英文名称:The Lighthouse
时间 | 英文 | 中文 |
[00:39] | 灯塔 | |
[07:11] | Should pale death with treble dread | 若是裹挟尖厉恐惧的惨淡死亡 |
[07:14] | make the ocean caves our bed, | 让海洋洞穴成为我们的栖身之所 |
[07:17] | God who hear’st the surges roll, | 愿上帝听到浪潮翻涌 |
[07:20] | deign to save our suppliant soul. | 屈尊拯救我们的谦卑魂灵 |
[07:22] | To four weeks! | 敬四周 |
[07:26] | No, sir. Thank you. | 不了 先生 谢谢 |
[07:27] | It’s bad luck to leave a toast unfinished, lad. | 敬酒不喝会招来厄运 小子 |
[07:31] | Meanin’… Meanin’ no disrespect. | 无意…无意冒犯 |
[07:34] | Man what don’t drink, best have his reasons. | 男人不喝酒 最好有理由 |
[07:39] | Ain’t it… | 这难道… |
[07:42] | I… I understood it’s against regulations, sir. | 据我所知这违反规定 先生 |
[07:45] | Did you? | 是吗 |
[07:47] | I did, sir. From, from them’s manual. | 是的 先生 手册上写的 |
[07:50] | Didn’t picture you a readin’ man. | 没想到你是会看书的人 |
[07:55] | Well, I ain’t trying for trouble. | 我不想惹上麻烦 |
[07:57] | Then you’ll do as I say. | 那就照我说的做 |
[07:59] | That’s in yer book too. | 这也是手册上写的 |
[08:36] | To four weeks. | 敬四周 |
[08:49] | Aye. Aye. The cistern needs a-lookin’ to. | 没错没错 水箱也该检查了 |
[08:52] | One of yer duties, lad. | 你的职责之一 小子 |
[08:54] | Or didn’t y’read yerself about it? | 还是你没在手册里看到 |
[08:57] | You’ll clean the brass and the clockwork, | 你要清理铜管和发条 |
[09:00] | and you’ll tidy up the quarters after. | 然后打扫宿舍 |
[09:02] | And there’s well more to be mended outside. | 外面还有更多要修理的 |
[09:06] | D’y’hear me, lad? | 听到了吗 小子 |
[09:09] | – Yes, sir. – Aye, sir! | -好 先生 -是 先生 |
[09:13] | Aye, sir. | 是 先生 |
[09:21] | When the fog clears, | 等雾散了 |
[09:23] | you’ll work through the dog watch. | 你值暮班 |
[09:27] | Doggin’ it? I was ‘specting I’d git up to see the lantern. | 傍晚的班 我还期望能去看灯 |
[09:32] | I tend the light. | 灯归我管 |
[09:35] | Well, the rules is alternatin’ shifts. | 规定是轮换着来 |
[09:37] | It’s the mid watch that’s to dread, lad. | 半夜班是最可怕的 小子 |
[09:40] | My watch, night to morning. | 我的班 从晚上到早晨 |
[09:44] | Some new junior man I’m fixed with. | 给我安排了个菜鸟 |
[09:48] | See to yer duties. The light is mine. | 做好你的职责 灯归我管 |
[10:05] | 灯塔看守人手册 1881年7月 | |
[10:21] | Son of a bitch! | 狗娘养的 |
[11:37] | To ye, me beauty. | 敬你 我的美人 |
[13:50] | Shingles. | 屋顶瓦板 |
本电影台词包含不重复单词:1119个。 其中的生词包含:四级词汇:165个,六级词汇:58个,GRE词汇:129个,托福词汇:119个,考研词汇:185个,专四词汇:139个,专八词汇:37个, 所有生词标注共:437个。 定制生词标注的台词本和单词统计,请访问生词标注台词本 | ||
[13:55] | Tend to ’em after the cistern. | 清完水箱后去修瓦板 |
[13:59] | And the lamp, she needs oil. | 还有灯 得加油了 |
[14:06] | Aye, sir. | 是 先生 |
[16:59] | Go! | 走开 |
[17:03] | Move it. | 快让开 |
[18:57] | You don’t go in there! | 你不准上去 |
[19:02] | – Oil, sir. – Tired? Use this next time. | -油 先生 -累了吗 下次用这个 |
[19:06] | Save you a helluva lot of trouble. | 能省很大力气 |
[19:10] | Catch yer breath, lad. | 喘口气 小子 |
[19:15] | I said, catch yer breath, lad. | 我说 喘口气 小子 |
[19:20] | Then bring that drum | 然后把那桶油 |
[19:22] | back down the ladderwell where y’found it. | 搬下楼梯放回原处 |
[19:26] | ‘Less ye’re fixin’ to burn the whole light down. | 除非你想把整个灯塔烧毁 |
[19:34] | Then see to the rest of yer duties. | 然后去把你剩下的活计做完 |
[19:36] | Ye’re behindhand already. | 你已经落后了 |
[19:40] | – Aye, sir. – Ye’re too slow. You a dullard? | -是 先生 -你太慢了 你是弱智吗 |
[19:44] | No, sir. | 不 先生 |
[19:45] | Fooled me. | 我看挺像 |
[19:58] | Should pale death with treble dread | 若是裹挟尖厉恐惧的惨淡死亡 |
[20:01] | make the ocean caves our bed, | 让海洋洞穴成为我们的栖身之所 |
[20:04] | God who hear’st the surges roll, | 愿上帝听到浪潮翻涌 |
[20:06] | deign to save the suppliant soul. | 屈尊拯救我们的谦卑魂灵 |
[20:20] | Still tastes o’the head? | 还是能尝到味儿 |
[20:24] | Find some chirk in ye, lad. | 快活点 小子 |
[20:26] | Now is the time for gab and chatter. | 现在是说说笑笑的时候 |
[20:29] | Y’best be enjoying it. | 最好享受这时光 |
[20:31] | Come a fortnight and the brace of us’ll be wantin’ | 等过两周我们俩就会 |
[20:33] | to be ever silent as the tomb. | 渴望坟墓般的寂静 |
[20:37] | I ain’t much for talkin’. | 我不喜欢说话 |
[20:39] | Reckon ye’re the first? | 你以为你是第一个吗 |
[20:41] | No, sir. I don’t. | 不 先生 我没有 |
[20:43] | Y’ain’t. | 你不是 |
[20:44] | Y’ain’t. | 你不是 |
[20:49] | The Chicopee, a fine-un she were. | 奇科皮舰 挺好的家伙 |
[20:54] | Clean-built and trig-lookin’! | 结构利落优美 |
[20:57] | None more fleet in ’64 than she. | 64年没有比她更好的舰队 |
[21:01] | We were on the breaks… | 我们当时在休息 |
[21:03] | A mutiny, it were… | 发生了暴动 |
[21:06] | And why, ask ye? Why? | 为什么 我问你 为什么 |
[21:08] | What’s the terrible part of a sailor’s life, ask ye, lad? | 我问你 水手生活中最可怕的是什么 |
[21:14] | ‘Tis when the work stops when ye’re twixt wind and water. | 是风吹雨打 停止工作的时候 |
[21:17] | Doldrums. Doldrums. | 忧郁 忧郁 |
[21:20] | Eviler than the Devil. | 比恶魔更邪恶 |
[21:22] | Boredom makes men to villains, | 无聊让人变成恶棍 |
[21:24] | and the water goes quick, lad, vanished. | 水消耗得很快 小子 眨眼就喝完了 |
[21:28] | The only med’cine is drink. | 酒是唯一的良药 |
[21:34] | Keeps them sailors happy, keeps ’em agreeable, | 让水手快乐 让他们随和 |
[21:36] | keeps ’em calm, keeps ’em… | 让他们冷静 让他们… |
[21:37] | Stupid. | 愚蠢 |
[21:46] | Curse me if there ain’t an old tar spirit | 我打赌你心里绝对有 |
[21:49] | somewheres in ye, lad. | 老水手精神 小子 |
[22:00] | Out with it, lad. | 有话就说 小子 |
[22:05] | What, uh… What made your last keeper leave? | 你的上一任守塔人为什么离开 |
[22:09] | Him? Me second? | 他 我的副手 |
[22:14] | Died. | 死了 |
[22:16] | Went mad, he did. | 他疯了 |
[22:18] | Ravin’ about sirens, merfolk, bad omens and the like. | 净说些海妖 人鱼 凶兆之类的胡话 |
[22:23] | In the end, | 到最后 |
[22:24] | weren’t no more sense left in him than an hen’s tooth. | 他体内残存的理智还没有他剩的牙多 |
[22:29] | He believed that there was some enchantment in the light. | 他坚信灯里有某种魔法 |
[22:34] | He notioned that St. Elmo | 他认为圣艾尔摩 |
[22:34] | 传说中圣艾尔摩是水手的守护者 雷雨中桅杆上的闪光被认为是显灵 称为圣艾尔摩之火 | |
[22:37] | had cast his very fire into it. | 将他的火焰注入了其中 |
[22:43] | Salvation, said he. | 他说那是救赎之灯 |
[22:57] | Tall tales. | 无稽之谈 |
[23:03] | I seen ye sparrin’ with a gull. | 我之前看到你打海鸥了 |
[23:07] | Best leave ’em be. | 最好别招惹它们 |
[23:09] | Bad luck to kill a sea bird. | 杀死海鸟会招来厄运 |
[23:13] | More tall tales. | 无稽之谈还真多 |
[23:17] | Bad luck to kill a sea bird! | 杀死海鸟就是会招来厄运 |
[23:29] | Pay me no mind, lad. | 别理我 小子 |
[23:31] | None. | 千万别 |
[23:34] | Fix us up some coffee. | 给咱俩弄点咖啡吧 |
[23:38] | Long night ahead. | 夜还长着呢 |
[23:41] | Drop o’coffee will do us good. | 喝点咖啡对咱俩有好处 |
[25:48] | You’ve been neglecting yer duties, lad! | 你一直在玩忽职守 小子 |
[25:53] | Don’t deny it! | 别否认 |
[25:55] | What do you call that? | 你怎么解释 |
[25:58] | – Sir? – What? | -先生 -怎么 |
[26:01] | I… I mopped and swept twice over, sir. | 我扫了又拖 打扫了两遍 先生 |
[26:03] | Ye lyin’ dog. | 撒谎的狗东西 |
