05:49] | Marjah is considered a key test in Obama’s strategy. | 马尔亚被视为对奥巴马战略可行性的关键测试 |
[05:54] | This is a critical point. | 这一战很关键 |
[05:57] | It may be the critical point. | 有可能成为转折性的一战 |
[06:02] | God bless you. And God bless you, the United States of America. | 天佑诸位 天佑美利坚合众国 |
[06:08] | Thank you very much. | 非常感谢 |
[06:11] | Thank you. | 谢谢 |
[06:13] | Reports from inside the city suggest | 从马尔亚城内发回的报道显示 |
[06:16] | that hundreds of hard core insurgents | 有数以百计顽固的叛乱分子 |
[06:19] | are bracing for a fight. | 正准备迎接一场恶战 |
[06:24] | 在回顾了一系列 外交政策之后 | |
[06:24] | 奥巴马总统决定对 阿富汗施行一套新的反叛乱战略: | |
[07:29] | 他们的任务是 占领人口最密集的地区 | |
[07:29] | 该区域包括了 塔利班头目的老巢 | |
[08:02] | Right now we are sweeping for some IEDs, | 我们现在在搜索附近是否有爆炸装置 |
[08:04] | hoping we don’t step on anything, | 希望别让我们踩上 |
[08:06] | It’s a very slow process. | 这个过程一般很漫长 |
[08:08] | Well, these many guys can take a while. | 这么多人一起开工也要费一段功夫 |
[08:11] | And that’s what these IEDs do. | 这就是自制爆炸装置的可恶之处 |
[08:13] | they take us away from our own game plan. | 它们会迟滞你使你不能按计划行动 |
[08:16] | So, we’re having to swap up our tactics and | 所有我们得改变策略 |
[08:21] | kind of play, uh, the chess game. It’s not checkers now. | 就像在下象棋 只是没有格子棋盘罢了 |
[08:54] | See all those antennas? | 看到那些天线没 |
[08:57] | That’s Building 21. | 那就是21号建筑 |
[09:08] | 反叛乱行动的主要目标是赢得当地居民的支持: 必须不惜一切代价避免平民的伤亡 | |
[09:13] | 陆战队员只有在遭遇”绝对敌对行为”时 方可进行攻击 | |
[09:16] | B连一个排的官兵们必须十分谨慎 因为那些似敌非友的人正在他们周围聚集 | |
[09:30] | They’re going this way. | 他们朝这边来了 |
[09:35] | That three. | 有三个人 |
[09:36] | Three in about the last 10 minutes. | 过去10分钟里就出现了三个人 |
[09:45] | Just keep in mind. | 都记好了 |
[09:47] | There’s couple of guys in the center section. | 城镇中部还有几个人 |
[09:48] | They’re walking down that road. Looks like… | 他们正沿着那条路往下走 看起来… |
[09:51] | They definitely know we are here now. | 他们现在肯定知道我们在这里了 |
[09:53] | They’re just walking around, watching us like we’re the zoo, | 他们闲庭信步 逛动物园一样看着我们 |
[09:56] | trying to maneuver all around us. | 试图把兵力都调集到我们周围 |
[10:00] | Countable situation. | 情况无非如此 |
[10:02] | No lie they’ve left the city, but… | 他们已经撤出城了不假 但是… |
[10:05] | I’m sure several stayed. | 我确信肯定有一些人留守 |
[10:19] | If they pop up, start firing. | 要是他们突然蹿出来开火 |
[10:22] | Lay into ’em. | 一律给我放倒 |
[10:31] | Push up. | 推进 |
[10:33] | I’m trying to get eyes on this first compound right here. | 我要在第一栋建筑设立观察哨 |
[10:53] | Let’s go, come on! | 兄弟们上 快 |
[10:55] | Hey, Smith. Watch your flank when through. | 喂 史密斯 小心你的侧翼 |
[10:58] | Gunshots fired. | 开枪了 |
[11:03] | Shoot his ass! | 打爆他 |
[11:08] | Oh, Fuck! | 啊 我操 |
[11:11] | – Oh shit! Oh God. – Come here. Come here. Come here! | -妈的 -过来 快过来 |
[11:14] | Get down. Where you hit at? | 趴下 哪中弹了 |
[11:15] | On my fuckin leg! | 他妈的打到我腿了 |
[11:16] | Oh fucking shit! | 妈逼的 |
[11:19] | Ooh! What the fuck! | 真他妈的 |
[11:27] | I got you boy. I’ve got ya. I’ve gotcha. | 交给我了 没事的 会好的 |
[11:34] | Roger, this is 31. | 收到 我是31 |
[11:36] | Zach Morsene. Right leg, arterial bleeding. | 扎克·莫辛右腿中弹 动脉出血 |
[11:43] | Where’s that coming from? | 从哪打过来的 |
[11:45] | What do you see? | 看到什么了 |
[11:53] | Started firing from that compound over there. | 从那个院里射过来的 |
[11:55] | There was like 8 of them. | 差不多有八个人 |
[11:57] | They shot the rockets, | 他们发射了火箭弹 |
[11:59] | and, um, they were effective, like, no shit, | 他们的阻击很奏效 不像是乌合之众 |
[12:02] | like how was…yeah, I’m pretty effective. | 这帮孙子肯定正得意呢 |
[12:05] | As long as you get the fuck away. | 一会就让他们吃不了兜着走 |
[12:08] | Took fire from down here, there is an intersection. | 在下面这里受到火力压制 那有个岔路口 |
[12:11] | RPG:Rocket-Propelled Grenade | 苏制系列火箭筒 塔利班大量装备 |
[12:11] | They fired their RPG | 就是他们朝我们发射火箭的地方 |
[12:12] | apart from that corner from that intersection, fired their RPG. | 就在那个岔路口边上 他们发射火箭筒 |
[12:16] | There was no pings or claps, | 没有子弹命中的呯声和爆炸声 |
[12:18] | it was all “zing zing”. | 全都噌噌的飞过去了 |
[12:30] | You need to get down, bro. | 俯下身来 兄弟 |
[12:31] | We’re taking the fire from fucking three goddamn places. | 有他妈三个地方在朝这里开火 |
[12:36] | Have we stopped bleeding yet? | 止血了吗 |
[12:37] | It’s stopped for a couple of minutes now. | 已经止住几分钟了 |
[12:39] | Cause I’ve got to get you out of here, man. | 我得送你离开这地方 伙计 |
[12:41] | So, we’ll get him fucking moving. | 所以我们得把他转移走 |
[12:45] | We need Air on that motherfucker right there. | 我们需要对那个地方实施空中打击 |
[12:47] | – It’s pretty close. – Yes. | -离得有些近 -对 |
[12:50] | Every time that moped stopped at the end, | 每次那个小摩托在头上停下时 |
[12:52] | he was dropping guys off. | 都是在卸人下来 |
[12:54] | And they ran in there, that’s where they’re flooded. | 然后他们跑进那里 那就是他们聚集的地方 |
[12:57] | There’s at least 10 to 12. | 里面至少有10至12人 |
[12:59] | Get the fucking shot off! From that where you fuckin’ see! | 打啊 使劲打 从你那狗洞里打啊 |
[13:03] | Do you hear me? | 听见了没 |
[13:04] | – Son of a bitch! – Wow, it’s getting close to us. | -狗娘养的 -往我们这边来了 |
[13:10] | Why not call in Air now? | 为什么现在不呼叫空中打击 |
[13:12] | They may be trying to, but… | 可能正在呼叫吧 但是… |
[13:16] | they’re just worried about collateral damage and, uh, | 他们有些担心造成连带伤害还有… |
[13:20] | affecting the people which, | 对城里的人造成不良影响 |
[13:22] | you don’t wanna take out innocent people. | 没人想误伤平民 |
[13:25] | But what’s more important, your Marines or | 但问题是 你是要保护你的陆战队员 |
[13:28] | them shooting at you? | 还是任由他们开枪 |
[13:33] | What do you think the Taliban fighters are doing there? | 你估计那边塔利班在干嘛 |
[13:36] | Probably looking at them | 可能在看他们那边吧 |
[13:50] | Get that leg across. Ok… | 先把伤腿跨过去 好的 |
[13:53] | Yeah, I’m worried about you getting an infection from | 我担心你伤口那儿 |
[13:56] | that fucking sore, dude. | 会感染 伙计 |
[13:57] | Keep it out of the water. | 不要让伤腿沾水 |
[14:01] | Jump over it. Go. Go, go, go, go, go, go! | 你跳过去 快去 |
[14:06] | Help Morsene get up here. | 帮忙让莫辛爬上去 |
[14:14] | – Hold fast. – Hurry up! | -抓紧 -快点 |
[14:19] | Look out from all sides, okay? | 这里是暴露的 知道不 |
[14:22] | All together I’ve seen about 40. | 加在一起 我差不多看到了40人 |
[14:25] | Using really good tactics and you know, fucking | 他们的战术不错 |
[14:27] | hiding an AK47 in one spot, | 预先把一把AK47步枪藏在一个点 |
[14:30] | then moving to another, and when they finished that spot, | 然后去另一个伏击点 在这个点打完后 |
[14:32] | they run to another spot that’s actually good, | 他们就跑到这个点 一个很理想的 |
[14:34] | good hidden place, | 很隐蔽的伏击点 |
[14:36] | have the AK47 there and they shoot off the ground. | 取出Ak47往这边地上一阵扫射 |
[14:39] | And they move again, and did the same thing over again. | 然后再转移 这样周而复始 |
[14:42] | It’s not just one guy spraying, | 不只是一个人在扫射 |
[14:44] | like, uh, we’re used to. | 并非像我们司空见惯的那样 |
[14:46] | These guys actually know what they’re doing. | 这帮家伙打得很有章法 |
[15:03] | 在击退埋伏打开通路之后 B连前往附近一座建筑内隐蔽 | |
[15:28] | Hey, there’s women and children in the building! | 那屋里有妇女和小孩 |
[15:30] | Women and children in the building! | 里有妇女和小孩 |
[15:32] | Weapons tight! We’re going in. Let’s go. | 管好武器 咱们进屋 走吧 |
[15:55] | We need a fucking axe or something. | 我们需要个斧头什么的 |
[15:56] | – You got ’em. – So, | -没问题 -然后… |
