英文名称:The Family Man
时间 | 英文 | 中文 |
[00:42] | This will be the final boarding call for flight to London, Heathrow. | 往伦敦班机最后一次通知登机 |
[00:56] | I’m not even gonna say it, Kate. | 我不想说再见 凯特 |
[00:59] | Then it’ll be like I never left. | 我们只是小别一下 |
[01:18] | Wait. | 等一等 |
[01:22] | I have a really bad feeling about this. | 我有不祥的预感 |
[01:24] | About the plane? You think it’s gonna crash? Don’t say that. | 你是说飞机? 会坠机? 别这样 |
[01:30] | No. Look, I know that we’ve talked about this a thousand times | 我知道我们讨论过很多次 |
[01:32] | and we agreed that going to London was the right thing to do. | 我们都同意你该去伦敦 |
[01:36] | But in my heartthis feels wrong. | 但我心底仍觉得这样不对 |
[01:41] | Don’t go, Jack. | 别走 杰克 |
[01:43] | You mean don’t go at all? | 你是说别去伦敦? |
[01:45] | Well, whatwhat about my internship? | 但我要去实习 |
[01:47] | Believe me, I knowI know what an incredible opportunity this is for you. | 我知道这是难得的机会 |
[01:51] | For us, Kate. | 对我们两个都是 |
[01:52] | Right, for us. | 对 |
[01:53] | But I’m afraid that if you get on that planeLook. | 但我怕你一坐上那飞机 |
[01:57] | We’re at the airport. Nobody ever thinks clearly at the airport. | 人离别时难免失去理智 |
[02:01] | So we should just trust the decision we already made. | 还是遵循原本的决定吧 |
[02:05] | You’ve been accepted to one of the best law schools in the country. | 你考进了理想的法学院 |
[02:08] | I’ve got this internship at Barclay’s Bank. We have a great plan, honey. | 我要去实习 我们前途无量 |
[02:14] | You wanna do something great, Jack? | 你向往远大前途吗? |
[02:17] | Let’s flush the plan. | 我们改变计划 |
[02:19] | Let’s start our lives right now, today. | 今天就开始生活 |
[02:22] | I mean, I have no idea what this life is gonna look like | 生活不知会如何 |
[02:24] | but I know that it has the both of us in it | 但我们福祸与共 |
[02:27] | and I choose us. | 我要我们在一起 |
[02:31] | The plan doesn’t make us great, Jack. | 照计划没有前途 杰克 |
[02:34] | What we have together, that’s what makes us great. | 珍惜我们的爱才会有远大前途 |
[02:47] | I love you, Kate. | 我爱你 凯特 |
[02:48] | I love you too. I do. | 我也爱你 |
[02:56] | And one year in London is not gonna change that. | 去伦敦一年不会改变我们的爱 |
[02:59] | A hundred years couldn’t change that. | 一百年也不会改变 |
[03:34] | Last night was incredible. Huh? | 昨晚真是太棒了 |
[03:37] | I said, last night was great. | 我说昨晚真是太棒了 |
[03:39] | You are an amazing lover. | 你太不可思议了 |
[03:43] | Thanks. | 谢谢 |
[03:44] | You’re not bad yourself. | 你也不赖 |
[03:46] | I wanna see you again. | 我还想再和你碰面 |
[03:48] | I’d like that too. | 我也想 |
[03:49] | Tonight. | 今晚怎样? |
[03:51] | It’s Christmas eve, Jack. | 今晚是圣诞夜 |
本电影台词包含不重复单词:1448个。 其中的生词包含:四级词汇:206个,六级词汇:111个,GRE词汇:109个,托福词汇:156个,考研词汇:234个,专四词汇:192个,专八词汇:35个, 所有生词标注共:423个。 定制生词标注的台词本和单词统计,请访问生词标注台词本 | ||
[03:53] | So? I’ll pour eggnog over you. | 那我就在你身上浇蛋酒 |
[03:58] | I have to go visit my parents out in Jersey. | 我要去新泽西看我爸妈 |
[04:01] | Jersey? | 新泽西? |
[04:03] | Do you have any idea what the traffic’s gonna be like? | 路上会大塞车 |
[04:06] | That’s why I’m taking the train. | 所以我要搭火车 |
[04:10] | It was nice meeting you, Jack. | 很高兴认识你 杰克 |
[05:08] | Mrs.Peterson. | 皮太太 |
[05:09] | Hello, Jack. | 你好啊 杰克 |
[05:13] | You don’t have to stop singing on my account. | 继续唱 别管我 |
[05:15] | Oh, it’s because I’m shy, Betty. | 我太害羞了 蓓蒂 |
[05:18] | So, when are you gonna leave that old corpse, Mr.Peterson, and run away with me? | 你何时要甩掉老皮跟我私奔? |
[05:23] | You know you could never satisfy me the way he does. | 你无法和老皮一样满足我 |
[05:31] | Merry Christmas, Mr.Campbell. | 圣诞快乐 坎柏先生 |
[05:33] | How’d you make out this year, Tony? | 今年圣诞奖金多不多? |
[05:34] | About four grand | 四千左右 |
[05:36] | and a bottle of 25-year-old Scotch from 9D. | 9D给我一瓶陈年威士忌 |
[05:40] | I’m putting it all in commercial paper like you said. | 我会听您的话 投资票券 |
[05:42] | Good, but just until the deutsche mark turns. | 马克升值就要收手 |
[05:44] | – Thank you, Mr.Campbell. – All right. | -多谢了 坎柏先生 -不客气 |
[06:28] | Good morning, Joe. | 早安 乔伊 |
[06:29] | Merry Christmas, sir. | 圣诞快乐 |
[06:36] | Campbell wants these available. | 坎柏要这些文件 |
[06:38] | Thanks, Adelle. | 谢谢 黛儿 |
[06:40] | Better you than me. | 还好是派你弄 |
[06:44] | If MedTech shares fall any lower than 43 | 如果美达药厂股价跌破43 |
[06:48] | we’re in trouble with the stock valuations. | 我们就糟了 |
[06:50] | So for God’s sake, please watch what you say to your institutional customers. | 所以和法人客户说话要谨慎点 |
[06:54] | We still have almost a full day of trading before zero hour | 我们还有一整天的交易日 |
[06:57] | and I don’t want any trouble. | 不要给我出差错 |
[07:02] | A penny for your thoughts, Alan. | 阿伦 你在想什么? |
[07:05] | Oh, God, I’m sorry. | 天哪 真抱歉 |
[07:07] | I was thinking about, Dee and the kids. I promised I’d be home for dinner. | 我答应家人今晚要回家吃饭 |
[07:11] | It’s Christmas eve, Jack. | 圣诞夜嘛 |
[07:13] | Oh, is that tonight? | 今晚吗? |
[07:16] | You think I like being here on Christmas eve, Alan? | 你以为我喜欢圣诞夜工作? |
[07:19] | No. | 不 |
[07:21] | Well, maybe. | 说不定是吧 |
[07:23] | Okay. | 好吧 |
[07:25] | Okay, maybe I do have a touch of tunnel vision this holiday season. | 我可能真的太心无旁鹜 |
[07:29] | But in two days we’re going to announce | 但我们再过两天就要宣面 |
[07:32] | one of the largest mergers in U.S. corporate history. | 史上最大的合并案 |
[07:35] | When a deal like this turns up, you get on it and you ride it till it’s over. | 处理这种案子要全心投入 |
[07:39] | You don’t ask it for a vacation. | 不能要求放假 |
[07:42] | December 26. | 12月26日后 |
[07:44] | After that there’ll be so much money floating around here, | 就能得到大把金钱 |
[07:46] | it’ll be like Christmas every day. | 就天天可以过圣诞节了 |
[07:48] | December 26, people. If you’d like to celebrate that day | 若要庆祝那天 |
[07:50] | you all have my blessing. | 我祝福大家 |
[07:52] | You’re right. I’m sorry. | 对不起 |
[07:53] | I don’t want you to be sorry. I want you to be excited. | 不要对不起 要兴奋 |
[07:56] | I want my gift to you to be the first gift you open this year. | 你今年要第一个开我的礼物 |
[07:58] | You know why? | 了解吗? |
[07:59] | Because my gift comes with ten zeroes. | 因为我的礼物有11位数 |
[08:03] | You’re right. I’m focused. I’m there. | 你说得对 我会专心 |
[08:05] | Good man. Everybody, turn to page 12 in your prospectus. | 很好 请翻到第12页 |
[08:16] | You have six messages. Two of them are imperative. | 有6个留言 两个比较急 |
[08:18] | Whoa. I’m going home. I’m not even here now. Good night. | 搞什么? 我要回家了 不管你 |
[08:21] | – Merry Christmas. – Merry Christmas. | -圣诞快乐 -圣诞快乐 |
[08:22] | It’s only 8:30. I’m disappointed. Got some last-minute shopping to do? | 8点半就下班? 赶着去购物? |
[08:25] | You too? This holiday’s about giving. | 黛儿 圣诞节的精神是付出 |
[08:28] | I’m giving everything I’ve got to this deal. | 我为这案子付出了一切 |
[08:30] | So in a way, I’m more Christmassy than anybody. | 我是最有圣诞精神的人 |
[08:32] | You’re my role model, Jack. | 你是我的偶像 |
[08:36] | Oh, and Oxford called. | 牛津服饰打电话来 |
[08:38] | My suits are ready. | 我的西装做好了 |
[08:39] | Care for a Lifesaver? | 要不要口香糖? |
[08:40] | No, thank you. | 不用 谢谢 |
[08:41] | Help yourself. | 要就自己拿 |
[08:48] | Kate Reynolds. | 凯特雷诺 |
[08:50] | Her assistant said you could reach her at home after 8:00. | 她助理说8点之后你可以打到她家 |
[08:53] | Kate Reynolds was my girlfriend in college. | 她是我大学时的女友 |
[08:56] | I almost married her. | 我们差点结婚 |
[08:57] | You? Married? | 你这种人也会结婚? |
[08:59] | Almost married. | 差点 |
[09:00] | And almost a broker at E.F.Hutton. | 还差点变霍登证券营业员 |
[09:03] | Excuse me? | 什么? |
[09:04] | She didn’t want me to go to London. | 她叫我别去伦敦 |
[09:07] | We’re standing at the airport saying good-bye | 我们在机场分别时 |
[09:09] | and she asked me to stay. | 她要我别走 |
[09:12] | So you left her. | 你把她甩了? |
[09:13] | Wasn’t easy. | 情非得已 |
[09:15] | Oh, stop it. I’m getting all weepy. | 我感动得快哭了 |
[09:17] | I took the road less traveled, Adelle. | 我选择较少人走的路 |
[09:19] | And look where it took ya. | 结果成了这德行 |
[09:21] | I’m gonna get this gal on the phone. | 我帮你找她 |
[09:27] | Nope. | 不要 |
[09:28] | You almost married this woman. | 你们差点结婚 |
[09:31] | You’re not even curious why she called? | 你不好奇她找你干嘛? |
[09:33] | She’s probably just having a fit of nostalgia. Lonely Christmas eve. | 可能圣诞佳节突然寂寞难耐 |
[09:35] | Called the one that got away. | 想找当年的负心人 |
[09:38] | Why call her back and mislead her? | 何必去扰乱她的心情? |
[09:40] | This happened a very, very long time ago. | 那是很久以前的事了 |
[09:42] | 8:35 on Christmas eve. | 圣诞夜晚上8点35分 |
[09:45] | Jack Campbell still at his desk. | 杰克坎柏还在工作 |
[09:48] | Now there’s a Hallmark moment for you. | 好个温馨假期 |
[09:50] | Peter | 彼得 |
[09:51] | I don’t see you rushing home to trim the tree. | 你也没回家布置圣诞树呀 |
[09:54] | That’s because I’m a heartless bastard who only cares about money. | 因为我是唯利是图的冷血动物 |
[09:58] | Well, you know what? God love you for that. | 你会有好报的 |
[10:03] | Got a call from Terry Haight. | 泰莉海特打电话来 |
[10:07] | Bob Thomas is nervous. | 鲍勃托马斯很紧张 |
[10:09] | That’ll happen when you’re about to spend $130 billion on some aspirin. | 要花1千3百亿买药当然紧张 |
[10:13] | Somebody’s gotta nurse him through this. | 得找个人去安抚他 |
[10:16] | Why are you staring at my breasts, Peter? | 你看我干嘛? |
[10:18] | I need you, tiger. | 我需要你 |
[10:19] | Where is he? | 他在哪? |
[10:20] | Aspen. | 亚斯本 |
[10:21] | Call Aunt Irma and tell her I won’t be able to make it. | 跟你阿姨说明天我去不成了 |
[10:24] | You’re a credit to capitalism, Jack. | 你真是资本主义的模范 |
[10:26] | Hey, Peter, let me ask you a question. | 问你个问题 |
[10:28] | An old girlfriend calls you out of the blue on Christmas eve. | 旧情人在寂寞耶诞夜来电 |
[10:32] | What do you do? | 怎么办? |
[10:33] | You suddenly having trouble getting dates? | 你身边突然缺女人了吗? |
[10:35] | Yeah. | 有道理 |
[10:37] | Leave it in the past. | 过去的就过去了吧 |
[10:40] | Old flames are like old tax returns | 旧的恋情就像旧的税单 |
[10:43] | put ’em in the file cabinet for three years, and then you cut ’em loose. | 放个三年就可以扔了 |
[10:49] | I’ll leave from my office tomorrow in the afternoon. | 我明天下午动身 |
[10:52] | Call the group. | 通知大家 |
[10:53] | Schedule an emergency strategy session for noon. | 明天中午开紧急会议 |
[10:56] | That’ll be a nice little holiday treat. | 好个圣诞大餐 |
[11:23] | Good night, Frank. | 晚安 法兰克 |
[11:24] | Hey, Mr.Campbell. | 坎柏先生 |
[11:25] | Why didn’t you call down? I would have had Joe get your ride. | 怎么不打电话叫我先把车开来 |
[11:28] | I’m thinking I’ll walk tonight. | 我今晚用走的 |
[11:29] | It’s a nice night for it. | 今晚很适合不行 |
[11:31] | I’ll send your car home for you. | 我帮您把车开回去 |
[11:32] | That’ll be fine. | 谢谢 |
[11:33] | And Merry Christmas to you, sir. | 圣诞快乐 |
[11:34] | To you too. | 圣诞快乐 |
[12:22] | Eggnog? | 有蛋酒吗? |
[12:24] | Yeah, dairy case. Five dollars. | 在牛奶柜 5元 |
[12:39] | Hey, yo. Y’all do the lotto here, right? Y’all do the lotto here? | 你们可以兑奖券吧? |
[12:42] | Yeah. Cool. ‘Cause I got a winner, baby. I got a winner. | 我中奖了 酷毙了 |
[12:44] | Certified, good as gold. | 检查下把奖兑给我 |
[12:46] | I know lotto keep a lot of brothers down, but not Cash Money. | 我知道买乐透的兄弟很多 但都中不了奖 |
[12:49] | Don’t do me none, son, ’cause I’d be like | 但我可不一样 因为 |
[12:51] | Bang on the lottery! You know what I mean? It’s all good. | 我鸿运当头 懂吧? |
[12:56] | Relax, son. Relax. I got you four numbers. Check it. Bust it. | 我中了4个号码 你看 |
[12:58] | 6, 14, 16, 49. That’s a winner, son. | 6 14 16 49 中奖啦 |
[13:02] | $238, B.Cheddar coming. Give me my money. | 我中了238元 快给我钱 |
[13:06] | I’m sorry. Your ticket is bad. | 你的奖券有问题 |
[13:08] | You draw in the lines. | 你改过号码 |
[13:10] | What are you talking about, B.? | 你说什么? |
[13:11] | You draw in the lines with a pencil. I know about this. | 你用铅笔改了号码 |
[13:15] | Yo, buster, check the ticket, son. | 你看清楚 |
[13:17] | No, you get out. | 不行 你出去 |
[13:18] | Yo, you ain’t even looked at the ticket. | 你根本没看我的奖券 |
[13:20] | You lookin’ at me, son. Check the ticket. | 看着我 检查检查 |
