时间 | 英文 | 中文 |
[00:06] | Previously on The West Wing: | |
[00:07] | This morning’s finance report, 8.2 million cash in hand. | 今天早上最新的财务报告 已经有820万现金到手了 |
[00:10] | – Ought to buy a few lawn signs. – And lawns. | 可以去买几个草皮标语 还可以附赠草皮 |
[00:13] | I’m just confused about who the viable candidate is when Russell’s gone. | 我只是觉得困惑 当罗素不在时谁才是真正的候选人 |
[00:17] | I’m gonna win this thing, Toby. | 我会赢的,托比 |
[00:21] | Get into camo gear, sling a 12-gauge over your shoulder… | 穿上迷彩装备,背一枝长枪 |
[00:23] | – …get a few photos for the AP. – With a gun? | 照几张宣传照 跟枪一起照? |
[00:26] | You were a Marine. You can shoot, right? | 你曾是陆战队员 你会用枪吧? |
[00:28] | Yeah, a 20 mm chain gun, but it might be hard on the pheasant. | 对,是二厘米的机枪 对付雉鸡可能太残忍了 |
[00:31] | Don’t you actually wanna get some votes in one of these states? | 你不想在这些州拿到选票吗? 剧名:游戏规则 |
[00:37] | When’s the last time a politician answered a question he didn’t like? | 从政者何时回答过他要回避的问题? |
[00:41] | – You saying the debate shouldn’t matter? – I’m saying it should be better. | 你认为辩论大会不重要吗? 我认为它可以办的更好 |
[00:44] | Look, we’re practically teaching media evasion in kindergarten now. | 连幼稚园学生也懂得 怎样回避媒体的发问 |
[00:48] | “Teacher, the issue isn’t whether I pinched Dorothy during milk and cookies. | 〝老师,问题不在于我有没有 在吃点心时拧了桃乐西一把 |
[00:52] | The American people are more concerned with new nap mats… | 美国民众比较关心 新买回来的午睡床垫… |
[00:55] | …and I got a six-point plan. “ | 而我想出了一个六点计划〞 从政者把辩论大会 变成选南瓜大会 |
[00:57] | Politicians turn them into pumpkin-judging contests. | 从政者把辩论大会 变成选南瓜大会 |
[01:00] | Oh, yeah. Sometimes, sure. | 是的,有时候的确是这样 不过这也因为 游戏规则有不足之处 |
[01:01] | But it’s also the rules of the game. | 不过这也因为 游戏规则有不足之处 在举行新罕布夏州初选前 只剩下一场辩论大会 |
[01:03] | Look, we’ve got one more debate before this New Hampshire primary. | 在举行新罕布夏州初选前 只剩下一场辩论大会 |
[01:07] | Do we really want another joint photo op… | 我们是不是想让它再次沦为 一个拍大合照的场合… |
[01:10] | …another 90-second sound bite followed by a 60-second sound bite? | 而选民听到的只是 候选人短短的几句? |
[01:13] | A beauty pageant without beauty? | 让它变成一场 没有佳丽的选美会? 我觉得你是个大美人 |
[01:15] | I think you’re beautiful. | 我觉得你是个大美人 |
[01:17] | Maybe I’m working against myself, but the Dover Herald… | 也许我这样做是作茧自缚 但是《多佛先驱报》… |
[01:20] | …they’re announcing their debate rules. I’ve been banging on them. | 将公布自家的辩论规则 我不断联络他们 |
[01:23] | Let’s make it a real debate. | 让我们来一场真正的辩论大会 让七位民主党候选人互相质询 |
[01:25] | A debate where all seven Democrats get to cross-examine each other. | 让七位民主党候选人互相质询 |
[01:28] | Where we get to answer questions, like it or not. | 不管喜欢与否 我们都要回答问题 |
[01:31] | Politicians never answer questions they don’t like. | 从政者只会回答他们想答的问题 |
[01:34] | So we hook ourselves up to electrodes. Crossfire meets Clockwork Orange. | 在我们身上黏上电极,像《交叉火力》 与《发条橘子》的混合体 |
[01:38] | I don’t understand the wooden eggs. | 我弄不懂这些木鸡蛋有什么用 |
[01:40] | Politics and Eggs, that’s the name of the forum. | 这论坛的名称叫政治与鸡蛋 |