[15:58] | Let’s get it. Let’s get holes in this wall. | 我们开工吧 在这面墙上凿些筒 |
[16:09] | Roger, we’re taking contact from Building 30, right? | 收到 是30号建筑在向我们开火 对吗 |
[16:13] | Hey, where are they fucking at? | 他们现在都他妈在哪呢 |
[16:15] | There’s just trees blocking it. | 树把视线挡住了 |
[16:21] | That, that building out there, is this sporadic fire coming from. | 那边那个房子 就是开火的地方 |
[16:29] | We’ve got fucking good eyes on this cock circle right here. | 别他妈看这洞小 视野倒不错 |
[16:38] | I don’t like being here. | 我不喜欢呆在这儿 |
[16:41] | – Huh? – I don’t like being in here. | -什么 -我不喜欢呆在这里面 |
[16:43] | – In this house? – Not at all. | -在这间房子里吗 -一点都不喜欢 |
[16:45] | – Why? – It’s too fucking small, | -为什么 -地方太他妈小了 |
[16:48] | close to a fucking attack position, | 离交火地点太他妈近了 |
[16:52] | perfect range for rockets and mortars, | 正好在火箭和迫击炮的射击范围内 |
[16:55] | easy fucking distance to judge. | 距离也很好判断 |
[16:58] | It would be crazy to rocket. | 火箭弹打过来就死定了 |
[17:03] | I’m sure we won’t stay here long. | 我们肯定不会在这待太久 |
[17:07] | That’s where they’re fucking dipping from. | 他们就是从那窜出来的 |
[17:08] | He was in there shooting from the crack right there. | 他就是在那里面透过墙缝射击的 |
[17:20] | Alright, fall back in real quick. | 好了 迅速撤回 |
[17:37] | All right, currently we are right here. | 这是我们当前的位置 |
[17:39] | First, gonna fucking fire a Jave into Building 20, | 先向20号建筑发射一枚标枪导弹 |
[17:43] | All right. That door, it ain’t all about going through it, | 这道门 不可轻举妄动地去突破 |
[17:46] | because they could fucking probably run back and forth, | 因为他们很可能会迂回其后 |
[17:49] | not closer. | 切勿靠得太近 |
[17:49] | Sort of clear 20 and 21. | 即肃清20号与21号建筑 |
[17:51] | They fucking fired another damn bitch | 他们又向19号建筑物 |
[17:53] | into the fucking Building 19. | 发射了一枚火箭弹 |
[17:54] | Because if they have a fucking machine gun right here, | 因为他们在这里放了一挺重机枪 |
[17:56] | they just kill fucking entire platoon | 能轻松干掉我们一整排 |
[18:02] | Goddamn. | 他妈的 |
[18:14] | Damn it, bro. | 该死的 |
[18:16] | Get fucking move in these shoes. | 你他妈的给我快点走 |
[18:19] | Cover and maneuver. | 交替掩护行进 |
[18:29] | Tell him we’re getting shot at from behind us. | 告诉他有人在我们背后向我们射击 |
[18:32] | Yeah, exact same building. | 对 还是刚才那栋建筑 |
[18:38] | go, go, go… | 快 快 快… |
[18:40] | Go on, motherfucker! | 快点 狗娘养的 |
[18:49] | Jesus. | 上帝啊 |
[18:56] | Oh, my god. | 我的老天啊 |
[19:09] | Dude, you gotta drop bombs, bombs don’t miss | 要我说就该扔炸弹 一炸一个准 |
[19:14] | They wouldn’t get closer than 600 meters last year. | 去年他们离我们至少600米就撤了 |
[19:17] | These guys are like 150 meters, | 这帮家伙敢放我们到150米再跑 |
[19:18] | if closer. | 如果再近点的话… |
[19:22] | And they’re, they’ve got effective fire, | 而且他们的火力更为有效 |
[19:24] | last year it was just straight sporadic, | 去年只是零星的点射 |
[19:26] | never hit anything really. | 屁都打不着 |
[19:30] | – My little boy, I miss him. – How old is he? | -这是我儿子 我很想他 -几岁了 |
[19:33] | He’s 5 months. 5 months, February 13th. | 五个月大 二月十三出生的 |
[19:37] | I miss him. I’ll be home to him soon. | 我非常想他 我会很快回到他身边的 |
[19:41] | How much time did you spend with him before you came here? | 你来这之前陪了他多久 |
[19:43] | Uh, about 2 months. 2, 3 months. | 大概两个月吧 两三个月 |
[19:46] | Not too bad. | 还算可以 |
[19:50] | He’ll be big when I get home, can’t wait. | 我回家时他肯定长大不少 迫不及待 |
[20:10] | Was that us this shot? | 这发是咱们打的吗 |
[20:12] | What’s going on? | 怎么回事 |
[20:14] | What do we got? What do we got? | 情况怎么样 有人受伤吗 |
[20:16] | I was pissing. | 我正尿尿呢 |
[20:18] | Trying to hit the medivac bird with an RPG. | 朝那架救护直升机发射了一枚火箭弹 |
[20:20] | They fucking missed us. | 他妈的亏了没打着 |
[20:21] | They’re shooting at the one bird, | 他们朝了其中一架直升机开了火 |
[20:23] | you got the medivac on the ground over there, | 那架救护直升机当时停在那边 |
[20:24] | and the other one I think, was shot on fire. | 另一架我估计是中弹起火了 |
[20:30] | – Motherfuckers, man. I’telling you… …crazy. – Crazy. | -他妈逼的 真是疯了 -这帮疯子 |
[20:35] | Solid copy, taking fire from building 25. | 收到 遭到来自25号建筑的火力射击 |
[20:38] | What’s your direction of movement? | 报告你们的行动方向 |
[20:48] | – Ready? – Yeah | -准备好了吗 -好了 |
[20:50] | All right, Here we go. | 好了 隐蔽 |
[21:00] | Fuck you cunt. | 操死你们 |
[21:15] | They’re probably like: | 他们估计正要说 |
[21:16] | “Oh, look at our RPGs.” | “看咱们的火箭弹多厉害” |
[21:18] | Imagine how that felt. | 尝尝这个的滋味吧 |
[21:37] | Southern Afghanistan, | 在阿富汗南部地区 |
[21:39] | Operation Moshtarak meaning “Together,” | 进行的”摩什塔拉克行动”意为”共同” |
[21:42] | moving deeper into Marjah. | 开始向马尔亚镇的纵深推进 |
[21:46] | As a way to show their joint control of the operation, | 为了体现双方对本次行动的联合指挥 |
[21:49] | US Commander Stanley McChrystal | 美军指挥官史丹利·麦克里斯特尔 |
[21:50] | and Afghan General, Shir Mohammed Zazi | 与阿富汗将军沙尔·默罕默德·扎齐 |
[21:54] | hold a press conference together. | 联合召开了记者招待会 |
[21:56] | While this is an Afghan-lead operation. | 鉴于此次行动由阿方部队领头 |
[21:58] | I think it highlights the special partnership we developed, | 它高度体现了两军之间所展开的合作关系 |
[22:02] | that I’m very proud of. | 这是令我所引以为豪的 |
[22:03] | And I would ask for the media | 在此我请求各方媒体 |
[22:06] | to watch the bravery of Afghan National Security Forces. | 对阿富汗国家安全部队的骁勇善战给予关注 |
[22:11] | We will shift the emphasis of our mission | 我们会将任务的重心 |
[22:14] | to increasing the size of Afghan Security Forces, | 转移到扩建阿富汗安全部队上来 |
[22:18] | so that they can eventually | 让他们能够最终 |
[22:19] | take the lead in securing their country. | 担负起保卫自己的国家任务 |
[22:24] | This is not Marine companies here and Afghan companies here. | 这次行动两军不是独立行动 |
[22:27] | This is squad and squad, platoon and platoon, going out together. | 而是两军各班 排混编协同行动 |
[22:32] | There’s a brotherhood there, | 你们彼此就是兄弟战友 |
[22:34] | of great trusting and cooperation between us. | 相互信任 精诚合作 |
[22:37] | And this isn’t fluff, this isn’t talk, I mean this is e real deal. | 这不是逢场作戏打官腔 而是真正的协作 |
[22:41] | Uh, the Marines have great respect to the Afghan army, | 我军非常尊重阿军 |
[22:44] | and I think that’s, uh, reciprocal. | 而且我想他们也同样尊重我们 |
[22:47] | – All right. – Thank you. | -我讲完了 -谢谢 |
[22:50] | Next question. | 下一个问题 |
[23:00] | – Next squad! – Come here! | -后一个班跟上 -到这来 |
[23:01] | You’ve gotta be the first one going in. | 你得第一个进去 |
[23:03] | To the front. | 到前面去 |
[23:05] | Right behind the metal guy. | 跟在那个工兵的后面 |
[23:08] | There, you guys, go, to the front, go. | 快点 你们几个 到前面去 快 |
[23:15] | Hey, to the right, to the right. | 往右边走 右边 |
[23:17] | Watch out, watch out. | 注意警戒 |
[23:19] | B连正接近欲占领作为据点的建筑 最大的威胁是隐藏其中的诡雷和自制爆炸装置 | |
[23:28] | Hey…Romo. | 喂 罗摩 |
[23:31] | Get up here! Little pussy ass. | 到这来 别跟娘们似的 |
[23:35] | Romo, kick the door in and move out the way, | 罗摩 把门踹开 然后靠边 |
[23:38] | and they’re gonna go in, okay? | 让他们进去 听到没 |
[23:39] | I kick the door? | 我踹门吗 |
[23:40] | Yes, you kick the door and move, | 对 把门踹开 然后让开 |
[23:42] | and they’re gonna go in. | 他们就进去了 |
[23:44] | Go in as soon as he kicks the door. | 他一把门踢开就立刻跟进 |
[23:46] | Go, go! Get the fuck in there!! | 快 都他妈的给我进去 |
[23:53] | Get the fuck in there. | 他妈走啊 |
[23:54] | Watch the corners. | 注意角落 |
[24:00] | Go, go, go, go, go. Let’s go. | 走 走 走 快走 |