[13:21] | You get out now! You take the ticket somewhere else! | 出去 去别地方兑换 |
[13:24] | Next customer in line! | 下一位 |
[13:26] | You get out or I call 9-1-1 . | 出去 不然我报警 |
[13:30] | Oh, my God! | 天哪! |
[13:32] | Check the ticket, stupid. | 你看清楚 蠢货 |
[13:35] | Look at the ticket. | 快看 |
[13:37] | Shit, now I’m gonna make you call God. | 我送你去见上帝 |
[13:39] | That’s my word. You best check that ticket, fool! | 那正是我要说的 快看奖券 白痴! |
[13:42] | Let me see the ticket. | 我看看你的奖券 |
[13:44] | Was I talkin’ to you? | 谁跟你讲话了? |
[13:46] | Maybe I’ll buy it from you. You know, make a little business deal. | 我可以跟你买 我们做个生意 |
[13:51] | Stupid-ass white boy in $2,000 suit gets capped | 11点新闻播报 西装笔挺的白人 |
[13:54] | trying to be a hero. News at 11:00. | 逞英雄遭枪杀 |
[13:55] | That’s what you wanna see? You wanna see Cash up in here? | 你想看这种新闻? 你想看看这里的现金? |
[13:58] | You want me to set it, son? | 你找死? |
[14:00] | Do you wanna die? | 你想死吗? |
[14:05] | Do you want to die? | 你想死吗? |
[14:09] | No. | 我不想死 |
[14:15] | Look, I’m talking about a business deal. | 我是跟你谈生意 |
[14:18] | Okay? I buy the ticket from you for $200. | 我用200元跟你买奖券 |
[14:21] | I take it to a store where the guy behind the counter doesn’t have a death wish. | 我去找个不找死的店员兑奖 |
[14:25] | I just made myself a quick $38. | 我就赚到38元 |
[14:28] | Like I said, it’s | 我说过了 |
[14:30] | it’s just a business deal. | 只是谈个生意 |
[14:42] | All right. Yeah. | 好吧 |
[14:45] | All right. | 好吧 |
[14:50] | You blew it, B. You blew it. | 你大错特错了 |
[14:53] | The ticket was real. | 这是真的奖券 |
[14:55] | Damn, you had your chance too. | 你错失良机 |
[14:59] | Come on, Jack. Let’s get out of here. | 杰克 我们走吧 |
[15:15] | How’d you know my name was Jack? | 你怎么知道我叫杰克? |
[15:17] | I call all you guys Jack. | 所有白人我都叫他杰克 |
[15:21] | Here. | 给你 |
[15:22] | Nice doing business with ya. | 和你做生意还不错 |
[15:30] | What do you want to carry that gun around for anyway? | 干嘛带个枪到处跑? |
[15:33] | You’re just gonna wind up doing something you regret. | 一不小心就会后悔莫及 |
[15:37] | You’re talking to the wrong person about regrets, Jack. | 别跟我谈什么后悔不后悔 |
[15:39] | I mean, there must be programs out there and, um, opportunities. | 你应该可以参加就业辅导之类 |
[15:43] | Wait a minute. | 等一等 |
[15:45] | Are you actually trying to save me? | 你想帮我? |
[15:50] | This is bananas. | 少发神经了 |
[15:52] | This man thinks I need to be saved, yo? | 你觉得我需要帮忙? |
[15:55] | Well, everybody needs something. | 每个人都需要某种帮忙 |
[15:56] | Yeah? | 是吗? |
[15:58] | Well, what do you need, Jack? | 那你需要什么 杰克? |
[16:00] | Me? | 我? |
[16:02] | You just said | 你刚说的 |
[16:03] | everybody needs something. | 每个人都需要点什么 |
[16:05] | I got everything I need. | 我什么都有了 |
[16:07] | Wow. It must be great being you. | 那你一定很好命 |
[16:09] | I’m not saying that you’d be able to do it without some hard work, some honest hard work, | 好命要靠努力打拚 |
[16:14] | and possibly some medicine. | 可能还需要吃点神经病药 |
[16:19] | You know, I’m gonna really enjoy this. | 一定会很好玩 |
[16:21] | You just remember that you did this, Jack, okay? | 别忘了这是你自找的 |
[16:25] | You brought this on yourself. | 这是你自找的 |
[16:30] | Merry Christmas. | 圣诞快乐 |
[18:04] | Ten more minutes, Jack. | 我再睡十分钟 杰克 |
[18:08] | It’s Christmas. | 今天圣诞节 |
[18:26] | Never mind. | 没关系 |
[18:28] | Who’s here? | 谁来了? |
[18:29] | Rise and shine. | 起床啰 |
[18:31] | Don’t you think we should open some presents? | 不是该拆礼物了吗? |
[18:35] | – I think you should give Mama five more minutes in bed. – Come on, Dad. Get up. | -我想你该让妈妈再睡5分钟 -爸爸 起床了 |
[18:39] | Yea! It’s Christmas! It’s Christmas! | 圣诞节到了! |
[18:42] | Look, your sister’s jumping on the bed. | 看 你姐姐在床上跳呢 |
[18:45] | What is this dog doing on the bed? He needs to get off the bed. | 狗怎么在床上? |
[18:48] | Did Santa come? | 圣诞老人来了吗? |
[18:49] | I don’t know. We’ll have to go see. | 不知道 看了才知道 |
[18:52] | Mommy just needs to wake up. | 先等妈咪醒过来 |
[18:57] | Strong coffee. | 泡杯浓咖啡 |
[19:09] | Oh, Jack. Merry Christmas, dear. | 杰克 圣诞快乐 |
[19:12] | Lorraine. | 萝兰 |
[19:14] | Ed. | 艾德 |
[19:15] | Hey, Jack, you old bird dog. Merry Christmas to ya. | 采花大盗杰克 圣诞快乐 |
[19:18] | Talk to him. | 劝劝他吧 |
[19:19] | One day a year away from the Ponderosa. I don’t think that’s asking too much. | 叫他别再学连续剧讲话了 那要求不过分吧 |
[19:22] | This is who I am. | 我就是这样 |
[19:23] | Tell her, Jack, for God’s sake. You’re the only one around here that gets me. | 告诉她吧 只有你了解我 |
[19:26] | I need some eggnog. | 我要喝蛋酒 |
[19:28] | ‘Course you do, sweet thing. Almost 8:00 in the morning. | 早上8点 是该喝酒了 |
[19:30] | Excuse me. | 失陪 |
[19:31] | Where you going, Jack? | 你上哪去? |
[19:37] | Josh, Annie, giddyup! | 贾施 大艾德来啰 |
[19:39] | Where’s my car? Where’s my Ferrari? | 我的法拉利呢? |
[19:42] | Where’s my Ferrari? | 我的法拉利呢? |
[19:43] | What the hell are you talking? What’s he talking about? | 什么? 他说什么? |
[19:45] | You got a Ferrari? | 你有法拉利? |
[19:46] | Let me borrow your car and then I promise I’ll have it returned. | 你的车借我 我会还你 |
[19:49] | My Caddy? Drive your own damn car. | 我的凯迪拉克? 开你自己的 |
[19:51] | Oh, just let him borrow your precious Cadillac, for God sakes. | 就借他吧 |
[19:54] | There’s a perfectly good minivan sitting out there in the driveway. Here. | 他的箱型车不是好好的在那里 |
[19:59] | What the hell’s wrong with him anyway? | 他什么毛病啊? |
[20:28] | Tony, thank God! | 汤尼! 谢天谢地! |
[20:30] | Sorry, pal. Entrance is for residents and guests only. | 先生 这里不能随便进去 |
[20:32] | What? | 什么? |
[20:33] | What are you talking about? | 你在说什么啊? |
[20:36] | Jack Campbell, penthouse “C.” | 我是顶楼C的杰克坎柏 |
[20:38] | What’s the matter with you? | 你怎么回事? |
[20:40] | Mrs.Peterson, I think there’s something wrong with our man Tony here. | 皮太太 汤尼怪怪的 |
[20:43] | Who is this man? | 这个人是谁? |
[20:45] | Oh, come on. | 拜托 |
[20:47] | What is going on with you two this morning? Is this like a | 你们今天怎么回事? 难道是 |
[20:50] | a Christmas joke? | 圣诞节的玩笑? |
[20:53] | Who is this man? | 我是谁? |
[20:54] | Well, we’re on the co-op board together, Betty. | 我们一起当管理委员的 |
[20:56] | And we fought side by side for garbage disposals. | 我们一起争取垃圾处理机 |
[20:59] | And every morning we exchange quasi-sexual witty banter. | 你每天早上跟我打情骂俏 |
[21:03] | Okay? Shall I call the cops? I’m gonna call the cops. | 要不要报警? 我要报警 |
[21:04] | No, I’m gonna call the cops! | 我才要报警 |
[21:06] | You’re scaring me. | 你们好恐怖 |
[21:07] | – No, no, no, no. – Thank you for not calling the cops. | -不 不 不 -多谢你饶了我 |
[21:10] | Now, I’m going upstairs, I’m gonna get some sleep. Then I’ll be fine. | 我要上楼睡觉去了 一觉醒来就都恢复正常了 |
[21:12] | Sleep you shall. Noblesse oblige isn’t dead. Not yet anyway. | 我们大人大量 你可以睡觉 |
[21:16] | Let’slet’s get you some help. Surely there’s a shelter somewhere in this city. | 我们帮你找个收容所睡觉去 |
[21:21] | A shelter? | 收容所? |
[21:23] | Hey, hey, are you smacked out of your head? | 你们头壳坏去了? |
[21:26] | I’m the richest man in this building! | 我是大楼里最有钱的人! |
[21:28] | I’ve got twice the square footage you have! | 我家是你家的两倍大! |
[21:30] | And I’m going upstairs. | 我要上楼了 |
[21:31] | Take a walk, pal. | 请离开 |
[21:32] | Oh, not cool. | 胡闹! |
[21:34] | Not cool! | 真胡闹! |
[21:36] | You wanna get cute? Get cute. | 你喜欢搞怪? 随你 |
[21:37] | I’m gonna go to my office. | 等我上班 |
[21:39] | I’m gonna file a complaint to the manager of the building. | 我去向主委检举 |
[21:41] | I’m gonna have you fired, Tony. | 叫他开除你 汤尼 |
[21:43] | And, Mrs.Peterson | 皮太太 |
[21:44] | you’re on notice with the co-op board! | 我会叫管理委员会注意你! |
[21:46] | So you better just stop whatever this is that you’re doing! | 你最好别再作弄我! |
[21:59] | Oh, come on! | 发动啊 快发动 |
[22:12] | Frank | 法兰克 |
[22:12] | you won’t believe what’s been happening to me. Is Adelle here yet? | 你不会相信我碰到了什么 黛儿来了没? |
[22:14] | – Hold it right there. – Where’s Mintz? | -站住 -敏兹呢? |
[22:16] | The building is closed, pal. You have to come back tomorrow. | 今天大楼关门 明天再来 |
[22:20] | Frank | 法兰克 |
[22:21] | why do I feel the need to remind you that I’m Jack Campbell, President? | 看清楚 我是总经理杰克坎柏 |
[22:24] | I don’t care who you are. | 不管你是谁 |
[22:25] | It’s Christmas, and like I told you, the building is closed. | 今天圣诞节 大楼不开门 |
[22:29] | I don’t think you heard me correctly. | 你没听清楚吗? |
[22:31] | I’m Jack Campbell. | 我是杰克坎柏 |
[22:34] | Jack Campbell! | 杰克坎柏! |
[22:39] | President! | 我是总经理 |
[22:48] | Have a nice holiday, man. | 圣诞快乐 |
[23:11] | That’s my car! | 这是我的车! |
[23:12] | Hi, Jack. | 嗨 杰克 |
[23:13] | You stole my car. | 你偷了我的车 |
[23:14] | I know this whole thing is really bizarre to you | 我知道你又惊慌 |
[23:16] | and you’re feeling quite shocked | 又一头雾水 |
[23:17] | but just hop in. I’ll explain everything to you, okay? | 快上车 我解释给你听 |
[23:22] | Come on. | 快呀 |
[23:24] | Come on. | 上车呀 |
[23:33] | You’re probably gonna wanna buckle up, Jack. | 安全带系上 |
[23:36] | This thing moves. | 这车跑很快 |
[23:40] | What’s happening to me? | 我是怎么回事? |
[23:43] | Breathe into the bag, Jack. | 对着袋子呼吸 |
[23:46] | This kind of thing makes a lot of guys have to throw up. | 很多人碰到这种事都想吐 |
[23:47] | I seen it happen before. | 我之间也见过 |
[23:49] | So if you feel the urge, you roll down the window and do it out there. | 万一你想吐 摇开窗子往外吐 |
[23:54] | Try not to get so worked up, Jack. | 别这么不开心 |
[23:55] | After all, you brought this on yourself. | 这是你自找的 |
[23:57] | Brought what on myself? I didn’t do anything! | 什么自找? 我什么也没做过! |
[24:00] | “I got everything I need.” | “我什么都有了” |
[24:01] | That sound familiar? | 你自己说的 |
[24:03] | You mean ’cause you thought I was cocky | 你是说我太臭屁 |
[24:05] | I’m now on a permanent acid trip? | 就罚我活在恶梦里? |
[24:08] | Bag yourself, Jack. | 对着袋子吸气 |
[24:14] | Oh, my God! | 我的天啊! |
[24:17] | The way you intervened in that store last night, you did a good thing there, Jack. | 你昨晚那样挺身而出很了不起 |
[24:23] | I mean, it was incredibly impressive all the way across the board to the upper echelons of the organization. | 我们的上级个个都很激赏 |
[24:26] | Oh, God! Please just tell me what’s happening to me in plain English | 拜托你用白话文解释一下 |
[24:29] | without the mumbo-jumbo. | 不要说些听不懂的怪话 |
[24:33] | This is a glimpse, Jack. | 我们要让你体验一下 |
[24:35] | A glimpse? | 体验? |
[24:38] | IA glimpse of what? | 体验什么? |
[24:39] | You’re gonna have to figure that out for yourself and you got plenty of time. | 你要自己去领悟 慢慢领悟 |
[24:42] | How much time? | 领悟多久? |
[24:43] | As much time as it takes which in your case is probably gonna be considerable. | 看情况 你可能需要比较久 |
[24:46] | Okay, look, look. I-I-I just want my life back, okay? | 我要回到原来的生活 |
[24:50] | Now, what’s it gonna take? | 你要我怎么做? |
[24:52] | You wanna talk turkey? Let’s talk turkey. | 你要明说吗? 就明说吧 |
[24:55] | How much money? | 你要多少钱? |
[24:56] | It doesn’t work like that, and I can’t tell you why. | 这不能用钱解决 |
[24:58] | Why not? | 为什么不能? |
[25:00] | Because you have to figure this thing out for yourself. | 因为你要自己体会 懂不懂? |
[25:04] | Figure it out, figure it out. Figure out what? | 体会? 体会什么? |
[25:06] | Let it come to you, man. | 你自然会懂的 |
[25:08] | I don’t have time for this right now. I’m in the middle of a deal. | 我没时间体会 我有生意在谈 |
[25:11] | Well, you’re working on a new deal now, baby. | 现在你有新的生意了 |
[25:18] | What’s this? | 这是什么? |
[25:18] | Open it. | 打开看看 |
[25:21] | What is it, some kind of a signal? | 某种暗号吗? |
[25:26] | Will you come whenever I ring it? | 我按铃你就会来吗? |
[25:28] | Now you gotta get out of the car, Jack. | 下车吧 杰克 |
[25:32] | But what do I do? | 然后呢? |
[25:34] | I’m sorry. I can’t spend any more time with you. I got some other business I gotta take care of. | 抱歉 我不能在你这里花那么多时间 我有别的案子要处理 |
[25:37] | No, y-y-you did this to me. | 事情是你搞出来的 |
[25:40] | You can’t just leave me like this. | 你不能就这样走掉 |
[25:45] | Okay. | 好吧 |
[25:46] | Look, you wanna get some air? | 要不要透透气? |
