英文名称:the red baron
时间 | 英文 | 中文 |
[01:23] | This way. | 这边 |
[01:43] | -There! -Where? | -在那儿 -哪里? |
[01:46] | Next to the farther beach tree. | 较远那棵树旁边 |
[02:06] | Get down. Down! | 趴下 |
[09:06] | Are you out of your bloody mind? | 你们都疯了吗? |
[09:09] | Yes, sir! | 是的 长官 |
[09:11] | You risk the squadron planes to attend an enemy funeral? | 你们用中队的飞机去参加敌人的葬礼? |
[09:15] | Yes, sir! | 是的 长官 |
[09:17] | Lehmann and Sternberg knew him, sir, Captain Winston Clyde Walker | 莱曼和斯滕伯格认识他 沃克上尉 |
[09:22] | the coffin I mean, sir. | 被安葬的人沃克 |
[09:24] | Yes, I mean, sir | 长官 我是说 |
[09:27] | My uncle, the Duke of Westchester is mother’s brother-in-law. | 我叔叔 在威彻斯特的那个 是他母亲的姐夫 |
[09:32] | Lehmann and me went to college with him. At Eton, sir. | 我和勒曼是他大学同学 在伊顿上的大学 |
[09:35] | You are talking about a British pilot, god damn it. | 靠 你们谈论一个英国飞行员 |
[09:38] | One of the best the RFC had. | 皇家空军最优秀的一位 |
[09:40] | It’s a pity that he’s not alive anymore, sir. | 很可惜 他去世了 |
[09:44] | Oh, what the hell! | 你们见鬼去吧 |
[09:47] | Dismissed! | 解散 |
[09:57] | I’ve heard your plane cought some bullets | 我听说你在吊唁的路上 |
[09:59] | while you were visiting the funeral, Richthofen. | 受到了”欢迎” |
[10:02] | Ah, I just love these tiny chatty Airfields, Kielmeyer. | 消息传得可真快 基尔迈耶 |
[10:04] | -Anybody want a cigarette? -French? | -要烟吗? -法国烟吗? |
[10:11] | -De rien. -Merci. | -没有 -谢谢 |
[10:13] | Richthofen shot down a two-seater today. | 里希特霍芬打下了架双座 |
[10:18] | I suppose that’s to make up for disobeying my orders? | 算是将功补过 |
[10:21] | No. | 不 |
[10:23] | It’s adding to my score. | 这是我的战果 |
[10:29] | I have just got a report. A British RE8 | 我刚收到报告 离这里12公里 |
[10:32] | crashed 12 km from here. | 有架英国飞机坠毁了 |
[10:34] | You have my most respect, Baron. | 了不起 男爵 |
[10:37] | Let’s go find your brain. Let’s get your kill confirm. | 去找找你的猎物 并确认战果 |
[10:40] | You bastard! | 你个混蛋 |
[11:08] | Help me. Come on! Help me. | 快来 帮帮我 |
[11:16] | One | 一 |
[11:17] | Two | 二 |
[11:19] | Three | 三 |
[11:20] | I said careful! | 我说了小心点 |
[11:41] | Hurry up, he is blooding heavily. | 快点 他正在流血 |
[11:46] | He is losing a lot of blood. | 他失血很多 |
[11:49] | Take this off. | 按住这里 |
[11:52] | You will be all right. | 你会没事的 |
本电影台词包含不重复单词:1082个。 其中的生词包含:四级词汇:173个,六级词汇:86个,GRE词汇:71个,托福词汇:114个,考研词汇:181个,专四词汇:155个,专八词汇:16个, 所有生词标注共:306个。 定制生词标注的台词本和单词统计,请访问生词标注台词本 | ||
[11:55] | You will be all right. | 你会没事的 |
[11:57] | You can take him. | 你们可以抬他上车了 |
[12:01] | Pick him up! | 把他抬起来 |
[12:09] | Thank you. | 谢谢 |
[12:10] | You saved this man’s life. | 你救了他一命 |
[12:12] | No. | 不 |
[12:14] | I shot him down. | 是我把他打下来的 |
[12:37] | You are down, Sternberg. | 你差点被打下来 斯腾伯格 |
[12:39] | Oh, no. You attacked single-seat DH2 from above towards | 不是 那架单座双翼机 从我后上方俯冲攻击我 |
[12:44] | Listen, Sterni, if the attacker has a rotary engine then . | 他攻击的时候 他的循环引擎 |
[12:46] | Qu’est que c’est rotary engine? | 什么是循环引擎? |
[12:56] | Oh, Lieutenant Sternberg | 斯腾伯格中尉 |
[13:04] | Quite obviously she prefers men like me. Voss? | 看来她喜欢我这种男人 是吧 |
[13:06] | Men like who? | 你这种男人? |
[13:10] | -Moses, Freud -Better to get circumcised, Voss? | -摩西 弗洛伊德 -也许你该去割了你包皮 |
[13:20] | Hey, not so fast. | 别走啊 |
[13:23] | Hey, Manfred. Look, she looks like your little nurse. | 曼弗雷德 她和你的那个护士长得很像 |
[13:26] | At least, from behind. | 起码从后面差不多 |
[13:32] | I’m sorry, sir. | 对不起 长官 |
[13:34] | What, what are you doing here? | 你在这里做什么? |
[13:38] | Have a seat. Have a drink with us. | 来坐会儿吧 陪我们喝几杯 |
[13:44] | I thought the gentlemen just wanted some cocktails. | 我以为先生们只想喝鸡尾酒 |
[13:47] | Sit down, and have a drink with us. | 坐下 一起喝酒吧 |
[14:00] | I’m married, you know | 我已经结婚了 |
[14:02] | So am I. | 我也是 |
[14:04] | I mean, almost. At least. | 至少和结婚了差不多 |
[14:11] | we need a bit of water. | 我们需要点水 |
[14:24] | The driver says the engine has overheated. | 司机说引擎过热 |
[14:52] | -Lieutenant. -My name is von Richthofen. | -少尉先生 -我叫冯·里希特霍芬 |
[14:56] | Please to meet you again, Mademoiselle. | 很高兴又见到你 小姐 |
[14:57] | -I know your name. -Well? | -我知道你的名字 -真的吗? |
[15:00] | The pilot you shot down, told me who you were. | 被你击落的飞行员告诉了我你是谁 |
[15:04] | Did he survived? | 他活下来了吗? |
[15:06] | Do you really care or you are just curious? | 你真的关心 或者只是好奇? |
[15:10] | The latter. | 好奇 |
[15:12] | At least you are honest. | 你至少还算诚实 |
[15:14] | It’s a start, isn’t it? | 这起码是个开始 |
[15:16] | Can you be caring without being curious in the first place? | 不好奇怎么会关心 |
[15:20] | So, what’s your name? | 他叫什么? |
[15:23] | His name is Captain Roy Brown. | 他是罗伊·布朗上尉 |
[15:26] | And he’s still alive, thanks to you. | 他活下来了 并感激你 |
[15:29] | He told me you are a supreme professional | 他告诉我你是个非常优秀的飞行员 |
[15:33] | and a cheeky rascal. | 也是个无耻的混蛋 |
[15:36] | Well. | 我知道了 |
[15:38] | Tell him that I am flattered by his compliments. | 转告他 他的赞美 我受之不恭 |
[15:40] | And that I hope that I will never have | 我希望再也不要 |
[15:42] | to meet him in the sky again. | 在空中遇到他 |
[15:45] | He might get the better of me. | 要是再遇上了 |
[15:47] | And I may not be lucky enough to have | 我也许没这么好运 |
[15:50] | such a gorgeous attendance. | 有这么漂亮的护士照顾 |
[15:54] | Unbelievable. Enjoy your evening. | 难以置信 再见 |
[15:59] | Do you have to know what became of my scarf? | 我的围巾怎么样了? |
[16:02] | I’ll have it send to you. | 我会寄给你的 |
[16:04] | No, keep it. | 不 你留着吧 |
[16:06] | It’ll bring you luck. | 它会给你带来好运 |
[17:09] | The French sent their condolences | 法国人发来了唁电 |
[17:11] | and the clear of the kill. | 和击坠确认 |
[17:14] | The service for Kielmeyer will be held at 4pm. | 基尔迈尔的告别仪式今天下午四点举行 |
[17:19] | The pilot who lead the attack four days ago | 四天前攻击我们的飞行员 |
[17:23] | it was Hawker. | 是霍克 |
[17:25] | What? | 谁? |
[17:27] | Major Lanoe Hawker? | 兰诺·霍克少校? |
[17:30] | The very man, sir. | 就是他 长官 |
[17:33] | I saw his face. Full bearded. | 我看到了他的脸 满脸络腮胡子 |
[17:37] | And the Grim Reaper painted on the fuselage. | 机身上画了个死神 |
[17:38] | It’s their top man. | 他们最好的飞行员 |
[17:41] | Oh, shut up. He’s gerry fellow. Down 9 of us. | 别说了 他是一个讨厌的家伙 他击落了我们9架战机 |
[17:44] | When they uesd to fly unarmed recon missions | 他还在进行非武装侦察飞行的时候 |
[17:47] | he already mounted a gun on his plane. | 在飞机上绑了支破机枪 |
[17:49] | We almost touch wings. | 我们差点撞到机翼 |
[17:51] | Had I all tend to see this way. | 我不得不闪到一边 |
[17:55] | Then why didn’t you attack him? | 那你为什么不攻击他 |
[17:58] | I only attack if I can win. | 我只攻击确信可以击败的对手 |
[18:19] | How badly did you want the Pour le Merite? | 蓝马克思勋章对你来说有多重要? |
[18:23] | I’d kill for it. | 我会为之杀人 |
[18:26] | I just received a cable from Supreme Headquarters. | 我刚刚收到指挥部的电报 |
[18:29] | You guess what? They badly want to give it to you. | 他们不愿授予你这枚勋章 |
[18:33] | So why don’t they then? | 为什么? |