[24:02] | -Come on, let’s go. – Hey, let’s go. Get in there. | -快点 快进去 -走了 进去 |
[24:05] | Go ahead. | 进去吧 |
[24:09] | Kadal, come here. | 卡达尔 到这儿来 |
[24:15] | Get that bitch. | 把这破门踹开 |
[24:19] | It’s locked. | 门锁了 |
[24:22] | It’s locked. | 门上锁了 |
[24:23] | No, no, no, no. | 打不开 |
[24:24] | Get in there. Get in there. | 进去 快进去 |
[24:26] | Is it clear? | 搜查过了吗 |
[24:27] | – all good? – Good, good. | -确定安全吗 -安全 |
[24:29] | – All good? – Good. | -里面安全 -安全 |
[24:31] | – Got no one in there? – No, good. | -里面没人 -没有 安全的 |
[24:38] | No Taliban, okay. | 没有塔利班 |
[24:39] | Yes, sir. | 是的 长官 |
[24:47] | Here was the police station, but… | 这里过去是警察局 |
[24:50] | you can tell some other people would move in. | 可以看出来住进来些不速之客 |
[24:52] | Taliban, Taliban. | 没准还是塔利班 |
[24:54] | – Taliban. – Taliban. | -塔利班 -塔利班啊塔利班 |
[24:56] | B连占领了一个据点: 被塔利班武装废弃的一个警察局 | |
[25:10] | That’s opium, the opium ball, which is then… | 这就是鸦片 鸦片球 |
[25:15] | …processed into that. | 用来制取这个 |
[25:18] | This is about 60000 US dollar. | 这些大概值6万美元 |
[25:26] | This’s…um, ammonium nitrate, | 这是硝酸铵 |
[25:28] | to make ammonium nitrate aluminum, | 用来制造含铝硝酸铵 |
[25:31] | which is known as ANAL. | 也就是常说的含铝硝铵 |
[25:32] | It’s IED make material. | 是自制爆炸装置的制作材料 |
[25:43] | B连目前孤立无援 并处于其周围活动自由的塔利班武装的包围之中 | |
[25:47] | 其他陆战连 A连和C连 都远在三英里之外 | |
[25:51] | It’s my understanding Alpha and Charlie got minimal contact. | 我估计A连和C连两队与敌方没有多少接触 |
[25:56] | I mean they’ve got sporadic stuff, | 我是说他们都遭到了零星射击 |
[25:58] | but it sounds like | 但感觉像是 |
[26:00] | everybody, the fighters kind of stuck… | 所有人 所有武装分子 |
[26:02] | in the town about 250 off west | 都盘踞在向西250米的镇里 |
[26:05] | It seems like they’re all right here. | 他们可能都在这附近 |
[26:07] | We’re the only show in town, from what I understand. | 据我所知我们是唯一与敌人交过火的部队 |
[26:15] | So we flew in, | 我们空降敌后 |
[26:17] | met some pretty significant resistance right affront. | 遭遇了相当顽强的阻击 |
[26:19] | Um, after we landed, within a couple of hours we’re… | 着陆后仅几个小时 |
[26:22] | attacked from 360 degrees, | 就遭到来自四面八方全方位的攻击 |
[26:24] | while we continued to push up | 我们依然一路突击 |
[26:26] | and, uh, seize our little foothold of, | 继而夺取了这个立足点 |
[26:28] | uh, the Koutre village here. | 库特热村 |
[26:34] | And we lost an engineer that | 但我们失去了一名工程兵 |
[26:36] | was trying to bring up breeching equipment. | 他在运送破障器材时牺牲了 |
[26:39] | You know, and I’m the one that called back | 知道吗 是我通知后方 |
[26:40] | and told him to get the APOBs, bring it up here | 让他把A-POBS破障弹送上来的 |
[26:42] | and somebody, you know, I can’t remember who it was, | 当时有人…我忘了是谁了 |
[26:44] | Who was arguing with me | 和我在无线电里起了争执 |
[26:45] | on the radio about how heavy the fire was, | 说火力太猛 不能派人过去 |
[26:47] | and I told them I don’t care, | 我跟他说我我不管 |
[26:48] | get the APOBS up here, we’ve gotta get into the objective. | 必须把破障弹送来 这样才能攻克目标 |
[26:51] | And about half hour after the incident, | 那交火结束大约半个小时后 |
[26:53] | I found out that doing that, | 我才知道为此 |
[26:55] | you know, one of the, one | 一名陆战队员 |
[26:56] | of the Marines had been killed, had been shot, | 牺牲在敌人枪下 |
[26:58] | you know, in the back, | 被子弹击中背部 |
[26:59] | as he was moving out to get that piece of gear. | 在他回去取装备的途中 |
[27:03] | We always go into these fights, we know, | 这样的战斗我们已经历了不计其数 |
[27:05] | you know, in a fight like this, I know we gonna to lose Marine. | 像这样的战斗 难免会有队员牺牲 |
[27:09] | but, this guy was doing exactly a task I told him, | 但他是在执行我下达的命令 |
[27:12] | …we need you to do, and the…you know, | 军令如山 |
[27:17] | he got killed doing it. So that’s, uh, | 他以身殉职了 |
[27:20] | that was definitely the lowest point I’ve had so far. | 这件事情是至今令我感到最沮丧的 |
[27:23] | That, that took me a while to reconcile in my head. | 我的内心过了许久才得以平复 |
[27:42] | And we move on now to Afghanistan. | 我军已深入阿富汗境内 |
[27:45] | and the massive battle | 继续旨在攻克塔利班军事重镇 |
[27:46] | to clear the Taliban’s stronghold of Marjah. | 马尔亚的大规模作战 |
[27:49] | Pentagon spokesman, Geoff Morrell says: | 五角大楼发言人基奥夫·莫雷尔宣称 |
[27:51] | The Taliban is being squeezed. | 塔利班分子已被逼入绝境 |
[27:53] | Our hope is clearly that this | 我们希望此次行动 |
[27:56] | is creating a certain amount of discontent, worry, | 能够在塔利班组织内部 |
[28:01] | turmoil within the organization, such that it is. | 引发严重的不满及骚乱等消极反应 |
[28:16] | Holy fuck, that’s right there. | 我操 就在那边 |
[28:21] | It’s in the bazzar, They’re blowing up the bazaar. | 是集市那边 他们在炮击集市 |
[28:23] | 凌晨3点 据点遭到自杀式炸弹及迫击炮袭击 | |
[28:28] | Okay, come on. | 好了 开始吧 |
[28:29] | they’re hitting it short, | 他们炮击的距离不够 |
[28:30] | which they’re gonna be adjusting on us. | 不过马上就会校正到我们头上来了 |
[28:32] | Yes. | 对 |
[28:33] | You better keep fucking down! | 都他妈给我卧倒 |
[28:34] | Holy fuck! There’s a bunch of propane tanks on fire. | 我操 那几个丙烷储罐都着火了 |
[28:43] | The gas station is about to fucking blow-up. | 那加油站就快爆炸了 |
[28:46] | Get back. To the bottom. | 回来 退到最后面 |
[28:48] | What has he got? | 他击中了什么 |
[28:50] | Trying to use this close in. | 想利用加油站的烟火当掩护靠近 |
[28:51] | I think they’re trying to close it | 他们想借机靠近 |
[28:53] | 自杀袭击者没能接近据点 大火也熄灭了 | |
[29:00] | A Taliban spokeman insisted that the insurgents were resisting, | 塔利班发言人坚称反政府军在奋勇反击 |
[29:04] | and a town remained under their control. | 而且城镇依然在他们控制之中 |
[29:36] | Gonna put my gear on. | 我要穿上装备 |
[29:37] | Can’t leave the building without my gear on. | 不穿上它我绝不出门 |
[29:43] | Well I can, but that wouldn’t be very… | 不穿倒也成 不过… |
[29:46] | My wife wouldn’t like that. | 我老婆会不高兴的 |
[29:59] | – What they’re saying on the radio, – says uh, | -无线电在说什么 -他们说 |
[30:01] | that they’re actually trying to move closer to the base, | 他们正在试图靠近据点 |
[30:04] | to our defenser. | 接近我们的掩体 |
[30:08] | We’ve gotta fix our post up so they probably gonna | 我们得把掩体修好 他们很可能 |
[30:11] | see us on this roof and start firing, | 看到我们在屋顶就开火 |
[30:14] | so you get down as quick as possible. | 这样你就能迅速隐蔽起来 |
[30:16] | We gotta roll with the beast. | 该收拾这帮畜生了 |
[30:24] | 为了扩大控制范围 他们决定攻取据点北部的5座建筑物 | |
[30:30] | We’re gonna link up the 3rd platoon first. | 我们先要跟3排回合 |
[30:32] | All we’re gonna do is push north. | 然后我们的任务就是向北推进 |
[30:33] | Pack up, gunny. | 拿上装备 士官长 |
[30:56] | They said they got one out on the road, over there. | 他们说在那条路上发现一枚炸弹 |
[30:59] | They said they could see the line. | 还说可以看到引线 |
[31:01] | Spider drop, baby. Spider drop. | 贴着墙往下滑 哥们 |
[31:05] | Show them the wire and stuff that you see. | 把你看到的引线和不明物体指给他们看 |
[31:12] | Hey, hey, listen up, hey. | 嘿 听好了 |
[31:14] | We’ve got a fucking I.E.D. over there. | 那边有个自制爆炸装置 |
[31:18] | – It’s fucking huge. – It’s huge, | -个头真不小 -够大的 |
[31:19] | I don’t know what the fucking thing is. | 不知道那是个什么东西 |
[31:21] | It looks like a 50 pounds bag or something. | 看起来像个50磅的炸药包 |
[31:24] | Hey… Hey! Don’t be walking too close to the wall. | 喂 别离墙太近 |
[31:27] | Could be anything in there but it’s, | 说不清是什么东西 |
[31:29] | but it’s big, it’s fucking, it’s electric | 很大 又是电引信 |
[31:31] | it’s running into the other compound. | 导线一直连到另一座建筑里 |
[31:32] | Yeah, it looks at least 50 pounds or whatever it… | 看起来至少有50磅 |