[01:42] | – You ever tried signing a wooden egg? – Granite State tradition. | 你试过在木鸡蛋上签名吗? 这是花岗岩之州的传统 |
[01:46] | – Like the actual voting. Your speech? – What about wooden slices of toast? | 跟投票一样,谈谈你的讲词 不如改为在木吐司上签名吧 |
[01:50] | – You get traction with your pen. – You’re doing a modified stump. | 至少签起来容易一点 今天的讲词稍经修改 |
[01:53] | We beefed up the foreign policy because of these Pakistani nuclear sales. | 我们加强了外交政策的部分 以回应巴基斯坦出售核武的情况 |
[01:57] | – Sound bite’s in bold. – Fine. | 精句以粗体标示 明白了 你之后可以在木制的 核反应器上签名 |
[01:58] | Then you can sign wooden nuclear reactors. | 你之后可以在木制的 核反应器上签名 |
[02:01] | I think I should open with the VP seal joke. Donna? | 我打算以副总统徽章的笑话 作开场,唐娜,妳说呢? |
[02:03] | It’s a hilarious joke that’s been hilarious 147 times, sir. | 这个好笑的笑话 已经说过上百次了 |
[02:07] | – I’ve never done this forum. – These people were at other forums. | 我没参加过这个论坛 但是与会者参加过其他论坛 |
[02:10] | Next week they’ll be at the forum on forums. | 他们下星期又会出席 讨论论坛的论坛 |
[02:12] | They’re almost done with your introduction, sir. | 副总统,快轮到你出场 |
[02:16] | Okay. I’m gonna open with the VP seal joke. | 好的,我会以副总统徽章 的笑话作开场 |
[02:18] | Pound the foreign policy, you can tell knock-knock jokes. | 强调外交政策的题目 那么你可以说个敲敲门笑话 |
[02:21] | Our guest at this morning’s Politics and Eggs, Vice President Bob Russell. | 今早出席政治与鸡蛋论坛的嘉宾 是副总统巴柏罗素 |
[02:34] | Thank you, gentlemen. In case the kitchen staff is wondering… | 谢谢大家,顺带提醒厨子… |
[02:38] | …I like my wooden eggs sawed in half and scrambled. | 请把我的木蛋锯开两半 做成炒蛋 |
[02:43] | – It is a great pleasure…. – They announced rules for the debate. | 我很荣幸… 刚公布了辩论大会的规则 |
[02:46] | Don’t tell me they’re doing this Santos nonsense. | 别告诉我他们接受了 桑托斯的无聊建议 |
[02:49] | – Thumb wrestling if you misuse a stat. – No, pretty thumb-free. | 错引数据便以姆指摔角解决 放心,不会用姆指 |
[02:52] | …the vice president, and I will tell you what I like best about that seal. | 作为副总统 我最欣赏副总统徽章的是… |
[02:58] | If you close your left eye and squint really hard and tilt your head just so… | 闭上左眼,用劲眯著 把头歪向一边… |
[03:03] | …it reads a lot like “president of the United States. “ | 那个徽章看起来好像写著 〝美国总统〞 |
[03:08] | Trade launch codes for a seltzer bottle. | 真是一箭双雕的好开场 |
[03:10] | – Vaudeville. – This is important. | 轻松写意 这场辩论不能掉以轻心 要副总统跟六名对手同场辩论 |
[03:11] | They’re putting the vice president on-stage with six also-rans. | 要副总统跟六名对手同场辩论 |
[03:15] | – Believe me, this debate isn’t important. – See, that’s the thing. | 这场辩论大会根本不重要 这正是问题的核心 |
[03:19] | Every year health-care reform has been on the national agenda. | 政府每年都说要改革保健制度 |
[03:22] | Whether we’ve passed it or not… | 不理会国会通过与否 私营保险公司已经 控制保险费的加幅 |
[03:24] | …private insurers have kept their premium increases down. | 私营保险公司已经 控制保险费的加幅 |
[03:27] | So, yeah, it ought to be part of the debate. | 对,辩论大会上应该讨论这题目 |
[03:30] | – Thanks. – Thank you. | 谢谢大家 谢谢你 |
[03:34] | Any news on this Pakistani nuclear sale to Nigeria? | 巴基斯坦向奈及利亚出售核武 一事有什么新进展? |
[03:39] | – Pakistan’s trying to backpedal. – We ought to put out some statement. | 巴基斯坦想改变初衷 我们要就此事发言 |