[18:35] | You know the rules. | 你知道规矩 |
[18:36] | And not even the emperor commander would ignore the regulations | 即使皇帝本人也不会网开一面 |
[18:39] | so you better do what they want and shoot down a capture balloon. | 所以你最好执行你接到的命令 去把他们的侦查气球打下来 |
[18:43] | I hunt planes, sir. | 我只打飞机 |
[18:46] | And not things that can not move. | 我不打不会动的东西 |
[18:48] | You are not a hunter lieutenant. | 你不是猎人 |
[18:50] | You are a soldier. And you have to follow orders. | 你是个士兵 你必须服从命令 |
[18:53] | Especially if the orders were issued by General von Hoeppner himself. | 尤其这是将军的命令 |
[19:11] | What if I shoot down Hawker? | 我把霍克打下来怎么样? |
[19:13] | Stay away from Hawker. | 别碰霍克 |
[19:16] | You are not a match for him. | 你不是他对手 |
[19:55] | Has anybody got a spanner? | 有人有扳手吗? |
[20:27] | I don’t believe it. | 不可思议 |
[20:32] | So you finally did it. | 你终于做到了 |
[20:35] | You baked yourself a legend. | 击落了一个传奇人物 |
[20:38] | That makes you a legend, too. | 你现在也是传奇人物了 |
[20:43] | Have one, my mother made them. | 尝尝 我妈做的 |
[20:48] | Lieutenant Oswald Boelcke. The first of the aces. | 奥斯瓦尔德·波尔克中尉 王牌中的王牌 |
[20:51] | They are desperately searching for somebody | 他们在拼命寻找 |
[20:52] | who steps in his footprints. | 追随他足迹的人 |
[20:54] | You know what he wants to said to me when I ask how he manage his business? | 我问过他如何做到这么成功 |
[20:59] | Well, it’s quite simple. | 很简单 |
[21:02] | I fly close to my man | 尽可能地靠近敌机 |
[21:03] | and well | 扣下扳机 |
[21:04] | and of course he will fall down. | 对方当然就掉下去了 |
[21:09] | Sterni and I drive to Arras | 我和斯腾伯格去喝几杯 |
[21:12] | Why don’t join us for a drink. | 一起来吧 |
[21:14] | Not tonight. | 今晚不行 |
[21:15] | You could look for the little nurse. | 你可以去找那个护士 |
[21:18] | I mean the sooner you have her | 我是说 你应该早点行动 |
[21:19] | the sooner you get her out of your system. | 不然就要忍受相思苦 |
[21:22] | You can’t have ties on the ground. | 越早着陆越好 |
[21:29] | Werner. | 韦尔纳 |
[21:33] | I will fill that gap. | 我会成为传奇 |
[21:36] | I will be the first of the Aces. | 王牌中的王牌 |
[21:54] | Stop! | 停下 |
[21:55] | There you go. | 继续走吧 |
[22:02] | I’m starving. | 我快饿死了 |
[22:04] | And me too. | 我也是 |
[22:05] | Prussians don’t complain, gentlemen. | 普鲁士人从不说谎话 |
[22:25] | Let’s go. | 走吧 |
[22:29] | Go and find us some breakfast. | 带点吃的回来 |
[22:51] | At ease, gentlemen. | 稍息 |
[22:55] | L’ordre Pour Le Merite | 蓝马克斯勋章 |
[22:58] | Where is it | 让我找找 |
[23:01] | Prussia’s highest bravery award. | 普鲁士最高荣誉勋章 |
[23:05] | A year ago Boelcke was the first pilot to ever receive it. | 一年前波尔克是第一个获得这枚勋章的飞行员 |
[23:10] | A lot has changed since. | 从那之后物是人非啊 |
[23:14] | Right, Baron? | 是不是 男爵? |
[23:18] | Indeed, sir. | 的确是 将军 |
[23:20] | He only had to down 8 to get it. | 他只打下8架 |
[23:22] | I shot down twice as many. | 而我差不多打下双倍的 |
[23:24] | An exception for you has already been made, Richthofen. | 已经为你破例一次了 里希特霍芬 |
[23:27] | You still owe us a balloon, don’t you? | 你还欠我们一个气球 对吗? |
[23:31] | However you have shot down the enemy’s best | 因为你击落了敌军中最强一个的家伙 |
[23:34] | “the torist Captain Hawker” | 不可战胜的霍克 |
[23:36] | You acknowledge Germany’s premier A ace. | 我任命你为德军的最高王牌飞行员 |
[23:41] | You take over command of 11th fight wing. | 你指挥第11飞行中队 |
[23:44] | -Come. -Excellent, General. | -跟我来 -好的 将军 |
[23:46] | Have a look at this: Here in the east | 看这个: 东部俄国沙皇的部队 |
[23:50] | the Tsar’s army pose no problem to us, gentlemen. | 对我们构不成任何威胁 |
[23:54] | They will soon have a revolution in Russia. | 苏联会发生一场革命 |
[23:56] | Amusing, isn’t it? | 有趣吧? |
[23:58] | Lenin and his communists help the German Emperor | 列宁和它的共产主义帮助德国皇帝 |
[24:06] | Well, the western front was the danger lines. | 同时 西线对我们的威胁最大 |
[24:10] | The British 1st and 3rd Armies are provide with everything they have got. | 英国第一军和第三军各方面都在提高 |
[24:15] | They have got plenty. | 他们可以提供很多东西 |
[24:22] | I must drive them back. | 我们必须要赶走他们 |
[24:26] | Inch by inch and day after day. | 一寸一寸 一天一天 |
[24:30] | Without Lenin’s help. | 不需要列宁的帮助 |
[24:37] | Richhofen, your will be station at La Brayelles. | 里希特霍芬 我们会把你部署在拉巴耶鲁 |
[24:43] | Northwest of Douai | 杜埃西北部 |
[24:46] | Here, right in the middle. | 中间这里 |
[24:53] | Sir? | 长官 |
[24:55] | Yes? | 什么事? |
[24:56] | Isn’t the middle supposed to be near to Paris by now? | 我们不应该更靠近巴黎吗? |
[25:00] | I mean, you said we would be there in ten days two months ago. | 两个月前您说过 我们能在10天内打进巴黎 |
[25:06] | Manfred! | 曼弗雷德 |
[25:19] | The high command has given you tremendous responsibility, young man. | 年轻人 作为一个指挥官责任重大 |
[25:22] | Far beyond than this medal. | 可要大大超出这块奖章所代表的 |
[25:25] | You’ve been promoted not only to lead the man | 不仅仅是为了领导你手下的士兵 |
[25:28] | that have been just placed under your command. | 而提拔你 |
[25:31] | You were be chosen as a middle of all flying men. | 你要成为整个部队的榜样 |
[25:34] | Symbol of courage, bravery, honourable, determination. | 代表勇气 荣誉 决心 |
[25:39] | A symbol for the German superiority. | 德意志精神的体现 |
[25:44] | Pilots are like gods, Richthofen. | 飞行员就是神 里希特霍芬 |
[25:47] | After the death of Boelcke the troops have lost their hero. | 波尔克的死后 士兵们失去了他们的神 |
[25:51] | And if the enemy can kill gods | 要是敌人能杀死我们的神 这对我们的士兵来说 |
[25:55] | what chance “ground workers” in the trenches think he has, huh? | 可不是什么振奋人心的消息 |
[26:02] | Gods don’t die. | 神是不会死的 |
[26:04] | Do you understand? | 明白了吗? |
[26:08] | Yes, sir. | 明白 长官 |
[26:10] | Fine. | 很好 |
[26:11] | You are dismissed, gentlemen. | 你们可以离开了 |
[26:27] | Sir? | 长官 |
[26:28] | Yes? | 什么事 |
[26:31] | Ask. | 说吧 |
[26:33] | Any chance of some croissants, and coffee? | 能给我们些面包和咖啡吗? |
[27:03] | There you are! | 你回来了 |
[27:06] | Good morning, mother. | 早安 妈妈 |
[27:08] | I think you’ve had a comfortable trip. | 看来旅途顺利吧 |
[27:17] | When you finally disable to wear this old jacket, Manfred? | 这件旧夹克你还要穿多久 曼弗雷德 |
[27:22] | Where is it! | 回来了 |
[27:24] | -Cousin, brother! -Bastard! | -堂兄 弟弟 -你好吧 |
[27:27] | May I see it? | 我们能看看吗? |
[27:27] | It’s in the bag. | 看吧 在箱子里 |
[27:30] | There he is. My favorate brother, and he’s still wearing this old jacket. | 我亲爱的哥哥 你还穿着这件旧夹克 |
[27:35] | I’ve already told him | 我跟他说过了 |
[27:36] | Stop making a fuss of my jacket. | 别拿我的夹克说事了 |
[27:39] | Give me a hug. | 来给我个拥抱 |
[28:02] | Good to have you home, son. | 欢迎回家 儿子 |
[28:42] | Everybody comes in honour of our son. | 所有人都是来看我们的儿子的 |
[28:45] | And all they do is playing with that plane. | 他们在做什么 玩他们的飞机 |
[28:47] | Like the cutest boys. | 像可爱的小孩子一样 |
[28:48] | Do you think my brothers will ever grow up? | 我的哥哥们看来永远不会长大 |
[28:51] | Handsome little boys. | 帅帅的小孩子 |
[28:58] | Let them enjoy they are use | 让他们玩吧 |
[29:01] | as they still can. | 趁他们还有机会 |
[29:38] | You said you could fly a plane. | 你说你会开飞机的 |