[25:48] | Let’s get outside, get some air. We’ll walk and I’ll explain everything to you, okay? | 我们下车透透气 边走边谈 |
[25:54] | Thanks, man. | 多谢 |
[25:56] | Sure. | 哪里 |
[26:48] | Excuse me. Do you know where Merrison Street is? | 请问梅里森街怎么走? |
[26:52] | Jeannie. I found Jack. | 姬妮 找到杰克了 |
[26:54] | Oh, there you are, stranger. | 原来你在这里 陌生人 |
[26:57] | Where you been? | 你到哪去了? |
[27:05] | You look terrible. | 你脸色好糟 |
[27:07] | Truth is, I expected you. | 我就猜你会来 |
[27:09] | Kate called and asked if I knew where you were, so | 凯特来电问我知不知道你在哪 |
[27:15] | Oh, I put the Barcalounger in the center of the room. It’s throwing everybody off. | 对 我把椅子搬到中间去了 免得绊倒大家 |
[27:20] | What do you think? | 你觉得怎样? |
[27:25] | It’s a great room. Great room. | 这样布置很漂亮 |
[27:27] | You and me, buddy, we know how to live, huh? | 我们哥儿俩最有生活品味了 |
[27:29] | Come on. | 来吧 |
[27:33] | Come on, Jack. | 来呀 杰克 |
[27:35] | Come on. | 来呀 |
[27:41] | Come on, buddy. | 来吧 |
[27:43] | Take your seat. | 坐你的位子 |
[27:51] | Are you okay? | 你还好吗? |
[27:53] | I mean, you take off Christmas morning and you don’t tell anyone where you’re going. | 圣诞节一早就不知去向 |
[28:01] | We’re friends? | 我们是朋友吗? |
[28:04] | Talk to me. | 怎么回事? |
[28:08] | I’m having kind of a bad day. | 我今天不太顺 |
[28:10] | You know, I read somewhere that the suicide rate doubles during the holiday. | 书上说节日期间自杀率都加倍 |
[28:14] | What am I saying that for? You don’t wanna hear that. Come on. | 我讲这干嘛? 你听了更郁闷 |
[28:19] | Is itis it trouble at work? | 工作上遇到问题了吗? |
[28:23] | II don’t think so. | 应该不是 |
[28:25] | Well, it’s not Kate, is it? | 不是凯特的问题吧? |
[28:30] | You see, huh? | 你看 |
[28:32] | It’s like we’re inside each other’s heads. | 我真是你肚里的蛔虫 |
[28:35] | Kate’s my wife. | 凯特是我老婆 |
[28:37] | Just keep saying it over and over again, Jack, like a mantra. Keep saying it. | 这句话你要像念经一样一直念 |
[28:48] | Look, you know, you fit the profile exactly in your 30s | 这是典型的中年危机 |
[28:51] | house, kids, financial responsibilities. | 有房子 小孩 经济压力 |
[28:55] | You start thinking this isn’t the life I dreamt about. | 你开始想这不是我要的生活 |
[28:59] | Where’s the romance, you know? | 浪漫的激情呢? |
[29:02] | Where’s the joie de vivre? | 生活的享受呢? |
[29:06] | Suddenly | 刹那间 |
[29:08] | every lingerie ad in the Newark Star-Ledger represents a life that you can’t have. | 报上的内衣广告都使你怅惘 |
[29:15] | It’s just two kids, right? | 我只有两个小孩吧? |
[29:20] | Come on. Come on. | 跟我来 |
[29:24] | All right, sometimes it feels like you gave up the whole world. I know that. | 有时你觉得你牺牲了一切 |
[29:27] | But look what you got. Look at that | 但你看看你的生活 |
[29:29] | four bedrooms, two-and-a-half baths | 4房 双卫 |
[29:32] | a partially finished basement. | 地下室快好了 |
[29:34] | And good kids. Look. You know what? | 还有小孩 |
[29:36] | You probably don’t wanna hear this right now. | 你可能不想听这个 |
[29:39] | But remember last summer | 记不记得去年 |
[29:41] | when I almost had that thing with Arnie, Jr.’s speech therapist? | 我差点搞上小阿尼的医生? |
[29:43] | You remember what you said to me? | 你是怎么跟我说的? |
[29:47] | You said, “Don’t screw up the best thing in your life | 你叫我别因为一时昏了头 |
[29:50] | just because you’re a little unsure about who you are.” | 就毁了毕生最美好的东西 |
[29:54] | Okay? | 懂吗? |
[30:04] | Go get ’em, tiger. | 加油 勇士 |
[30:40] | Could you hold on a second? | 你等一下 |
[30:50] | Um, never mind becausebecause he just walked in. | 不用了他回来了 |
[30:54] | Thank you. Thank you. | 谢谢你 |
[31:00] | Do youhave any idea what you put us through today? | 你知不知道我们有多担心? |
[31:05] | You walk out of here at 7:30 in the morning. | 7点半就出门 |
[31:07] | You don’t tell me where you’re going, or even that you’re going. | 没说要出去 也没说去哪里 |
[31:10] | And I don’t see you till hours later? | 好几个小时才回来 |
[31:14] | I called all of our friends. I had the state troopers looking for you. | 我打电话给所有朋友 还报警 |
[31:17] | I was on the phone with the hospital, for God’s sakes. | 我刚刚还打电话去医院 |
[31:20] | What kind of man leaves his family Christmas morning without a word about where he’s going? | 哪有人圣诞节一早就不知去向 |
[31:25] | What kind of a man does that, Jack? | 说话啊 杰克 |
[31:27] | I don’t know. | 我不知道 |
[31:28] | Could you could you please stop yelling at me? | 不要对我吼好不好? |
[31:36] | Where were you? | 你去哪了? |
[31:38] | I was in the city. | 进城去 |
[31:40] | The city? | 进城? |
[31:42] | New York City? | 你说纽约? |
[31:43] | Yeah. | 对 |
[31:43] | Why? | 去干嘛? |
[31:49] | Because that’s where I live. | 我住在纽约 |
[31:51] | Don’t start, Jack. Don’t. | 又来了 |
[31:53] | Look, you don’t understand. | 你不懂 |
[31:56] | I-I-I woke up this morning here. | 我今天早上醒来 |
[32:00] | And this is very strange because | 一切都很怪 因为 |
[32:04] | this isn’t my house. | 这不是我家 |
[32:06] | And those aren’t my kids. I’m not Dad. | 他们不是我小孩 |
[32:09] | I-I-I’m not a dad. You’re not my wife. | 我没小孩 你不是我老婆 |
[32:12] | You know what, Jack. It’s not funny this time | 这种玩笑不好笑 |
[32:14] | because I am really mad. | 我真的生气了 |
[32:16] | I mean, really mad. I mean it. I don’t even | 我真的生气了 真的 |
[32:25] | Whatwhat’s that? | 这是什么? |
[32:33] | I like it. Thanks, Dad. | 我喜欢 谢谢爸爸 |
[32:36] | That’s mine. Hey, I need that back. | 那是我的 还给我 |
[32:39] | She took my bell. | 她抢走我的铃 |
[32:42] | You missed the whole thing | 你错过了一切 |
[32:45] | the pancakes and the presents. | 错过早餐和拆礼物 |
[32:48] | You spent six hours putting that bike together for Annie | 你花6小时组装脚踏车 |
[32:51] | and then you didn’t even get to see the look on her face when she opened it. | 却没看到安妮惊喜的表情 |
[32:56] | You missed Christmas, Jack. | 你错过了圣诞节 |
[33:03] | I’m sorry. | 对不起 |
[33:08] | You know, we don’t even have enough time for this. | 没空讨论这个了 |
[33:11] | And at least you’re okay. I’m okay, we’re okay. | 反正你没出事 我也好好的 |
[33:14] | But you’ve gotta get dressed for the Thompson party. And you are not wearing that. | 我们要去参加汤家的宴会 |
[33:16] | I don’t care how hilarious you think it is. | 你不能穿这样去 |
[33:20] | Party? No, I’m not going to a party. | 宴会? 我才不参加宴会 |
[33:22] | You look forward to this party all year. | 你一直期待这宴会 |
[33:24] | What is it with you today? | 你是怎么回事? |
[33:26] | Believe me, Kate. | 相信我 |
[33:27] | I really don’t think that going to a party is the right move for me at the present time. | 这个情况参加宴会不太明智 |
[33:32] | Okay, fine. You know what? Then you just do whatever you wanna do. | 随便你 你爱怎样就怎样 |
[33:36] | What are you doing? | 你要干嘛? |
[33:37] | Telling my mother she doesn’t have to stay with the kids. | 叫我妈不用来带小孩了 |
[33:40] | Why not? | 为什么? |
[33:42] | Because you’ll be here. | 因为你会在家 |
[33:48] | I’ll be ready in ten minutes. | 我10分钟就会准备好 |
[33:57] | This is | 这些 |
[33:58] | this is just subpar. | 都是廉价衣服嘛 |
[34:28] | Lance, here you go. | 蓝斯 来 |
[34:42] | Kate. Jack. Evelyn. | 凯特 杰克 |
[34:44] | Come in. | 请进 |
[34:45] | Hey, everybody, Kate and Jack are here. | 凯特和杰克来了 |
[34:48] | Hey! Jeannie. | 嗨! 姬妮 |
[34:50] | Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. | 圣诞快乐 |
[34:51] | Jack, Merry Christmas. | 杰克 圣诞快乐 |
[35:00] | So, like the dress? | 这套衣服怎么样? |
[35:01] | Oh, it’s lovely. | 很漂亮 |
[35:02] | I thought I saw you notice it at the kids’ recital. | 我知道小孩表演时你注意到了 |
[35:06] | It’s lovely. It’s lovely. | 很漂亮 很漂亮 |
[35:19] | There he is. | 他在那儿 |
[35:20] | Hey, Jack. Happy holidays, man. | 杰克 圣诞快乐 |
[35:26] | Jack, come on over. | 杰克 过来 |
[35:31] | Hey, Jack. | 杰克 |
[35:33] | Cheers, baby. | 干杯 |
[35:34] | You guys see Van Horn last night? | 昨晚看了凡宏的比赛没有? |
[35:36] | Thirty-two points. | 独得32分 |
[35:37] | That kid’s gonna take the Nets to the championship. | 篮网队会得冠军 |
[35:39] | The Nets? Are you kidding? They suck. | 篮网队? 篮网逊毙了 |
[35:45] | But they’re due. | 但一定会得冠军 |
[35:47] | They’re certainly due. | 一定会 |
[35:50] | So, tomorrow’s the big day, Jackie. | 明天是我的大日子 |
[35:52] | Okay. | 是吗 |
[35:54] | Why? | 什么日子? |
[35:55] | My triple bypass. I’m going under the knife tomorrow. | 心脏绕道手术 |
[35:57] | I told you that, right? | 我说过我要开刀的吧? |
[36:00] | Triple bypass. Yeah. | 心脏 对 |
[36:02] | You really think you should be eating all that? | 那你还吃那些? |
[36:04] | Figure I’m going in for a cleaning tomorrow. | 反正明天就开刀了 |
[36:06] | Might as well load up on the fried stuff tonight, right? | 不吃白不吃 |
[36:09] | That’s good thinking, Bill. Have another drink. | 有道理 |
[36:11] | Some fried pork, mashed potatoes. | 多吃点炸猪排 |
[36:13] | He’ll be dead by morning. | 他活不过明天早上 |
[36:16] | How ’bout a cigar, Jack? | 来点雪茄吧 |
[36:17] | Oh, no, thank you. I’m cutting down. | 我在戒烟 |
[36:18] | Come on. They’re American made, not Cuban. | 是廉价的 不是高级品 |
[36:20] | Oh, really? | 是吗? |
[36:21] | Come on. | 客气什么 |
[36:25] | Very nice. | 相当好 |
[36:26] | I thought you’d like ’em. | 我就说 |
[36:33] | Superb. | 太棒了 |
[36:34] | How ’bout you, Arnie? | 你呢 |
[36:35] | I’m all right. Thanks. | 不用 |
[36:38] | Finger food? | 来点吧? |
[36:39] | No, thank you. I’m fine. | 我不要 谢了 |
[36:41] | Come on. | 少来了 |
[36:42] | Soon as I put ’em down, you’re gonna grab a couple. | 我一放下你就会来拿 |
[36:44] | You always do. No, I’m okay. | 你都这样 |
[36:46] | Let me. They will melt in your mouth. | 我喂你 |
[36:48] | Yeah. | 入口即化 |
[36:55] | Good? | 好吃吗? |
[36:56] | Fabulous. | 好吃极了 |
[36:59] | At the end of this whole thing | 事情结束后 |
[37:01] | she made me this hand-embroidered sweater. | 她织了件毛衣给我 |
[37:04] | It was really lovely. How nice. | 好窝心 |
[37:06] | So I’m slipping it on | 我当场穿上 |
[37:08] | and I notice that she’s misspelled the word “lawyers.” | 但她漏写”大律师”的”律” |
[37:10] | I spent the entire day walking around with a sweater that said | 结果我一整天身上都写着 |
[37:13] | “Nonprofit layers do it for free.” | “公益性大师 免费服务” |
[37:21] | So you’re a lawyer? | 你是律师? |
[37:24] | A nonprofit lawyer? | 公益性律师? |
[37:26] | Probono. | 公益的 |
[37:29] | You don’t get paid at all? Nobody makes a dime? | 没薪水? 一毛钱也赚不到? |
[37:37] | Anyhoo | 总之 |
[37:49] | I better go wake my mom. | 我去叫妈起来 |
[37:50] | There you go. | 拿去 |
[37:52] | I don’t think so. | 不要 |
[37:54] | She’s your dog, Jack. | 她是你的狗 |
[37:55] | No, she’s not. | 才不是 |
[37:57] | You’re right. She’s the kids’ dog. | 对 是孩子们的狗 |
[37:59] | Maybe we should go wake Josh and make him walk her. | 我们该叫贾施起床去遛狗 |
[38:10] | If you take a dump sometime in this century | 拜托你赶快便便 |
[38:13] | then we could go home where it’s warm. | 我们就能回家了 |
[38:17] | If I can even remember how to get home. | 问题是我不知道家怎么走 |
[38:20] | You remember, don’t you, girl? | 你知道吧 小姐? |
[39:29] | Hello? | 喂? |
[39:42] | Hello? | 喂? |
[39:46] | Hey! | 喂! |
[39:48] | What? | 干嘛? |
[39:51] | That baby’s crying. | 小孩在哭 |
[39:55] | And? | 又怎样? |
[39:59] | Don’t give me that look, Jack. | 不要那样看我 |
[40:01] | Tuesday’s your day and you know it. | 星期二轮你负责 |
[40:03] | And listen, try and get Josh to day care on time, okay? | 送贾施去托儿所 不要迟到 |
[40:30] | Yeah. All right. | 好吧 |
[40:38] | Holy Mother of God! | 我的老天爷! |
[41:15] | You’re not really my dad, are you? | 你不是我爸 对不对? |
[41:21] | No, I’m not. | 对 我不是 |
[41:24] | I work on Wall Street | 我在纽约上班 |
[41:26] | you know, with the big buildings. | 那里都是高楼 |
[41:28] | I live in an apartment with a doorman. | 我住在有警卫的大楼 |
[41:30] | And I can buy almost anything I want. | 要什么有什么 |
[41:33] | This isn’t my life. It’s just a glimpse. | 我只是来体验一下 |
[41:37] | Where’s my real dad? | 我爸哪去了? |
[41:41] | I don’t know. | 我不知道 |
[41:43] | But don’t worry. | 但别担心 |
[41:44] | He loves you, and I’m sure he’ll be back very soon. | 他很爱你 一定很快就回来 |
[42:14] | What are you doing? | 你在干嘛? |
[42:27] | They did a pretty good job. | 他们好厉害 |
[42:30] | Who did? | 谁好厉害? |
[42:31] | The aliens in the mother ship. | 外星人 |
[42:33] | You look just like him. | 把你做得好像真的 |
[42:37] | Oh, thanks. | 过奖了 |
[42:39] | Slightly better looking though, right? | 比真的更帅一点吧? |