[26:08] | – I swept ’em. – ‘Tis begrimed and bedabbled. | -我真的打扫了 -这里被打湿弄脏了 |
[26:11] | Unwiped, unwashed, and distained. | 没擦 没洗 已经留下印子了 |
[26:14] | You git some kinda peart outta molestin’ me? | 找我的麻烦让你很乐呵吗 |
[26:17] | Come now? | 你说什么 |
[26:20] | I already said… | 我已经说了 |
[26:21] | How dare ye contradict me, y’dog. | 你居然敢顶撞我 狗东西 |
[26:23] | Now look here, | 你听好了 |
[26:24] | I ain’t never intended to be no housewife | 我接受这份工作 |
[26:26] | nor slave in takin’ this job. | 可没打算当主妇或奴隶 |
[26:28] | It ain’t right! | 这样不对 |
[26:30] | These lodgings is more ramshackle | 这里的吃住条件 |
[26:32] | than any shanty boy’s camp I ever seen. | 比我见过的最简陋的童子营还不如 |
[26:36] | The Queen of England’s own fancy housekeeper | 哪怕是英国女王的御用管家 |
[26:37] | couldn’t even done no better than what I done, | 也不可能比我做得更好了 |
[26:39] | ’cause I tell you, I scrubbed | 我告诉你 我已经把这里 |
[26:40] | this here place twice over, sir… | 彻底打扫过两遍了 先生 |
[26:42] | And I say y’did nothin’ o’the sort. | 而我说你根本什么都没做 |
[26:45] | And I say, y’swab it again, | 我还要说 你得再打扫一遍 |
[26:47] | and y’swab it proper-like this time, | 这次你得给我好好打扫 |
[26:49] | and you’ll be swabbin’ it 10 times more after that. | 之后还得再打扫十遍 |
[26:53] | And if I tells ye to pull up and apart | 如果我让你掀开这房子里 |
[26:56] | every floorboard and clapboard of this here house | 每一块地板条和护墙板 |
[26:58] | and scour ’em down with yer bare, | 用你鲜血淋淋的双手 |
[27:00] | bleedin’ knuckles, you’ll do it! | 把它们刷干净 你也得照做 |
[27:02] | And if I tells ye to yank out every single nail | 如果我让你把每一根钉子 |
[27:06] | from every moulderin’ nail-hole | 都从腐烂的钉子洞里拔出来 |
[27:08] | and suck off every spec of rust | 并舔干净上面的铁锈 |
[27:11] | till all them nails | 直到它们都像 |
[27:12] | sparkle like a sperm whale’s pecker, | 抹香鲸的老二一样闪闪发亮 |
[27:15] | and then carpenter the whole light station | 然后把整个灯塔站 |
[27:18] | back together from scrap, | 重新组装回去 |
[27:20] | and then do it all over again, you’ll do it! | 然后从头再来 你也得照做 |
[27:23] | And by God and by Golly, | 上帝为证 |
[27:24] | you’ll do it smilin’, lad, ’cause you’ll like it. | 你得笑着去做 小子 因为你喜欢 |
[27:27] | You’ll like it ’cause I says you will! | 我说喜欢你就得喜欢 |
[27:32] | Contradict me again, and I’ll dock yer wages. | 再敢顶撞我 我就扣你的工钱 |
[27:39] | D’ye hear me, lad? | 听清了吗 小子 |
[27:43] | Aye, sir. | 是 先生 |
[27:47] | Swab, dog. | 快打扫 狗东西 |
[27:49] | Swab! | 好好打扫 |
[29:08] | Keep ’em steady, lad. | 稳住 小子 |
[29:11] | Aye, sir. | 是 先生 |
[29:12] | Whitewash must be even, lad. | 涂料要刷均匀 小子 |
[29:15] | Bright! Shinin’! | 要闪闪发亮 |
[29:17] | Like a silver whorehouse token. | 像一块纯银的妓院代币 |
[29:19] | Give them sailors a proper daymark. | 给水手们一个像样的白昼标志 |
[29:21] | They’re not going to see it in a goddamn storm! | 他们在风暴里根本看不见 |
[29:25] | Keep your temper now, lad. | 管住你的脾气 小子 |
[29:27] | ‘Tis fine work. | 这可是个好活 |
[29:29] | And ye’re makin’ high marks in me logbook. | 你会在我的日志里得高分的 |
[29:31] | Them’s gospel! | 那可是最关键的 |
[29:34] | I’ll drop y’down a few feet. | 我把你往下放一两米 |
[29:38] | Easy! | 慢点 |
[29:40] | Never been in better hands. | 没人比我更可靠了 |
[29:45] | Easy! | 慢点啊 |
[29:46] | Quit yer flailing, lad. | 别乱动了 小子 |
[29:48] | – I ain’t! – Y’are! | -我没动 -你在动 |
[29:50] | – Keep still! – I am! | -别动 -我没动 |
[30:23] | Git! Git! Git! Git! | 滚开 快滚 |
[30:46] | 灯塔站 | |
[31:02] | Thank ye, lad. | 谢谢 小子 |
[31:05] | Winslow. | 温斯洛 |
[31:08] | Ephraim Winslow. | 伊弗列姆·温斯洛 |
[31:11] | These last two weeks, I’d… | 最后这两周 我… |
[31:13] | I’d like it if you’d call me by my name. | 我希望你能用名字称呼我 |
[31:16] | Listen to ye, | 听听你自己 |
[31:18] | giving orders, lad. | 发号施令的小子 |
[31:21] | – Winslow. – All right, all right. | -温斯洛 -好吧好吧 |
[31:24] | Suits me just as fine, Ephraim Winslow. | 我无所谓的 伊弗列姆·温斯洛 |
[31:27] | So, what brung such a one as ye to this damned rock? | 那么 你这样的人怎么会来这个破岛 |
[31:34] | Such as what? | 我什么样 |
[31:36] | Pretty as a picture. | 好看得像画一样 |
[31:39] | Only joshing, lad, only josh… | 开玩笑罢了 小子 开个玩笑 |
[31:41] | – Winslow. – Winslow. | -温斯洛 -温斯洛 |
[31:45] | What brung ye… | 你怎么 |
[31:50] | to this rock, Ephraim Winslow? | 会来这里 伊弗列姆·温斯洛 |
[31:56] | What were yer work afore? | 你以前是做什么的 |
[31:59] | – Timber. – Timber? | -伐木工 -伐木工 |
[32:02] | Big timber. Up north. Canada ways. | 北方的大伐木场 加拿大那边 |
[32:06] | – Hudson Bay outfit? – The same. | -哈德逊湾公司 -差不多 |
[32:08] | True what they say? | 真的像传言中那样吗 |
[32:10] | “Forest as far as the eye can see”? | “目所能及皆是森林” |
[32:13] | Yes, sir. Spruce, tamarack, white pine. | 是的 先生 云杉 落叶松 白节松 |
[32:17] | “Bush,” them folk up there call it. | “小树林” 当地人都这么叫 |
[32:19] | Had enough of trees, that it, then? | 看树看腻了 是吧 |
[32:21] | Yes, sir. | 是的 先生 |
[32:22] | Can’t say I blame ye. | 无可厚非 |
[32:25] | I hearn tell about that life. | 我听人讲过那种生活 |
[32:28] | Hard goin’. | 非常难熬 |
[32:29] | Workin’ one man harder than two hosses, they say. | 听说一个人比两匹马干的活都多 |
[32:33] | No thankee. | 我可不想体验 |
[32:37] | The sea, she’s the only situation wantin’ fer me. | 大海 她才是我的归宿 |
[32:45] | Miss it? | 很怀念吗 |
[32:47] | Ain’t nothing what can touch it. | 什么都比不上大海 |
[32:51] | But I can’t… | 但我没法 |
[32:53] | be draggin’ me old stump about. | 再拖着这条老瘸腿乱跑了 |
[32:56] | Nay. Not worth the trouble… | 算了 不值得折腾 |
[32:59] | Now I’m a wickie and a wickie I is. | 如今我是守塔人 专心守塔 |
[33:04] | And I’m damn-well wedded to this here light, | 这辈子就拴在这灯上了 |
[33:08] | and she’s been a finer, truer, quieter wife | 她可是位温柔 真诚 内敛的老婆 |
[33:12] | than any alive-blooded woman. | 比任何女人都强 |
[33:16] | Y’ever married? | 你结过婚吗 |
[33:19] | Thirteen Christmases at sea… | 在海上度过了十三个圣诞节 |
[33:23] | Little ‘uns at home. | 留下妻儿在家里 |
[33:26] | She never forgave it. | 她一直耿耿于怀 |
[33:31] | ‘Tis fer the better. | 分开是为了大家好 |
[33:33] | Since we’re getting too friendly, | 既然我们熟络起来了 |
[33:36] | Ephraim Winslow, | 伊弗列姆·温斯洛 |
[33:38] | tell me, | 告诉我 |
[33:39] | what’s a timber man want with being a wickie? | 为什么一个伐木工要转行当守塔人 |
[33:48] | Not enough quiet for ye up north? | 北方的生活不够宁静吗 |
[33:51] | Sawdust itching yer nethers? | 还是受不了每天一身锯末了 |
[33:53] | Foreman found ye | 或是你脾气太臭 |
[33:55] | too high-tempered for carrying an axe? | 工头不放心让你用斧头 |
[34:00] | Like you said, I just had enough of trees, I guess. | 就如你说的 我只是看树看腻了吧 |
[34:08] | Since I left Dad, | 自从离开我爸 |
[34:11] | I done every kind of work that can pay a man. | 我做过各种各样的零工 |
[34:15] | Some I ain’t near proud of. | 有些甚至难以启齿 |
[34:16] | – Drifter, eh? – No, just… | -到处漂泊 -不 只是 |
[34:20] | Can’t find a post I can take a real shine to, | 找不到我真正喜爱的岗位 |
[34:23] | so I keep movin’ along. | 所以我一直换来换去 |