[29:40] | I can! | 我会 |
[29:43] | Wait until I sit in a real plane. | 等我坐上真正的飞机 |
[29:45] | I’ll reach the score. | 我会达到目标的 |
[30:13] | Keep the sun on your back. | 攻击时背朝太阳 |
[30:16] | Don’t fire too soon. | 不要太早开火 |
[30:17] | It just warns your opponent and has no other effect. | 这样除了提醒对手之外没有任何好处 |
[30:22] | Best range for shooting is 50 meters. Not more. | 最佳开火距离是50米 别太远 |
[30:26] | But remember: | 但一定记住: |
[30:28] | Our task is to bring down airoplanes, not men. | 我们的任务是击落敌人的飞机 不是飞行员 |
[30:31] | So stop firing when your opponent is falling. | 所以 不允许对着正在坠落的飞机射击 |
[30:36] | Gentlemen, we are sportsmen. | 先生们 我们是运动员 |
[30:39] | Not butchers. | 不是屠夫 |
[30:48] | -Merci -De rien. | -谢谢 -不用谢 |
[30:54] | Gentlemen! | 先生们 |
[30:56] | I like you to meet my chief mechanic | 请允许我介绍一下 我的首席机械师 |
[30:59] | Sergent Reuber. | 鲁伯中士 |
[31:04] | Dismissed! | 解散 |
[31:08] | Sir! | 长官 |
[31:10] | Stop clicking your heels, Wentzke. | 别扣脚跟 |
[31:12] | Yes. Sir! | 是 长官 |
[31:15] | -Hello. -Oh, I almost forgot | -你好 -我差点忘了 |
[31:19] | If you don’t shoot down at least one in the next four weeks | 接下来4周内一架敌机都没打下来的 |
[31:23] | you are fired. | 请滚蛋 |
[31:48] | Lieutenant! | 中尉 |
[31:49] | This is a hospital, who do you think you are? | 这里是医院 请注意举止 |
[32:27] | I’m sorry. | 非常抱歉 |
[32:29] | Did you know him well? | 你和他很熟吗? |
[32:35] | I still don’t know your name | 我到现在还不知道你叫什么 |
[32:38] | Kate Otersdorf. | 克特·奥斯特多尔夫 |
[32:41] | Un nom allemand, a german name? | 德国人的名字? |
[32:44] | My father was German, my mother is Belgian. | 我父亲是德国人 母亲是比利时人 |
[32:48] | I see. | 我明白了 |
[32:50] | I love these french cigarettes. | 我非常喜欢法国烟 |
[33:04] | You are | 你 |
[33:06] | a very beautiful woman. | 很漂亮 |
[33:11] | I hoped to see you again. | 我希望能和你再次相见 |
[33:13] | And that you would perhaps wear my scarf. | 能看见你戴着我的围巾 |
[33:17] | I will get it for you. | 我去拿给你 |
[33:35] | I couldn’t get all of the stains out. | 还有些污渍我洗不掉 |
[33:39] | Mademoiselle! | 小姐 |
[33:41] | Have I done something wrong? | 我做错什么了吗? |
[33:44] | Am I not worthy of an answer or do you hate all men? | 或是说你恨所有的男人? |
[33:47] | Hate? | 恨? |
[33:48] | I don’t hate you. | 我不恨你 |
[33:51] | Hate is men’s business. | 男人才会憎恨 |
[33:53] | But you are angry, aren’t you? | 但你在生我气 是不是? |
[33:56] | There is somebody else’s blood on it. | 这上面还有别人的血 |
[33:59] | But it seems not to bother you. | 而你看起来一点都不在乎 |
[34:02] | Men like you scared because I do not understand why you do what you do. | 你这样的男人让我害怕 我不理解你们的行为 |
[34:07] | And being scared makes me angry. | 当我害怕时 我会生气 |
[34:11] | And now, please, leave me alone. | 请你不要来烦我 |
[34:15] | Wait, wait. | 等等 |
[34:19] | Imagine you up there. | 想像一下 身在空中 |
[34:21] | Like a hawk. | 如同一只苍鹰 |
[34:22] | Looking down. | 俯视大地 |
[34:25] | The wind is blowing around you. | 微风刮过脸颊 |
[34:27] | The smell of the engine, draft of the propeller. | 被发动机和螺旋桨的气味围绕 |
[34:32] | Up here you can let yourself fall. You can | 在空中你可以完全放松自己 |
[34:34] | climb, turn, spin | 爬升 翻滚 回旋 |
[34:37] | Freedom. | 自由 |
[34:40] | That’s what humans always dreamed of. | 这正是人类长久以来的梦想 |
[34:44] | I’ve dreamed of it since I was a little boy. | 我还是小孩子的时候就怀着这样的梦想 |
[34:47] | But the best part: | 但最棒的事情是: |
[34:49] | is the chase! | 追捕 |
[34:51] | The fights. | 战斗 |
[34:52] | The hunt. | 猎杀 |
[34:55] | It’s like a match. | 就像是一场比赛 |
[34:57] | Just like a sport. | 和体育竞技一样 |
[35:01] | Tennis does not kill you. | 打网球不会死人 |
[35:05] | It’s silly dreams that get your friend killed. | 愚蠢的梦想让你的朋友付出了生命 |
[35:12] | No, I don’t hate you, Baron. | 我不恨你 男爵 |
[35:16] | I pity you. | 我只是可怜你 |
[35:23] | Gentlemen. Please | 先生们 拜托 |
[35:26] | It couldn’t be that hard | 涂个飞机 |
[35:27] | to paint a plane! | 有这么难吗? |
[35:32] | Just do it! | 这是命令 |
[35:33] | Hurry up. | 赶快弄 |
[35:43] | Manfred. | 曼弗雷德 |
[35:44] | What’s wrong with you? | 你怎么了? |
[35:46] | What is this crazy paint job all about? | 为什么要涂装? |
[35:50] | Manfred, the General will crucify you for this. | 上面不会善罢甘休的 |
[35:53] | I don’t care what the officer in charge of aviation does. | 空指部说什么我不感兴趣 |
[35:56] | And you better no questioning my orders. | 还有 你最好不要质疑我的命令 |
[35:59] | I just think it’s making a mistake. | 我只是认为这是个错误 |
[36:02] | They will spot you from long away. | 敌人老远就能发现我们 |
[36:04] | We are completely losing our advantage of surprise. | 会失去奇袭效果 |
[36:06] | I don’t want them to be surprised. | 我不需要奇袭 斯腾伯格 |
[36:10] | I want them to be scared. | 我要让他们害怕 |
[36:22] | Lieutenant Kurt Wolff reporting for duty, sir. | 长官 库尔特·沃尔夫中尉前来报到 |
[36:29] | Planning to take a nap up there, Lieutenant? | 中尉 你想在天上打个盹吗 |
[36:32] | I never fly without this, sir. | 我上天时总戴着 |
[36:34] | You know, for luck. | 是我的护身符 |
[36:36] | Superstition, huh? | 迷信吧 |
[36:37] | Like me. | 我也是 |
[36:40] | My mother keeps ordering new coats | 我母亲总是为我订做了很多新外套 |
[36:42] | for all I take. I never pick them up. | 但我从不去取 |
[36:48] | See you around. | 回见 |
[37:06] | 6 weeks later. | 6周后 |
[37:09] | Sir! | 长官 |
[37:11] | General! | 将军 |
[37:12] | General von Hoeppner! | 冯·霍普纳尔将军 |
[37:14] | Over here, sir! | 看这里 长官 |
[37:22] | You’ll become quickly famouse, baron. | 你很快就会出名了 男爵 |
[37:24] | You are making headlines. | 你会上头条新闻的 |
[37:30] | The Emperor himself has mentioned your name | 在听说你击落了29架敌机后 |
[37:33] | after he heard about your 29th victory. | 皇帝亲口提到了你的名字 |
[37:36] | So | 所以 |
[37:38] | I brought you a little surprise for you | 我给你带来了个惊喜 |
[37:41] | Is there another of medals to give me? | 还有我没拿过的勋章吗? |
[37:46] | Well, it’s not exactly a medal. | 这回不是勋章 |
[37:49] | Sir! | 长官 |
[37:58] | It wasn’t my idea. | 这不是我的主意 |
[37:59] | It is all to good propaganda | 为了更好地宣传 |
[38:01] | “The Richthofen Brothers flying together.” | 里希特霍芬兄弟一同飞翔 |
[38:06] | Welcome. | 欢迎 |
[38:08] | Your brother’s a nice chap. | 你弟弟是个正派的小伙子 |
[38:10] | He really is the spirit that our Fatherland needs right now. | 他正是我们帝国需要的人才 |
[38:14] | So, tell me | 还有个问题 |
[38:15] | They come up strange the names for you | 听说敌人给你起了不少奇怪的外号 |
[38:18] | “Le Diable Rouge” | “红魔鬼” |
[38:19] | “The Red Baron” | “红男爵” |
[38:22] | What is it? | 怎么得来的? |
[38:45] | I see. | 我明白了 |
[38:54] | Interesting. | 有趣 |
[38:57] | Very interesting. | 真的很有趣 |
[39:08] | Just keep the sun on your back. | 太阳永远在你后面 |
[39:10] | Watch out for the wings. | 当心机翼 |
[39:12] | Never forget: | 记住: |
[39:13] | The pilot greast virtue is to know when to run. | 优秀的飞行员知进退 |
[39:16] | What? Was this a joke? | 什么? 你开玩笑吧 |
[39:19] | Just do what I’ve told you to do, Lothar. | 你照做就行了 |
[39:21] | Run away from the fight? | 逃离战斗? |
[39:23] | Yes. | 没错 |
[39:24] | -If you can’t win you fly away. -Fast! | -没有把握就立即逃离 -迅速地 |