[03:42] | No one’s asking, but sure. | 虽然还没有人提问 但是有备无患 |
[03:46] | We need to lead toward a world that’s free, prosperous and also nuclear-free. | 我们要引领世界 走向自由、繁荣和无核的未来 |
[03:53] | – That’s good. – Second set starts at 9. | 说的好 第二场在九点开始 |
[03:55] | I have some bad news. | 我要告诉你一些坏消息 有多坏? 很坏 |
[03:57] | – How bad? – Bad. | 有多坏? 很坏 《多佛先驱报》决定 采用旧有的辩论大会规则? |
[03:59] | The Herald decided to use old debate rules. | 《多佛先驱报》决定 采用旧有的辩论大会规则? |
[04:01] | Russell and Hoynes made a huge media buy out of Boston. | 罗素和何尼斯在波士顿 大买广告时段 |
[04:04] | Close to 1800 gross ratings points each. | 每个人的总收视点 接近1800 |
[04:07] | – Eighteen hundred points? – It’s an ad war. | 1800点? 这是广告大战 |
[04:10] | An ad apocalypse. I don’t know where they’re getting the money… | 甚至是广告杀戮 我不知道他们的钱从哪里来 |
[04:13] | – …but we don’t have it. – We ought to ban ads altogether. | 但是我们没有这种财力 应该连竞选广告也禁掉 |
[04:16] | Screw the First Amendment. | 去他的第一修正案 暂时别说什么第一修正案 五天后就是新罕布夏州的初选 |
[04:18] | Well, constitutionality aside, New Hampshire votes in five days. | 暂时别说什么第一修正案 五天后就是新罕布夏州的初选 |
[04:22] | The airwaves are gonna be Russell, Hoynes and reruns of I Love Lucy. | 电视里看到的会是罗素、何尼斯 和重播的《我爱露西》 |
[04:26] | We need to change the dynamic, or we’re finished. | 我们要扭转局势,否则就完蛋了 |
[04:28] | – We need a silver bullet. – A silver bullet? | 我们要想个一举中的的方法 一举中的? |
[04:31] | An ad that’ll vault us out of the second tier, turn this campaign on its head. | 一个令我们跃升到前线 把整个竞选活动炒的闹哄哄的广告 |
[04:35] | – Go deeper into debt. – No. | 那会令我们负债更多 不会的 我们有足够的钱在黄金时段 买一分钟的广告时间 |
[04:36] | But we can scrape together enough to buy one minute of prime time. | 我们有足够的钱在黄金时段 买一分钟的广告时间 |
[04:40] | One minute against 1800 points? | 一分钟怎比得上 1800个总收视点? 只要那一分钟广告与众不同 |
[04:42] | One minute that is so gutsy… | 只要那一分钟广告与众不同 |
[04:45] | …so edgy, so different… | 能引起众人哗然 |
[04:47] | …that it’ll be replayed for free on every newscast. | 每个新闻报导 就会为我们免费重播 |
[04:50] | – What’s the ad? – Working on it. | 广告内容呢? 正在构思中 |
[04:56] | You go on and buy that airtime. | 就按你的计划去办 你好,我是马修桑托斯 |
[04:58] | Hi. Matt Santos. | 你好,我是马修桑托斯 |
[05:00] | – I’m running for president. – Hi. | 我要参加总统选举 你好 公布了辩论大会规则了吗? |
[05:02] | Anything on the debate rules? | 公布了辩论大会规则了吗? 参与者不准交谈,不准互相质询 与我们的希望背道而驰 |
[05:04] | No interaction, no cross-examination. It’s everything we didn’t want. | 参与者不准交谈,不准互相质询 与我们的希望背道而驰 |
[05:07] | – But… – Debate’s gonna be a wash. | 但是… 这辩论大会会很无聊 没有人会看的 |
[05:09] | No one’s gonna watch. It’s… | 没有人会看的 大家都戏称为 《七矮人回归》 |
[05:10] | Everyone’s calling it The Return of the Seven Dwarves. | 大家都戏称为 《七矮人回归》 |
[05:14] | – Two dwarves. – Seven. The one with the big nose. | 两矮人才对 七矮人,长著大鼻子那个… |
[05:16] | – Gave me nightmares. – Only Hoynes and Russell. | 常吓的我作恶梦 只有何尼斯和罗素获邀出席 |
[05:18] | They limited it to candidates polling 20 percent. | 报社只让在民意调查中取得 20%支持率的候选人出席 |
[05:21] | The Herald says they’re the only ones that could win. | 因为只有他们才有胜出的机会 |