[42:44] | Oh, no, you’re not gonna start crying, are you? | 你不是要哭吧? |
[42:47] | I don’t think I could really deal with that right now. | 我没力气哄你 |
[42:53] | Do you like kids? | 你喜不喜欢小孩? |
[42:56] | On a case by case basis. | 视个别情况而定 |
[42:59] | Do you know how to make chocolate milk? | 你会不会泡巧克力牛奶? |
[43:04] | II think I could figure it out. | 我会学学看 |
[43:07] | Promise you won’t kidnap me and my brother | 答应我别绑架我和我弟 |
[43:10] | and plant stuff in our brains? | 不要在我们脑里植晶片? |
[43:13] | Sure. | 没问题 |
[43:21] | Welcome to Earth. | 欢迎来到地球 |
[43:37] | This is where babies go when their parents are at work. | 爸妈上班就把宝宝送到这里 |
[43:40] | Check. | 了解 |
[43:52] | Just push the red button. | 按那个红色按钮 |
[44:13] | Do I get a receipt or something? | 有没有收据? |
[44:23] | I have winter camping till 4:00 | 我冬令营上到4点 |
[44:25] | and ballet class until 5:30. | 芭蕾舞上到5点半 |
[44:27] | 5:30. Okay. | 5点半 好 |
[44:29] | And try not to be late | 不要迟到 |
[44:30] | ’cause kids don’t like to be the last one picked up. | 小朋友不喜欢最后一个走 |
[44:33] | Got it. | 懂了 |
[44:34] | Good tip. | 多谢 |
[44:36] | Bye. | 再见 |
[44:37] | Bye. | 再见 |
[44:40] | Hey, Annie. | 安妮 |
[44:42] | Where do I go now? | 那我去哪? |
[44:43] | Big Ed’s. | 大艾德 |
[44:45] | Big Ed’s Tires? | 大艾德轮胎? |
[44:47] | Why? | 去干嘛? |
[44:48] | ‘Cause you work there. | 上班 |
[44:51] | You mean I sell tires. | 我卖轮胎? |
[44:53] | That’s what I do. | 我的工作是卖轮胎 |
[44:56] | I’m a tire salesman. | 我是轮胎销售员 |
[45:06] | Good Lord! | 老天爷! |
[45:35] | Morning, Jack. | 早安 杰克 |
[45:41] | Good morning, Jack. | 杰克 早 |
[45:44] | Hey, Jack. | 嗨 杰克 |
[45:55] | Jack, my boy. | 杰克小子 |
[45:58] | Hey, guess who I played bridge with two nights ago. | 你猜我前天跟谁打桥牌 |
[46:01] | Hell, you’ll never guess. One Sydney Potter. | 猜不到吧 是西尼帕特 |
[46:05] | That’s Sydney Potter, C.E.O., BuyRite Transport. | 百瑞运输的总裁西尼帕特 |
[46:08] | Only the third biggest trucking outfit in the state. | 全国第三大货运公司 |
[46:11] | “Anyhoo” he’s lookin’ for a new parts supplier. | 他正好在找新的零件供应商 |
[46:15] | We can handle volume like that, now can’t we, Jack? | 我们出得了这么大量的货吧? |
[46:19] | I’m gonna have to get back to you on that, Ed. | 我研究研究再告诉你 |
[46:21] | Right on. | 那敢情好 |
[46:33] | Excuse me. Do I | 打扰下 请问 |
[46:35] | do I have a private office somewhere in the building? | 我有没有自己的一间办公室? |
[46:39] | Sure, Jack. | 当然有 |
[46:42] | Where is it? | 在哪里? |
[46:45] | It’sit’s right backright back there. | 在后面那边 |
[46:48] | Thank you. | 谢谢 |
[47:30] | Oh, no. | 不会吧 |
[47:41] | You must’ve needed this every day. | 你一定天天需要这东西 |
[48:11] | What are you smiling about? | 你笑什么笑? |
[48:19] | Eighty-eight? | 1988年? |
[48:23] | I was in London in 1988. | 1988年我在伦敦 |
[48:30] | You never went to London. | 你没去伦敦 |
[48:35] | Jack | 杰克 |
[48:36] | you’re needed in mag wheels. Customer waiting. | 镁制轮胎部有顾客等你 |
[48:44] | I was the number one junior sales associate for E.F.Hutton in 1988. | 我是霍登88年的最佳营业员 |
[48:50] | Did you know that? | 你知道吗? |
[48:51] | Uh, no. No, I didn’t. That’s great. | 我不知道 你真了不起 |
[48:54] | That’s the kind of thing you could really build on, you know? | 应该要好好发展的 |
[48:58] | Yeah. I mean, sales has always been a feeder for M&A. Always. | 并购业的人才都来自证券业 |
[49:04] | Well, look, here we are. | 到了 |
[49:06] | The mag wheels. Mag wheels. | 这里就是镁胎部 |
[49:09] | Hey, Jack, um, are you sure you’re okay? | 杰克 你没事吧? |
[49:14] | Well, I’m just a little confused right now about why I work here. | 我只是想不透我干嘛在这上班 |
[49:19] | I just started here last Tuesday, so | 我上星期二才来的 |
[49:30] | The closing tip was a mildly bullish plus-76. | 终场大盘小涨76点 |
[49:33] | Much of the market’s action today was fueled by the latest round of merger mania | 今天这波涨势是受到近日 |
[49:35] | to hit Wall Street | 环球医疗与美达药厂 |
[49:37] | when Global Health Systems and MedTech Pharmaceutical announced their intentions | 可能即将合并的消息影响 |
[49:42] | to join forces in a massive $122 billion stock swap deal | 将有1千220亿的股权交换 |
[49:46] | the largest ever in the health care industry. | 是医疗业中最大的合并案 |
[49:49] | When asked about the possible anti-competitive implications | 被问起此举是否意在化敌为友 |
[49:52] | Global chairman Bob Thomas referred reporters | 环球总裁鲍勃托马斯 |
[49:54] | to P.K.Lassiter & Company president Alan Mintz, the architect behind the deal. | 提起本案主导人阿伦敏兹 |
[49:59] | That’s my deal! | 那是我的案子! |
[50:01] | Ironically, Mintz first met Thomas at a Lamaze class. | 敏兹和汤玛结识于产妇训练课 |
[50:04] | While coaching their pregnant wives, Mintz and Thomas | 两人在陪老婆时攀谈起来 |
[50:08] | struck up a dialogue, and two months later, the deal with MedTech was born. | 两个月后此案诞生 |
[50:09] | He wasn’t the architect! I’m the architect! | 他不是主导人! 我才是! |
[50:17] | The kids are asleep. | 孩子们在睡觉 |
[50:20] | The kids, hon. Honey. | 孩子们在睡觉 |
[50:22] | Sweetheart | 亲爱的 |
[50:24] | I said the kids are asleep. | 我说孩子们在睡觉 |
[50:28] | That’s just great. Those little monkeys can be a real handful. | 好极了 那两个捣蛋鬼真难缠 |
[50:32] | Hey, I was watching that. | 我还在看 |
[50:36] | Not tonight. | 今晚别看 |
[50:40] | Please leave my socks alone. | 不要动我的袜子 |
[50:54] | Wait. You want me. | 你想跟我嘿咻 |
[50:55] | That is the general idea, yeah. | 可以这么说 |
[50:59] | Oh, well, maybe we should grab a bottle of wine first. Kind of break the ice. | 要不要先喝酒化解一下尴尬 |
[51:04] | Yeah, that’s very funny. Look, it’s 10:30. | 别逗了 现在10点半 |
[51:08] | By 11:00 you’re gonna be snoring like a monster | 你11点就会睡得不省人事 |
[51:11] | but that’s very sweet. | 但这点子不错 |
[51:13] | I’ll remember that for next time. | 下次我们再来喝酒 |
[51:15] | Whatever you sayhoney. | 悉听尊便老婆 |
[51:37] | Oh, God, you’re beautiful. | 天哪 你好美 |
[51:40] | Thanks, Jack. | 过奖了 |
[51:42] | No, I’m serious. | 我是说真的 |
[51:45] | You’re really stunning. | 你真是艳光四射 |
[51:47] | This is good stuff. I want you to keep this up. | 我喜欢 继续说 |
[51:49] | You were always a very pretty girl in college. There’s no question about that. | 我是说 你大学时很美 |
[51:54] | But this | 但现在 |
[51:58] | You’ve really grown into a beautiful woman. | 你又成熟又性感 |
[52:03] | How can you do that? | 你怎么这样? |
[52:06] | What? | 哪样? |
[52:08] | Look at me like you haven’t seen me every day for the last 13 years. | 好像你这13年都没见过我 |
[52:17] | Okay, wait. Don’t move. | 等一下 不要动 |
[52:19] | Don’t look. | 不要看 |
[52:20] | Stay right there. | 待在那里别动 |
[52:22] | I got something. | 我有东西要给你 |
[52:57] | Good night, sweetheart. | 晚安 宝贝 |
[53:47] | Okay, we’re almost out of here. | 差不多都买齐了 |
[53:48] | Mary Janes, Mommy. You promised. | 你答应要买皮鞋给我的 |
[53:51] | That’s right. I did promise. Okay. All right. | 对 我答应过 |
[53:53] | We’re gonna stop at the kids’ shoe department first | 好 我们去童鞋部 |
[53:57] | and then I gotta pick up my watch from the battery store. | 然后去电池店拿手表 |
[54:00] | Then I’m gonna go to the linen store. | 再去面店 |
[54:02] | Why don’t we go to all the stores? | 每个部门都去一下吧 |
[54:04] | Every single store in this godforsaken shopping mall. | 每家狗屎店都去逛一下 |
[54:08] | Wouldn’t that be exciting? | 这样高兴吧? |
[54:11] | You know what? Why don’t I take the kids | 我看我带小孩买东西 |
[54:14] | and you just stay here and hang out in the men’s department? | 你就在男士服饰部逛? |
[54:18] | Come on, hon. | 走吧 乖 |
[54:38] | It’s perfect for your frame. | 这套很适合你 |
[54:40] | Why don’t you try it on? | 要不要试试看? |
[54:47] | I might want to take an inch out of the back. | 后面可以修短一寸 |
[54:51] | Lengthen the sleeve. | 袖子放长一点 |
[54:57] | You look amazing in that suit. | 你这样穿好帅 |
[55:02] | I mean, reallywow! Off the charts, great. | 真不是普通的帅 |
[55:08] | It’s an unbelievable thing. | 不可思议 |
[55:10] | Wearing this suit actually makes me feel like a better person. | 穿这套西装感觉真好 |
[55:21] | I’m gonna buy it. | 我要买 |
[55:25] | It’s $2,400. | 要2400元 |
[55:28] | Are you out of your mind? | 你疯了? |
[55:30] | Come on, let’s go. | 来 我们走了 |
[55:31] | She got those shoes. | 她都可以买鞋子 |
[55:33] | Those shoes were $25. | 她的鞋子才25元 |
[55:35] | Come on. Take it off, all right? | 快点 脱下来 |
[55:37] | We’ll go to the food court and get one of those funnel cakes you like. | 我去美食广场买个蛋糕请你吃 |
[55:41] | Daddy’s a crazy guy. | 你爸爸发神经了 |
[55:43] | No. | 不要 |
[55:47] | No. | 不要 |
[55:51] | Do you have any idea what my life is like? | 你知不知道我过怎样的人生? |
[55:54] | Excuse me? | 你说什么? |
[55:55] | I wake up in the morning covered in dog saliva. | 我一大早就被狗舔醒 |
[55:59] | I drop the kids off | 还要送小孩 |
[56:01] | spend eight hours selling tires retail. | 卖8小时轮胎 |
[56:05] | Retail, Kate. | 而且是零售 |
[56:07] | I pick the kids up, walk the dog | 还要接小孩 遛狗 |
[56:09] | which, by the way, carries the added bonus | 遛狗还有额外津贴 |
[56:13] | of carting away her monstrous crap. | 就是清狗大便 |
[56:17] | I play with the kids, take out the garbage | 跟小孩玩 倒垃圾 |
[56:19] | get six hours of sleep if I’m lucky. Then everything starts all over again. | 睡6小时 隔天又一切重来 |
[56:24] | So what’s in it for me? | 我得到什么好处? |
[56:26] | Wh-where are my Mary Janes? | 我也要可爱皮鞋 |
[56:31] | You know, it’s sad to hear that your life is such a disappointment to you. | 很遗憾你这么不满意你的人生 |
[56:35] | I can’t believe it isn’t a disappointment to you! | 难道你很满意吗! |
[56:38] | Jesus, Kate | 天哪 凯特 |
[56:39] | I could have been a thousand times the man I became. | 我本来有大好前途的 |
[56:42] | I could have been one of the richest Forbes | 我本来可以是全世界最有钱 |
[56:45] | How could you do this to me? | 你怎能这样对我? |
[56:46] | How could you let me give up on my dreams like this? | 你怎能让我放弃我的梦想? |
[56:51] | Really, I want to know. | 我很想知道 |
[56:55] | Who are you? | 你是谁? |
[56:57] | All right, look. I’m sorry. | 算了 对不起 |
[57:01] | I’m sorry I was such a saint before | 我以前是好老公 |
[57:04] | and I’m such a prick now! | 现在是混蛋! |
[57:05] | But maybe I’m just not the same guy that I was when we got married. | 我和你嫁的不是同一个人 |
[57:11] | You know what? Maybe you’re not. | 我想不是 |
[57:13] | Because the Jack Campbell I married would not need | 我嫁的杰克不会需要 |
[57:16] | a $2,400 suit | 用昂贵的西装 |
[57:19] | to feel better about his life. | 来提升生活的满意度 |
[57:21] | But I’m telling you, if that’s what it’s gonna take, then buy it. | 但如果你真的需要 那就买吧 |
[57:26] | Jesus! We’ll take the money out of the kids’college fund. | 我们从小孩的教育基金里拔款 |
[57:28] | Forget it. | 算了算了 |
[57:30] | We’ll get a funnel cake. | 去买蛋糕吧 |
[57:32] | It’ll be the highlight of my week. | 我一整星期都会因蛋糕而满足 |
[57:50] | Listen, I’m really sorry about that back in the store. | 很抱歉我在店里无理取闹 |
[57:53] | I don’t want to fight with you. | 我不是故意跟你吵架 |
[57:55] | I just sometimes wonder how we ended up here, you know. | 我只是不懂我怎会这么没出息 |
[57:59] | I mean, back in college, d-did you see us here? | 大学时你想过我们会这样吗? |
[58:04] | Life has thrown us a few surprises. I’ll give you that. | 人生总是充满意外 |
[58:07] | It really has, hasn’t it? | 的确如此 不是吗? |
[58:10] | Yeah. So, if you had to, what would you say was the biggest surprise? | 你觉得最大的意外是什么? |
[58:14] | Just out of curiosity. I’m just asking. | 我只是好奇 |
[58:18] | Well, Annie, for one. | 安妮是个意外 |
[58:20] | Surprise, we’re pregnant. | 怀孕了 好意外 |
[58:23] | Yeah, that must have been. I mean, thatthat was. | 一定很意外 我是说的确意外 |
[58:26] | That was a very unexpected moment. | 真是个大意外 |
[58:28] | What are you gonna do? | 但也只能认了 |
[58:31] | I think it turned out all right, don’t you? | 结果也很顺利 不是吗? |
[58:33] | Yeah. I really like Annie. | 对 我很喜欢安妮 |
[58:35] | Well, good, Jack. Maybe we’ll keep her. | 那好 不用把她送走 |
[58:37] | No, I love her. I love Annie. | 我是说我很爱她 |
[58:40] | I’m just | 我只是 |
[58:43] | We had a lot of good times, didn’t we? | 我们有过很愉快的时光吧? |
[58:48] | Do you remember the place on Charles Street where we used to go? | 记不记得查尔街那间餐厅? |
[58:52] | Charles Street? | 查尔街? |
[58:56] | In the village? | 你说纽约? |
[58:58] | When we were living in Greenwich Village. | 那是我们住纽约时的事 |