[39:26] | It’s a thin line between cowardice and cleverness. | 明智与怯懦只有一线之隔 |
[39:30] | It’s true. | 对 |
[39:32] | All right. | 听他的没错 |
[39:33] | Good morning, gentlemen. | 早上好 先生们 |
[39:35] | That’s a great idea. | 这是个好主意 |
[39:37] | I really heard that the stupid French believe the colour to be bullet proof. | 我听说白痴法国人认为 红色能防弹 |
[39:48] | I wouldn’t take this with me. | 要是我的话 决不会带根棍子上天 |
[39:50] | It could get on your way up there. | 它可能会挡着你的 |
[40:06] | This looks much better. | 这样看起来好多了 |
[40:14] | The crop stays here. | 这鞭子我替你保管 |
[40:22] | -Scan the morph,didn’t we? -And now, it’s getting busy up there. | -我们得认清形势 -是啊 现在越来越忙了 |
[40:25] | The damn Frenchmen how to protect there balloons. | 该死的法国人 知道怎么保护他们的气球 |
[40:31] | That was fun, wasn’t it? | 真有趣 |
[40:33] | Let’s have a dinner together tonight. | 今晚一起吃饭吧 |
[40:35] | -Werner always feels lonely? -Yeah. | -韦尔纳感觉孤单吗? -是的 |
[40:37] | Did you have him transferred? | 你把他带这儿来了? |
[40:40] | Who? | 谁? |
[40:41] | Your brother Lothar. | 你弟弟洛塔 |
[40:44] | Where is he? You see him? | 他在哪儿? 你看到他了? |
[40:46] | Used right behind me. | 刚刚还在我身后 |
[40:48] | You’d better keep an eye on your little brother. | 你该好好照看你弟弟 |
[40:49] | He has got a dangerous attitude. | 他的想法很危险 |
[41:03] | Oh, my god. Let him fall off on land. | 天啊 让他降落 |
[41:15] | God for cry sick, Lothar! | 见鬼 洛塔 |
[41:17] | You shot the pool massacre to the pieces. | 你把溃败的敌人射成碎片 |
[41:20] | You think you can make our father full of proud? | 你认为这会让我们的父亲骄傲吗? |
[41:23] | He was lost his hearing while saving the life of an enemy. | 他为了救一个受伤的敌人 丧失了听力 |
[41:26] | So you want to win the war without killing anyone, huh? | 你想不杀一人就赢得战争吗? |
[41:32] | I watched you, enforce, and I don’t like what I see. | 我不赞同你的做法 |
[41:36] | You are you are all brilliant pilots. | 你们都是优秀的飞行员 |
[41:38] | But you got the wrong attitude. | 但你们态度错了 |
[41:41] | With bussiness painting a warplane in red. | 居然突发奇想 把战斗机涂成红色的 |
[41:45] | Stop dreaming! | 别做梦了 |
[41:47] | This is not a polo game. | 这不是一场马球赛 |
[41:49] | We are not children anymore, we are grow men. | 我们也不是小孩子 是男人 |
[41:51] | Fucking a bloody war! | 这是他妈的血淋淋的战争 |
[41:53] | I know that. | 我明白 |
[41:56] | I know that very well! | 我非常明白 |
[41:58] | But Stern, we can fight with grace! | 但战争也可以带着礼节进行 |
[42:14] | What? | 你想说什么? |
[42:17] | You are listening? | 你都听见了 |
[42:18] | Even this I heard Paris | 我听见你们提到了巴黎 |
[42:20] | -and Berlin. -Come on, he was just over-ambitious. | -还有柏林 -他只是野心不小 |
[42:22] | Well, you have to contain him. | 你该告诉他以后要低调点 |
[42:24] | I for one, I don’t wanna get killed because your brother’s ambition. | 一方面 我不想因为你弟弟的野心而死 |
[42:28] | And I hate to see you kick the bucket. | 另一方面 我也没兴趣看着你因此丧命 |
[43:55] | Good morning, my dear Hindenburg. | 早安 兴登堡 |
[43:58] | And my dear friend von Hoeppner. | 还有我的朋友冯·霍普纳尔 |
[44:01] | Welcome to Berlin, gentlemen. | 先生们 欢迎来到柏林 |
[44:19] | The young man already seems to be more famous than | 看起来这年轻人已经比那个谁还有名了 |
[44:24] | What was his name? | 他叫什么名字? |
[44:25] | -Oswald Boelcke, your majesty. -Yes. | -奥斯瓦尔多·波尔克 陛下 -是的 |
[44:28] | We need men like him. | 我们需要他这样的军人 |
[44:30] | I suppose | 我想 |
[44:32] | we’ll have to give you another promotion, Richthofen. | 我们该再次提拔你了 里希特霍芬 |
[44:39] | You are a real hero. | 你是个真正的英雄 |
[44:44] | I take it, the ladies are all over you. | 估计有不少人家的小姐都围着你转吧 |
[44:50] | There aren’t many fans at 3000 meters altitude, your majesty. | 在3000米的空中并没有多少 陛下 |
[45:06] | Attention! | 立正 |
[45:09] | Are you ready, gentlemen? | 先生们 准备好了吗? |
[46:37] | Move on! | 继续前进 |
[46:53] | What shall we do, sir? | 长官 我们该怎么办? |
[46:54] | I could run them over. | 我可以把他们赶开 |
[46:56] | Put the pistol away. | 把枪收起来 |
[47:01] | What did he say? | 他说什么? |
[47:02] | He wants the Captain’s idiograph. | 他想要少尉的签名 |
[47:17] | Ready! | 准备 |
[47:18] | Go! | 开始 |
[47:24] | -Ready! -Go! | -准备 -开始 |
[47:30] | How did you know? | 你怎么知道? |
[47:32] | I thought you lost yours. | 你的丢了吧 |
[48:10] | Good morning, gentlemen. | 早安 先生们 |
[48:12] | Good morning, Bodenschatz! Welcome! | 伯登沙尔茨 欢迎 |
[48:13] | My new adjutant. | 我的新副官 |
[48:14] | Kurt Wolff. | 库尔特·沃尔夫 |
[48:16] | -Welcome. -I’ve heard a lot about you. | -欢迎 -久仰久仰 |
[48:18] | Thanks. | 谢谢 |
[48:20] | Orders, Sternberg, orders. | 命令 斯腾伯格 |
[48:22] | My new commanding officer is the same man | 现在命令我的人 |
[48:24] | whom I commanded myself not so long ago. | 不久前还是接受我命令的人 |
[48:26] | So | 那么 |
[48:27] | I’ve heard that you have to deal with massive allied forces here? | 我听说你得面对数量庞大的协约国军队 |
[48:30] | More than massive. | 漫山遍野 |
[48:32] | While German produce 10 planes they unload 100 planes at the french coast. | 德国这边新造十架飞机 法国人那里会有一百架 |
[48:36] | Let them come. | 让他们来 |
[48:38] | We’ll have to shoot them by the hundreds. | 有多少打多少下来 |
[48:42] | Me brother Lothar | 我的兄弟洛塔 |
[53:18] | No! Damn! | 不! 见鬼! |
[53:21] | You bastard! | 你这个混蛋 |
[55:29] | Damn gophers. | 该死的地鼠 |
[55:31] | You know, the spirit that I didn’t get caught in one of the damn holes myself. | 没和你一样栽坑里 算我走运 |
[55:35] | Thank you for being so tackful. | 谢谢你这么谦虚 |
[55:37] | You perfect landing with shredded rudders is already shameful enough for me. | 你完美的着陆已经足以让我羞愧 |
[55:41] | I’ve come to have a look. Sopwith. Brand new, isn’t it? | 我就想瞧一眼索普威思 还是新的? |
[55:46] | It was. Captain Brown. | 刚才是新的 我是布朗上尉 |
[55:52] | The infamous Red Baron, I presume? | 我猜你就是 “红男爵” |
[55:55] | Didn’t I shot you down a year ago? | 我去年不是已经击落过你一次吗? |
[55:58] | Indeed, you did. | 是的 没错 |
[56:00] | Why you still fly around again? | 那你怎么还能飞行啊? |
[56:02] | Your prison camps are quite fancy while there have no airfields. | 你们的战俘营倒是挺舒适 就是没有飞机场 |
[56:09] | Thanks for pulling me after I wreck, for saving my life. | 谢谢你那时救了我一命 |
[56:19] | Pulling you from the wreck and save your live. | 将你弄出残骸 救了你的命 |
[56:23] | True. | 没错 |
[56:25] | Without her help I would have never made it back into a plane. | 没有她我也回不到飞机里 |
[56:28] | She’s sure a great girl. | 她是个不错的姑娘 |
[56:31] | She nursed me for weeks. | 她照顾了我几个星期 |
[56:34] | Did you get back your scarf? | 你的围巾没拿回来吗? |
[56:41] | What now? | 现在怎么办? |
[56:43] | I guess we can try killing each other with our pistols. | 我们可以用手枪决斗 |
[56:46] | Killing you it would make me famous, too. | 要是打死你 我就出名了 |
[56:48] | Sorry, I didn’t bring mine. But mine want you now be hold | 我没带枪 我也希望你 |
[56:51] | before your holster. | 把你的也收好 |
[57:08] | How long have you been station in Europe? | 你在欧洲驻扎多久了? |
[57:10] | Ever since Mother England God asked her for help. | 自从英国母亲向她的孩子们发出求救 |
[57:14] | I mean us, the English Colonies. | 我指的是英国殖民地 |
[57:17] | You right. Entire war seems to be a family affair. | 嗯 整场战争其实是一场家庭纠纷 |