[34:25] | And I ain’t the kind to look back | 而且我是那种 |
[34:26] | – at what’s behind him, see. – On the run? | -从不回头人 懂吗 -你在逃避吗 |
[34:28] | Now look here, | 你听好了 |
[34:29] | ain’t nothin’ wrong with a man startin’ fresh, startin’ new, | 想要重新开始没什么可指责的 |
[34:33] | just lookin’ to earn a living… | 讨口饭吃罢了 |
[34:34] | No… | 确实 |
[34:36] | Just like any man, | 这是人之常情 |
[34:38] | just wanna settle down quiet-like with some earnings. | 想安定下来攒点小钱 |
[34:42] | I read someplace that | 我读到有些地方 |
[34:44] | a man could earn 630… | 能挣630块 |
[34:47] | I read $1,000 a year | 要是去远海小岛看管灯塔 |
[34:50] | if he tends a light far off shore. | 每年能挣1000块 |
[34:52] | The further away, the more he earns. | 地方越偏僻 工资就越高 |
[34:55] | I read that, and hell, I says, work. | 读了之后我就想 这是工作机会 |
[34:59] | Save my earnings. | 能攒点钱了 |
[35:05] | Sometime soon I’ll raise my own roof, | 用不了多久我就能 |
[35:08] | somewheres up country, | 在乡下建个房子了 |
[35:10] | with no one to tell me “what for”. | 再也没有人对我指手画脚了 |
[35:13] | And that’s all. | 就是这样 |
[35:19] | Same old, borin’ story, eh? | 老套无聊的故事 是吧 |
[35:24] | Well, you asked. | 是你想听的 |
[35:33] | Say, why is it bad luck to kill a gull? | 为什么杀海鸥会招来厄运 |
[35:37] | In ’em’s the souls of sailors what met their maker. | 海鸥体内是死去水手的灵魂 |
[35:44] | You a prayin’ man, Winslow? | 你平时祷告吗 温斯洛 |
[35:48] | Not as often as I might. | 次数不多 |
[35:51] | But I’m God-fearin’, if that’s what you’re askin’. | 但我畏惧上帝 你想问的是这个吗 |
[37:47] | Shit. | 妈的 |
[41:32] | Wind’s changed. | 风向有变 |
[41:35] | Good riddance. Oh, don’t be so darn foolish. | 老天啊 别这么无知行吗 |
[41:37] | It’s the calm afore the storm, Winslow. | 这是风暴前的宁静 温斯洛 |
[41:40] | She were a gentle westerly wind ye’re cursin’. | 不久前还是温和的西风 |
[41:45] | Only feels roughly | 你觉得风很急 |
[41:46] | ’cause you don’t know nothin’ about nothin’, | 那是因为你狗屁都不懂 |
[41:47] | and there ain’t no trees on this here rock | 这个岛上又没有树 |
[41:50] | like your Hudson Bay bush. | 跟你们哈德逊湾的小树林不一样 |
[41:53] | Nor’Easterly wind’ll come soon | 马上就要刮东风了 |
[41:55] | ablowin’ like Gabriel’s horn. | 会吹得像审判日号角似的 |
[41:57] | Best board up them signal house winders. | 最好用木板加固信号室 |
[42:01] | Aye, sir. | 是 先生 |
[42:01] | ‘Twill keep steady afore the tender | 运输船明早来之前 |
[42:03] | comes in the morn, I ‘spect… | 应该还不会变天 |
[42:06] | but there’s dirty weather knockin’ about. | 但恶劣天气马上就要来了 |
[42:13] | Somethin’ stirring in ye? | 你在想什么 |
[42:16] | Ye’re gettin’ off this rock tomorry. Winslow. | 你明天就可以离岛了 温斯洛 |
[42:19] | Don’t start grudgen me now. | 这功夫可别跟我唧唧歪歪的 |
[42:22] | No, sir. | 没有 先生 |
[42:24] | Keeping secrets, are ye? | 你是不是有什么秘密 |
[42:29] | I could just use a hand with them boards, is all. | 只是钉木板需要你搭把手 |
[42:43] | Pull, Winslow! | 用力拉 温斯洛 |
[42:49] | Look at ’em! | 瞧瞧 |
[42:51] | Better than fin fishin’! | 比打渔强多了 |
[43:00] | Ain’t no crime to take a snort now. | 现在喝一杯算不上违规 |
[43:03] | A clear night. | 这可是我们换班前 |
[43:04] | And our last afore relief. | 最后一个风平浪静的夜晚 |
[43:07] | I ain’t never know’d an inspector | 这时候喝点酒 |
[43:08] | what wouldn’t turn a blind eye. | 没有哪个检察员会计较 |
[43:12] | And I won’t take no for an answer. | 而且我不准你拒绝 |
[43:23] | Should pale death and treble dread… | 若是裹挟尖厉恐惧的惨淡死亡… |
[43:30] | Ah, hell! To… To relief! | 去他的 敬换班 |
[43:33] | And how! | 干杯 |
[43:56] | ♪ Hurrah, we’re homeward bound ♪ | ♪ 好哇 我们要回家了 ♪ |
[43:58] | ♪ Hurrah, we’re homeward bound! ♪ | ♪ 好哇 我们要回家了 ♪ |
[44:01] | ♪ When we’re arrived at Bedford docks ♪ | ♪ 当我们到达贝德福德码头 ♪ |
[44:03] | ♪ Them bloomers comin’ out in flocks ♪ | ♪ 人们蜂拥而至 ♪ |
[44:05] | ♪ Them pretty girls, they all did say ♪ | ♪ 那些漂亮的姑娘说 ♪ |
[44:08] | ♪ Here comes Jack with his nine-month pay ♪ | ♪ 杰克带着九个月的工钱回来了 ♪ |
[44:10] | ♪ Hurrah, we’re homeward bound ♪ | ♪ 好哇 我们要回家了 ♪ |
[44:12] | ♪ Hurrah, we’re homeward bound! ♪ | ♪ 好哇 我们要回家了 ♪ |
[44:15] | …and a pretty lass, she were, takin’ off her bonnet, | 那个漂亮姑娘 摘掉了软帽 |
[44:18] | but as I says, I’d broke me leg, | 但如我所说 我那时腿摔断了 |
[44:21] | and banged myself all up. | 浑身都是伤 |
[44:23] | It was to a nuns’ hospital… | 去的是一家修女医院 |
[44:26] | All of them nuns were Catholics, I tell ye. | 那些修女都是信天主教的 |
[44:35] | But I never went to Salem since | 但我每次去礼拜堂 |
[44:38] | without hoping that I should see her, | 都希望能见到她 |
[44:42] | for beddin’ down wer’nt the same since. | 从那之后睡觉的滋味都不同了 |
[44:49] | You feel shame when you lie with a woman? | 你跟女人上床会觉得羞耻吗 |
[44:51] | I ain’t ‘shamed of nothing! | 我啥都不觉得羞耻 |
[44:57] | Well, I’ll say it… | 不过 我跟你说 |
[45:00] | I might even miss ye, Ephraim Winslow. | 我可能会想念你 伊弗列姆·温斯洛 |
[45:04] | Ye’re fastly a true blue wickie | 你很快就能成为 |
[45:08] | in the making, you is. | 真正的守塔人了 |
[45:10] | Thought one night you was bound to | 尽管有一晚我以为 |
[45:11] | split me skull in twain, | 你要一刀砍死我 |
[45:13] | but ye’re a good-un. | 但你是个好人 |
[45:15] | Why, you’ll be workin’ the lamp in no time. | 你很快就能管灯了 |
[45:19] | Why haven’t I? | 为什么不让我去呢 |
[45:22] | What? | 什么 |
[45:24] | The light. | 管灯 |
[45:33] | I’m the keeper of this station, lad. | 我才是这个灯塔站的看守人 小子 |
[45:34] | Some other station, y’can tend the light. | 去别的地方 你可以管灯 |
[45:37] | The manual says… | 手册上说 |
[45:37] | My log is the only book on this rock… | 这个岛上只有我的日志算数 |
[45:41] | I’m the keeper of the light, lad, | 灯归我管 小子 |
[45:42] | I never let no man touch her… | 我绝不会让别人碰她 |
[45:44] | Don’t concern yerself with the beacon, lad! | 别惦记着灯了 小子 |
[45:47] | Mine! | 她是我的 |
[46:01] | Have it your way. | 随你便 |
[46:13] | Say, I never… | 我还… |
[46:16] | I don’t… I don’t know your name. | 我还不知道你的名字 |
[46:19] | Wake. | 维克 |
[46:21] | Your Christian name. | 你的教名 |
[46:25] | Thomas. | 托马斯 |
[46:29] | – Thomas? – Aye, Thomas Wake. | -托马斯 -对 托马斯·维克 |
[46:33] | Call me Tom. | 叫我汤姆 |
[46:43] | Well… | 好吧 |
[46:47] | To my friend Tom. | 敬我的朋友 汤姆 |
[46:51] | And to gittin’ off this goddamned rock! | 以及离开这个该死的岛 |
[50:42] | What’r y’splittin’ yer lungs fer? | 你气喘吁吁的干什么 |
[50:45] | You smell o’ shit. | 你臭死了 |
[50:46] | Best swab this mess afore the tender comes. | 最好赶在运输船来之前收拾一下 |
[50:51] | Do as ye’re told, lad! The quarters are dire. | 麻利点儿 小子 宿舍都脏死了 |
[50:54] | Aye… Aye, sir. | 是 是 先生 |
[50:56] | Aye. | 是 |
[51:44] | They didn’t come. | 他们没来 |
[52:02] | 风暴 雨 潮湿 晴天 干燥 美国灯塔局 空盒气压计 | |
[52:27] | The damp’s got to the provisions! | 生活用品都潮了 |
[52:33] | What? | 什么 |
[52:34] | The damp’s got to the provisions! | 生活用品都潮了 |
[52:56] | The damp’s got to the foodstuffs. | 吃的都潮了 |
[52:59] | The salt cod is out. | 腌鳕鱼都没了 |
[53:01] | – Out? – Blasted. | -没了 -真该死 |
[53:03] | Gone to rot. | 都烂了 |