[05:24] | You guys are already working on that silver bullet, huh? | 你们已经著手构思那个 一举中的的广告吗? 主演:施塔科钱宁 主演:杜希尔 主演:艾莉森詹尼 主演:约书亚马尼纳 主演:玛丽马科麦克 主演:珍妮尔摩隆奈 主演:里察薛福 主演:约翰史宾塞 主演:布雷迪威佛德 主演:吉米史密兹 主演:马丁辛 |
[06:19] | If only frontrunners can debate… | 既然只让领先者参与辩论大会 |
[06:20] | …why not bar the rest of us from the ballot altogether? | 何不干脆取消 其他候选人的参选资格? |
[06:23] | If New Hampshire has suddenly become the Soviet Republic… | 如果新罕布夏州突然变成苏联 |
[06:26] | – …go all the way. – We’re gonna get in this. | 不如索性以后都这样好了 我们一定要参加 |
[06:29] | They can’t shut two-thirds of the field out of a debate. | 他们不可以把大半数的候选人 拒于辩论大会之外 |
[06:32] | Oh, come on. Don’t even call it a debate. | 拜托,这根本称不上是辩论大会 |
[06:35] | What do voters learn from 90 seconds of canned blather… | 两个候选人轮流说 60秒到90秒的废话… |
[06:38] | …followed by 60 seconds of blather? | 投票人能知道些什么? |
[06:40] | Timing, I suppose. | 他们大概能学会计时 |
[06:42] | Look, there’s a serious legal argument to be made here. | 我们有强而有力的法律根据 |
[06:45] | This could be seen as an illegal contribution to both Hoynes and Russell. | 这场辩论大会可视作 给何尼斯和罗素的非法捐献 |
[06:49] | I know the case law. | 我很熟悉判例法 我们找一组选举法律师 然后直闯地区法院 |
[06:51] | We get a team of election lawyers, we storm the district court. | 我们找一组选举法律师 然后直闯地区法院 |
[06:54] | I don’t wanna sue my way into this. | 我不想靠打官司来取得 出席辩论大会的机会 |
[06:56] | Shame the Herald, kick up a huge cloud of dust. | 让《先驱报》丢脸 把事情闹大 |
[06:59] | – Maybe the court stops the debate. – I don’t wanna stop it, I wanna get in it. | 或许法院会禁止辩论大会举行 我不是要禁止它,我想参与其中 |
[07:03] | The publisher won’t meet with us. | 报社不肯跟我们见面 |
[07:05] | I couldn’t get past the copy desk. | 我连编辑部那一关都过不了 |
[07:14] | Do you think the vice president really wants to go… | 你认为副总统真的想… 制片:艾莉亚提 |
[07:17] | – …mano a mano with John Hoynes? – No. | 跟何尼斯在场上肉搏吗? 我认为他不想 制片:克里斯汀哈姆斯 安德鲁史登 |
[07:23] | Why elevate the number-two mano in a crowded field? | 对手众多,何必抬举 最能威胁自己的对手? |
[07:27] | Maybe Russell will meet the publisher with us. | 或许罗素愿意和我们 跟报社谈谈 |
[07:29] | Demand a full and fair debate. | 要求举行全面而公平的辩论大会 |
[07:35] | Get Will Bailey on the phone. | 帮我打电话给威尔贝利 |
[07:38] | And call that postproduction shop in Nashua. | 还有,致电在纳许华的 后期制作公司 |
[07:42] | We need them open late. | 请他们今晚晚点下班 |
[07:44] | We’re gonna make a TV ad. | 我们要制作一个电视广告 |
[07:46] | I got a letter from an 8-year-old girl in Portsmouth who said, and I quote: | 住在普兹茅斯的八岁女孩 写信给我,她这么说 |
[07:51] | “You are the greatest vice president of my time. “ | 〝在我活著的这些年里 你是最棒的副总统〞 |
[07:55] | Now, I’m not making this up. | 我可没胡诌 |
[07:56] | Thanks for your time, folks. | 谢谢各位 制片:麦可希斯瑞区 |
[07:58] | – Have a good day. – Thank you. | 制片:麦可希斯瑞区 祝你们愉快 谢谢你 编剧:艾莉亚提 |
[08:02] | A two-man debate? | 两人辩论大会? 我早跟你说过 《先驱报》支持何尼斯 |
[08:03] | I told you the Herald was for Hoynes. | 我早跟你说过 《先驱报》支持何尼斯 |
[08:05] | They’ll be denouncing me for not giving him flier miles on Air Force Two. | 导演:克里斯多福米夏诺 他们会指责我没把空军二号的 里程累积优惠送给他 |