[57:21] | Family ties is your aristocrats. | 这个家庭掌握在贵族手中 |
[57:24] | The russian Tsar, the German Kaiser, the English Monarchy. | 俄国 英国 德国皇室 |
[57:27] | France, Austria, Germany. | 法国 奥地利 德国 |
[57:29] | Everybody is somebody’s nephew, uncle, brother. Man | 相互之间不是兄弟 就是谁的侄子 叔叔 |
[57:33] | your love life certainly doesn’t know borders. | 总之 分不清界限 |
[57:35] | And to protect the borders we have to annihilate anyway. | 我们就为了这分不清的界限生死相搏 |
[57:39] | But we always silly to find good reasons anyway. | 但我们又总能找到些愚蠢的借口 |
[57:50] | You didn’t unlock your holster because you were afraid of me, did you? | 你枪套不扣 不是因为怕我吧? |
[57:53] | You got damn good eyes. | 你倒是眼尖 |
[57:57] | You’re feeling about killing me? | 你想杀了我吗? |
[57:59] | It isn’t killing each other we have another reason? | 我们来这里不就是为了相互厮杀吗? |
[58:05] | Yes. | 没错 |
[58:10] | See you soon. | 再见 |
[58:13] | Don’t get me wrong but I’d rather not. | 还是不见的好 |
[58:20] | Yes. | 没错 |
[58:28] | It was nice to meet you. | 很高兴见到你 |
[58:30] | Good luck. | 祝你好运 |
[58:35] | Talking family | 最好是家庭方面的好运 |
[58:38] | Sooner or later this war will be over. | 战争迟早会结束的 |
[58:41] | You should hold up with that nurse. | 你应该把握住那个护士 |
[58:44] | I think she has got a heart for you. | 我想她被你击中了 |
[58:48] | What make she say that? | 为什么这么说? |
[58:50] | She kept bitching about you for weeks. | 那几个星期她整天骂你 |
[59:22] | Stop the truck! | 停车 |
[59:26] | Stop the truck! | 停车 |
[59:37] | There you are, we just found him. | 我们刚刚找到他 |
[59:51] | Sterni. | 斯腾伯格 |
[59:55] | Can he need a doctor here? | 他需要一个医生 |
[59:56] | He doesn’t need a doctor, he needs a priest. | 用不着医生了 他需要一个牧师 |
[1:00:00] | A rabbi. | 一个犹太牧师 |
[1:00:01] | Really? | 是吗? |
[1:00:34] | He’s dead, Manfred. | 他死了 曼弗雷德 |
[1:01:24] | Catching up, brother. | 我慢慢赶上你了 哥哥 |
[1:01:31] | It’s days since his bury day. | 他的葬礼已经过去好几天了 |
[1:01:45] | Why you can’t enjoy that I was promoted? I am your brother. | 你就不能为我的升迁高兴吗? 我是你弟弟 |
[1:02:04] | He was a friend of yours, I know. | 我知道他是你朋友 |
[1:02:08] | But he was a fighter pilot, too. | 但他也是战斗机飞行员 |
[1:02:11] | He knew the risks | 他知道风险 |
[1:02:16] | A risk, every soldier is proudly to take. | 作为一名士兵 以承受这种风险而自豪 |
[1:02:20] | But you are more than a soldier, you are a supreme officer! | 而你不仅仅是士兵 也是高级军官 |
[1:02:25] | You have the responsibility to all men out there! | 你得对外面的那些兄弟负责 |
[1:02:28] | To all your country, and your people! | 对祖国和人民的一切负责 |
[1:02:39] | You know what our father always said: | 你知道父亲常说: |
[1:02:43] | “A leader can not to mourn.” | 作为领导者 不允许悲伤 |
[1:04:00] | You smell nice. | 你真香 |
[1:04:03] | Much better than all the flowers. | 比那些花还香 |
[1:04:11] | You are still a little boy with silly ideas. | 你还是个爱胡思乱想的孩子 |
[1:04:17] | You haven’t changed. | 从没改变 |
[1:04:21] | I’m not so sure about that. | 这我不敢肯定 |
[1:04:26] | But a while ago I wouldn’t have let them shoot me down. | 不过肯定还是讨厌打针 |
[1:04:31] | Turn over. | 翻身 |
[1:04:50] | So much about “Germany’s greatest”? | 这就是德国的 “第一英雄” ? |
[1:04:56] | I have enough for giving disappoint news and lack of success every damn day. | 我受够了 成天要听你们汇报坏消息 |
[1:05:02] | I’m just trying to act for you. | 我只是试着代管 |
[1:05:03] | You are sending out single squadrons. | 你把中队一个个地派出去 |
[1:05:05] | Doering. | 多林 |
[1:05:07] | There are no positions to battle successfully against the enemy formations. | 他们根本就顶不住敌人的编队 |
[1:05:12] | Captain Doering has got his orders. | 多林上尉只是奉命而为 |
[1:05:14] | The Office in charge of us to arrange with the time schedules, sir. | 最高指挥部命令我们 按固定的时间表飞行 |
[1:05:18] | They are all idiots and retards. | 他们都是些白痴和弱智 |
[1:05:20] | They want us to fly routine barrier flights. | 想强迫我们做拉网式飞行 |
[1:05:23] | We have to be flexible. | 我们必须灵活点 |
[1:05:25] | Loose. | 自由点 |
[1:05:26] | Hitting the enemy warrior egineers. | 打掉他们的精锐部队 |
[1:05:32] | The British and the French are controlling the air wherever and whenever they like. | 英国人和法国人可以在我们的领空上为所欲为 |
[1:05:36] | Yes | 是的 |
[1:05:39] | We are hardly shooting down any of their damn planes! | 我们却连一架他们的飞机都打不下来 |
[1:05:45] | I order you to ignore the O.C’s orders, Doering. | 我命令你无视最高指挥部的命令 多林 |
[1:06:31] | Mademoiselle Otersdorf? What are you doing? | 奥斯特多尔夫小姐 你来这里做什么? |
[1:06:36] | Just following my orders, Baron. | 我只是奉命而来 男爵 |
[1:06:40] | You were ordered to come with us? | 有人命令你和我们一起走? |
[1:06:43] | Yes. | 是的 |
[1:07:22] | Hey, sir! Nice to have you back, sir! | 上尉 很高兴你回来了 |
[1:07:27] | Welcome back. | 欢迎归队 |
[1:07:51] | The red ones, 11th squadron. | 红色的隶属于第11中队 |
[1:07:55] | The yellow,10. | 黄色的是第10中队 |
[1:07:58] | The zebras are 6. | 斑马纹的是第6中队 |
[1:08:00] | And the black ones are 4. | 黑色的是第4中队 |
[1:08:03] | You are looking at the most successful fighter squadron of the war. | 你面前的是这场战争中最成功的飞行中队 |
[1:08:07] | And these men are the best pilots in skys. | 里面坐的是最好的飞行员 |
[1:08:18] | I never thought that this would happen. | 我以为这不会发生 |
[1:08:20] | What? | 什么? |
[1:08:22] | See you smile. | 看到你的微笑 |
[1:08:30] | I thought you were not possible to fly. | 我以为你不能继续飞了 |
[1:08:41] | Your nurse is a good looking girl. | 你那个护士挺可爱的 |
[1:08:49] | I may have got a hole in the head but I’m not blind. | 我脑袋上有个洞 但我没瞎 |
[1:08:55] | And I am already fit enough to punch you in the face. | 我早就康复 可以重返战场了 |
[1:09:04] | What are you writing? | 你在写什么? |
[1:09:07] | A book. | 一本书 |
[1:09:10] | About fly. | 关于飞行的 |
[1:09:12] | What are you reading? | 你喜欢读书吗? |
[1:09:14] | I never see you without a book. | 我每次都见你拿着书 |
[1:09:16] | At now: | 目前 |
[1:09:18] | Oscar Wilde. | 在读奥斯卡·王尔德的 |
[1:09:21] | You’ve ever read Wilde? | 你读过他的书吗? |
[1:09:27] | No? | 没有? |
[1:09:28] | I can not see any British literature in there. | 我在里面找不到英国文学作品 |
[1:09:36] | Try this: | 用这个找 |
[1:09:41] | There must be | 莎士比亚 |
[1:09:43] | Shakespeare somewhere | 应该在里面某个地方 |
[1:09:45] | My father used to read it to us. | 我父亲曾给我读过 |
[1:09:47] | Lear | 李尔王 |
[1:09:48] | Comedy of Errors | 错误的喜剧 |
[1:09:50] | Perhaps you can find some songs | 也许还有些歌 |
[1:09:53] | and a lot of plan billards | 一大堆计划 |
[1:09:56] | hunting, flying, horse-riding | 打猎 飞行 骑马 |
[1:10:00] | and flirt. | 调情 |
[1:10:12] | To read the mind of somebody | 想看透一个脑袋上有个洞的人 |
[1:10:14] | who has a hole in his head is pretty easy, Baron. | 的想法不难 男爵 |
[1:10:17] | So | 所以 |
[1:10:19] | just ask. | 继续问吧 |
[1:10:29] | Would you | 你愿意 |
[1:10:32] | Would you draw me for a dinner? | 你愿意和我共进晚餐吗? |
[1:10:36] | Yes. | 好的 |
[1:11:09] | So? | 怎么样? |
[1:11:11] | Different | 是与我想象的 |
[1:11:12] | from I had expected to be. | 有点出乎意料 |
[1:11:17] | Different? | 出乎意料? |
[1:11:18] | Your writing | 你写的书 |
[1:11:20] | It’s a | 是本好书 |