[53:05] | – Praised be. – Will you hear me now? | -真好 -你能好好听我说吗 |
[53:08] | – Hear what? – That we best be rationing. | -听什么 -我们最好节省口粮 |
[53:12] | – Rationing? – You insubordinate again? | -节省口粮 -你又不服从吗 |
[53:15] | It’s only been one day. | 才过了一天 |
[53:17] | Devil’s tail. | 真见鬼 |
[53:20] | Look, maybe the tender did come. | 听我说 或许运输船来了 |
[53:22] | We just missed her, is all. | 只是我们错过了 |
[53:24] | I can take the dory out. | 我可以开小渔船出海 |
[53:27] | Weeks, Winslow. Weeks. | 好几周了 温斯洛 好几周了 |
[53:29] | What? | 什么 |
[53:31] | What do you mean, what? | 你什么意思 |
[53:32] | – Weeks? – Weeks. Aye, weeks. | -好几周 -对 好几周 |
[53:36] | We slept in. Dead drunk. | 我们睡过头了 喝多了 |
[53:37] | It’s been weeks ago since we missed her, Winslow. | 错过运输船是好几周之前了 温斯洛 |
[53:41] | And I’ve been askin’ ye to ration fer weeks now, too, | 这几周我一直让你节省口粮 |
[53:44] | but you’ve kept barking at me like a mad dog | 但你一直像条疯狗似的对我吼 |
[53:47] | sayin’ you can “take the dory out.” | 说你可以”开小渔船出海” |
[53:50] | – Now, look here. – Oh, no. | -听我说 -不 |
[53:51] | Don’t be losing yer head now. | 别失去理智了 |
[53:54] | – This ain’t funny. – No, it ain’t. | -这不好笑 -没错 |
[53:56] | And I ain’t want to be stranded here | 我也不想和一个疯子 |
[53:58] | with some damn lunatic. | 一起被困在这里 |
[54:03] | Stranded? | 困在这里 |
[54:04] | That’s what I said. | 你没听错 |
[54:07] | Why, I thought… I thought you said relief was coming. | 为什么 我以为你说换班的就要来了 |
[54:09] | If we can wait out the storm. | 如果我们能熬过风暴的话 |
[54:14] | The tender is coming! | 运输船就要来了 |
[54:17] | In ’75, | 75年 |
[54:19] | Ol’ Striker were marooned here for seven long months, he was. | 老斯特莱克被困在这里七个月之久 |
[54:23] | The storm died on the mainland, | 大陆上的风暴平息了 |
[54:25] | but here, the waters were too rageful | 但这里的海浪肆虐 |
[54:27] | neither to launch nor land. | 不能出海 也无法靠岸 |
[54:32] | You’re just tryin’ to scare me. | 你只是想吓唬我 |
[54:34] | Look at ye. Pretendin’. | 看看你 故作镇静 |
[54:40] | But ye well know yer lot. | 但你很清楚自己的命运 |
[55:08] | Dig! | 挖 |
[55:12] | Dig, says I! | 我说快挖 |
[55:14] | Dig! | 挖 |
[55:16] | Dig! | 挖 |
[55:22] | There she lies. | 找到了 |
[55:46] | Rations. | 口粮 |
[55:48] | The worst of us couldn’t fend ‘gainst the ship rats | 我们船上最凶恶的人 |
[55:51] | what gnawed on the soles of our feet. | 都无法抵挡咬脚底板的老鼠 |
[55:59] | Their legs withered and turned gangree’nous, | 他们的腿萎缩 然后出现坏疽 |
[56:03] | every shade of the peacock’s tail. | 五彩斑斓像孔雀开屏一样 |
[56:07] | Their gums grew swollen, | 他们的牙龈变得肿胀 |
[56:09] | the color of bone, then to rot. | 变成骨头的颜色 然后腐烂 |
[56:13] | Tarry blood oozed, | 黑色的血渗出 |
[56:15] | teeth droppin’ to the deck with none to hold on to. | 牙齿没有附着之处 掉到了甲板上 |
[56:23] | “Land ho!” hears I, | 我听到有人喊 “陆地” |
[56:27] | but only grass on that island. | 但那个岛上只有草 |
[56:30] | So we et upon the grass. | 所以我们就吃草 |
[56:33] | ‘And ’twas that scurvy | 就是那次的坏血病 |
[56:35] | what left me locked ever since. | 害我瘸了一条腿 |
[56:40] | I thought you said you’d broke it. | 我记得你说你是摔的 |
[56:43] | Aye? | 什么 |
[56:44] | Your leg. | 你的腿 |
[56:47] | Catholic nuns and such like. | 天主教修女什么的 |
[56:51] | You must’ve misheard. | 你一定是听错了 |
[57:00] | – I told that dumb bastard… – Yep. | -我告诉那个愚蠢的混蛋 -嗯 |
[57:03] | Them eaves be gonners. | 屋檐要塌了 |
[57:05] | “Give me your cant hook,” I says to him. | 我对他说 “把你的钩杆给我” |
[57:08] | But… Foreman Winslow, | 但…温斯洛工头 |
[57:13] | that goddamned Canady bastard… | 那个天杀的加拿大混蛋 |
[57:16] | – Winslow? – …always callin’ me a dog. | -温斯洛 -总叫我狗 |
[57:19] | A filthy dog. | 肮脏的臭狗 |
[57:21] | – I’ll show you who’s a dog. – Winslow. | -我让你看看谁才是狗 -温斯洛 |
[57:24] | – What about… – Who, Winslow? | -不如… -谁 温斯洛 |
[57:28] | The eaves be fallin’… | 屋檐就要塌了 |
[57:30] | – He’s always raggin’ on me… – Ragging? | -他总是捉弄我 -捉弄 |
[57:33] | Like you. | 跟你一样 |
[57:35] | Damn fool nonsense. | 全是胡说八道 |
[57:38] | That’s the trouble with ye, Winslow. | 这就是你的问题 温斯洛 |
[57:40] | Trouble with you is eatin’ grass without no teeth. | 你的问题就是没有牙还吃草 |
[57:45] | Come now? | 你说什么 |
[57:49] | Your sea matey’s teeth had falled out. | 你的船员兄弟 牙都掉了 |
[57:57] | What are ye gettin’ at, Winslow? | 你想说什么 温斯洛 |
[58:00] | Well, it just seems powerful hard | 没有牙还吃草 |
[58:05] | to eat grass with no teeth. | 似乎太难了吧 |
[58:10] | ‘Cause goats and sheeps and cows… | 因为山羊 绵羊 奶牛 |
[58:13] | Well, now, they all got teeth, don’t they? | 它们都有牙 对吧 |
[58:20] | Y’know how y’eat grass without yer teeth? | 你知道没有牙怎么吃草吗 |
[58:26] | Oblige me. | 洗耳恭听 |
[58:27] | Ye rip it out and ye swallow it. | 用手拔草 然后吞下去 |
[58:33] | You rip it out and you swallow it. | 用手拔草 然后吞下去 |
[58:35] | – Ye rip it out… – I don’t know ’bout that. | -用手拔草 -这我可不确定 |
[58:42] | Y’don’t? | 是吗 |
[58:43] | I don’t. | 没错 |
[58:58] | What? | 怎么 |
[59:02] | What? | 什么 |
[59:07] | What? | 什么 |
[59:10] | What? | 什么 |
[59:12] | What? | 什么 |
[59:14] | – What? – What? | -什么 -什么 |
[59:15] | – What? – What? | -什么 -什么 |
[59:16] | – What? – What? | -什么 -什么 |
[59:17] | – What? – What? | -什么 -什么 |
[59:18] | – What? – What? | -什么 -什么 |
[59:19] | – What? – What? | -什么 -什么 |
[59:20] | What? | 什么 |
[59:24] | – That’s what I mean! – What? | -我就是指这个 -什么 |
[59:26] | – That’s the trouble with you. – That’s the trouble with ye! | -这就是你的问题 -这就是你的问题 |
[59:29] | – With you! – With ye! | -你的 -你的 |
[59:30] | No! | 不 |
[59:31] | No! | 不 |
[59:34] | I want a steak! | 我想要牛排 |
[59:37] | I want a goddamned steak! | 我想要天杀的牛排 |
[59:39] | I… | 我 |
[59:40] | If I had a steak… Oh, boy! | 要是我有牛排 老天 |
[59:43] | A… A rare, a bloody steak. | 三分熟 带血的牛排 |
[59:46] | If I… If I had a steak, | 要是我有牛排 |
[59:50] | I would fuck it. | 我会操它 |
[59:57] | You don’t like me cookin’? | 你不喜欢我做的饭 |
[59:58] | Ugh, don’t be such an old bitch! | 老东西别开玩笑了 |
[1:00:02] | You’re drunk! | 你喝醉了 |
[1:00:03] | Ye don’t know what ye’re talkin’… | 你不知道你在说什么 |
[1:00:04] | How could I possibly like | 我怎么可能喜欢 |
[1:00:06] | the horse shit you fix us for supper? | 你做的跟马粪一样的晚饭 |
[1:00:08] | Ye’re drunk, or ye wouldn’t be saying that! | 你喝醉了 否则你不会这么说的 |
[1:00:11] | Them tin kitchen shanty cooks | 船上小厨房那些厨子 |
[1:00:13] | gave us fried donuts three times a day | 一天给我们三次油炸甜甜圈 |
[1:00:14] | Ye’re drunk! Ye’re drunk! | 你喝醉了 你喝醉了 |
[1:00:15] | and country ham bigger than your fist… | 还有比你拳头都大的火腿肉 |
[1:00:16] | Ye’re drunk! | 你喝醉了 |
[1:00:17] | – I’m drunk? – You heard me! | -我喝醉了 -你听见了 |
[1:00:20] | – You’ve been drunk since… – Damn ye! | -从我第一眼看到你 -你该死 |
[1:00:21] | Drunk since I first laid eyes on you. | 你的酒就没醒过 |
[1:00:24] | Ye’re fond of me lobster, ain’t ye? | 你喜欢我做的龙虾 不是吗 |