[08:09] | – Josh Lyman just called. – He can have your job. | 乔西赖曼刚来电 他可以取代你的工作 |
[08:12] | Today, I think he’d take it. | 就今天来说,他应该会接受 |
[08:13] | As long as he fakes my signature on 300 wooden eggs. | 只要他愿意替我冒签 300只木鸡蛋 |
[08:16] | Santos wants you to go to the Herald, say if all candidates aren’t invited… | 桑托斯希望你能跟《先驱报》说 除非所有候选人也获邀 |
[08:20] | …you’ll stay home and scramble those eggs alone. | 否则你宁愿留在家里炒蛋 |
[08:23] | I can’t look like I’m ducking Hoynes. | 我不能摆出一副 逃避何尼斯的姿态 |
[08:25] | Stand with Santos, Hoynes looks like he’s ducking the field. | 如果你与桑托斯同一阵线 外界会觉得何尼斯在逃避所有对手 |
[08:28] | What about his debate rules? | 那么他的辩论规则呢? 到时七个矮人都有机会 对我穷追猛打 |
[08:29] | We want the seven dwarves to be able to take direct shots at me? | 到时七个矮人都有机会 对我穷追猛打 |
[08:32] | You realize you’re one of them. | 你也是其中一个矮人 现在只有七位候选人 一定有一个矮人头子 |
[08:34] | – There are seven candidates. – There must have been a head dwarf. | 现在只有七位候选人 一定有一个矮人头子 |
[08:37] | That’d be Snow White. Not what we’re going for. | 那是白雪公主,但这并不是 我们要争取的目标 |
[08:40] | Forget Santos’ rules. He’ll be grateful just to get on that stage. | 别管桑托斯的规则,能够参与辩论 已经够他高兴的了 |
[08:43] | The more dwarves we have up there… | 台上的矮人越多… |
[08:45] | …the smaller John Hoynes is gonna look. | 何尼斯就越显得微不足道 |
[08:48] | Will and I choreographed this whole meeting. | 威尔和我已经安排好会议 |
[08:51] | – Okay. – Let Russell do the talking. | 好的 让罗素跟他说 |
[08:53] | Frontrunner. It should come from him. | 他遥遥领先,应该由他开口 |
[08:55] | – Fine. – You can bob your head appreciatively. | 说的对 你可以点头以示同意 |
[08:58] | I’ve been thinking about debate prep. Hi. | 我想为辩论大会好好作准备,你好 |
[09:01] | You were right. We should bring in someone to help. | 你说的对,我们应该找人帮忙 |
[09:04] | – I’ll make some calls. – I’ve called already. | 那么我帮你打电话找人 我已经找了 |
[09:06] | – Who? – Someone I know from the Hill. | 谁? 我在国会认识的 |
[09:08] | For performance stuff. Eye-clicking, things like that. | 这个人会帮我改善在台上的表现 例如眨眼等 |
[09:11] | – Eye-clicking? – Yeah, things like that. | 眨眼? 对,类似的东西 (《多佛先驱报》) |
[09:19] | – Mr. Lowell. – Congressman. Welcome to the Herald. | 洛厄尔先生,你好 议员先生,欢迎光临本报社 |
[09:22] | – Mr. Vice President. – Matt. | 副总统,你好 麦特,你好 自我们在众议院行政委员会 共事以来,你的成就斐然 |
[09:23] | You’ve come a long way since House Administration. | 自我们在众议院行政委员会 共事以来,你的成就斐然 |
[09:26] | The vice president and I served on the House Administration Committee. | 副总统和我曾在 众议院行政委员会共事 |
[09:29] | Siberia of committees. | 那是各种委员会里的荒漠之地 以没约束力的决议去限制 没约束力决议的数目 |
[09:31] | Non-binding resolutions to limit non-binding resolutions. | 以没约束力的决议去限制 没约束力决议的数目 |
[09:34] | – That one was binding. – Must have been some time ago. | 这个倒很有约束力 大概是很久之前的事吧? |
[09:36] | – Yeah, I think it was back in… – Two years ago, actually. | 对,好像是… 应该是两年前 |
[09:40] | Well, I’ll be frank. | 我不妨打开天窗说亮话 还有五天便是初选 两天后就要举行辩论大会 |
[09:41] | We’re five days away from the primary, two away from the debate. | 还有五天便是初选 两天后就要举行辩论大会 |
[09:45] | No offense, you’re not gonna be the nominee. | 请恕我直言 你不会获得提名 |