[31:35] | Whatever it could be. | 不管是什么东西 |
[31:36] | Just keep fucking eyes on me till I get back. | 掩护我行动 直到我返回 |
[31:39] | – Cause I got sweeped down there, alright? – Okay. | -我可不想被崩死 -好的 |
[31:40] | I don’t want somebody popping over | 我可不希望突然有人跳出来 |
[31:42] | with a fucking gun and got me. | 一枪把我干了 |
[31:43] | you know what I’m saying? | 懂我意思吗 |
[32:10] | Yo, get ready to move, get ready to move. | 准备后撤 准备撤 |
[32:12] | Back, behind here. Let’s go. | 往后退 退到后边 |
[32:14] | Quickly! You’ve only got a minute! | 快点 就一分钟时间 |
[32:16] | Come here. Mohammed. | 过来 默罕默德 |
[32:17] | Get over here. | 过来 |
[32:19] | Get down. | 蹲下 |
[32:20] | Get down against the wall. Keep low. | 靠墙蹲下 蹲下隐蔽 |
[32:28] | Hey, listen up. After it goes off, | 听好 等一下引爆之后 |
[32:30] | listen for a frag, so everybody be quiet. | 注意听敌人动静 要保持安静 |
[32:48] | God damn. | 该死 |
[32:50] | Alright I’m just gonna look down the alley | 我过去盯一下巷子 |
[32:52] | make sure it all fucking gone all right. | 确准目标被完全排除 |
[32:54] | Chuck, just walk around the corner here. | 查克 去转角处看一下 |
[32:56] | – I got two guys up there. – Two guys runing? | -我这边有两个人 -两个人在跑吗 |
[32:58] | No, they’re not running, they are walking. | 没 他们没有跑 在走 |
[33:00] | Spy it, Eddie, See what you’ve got. | 监视他们 艾迪 看能发现什么 |
[33:02] | They just went down behind a fucking little berm or some shit. | 他们走到了一堵矮墙什么的后边 |
[33:10] | – Is that shooting at us? – No. | -是在朝我们开枪吗 -不是 |
[33:13] | That sounded like, that sounded like… | 听起来像是… |
[33:18] | Hey, let’s go! | 嘿 快走 |
[33:19] | Where is the fucking target at? | 他妈的目标在哪 |
[33:23] | what do you got? | 什么情况 |
[33:25] | Give me a godamn shot at’ em. | 给我狠狠地打 |
[33:27] | Christ’s sakes, kill the fucking one as you see. | 看见就他妈别让他跑了 |
[33:30] | You see your guy out there you fucking hit ’em.. | 给我见一个杀一个 |
[33:34] | Show it to them, show it to them. | 指给他们看 |
[33:36] | It’s 12 o’clock, 12 o’clock! | 在12点钟方向 12点方向 |
[33:41] | One shooter on top of the roof. | 屋顶有人开枪 |
[33:44] | We spotted him, | 已经发现他了 |
[33:45] | we’re gonna take a small shot and knock him out, | 我们准备用精确火力解决他 |
[33:48] | How copy. | 完毕 |
[33:52] | Slow. | 慢速点射 |
[33:54] | Look at those motherfuckers there. | 瞧瞧这帮狗娘养的… |
[34:00] | Bring the other one. | 把那一枚拿来 |
[34:03] | Give me shot at it. | 给我往那打一发 |
[34:06] | Hey, put your head down, Barry. | 头低下来 巴里 |
[34:08] | You ready? | 准备好了吗 |
[34:09] | Go. | 发射 |
[34:16] | We got a hit! | 打中了 |
[34:17] | We got confirmation hit. | 确认击中 |
[34:20] | – Are you volunteered in this job? – Yes, it is. | -你是自愿从事这项工作吗 -对没错 |
[34:21] | 威廉姆斯中士 爆炸物处理专家 | |
[34:23] | Gets a little fun sometimes, | 有的时候很有趣 |
[34:25] | a little crazy others. | 有时候很疯狂 |
[34:28] | You see that? | 看到了吗 |
[34:44] | – We’re going over the wall. – We’re going over the wall. | -我们要翻过这堵墙 -准备翻墙 |
[34:47] | We are going into this fucking building. | 我们要进入这栋房子 |
[34:55] | 反暴乱主要在于逐步瓦解当地人对塔利班的支持 使他们无法组织起有效行动 陆战队员必须要阻止平民和塔利班的接触 | |
[35:01] | – John! – John! John! | -约翰 -约翰呢 |
[35:03] | Get e fuck over here. | 快点过来 |
[35:03] | Get over the damn wall. | 翻过墙去 |
[35:04] | Find out what the guys waving there. | 看看那帮人比划什么呢 |
[35:07] | You think we speak Pashto? Get the fuck over here. | 我们又不会说普什图语 快他妈过去 |
[35:40] | He called me a mother fucker! | 这小子敢骂我是狗娘养的 |
[35:43] | This little son of a bitch! | 这小兔崽子 |
[35:45] | Come on, hey. | 快点 |
[35:54] | Hey, he’s 20 years old. | 这小子足有20岁 |
[35:56] | – Is he really 20 years old? -Yeah | -真有20岁吗 -是的 |
[36:01] | That’s freaky. | 这小孩儿真是变态 |
[36:19] | – What he call me? – He said, “I stay here.” | -他叫我什么 -他说 我会待在这儿 |
[36:21] | – You’ll stay here? – Yeah, it’s good, you can stay here with us. | -你要留在这儿 -好啊 那你就在这儿吧 |
[36:30] | Tell him we’re gonna kill whatever needs to kill. | 告诉他我们会消灭一切敌人 |
[36:38] | Tell him we’re gonna find the Taliban. | 告诉他我们会找到塔利班的 |
[36:39] | Tell him we’re gonna find ’em. | 告诉他我们会找到的 |
[36:46] | – Okay – Okay. | -好 -好 |
[36:48] | We’re gonna kill them. | 我们会荡平他们的 |
[36:49] | Go back to there. | 回去吧 |
[37:23] | Three walk out of the building. | 有三个从房子里走了出来 |
[37:25] | Roger that. | 收到 |
[37:27] | 3-2 wait on that. | 3-2待命 |
[37:32] | whether they push up to your location. | 注意他们是否向你的位置运动 |
[37:38] | Be more patient. | 沉住气 |
[37:39] | Mother fuckers. | 这帮孙子 |
[37:53] | It’s safe to walk here. | 这里可以安全通行 |
[37:54] | – Any more bombs out here? Are there any more… | -这里还有炸弹吗 -有没清除的 |
[37:56] | – Taliban bombs? Any there? – Ask him. | -塔利班的炸弹吗 -问一下他 |
[38:13] | No, No, No! | 别出去 别出去 |
[38:19] | 什么都没有 只剩下妇女和儿童 | |
[38:23] | Hey, let’s go. | 咱们走吧 |
[38:59] | – Is he a father of this guy – He is. | -他是爸爸还是… -是他吗 |
[39:04] | 过来看 这是我们烤馕的地方 | |
[39:21] | 告诉你们的飞机 不要轰炸这里 | |
[39:40] | He said, “We’ve been stuck inside of the house.” | 他说 我们曾被困在家里 |
[39:44] | 广播上说 让我们待在屋子里 | |
[39:51] | 塔利班在的时候 都没有抢劫的 | |
[40:11] | Right there. It s right there. | 在那边 就在那边 |
[40:17] | That did not sound good. | 听起来不妙啊 |
[40:48] | 只好藏在家里 唯恐遭到轰炸 | |
[40:55] | Is here any way we can get outside… | 又能出去的路吗 |
[41:09] | So anything else? | 还有什么事吗 |
[41:11] | To be a risk for us to run this place here for night? | 晚上待在这里安全吗 |
[41:14] | – For tonight? – Yep. | -是今晚吗 -是的 |
[41:26] | 这里有交火 你们不该待在这里 | |
[41:32] | 我能去哪里呢 你们轰炸我们怎么办 | |
[41:40] | No, they can still stay here with us. | 不用 他们可以跟咱们在一起 |
[41:41] | They’ll be ok to stay here with us. | 他们跟咱们在一起是安全的 |
[41:43] | – For tonight? – For tonight. | -是今晚 -今晚 |
[42:01] | 一部分陆战队员要在屋子里过夜 与此同时 另一部分则需要返回驻地 | |
[42:03] | Give me uh, give me a mad dash. | 门一开迅速突入 |
[42:19] | Alright. | 好了 |
[42:22] | B连只控制了6幢建筑并且仍在包围之下 陆战队员一出房子就会暴露在敌人的火力范围之下 | |
[42:38] | They’re on that side, east side. | 他们在那边 东边 |
[42:43] | Sounds like it’s coming from the building, | 听起来枪声是从 |
[42:45] | directly east of the mosque. | 清真寺正东的房子传来的 |
[42:59] | – Hey, George! – Yo. | -嘿 乔治 -在 |
[43:01] | I’m gonna pop out and you just run to | 我开火压制 你们就跑到 |
[43:04] | the middle of, bomb up. | 中间去扔手雷 |
[43:09] | Go! | 上 |
[43:28] | Fucking dead. | 死干净了 |
[43:36] | 陆战队员们在压制了敌人许久之后 返回到据点 | |
[43:41] | 在据点 B连余部也同样遭到了攻击 塔利班的狙击手是对他们最大的威胁 | |
[43:54] | Where’s that coming from? | 从哪里射过来的 |
[43:56] | It’s coming from the backyard of that part of the shanty | 子弹是从那土屋后院射出来的 |
[43:59] | 两天内一名狙击手打了四发子弹 击中了三名海军陆战队员 | |
[44:07] | In that compound! | 在那个院子里 |
[44:09] | 600 meters out! | 600米处 |
[44:13] | My direct front! | 我的正前方 |
[44:16] | I said 600! | 我说的是600 |
[44:19] | Six zero zero. | 六零零 |
[44:23] | Did he shoot the sandbag? | 他是不是射中了沙袋 |
[44:24] | I don’t think so, sir. | 我觉得不是 长官 |
[44:26] | – It sure looked like he shot the sandbage to me. – It did. | -看起来真像射中了沙袋 -确实像 |
[44:31] | The sniper… most psychologically | 可以说狙击手是战场上 |
[44:33] | effective weapon on the battle field. | 对敌人心理最具威慑力的武器 |
[44:36] | ‘Cause there’s nothing you can do about it. You know. | 因为你拿他毫无办法 |
[44:40] | Hey, sir, who you got up there? | 长官 你派了谁在上面 |
[44:41] | Koenig Langdon. | 柯尼格·朗登 |
[44:43] | Yeah, Langdon… | 朗登… |