[1:11:24] | You thought it would be blant | 你原以为会很无聊 |
[1:11:26] | boring | 枯燥 |
[1:11:27] | and deadly serious? | 死板? |
[1:11:28] | No. | 不 |
[1:11:30] | But you write about the war. | 不过你写的是战争 |
[1:11:32] | I thought it was fightly some patriotism. | 我原以为会充斥爱国精神 |
[1:11:34] | Patriotism. | 爱国精神 |
[1:11:38] | “The virtue of the vicious.” | 恶意的美德 |
[1:11:44] | You did read Wilde. | 这么说你读过王尔德的书 |
[1:11:46] | Even a little Dante. | 还读了些但丁的 |
[1:11:49] | It’s helpful right now. | 现在很有帮助 |
[1:11:51] | I mean | 我指的是 |
[1:11:54] | knowing a bit about Infernos. | 更好地了解你 |
[1:11:58] | Dance with me. | 和我跳舞吧 |
[1:12:01] | No. | 不 |
[1:12:03] | Better not. | 还是算了吧 |
[1:12:05] | I am an awfully bad dancer. | 我舞跳得很烂 |
[1:12:07] | Imaging you areflying. | 只要想像和飞行一样就行 |
[1:12:49] | Great. | 太棒了 |
[1:12:53] | To have a hole in my head. | 多亏脑袋上能有个洞 |
[1:12:57] | Without it I wouldn’t sit next to you. | 这样我现在才能和你坐在一起 |
[1:13:00] | Would it? | 对吗? |
[1:13:09] | Mentzke? | 门特兹克 |
[1:13:12] | Could you turn the car around? | 可以前面转弯吗? |
[1:13:49] | There are so many hospitals now | 战地医院多到只能 |
[1:13:51] | they have to give them numbers. | 用编号来命名 |
[1:13:54] | This is No.76. | 这里是76号 |
[1:13:57] | There are 500 patients. | 这里有500名伤员 |
[1:14:02] | Most of them will die. | 其中大部分人会死去 |
[1:14:04] | The rest will never walk again | 其他人也许会再也无法行走 |
[1:14:06] | see again | 再也无法看见 |
[1:14:08] | taste again | 品尝食物 |
[1:14:10] | love again. | 再也无法去爱 |
[1:14:14] | No, it is not great to have a hole in your head. | 头上有个洞并不美好 |
[1:14:19] | You’re lucky to be still alive. | 你还活着是你走运 |
[1:14:23] | Only because of your origin you have advantage these men here do not. | 你的出身让你有这些人没有的优势 |
[1:14:28] | They don’t have choices. | 他们根本没有选择 |
[1:14:30] | This isn’t a game. | 这不是游戏 |
[1:14:34] | It is the lowest that we’ve never get. | 人类从未如此残忍 |
[1:14:39] | They never get stoker. | 从未如此恐怖 |
[1:15:56] | Come in. | 进来吧 |
[1:16:16] | Can you give me something for my headache? | 你有什么能治我头痛的吗? |
[1:17:40] | Go to the basement! | 躲到地下室去 |
[1:17:42] | Now! | 立即去 |
[1:17:44] | You fly tonight? | 你今晚就要飞? |
[1:17:51] | Get yourself gas mask. | 带上你的防毒面具 |
[1:17:54] | You fly at night? | 你们晚上也起飞吗? |
[1:17:56] | No, we don’t. | 不 |
[1:18:12] | Lights out! | 熄灯 |
[1:18:14] | Give it to me. | 给我 |
[1:18:15] | It’s C.A, Sir. | 最高指挥部 长官 |
[1:18:16] | This is Bodenschatz. | 我是伯登沙尔茨 |
[1:18:18] | Turn off all the lights! | 熄灭所有灯光 |
[1:18:21] | Night bombers! | 夜间轰炸机 |
[1:18:23] | Good morning, Captain! | 早上好 长官 |
[1:18:24] | Four already passed. | 已经飞过4架 |
[1:18:25] | Four more coming. | 另外4架正在接近 |
[1:18:26] | Just ignore. It could be bad, sir. | 可能会更糟 |
[1:18:28] | They didn’t just accidentally to have a flight passing, Doering. | 他们不是偶然飞过这里 多林 |
[1:18:32] | They know about this and there will be more than eight. | 他们还会派更多的飞机过来 |
[1:18:34] | That’s more! | 这是最要命的 |
[1:19:07] | Good morning. | 早上好 |
[1:19:09] | Good morning. | 早上好 |
[1:19:10] | -Good morning, sir. -Wolf, the right? | -早上好 长官 -沃尔夫 报告位置? |
[1:19:12] | Come from my camp. | 从我营地那边飞来 |
[1:19:13] | All machine gun posts are manned. | 所有高射机枪都就位了 |
[1:19:15] | There’s nothing more we can do to protect planes on the ground. | 就只能做这么多来保护地面上的飞机了 |
[1:19:18] | Mentzke, get my gear! | 门特兹克 把我的装备拿来 |
[1:19:20] | Ready my plane! | 准备起飞 |
[1:19:22] | You are injured, you can not fly, Richthofen | 里希特霍芬 你有伤 你不能飞 |
[1:19:24] | I’m not going to be sitted down. | 我不想就这么呆在地面上让人打 |
[1:19:26] | I have got wings. | 我有翅膀的 |
[1:21:53] | Are you mad? You attacked them head-on! | 你疯了吗 你一个人冲入敌群 |
[1:21:56] | Take me to her | 带我去她那里 |
[1:22:09] | You have to lay still. | 静静地躺着吧 |
[1:22:12] | Go and find her. | 去找她来 |
[1:22:13] | I just need to know if she’s hurt. | 我要知道她受伤没有 |
[1:22:33] | You are gorgeous. | 你漂亮极了 |
[1:22:37] | Fokker has built us a great new plane. | 福克公司给我造了架新飞机 |
[1:22:42] | As maneuverable as devil. | 像魔鬼一样快速灵活 |
[1:22:47] | They climb like monkeys. | 爬升起来像猿猴 |
[1:22:55] | I know you are angry with me. | 我知道你在生我的气 |
[1:23:22] | I have been ordered to back to hospital. | 我被调回医院了 |
[1:23:25] | I know. | 我知道 |
[1:23:35] | I’m sorry about Kurt Wolff. | 沃尔夫的事请节哀 |
[1:23:39] | He was a charming young man. | 他是个讨人喜欢的小伙子 |
[1:23:42] | He had forgotten his night cap, you know. | 他忘带他的睡帽了 |
[1:23:45] | Here is his lucky night cap. | 这是他的护身符 |
[1:23:49] | Baron | 男爵 |
[1:23:53] | Yes? | 什么事? |
[1:23:54] | Take me to dinner again with some day. | 下次有空再带我共进晚餐 |
[1:23:57] | And promise to always wear good-luck jacket of yours. | 我保证会一直穿着你的幸运夹克 |
[1:24:33] | We are not late, are we? | 我们没迟到吧? |
[1:24:35] | No, we are not. | 没有 |
[1:24:52] | The lavatory? | 厕所在哪里? |
[1:24:53] | Down the stairs to the right, Sir. | 下台阶就是 |
[1:24:55] | I’ll come in a minute. | 我马上回来 |
[1:25:17] | Attention! | 立正 |
[1:25:20] | Everything goes just as planned. | 到目前为止一切如计划般进行 |
[1:25:21] | -Yes. -Very satisfactory. | -是的 -我很满意 |
[1:25:28] | Our famous flying Ace | 我们最著名的王牌飞行员 |
[1:25:30] | visiting our frontlines. | 来前线看我们 |
[1:25:34] | Thank you for answering my invitation. | 感谢你接受我的邀请 |
[1:25:37] | Quite a magnificient sight, isn’t it? | 从这里往外看风景不错吧 |
[1:25:40] | Richthofen. | 里希特霍芬 |
[1:25:43] | Your majesty | 陛下 |
[1:25:47] | Your majesty! | 陛下 |
[1:25:49] | A little brother. | 小兄弟 |
[1:25:53] | You’re looking disposed, my dear Baron. | 你看起来不舒服 我亲爱的男爵 |
[1:25:57] | Yes, your majesty. | 是的 陛下 |
[1:25:59] | I’m fine. | 但我很健康 |
[1:26:01] | I always that. | 我一向这样 |
[1:26:04] | Sometimes even disconcertingly, sir. | 即使有时让人觉得不舒服 |
[1:26:09] | How can you be “disconcertingly fine”? | 健康怎么会让人不舒服? |
[1:26:12] | It happens out of here. | 战场上常发生 |
[1:26:16] | We kill a coupe of men. | 我们免不了杀人 |
[1:26:18] | And while they fall down in flames we feel this fine. | 当敌人燃烧着从空中坠落时 我们感觉很好 |
[1:26:21] | I find that irritating. | 我认为这让人不舒服 |
[1:26:32] | My soldiers, do not | 里希特霍芬 我的士兵 |
[1:26:36] | killing people. | 不杀人 |
[1:26:39] | They’re simply destroying the enemy. | 他们只是消灭敌人 |
[1:26:42] | Well | 对我来说 |
[1:26:44] | the effect seems to be the same. | 结果也是一样 |
[1:27:00] | Yes, Mentzke? | 什么事 门特兹克? |
[1:27:01] | You have a visitor, sir. | 您有客人来访 长官 |
[1:27:10] | I thought we might want to celebrate. | 我认为我们该庆祝一下 |
[1:27:20] | They published your book! | 你的书出版了 |
[1:27:26] | All of yours are being read. | 大家都在拜读 |
[1:27:29] | So | 所以 |
[1:27:31] | How about a dinner? | 一起晚餐如何? |
[1:27:33] | Maybe a dance? | 顺便跳个舞 |
[1:27:35] | They shut down “Metropole”. | “大都会” 餐厅关门了 |
[1:27:37] | Yes, I knew. | 是的 我知道 |
[1:27:39] | An British bomb destroyed it. | 被英国人炸了 |
[1:27:46] | Damn those English. | 该死的英国人 |