[09:47] | How does it serve the voters to clutter up the stage? | 硬要挤上辩论台 对投票者有何好处? |
[09:50] | I’m sure Fidel Castro would agree. | 卡斯楚一定会同意你的说法 |
[09:53] | Mackey, you’re trying to do the right thing, but it’s downright undemocratic. | 麦基,你是出于好意 但是此举有违民主精神 |
[09:57] | My lawyers tell me that it could be an illegal contribution to the campaigns. | 我的律师说 这种安排会构成非法捐献 |
[10:02] | Without the full field, I don’t think I can participate. | 要是只有部分候选人获邀 恐怕我不能出席 |
[10:06] | The people want another debate, Mr. Vice President. | 副总统,人们希望 再举行一场辩论大会 |
[10:09] | I agree. I was thinking of having my own. | 说的对,我打算自己办一场 |
[10:12] | Invite the full field. | 邀请所有候选人参加 |
[10:14] | – Who needs the Dover Herald? – All seven Democrats. | 到时谁要看你们的辩论大会? 邀请全部七位民主党候选人 |
[10:19] | Right as rain, Mackey. | 正是 |
[10:21] | We should also take a minute to discuss format. | 我们也要讨论辩论大会的形式 |
[10:24] | These can be better, not just bigger. | 应该要越办越好 不光是越办越大 |
[10:26] | We saw what happened in the New Jersey debates. | 我们也看到在纽泽西州 举行的辩论大会的情况 |
[10:28] | Are we talking about the rules you proposed? | 你想根据你建议的规则来举行吗? |
[10:31] | Don’t we want this to be truly democratic, with real back-and-forth? | 我们不是希望办一场具民主精神 让参加者互相质询的辩论大会吗? |
[10:34] | Each candidate has to answer the questions… | 每位候选人都要回答问题… |
[10:37] | …not just another seven-stump-speech collision. | 不光是发表演说就算 |
[10:39] | Well, I’m all for mixing it up, but if we proposed a debate like that… | 我赞成邀请所有候选人 但是若提议这种模式 |
[10:43] | – …no one would agree to it. – What do you say, Mr. Vice President? | 恐怕没有人会同意 副总统,你认为呢? |
[10:47] | A real debate, with all of the candidates truly engaging on the issues. | 来一场真正的辩论 所有候选人就议题发表意见 |
[10:53] | – Great. – Terrific. | 好主意 那就好了 我要跟编辑部商量 也会转告何尼斯 |
[10:54] | I have to talk to my editorial board, but I will take it to John Hoynes. | 我要跟编辑部商量 也会转告何尼斯 |
[10:59] | – Matt. – Mr. Vice President. | 麦特,再见 副总统,再见 |
[11:03] | Thank you very much, Mr. Lowell. | 洛厄尔,谢谢你 |
[11:06] | Who do you think wanted to limit non-binding resolutions? | 你知道是哪个混蛋要求 限制没约束力决议的数目吗? |
[11:10] | That did go a bit off plan. | 这会议的结局在我们意料之外 我才不要挨何尼斯和桑托斯… |
[11:11] | I won’t be a punching bag for Hoynes and Santos… | 我才不要挨何尼斯和桑托斯… |
[11:14] | …and every welterweight who wants a quick tabloid hit. | 以及其他想一夜成名的候选人的揍 |
[11:17] | – I’ll call Mackey and revisit the format. – I threatened legal action. | 我会致电麦基,要求修改形式 我刚才威胁会闹上法庭 |
[11:20] | I’ll say if they’re using Santos’ format, we won’t debate. | 我会跟他说,如果采用 桑托斯的建议,我们就不会出席 |
[11:23] | You tell him we’ll pay for the debate ourselves. | 你告诉他,我们会负责 辩论大会的开支 |
[11:26] | Me and Hoynes, Herald rules. | 只有我和何尼斯出席 用《先驱报》的规则 别人就不能指责这是非法捐献 |
[11:27] | And no one can say it’s an illegal contribution, anyway. | 别人就不能指责这是非法捐献 |
[11:30] | Now, I didn’t come here to be a guest lecturer in Matt Santos’ etiquette class. | 我不是来当 桑托斯规则班的客席讲师的 |
[11:35] | Yeah. | 对 |