[1:00:27] | You’re drunker than a Virginy fence. | 你成天烂醉如泥 |
[1:00:29] | I seen it. Ye’re fond of me lobster. | 我见你吃过 你喜欢我做的龙虾 |
[1:00:34] | Say it. | 说啊 |
[1:00:37] | Say it. | 说啊 |
[1:00:40] | Say it! | 说啊 |
[1:00:41] | I don’t have to say nothin’. | 我什么都不用说 |
[1:00:43] | Damn ye! | 你该死 |
[1:00:46] | Let Neptune strike ye dead, Winslow! | 让海神劈死你吧 温斯洛 |
[1:00:50] | Hark! | 听啊 |
[1:00:54] | Hark, Triton, Hark! | 听啊 海神之子 听啊 |
[1:00:59] | Bellow, bid our father, the sea king, | 怒吼吧 请求我们的父 海中之王 |
[1:01:03] | rise from the depths, full foul in his fury, | 从深渊中现身 满怀雷霆之怒 |
[1:01:08] | black waves teeming with salt-foam, | 黑色的海浪溢满盐沫 |
[1:01:12] | to smother this young mouth with pungent slime, | 用刺鼻的烂泥堵住这张年轻的嘴 |
[1:01:16] | to choke ye, engorging yer organs | 灌进你的喉咙 塞满你的五脏六腑 |
[1:01:20] | till ye turn blue and bloated with bilge and brine | 直到舱底污水和海水让你肿胀发青 |
[1:01:24] | and can scream no more. | 再也叫不出声来 |
[1:01:26] | Only when he, crowned in cockle shells | 只有当他 戴着海扇王冠 |
[1:01:31] | with slithering tentacled tail and steaming beard, | 蜿蜒着带触须的尾巴 胡须冒着热气 |
[1:01:36] | take up his fell, be-finned arm, | 举起他带鳍的残暴手臂 |
[1:01:40] | his coral-tined trident screeches | 他的珊瑚尖三叉戟发出刺耳的声响 |
[1:01:43] | banshee-like in the tempest | 在狂风暴雨中如报丧的女妖一般 |
[1:01:45] | and plunges right through yer gullet, | 猛地刺穿你的咽喉 |
[1:01:50] | bursting ye, | 你爆裂而亡 |
[1:01:52] | a bulging bladder no more, | 不再是一具鼓胀的皮囊 |
[1:01:55] | but a blasted bloody film now, | 只余下血肉模糊的薄膜 |
[1:01:58] | a nothing for the Harpies and the souls of dead sailors | 鸟身人面的女妖和水手的亡灵 |
[1:02:03] | to peck and claw and feed upon, | 根本不屑于撕扯啄食 |
[1:02:06] | only to be lapped up and swallowed | 你只能被可怕的君主 |
[1:02:09] | by the infinite waters | 麾下无尽的海水 |
[1:02:11] | of the dread emperor himself, | 吞噬得一干二净 |
[1:02:15] | forgotten to any man, | 被世人遗忘 |
[1:02:19] | to any time, | 被时间遗忘 |
[1:02:21] | forgotten to any God or devil, | 被一切神灵与魔鬼遗忘 |
[1:02:23] | forgotten even to the sea, | 甚至被大海遗忘 |
[1:02:26] | for any stuff or part of Winslow, | 因为温斯洛的每一部分 |
[1:02:30] | even any scantling of your soul, | 哪怕是一丝灵魂 |
[1:02:33] | is Winslow no more, | 都不再属于温斯洛了 |
[1:02:36] | but is now itself the sea. | 它们已成为了大海的一部分 |
[1:02:49] | All right. Have it your way. | 行吧 随你便 |
[1:02:51] | I like your cooking. | 我喜欢你做的饭 |
[1:04:20] | Bitch. | 妈的 |
[1:05:46] | Queer way to wear yer shoes. | 你穿鞋的方式真古怪 |
[1:05:54] | Just didn’t wanna wake you, is all. | 我只是不想吵醒你 |
[1:05:58] | It’s a long night. | 折腾了一夜 |
[1:06:01] | And such. | 之类的 |
[1:06:03] | The sun is over the yardarm. | 快中午了真该喝杯酒 |
[1:06:06] | Best find me some winks | 天黑之前 |
[1:06:07] | afore the day draws farther on. | 我最好再打个盹 |
[1:06:14] | Get back to yer duties | 回去干你的活 |
[1:06:16] | or I’ll give you a real keelhauling. | 否则我就让你尝尝水手的惩罚 |
[1:06:31] | You ain’t even human no more. | 你甚至都不是人了 |
[1:06:36] | Workin’ apart from folks so long. | 远离人烟工作太久了 |
[1:06:39] | You’re only tolerable when you’re drunk. | 你只有喝醉了才不那么讨人厌 |
[1:06:41] | Get to work, says I! | 我说去干活 |
[1:06:44] | To work! | 去干活 |
[1:09:49] | ♪ …sassy little whore, hurrah ♪ | ♪ 放浪的小婊子 好哇 ♪ |
[1:09:52] | ♪ Me yaller girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 混血姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:09:54] | ♪ Doodle let me go, me boy, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 让我走吧 小子 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:09:57] | ♪ Hurrah, me yaller girls, doodle let me go! ♪ | ♪ 好哇 混血姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:10:01] | ♪ I took her in, I gave her gin ♪ | ♪ 我带她进屋 给她杜松子酒 ♪ |
[1:10:03] | ♪ And danced her on the floor! ♪ | ♪ 然后同她跳舞 ♪ |
[1:10:04] | ♪ Hurrah, me yaller girls, doodle let me go! ♪ | ♪ 好哇 混血姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:10:08] | ♪ Doodle let me go, me boy, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 让我走吧 小子 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:10:11] | ♪ Hurrah, me yaller girls, doodle let me go! ♪ | ♪ 好哇 混血姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:10:20] | Dance! | 跳舞 |
[1:10:21] | Dance, Winslow! Dance! | 跳舞 温斯洛 跳舞 |
[1:10:29] | ♪ Come all you boys who wish to hear ♪ | ♪ 想听的小子们都过来 ♪ |
[1:10:31] | ♪ How we got up to the woods last year ♪ | ♪ 去年我们如何到达森林 ♪ |
[1:10:32] | ♪ Into the sleigh we jacked our boots ♪ | ♪ 穿上长靴乘上雪橇 ♪ |
[1:10:34] | ♪ Our teamster pointed to the big blue spruce ♪ | ♪ 驾驶员一指高耸云杉 ♪ |
[1:10:35] | ♪ Timmy-ran-tin-ah Falla-doo-a-dah ♪ | ♪ 雪橇飞驰人人喝彩 ♪ |
[1:10:37] | ♪ Rant-and-roar and drunk-on-the-way! ♪ | ♪ 又唱又吼人人喝酒 ♪ |
[1:10:38] | ♪ Timmy-ran-tin-ah Falla-doo-a-dah ♪ | ♪ 雪橇飞驰人人喝彩 ♪ |
[1:10:40] | ♪ Rant-and-roar and drunk-on-the-way! ♪ | ♪ 又唱又吼人人喝酒 ♪ |
[1:10:48] | ♪ If but the birds were gin ♪ | ♪ 鸟儿要是杜松子酒多好 ♪ |
[1:10:54] | ♪ If but the sun were a hearty reveler ♪ | ♪ 太阳要是热情的狂欢者多好 ♪ |
[1:11:00] | ♪ I might give someone else me liver ♪ | ♪ 我要是能把肝脏给别人多好 ♪ |
[1:11:06] | ♪ On a Monday morning ♪ | ♪ 某个周一早上 ♪ |
[1:11:11] | ♪ My lover, she lies asleep ♪ | ♪ 我的爱人 睡得正香 ♪ |
[1:11:17] | ♪ My lover is warm ♪ | ♪ 我的爱人热情温暖 ♪ |
[1:11:20] | ♪ And her heart is mellow ♪ | ♪ 她的内心温柔甜美 ♪ |
[1:11:24] | ♪ I would give the whole world ♪ | ♪ 我愿意献上整个世界 ♪ |
[1:11:27] | ♪ Just to share her pillow ♪ | ♪ 只为与她同床共枕 ♪ |
[1:11:33] | ♪ On a Monday morning ♪ | ♪ 某个周一早上 ♪ |
[1:11:47] | Aye. | 好 |
[1:11:59] | Get off me! Get off me! | 放开我 放开我 |
[1:12:02] | – Thomas. – Aye. | -托马斯 -嗯 |
[1:12:05] | – It’s Thomas. – Aye. | -是托马斯 -嗯 |
[1:12:08] | No, I… I’m Thomas. | 不 我是托马斯 |
[1:12:12] | I’m Thomas. You’re Ephraim. | 我是托马斯 你是伊弗列姆 |
[1:12:16] | I lied. | 我撒谎了 |
[1:12:18] | Well, I’ll be scuppered. | 我可真是悲痛欲绝 |
[1:12:23] | I’m Thomas. Tommy. | 我是托马斯 汤米 |
[1:12:26] | Tommy? Tommy Winslow. | 汤米 汤米·温斯洛 |
[1:12:31] | No. Tom Howard. | 不 汤姆·霍华德 |
[1:12:34] | What’s Winslow? | 那温斯洛是谁 |
[1:12:37] | – It’s nothing. – Nothing? | -谁都不是 -谁都不是 |
[1:12:43] | Can I trust you? | 我能信任你吗 |
[1:12:46] | Don’t be spilling any of yer beans to me. | 我不想听你的秘密 |
[1:12:49] | I ain’t interested. | 我不感兴趣 |
[1:12:50] | No. It wasn’t that way, is all… | 不 不是那样的 |
[1:12:53] | I see what you’re fixin’ to do. | 我看出你想干什么了 |
[1:12:55] | Git me all liquored up… | 把我灌醉… |
[1:12:55] | Ye’re guilty conscience is ever as tiresome-borin’ | 你的内疚和世上所有内疚 |
[1:12:59] | as any a guilty conscience. | 一样无聊得要命 |
[1:13:02] | Worse. Worse. | 更无聊 更无聊 |
[1:13:04] | It was… It was a drive, see… | 那次我们运木材 |
[1:13:06] | It was… It was a log drive, and he’s raggin’ on me. | 那次我们运木材 他一直捉弄我 |