[44:45] | Yeah. That’s him firing. | 对 在开枪的就是他 |
[44:51] | I want what the direction they hear is from. | 我想知道枪声是从哪个方向传过来的 |
[44:58] | I came up and, uh, I turned around | 我上了房顶 转过身 |
[45:01] | to, uh, get my rifle passed to me, | 想去接递给我的步枪 |
[45:04] | as I turned around, | 就在我转身时 |
[45:05] | I guess my head was just a little above the sandbags | 头可能高出沙袋一点点 |
[45:08] | and he shot, | 这时他开了枪 |
[45:10] | and ended up hitting me directly in the head. | 直接击中了我头部 |
[45:12] | And uh, it cracked me back and I was dazed | 一下把我震到后面 头昏眼花 |
[45:16] | and didn’t really know what was going on, | 脑子一片空白 |
[45:18] | and I just told… I was like, “I’m hit.” | 只是大叫 “我中枪了” |
[45:22] | This is where it hit. | 子弹就打在这儿 |
[45:26] | About an inch above my eye. | 就在我眼睛上面约一英寸的地方 |
[45:29] | And, uh, this is the mount where it hit. | 子弹正打在夜视镜支架上 |
[45:32] | This is what they say stopped the round | 他们说其实是这玩意 |
[45:34] | from actually coming through– | 没让子弹击穿头盔的 |
[45:37] | the Kevlar. | 凯夫拉纤维 |
[45:38] | It hurt really, like really, really bad. | 真的很疼很疼 |
[45:41] | I, I thought I was dying. | 我当时觉得自己死定了 |
[45:43] | I thought I’d actually been hit. | 以为真被子弹射中了 |
[45:45] | So it scared me pretty bad. | 把我吓得不轻 |
[45:48] | Where this coding thing is coming from? Do you know? | 这条加密的消息从哪儿发来的 知道吗 |
[45:52] | He said 2 or 3 hundred meters from the cracks. | 他说是距枪响的地方两三百米 |
[45:59] | Fossman, stay motivated. | 福斯曼 保持警戒 |
[46:04] | 按原定计划 B连此时本应完全控制马尔亚 但塔利班的抵抗过于顽强 明日 B连必须占领镇上人口最稠密的区域 平民房屋分布密集 该区域代号”猪排” | |
[46:21] | 塔利班可以自由出入于迷宫般的建筑群和巷子 是狙击手绝佳的隐蔽所 | |
[46:30] | Clear the enemy out and let the people return. | 赶走塔利班 让阿富汗人重返家园 |
[46:36] | General McChrystal and every | 麦克里斯特尔将军和 |
[46:38] | expert…talks about “counter-insurgency”. | 专家们一直在提的”反叛乱”战略 |
[46:41] | You know, that we pretty clearly understand now that | 我们现在很清楚 |
[46:44] | the key to winning any fight like this is to, uh | 要赢下这样一场战争 关键就在于 |
[46:47] | control the population and… | 对人民的控制 |
[46:49] | not control them, but, um, | 并不是说绝对的掌控 |
[46:50] | I don’t wanna use win hearts and minds, | 我不想称其为 收买人心 |
[46:52] | but that’s basically it, you know, to… | 但基本上一个意思 |
[46:56] | …get the people on your side, | 要让人民都站在你这一边 |
[47:00] | and let them understand that you’re here for them. | 让他们知道你来这里是为他们而战 |
[47:18] | Afghans believe more of what they see | 阿富汗人相信亲眼所见 |
[47:19] | than what they hear. | 远胜于充耳所闻 |
[47:24] | This is a struggle for the support of the Afghan people. | 争取阿富汗人民的支持需要付出很多努力 |
[47:27] | Our willingness to operate | 我们在行动时 |
[47:28] | in ways that minimize causalities or damage, | 采取对平民伤亡最低的方式的决心 |
[47:30] | even when doing so makes our task more difficult, | 即便这会增加我们行动的难度 |
[47:33] | it’s essential to our credibility. | 但这对维护我们的公信力至关重要 |
[47:36] | The hope for NATO trying to win support among the locals. | 北约希望能取得阿富汗当地民众的支持 |
[47:42] | Civilian deaths in Afghanistan have put | 阿富汗平民的死亡 |
[47:44] | pressure on foreign troops | 给正试图赢得当地人信任和支持的 |
[47:46] | trying to win the trust and support from citizens. | 外国军队带来了压力 |
[47:51] | I cannot overstate my commitment | 我已经再三强调 |
[47:53] | to the importance of this concept. | 这个问题的重要性 |
[48:40] | Building Number 29. | 29号建筑 |
[48:50] | …and North, 1800 meters… | 向北 1800米 |
[48:55] | Egress, right pulls into the overhead. | 改出当前位置 向右拉至目标上空盘旋 |
[48:55] | 威尔逊上尉 前线空中火力引导 | |
[48:58] | Advise ready for a final remark. | 准备好等待最后指令 |
[49:01] | Line 8, 1800 meters North-West. | 8号线路 西北方向1800米 |
[49:05] | That is North-West, 1800 meters. | 重复 西北方向1800米 |
[49:08] | We’ve got everything we need. | 一切准备就绪 |
[49:13] | Roger. That is confirmed. | 收到 目标已确认 |
[49:14] | That is your target. | 那就是你的攻击目标 |
[49:15] | We are waiting for approval. | 我们正在等待上级批准 |
[49:18] | 无人驾驶飞机发现了14名塔利班武装人员 B连正在等待空中打击指令的下达 | |
[49:22] | We’re trying to get fucking clearance. | 我们他妈只不过想清出条路来 |
[49:28] | We’ve been watching them for 30 minutes prior to this. | 之前我们已经盯了他们半小时了 |
[49:40] | Where’s 6? | 6号在什么位置 |
[49:42] | Affirm Hawk hold for now, abort for now. | 无人机请注意 立即暂停 放弃攻击 |
[49:46] | Fuck! | 他妈的 |
[49:52] | 对窜入”猪排”区的塔利班分子的一次空中打击请求终于获得批准 但由于机械故障炸弹未能投下 | |
[49:58] | They miss? | 他们没打中吗 |
[50:00] | Huh? | 什么 |
[50:01] | Gunny and I will be in the rear with our headquarters. | 我和军士长将留在后方的指挥部 |
[50:04] | Give you EOD. Alright. | 把排爆专家派给你 好吗 |
[50:06] | There’s a nice, sturdy wall here we’ll follow down. | 这里有座结实的墙 我们沿着墙走 |
[50:08] | There’s a little, trench here, set up right here. | 这里有个小沟 我们在这里展开 |
[50:12] | And this is where we’re at. | 这是我们现在的位置 |
[50:13] | Alright. Good? | 嗯 还好吧 |
[50:15] | I’m good, sir. | 我很好 长官 |
[50:15] | 海军陆战队员们打算跑步900码迅速穿过开阔地 潜伏至房顶发动攻击 之后他们希望能肃清”猪排”区的敌人并消灭狙击手 | |
[50:30] | 目标区域 大本营以北900码处 | |
[50:37] | Any questions? Rios | 有问题吗 里奥斯 |
[50:40] | You know what your job is? | 明确自己的任务了吗 |
[50:41] | How many are we, we’re bringing all three here? | 我们几个人去呢 把这三个都带上吗 |
[50:43] | – Empty, empty. – Leave it, leave it. | -弹夹是空的 -不要把着枪 放下 |
[50:47] | Same shit you did last night, man. | 你又犯了昨晚的错误 |
[50:49] | You’ll be fine, leave it. | 没事的 就这样拿着 |
[50:51] | Just leave it. | 别乱动 |
[50:54] | You’re pointing at people, leave it. You’re good. | 不要用枪口对着别人 松手 没事的 |
[51:01] | – Step time. – Is your boys ready? | -该出发了 -你的人准备好了吗 |
[51:03] | – Chart ready? – Ah, we’re ready. | -地图也准备好了吗 -是的 一切就绪 |
[51:04] | We’ll step it. | 那就出发吧 |
[51:34] | Roger, | 收到 |
[51:35] | be advised | 请注意 |
[51:37] | there is mass movements | 在29号和15号建筑物周围 |
[51:39] | around Buildings 29 and 15, how copy. | 有大量人员活动 收到请讲 |
[51:49] | Let’s go! | 我们上 |
[51:51] | Now get in. Go! Go! | 快进去 快 |
[51:53] | Get in! | 快进去 |
[51:55] | Go into that building. | 快进入那栋建筑 |
[51:57] | So we need to get in there and clear this building out. | 进入这栋建筑 并搜索消灭里面的敌人 |
[52:08] | Come on, let’s go! | 快点 出发吧 |
[52:11] | Let’s go. | 走 |
[52:21] | Look… over there. | 看 就在那边 |
[52:42] | I need three people up here for me… | 我需要3个人上来 |
[53:12] | They’re on the back side of that building somewhere. | 估计他们躲在那栋建筑的后面 |
[53:15] | Keep eyes in case they start egressing to the west. | 注意点 别让他们溜到西边去了 |
[53:20] | There they are! There they are! | 在那儿 他们在那儿 |
[53:44] | Get on the corner! | 从角上射击 |
[53:52] | Hey, let’s shoot them Goddamn RPGs right fucking here, dude. | 伙计们 咱让他们也尝尝火箭筒的滋味如何 |
[53:55] | Hey, 240 Gunner | M240机枪手 |
[53:57] | needs to scoot up to the edge of the wall. You’re on target, | 你要冲到那堵墙边上 你会暴露目标的 |
[53:59] | but scoot the fuck up! | 但是你必须得给我去 |
[54:06] | I hit that first guy, he’s fucking dead! | 我击中第一个了 那狗日的死了 |
[54:08] | What I like to hear, baby. | 这话我爱听 哥们 |
[54:10] | I hit that guy right in the fucking head. | 一枪爆头 |
[54:12] | Fuck ye. | 太猛了 |
[54:13] | 13 games left. | 还剩13个 |
[54:17] | That was intense. | 这一场真爽 |
[54:20] | Man, those fucking assholes are using | 老天 那帮狗娘养的竟然 |
[54:21] | those kids and women as cover to get out of there. | 用小孩和妇女当掩护来逃跑 |
[54:24] | Horse shit, man! | 妈的 真贱 |
[54:29] | Give me a 203. | 给我打几发M203榴弹 |