[59:01] | Yeah. Yeah, yeah. | 对 |
[59:02] | Great times. Great place. | 那时真愉快 那儿真棒 |
[59:05] | Why did we ever leave? | 我们干嘛搬走? |
[59:07] | You can’t really raise a kid in an apartment in the village. | 那地方不适合小孩成长 |
[59:10] | Then there was the whole trek out to the hospital. That didn’t help either. | 而且离医院太远 |
[59:16] | You were great. | 你当时真了不起 |
[59:18] | I mean, surviving the heart attack was one thing. | 心脏病都挺过来了 |
[59:20] | You had a heart attack? | 你心脏病? |
[59:21] | Hey, Jack, stop that. ‘Cause I amI’m still mad at you. | 杰克 别闹了 我气还没消 |
[59:26] | Who knows what would have happened if you hadn’t stepped in at the store? | 你要没接手 爸的店就完了 |
[59:32] | That’s why I work for Big Ed. | 所以我才在大艾德上班 |
[59:35] | That’s why I work for Big Ed. | 所以我才在大艾德上班 |
[59:37] | Yeah. | 对 |
[59:41] | So we had a baby, Big Ed had a heart attack. | 我们有了宝宝 大艾德心脏病 |
[59:44] | Bought that house, and I’ve been workin’ for him ever since. | 我们买了这房子 我去他公司 |
[59:48] | Sayonara, Wall Street. | 华尔街 再会了 |
[59:52] | Our life in a nutshell. | 我的一生就这么完了 |
[59:55] | If you want to look at it that way. | 你要这样诠释我也没办法 |
[59:58] | How would you look at it? | 不然你要怎样诠释? |
[1:00:03] | A great success story. | 我觉得很充实 |
[1:00:11] | What do you say, Jack? | 加油 杰克 |
[1:00:12] | Show ’em how to do it, baby. Jack, we need a strike. | 杰克 来个全倒 |
[1:00:16] | Damn! | 可恶! |
[1:00:18] | Jesus, Jack. What are you doin’? | 你搞什么? |
[1:00:19] | It’s a league match. | 我们在比赛耶 |
[1:00:21] | Where’s your follow through? Where’s your stance? | 手的摆动和站的姿势都不对了 |
[1:00:23] | You know what? I’m doin’ the best I can. | 我已经尽最大的力了 |
[1:00:27] | It’s okay, Jack. Why am I so competitive all the time? | 对不起 我不该得失心这么重 |
[1:00:31] | You can still pick up that spare. | 你第二球还有希望 |
[1:00:35] | Crack ’em, Jack! Here we go. Hurt ’em. | 加油 杰克! 打倒他们 |
[1:00:38] | You’re Jack Campbell. | 你是杰克坎柏 |
[1:00:40] | You’re better than the sport. | 这区区比赛算什么 |
[1:00:42] | You shot the rapids in Kanai. | 你会在激流中泛舟 |
[1:00:43] | You ran with the bulls in Pamplona. | 参加过西班牙奔牛节 |
[1:00:45] | You’ve jumped out of an airplane over the Mojave Desert, for Christ’s sake. | 在加州跳过伞 |
[1:00:48] | You can do this. You can do this. | 这雕虫小技难不倒你 |
[1:00:49] | You can do this. You can do this. | 你做得到 |
[1:00:59] | Yes! Victorious! | 太棒了 |
[1:01:00] | Huh? All right! | 太棒了 |
[1:01:08] | High five! | 来 击个掌 |
[1:01:11] | You’re up. | 该你了 |
[1:01:13] | Go get ’em. | 加油 |
[1:01:24] | Hi, Jack. | 嗨 杰克 |
[1:01:28] | Evelyn, right? | 你是叫爱琳吧? |
[1:01:30] | Very funny. | 你好幽默 |
[1:01:32] | I saw you on lane 20. | 我看到你打球 |
[1:01:33] | You got the flu or something? | 身体不舒服吗? |
[1:01:36] | Something like that, yeah. | 有一点 |
[1:01:37] | Need a nurse? | 需不需要护士? |
[1:01:40] | Are you a nurse? | 你是护士吗? |
[1:01:43] | If that’s what you want. | 你喜欢的话我就是 |
[1:01:46] | Hey, wait a minute. | 等一等 |
[1:01:48] | Um, don’t run away. | 别跑 |
[1:01:52] | Are we | 我们是不是 |
[1:01:54] | Are we what, Jack? | 是不是什么? |
[1:01:58] | Well Is there something going on between us? | 我们之间有没有什么? |
[1:02:07] | Are we finally | 终于 |
[1:02:08] | being honest? | 决定讲开了? |
[1:02:10] | It would help me if we were. | 告诉我我会轻松点 |
[1:02:13] | Okay. You’re right. We’ve been dancing around this for years. | 对 我们始终回避这件事 |
[1:02:20] | Here goes. | 好吧 我告诉你 |
[1:02:22] | When I get dressed for a party, and I know you’re gonna be there | 我知道你会去参加宴会 |
[1:02:26] | let’s just say I don’t go strapless because my husband likes it. | 我的礼服不是穿给我老公看的 |
[1:02:31] | I’ve got six sets of snow tires piled up in my garage | 我有六副雪地轮胎 |
[1:02:33] | and I won’t even drive in the snow. | 但我根本不在雪地开车 |
[1:02:38] | And our kids just happen to be | 我们的小孩 |
[1:02:40] | in the same ballet class every year. | 每年都上同一个芭蕾班 |
[1:02:44] | So, if you’re asking whether I’d like it to be more | 如果你问我我想不想更进一步 |
[1:02:49] | the answer’s yes. | 答案是想 |
[1:02:52] | Kate would never have to know. | 我们可以瞒着凯特 |
[1:02:58] | Do I have your number? | 我有没有你家电话? |
[1:03:02] | Steve’s out of town with the kids this weekend. | 史提这礼拜带小孩出远门 |
[1:03:05] | Why don’t you just stop by? | 你何不到我家玩玩? |
[1:03:21] | Hey, Jack. You’re all flushed. | 杰克 你红光满面 |
[1:03:24] | I feel good. | 我心情很好 |
[1:03:25] | Guess that 71 took a lot out of you. | 打出这种低分很不简单 |
[1:03:26] | No. | 不是这样 |
[1:03:28] | I just saw Evelyn Thompson. | 我刚碰到爱琳汤森 |
[1:03:31] | She’s relentless. | 她真是锲而不舍 |
[1:03:33] | She wants to have an affair with me. | 她想跟我搞婚外情 |
[1:03:37] | She said that? | 她这样说? |
[1:03:38] | Pretty much. | 差不多是那意思 |
[1:03:42] | What is it about you? | 你到底有什么魅力啊? |
[1:03:45] | Soif you would write her exact address down there. You have a pen? Please. | 你能不能把她的地址写给我 你有笔的吧? |
[1:03:50] | Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a second. | 等一等 |
[1:03:53] | You’re not actually thinking about cheating on Kate? | 你要背着凯特乱来? |
[1:03:55] | Well, it wouldn’t really be cheating, Arnie. | 这不算真的不忠 |
[1:04:02] | It’s complicated. | 很难解释 |
[1:04:04] | Maybe I haven’t been as good a consigliere as you’ve been to me | 你给我的劝告一向比我给你多 |
[1:04:07] | but hear me out on this. | 但听我这一次 |
[1:04:08] | A little flirtation is harmless | 口头偷腥没关系 |
[1:04:10] | but you’re dealing with fire here, man. | 但你这样是玩火 |
[1:04:13] | The Fidelity Bank and Trust is a tough creditor. | 婚姻银行很讲究信用 |
[1:04:16] | You make a deposit somewhere else, they close your account | 你到别家存款 帐户就被结掉 |
[1:04:20] | forever, all right? | 永远挽回不了 懂吗? |
[1:04:22] | Arnie, I don’t want your head to explode | 我无法解释 |
[1:04:24] | but I’m telling you, those rules don’t apply to me. | 但这规则不适用于我 |
[1:04:27] | I-I’m not even | 我不是 |
[1:04:29] | I’m not talking about rules. I’m talking about | 我不是跟你谈规则 |
[1:04:31] | Y-You’re | 我是说 |
[1:04:33] | There isn’t a guy in Union County who wouldn’t give his left nut | 我们镇上没有哪个人 |
[1:04:36] | to be with Kate, all right? | 不迷恋凯特 懂不? |
[1:04:40] | She’s amazing, and you’re gonna fuck it up. | 她这么棒 你竟然不好好珍惜 |
[1:04:44] | Just think about that, all right? | 好好想清楚 好不好? |
[1:05:01] | Hey, honey. | 亲爱的 |
[1:05:03] | How was the game? | 比赛怎么样? |
[1:05:04] | Long and boring and generally pretty sad. | 冗长 难玩而且凄惨 |
[1:05:07] | Arnie seemed to enjoy it. | 阿尼好像玩得挺高兴 |
[1:05:10] | Sort of. | 应该是 |
[1:05:13] | Hey, where’s that chocolate cake? | 巧克力蛋糕呢? |
[1:05:17] | Do you mean this chocolate cake? | 你是说这个? |
[1:05:20] | That’s my piece. I was saving it | 那是我的 我故意留起来 |
[1:05:23] | because I got nauseated by that precooked mini-mall rotisserie chicken. | 因为那个现成烤鸡肉难吃死了 |
[1:05:28] | It’s good. | 真好吃 |
[1:05:30] | Give me that cake. | 蛋糕给我 |
[1:05:31] | No way. | 不给 |
[1:05:35] | Come on. | 拜托你 |
[1:05:37] | I’m sorry. It’s too important to me. | 不能给 这对我很重要 |
[1:05:51] | I want that cake! | 我要蛋糕! |
[1:05:55] | You want this cake? | 你要蛋糕? |
[1:05:56] | I want it. | 我要 |
[1:06:00] | Thank you. | 多谢 |
[1:06:02] | It’s good, right? | 好吃吧? |
[1:06:16] | Are the kids asleep? | 孩子们睡了没? |
[1:06:35] | Say it to me, Jack. | 跟我说 杰克 |
[1:06:37] | What? | 说什么? |
[1:06:38] | You know what I like to hear. | 你知道我最爱听什么话 |
[1:06:40] | I know, baby. I know what you like to hear. | 宝贝 我知道你爱听什么 |
[1:06:45] | Tell me. Tell me, tell me. | 那快说 快说啊 |
[1:06:48] | You’re a bad girl, baby. You make me so hot. | 你这辣妹 弄得我欲火焚身 |
[1:06:51] | What? | 什么? |
[1:06:54] | Not it? | 不是这个吗? |
[1:06:57] | Nice, Jack. | 很好 杰克 |
[1:07:02] | Sweeping me off my feet. | 真令我神魂颠倒 |
[1:07:05] | You make me hot. | 你害我欲火焚身 |
[1:07:50] | What do you say, everyone? This is a little birthday party for Katie. | 今天凯特生日 你要说什么? |
[1:07:54] | Happy birthday, Katie. | 生日快乐 |
[1:07:55] | Good to see you kids still together. | 他们还在一起吗? |
[1:07:56] | Hello, kids. | 嗨 小朋友 |
[1:07:58] | Evelyn, you look tremendous. | 爱琳 你真是不能小看 |
[1:08:01] | Look what happens when I do that. | 看看接下来如何 |
[1:08:03] | Jack? | 杰克? |
[1:08:04] | The man. | 最佳男主角 |
[1:08:06] | Do you have anything to say to your lovely wife on the day of her birth? | 你老婆生日你有什么话说? |
[1:08:09] | Hey, hey! | 喂 |
[1:08:10] | Today’s your birthday? | 你今天生日? |
[1:08:11] | That’s funny, Jack. | 对 22岁 |
[1:08:13] | You know what? | 真的? |
[1:08:15] | Wow, your birthday. | 你生日 |
[1:08:16] | It’s You’re my wife. | 你是我老婆 |
[1:08:18] | You are my wife. Today is your birthday. | 你是我老婆 今天你生日 |
[1:08:21] | Well, actually, I do have one thing that I want to say to you. | 我真的有话要对你说 |
[1:08:26] | And God, I hope you like it. | 希望你喜欢 |
[1:08:28] | Bill? | 比尔? |
[1:08:34] | Oh, no. | 不会吧 |
[1:08:36] | Yes. You hit it, Bill. | 开始吧 比尔 |
[1:08:38] | You wore that shirt last year, by the way. Just so you know. | 你去年也穿一样的衬衫 |
[1:10:13] | Happy birthday, sweetheart. | 生日快乐 亲爱的 |
[1:10:23] | There’s love in the air. | 空气中充满爱意 |
[1:10:26] | He loves her. It’s official. There’s love. | 不会错 这就是爱 |
[1:10:59] | Come on, it’s time to get up, honey. | 该起床了 老公 |
[1:11:38] | Good morning, Joshie. | 早安 贾施 |
[1:11:45] | Happy anniversary, honey. | 结婚纪念日快乐 |
[1:11:48] | Now, listen | 听我说 |
[1:11:49] | before you do whatever crazy stunt you’ve got planned | 不管你有什么怪点子 |
[1:11:52] | I want you to open mine first. | 拜托先开我的礼物 |
[1:11:56] | Maybe I should wait. | 我看慢点开吧 |
[1:11:58] | No! Come on! | 不要! 现在开嘛! |
[1:11:59] | Come on, come on, come on. Open it. | 快开快开 |
[1:12:11] | Zeena? | 嘉纳西服? |
[1:12:17] | I found it at an outlet store. | 我在一个经销店买到的 |
[1:12:20] | Look, I know it’s a knockoff | 我知道是仿制品 |
[1:12:22] | but I think it’s gonna look great on you. | 但你穿一定很帅 |
[1:12:27] | Ah, enjoy it, sweetheart. | 好好享受 亲爱的 |
[1:12:37] | Yeah, uhyou’re probably expecting something from me. | 你可能也在等我送你什么 |
[1:12:42] | Here’s the thing | 情况是这样的 |
[1:12:45] | I hadn’t really planned on giving you your anniversary gift | 我打算晚上 |
[1:12:47] | until tonight. | 再给你礼物 |
[1:12:51] | You know, anniversary’s good all day. | 结婚纪念日一整天都值得纪念 |
[1:12:54] | What are you talking about? You can never wait all day. | 别闹啦 |
[1:12:56] | You can’t even wait till it’s light out. Come on! | 你以前连天亮都等不及 快啦! |
[1:12:59] | I know. | 我知道 |
[1:13:01] | I know. That’s me. It’s true. | 我知道 我一向都这样 |
[1:13:05] | And but | 但是 |
[1:13:07] | it’s funny | 好好笑 我 |
[1:13:16] | You forgot. | 你忘了 |
[1:13:20] | You actually forgot our anniversary. | 你竟然忘了我们的结婚纪念日 |
[1:13:23] | I’ll fix it. | 我会补救 |
[1:13:25] | I’ll go out right now and I’ll get you something. | 我马上去买礼物 |
[1:13:27] | I’ll make it right. | 我会弥补 |
[1:13:45] | Let me know if there’s enough chocolate in there, sweetheart. | 喝喝看巧克力够不够 |
[1:13:52] | Mm, not bad. | 还不错 |
[1:13:53] | Good. | 很好 |
[1:13:56] | I should have warned you. | 我忘了警告你 |
[1:13:57] | Dad always does something really special for the anniversary. | 爸每年纪念日都会做特别的事 |
[1:14:01] | Like what? | 怎样的事? |
[1:14:02] | One year he had a star named after her. | 有一年他把一颗星星取名凯特 |
[1:14:04] | He had a star named after her? | 把星星取名凯特? |
[1:14:08] | Well, that’s nice, but isn’t that a little | 真好 但会不会太 |
[1:14:12] | corny? | 肉麻了一点? |
[1:14:13] | Mom liked it. | 妈妈很喜欢 |
[1:14:16] | Maybe there’s a jewelry store at the mall. I can pick her up a pair of earrings or something. | 我可以去百货公司买几副耳环 |
[1:14:20] | That’s good, but | 是不错啦 可是 |
[1:14:22] | you did forget the anniversary. | 你还是忘了今天是纪念日 |
[1:14:25] | That’s right. That is a major oversight. | 对 真是个大疏忽 |
[1:14:27] | Okay, okay. So, if I’m Kate | 好吧 假如我是凯特 |
[1:14:30] | I can’t afford the finer things. | 我买不起高级的东西 |
[1:14:33] | My husband’s career is definitely a crushing disappointment to me. | 老公的事业很窝囊 |
[1:14:38] | I’m trapped in suburbia. | 住在鸟不生蛋的郊区 |
[1:14:43] | Did he ever take her to the city? | 他有没有带她进过城? |