[1:13:13] | No… I see what you’re doing. | 不 我看出你想干什么了 |
[1:13:16] | Nothing. | 没干什么 |
[1:13:20] | Look, Tom… | 汤姆 |
[1:13:21] | Don’t be working to twist words out of my head. | 你别费力套我的话了 |
[1:13:24] | I ain’t. | 我没有 |
[1:13:27] | I can’t… I can’t do it. | 不行 我做不到 |
[1:13:30] | Shut up yer own rag box. | 别跟我发牢骚了 |
[1:13:33] | I trust… I trust… I trust you. | 我信任 信任 我信任你 |
[1:13:38] | No. | 不 |
[1:13:41] | I… I trust you, Tom. | 我信任你 汤姆 |
[1:13:45] | You trust me? | 你信任我 |
[1:13:51] | No, I don’t trust you at all. | 不 我一点也不信任你 |
[1:14:14] | And I had ‘im handy and helpless. | 他孤立无援 我下手方便 |
[1:14:19] | Alone. | 只有我们俩 |
[1:14:21] | Too far downstream. | 在下游很远的地方 |
[1:14:26] | And I… I wanted to do ‘im in. | 我想杀了他 |
[1:14:29] | I admit I did. | 我承认 |
[1:14:32] | Seein’ the back of his head. | 看着他的脑后勺 |
[1:14:37] | One swipe of the cant hook’d be all. | 用钩杆来一下就完事了 |
[1:14:42] | It was… | 那是… |
[1:14:45] | I… I didn’t… | 我没有 |
[1:14:49] | I didn’t… I did not. | 我没有 我没杀他 |
[1:14:55] | The day was long as hell on that drive. | 那次运木材漫长得要命 |
[1:14:59] | I was lead-tired. I admit it. | 我累坏了 我承认 |
[1:15:03] | But I saw him slippin’, not me. | 但我看见他落水了 不是我干的 |
[1:15:07] | We saw the jam comin’. | 我们看见木材要拥挤碰撞了 |
[1:15:10] | I stood and he slipped. | 我站稳了 他落水了 |
[1:15:14] | He shouted up. And I… I just stood there. | 他大叫 我…我站着没动 |
[1:15:20] | “Tom, you dog!” | “汤姆 你这狗东西” |
[1:15:25] | I just stood there, is all. Just… | 我一动不动地站着 |
[1:15:28] | Just stood and watched ‘im git swallowed by them logs. | 眼看着他被翻涌的木材吞没 |
[1:15:36] | And all I could think when he was done was, | 等他死透了我唯一的念头就是 |
[1:15:40] | “I… I could use me a smoke.” | “我想抽根烟” |
[1:15:44] | That’s it. | 就这样 |
[1:15:48] | So, I packed up his kit and fixins, | 然后我打包他的装备工具 |
[1:15:50] | as if they was my own and… | 当成我自己的 |
[1:15:53] | Ephraim Winslow, well, now, | 伊弗列姆·温斯洛 |
[1:15:54] | he got a spiffy clean slate. | 他的履历清白出色 |
[1:15:58] | And Thomas Howard, | 而托马斯·霍华德 |
[1:16:00] | well, he don’t. | 他可不是 |
[1:16:03] | No prospects. | 没有前途 |
[1:16:08] | How else am I gonna find respectable work? | 不然我怎么找体面的工作 |
[1:16:16] | Tom! | 汤姆 |
[1:16:22] | Tom! | 汤姆 |
[1:16:35] | Why’d y’spill yer beans, Tommy? | 你为什么要把秘密说出来 汤米 |
[1:16:51] | Why’d y’spill yer beans? | 你为什么要把秘密说出来 |
[1:16:59] | Why’d y’spill yer beans? | 你为什么要把秘密说出来 |
[1:18:25] | Don’t leave me! | 不准离开我 |
[1:19:03] | You crazy son-of-a-bitch! | 你这个疯子 |
[1:19:05] | You smashed up the life boat! | 你毁了救生艇 |
[1:19:06] | Ye’re abandoning yer post! | 你要擅离岗位 |
[1:19:19] | What’re you gonna do? | 你能拿我怎么办 |
[1:19:20] | Send for the lighthouse establishment? | 通知灯塔局吗 |
[1:19:22] | Certain, says I! | 说得没错 |
[1:19:23] | I’ll report ye, I’ll bring the inspector up… | 我要举报你 我要告诉检察员… |
[1:19:27] | I’ll report you! I know what you done! | 我举报你才对 我知道你的罪行 |
[1:19:30] | Who’s reportin’ who? Ephraim Winslow? | 谁举报谁 伊弗列姆·温斯洛 |
[1:19:34] | Or Thomas Howard? | 还是马斯·霍华德 |
[1:19:36] | I know what you done. | 我知道你的罪行 |
[1:19:38] | You killed your second. | 你杀了你的副手 |
[1:19:44] | Your one-eyed junior man. | 你的独眼下级 |
[1:19:47] | I found him. | 我找到他了 |
[1:19:49] | In the lobster pot. | 在捕虾笼里 |
[1:19:53] | Said he went mad? | 你还说他疯了 |
[1:19:56] | You made him mad with that charm! | 你用那个饰品把他逼疯了 |
[1:20:00] | That scrimshaw trinket. | 那个小雕像 |
[1:20:03] | But I broke it, see. | 但我砸坏了 看 |
[1:20:06] | See? | 看吧 |
[1:20:08] | Now I’m free. | 现在我解脱了 |
[1:20:09] | I’m free from your designs! | 我摆脱了你的阴谋 |
[1:20:16] | And I got it all figured out, | 我都弄明白了 |
[1:20:19] | ‘cept what’s the secret mischief your keepin’… | 除了你不可告人的邪恶秘密 |
[1:20:21] | Up there! | 答案就在灯塔上 |
[1:20:24] | Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Tommy. | 老天爷啊 汤米 |
[1:20:29] | Last night you made a confession | 昨晚你坦白忏悔 |
[1:20:31] | ‘twould make a saint swear. | 圣人听了都吃不消 |
[1:20:34] | I don’t have nothin’ to confess, | 我没什么可忏悔的 |
[1:20:36] | but you, spillin’ yer beans, | 但你一吐为快 |
[1:20:38] | look what it’s done to ye. | 瞧你被折磨成什么样了 |
[1:20:40] | It’s made ye mad! | 你被逼疯了 |
[1:20:43] | And I knew ye was mad | 我知道你疯了 |
[1:20:45] | when y’smashed up that life boat just now, | 因为你刚才毁了救生艇 |
[1:20:48] | a-chasing me with an axe, tryin’ to kill Ol’ Tom. | 还举着斧子追我 想杀了老汤姆 |
[1:20:53] | Don’t ye trust me, Tommy? | 你不信任我吗 汤米 |
[1:21:00] | Better hand me the dinner knife ye pocketed. | 最好把你兜里的餐刀交给我 |
[1:21:03] | Y’aint safe with it. | 你带着不安全 |
[1:21:15] | That’s a good lad. | 这才是好小子 |
[1:21:18] | Them’s government property. | 这是政府财产 |
[1:21:28] | Deducted from yer pay. | 从你的工钱里扣 |
[1:21:32] | Look at yer shiverin’. | 瞧你抖得多厉害 |
[1:21:35] | Ye’re so mad, y’know not up from down. | 你完全疯了 神经错乱 |
[1:21:42] | How long have we been on this rock? | 我们在岛上待了多久了 |
[1:21:45] | Five weeks? | 五周 |
[1:21:47] | Two days? | 两天 |
[1:21:50] | Where are we? | 我们在哪里 |
[1:21:52] | Help me to recollect, | 帮我回忆一下 |
[1:21:56] | who are you again, Tommy? | 你到底是谁 汤米 |
[1:21:58] | I’m probably a figment of your imagination. | 我很可能是你脑中的臆想 |
[1:22:02] | This rock is a figment of yer imagination, too. | 这个小岛也一样 |
[1:22:07] | Ye’re probably wand’rin’ through a grove of tag alders, | 你很可能在加拿大北部的 |
[1:22:12] | up north in Canady, | 桤木林里迷路了 |
[1:22:14] | like a frostbitten maniac talkin’ to yerself, | 像个冻坏的疯子自言自语 |
[1:22:19] | knee-deep in snow. | 站在没过膝盖的积雪里 |
[1:22:45] | I could use me a smoke. | 我想抽根烟 |
[1:22:50] | We’re outta drink. | 酒喝光了 |
[1:23:27] | Monkey pump! | 偷喝真爽 |
[1:23:36] | 风暴 雨 潮湿 晴天 干燥 美国灯塔局 空盒气压计 | |
[1:24:57] | This place is a sty. | 这地方像个猪圈 |
[1:25:01] | Mornin’ to you too. | 你也早上好 |
[1:25:10] | I wish I could go for a walk. | 要是能去散步就好了 |
[1:25:12] | Be my guest. | 请自便 |
[1:25:14] | You’ll get drowned. | 你会被淹死的 |
[1:26:57] | Fiery pit! | 该死 |
[1:27:04] | Ain’t there no justice left in this world? | 这世上还有天理吗 |
[1:27:16] | Thankee. | 谢谢 |
[1:27:19] | What’s wrong with yer hand? | 你的手怎么了 |
[1:27:25] | The other one. | 另一只 |
[1:27:28] | Ye hear o’ tetanus? | 你知道破伤风吗 |
[1:27:31] | – Tet-a-nus? – Yeah. | -破 伤 风 -知道 |
[1:27:34] | It started as a sliver of a cut, is all… | 最初只是个小伤口 |
[1:27:36] | I said I heard of it. | 我说了我知道 |
[1:27:37] | …from the forestaysail when we shoved off… | 起航时被三角帆划破的 |
[1:27:39] | – Don’t you ever shut up? – but come a fortnight, | -你就不能闭嘴吗 -但是两周后 |
[1:27:41] | – the bosun was a-shakin’. – Stop. | -水手长开始痉挛 -闭嘴 |
[1:27:43] | His jaw locked tighter than an anchor bend… | 他的牙关紧闭比绳结还牢 |
[1:27:47] | Shut your gum, goddamn it! I can’t hear no more! | 闭嘴 该死的 我听不下去了 |