[11:37] | Okay, so we’re back to a two-man debate. Thanks. | 好的,恢复两人辩论的形式 谢谢你 |
[11:44] | You did push the rules business a little hard. | 你过分强调辩论大会的规则 |
[11:48] | I don’t know how anyone’s helped by us spewing out poll-tested pablum. | 候选人在讲台上读出平淡无奇的 讲词,对大家都没有好处 |
[11:52] | We’re not trying to help anyone, we’re trying to help you. | 我们要帮的是你,不是别人 |
[11:55] | Spoken like a true Athenian. | 好一个雅典式民主 |
[11:57] | So I guess we cancel the debate prep, huh? | 不用预备辩论大会了吧? |
[12:00] | No. Move ahead with it. | 不,继续准备 |
[12:02] | – For a debate we’re not even in. – We have to get in. | 我们连参加的资格也没有 我们一定要参加 |
[12:05] | – I got two lawyers working on a brief. – You’re on this illegal contribution jag? | 我吩咐了两名律师拟定案情摘要 你打算以非法捐献作起诉理由? |
[12:09] | Even if Russell paid, he’s still using the Herald’s name… | 即使罗素自掏腰包 由于他仍然以《先驱报》的名义… |
[12:12] | …getting a mountain of free media. How is that not illegal? | 获得大量免费宣传的机会 那还不算违法吗? |
[12:15] | I am not taking this to court, Josh. | 我不要闹上法庭 |
[12:27] | We could try the Bob Russell thing. | 我们可以用罗素的方法 |
[12:29] | Get a bad haircut and break ties in the Senate? | 理一个难看的发,在参议院票数相等时 投下决定性的一票? |
[12:31] | – Hold our own debate. – Me and my mirror. | 我是说自行举办辩论大会 我跟镜子辩论 |
[12:33] | We rent the hall across from the main debate. | 租下《先驱报》辩论大会会场 对街的场地 |
[12:36] | You personally invite all the other candidates. | 你亲自邀请其他候选人出席 |
[12:38] | We’d stir up the good-government groups, editorial writers, local activists. | 还邀请监察政府的组织 社论作家、本地的激进主义分子 |
[12:42] | Because the Dover Herald doesn’t decide who’s a viable candidate… | 因为《多佛先驱报》 无权决定谁有资格 |
[12:45] | – …for the highest office. – Frank Capra, eat your heart out. | 成为美国总统选举候选人 法兰克卡普拉,看的牙痒痒的吧 |
[12:49] | – Can we use my debate rules? – You can use whatever rules you want. | 可以用我的辩论大会规则吗? 你喜欢用什么规则都行 |
[12:52] | Just get ready to debate. | 好好准备吧 (巴柏罗素 为美国服务) |
[12:59] | We’re gonna run this in about 600 points. | 这广告会在600个 总收视点的地区试播 |
[13:01] | Very effective with swing-twos in the mall test. | 经过测试证明 有效争取关键的独立选票 |
[13:07] | I’m Bob Russell, and I approve this ad. | 我是巴柏罗素 我已审核本广告内容 |
[13:10] | In the United States Senate… | 在美国的参议员当中 何尼斯曾多次投票支持有关 全国枪械协会的议案,比率达84% |
[13:12] | …John Hoynes had an 84 percent NRA voting record. | 何尼斯曾多次投票支持有关 全国枪械协会的议案,比率达84% |
[13:16] | Now he claims he’ll crack down on handguns. | 他现在竟然声称会打击枪械 |
[13:19] | As vice president, Hoynes praised… | 何尼斯在担任副总统一职时 |
[13:21] | …Pakistan’s defense minister as a bold thinker. | 曾称赞巴基斯坦 国防部长高瞻远瞩 |
[13:24] | So bold he may now be selling nuclear secrets to Nigeria. | 高瞻远瞩的他正计划 把核武秘密卖给奈及利亚 |
[13:28] | You can’t take America’s side by taking both sides. | 立场飘忽的人不能代表美国利益 |
[13:31] | John Hoynes. Whose side is he on? | 到底何尼斯有什么立场? |
[13:34] | You sure we should run this? | 真的要播吗? |
[13:36] | Wanna see his ad on your Colorado mining connections again? | 要不要再看他指责你与科罗拉多的 矿业公司有联系的广告? |
[13:39] | Hello? | 喂? |