[1:14:46] | Now you’re getting the hang of it. | 你终于抓到窍门了 |
[1:14:55] | Jack, can we afford this place? | 这里不会太贵吗? |
[1:14:57] | I’m taking my baby out for our anniversary. Damn the costs. | 我们庆祝纪念日 管它贵不贵 |
[1:15:04] | What do you want? | 来点什么? |
[1:15:06] | We’ll have the Terrine of Quail Breast with Shiitake Mushrooms to start. | 先来一份砂锅鹌鹑肉煮蘑菇 |
[1:15:11] | Then the Veal Medallions in Raspberry Truffle Sauce. | 然后薄片小牛肉淋覆盆子酱汁 |
[1:15:15] | And the Sea Scallops with Pureed Artichoke Hearts. | 然后鲍鱼煮朝鲜蓟花苞 |
[1:15:18] | Very good, sir. | 很好 先生 |
[1:15:20] | And may I say, those are all excellent selections. | 您真会点菜 |
[1:15:23] | You may. | 过奖 |
[1:15:24] | Also, we’ll have a bottle of Lafite, ’82. | 再来一瓶82年高级酒 |
[1:15:27] | Honey | 亲爱的 |
[1:15:28] | that’s an $800 bottle of wine. | 一瓶要800元呢 |
[1:15:33] | We’ll just have some red wine by the glass. | 那就两杯红葡萄酒吧 |
[1:15:42] | You are so not off the hook yet, Slick. | 我还没原谅你 老油条 |
[1:15:45] | But I’m getting close, right? | 快原谅了吧? |
[1:15:49] | You wanna dance? | 要不要跳舞? |
[1:15:53] | I-I don’t think there’s dancing here, Jack. | 这里不能跳舞的 |
[1:15:55] | Sure, there is. Come on. | 当然可以 |
[1:16:34] | Not bad for a tire salesman from New Jersey. | 没想到卖轮胎的舞技这么好 |
[1:16:36] | I have my moments. | 真人不露相 |
[1:16:44] | You gotta try one of these. | 吃吃看这个 |
[1:16:55] | God, I miss that taste. | 我真怀念这滋味 |
[1:17:01] | I need to tell you something. | 我有事情要告诉你 |
[1:17:07] | I think it may help us | 说出来可能较好 |
[1:17:10] | but there’s a slight chance it could make things worse. | 但也有可能更糟 |
[1:17:18] | I’m living someone else’s | 我过着别人的 |
[1:17:26] | I feel like I’m living someone else’s life. | 我好像过着别人的生活 |
[1:17:32] | I remember I used to walk to work, and | 我记得我会走路上班 |
[1:17:35] | I had a warm bialy in my hand | 手上拿着热腾腾的面包 |
[1:17:39] | and a hot cup of coffee from Dean & Deluca | 捧着纽约小店的咖啡 |
[1:17:43] | the crisp feeling of The Wall StreetJournal | 握着华尔街日报 |
[1:17:48] | the smell of leather from my briefcase. | 闻着公事包的皮革味 |
[1:17:50] | I used to be so sure about everything, confident. | 以前我自信满满 |
[1:17:55] | You know, I-I knew exactly who I was | 我知道我是谁 |
[1:17:58] | and what I wanted. | 知道我要什么 |
[1:18:01] | And then one morning, I woke up | 但有天早上醒来 |
[1:18:06] | and suddenly it was all different. | 一切都变了 |
[1:18:10] | Worse, do you mean? | 变糟了吗? |
[1:18:12] | No. | 不是 |
[1:18:14] | Well, maybe a few things | 有些部分是 但 |
[1:18:16] | but mostly just different. | 就是变了 |
[1:18:19] | And it’s okay. | 这倒无所谓 |
[1:18:21] | But I never used to be like this, Kate. | 但我从前不是这样的 |
[1:18:24] | I was the guy who had it all figured out. | 我会对一切都很肯定 |
[1:18:27] | I had no doubts. I had no regrets. | 没有怀疑 没有遗憾 |
[1:18:31] | And now? | 现在呢? |
[1:18:33] | Now I don’t. I don’t have it all figured out. | 现在我很困惑 |
[1:18:38] | Me neither. | 我也是 |
[1:18:40] | But you always seem so certain. | 但你看起来总是很肯定 |
[1:18:43] | Do you think there aren’t mornings when I wake up and wonder, “What the hell am I doing in New Jersey?” | 你以为我对人生从不失望? |
[1:18:47] | Yeah. Yeah. | 对 |
[1:18:48] | Yeah. | 对 |
[1:18:51] | My office is a dump. | 办公室像废墟 |
[1:18:53] | I answer my own phone, and you seen my paycheck. | 自己接电话 薪水少得可怜 |
[1:18:56] | Your paycheck is a disgrace to paychecks. | 你的薪水不配叫薪水 |
[1:19:01] | Can you imagine a life where everything was just easy? | 你能想像一帆风顺的生活吗? |
[1:19:06] | You know, where you ask for things, and people just bring them to you? | 你要什么都有人帮你准备? |
[1:19:11] | It’s wonderful. | 那样真好 |
[1:19:20] | I think about it too. | 我也会向往 |
[1:19:23] | I do. | 我也会 |
[1:19:24] | I wonder about what kind of life I would have had if I hadn’t married you. | 我会想如果没嫁你会怎样 |
[1:19:29] | And? | 然后呢? |
[1:19:32] | Then I realize I’ve just erased all the things in my life that I’m sure about. | 但这样就抹杀了最重要的东西 |
[1:19:37] | Youand the kids. | 你还有孩子们 |
[1:19:40] | Good things. | 美好的东西 |
[1:19:45] | What are you sure about? | 你肯定什么事? |
[1:19:49] | I’m sure that right now there’s nowhere else I’d rather be than here with you. | 我肯定我只想和你在一起 |
[1:20:17] | You like it? | 喜欢这里吗? |
[1:20:28] | This is beautiful. | 好美 |
[1:20:32] | You know champagne makes me do crazy things. | 我喝了香槟就会做怪事 |
[1:20:36] | I’ll just fill yours up to the top. | 那你多喝点 |
[1:20:43] | I don’t know how you did it, Hoss, but you pulled it off. | 你好神奇 将功赎罪了 |
[1:20:46] | I’m out of the doghouse? | 不气我了? |
[1:20:48] | Way out. | 不气了 |
[1:20:51] | Happy anniversary, sweetheart. | 结婚纪念日快乐 |
[1:20:58] | You may even get lucky tonight, Jack. | 今晚赏你个大礼 |
[1:21:08] | You’re so beautiful. | 你好美 |
[1:21:11] | I already told you you were gonna get lucky. | 不用谄媚也会赏你大礼的 |
[1:21:17] | My God. | 我的天啊 |
[1:21:20] | All this time, I never stopped loving you. | 这么久以来我一直是爱着你的 |
[1:21:31] | That’s all I wanted to hear. | 我就是想听这个 |
[1:22:04] | I’m gonna wear the usual today. | 我今天要穿平常的衣服 |
[1:22:09] | What are you thinking? You want to come to work with Dad | 想什么? 想跟爸爸去上班 |
[1:22:12] | help me sell tires? It’s fun. | 帮忙卖轮胎? 很好玩唷 |
[1:22:16] | I’m pretty good at it. Who’s this? | 我很会卖唷 这是谁? |
[1:22:18] | Who’s that? | 这是谁? |
[1:22:19] | Who is that? | 这是谁? |
[1:22:21] | Who’s on that tie? | 领带上是谁? |
[1:22:23] | That’s Grandpa. | 是外公 |
[1:22:41] | Have a great day. | 祝你一天顺利 |
[1:22:49] | For the money, this is hands down the best radial we carry. | 这是这个价位最棒的轮胎 |
[1:22:54] | Okay. I guess I’ll take ’em. | 好 买了 |
[1:22:56] | You won’t regret it. Tommy. | 包你不后悔 |
[1:22:57] | Would you set Mr.Collin up with four B.F.Goodrich G-Force T.A.’s? | 汤米 帮康先生拿四个固特异 |
[1:23:03] | Give him ten percent off for having the best costume. | 他是最佳服装 帮他打九折 |
[1:23:05] | Thank you. | 谢谢 |
[1:23:06] | You bet. | 哪里 |
[1:23:07] | Right this way, sir. Follow me. | 先生 这边请 |
[1:23:09] | Tell me, does the tire smell good? | 这轮胎会不会冒烟? |
[1:23:13] | Remember our Valentine’s Day special: | 本公司情人节特惠活动: |
[1:23:15] | balance and alignment for free! | 免费调换并调整轮胎! |
[1:23:24] | How are you doin’ today? | 您好 |
[1:23:25] | It just blew out on me. | 突然爆胎 |
[1:23:27] | Do you have a tire like that? | 有没有类似的轮胎? |
[1:23:31] | I seem to have some sort of a blow out here. | 我的车子爆胎 |
[1:23:34] | Why don’t you let me take this one, Kenny? | 我来 肯尼 |
[1:23:35] | Okay, chief. | 是 老板 |
[1:23:37] | Peter Lassiter. | 彼得拉席 |
[1:23:40] | Do I know you? | 我认识你吗? |
[1:23:41] | Not exactly. I’ve seen you on CNBC. | 不算认识 我在电视上看过你 |
[1:23:44] | You look taller in real life. | 你本人比较高 |
[1:23:47] | Truth is, Mintz was so busy timing his wife’s breathing | 但敏兹忙着算他老婆的呼吸 |
[1:23:51] | he didn’t realize that MedTech needed Global more than the other way around. | 不知道美达比环球更急需合并 |
[1:23:55] | Ten days, two weeks tops, they would have approached you with an offer. | 不出两星期就会主动上门 |
[1:23:59] | I’m willing to bet anything it would have been 130 billion | 保证他们会出1千300亿 |
[1:24:01] | not 122. | 而不是1千220亿 |
[1:24:03] | The trouble is | 问题是 |
[1:24:04] | Peter, you had a pussycat running the show. What you needed was a Doberman. | 负责人太软弱 你需要个铁腕 |
[1:24:10] | I’m impressed. | 你很不错嘛 |
[1:24:12] | I really am. | 真的不错 |
[1:24:15] | Now, about my car | 至于我的车子 |
[1:24:19] | Sure. | 没问题 |
[1:24:20] | We’re gonna have to special order that tire, so it’ll be ready in a couple of days. | 你的轮胎要叫货 几天才会到 |
[1:24:24] | All right. | 好 |
[1:24:25] | This is | 这是 |
[1:24:27] | my office address. | 我公司的地址 |
[1:24:34] | Why don’t you drop off the car yourself? | 你亲自帮我把车开回去吧? |
[1:25:07] | We’re really more of a boutique operation, as you can see. | 公司很小 见笑了 |
[1:25:10] | But you’re not interested in boutique dollars. I get it. | 但看得出您雄心不小 |
[1:25:12] | He’s expecting you, Mr.Lassiter. | 他在等您 拉席先生 |
[1:25:17] | Alan | 阿伦 |
[1:25:19] | this is Jack Campbell | 这位是杰克坎柏 |
[1:25:20] | the one I was telling you about. | 我跟你提过的 |
[1:25:22] | Of course. Jack. | 对 杰克 |
[1:25:24] | Hi. Mr.Mintz. | 敏兹先生 |
[1:25:25] | No, just call me Alan. We like to cultivate a very casual atmosphere here. | 叫我阿伦 我们喜欢轻松气氛 |
[1:25:31] | I can see that. | 看得出来 |
[1:25:32] | What can I tell you? Do you have kids? | 家有小孩嘛 你有吗? |
[1:25:35] | Uh, actually, yes. | 有 |
[1:25:36] | Two of’em. | 有两个 |
[1:25:37] | Good ones. | 很乖 |
[1:25:38] | Great, great. Why don’t you have a seat? | 好极了 请坐 |
[1:25:42] | Peter mentioned to me that you’re an avid CNBC watcher. | 彼得说你爱看财经频道 |
[1:25:46] | But he didn’t say whether you had any actual Wall Street experience. | 但没说你有没有财经背景 |
[1:25:53] | Um, I was a sales associate at E.F.Hutton. | 我在霍登证券当过营业员 |
[1:25:57] | A broker, really? | 营业员 真的? |
[1:25:59] | And now you’re in the tire business? | 现在从事轮胎业? |
[1:26:01] | That’s right. And auto supply. | 对 汽车零件业 |
[1:26:03] | In the retail end, I understand. | 零售业是吧? |
[1:26:06] | We get about 60 percent of our business from automotive service. | 我们60%的营收来自修车服务 |
[1:26:10] | And do you mind me asking what kind of sales you did in the last year? | 你们去年营业额如何? |
[1:26:15] | Just ball park. We did 1.7 million in total revenue. | 营收1百70万 |
[1:26:18] | 1.7. That’s great. | 1百70万 很不错 |
[1:26:21] | And what do you project for this year? | 今年预计如何? |
[1:26:22] | I think we’re gonna have a banner year. | 今年会大丰收 |
[1:26:27] | and we just landed a major trucking company account. | 而且我们刚谈妥一个大客户 |
[1:26:29] | You did? That’s great. | 漂亮 |
[1:26:31] | So that puts you just a tad over two million? | 所以说今年会超过2百万? |
[1:26:33] | That’s right. | 对 |
[1:26:34] | And that would make us number one in our market. | 这样就变成最大的供应商 |
[1:26:37] | Excuse me. I’m gonna get a glass of water. | 不好意思 我喝杯水 |
[1:26:50] | Look | 是这样 |
[1:26:51] | I know our paltry little $2 million in sales | 我知道区区2百万的营业额 |
[1:26:54] | is about what you spend a year on office supplies. | 在你们看来只是零头 |
[1:26:57] | And some regional trucking company account is nothing compared to a multi-billion-dollar merger | 和你们比起来是小巫见大巫 |
[1:27:03] | No, no, no. I’m not trying to knock the tire business. | 我无意贬低轮胎业 |
[1:27:04] | It’s okay. I get it. | 没关系 我了解 |
[1:27:07] | I’m in your shoes, I’m thinking the same thing, but | 我的想法和你一样 但是 |
[1:27:10] | here’s the deal. Business is business. Wall Street, Main Street. | 无论大城小镇 生意就是生意 |
[1:27:13] | It’s all a bunch of people getting up in the morning, trying to figure out how they’re going to send their kids to college. | 不过就是帮孩子筹钱上大学 |
[1:27:18] | It’s just people | 生意的重点在人 |
[1:27:21] | and I know people. | 我很了解人 |
[1:27:23] | I’m sure you do. | 那是一定的 |
[1:27:24] | Take you, for instance, Alan. | 比方说你吧 阿伦 |
[1:27:25] | You have a certain energy about you, an active kind of energy. | 你有冲劲 积极进取 |
[1:27:28] | I wouldn’t be surprised if you drank about 16 Diet Cokes a day. | 一天喝16瓶可乐 |
[1:27:32] | You’re an excellent father | 你是个好爸爸 |
[1:27:33] | but you feel guilty about the time you spend away from home. | 不常在家会让你有罪恶感 |
[1:27:36] | You drink bourbon, but you offer your clients Scotch. | 你喝廉价酒 请客却请高级酒 |
[1:27:40] | And your wife decorated this office. | 你的办公室是你老婆面置的 |
[1:27:43] | He certainly seems to have your number. | 他对你了若指掌 |
[1:27:46] | You’re a little tougher, Peter. | 你比较难了解 |
[1:27:47] | For one thing, you like expensive things. | 你喜欢昂贵的东西 |
[1:27:51] | That’s easy. | 这很简单 |
[1:27:52] | You’ve seen my car. | 你看过我的车 |
[1:27:55] | You smoke Hoyo de Monterreys. | 你抽昂贵的雪茄 |
[1:27:57] | You’re a Scotch man, single malt | 你喝顶级的威士忌 |
[1:27:59] | not because it’s trendy | 不是赶流行 |
[1:28:00] | but because you’ve been doing it for 40 years and you like to stay with what works. | 而是你40年的老习惯 |
[1:28:05] | You have two great loves in your life | 你一生中有两个最爱 |