[1:27:49] | What were it ye accused me of? | 你指责我什么 |
[1:27:52] | Y’already told me y’had me figgerd. | 你都说你把我弄明白了 |
[1:27:55] | I’m tired of your damned-fool yarns | 我受够了你的鬼话连篇 |
[1:28:00] | 名著《白鲸记》的主角 | |
[1:28:00] | and your Cap’n Ahab horseshit. | 还有亚哈船长那套狗屁 |
[1:28:02] | You sound like a goddamned parody. | 你听起来像在拙劣模仿 |
[1:28:05] | Givin’ and nagging orders like a spinster schoolmarm, | 像个古板老处女唠唠叨叨 发号施令 |
[1:28:09] | and all the while turning this station | 最后总是让我俩 |
[1:28:11] | – to the Devil’s own rum hole. – Ye’re makin’ a fool of yerself. | -喝得酩酊大醉 -别自取其辱了 |
[1:28:13] | Well, it’s all horseshit, | 全是胡扯 |
[1:28:16] | your leg, and your sea life, | 你的腿 你的航海经历 |
[1:28:20] | all of it! | 所有的一切 |
[1:28:22] | And if I hear one more word of horseshit | 如果你污秽恶心的 |
[1:28:24] | coming out of your foul, rotten tooth, | 臭嘴里再吐出 |
[1:28:27] | – smelly old mouth… – Ye… | -一句屁话 -你… |
[1:28:29] | Shut up your gum, goddamn it! I ain’t finished yet! | 给我闭嘴 该死的 我还没说完 |
[1:28:33] | You think you’re so goddamned high and mighty | 你以为当个破灯塔看守人 |
[1:28:36] | just ’cause you’re a goddamned lighthouse keeper? | 就可以高人一等吗 |
[1:28:39] | Well, you ain’t a captain of no ship and you never was! | 你才不是什么船长 从来都不是 |
[1:28:42] | You ain’t no general, you ain’t no copper, | 你不是将军 你不是警察 |
[1:28:46] | you ain’t the president, and you ain’t my father! | 你不是总统 你也不是我爸 |
[1:28:49] | And I’m sick of you actin’ like you is! | 我受够了你装模作样 |
[1:28:51] | I’m sick of your laughing, your snoring, | 我受够了你笑我 你打鼾 |
[1:28:55] | and your goddamned farts. | 还有你他妈放屁 |
[1:28:58] | Your goddamned… | 你他妈 |
[1:29:01] | Goddamn your farts! | 你他妈放屁 |
[1:29:05] | You smell like piss, | 你浑身尿骚味 |
[1:29:07] | you smell like jism, | 精液的恶臭味 |
[1:29:10] | like rotten dick, like curdled foreskin, | 腐烂的臭屌味 凝固的包皮垢味 |
[1:29:14] | like hot onions fucked a farmyard shit-house. | 臭洋葱混合农场露天茅房味 |
[1:29:17] | And I’m sick of your smell. I’m sick of it! | 我受够了你的气味 我受够了 |
[1:29:20] | I’m sick of it, you goddamned drunk. | 我受够了你这该死的酒鬼 |
[1:29:22] | You goddamned, no-account, | 你这该死的 不中用的 |
[1:29:23] | son-of-a-bitch-bastard liar! | 狗娘养的混蛋骗子 |
[1:29:26] | That’s what you are! | 说的就是你 |
[1:29:27] | You’re a goddamned, drunken, horse-shitting, | 你这该死的 醉醺醺的 满嘴胡话的 |
[1:29:32] | short, shit liar. | 小矮个 大骗子 |
[1:29:35] | A liar! | 骗子 |
[1:29:42] | Ye have a way with words, Tommy. | 你可真是能说会道 汤米 |
[1:29:47] | Damn you! | 去你的 |
[1:29:51] | Ye’re relieved of yer duties. | 你被开除了 |
[1:29:56] | No need to tell me, old timer. | 还用你说吗 老家伙 |
[1:30:10] | “Assistant slept late.” | 助手贪睡 |
[1:30:12] | “Work below standard.” | 工作怠慢 |
[1:30:14] | “Attitude hostile.” | 态度恶劣 |
[1:30:20] | “Assistant missing.” | 助手失踪 |
[1:30:22] | “Given to habitual self-abuse in the supply shed.” | 经常在储物室手淫 |
[1:30:29] | “Drunk on duty!” | 醉酒值班 |
[1:30:31] | “Assault!” | 袭击 |
[1:30:32] | “Theft!” | 盗窃 |
[1:30:34] | “Recommend severance without pay.” | 建议无薪解雇 |
[1:30:39] | Severance without pay? | 无薪解雇 |
[1:30:43] | You trying to ruin me? | 你想毁了我吗 |
[1:30:45] | I’m a hard worker. | 我努力工作 |
[1:30:47] | I am. I work as hard as any man. | 没错 我和别人一样努力工作 |
[1:30:50] | – Ye lie, Thomas. – Stop it! | -你撒谎 托马斯 -闭嘴 |
[1:30:52] | Ye lie to yerself, but y’ain’t have the sauce to see it. | 你欺骗自己 但你没勇气去面对 |
[1:30:56] | Please… | 求你了 |
[1:30:59] | Just let me into the light, old man. | 让我到灯塔上去吧 老头子 |
[1:31:02] | I’ve learned so much from you. | 我从你身上学到了很多 |
[1:31:04] | Just let me show you. Another chance. | 让我向你证明 再给一次机会 |
[1:31:06] | Forgive and forget, I says. | 我们既往不咎吧 |
[1:31:09] | Just let me into that lantern, is all. | 让我去看看灯吧 |
[1:31:12] | Don’t make me beg… | 别逼我求你 |
[1:31:14] | Or I’ll beg. | 我会求你的 |
[1:31:15] | I’ll beg if that’s what you want. I’ll beg. | 如果你要我求你 那我求你 |
[1:31:19] | Please! | 求你 |
[1:31:21] | Please! Please! Please! | 求你 求求你 求求你 |
[1:31:25] | Stand down. | 你走吧 |
[1:31:28] | You selfish bastard! | 你这自私的混蛋 |
[1:31:29] | Keepin’ it all to yourself. | 自己一人独占 |
[1:31:32] | You left your old lady, | 你抛弃了你老婆 |
[1:31:33] | your children, for what? For what? | 你孩子 为了什么 为了什么 |
[1:31:36] | Look at ye, handsome lad, | 看看你 帅小伙 |
[1:31:38] | with eyes bright as a lady. | 眼睛像女人一样明亮 |
[1:31:42] | Come to this rock playin’ the tough. | 来这个岛上想当个硬汉 |
[1:31:46] | Ye make me laugh with yer false grum. | 装作闷闷不乐简直可笑 |
[1:31:50] | Ye pretended to some mystery in yer quietudes, | 你少言寡语故作神秘 |
[1:31:54] | but there ain’t no mystery. | 但其实没什么神秘的 |
[1:31:58] | Ye’re an open book. | 一眼就能把你看穿 |
[1:32:00] | A picture, says I. | 我说你徒有其表 |
[1:32:03] | A painted actress screaming in the footlights, | 你就是浓妆艳抹在舞台上尖叫的戏子 |
[1:32:07] | a bitch what wants to be coveted for nothin’ but being born, | 一个想集万千宠爱于一身的婊子 |
[1:32:10] | cryin’ bout the silver spoon what should’ve been yers. | 哭着抱怨这世界没有优待你 |
[1:32:15] | Now look at ye cryin’. | 瞧你哭哭啼啼的样子 |
[1:32:20] | Boo! Boo! | 嘘 嘘 |
[1:32:23] | What you gonna do? | 你要怎么做 |
[1:32:26] | Will ye kill me? | 你要杀了我吗 |
[1:32:28] | Will ye? | 要吗 |
[1:32:30] | Will y’kill me like y’done that gull? | 你要像杀那只海鸥一样杀了我吗 |
[1:32:32] | – I didn’t… – Liar! | -我没有 -骗子 |
[1:32:34] | Y’murdering dog! | 你这凶手 |
[1:32:36] | Twas ye what changed the wind on us. | 是你改变了风向 |
[1:32:39] | Twas ye what damned us, dog. Twas ye! | 是你害了我们 狗东西 是你 |
[1:32:42] | Will y’do what y’wish y’done to Ol’ Winslow? | 你终于要对老温斯洛下手了吗 |
[1:32:46] | Will ye best me then? For Winslow were right! | 你要打败我吗 因为温斯洛是对的 |
[1:32:49] | Thomas, ye’re a dog! | 托马斯 你就是条狗 |
[1:32:51] | A filthy dog! A dog! | 肮脏的臭狗 臭狗 |
[1:34:14] | Ye’re killing me! | 你要打死我了 |
[1:34:57] | Bark. | 吠啊 |
[1:35:03] | Bark, boy. | 吠啊 小子 |
[1:35:06] | Bark, laddy. | 吠啊 小子 |
[1:35:09] | Bark. | 吠啊 |
[1:35:14] | Woof. | 汪 |
[1:35:16] | Ain’t ye never been to sea before? | 你以前从没出过海吗 |
[1:35:19] | Bark, I says. Bark! | 我让你吠啊 |
[1:35:21] | Ruff! Ruff! Ruff! | 汪 汪 汪 |
[1:35:24] | Bark, laddy! | 吠啊 小子 |
[1:35:26] | Ruff! Ruff! Ruff! | 汪 汪 汪 |
[1:35:29] | – Now, there’s a good boy. – Ruff! | -这才是乖孩子 -汪 |
[1:35:32] | – There’s a good dog. – Ruff! | -真是条好狗 -汪 |
[1:35:34] | Ruff! Ruff! | 汪 汪 |
[1:35:37] | Ruff! | 汪 |
[1:35:40] | Now roll over. | 翻个身 |
[1:35:58] | Come on. | 快点 |
[1:36:01] | Come on. | 快点 |
[1:36:12] | Git! | 快点 |
[1:36:37] | Get up here. | 上来 |
[1:36:56] | Good boy. Good boy. | 乖孩子 乖孩子 |
[1:37:00] | Now you get in there, where you belong. | 进去吧 去你该去的地方 |
[1:37:04] | You do as I say, dog. | 照我说的做 臭狗 |
[1:37:11] | There’s my good lad. | 这才是好小子 |