[54:31] | Come here, Nunesh, here’s what I want you to hit. | 到这儿来 内米雷什 我告诉你目标 |
[54:33] | See those three trees right there? | 看见那边的三棵树了吗 |
[54:35] | Those big ones? | 那几棵大树吗 |
[54:36] | – You see those big tall ones? – Yeah. | -看见那几棵大的了吗 -是的 |
[54:39] | Just right on your | 就在那栋建筑的 |
[54:39] | side of that building, I want you pop bro. | 靠你那边一侧 我要你往那打几发 |
[54:41] | Hey, range’s 300? | 距离300 |
[54:43] | 300, all right. | 距离300 好的 |
[54:56] | Take next shot at Building 7, | 下一发瞄准7号建筑 |
[54:58] | use your weapon through that fucking right window, | 对准右边那扇窗户 |
[55:00] | do you understand? | 明白吗 |
[55:01] | That’s the one that fuckin’ shooting at us. | 他们就是从那里朝我们开的火 |
[55:03] | All from the Porkchop. | 都是从”猪排”区撤过去的 |
[55:09] | Holy fuck! | 我操 |
[55:13] | Holy shit! You guys suck ass. | 我靠 你们这下爽了 |
[55:33] | Solid copy. We’re, again at Building 4, | 明白 我们回到了4号建筑物 |
[55:36] | and pretty sure that | 而且非常确定 |
[55:38] | 3 took contact from Building 10 or 11. | 3号建筑物受到了来自10和11号建筑的射击 |
[55:40] | They were right on top of us. | 他们当时就在我们上边 |
[55:44] | Yeah, victory is achieved. | 是的 占领成功 |
[56:29] | B连进入了”猪排”区 发现塔利班分子早已逃匿 | |
[56:29] | Spread out. | 分散队形 |
[56:52] | The eggs made it, huh? | 这几个蛋倒是安然无恙 |
[57:01] | The eggs survived, man. How’s everything else go? | 鸡蛋没事 别的东西呢 |
[57:06] | Look at our position from here. | 从这里看下我们刚才的位置 |
[57:11] | That roof right there is where we ambushed them. | 我们就是在那个屋顶上伏击他们的 |
[57:13] | That’s super, were you guys on? | 你们够狠 当时你也在吗 |
[57:15] | Yep. | 没错 |
[57:16] | I was behind that little triangle thing standing up. | 我当时就站在那个三角形的东西后面 |
[57:19] | – Yeah? – Yeah. | -是吗 -对 |
[57:22] | As you can see from here, it’s a perfect position. | 从这里你可以看到 那是个绝佳的位置 |
[57:24] | It totally isolates the entire rest of the town. | 它将小镇的其余部分分割开来 |
[57:26] | They had nowhere to go. We had them completely trapped. | 他们无处可逃 我们把他们都围困住了 |
[57:29] | You weren’t that far then. | 你们离这里也不是很远 |
[57:30] | These bitches didn’t have a chance. | 那帮狗娘养的必败无疑 |
[57:31] | – No. – And they had no idea we were up there. | -没错 -他们根本没料到我们在那上面 |
[57:34] | – They didn’t? – No. | -没想到吗 -根本没有 |
[57:39] | Huge moral victory for the company. | 这一仗大大鼓舞了咱们连的士气 |
[57:52] | Oh, my gosh! | 我的老天 |
[58:33] | Those didn’t work, did they motherfucker? | 这些还是不管用啊 是不是啊 混蛋 |
[58:39] | – That a 36? – Yep. | -那是个36M手雷? -没错 |
[58:40] | Oh, yeah. Flashlight. | 噢 还有手电筒 |
[58:51] | He died right where he was lying. | 他就死在他躺的那个地方 |
[58:53] | 蒂姆·柯德里 执法顾问 | |
[58:54] | He had his hand… | 他的手像这样 |
[58:56] | …rigor mortis had set in around his… | 僵硬的绕着他的… |
[58:58] | around the rifle, so he was still gripping it. | 他的步枪 可见他死时一直抱着它 |
[59:02] | I think it’s a, uh, 8 millimeter Mauser. | 我想这是支8毫米口径的毛瑟步枪 |
[59:07] | – What you gonna do with him? – What, him? | -你打算怎么处理他呢 -说他吗 |
[59:10] | Yeah. | 是啊 |
[59:11] | I don’t believe we’re gonna do anything with him. | 我想不用做任何处理 |
[59:15] | We’re gonna just leaving him there | 让他在那继续躺着吧 |
[59:35] | They say he was not Taliban either, | 他们说他也不是塔利班 |
[59:38] | but they force him to keep the gun. | 是塔利班强迫他拿起枪的 |
[59:40] | The Taliban force him, give him gun to… | 塔利班强迫他 给他枪 |
[1:00:16] | This is it. | 就是这里 |
[1:00:18] | We roughly knew where he was. | 我们大至知道了他当时的位置 |
[1:00:22] | Perfect snipe position. | 完美的狙击点 |
[1:00:26] | Look. | 看 |
[1:00:33] | Look at the post. | 能看到我们的前哨 |
[1:00:36] | Roger COC, I believe we’ve identified | 各单位注意 我想我们已经发现了 |
[1:00:38] | the sniper position, break. | 狙击位 完毕 |
[1:00:41] | There’s a vertical loop hole on the wall, break. | 那墙上有个垂直的窥孔 完毕 |
[1:00:46] | It has perfect sight alignment | 这里狙击手对被攻击前哨站 |
[1:00:48] | for the post the snipers hit. | 有完美的视线 |
[1:00:51] | Break. | 完毕 |
[1:00:52] | And we found 17 556 rounds. | 我们还发现了17发5.56毫米弹壳 |
[1:01:03] | He was running an one-man show from here | 他在这里演了把独行侠 |
[1:01:04] | three of them actually. | 确切地来说他们是三人组 |
[1:01:06] | Or four. Have three Medivacs for sure. | 或者四个 起码有三个伤员 |
[1:01:12] | So they were probably sitting back in the in the shadow | 所以他们当时也许靠后躲在暗处 |
[1:01:14] | where we couldn’t see any indication of his weapon at all. | 我们根本看不到有武器露出的迹象 |
[1:01:17] | Shooting through the slip in the wall. | 从墙缝处往外开枪 |
[1:01:20] | Perfect angle. | 完美的角度 |
[1:01:21] | Uh, to know that he has to be far enough back | 要知道他必须退后留足够距离 |
[1:01:24] | so that it’s lots of flash and scene, | 从而有足够的采光和视野 |
[1:01:26] | and, certainly engage to targets, | 来瞄准射击目标 |
[1:01:29] | you know, he was hitting them in the chest and in the head | 你知道 他从这里击中的都是目标的 |
[1:01:31] | from back here, | 胸部跟头部 |
[1:01:32] | so, he was, uh, probably a well trained military. | 所以他可能是个训练有素的军人 |
[1:01:35] | – Absolutely. – Yep. | -绝对是 -是的 |
[1:01:37] | – What military would trained him? – Possible ours. | -什么军队训练了他呢 -也许是我们的人 |
[1:01:41] | At some point. | 貌似像是 |
[1:01:42] | Probably using the weapon that | 可能用的武器都是 |
[1:01:44] | we supply them in somewhere or another. | 我们提供给他们的 |
[1:01:46] | But good to know that we found the spot, we own it now. | 但我们找到了这个地方 它是我们的了 |
[1:01:52] | We’re burning daylight, it is done. | 别浪费时间了 这里完事了 |
[1:01:53] | – Are we ready? – Yeah. | -准备好了吗 -是的 |
[1:01:56] | Alright, let’s go. | 好的 我们走吧 |
[1:01:58] | Let’s continue the game. | 继续游戏 |
[1:02:13] | C连被派来支援B连 两个连开始一同搜索自制爆炸装置 | |
[1:02:20] | All wired in with electrical wire daisy chained , | 用电线串联起来 |
[1:02:23] | to make them simultaneously detonate. | 从而能够同时引爆 |
[1:02:26] | Actually the most complex one of, uh, | 算得上我来这儿之后见到的 |
[1:02:29] | I’ve found in the country so far. | 最复杂的一个 |
[1:02:30] | The intention was to catch a whole platoon all of at once. | 他们的企图是一次干掉我们一整排 |
[1:02:34] | in the other way. | 那边也有 |
[1:02:35] | Daisy chain uh, probably 150 metres. | 这条串联弹大概有150米长 |
[1:02:38] | Yeah, these are probably the best looking | 是的 这些能算是这地方 |
[1:02:41] | subordinates in this country. | 品相最好的玩意了 |
[1:02:44] | It’s heavy metal. The det core goes off | 是重金属碎片 里面爆炸物一引爆 |
[1:02:47] | and pushes everything out, uh, out the front of it, | 把所有东西都向四面喷射出去 |
[1:02:49] | it just works like a big cannon | 其原理就像一个 |
[1:02:50] | with a bunch of crap stuffed in it. | 里面填满碎片的大炮 |
[1:02:52] | Whoo! Nice! | 哇 不赖啊 |
[1:02:55] | It’s real like swimming in the ocean | 这就像在海里游泳 |
[1:02:56] | You never know, | 你永远都不知道有多少鲨鱼 |
[1:02:58] | if you know how many sharks thay really were… | 如果你知道了的话… |
[1:03:01] | That’s a money shot. | 你这个镜头值钱了 |
[1:03:06] | 现在海军陆战队控制了马尔亚镇中心 接下去的几天 他们要扩大控制区并在镇郊设立前哨 | |
[1:03:23] | Take cover! | 隐蔽 |
[1:03:37] | You would have been killed already. | 这样你早就没命了 |
[1:03:38] | Get in there! | 进去啊 |
[1:03:39] | Go ! | 上 |
[1:03:40] | Sit here. Sit here. Sit. | 给我坐下 坐下 |
[1:03:43] | No. You sit down. Sit down. | 不 我让你坐下 |
[1:03:45] | Sit. Sit. | 坐下 |
[1:03:47] | Sit down. | 坐下 |
[1:03:48] | You sit down. | 你 坐下 |
[1:03:49] | Sit down. | 坐下 |
[1:03:54] | Sit down. No Problem. | 坐下 没问题 |
[1:04:04] | 进攻开始10天后 B连清除了他们控制区内最后的自制爆炸装置 | |
[1:04:10] | There you go. There you go. | 看那里 在那呢 |