[1:28:07] | your horses | 一是你的马 |
[1:28:09] | and this company. | 二是这间公司 |
[1:28:11] | And you’re a man who prides himself in finding talent in unusual places. | 你喜欢在不寻常处发掘人才 |
[1:28:17] | How would you know that? | 你怎么知道? |
[1:28:18] | Because I’m here. | 因为你把我找来了 |
[1:28:20] | I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to get this job. | 我会尽全力争取这个工作 |
[1:28:23] | I’ll start wherever I have to start. I’ll park cars if I have to. | 我甚至愿意从泊车小弟做起 |
[1:28:27] | The biggest part of judging character is knowing yourself | 人要先懂自己才能识人 |
[1:28:29] | and I know this | 我很清楚 |
[1:28:31] | I can do this job. | 我能胜任这工作 |
[1:28:33] | I can. | 绝对可以 |
[1:28:34] | Give me a chance, Peter. | 给我个机会 |
[1:28:36] | I won’t let you down. | 我不会让你失望 |
[1:28:43] | Alan | 阿伦 |
[1:28:45] | why don’t you show Jack around? | 你带杰克到处参观一下 |
[1:28:48] | This is our war room. We did seven major deals in here last year | 我们去年搞定7件案子 |
[1:28:50] | three of themhostile. | 其中3件厮杀惨烈 |
[1:28:53] | Yeah. | 对 |
[1:28:54] | You get a kind of a feeling from | 这儿的气氛 |
[1:28:56] | Can we cut the shit here for a minute? Where did you get that information? | 你明说吧 资料怎么弄到的? |
[1:28:59] | Did you go through his wallet? Did you surf some Net? | 翻他皮夹? 查网路? |
[1:29:01] | It doesn’t really matter because that circus act you pulled back there | 都无所谓 |
[1:29:03] | may have dazzled Lassiter, but it doesn’t cut any shit with me. | 你骗得过拉席 骗不过我 |
[1:29:07] | Even if you get this job, which I highly doubt, let me just give you a word of warning. | 就算他要用你 我也先警告你 |
[1:29:09] | Peter Lassiter gets tired of his pet projects very, very quickly. | 拉席对新玩意只有三分钟热度 |
[1:29:15] | I’ve got that big office because I prove myself to him year after year after year. | 我努力打拚很久才坐上这位子 |
[1:29:19] | Nobody is gonna come in here and turn the old man’s head, especially not some tire salesman from New Jersey. | 小镇售货员别想靠耍把戏取胜 |
[1:29:25] | So if you’re cautious and you’re quiet | 如果你乖一点 |
[1:29:27] | you watch yourself, stay away from Lassiter | 离拉席远一点 |
[1:29:28] | maybe I’ll think about keeping you on here after he gets bored with you. | 等他厌倦你我会考虑留你 |
[1:29:33] | Do we understand each other? | 你懂吧? |
[1:29:37] | Alan! | 阿伦! |
[1:29:39] | God, you really are different. | 你果真不一样了 |
[1:29:41] | Excuse me? | 什么? |
[1:29:42] | I mean, wow! | 不简单! |
[1:29:44] | I’m impressed. I’m impressed. | 我真是刮目相看 |
[1:29:46] | Good for you. | 你不错嘛 |
[1:29:49] | Are we understanding each other? | 你懂我说什么吗? |
[1:29:52] | Yes, Alan, I understand you. | 我懂 我懂 |
[1:29:54] | Okay then. | 很好 |
[1:29:55] | Good. | 很好 |
[1:29:57] | Good. | 很好 |
[1:29:58] | Okay. Okay. | 很好 |
[1:30:10] | Keep your eyes closed. Hold on. | 别张开眼睛 等一下 |
[1:30:16] | Go ahead. Open your eyes. | 好 张开吧 |
[1:30:19] | Welcome to Xanadu. | 欢迎来到水晶宫 |
[1:30:25] | It’s pretty incredible, isn’t it? | 很炫吧? |
[1:30:27] | It’s like a museum. | 好像个博物馆 |
[1:30:34] | Look around. | 到处看看 |
[1:30:44] | So what’s the big surprise? | 你说的惊喜是什么? |
[1:30:46] | You didn’t rent this for the weekend, did you? | 我们周末来度假? |
[1:30:49] | Thinkbigger. | 更棒 |
[1:30:52] | For the week? | 住一整星期? |
[1:30:54] | This place is a perk, Kate. | 这房子是福利 |
[1:30:58] | A perk? | 福利? |
[1:31:01] | For what? | 什么福利? |
[1:31:03] | A company called P.K.Lassiter Investment House | 有个叫拉席的投资公司 |
[1:31:06] | uses it to attract new executives. | 用这房子吸引新主管 |
[1:31:10] | I’m going into arbitrage, honey. | 我要加入金融界了 |
[1:31:13] | It turns out I have a knack for it. | 我在那方面有天赋 |
[1:31:17] | Jack, what are you talking about? | 你说什么? |
[1:31:18] | I’ll be making twice what I make now, plus a hefty bonus. | 我的收入会是现在的两倍 |
[1:31:21] | That’s just to start. And we can live in this apartment | 还有丰厚的奖金 而且 |
[1:31:24] | practically rent free | 我们在找到新房子前 |
[1:31:27] | until we find a place of our own. | 可以免费住在这里 |
[1:31:30] | Are you out of your mind? | 你疯了? |
[1:31:33] | I don’t think so. | 我没疯 |
[1:31:34] | This is gonna be a better life for all of us. We can put Annie and Josh into private schools. | 我们可以送小孩去念私立学校 |
[1:31:38] | Annie goes to a great school, Jack. | 安妮现在的学校很棒 |
[1:31:40] | I’m talking about the best schools in the country here. | 她可以念全国最棒的学校 |
[1:31:42] | What could you possibly be thinking about? | 你是怎么想的? |
[1:31:45] | What about my job? | 那我的工作怎么办? |
[1:31:47] | Well, this is New York City. It’s like the needy people capital of the world. | 纽约的工作机会多得数不清 |
[1:31:51] | Your Jersey clients aren’t a tenth as pathetic as the ones you could find here. | 新泽西的客户哪比得上这里的 |
[1:31:55] | I can’t even believe you’re talking about moving back into the city. | 我不敢相信你竟然想搬回城里 |
[1:31:58] | I thought the reason we left was because we didn’t want to raise the kids here. | 我们不要小孩在这长大才搬走 |
[1:32:02] | No. No. | 不 不 |
[1:32:03] | This is the center of the universe. | 这里是世界的中心 |
[1:32:06] | If I were living in Roman times, I would live in Rome. Where else? | 我若生在罗马时代就要住罗马 |
[1:32:08] | Today America is the Roman empire. | 美国就是罗马帝国 |
[1:32:10] | New York is Rome itself. | 纽约就是罗马 |
[1:32:12] | Jack! | 杰克 |
[1:32:12] | Okay | 好吧 |
[1:32:13] | you know something? I’m detecting, like, a funky tension here. | 显然你不以为然 |
[1:32:17] | This was supposed to be a happy day, so guess what? | 今天本来应该要很愉快 |
[1:32:19] | I don’t need this. | 好吧 算了 |
[1:32:21] | We don’t have to live here. Forget it. | 不住这了 算了 |
[1:32:24] | I’ll commute. I’ll drive to work. | 我退一步 我开车上班 |
[1:32:26] | In traffic, it’s over an hour each way. | 开车要1个多小时 |
[1:32:29] | That’s three hours every day. | 来回要3小时 |
[1:32:31] | When are you ever going to see the kids? | 那你要什么时间见小孩? |
[1:32:33] | Kate. | 凯特 |
[1:32:35] | You’re not understanding me. | 你没听懂我的话 |
[1:32:37] | I’m talking about a perfect life, a great life. | 我们会有美好的生活 |
[1:32:41] | Everything we pictured when we were young. The whole package. | 年轻时一切的梦想都会实现 |
[1:32:44] | You said so yourself. Life has thrown us a few surprises. | 你自己说人生充满意外 |
[1:32:47] | We made sacrifices. Well, guess what? | 不得不有所牺牲 |
[1:32:48] | Now I can finally get us back on track. | 现在不用牺牲了 |
[1:32:51] | I can do that, Kate. | 我做得到 |
[1:32:52] | I want to do that. | 我想这样做 |
[1:32:54] | I need to do that as a man! | 我要这么做! |
[1:32:57] | For all of us. | 我是为全家着想 |
[1:33:01] | Please just think about this for one second. | 请你考虑一下 |
[1:33:04] | No more lousy restaurants. | 不用再去烂餐厅吃饭 |
[1:33:07] | No more clipping coupons. | 不用再剪折价券 |
[1:33:10] | No more shoveling snow. | 不用再铲雪 |
[1:33:11] | Then get a goddamn snowblower, Jack! | 你可以买铲雪机! |
[1:33:14] | Don’t go get a new career without even telling me about it! | 不要不跟我商量就换工作! |
[1:33:19] | And don’tdon’t take Annie out of a school she loves. | 不要让安妮离开她喜欢的学校 |
[1:33:22] | Don’t move us out of a house we’ve become a family in. | 不要让我们搬出温馨的家 |
[1:33:29] | Don’t you see? | 你不懂吗? |
[1:33:33] | I’m talking about us finally having a life | 我们终于可以过 |
[1:33:36] | that other people envy. | 人人羡慕的生活 |
[1:33:38] | Oh, Jack. | 杰克 |
[1:33:41] | They already do envy us. | 大家已经羡慕我们了 |
[1:34:44] | From London to New York. | 伦敦飞纽约 |
[1:34:49] | I came back. | 我回来了 |
[1:34:59] | When you got on that plane | 你上飞机时 |
[1:35:00] | I was sure it was over. | 我以为我们完了 |
[1:35:05] | I left the airport afraid I’d never see you again. | 我以为我再也见不到你了 |
[1:35:09] | And then you showed up the very next day. | 但第二天你就回来了 |
[1:35:15] | That was a good surprise. | 真是个美好的惊喜 |
[1:35:21] | You know | 我 |
[1:35:23] | I think about the decision you made. | 我考虑了你的决定 |
[1:35:31] | Maybe I was being naive | 我可能太天真了 |
[1:35:33] | but I believed that we would grow old together in this house | 我以为我们会在这里白头到老 |
[1:35:38] | that we’d spend holidays here and | 我们会在这里度过假期 |
[1:35:45] | have our grandchildren come visit us here. | 孙儿们会回来看我们 |
[1:35:50] | I had this image of us all gray and wrinkly | 我想像过我们头发苍苍满脸皱纹 |
[1:35:56] | and meworking in the garden | 我在花园种花 |
[1:35:59] | and you repainting the deck. | 你重漆露台 |
[1:36:13] | But things change. | 但情况变了 |
[1:36:20] | If you need this, Jack | 如果你想要这份工作 |
[1:36:23] | if you really need this | 如果你真的那么想要 |
[1:36:25] | I will take these kids from a life they love | 我会带孩子离开心爱的环境 |
[1:36:27] | and I’ll take myself from the only home we’ve ever shared together | 带我自己离开我们唯一的家 |
[1:36:31] | and I’ll move wherever you need to go. | 你要搬去哪我就搬去哪 |
[1:36:35] | I’ll do that because I love you. | 我这样做是因为我爱你 |
[1:36:40] | I love you | 我爱你 |
[1:36:42] | and that’s more important to me than our address. | 这比住在哪里更重要 |
[1:36:49] | I choose us. | 我要我们在一起 |
[1:37:31] | I’m gonna chase you. | 我追你 |
[1:37:33] | You can’t catch me. | 你抓不到我 |
[1:37:34] | No, you can’t. You can’t. | 你抓不到我 |
[1:37:44] | I fell down. | 我跌倒了 |
[1:37:50] | I knew you’d come back. | 我就知道你会回来 |
[1:37:59] | Annie. | 安妮 |
[1:38:01] | I love you. | 我爱你 |
[1:38:25] | What are you doing? | 你在干嘛? |
[1:38:27] | Ringing my bell. | 按铃啊 |
[1:38:38] | 4.99? It’s just salt, for God sakes. | 4块99? 这么贵的盐? |
[1:38:43] | Ninety-nine cents, darlin’. | 9毛9 |
[1:38:47] | Out of ten. | 收您10元 |
[1:38:49] | You. | 是你 |
[1:38:50] | Jack! | 杰克! |
[1:38:52] | What’s up? How you feeling, baby? | 你好吗? |
[1:38:54] | Why are you here? | 你在这干嘛? |
[1:38:59] | Here’s your change, darlin’. | 找您的钱 |
[1:39:01] | 5 6 7 8 Five, six, seven, eight | |
[1:39:05] | nine, oh-one. | 9块1分 |
[1:39:07] | Is that rock salt? | 你买盐? |
[1:39:08] | Look at you, man. Went and got all domestic and everything. | 你变新好男人了 |
[1:39:13] | You really figured some things out, huh? | 你得到领悟了? |
[1:39:15] | You’re not sending me back. | 你不能送我回去 |
[1:39:18] | Everything okay? | 没问题吧? |
[1:39:20] | Yeah. | 没 |
[1:39:23] | Hey, did you hear me? | 你听到我说话吗? |
[1:39:25] | I’m talking to you. | 我在跟你说话 |
[1:39:28] | You see that? | 你看看 |
[1:39:29] | And for what, for nine bucks? That’s just so disappointing. | 就为了9块钱? 真令人失望 |
[1:39:33] | I’m not going back. | 我不要回去 |
[1:39:34] | You understand me? | 听懂没? |
[1:39:35] | Okay, relax, Jack. | 冷静点 |
[1:39:36] | You can’t do this. | 你不能这样 |
[1:39:38] | You can’t keep coming in and out of people’s lives, messing things up. It’s not right. | 你不能到处搞乱别人的生活 |
[1:39:42] | A glimpse, by definition, is an impermanent thing, Jack. | 体验本来就是暂时的事 |
[1:39:59] | I’ve got kids. | 我有小孩 |
[1:40:00] | I’m goin’ home. | 我要回家了 |
[1:41:01] | Is it morning yet? | 天亮了吗? |
[1:41:03] | No, honey. | 还没 |
[1:41:05] | Go back to sleep. | 你继续睡 |
[1:41:14] | Take care, Annie. | 保重 安妮 |
[1:41:17] | I’m going back to the mother ship. | 我要回外太空了 |
[1:41:38] | These past few weeks | 我知道我这几星期来 |
[1:41:40] | I know I’ve done some | 做了 |
[1:41:43] | some unusual things. | 很多奇怪的事 |
[1:41:46] | It’s been interesting, that’s for sure. | 倒也是挺有趣的 |
[1:41:51] | I’ve done some good things, too, though, haven’t I? | 但我也做过好事吧? |
[1:41:55] | You’ve been Jack Campbell | 你是杰克坎柏 |
[1:41:57] | and that’s always a good thing. | 这就是好事 |
[1:42:05] | I need you to remember me, Kate. | 请你记得我 凯特 |
[1:42:08] | How I am right now | 记得我现在的样子 |
[1:42:11] | at this very moment. | 此刻的样子 |
[1:42:14] | I need you to put that image in your heart and keep it there. | 把我现在的样子记在心里 |
[1:42:18] | Keep it with you no matter what happens. | 无论如何都别忘记 |
[1:42:23] | Are you okay? | 你还好吗? |
[1:42:24] | Yeah. Yeah. | 没事 |
[1:42:28] | Please just promise me. | 请你答应我 |
[1:42:30] | You have to promise me, because if you don’t, then it’s like it never happened | 答应我 否则一切就是一场空 |
[1:42:33] | and I don’t think I can live with that. | 我会受不了 |
[1:42:37] | I promise. | 我答应你 |
[1:42:41] | Promise me again. | 再说一次 |
[1:42:47] | I promise. | 我答应你 |