[1:27:48] | They won’t be happy turn all of the europe as horrible as death. | 大概是想把全欧洲弄得生灵涂炭 |
[1:28:07] | They don’t want me to fly anymore. | 他们不再让我飞了 |
[1:28:13] | They do everything they can to make me safely to the ground. | 他们想尽办法把我绑在地面上 |
[1:28:17] | Really? | 真的吗? |
[1:28:23] | They want me to command the entire Air Force. | 我被指派指挥整个空军 |
[1:28:26] | The emperor himself. | 皇帝亲自下的命令 |
[1:28:29] | That’s so wonderful. | 这不是很好吗 |
[1:28:32] | So many times I woke up in the middle of the night. | 我常常午夜梦醒 |
[1:28:34] | And read | 一遍遍浏览 |
[1:28:36] | the lists of missing pilots. | 失踪飞行员名单 |
[1:28:43] | It is so good to have you down here | 能得知你安全地待在地面上 |
[1:28:46] | safe | 真是太好了 |
[1:28:59] | Good. | 好吧 |
[1:29:15] | Your dancing has improved, Baron. | 你的舞技提高了 男爵 |
[1:29:21] | I have to look out for alternatives anyway. | 我试着改变自己 |
[1:29:42] | -Good evening, man. -Sir! | -大家晚上好 -长官 |
[1:29:44] | -It is freezing, isn’t it? -Too true, sir. | -冷死了 -没错 长官 |
[1:29:52] | A brand new Bentley. | 一个崭新的宾利发动机 |
[1:29:55] | Where did you get it? | 你从哪儿搞到的? |
[1:29:58] | Bentleys don’t fall out of the sky. | 宾利发动机不会从天而降吧 |
[1:30:00] | Trust me, I had I even have for chance. | 相信我 这东西我早就该得到了 |
[1:30:29] | You always wanted to be the first of Aces. | 你一直梦想成为王牌中的王牌 |
[1:30:32] | Now they offer it to you and you hesitate. | 他们现在给你机会 你却犹豫了 |
[1:30:35] | Yes. | 是的 |
[1:30:38] | I always wanted to be like him. | 我一直想和他一样 |
[1:30:43] | Werner? | 沃纳 |
[1:30:48] | Would you ever give up flying? | 你想过停止飞行吗? |
[1:30:53] | I don’t think so. | 我从来没有这样想过 |
[1:30:56] | If you ask my advice | 我给你个建议 |
[1:30:59] | you should grab your chance. | 你应该抓住这个机会 |
[1:31:02] | You only want me to stop | 你想让我停飞 |
[1:31:03] | so you can be first. | 好让你成为一号王牌 |
[1:31:05] | How did you find that? | 你怎么这么想? |
[1:31:08] | All right. | 那好吧 |
[1:31:10] | -All right. I’ll stop. -Good. | -好吧 我不飞了 -很好 |
[1:31:14] | If you stop first. | 除非你在我之前不飞了 |
[1:31:17] | I don’t think so. | 不会的 |
[1:31:18] | I am married to my plane. | 我和我的飞机结婚了 |
[1:31:20] | This is how I expend my spare time. | 这是我打发空闲时间的方式 |
[1:31:34] | You are constructing marvellous Planes here, Fokker. | 福克 你们造的飞机很好 |
[1:31:36] | -The best. -Yes. Thank you. | -是最好的 -是的 谢谢 |
[1:31:39] | But yet, somehow our own pilots think to things they can do better. | 但我们有些飞行员却认为还有更好的 |
[1:31:45] | Oh, well | 有时候 |
[1:31:47] | we sometimes modify planes a little. | 我们也会改装飞机 |
[1:31:50] | -Here and there. -Modification is one thing | -很多处 -改装是一回事 |
[1:31:52] | but to replace our engines those frome enemy engines | 但把敌人的引擎换上我们的飞机 |
[1:31:56] | Where did you hear of this? | 你听说了? |
[1:31:57] | Early in this morning we received a report | 我刚刚收到一份报告 |
[1:31:59] | about the recovery of new triplane. | 关于一架坠毁的三翼飞机的复原 |
[1:32:03] | Well, the British were lest and amused | 英国人很惊讶地在一架坠毁的福克飞机中 |
[1:32:06] | to find one of an old Bentley Engines in a Fokker they shot down. | 发现了宾利引擎 |
[1:32:14] | -I need to see it. -Of course. | -我要看看那份报告 -当然 |
[1:32:16] | I want to see it at ones. | 我现在就要看 |
[1:32:18] | Give me the damn report, now! | 立即把那份该死的报告给我! |
[1:33:02] | Just three more weeks, Manfred. | 只剩3周多了 曼弗雷德 |
[1:33:04] | I already have my marching orders. | 我已经收到了出发的命令 |
[1:33:06] | I’m going to join your combat wing. | 我将加入你的飞行中队 |
[1:33:10] | What’s become of him? | 他怎么了? |
[1:33:13] | Fall in combat. | 在战斗中牺牲了 |
[1:33:19] | And him? | 那他呢? |
[1:33:20] | His name is Voss, right? | 他叫沃斯 是吧? |
[1:33:28] | They are all dead. | 他们都死了 |
[1:33:39] | I will fight at you and Lothar. | 我们兄弟将并肩作战 |
[1:33:41] | A big offensive is full preparation. | 下一轮激烈的攻势正在准备中 |
[1:33:44] | They call it “Operation Michael”. | 他们称这次行动为 “米夏埃尔行动” |
[1:33:46] | We will win this war, won’t we? | 我们能赢得这场战争 是吧? |
[1:33:48] | Wolfram, please | 别说了 |
[1:33:50] | It’s all right, father. | 没事 爸爸 |
[1:33:51] | Of course we’ll win. | 我们当然会赢 |
[1:33:53] | The allies don’t have clue what is coming at then. | 协约国军队对接下来的一切毫无准备 |
[1:34:00] | For weeks we’ve been flying out. | 这几周我们一直在做巡逻 |
[1:34:02] | And excepting their recon planes. | 除掉了敌人的侦查机 |
[1:34:04] | Keeping them from finding out where we will break through. | 他们不知道我们会从哪里进攻 |
[1:34:08] | And we did a optimal job. | 我们准备得很充分 |
[1:34:12] | This offensive is going to ambush them back to the channel. | 这次行动可以把他们打回英吉利 |
[1:34:38] | Sir! | 长官 |
[1:34:40] | Good morning, sir! | 早上好 长官 |
[1:35:02] | Down! | 趴下! |
[1:35:31] | What another unexpected surprise! | 真是稀客啊! |
[1:35:35] | Came to visit another British defeat, Captain? | 来和我一起观赏英国人的失败吗 上尉? |
[1:35:40] | Lieutenant. | 中尉 |
[1:35:41] | Go and see if we can find somebody with a camera. | 找人来照张相 |
[1:35:44] | It’s excellent propaganda, makes very good picture. | 这些照片是很好的宣传 |
[1:35:48] | To have our flying ace down here with us. | 我们的王牌飞行员和我们在一起 |
[1:35:51] | On this victory’s day. | 在胜利之日 |
[1:35:53] | Your excellency | 陛下 |
[1:35:55] | we need to talk. | 我想和您谈谈 |
[1:36:00] | You don’t want me down here. | 您不会希望我待在地面上 |
[1:36:03] | If you want me the power to make strategic decisions | 如果给我作出战略决策的权力 |
[1:36:06] | you won’t like them. | 我的决策你们不会喜欢 |
[1:36:10] | Why wouldn’t we? | 为什么? |
[1:36:12] | We very much trust your abilites, Baron. | 我们都充分相信你的能力 男爵 |
[1:36:15] | I suggest is surrender. | 那我们投降吧 |
[1:36:20] | What a bomb suggest you are! | 你这个建议就像一颗炸弹! |
[1:36:23] | I was a victor, in 63 aerial battle planes. | 我曾经是个胜利者 已经击落了63架敌机 |
[1:36:26] | You know how I did it? | 您知道我是怎么做到的吗? |
[1:36:29] | When I fight a battle I couldn’t win | 如果我没有取胜的把握 |
[1:36:31] | I flew away. | 我就选择逃跑 |
[1:36:34] | Waht make you think we can’t win this war, Baron | 什么使你认为我们无法赢得这场战争 男爵? |
[1:36:37] | And our Fatherland? | 我们的祖国 |
[1:36:39] | Our German values? | 德意志的荣耀 |
[1:36:41] | Our soldier out of this field. | 外面战场上的士兵 |
[1:36:43] | You want to give all the efforts to the enemy? | 你想把这一切都留给敌人吗? |
[1:36:46] | Von Richthofen? | 冯·里希特霍芬? |
[1:36:50] | French | 法国 |
[1:36:53] | Great cigarettes. | 有最好的烟 |
[1:36:57] | What make us think | 为什么认为 |
[1:37:00] | our course are the better than the French? | 我们比法国人更优秀? |
[1:37:02] | Or the British or American? | 或者比英国人 美国人更优秀? |
[1:37:06] | It isn’t. | 并不是这样的 |
[1:37:09] | There isn’t not a difference from these. | 我们没有区别 |
[1:37:12] | We just need an excuse for what we do. Because | 只是需要为我们的所作所为找一个借口 因为 |
[1:37:15] | Without this | 否则 |
[1:37:16] | we would see who we really are. | 我们的本质将暴露无遗 |
[1:37:24] | Put this fool back to this aeroplane! | 把这个家伙塞进飞机 |
[1:37:28] | And give him a parachute. | 给他个降落伞 |
[1:37:31] | I can’t afford to lose another idea like this hero. | 我无法承受再损失一个这样的英雄 |