[1:04:15] | Yeah, there you go. | 是的 看见了没 |
[1:04:18] | See it? | 看见没 |
[1:04:20] | Pretty much a cylinder, with explosives and | 大概是个圆柱体 里面填满了炸药 |
[1:04:22] | a whole bunch of nasty frags that they stick in it. | 和塞进去的一堆破片 |
[1:04:24] | It’s pretty much pointing right to you right now. | 现在正好对准了你 |
[1:04:28] | You gotta try it now. | 咱们点一个试试 |
[1:04:30] | Burn this one out. | 引爆这玩意 |
[1:04:42] | There. | 好了 |
[1:05:04] | A general says | 一位将军说 |
[1:05:05] | US led forces control | 美国联合部队控制了 |
[1:05:07] | the roads and markets in the Taliban stronghold. | 塔利班重镇的公路和市场 |
[1:05:11] | A battle going well. | 战事进展顺利 |
[1:05:14] | Taliban finished. Taliban go. | 塔利班完蛋了 塔利班逃跑了 |
[1:05:26] | 反叛乱战略进入了下一个阶段 建设基础设施和地方经济 从而赢得当地人的支持 | |
[1:05:38] | The next part is to hold the area that we have. | 下一步是巩固我们已控制的地区 |
[1:05:41] | Once we push the enemy out, have to hold security here | 赶走敌人后 必须维持好这里的治安 |
[1:05:43] | and allow the people to start to move back in | 可以让人们开始迁回 |
[1:05:45] | and resume their daily lives. | 重新开始日常生活 |
[1:05:47] | And then from there we have to, you know, | 然后在这个基础之上 |
[1:05:48] | we build on, you know, what we’ve established. | 我们继续建立社会秩序 |
[1:05:53] | We help them, | 我们帮助他们 |
[1:05:54] | you know, open their schools back up | 重开学校 |
[1:05:56] | and open their bazaars back up | 重开市集 |
[1:05:58] | and establish police stations and, | 建立警察局 |
[1:06:00] | the local government and, | 和地方政府 |
[1:06:02] | um, you know, allow the local government to start, | 允许地方政府也开始 |
[1:06:05] | you know, building their projects as well. | 建设他们的项目 |
[1:06:07] | So that, you know, in the grand scheme, that’s kind of how, | 可以说 在宏观上来讲 |
[1:06:11] | how counterinsurgency works. | 这就是反暴乱策略的实施过程 |
[1:06:17] | Gentmen, thank you all for coming. | 先生们 感谢各位的到场 |
[1:06:19] | My name’s, er, Captain Ryan Sparks. | 我是瑞安·斯帕克斯上尉 |
[1:06:21] | We’re very happy, it’s a great day that we can, uh, | 我们很高兴 天气也不错 |
[1:06:24] | you know, the Taliban are gone and | 塔利班被赶走了 |
[1:06:26] | we can finally start to open your bazaar back up. | 我们终于能让你们的集市重新开张 |
[1:06:28] | Get all of your stores repaired, | 把你们的店面都修整好 |
[1:06:30] | fix anything that’s broken | 坏了的都修好 |
[1:06:32] | so that you can, uh, start your life again as soon as fast. | 这样你们可以尽快开始日常生活 |
[1:06:46] | Hey, first store open, baby! | 第一家商店开张喽 |
[1:06:51] | Taliban will eventually lose their freedom movment | 塔利班将最终失去自由活动的空间 |
[1:06:53] | They’ll become rover. | 他们将变成过街的老鼠 |
[1:06:54] | you know those’re dissipated. | 被到处驱赶 |
[1:06:58] | They’ll become rover. | 人人喊打 |
[1:07:24] | 但是在一场交火中 C连发射了一枚火箭弹 击中了一栋住有三户人家的房子 | |
[1:07:29] | 11人受伤 4人死亡 死者为1名妇女和3名儿童 | |
[1:07:34] | We’re gonna move back and | 我们准备返回 |
[1:07:35] | forth to beef up the security. How copy. | 加强保安措施 收到 |
[1:07:38] | Sir copy. | 明白 |
[1:07:39] | When you get here we’ll work through the details, over. | 等你到了我们再具体的讨论下 完毕 |
[1:07:45] | Have you seen Maclean? | 你看见麦克里恩了吗 |
[1:07:48] | You’re here for the same meeting? | 你也是来开这个会的吗 |
[1:07:50] | Alright. You got the? | 好的 你有证明吗 |
[1:07:53] | 陆战B连和C连组织了一次与其中一个受害家庭的会议 承诺将付出一万美元的慰问金 | |
[1:07:54] | I got, I got ID. | 我有身份证明 |
[1:07:56] | – Brower? – Yeah. | -是叫布罗尔吗 -是的 |
[1:07:58] | – Is he here? – No. | -他来了吗 -没有 |
[1:07:59] | Cause he’s the guy who’s actually handling the payments. | 他是负责处理赔偿金的 |
[1:08:05] | Possible evac 11? | 大概有11个跑出来的 |
[1:08:07] | So 17 in total. | 就是说总共有17人 |
[1:08:11] | There were 17 people in the house. | 当时这房子里有十七人 |
[1:08:14] | And four were killed. | 炸死四个 |
[1:08:15] | – Four? – Four were killed. | -四个吗 -四人死亡 |
[1:08:17] | we’re gonna talk together. | 我们要一起做下来谈一谈 |
[1:08:21] | You’re looking at the definition of innocent people. | 从无辜平民的定义的角度判断 |
[1:08:24] | There’s no question about it. You know, little girls. | 这毫无疑问 炸死的是小女孩 |
[1:08:27] | I mean there’s, there’s just no, no way to rationalise, | 我是说 你没有办法把这件事合理化 |
[1:08:31] | um, that this was in any way a good thing or justified, or… | 证明这件事是正当的 合情合理的 |
[1:08:37] | It’s just, it’s just a terrible feeling at a terrible sight. | 面对此情此景 令你坐立不安 |
[1:09:41] | 但是后来炮弹击中了我们的房子 催毁了我的家庭 | |
[1:09:46] | I was waiting for you to call me | 我那时正在等你们喊我 |
[1:09:49] | and take me to a safe place. | 带我去个安全的地方 |
[1:09:52] | I don’t know what happened. | 我不知道怎么回事 |
[1:09:53] | Somebody fired something happened in my house. | 有人朝我家房子开了火 |
[1:10:13] | His whole family is almost finished, there’s only one child left, | 他家人几乎死光 只有一个孩子幸存 |
[1:10:17] | and the other, um, | 另外一家 |
[1:10:19] | family got two, | 死了两个 |
[1:10:20] | there’re four deceased, | 总共死了四口人 |
[1:10:27] | Tell him, I… | 告诉他 我 |
[1:10:30] | I’m very sorry, and I can feels pain. | 我很遗憾 我也很痛苦 |
[1:10:31] | 格伦利夫中尉 B连 | |
[1:10:33] | I know what he’s going through. | 我理解他的感受 |
[1:10:38] | We’re really sorry for what happened yesterday. | 对昨天的事 我们真的很遗憾 |
[1:10:43] | It pained us all here to uh, to know, | 得知给您造成的损失 |
[1:10:47] | what you must be going through right now, | 所带来的痛苦 |
[1:10:49] | with the loss that you just suffered. | 让我们都感同身受 |
[1:10:53] | There’s not, | 我们无能为力 |
[1:10:54] | there’s nothing we can do | 我们无法 |
[1:10:57] | to bring back your loss. | 挽回您的损失 |
[1:10:59] | but we can do is to try to help you out | 而我们能做的只有 |
[1:11:04] | by giving you the very least that we can | 力所能及地发放一些慰问金 |
[1:11:13] | with a payment for your losses | 来补偿你们的损失 |
[1:11:19] | what I will do now is, uh, | 我现在要做的就是 |
[1:11:25] | I’ll present him with condolence payment. | 向他递上慰问金 |
[1:11:32] | And, like I said, it’s– | 还有 正如我说的 |
[1:11:35] | it’s, it’s absolutely the least that we can do, um, | 我们所能做的只有这个 |
[1:11:40] | because obviously there’s… | 因为很显然 |
[1:11:42] | …you can’t bring back someone you love. | 你无力挽回你亲人的生命 |
[1:12:00] | I’m, I’m deep, deeply sorry. | 我非常遗憾 |
[1:12:05] | Yema, this is for you, for your losses. | 亚马 这是给你作为补偿的 |
[1:12:20] | Um, you know, the US Marines, | 美国海军陆战队 |
[1:12:26] | the citizens of Afghanistan | 以及阿富汗的人民 |
[1:12:29] | and the government of Afghanistan | 还有阿富汗的政府 |
[1:12:32] | together can achieve great things | 联合起来可以结出丰硕成果 |
[1:12:34] | to make Afghanistan | 让阿富汗变得 |
[1:12:36] | safer and more prosperous place for all. | 更加安全更加繁荣 |
[1:12:46] | I’ve been told those by Afghanis before | 我之前听阿富汗人说过这样的话 |
[1:12:49] | I don’t mind Marines, I don’t mind Taliban, | “我不在乎海军陆战队 也不关心塔利班 |
[1:12:51] | I just wanna everyone to leave me alone | 请你们离我远一点 |
[1:12:52] | and live my, I wanna lead my life.” | 我只想过我自己的生活” |
[1:12:55] | And I, I think there’s something be said for that point of view. | 我认为这些话死者家属也有同感 |
[1:12:57] | And certainly if you’ve lost family members, um, | 试想在你失去了家人之后 |
[1:12:59] | could stand in front of you and tell you otherwise. | 有人在你面前理直气壮地让你顾全大局 |
[1:13:01] | That’s, it’s not really my, my place. | 我真不该来这地方 |
[1:13:06] | Uh, I don’t know. If I was in his shoes… | 我也不知道 如果换做是我 |
[1:13:12] | It’s almost like there’s two entirely different levels. | 这就像两个完全不同的层面 |