[1:42:49] | Okay. | 好 |
[1:42:50] | Now come to bed. | 上床吧 |
[1:42:54] | Soon. | 马上来 |
[1:44:54] | What time is it? | 现在几点? |
[1:44:56] | 10:30. | 10点半 |
[1:44:57] | Okay. | 好 |
[1:45:29] | Waiting for me by the door, huh? | 你在门边等我? |
[1:45:31] | Paula. | 宝拉 |
[1:45:34] | Wow | 我 |
[1:45:35] | Merry Christmas. | 圣诞快乐 |
[1:45:37] | Christmas? | 圣诞? |
[1:45:39] | It’s not Christmas. | 今天不是圣诞节 |
[1:45:41] | It’s whatever you want it to be, Jack. | 你爱什么节就什么节 |
[1:45:44] | It’s not Christmas. | 不是圣诞节 |
[1:45:45] | Jack. | 杰克 |
[1:45:47] | Jack? | 杰克? |
[1:46:34] | Can I help you? | 有什么事吗? |
[1:46:36] | Is Kate here? | 凯特在不在? |
[1:46:39] | Does Kate live here? | 凯特住这里吗? |
[1:46:40] | Kate? No. There’s nobody named Kate here. | 这里没人叫凯特 |
[1:46:46] | Of course not. | 我想也是 |
[1:46:49] | You okay? | 你还好吗? |
[1:46:53] | No. | 不好 |
[1:47:10] | Hello. | 喂 |
[1:47:11] | Santa Claus | 圣诞老人 |
[1:47:11] | where are you? Everybody’s here. | 你在哪? 大家都来了 |
[1:47:14] | Adelle? | 黛儿? |
[1:47:15] | You’re a half an hour late. | 你迟到半小时了 |
[1:47:17] | The emergency strategy session, trip to Aspen? | 不是要开会? 要去亚斯本? |
[1:47:20] | Is this ringing any bells? | 忘记了? |
[1:47:22] | Everybody is panicked here, Jack. | 大伙儿都在紧张 杰克 |
[1:47:27] | Jack? | 杰克? |
[1:47:30] | I’ll be there in 20 minutes. | 我20分钟就到 |
[1:47:33] | No, I’m not gonna go talk to them until I have something to talk to them about. | 没有消息前我不要和他们谈 |
[1:47:37] | Steve, I don’t care if it’s Christmas day. We’re in a crisis here. | 我管你圣诞不圣诞 |
[1:47:40] | Wait a minute. Jack just walked in. I’ll call you back. Jack. | 等等 我再回电 |
[1:47:42] | Thank God that you’re | 杰克 谢天谢地 你来 |
[1:47:45] | You’re here. Are you all right? | 你还好吗? |
[1:47:47] | What’s going on here? | 怎么了? |
[1:47:48] | What’swell, it’s not good. | 情况不妙 |
[1:47:51] | Bob Thomas has been talking to a European drug company, Jack | 鲍勃托马斯偷偷和 |
[1:47:53] | and we don’t know which one. | 不知欧洲哪家药厂交涉 |
[1:47:56] | They’re gonna let Bob buy a minority stake | 他们会让他有少数股份 |
[1:47:58] | and let him keep running the entire company. | 原公司继续经营 |
[1:48:00] | Global knows. I don’t know how they know, but they know | 环球不知怎么知道的 |
[1:48:03] | and they’re up in arms. | 气炸了 |
[1:48:04] | They think that somehow we should have been prepared for this. Prepared! | 他们觉得我们该有应变措施 |
[1:48:09] | Oh, God, we’re in trouble. | 天哪 我们麻烦大了 |
[1:48:11] | You know something, Alan? | 阿伦 你知道吗? |
[1:48:14] | Somewhere inside of you | 你有潜力 |
[1:48:16] | there’s a much more assertive person. | 你可以强悍一点 |
[1:48:19] | Is this another one of those Sun Tzu Art of War tricks? | 这又是孙子兵法的一招吗? |
[1:48:24] | No. | 不是 |
[1:48:25] | So what are we gonna do, Jack? | 现在怎么办 杰克? |
[1:48:29] | Jack? | 杰克? |
[1:48:33] | I’ll tell you exactly what we’re going to do. | 我告诉你怎么办 |
[1:48:36] | You’re going to do whatever you have to do to find out | 你设法查出 |
[1:48:37] | which European company he’s been talking to. | 他交涉的是欧洲哪家药厂 |
[1:48:41] | Then I’m going to clean myself up | 我整理一下仪容 |
[1:48:45] | fly to Aspen | 飞去亚斯本 |
[1:48:46] | and drink eggnog with Bob Thomas. | 找鲍勃托马斯喝蛋酒 |
[1:48:50] | His wife and kids will be playing in the background in the snow | 他的妻小一边玩雪 |
[1:48:53] | while I convince him that the European company is the devil | 我一边说服他放弃那欧洲公司 |
[1:48:58] | and Global is the answer to his prayers. | 因为环球最符合他的需要 |
[1:49:02] | Then I’m gonna spend four hours skiing. | 然后我要滑4小时的雪 |
[1:49:05] | Alone. | 一个人滑 |
[1:49:07] | Completely and utterly alone. | 完完全全一个人 |
[1:49:13] | I’m going to do that because | 这样做是因为 |
[1:49:16] | that is my life, that’s what’s real | 这就是我的人生 真实人生 |
[1:49:19] | and there’s nothing I can do to change that. | 我无法改变它 |
[1:49:40] | For Manhattan. | 曼哈顿区 |
[1:49:42] | Kate Reynolds. | 凯特雷诺 |
[1:49:49] | I need an address too. | 还要地址 |
[1:50:16] | It’s very fragile, so I want you to be very careful with it, okay? | 这是易碎品 小心点 |
[1:50:20] | It’s valuable. It’s over 300 years old. | 这是300年的古董 |
[1:50:21] | You’ll probably need a few guys to carry it. All right. | 要多几个人一起搬 |
[1:50:23] | The painting is also very, very old, so take extra care. | 这幅画很古老 |
[1:50:26] | It means a lot to Kate, okay? I appreciate it. | 要格外小心 凯特很重视这个 |
[1:50:32] | Yeah? | 你好? |
[1:50:33] | What? | 什么事? |
[1:50:34] | Are you from the moving company? | 你是搬家公司的吗? |
[1:50:36] | I’m Jack Campbell. | 我是杰克坎柏 |
[1:50:37] | I’m an oldfriend of Kate’s. | 是凯特的老朋友 |
[1:50:41] | Kate, some guy is here. | 凯特 有人找你 |
[1:50:43] | Did you call the airline like I asked you to do? | 打电话给航空公司没有? |
[1:50:47] | Jack. | 杰克 |
[1:50:49] | Kate. | 凯特 |
[1:50:50] | God, it’s been a long time. | 好久不见了 |
[1:50:52] | You look | 你 |
[1:50:53] | You look great. | 你气色很好 |
[1:50:55] | Thanks. | 谢谢 |
[1:50:58] | I | 我 |
[1:50:59] | Come on in. Come on in. I’m just doing some | 快请进 我刚好在 |
[1:51:02] | Lori, do you know where those boxes? | 萝莉 那几个箱子呢? |
[1:51:06] | I’m sorry. | 对不起 |
[1:51:08] | No, no, no! You know what Jack. Don’t Please. | 不 不 不! 杰克 不用忙 |
[1:51:10] | I don’t even care. | 那些东西不重要 |
[1:51:13] | Oh, great. Thank you. | 太好了 谢谢 |
[1:51:16] | What’s going on? | 怎么回事? |
[1:51:17] | I’m moving to Paris. | 我要搬去巴黎 |
[1:51:19] | Hey, Lori | 萝莉 |
[1:51:20] | have you seen that box? It says “Jack” on it. | 看到写着杰克的箱子没有? |
[1:51:23] | I put it with the rest of the Salvation Army stuff. | 跟旧衣回收箱放在一起 |
[1:51:25] | Do you want me to look for the box or call the airline, Kate? | 先找箱子还是先打电话? |
[1:51:28] | Hey, kind of under a little pressure here. | 我压力很大 |
[1:51:30] | Hey, kind of giving up Christmas day for my ex-boss here. | 我放弃假日帮以前老板的忙 |
[1:51:34] | Hey, didn’t mind offering to help when she was opening the Prada bag I gave her. | 我送你名牌皮包时你倒不介意 |
[1:51:39] | Maybe it’s by the wardrobe boxes. | 说不定在装衣服的箱子旁边 |
[1:51:41] | Thank you. | 谢谢 |
[1:51:43] | So you’re moving. | 你要搬家了? |
[1:51:45] | Yeah, to Paris. | 对 搬去巴黎 |
[1:51:47] | My firm has an office there. I’m gonna be heading it up. | 我们巴黎有分公司 我去掌管 |
[1:51:50] | Paris. | 巴黎 |
[1:51:52] | Paris, France? | 法国的巴黎? |
[1:51:53] | That’s the one. | 就是那个 |
[1:51:56] | So you’reyou’re not at a nonprofit firm? | 你不是公益性律师? |
[1:51:59] | God, no, not with what they pay me. | 才不是 我薪水没那么低 |
[1:52:03] | Are you married? | 你结婚了吗? |
[1:52:05] | No, I never got married, Jack. You? | 我没结过婚 你呢? |
[1:52:08] | Not exactly. | 不算有 |
[1:52:10] | Look, could we take a minute here, maybe go get a cup of coffee or something? | 我们能不能聊聊 喝喝咖啡? |
[1:52:15] | I’ll go for a cup of coffee. | 我想喝咖啡 |
[1:52:16] | Yes. I found it. | 找到了 |
[1:52:19] | Congratulations. Your earlier flight was cancelled | 恭喜 你的航班取消了 |
[1:52:21] | but I got you out of Kennedy on Dited at 7:00. | 我帮你订了七点的 |
[1:52:24] | Excellent. | 好 |
[1:52:26] | Am I good or what? | 我不赖吧? |
[1:52:28] | Yes, you’re brilliant. | 你太棒了 |
[1:52:30] | Here you go. It’s just some old stuff of yours. | 来 你的旧东西 |
[1:52:34] | Do you ever think about us, Kate? | 你有没有想过我们的事? |
[1:52:38] | About what might have happened? | 想过不分手会怎样? |
[1:52:46] | Jack, I’ll tell you what. | 我看这样 |
[1:52:47] | If you’re ever in Paris | 你哪天去巴黎 |
[1:52:49] | look me up and we’ll go have that cup of coffee, okay? | 我们再一起喝咖啡 |
[1:52:52] | Or cafe. Or cafe au lait. | 喝拿铁好了 |
[1:52:54] | Don’t close that up. I will never find this box again. | 等等 不要封 我会找不到 |
[1:52:59] | Well, I marked it. | 我做记号了 |
[1:53:00] | Just be more specific next time. | 不够清楚 |
[1:53:06] | We’ll leave it open then. | 剩下的时间只够开箱 |
[1:53:09] | I was just trying to close it up. | 但我是在打包啊 |
[1:53:16] | Make a right here. | 右转 |
[1:53:18] | Sir, you’re gonna be late for your flight. | 先生 你搭飞机会迟到 |
[1:53:21] | We’re not going to the airport. | 我们不去机场了 |
[1:54:51] | You can’t leave this here. | 车不能停在这里 |
[1:54:53] | You can’t park here! | 这里不能停车! |
[1:55:20] | Kate! | 凯特! |
[1:55:21] | You can’t go. | 你不能走 |
[1:55:23] | Don’t get on that plane. | 不要上飞机 |
[1:55:25] | Please | 求求你 |
[1:55:26] | let’s just go have a cup of coffee. That’s all I’m asking for. | 我只是希望和你喝杯咖啡 |
[1:55:29] | I’m sure there’s another flight to Paris tonight. | 晚一点一定还有飞巴黎的班机 |
[1:55:32] | Jack. | 杰克 |
[1:55:34] | What are you doing here? | 你来干嘛? |
[1:55:40] | Do you need closure? | 你是不是觉得亏欠我? |
[1:55:42] | Because if you do, after all these years | 事情过了这么久 |
[1:55:44] | you got it. I’m okay. | 你放心 我没事 |
[1:55:47] | I’m fine. | 我好得很 |
[1:55:50] | II was heartbroken, Jack | 当时我很难过 |
[1:55:53] | but I got over it, I moved on, and | 但我已经走出低潮重新开始了 |
[1:55:58] | you should move on too. | 你也该重新开始 |
[1:56:02] | Okay? I’m sorry. I just can’t | 懂吗? 真抱歉 我 |
[1:56:06] | I’ve gotta go. | 我要走了 |
[1:56:08] | I-II’m sorry, Jack. | 对不起 杰克 |
[1:56:10] | I’m sorry. Excuse me. | 抱歉 我得走了 |
[1:56:16] | Can I justI’m sorry. I was here. | 我能不能不好意思 我的在这里 |
[1:56:31] | We have a house in Jersey! | 我们在新泽西有个家! |
[1:56:36] | We have two kids. | 我们有两个孩子 |
[1:56:37] | Annie and Josh. | 安妮和贾施 |
[1:56:40] | Annie’s not much of a violin player, but she tries real hard. | 安妮小提琴拉不好 但很努力 |
[1:56:44] | She’s a little precocious | 她有点早熟 |
[1:56:45] | but that’s only because she says what’s on her mind. | 因为她很直率 |
[1:56:49] | And when she smiles | 她的微笑 |
[1:56:55] | And Josh | 还有贾施 |
[1:56:57] | he has your eyes. | 他的眼睛像你 |
[1:56:59] | He doesn’t say much, but we know he’s smart. | 他话不多 但很聪明 |
[1:57:03] | He’s always got his eyes open. | 他总是睁大眼睛 |
[1:57:05] | You know, he’s always watching us. | 观察我们 |
[1:57:07] | Sometimes | 有时 |
[1:57:09] | you can look at him and you just know | 你只要看着他就知道 |
[1:57:11] | he’s learning something new. | 他在学新东西 |
[1:57:14] | It’s like witnessing a miracle. | 就像目睹奇迹一样 |
[1:57:18] | The house is a mess, but it’s ours. | 房子很乱 但那是我们的窝 |
[1:57:21] | After 122 more payments, it’s going to be ours. | 再付122次贷款就是我们的了 |
[1:57:25] | And you | 而你 |
[1:57:27] | you’re a nonprofit lawyer. | 你是个公益性律师 |
[1:57:30] | That’s right. | 对 |
[1:57:31] | You’re completely nonprofit. | 你不赚钱 |
[1:57:34] | But that doesn’t seem to bother you. | 但你甘之如饴 |
[1:57:38] | And we’re in love. | 我们深爱彼此 |
[1:57:41] | After 13 years of marriage, we’re still unbelievably in love. | 结婚13年 依然鳒鲽情深 |
[1:57:46] | You won’t even let me touch you till I’ve said it. | 我不说我爱你你就不让我碰你 |
[1:57:51] | I sing to you. | 我为你唱情歌 |
[1:57:53] | Not all the time, but definitely on special occasions. | 没有天天唱 但重要时刻都唱 |
[1:57:57] | And we’ve | 没错 |
[1:57:59] | we’ve dealt with our share of surprises | 人生充满意外 |
[1:58:01] | and made a lot of sacrifices, but we stayed together. | 我们牺牲很多 但患难与共 |
[1:58:04] | You see | 你懂吗? |
[1:58:08] | you’re a better person than I am | 你是好人 |
[1:58:11] | and it made me a better person to be around you. | 和你在一起使我也变好 |
[1:58:16] | I don’t know. Maybe | 也许 |
[1:58:17] | maybe it was all just a dream. | 也许那只是一场梦 |
[1:58:19] | Maybe I went to bed one lonely night in December and I imagined it all | 也许只是寂寞暗夜的幻想 |
[1:58:24] | but I swear, nothing’s ever felt more real. | 我发誓 那感觉比什么都真 |
[1:58:30] | And if you get on that plane right now | 如果你搭上那班飞机 |
[1:58:34] | it’ll disappear forever. | 一切就会永远消失了 |
[1:58:39] | I know we could both go on with our lives, and we’d both be fine. | 我们可以各过各的生活 |
[1:58:44] | But I’ve seen | 但我知道 |
[1:58:46] | what we could be like together. | 长相厮守的情景 |
[1:58:52] | And I choose us. | 我要我们在一起 |
[1:58:56] | Please, Kate. | 求求你 凯特 |
[1:58:59] | One cup of coffee. | 只要喝一杯咖啡 |
[1:59:02] | You can always go to Paris. | 巴黎随时都可以去 |
[1:59:04] | Just | 但是 |
[1:59:06] | please | 求求你 |
[1:59:08] | not tonight. | 不要今晚去 |
[1:59:20] | Okay, Jack. | 好吧 杰克 |
[1:59:27] | Okay. | 好 |