[1:37:47] | Operation Michael | 米夏埃尔行动 |
[1:37:53] | Our infantry is attacking both sides | 我们的步兵将从两个方向进攻 |
[1:37:56] | at St.Quentin, from here and from here. | 从圣康坦 这里和这里 |
[1:37:58] | That’s 70km battle line. | 战线将长达70公里 |
[1:38:01] | Right. | 没错 |
[1:38:04] | Three armies. | 3支军队 |
[1:38:07] | 2nd Army and the 17th Army | 第2和第17军 |
[1:38:09] | are lunching offensive from here. | 将从这里发动进攻 |
[1:38:11] | The 18th Army will attack from here. | 第18军将从这里进攻 |
[1:38:14] | Our task is to gain control in terrorist space | 我们的任务是争夺 |
[1:38:16] | and keep in my friends. | 和保持制空权 |
[1:38:19] | Shouldn’t be no problem, should it be Bodenschatz? | 毫无问题 就像伯登沙尔茨一样 |
[1:38:22] | Our planes are number 4 to 1 with this. | 他们的飞机数量是我们的4倍 |
[1:38:27] | We are even fighting for months, aren’t we? | 我们不是已经和他们斗了几个月了吗? |
[1:38:32] | It will be worse than ever. | 这次情况比以往更糟 |
[1:38:36] | They will send everything they have got to against us. | 他们会倾尽全力对付我们 |
[1:39:45] | What the hell are you doing? | 你他妈的在做什么? |
[1:39:48] | Sorry for disturbance, sir. | 抱歉打扰了 长官 |
[1:39:50] | What are you doing of my brother’s picture? | 你拿我哥的画像做什么? |
[1:39:53] | He ordered me to take them down. | 他命令我取下的 |
[1:39:56] | All of him. | 取下所有他的画像 |
[1:39:58] | Sir. | 长官 |
[1:42:28] | May god help with us. | 愿上帝与我们同在 |
[1:42:43] | Gentlemen. | 先生们 |
[1:42:46] | Let’s go! | 出发吧 |
[1:43:08] | Ignition! | 发动 |
[1:47:22] | He’s really back, isn’t him? | 他又回来了 是吧? |
[1:47:26] | His Flying Circus swept the Brits out of the sky. | 他的”空中马戏团” 把英国人打得落花流水 |
[1:47:31] | I saw him fly past. | 我看见他飞过 |
[1:47:33] | Waved with us. | 他向我们挥手 |
[1:48:01] | Sir! | 长官 |
[1:48:13] | Gentlemen! | 先生们 |
[1:48:15] | High Command of the northern sector thanks us, for all accomplish men’s. | 上面发来贺电 感谢我们的功绩 |
[1:48:20] | I want to add, my friends. | 我也要感谢你们 |
[1:48:23] | Showed me excellent fly. | 你们表现得很好 |
[1:48:25] | Thank you. | 谢谢你们 |
[1:49:20] | That’s not how you imagine your famous cousin to be, is it? | 在你的印象中 你那著名的表哥不是这样的吧? |
[1:49:26] | The glorious Captain you know, far from the graphes. | 照片上荣耀的上尉 |
[1:49:30] | Fatherland’s greatest hero. | 祖国最高的英雄 |
[1:49:32] | The first of all the aces, shot down 80. | 击落80架敌机的王牌中的王牌 |
[1:49:36] | Nobody has down as many. | 没人超越他的成就 |
[1:49:40] | I am really proud to be his brother. | 作为他的兄弟我很自豪 |
[1:49:48] | You have got your family, Udet. | 乌德特 你打到你的家人了 |
[1:49:53] | Peace? | 和平? |
[1:50:28] | Is that one of yours? | 你们的飞机? |
[1:50:32] | I can’t tell you anymore. | 我不能告诉你 |
[1:50:35] | You are flying again, aren’t you? | 你又飞了 是不是? |
[1:50:40] | Why didn’t you tell me? | 你为什么瞒着我? |
[1:50:42] | Why did you lie to me again? | 你为什么又骗我? |
[1:51:05] | I didn’t want to scare you. | 我不想让你担心 |
[1:51:07] | I want you to be happy. | 我只是想让你幸福 |
[1:51:10] | Kathe, I just can not do what they ask me. | 他们要我做的我做不到 |
[1:51:12] | They offered you safety. | 他们给你安全 |
[1:51:15] | Your life. | 让你保住性命 |
[1:51:22] | When I was a little boy | 当我还是孩子的时候 |
[1:51:24] | I could hit every target with my father’s rifle. | 我总能用我父亲的步枪击中目标 |
[1:51:29] | Targets far away that the others couldn’t see them. | 甚至远处别人根本看不见的目标 |
[1:51:34] | I dreamed to see everything. | 我一直梦想能看到一切 |
[1:51:36] | Fly with wing like a bird. | 像鸟一样飞翔 |
[1:51:39] | Hawk’s eyes. | 猎鹰的眼睛 |
[1:51:41] | “Eagle’s eye” was called. | “鹰眼” 是我的外号 |
[1:51:44] | When I became a pilot | 当我成为飞行员的时候 |
[1:51:47] | I truly thought that I could see everything from there. | 我以为我能从空中看到一切 |
[1:51:52] | I saw nothing. | 我什么都看不到 |
[1:51:54] | I was blind before I met you. | 在遇到你之前 我几乎盲目 |
[1:51:58] | You opened my eyes. | 是你让我睁开了双眼 |
[1:52:01] | You taught me to see what I didn’t want to see. | 你教我看到了不想看的一面 |
[1:52:04] | We all trust fly. | 我们飞行员只迷恋飞行 |
[1:52:08] | Voss, Sternberg | 沃斯 斯腾伯格 |
[1:52:10] | Lehmann, Wolff | 莱曼 沃尔夫 |
[1:52:12] | Hawker | 霍克 |
[1:52:14] | No matter whatever side before, we all knew the risks. | 无论敌我 我们都知道飞行的风险 |
[1:52:21] | I wanted to be the best. | 我想做最好的 |
[1:52:24] | I wanted to win and I thought I won. | 我想胜利 我也做到了 |
[1:52:26] | But now I can see now, Kathe. | 我现在看到了 凯西 |
[1:52:28] | It was we turned the world into a damn slaughterhouse. | 我能看到我们是如何将我们的世界变成战场 |
[1:52:30] | And I’ve already to big apologize. | 同时我也要道歉 |
[1:52:34] | They use my photograph | 他们用我的照片 |
[1:52:37] | to give hope as reasonal. | 来给大家希望 |
[1:52:39] | They use my name | 他们用我的名字 |
[1:52:40] | to pretend the immortality. | 去宣扬不朽 |
[1:52:42] | Although there is only pain and death left nation. | 现实中确是无尽的痛苦 |
[1:52:45] | You said it yourself: | 你也说过: |
[1:52:47] | “The men die out there have no choice.” | 战场上死去的士兵没有选择 |
[1:52:49] | I have. | 但我有 |
[1:52:50] | I can not order them into battle. | 在战争中我也许无法命令他们 |
[1:52:53] | I can perhaps lead them. | 但我或许可以指引他们 |
[1:52:55] | Help them. | 帮助他们 |
[1:52:56] | Die with them. | 和他们同生共死 |
[1:52:57] | But I will never betray them or keep the truth away from them | 但绝不会欺骗他们 隐瞒真相 |
[1:53:00] | by playing an immortal God in Berlin once it to be. | 陪柏林玩什么造神游戏 |
[1:53:09] | You | 你 |
[1:53:10] | You are my greatest victory. | 你是我最大的胜利 |
[1:53:33] | Sir! | 长官 |
[1:53:36] | Excuse me, sir. | 打扰一下 |
[1:53:39] | Sir | 长官 |
[1:53:43] | Sir, British aeroplane is approaching the front, sir. | 长官 英军飞机正在逼近前线 |
[1:53:47] | Thank you. | 谢谢 |
[1:53:49] | Sir. | 长官 |
[1:54:11] | Yes, thank you. | 好的 谢谢你 |
[1:54:21] | They were last reported in Morlancourt. | 最后发现他们的地方是莫兰角 |
[1:54:23] | So | 这意味着 |
[1:54:25] | They are coming from northwest. | 他们从西北方向来 |
[1:54:27] | Thank you. | 谢谢 |
[1:54:29] | Brother. | 弟弟 |
[1:54:30] | You and my leading No.11 and you fly on my right? | 我带领11中队 你作我僚机 怎么样? |
[1:54:34] | It will be my pleasure. | 荣幸之至 |
[1:54:36] | Wolfram. | 沃尔夫拉姆 |
[1:54:38] | Stay clear of any volvent. | 不要缠斗 |
[1:54:40] | Keep close to Lothar. | 紧跟着洛塔 |
[1:54:42] | If you are attacked, break off and fly home | 如果你被攻击 立即返航 |
[1:54:44] | fast. | 尽快回来 |
[1:54:46] | It’s a thin line between cowardice and cleverness. | 明智与怯懦只有一线之隔 |
[1:55:07] | A great day to fly. | 今天很适合飞行 |
[1:55:12] | You are a brave man, Baron. | 你是个勇敢的人 男爵 |
[1:55:20] | Very brave man. | 真正的勇者 |
[1:57:37] | Ignition! | 发动 |
[1:59:26] | Thank you. | 谢谢 |
[1:59:30] | Mademoiselle. | 小姐 |
[2:00:21] | I could not come sooner. | 我早就想见你了 |
[2:00:25] | But it was not so easy to cross the line into British territory. | 但想进入协约国领地很难 |
[2:00:32] | But then our friend helped me. | 我们的朋友帮了我 |
[2:00:39] | He asked me why It was so important for me to come here. | 他问我为什么一定要来这里 |
[2:00:44] | I told because I love you. | 我说因为我爱你 |
[2:00:49] | Did I ever tell you? | 我告诉过你我爱你吗? |