[1:13:14] | there’s a political level and there’s a level on the ground. | 一个是政治需要 一个是实际状况 |
[1:13:17] | I’m not quiet sure | 我不知道 |
[1:13:18] | I’ve been telling you what I concerned of myself right now | 我是否表达清楚了我的感受 |
[1:15:50] | So NATO has staked a lot on this operation in Marjah, | 北约已在马尔亚的行动中投入巨大 |
[1:15:53] | how is it defining success? | 行动是否成功呢 |
[1:15:55] | This whole Marjah offensive | 我们在马尔亚的进攻行动 |
[1:15:56] | is all about bringing governance, | 目的就在于恢复政府秩序 |
[1:15:59] | as General McChrystal has said, government in a box… | 正如麦克里斯特尔将军所说 “箱式政府” |
[1:16:02] | Bring in, what they’re calling “Government in a box” | 引入所谓”箱式政府” |
[1:16:05] | and show the locals that | 并且让当地人知道 |
[1:16:06] | the Central Afghan government can try to take over operations. | 阿富汗中央政府正试图接管此次行动 |
[1:16:27] | We need more troops, training and assistance, | 需要更多的军队 并提供训练和援助 |
[1:16:30] | and that’s why we’re increasing | 这就是我们增加 |
[1:16:31] | our efforts to train Afghan Security Forces. | 对阿富汗安全部队的训练投入的原因 |
[1:16:38] | 阿富汗南部的征募的兵员较少 而大都是普什图族人 与塔利班相同 | |
[1:16:42] | 两个族的人讲着不同的语言 相互猜忌比比皆是 | |
[1:16:48] | 接下来三个月 六十万美金被投入来重建马尔亚经济 | |
[1:16:51] | 数千当地人得到工作 从而让他们远离塔利班及其鸦片交易 | |
[1:17:05] | It is slower and harder than we anticipated. | 这比我们预期的要缓慢和艰难 |
[1:17:05] | 罗伯特·盖茨 国防部长 | |
[1:17:08] | 麦克马伦海军上将 参谋长联席会议 | |
[1:17:08] | I do not wanna underestimate or understate challenge. | 我并不想低估或轻视挑战 |
[1:17:15] | Very important test case | 非常重要的测试案例 |
[1:17:17] | to find out if the new U.S. strategy will work. | 用以鉴定美国的新战略是否行之有效 |
[1:17:26] | 2010年6月 三个月后 | |
[1:17:54] | We refer to whole mosque, put | 我们希望整个清真寺 |
[1:17:57] | their fancy middle rep there. | 能够恢复昔日的风貌 |
[1:17:59] | You gonna see Ganni Tae Park. | 你该来看看甘尼塔公园 |
[1:18:04] | Which is what they call it, we keep trying change the name, | 他们是这么叫的 我们想给它改个名字 |
[1:18:06] | we are trying to get it to a Freedom Park. | 我们希望它改名叫自由公园 |
[1:18:11] | But they redid this whole…all the walls outside this mosque. | 不过他们又重新修建了清真寺的外墙 |
[1:18:14] | Yeah, here’s the park. | 公园到了 |
[1:18:16] | We’re pretty pround out of this, right here. | 这是我们的得意之作 |
[1:18:19] | As you can tell, the benches are little slanted right there, | 你能看出来 那些长凳有点歪 |
[1:18:22] | but, er,we are working on that | 不过我们正在修 |
[1:18:24] | because these people are using those benches here, so, | 因为当地居民都挺喜欢坐板凳 |
[1:18:28] | I thought they’ll like ’em. | 我想他们会喜欢的 |
[1:18:31] | Cause we’re trying | 我们在尝试 |
[1:18:32] | to create a little local economy here around the bazaar, | 围绕市场建立一个小的经济体 |
[1:18:35] | it eventually becomes self-sufficient. | 最终让市场能自给自足 |
[1:18:36] | So we start out with, | 于是我们就从 |
[1:18:37] | you know, cash, work and quick impact projects, | 现金 就业 和一些立竿见影的工程开始 |
[1:18:40] | to get the bazaar clean and to get it functioning again. | 清理市场 让它恢复运作 |
[1:18:42] | And then that injects money into the bazaar. | 然后为市场注入资金 |
[1:18:45] | That’s kind of the overall… | 这差不多就是总体上的 |
[1:18:46] | plan.. | 计划 |
[1:18:50] | Working good so far. | 目前为止进展顺利 |
[1:19:58] | All right it’s the strategy. | 策略是这样的 |
[1:20:01] | this…turn to the police | 在这里 将他们培养成警察 |
[1:20:04] | Then we go into the next village, and turn it to the police. | 然后我们去下个村 接着训练警察 |
[1:20:07] | And then we go home. | 再然后我们就可以回家了 |
[1:20:12] | – Currently in good health? – Yes. | -身体健康对吧 -对 |
[1:20:15] | The reality is, is that | 事实上是这样的 |
[1:20:16] | six month ago, I’m sure somebody of these guys were Taliban | 六个月前 我敢肯定这些人中有的是塔利班 |
[1:20:24] | …we’ll see what haapens. | 我们试试看吧 |
[1:21:47] | B连仍旧不断发现新埋的爆炸装置 并遭到敌人袭击 | |
[1:22:17] | Holy crap! | 操他大爷的 |
[1:22:19] | – Holy shit, huh? – Where’s your fucking rifle? | -真操蛋 -你的枪呢 |
[1:23:00] | You’re saying they just barely missed, Whuh? | 你不是说他们弹无虚发吗 |
[1:23:03] | That whistled bastard. | 他妈的正从我身边飞过去 |
[1:23:17] | Definitely, the most difficult tour I’ve done. | 这绝对是我经历的最艰难的任务 |
[1:23:24] | You know, in order for me to do my job, | 为了能做好我的工作 |
[1:23:26] | I have to have some loyalty and faith. | 我必须要表现出我的忠诚和信念 |
[1:23:30] | But… | 但 |
[1:23:32] | The Tiban are still here and | 塔利班还在这里活动 |
[1:23:34] | we still are taking casualties | 我们的伤亡也在增加 |
[1:23:36] | you know, every couple of days we run, | 基本每隔上个十几天 |
[1:23:37] | not every couple of days we…once a week. | 也没有十几天 |
[1:23:39] | Once every two weeks, | 每一两个星期 |
[1:23:40] | um, you know, somebody gets shot | 就有人遭袭 |
[1:23:43] | in the arm or shot in the leg or, you know. | 手或者脚被射伤 |
[1:23:47] | So it’s… it wears on you. | 就这样消耗我们 |
[1:23:49] | And it wears on the Marines. | 消耗海军陆战队的战斗力 |
[1:24:04] | These people, I don’t… they’re not like Americans how… | 这些人 他们跟美国人不同 |
[1:24:09] | …there’s no way you can trust ’em. | 你无法相信他们 |
[1:24:12] | They let the Taliban and beat them | 他们情愿忍受塔利班的压迫 |
[1:24:15] | But if it comes to one of us saying the wrong | 但只要我们有人对他们说了错话 |
[1:24:19] | phrase or anything to these people, | 哪怕说错一个字 |
[1:24:22] | they just lose their lid, you know, | 他们就大发牢骚 |
[1:24:24] | cause we’re Americans and | 因为我们是美国人 |
[1:24:25] | that Taliban was from the same tribe as me, you know, | 他们拿塔利班当自己的族人 |
[1:24:28] | it’s ridiculous, it’s a… | 简直是荒唐至极 |
[1:24:30] | it a mind fuck, it’s frustrating and | 洗脑不成反被辱 令人沮丧至极 |
[1:24:35] | that’s a losing ball game. | 这场仗我们输定了 |
[1:24:40] | You know, Marines don’t fight wars. | 海军陆战队不打战争 |
[1:24:42] | Marines fight battles. | 只打战役 |
[1:24:46] | and I think, you know, Marjah’s an, is an example of that. | 马尔亚就是个很好的例子 |
[1:24:51] | You know, the war on terror or … | 诸如反恐战争之类的 |
[1:24:54] | whatever happens here, you know, | 不管这里会发生什么 |
[1:24:55] | in the next months, in the next year, | 不论在下个月还是明年 |
[1:24:58] | whatever this place was like before we got here, | 不管这片地方在我们来之前是什么样 |
[1:24:59] | whatever impact we had here… | 不管我们在这里遭受了什么 |
[1:25:04] | Uh, we had our operation order | 我们就是服从行动命令 |
[1:25:06] | and we, we fought the battle. | 去打该打的仗 |
[1:25:10] | And the other stuffs I think will drive you crazy. | 但剩下的事会让我们抓狂 |
[1:25:32] | We are pressing forward in Afghanistan, | 我军正在阿富汗顺利推进 |
[1:25:37] | from Marjah to Kandahar. | 从马尔亚到坎大哈 |
[1:25:41] | So make no mistake, we have a clear goal. | 不要犯任何错误 我们目标明确 |
[1:25:54] | This is the area that we stopped trying to control | 从这儿往外的那片区域 |
[1:25:56] | out that way. | 就不在我们控制区内了 |
[1:25:58] | Um, it kind of… our area of control fades a little bit | 从这里往外的一公里内 |
[1:26:02] | as soon as you get… about a klick away from here, | 我们的控制区域逐渐减少 |
[1:26:04] | it gradually gets worse. | 事态正变得越来越糟 |
[1:26:07] | This is the, this is the edge of where | 这里就是我们 |
[1:26:08] | we’re really actively trying to, uh, | 努力维护的控制区域的 |
[1:26:11] | secure the area. | 最边缘了 |
[1:26:13] | Literally right there, that road. | 具体来说 就是那条公路 |
[1:26:17] | This is probably one of | 这里估计依然是 |
[1:26:18] | the most hostile places in Afghanistan still. | 阿富汗最为危险的地区之一 |
[1:26:23] | Might as well be a different country. | 俨然就是另一个国家 |