[1:37:28] | Ye wish to see what’s in the lantern? | 你想看看灯里有什么吗 |
[1:37:33] | So did me last assistant. | 我的上一任助手也是 |
[1:37:35] | Shut up, old dog! | 闭嘴 老狗 |
[1:37:38] | Polish your brasswork. | 擦你的铜管去 |
[1:37:41] | O what Protean forms swim up from men’s minds, | 啊 人们脑中千变万化的期望 |
[1:37:47] | and melt in hot Promethean plunder, | 窥得真理时便融化殆尽 |
[1:37:51] | scorching eyes | 神圣的羞耻和恐惧 |
[1:37:52] | with divine shames and horror… | 烧焦他们的双眼 |
[1:37:57] | And casting them down to Davy Jones. | 将他们打入深海地狱 |
[1:38:02] | The others, still blind, | 他人虽被灼瞎 |
[1:38:05] | yet in it see | 却在其中得见 |
[1:38:08] | all the divine graces | 一切神圣的恩典 |
[1:38:14] | and to Fiddler’s Green sent, | 终达水手的天堂 |
[1:38:18] | where no man is suffered | 那里贫困和劳苦 |
[1:38:22] | to want or toil, | 都不复存在 |
[1:38:24] | but is… | 而是 |
[1:38:27] | ancient… | 历经沧桑 |
[1:38:30] | mutable and unchanging | 反复无常 亘古不变 |
[1:38:34] | as the she who girdles | 正如那环绕 |
[1:38:38] | ’round the globe. | 地球的大海 |
[1:38:42] | Them’s truth. | 这就是真理 |
[1:38:44] | You’ll be punished. | 你将受到天谴 |
[1:40:15] | The light belongs to me! | 灯是属于我的 |
[1:41:10] | Should pale death with treble dread | 若是裹挟尖厉恐惧的惨淡死亡 |
[1:41:13] | make the ocean caves our bed, | 让海洋洞穴成为我们的栖身之所 |
[1:41:17] | God who hear’st the surges roll, | 愿上帝听到浪潮翻涌 |
[1:41:19] | deign to save the suppliant soul. | 屈尊拯救我们的谦卑魂灵 |
[1:46:16] | ♪ It’s of a merchant’s daughter brought up in Callao ♪ | ♪ 有个商人的女儿在卡亚俄长大 ♪ |
[1:46:16] | Doodle Let Me Go (Yaller Girls) – A.L. Lloyd | |
[1:46:20] | ♪ Hurrah, me yaller girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 好哇 混血姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:46:25] | ♪ She took me in the parlour and said ♪ | ♪ 她拉我进店然后说 ♪ |
[1:46:28] | ♪ Won’t you be me boy? ♪ | ♪ 你不跟我好吗 ♪ |
[1:46:29] | ♪ Hurrah, me yaller girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 好哇 混血姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:46:34] | ♪ Doodle let me go, me girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 让我走吧 姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:46:38] | ♪ Hurrah, me yaller girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 好哇 混血姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:46:42] | ♪ Oh all around the sofa, lads, and wasn’t it a go ♪ | ♪ 围坐沙发上 伙计们玩得尽兴吗 ♪ |
[1:46:46] | ♪ Hurrah, me yaller girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 好哇 混血姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:46:51] | ♪ And about the hour of twelve o’clock ♪ | ♪ 时至午夜 ♪ |
[1:46:53] | ♪ Her own man he came home ♪ | ♪ 她男人回家了 ♪ |
[1:46:55] | ♪ Hurrah, me yaller girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 好哇 混血姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:47:00] | ♪ Doodle let me go, me girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 让我走吧 姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:47:04] | ♪ Hurrah, me yaller girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 好哇 混血姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:47:08] | ♪ As I was out a-walking down by the riverside ♪ | ♪ 我沿着河边散步时 ♪ |
[1:47:12] | ♪ Hurrah, me yaller girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 好哇 混血姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:47:16] | ♪ It was e’er I seen this pretty girl a-swimming in the tide ♪ | ♪ 看见一个漂亮姑娘在水中游泳 ♪ |
[1:47:21] | ♪ Hurrah, me yaller girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 好哇 混血姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:47:25] | ♪ Doodle let me go, me girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 让我走吧 姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:47:29] | ♪ Hurrah, me yaller girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 好哇 混血姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:47:34] | ♪ As I was out a-walking all in the bright moonlight ♪ | ♪ 我在月光下漫步时 ♪ |
[1:47:38] | ♪ Hurrah, me yaller girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 好哇 混血姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:47:43] | ♪ It was e’er I seen this girl a-swimming and arise ♪ | ♪ 看见一个姑娘从水中起身 ♪ |
[1:47:45] | ♪ It shone so bright ♪ | ♪ 月光那么皎洁 ♪ |
[1:47:47] | ♪ Hurrah, me yaller girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 好哇 混血姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:47:51] | ♪ Doodle let me go, me girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 让我走吧 姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:47:55] | ♪ Hurrah, me yaller girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 好哇 混血姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:48:00] | ♪ I wish I was in Madame Gashay’s down in Callao ♪ | ♪ 真希望我在卡亚俄的窑子里 ♪ |
[1:48:04] | ♪ Hurrah, me yaller girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 好哇 混血姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:48:08] | ♪ Where the girls hold on your bobstay ♪ | ♪ 那里的姑娘抓住桅索 ♪ |
[1:48:10] | ♪ And they never let it go ♪ | ♪ 就是不放手 ♪ |
[1:48:12] | ♪ Hurrah, me yaller girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 好哇 混血姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:48:17] | ♪ Doodle let me go, me girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 让我走吧 姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:48:21] | ♪ Hurrah, me yaller girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 好哇 混血姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:48:25] | ♪ We’ll cast a line ’round Madame Gashay’s ♪ | ♪ 我们抛出绳索 ♪ |
[1:48:28] | ♪ And take the house in tow ♪ | ♪ 把窑子拖走吧 ♪ |
[1:48:29] | ♪ Hurrah, me yaller girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 好哇 混血姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:48:34] | ♪ We’ll tow it back to Liverpool all the way from Callao ♪ | ♪ 从卡亚俄一路拖回利物浦 ♪ |
[1:48:38] | ♪ Hurrah, me yaller girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 好哇 混血姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:48:43] | ♪ Doodle let me go, me girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 让我走吧 姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:48:47] | ♪ Hurrah, me yaller girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 好哇 混血姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:48:51] | ♪ Doodle let me go, me girls, doodle let me go ♪ | ♪ 让我走吧 姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |
[1:48:55] | ♪ Hurrah, me yaller girls, doodle let me go. ♪ | ♪ 好哇 混血姑娘 让我走吧 ♪ |