[13:41] | Matt Santos, for the veep. | 是桑托斯,他找副总统 |
[13:45] | He’s tied up. | 他很忙 |
[13:47] | I don’t get why our ads are negative. | 我不懂为什么我们的广告 要那么负面 |
[13:49] | I get it, but we’re the frontrunner. Do they have to be that negative? | 我当然明白,不过我们节节领先 真的要那么负面吗? |
[13:53] | We need to work up some q & a for the debate. | 我们要预备辩论大会的答问题目 |
[13:55] | Wanna grab dinner later? | 今晚要不要一起吃饭? |
[13:58] | You’re…? Are you asking me to dinner? | 你…你约我吃饭吗? |
[14:00] | – We’ve had dinner four nights in a row. – You never asked. We just went. | 这四个晚上我们都一起吃晚饭啊 但你没约过我,我们只是一起去而已 |
[14:04] | Who else am I gonna have dinner with? Everyone else is 14 and irons their jeans. | 我还可以跟谁吃饭? 其他职员都是穿牛仔裤的年轻人 |
[14:08] | – Fine. – Great. | 对 没错 给我国内政策和国安会有关 巴基斯坦政策的大网 |
[14:09] | I need one-pagers on domestic policy and NSC guidance on Pakistan. | 给我国内政策和国安会有关 巴基斯坦政策的大网 |
[14:14] | Thanks. | 谢谢你 |
[14:16] | So you wanna grab dinner later? | 所以待会儿一起吃饭吗? |
[14:20] | Sure. | 好的 |
[14:23] | Just set it up like a real debate. Seven podiums, a table for the moderator. | 布置成真正的辩论大会 七个讲台,给主持人用的桌子 |
[14:28] | When we get to headquarters, we’ll draft a statement. | 回到总部后,我们会草拟声明 |
[14:30] | – We’ll miss debate prep. – Santos is gonna work… | 来不及帮桑托斯作准备了 桑托斯他自己… |
[14:33] | – …with a guy I’m bringing in. – Smart of you to widen the team. | 请来的人会帮他 请救兵啦,做的好 |
[14:36] | Thanks. What we’re gonna do… | 谢谢你,接著的工作是… 发动一场大型的公关运动 |
[14:38] | …is start a massive public-relations crusade. | 发动一场大型的公关运动 |
[14:41] | – Tonight? – Do you have that list… | 今晚? 你有没有… |
[14:43] | – …of opinion makers? – Oh, yeah. | 论政组织的名单? 有 |
[14:45] | We’re gonna call every political reporter in this state… | 打电话给本州的 所有政治记者… |
[14:48] | …every party leader, every PTA recording secretary. | 所有党领袖 家长教师会的记录秘书 |
[14:52] | Tell them we’re holding our own debate. The Herald’s debate is a sham. | 通知他们我们要举行辩论大会 《先驱报》那个是劣等货 |
[14:55] | You really believe anyone’s gonna cover our debate? | 你真的相信媒体会采访 我们的辩论大会吗? |
[14:58] | Ours is a Trojan debate. Won’t happen. | 我们并不是真的要办 |
[15:00] | We’re gonna turn public opinion so they let us in the main debate. | 我们只是利用舆论压力 逼他们让我们参加真正的辩论大会 |
[15:03] | – That’ll work? – If I wanted your opinion… | 行得通吗? 如果我想知道你的意见… |
[15:06] | …I would stick you in a focus group in southern Missouri. | 我会安排你参加 南密苏里州的焦点小组 |
[15:09] | – The ad. – I don’t understand that either. | 谈谈那个广告吧 这个我也不明白 |
[15:11] | Hey, we’re broke, okay? We can’t afford a huge, glitzy ad buy… | 我们身无分文了 负担不起大型的广告攻势 |
[15:15] | …so we run something feisty, funny, out of the box. | 只好做一个热闹逗趣 出其不意的广告 |
[15:18] | Turns our one minute of prime time into a national sensation. | 把一分钟的黄金时间 变成全国焦点 |
[15:22] | Santos on skates, wearing a goalie outfit, pledging to defend America. | 叫桑托斯踏著溜冰鞋 穿著守门员制服,发誓捍卫美国 |
[15:26] | – Closer to the box than that. – Well, what’s the message? | 那样太过逗趣了 要传达什么讯息呢? |
[15:30] | How about our exclusion from the debates? Let’s try that. | 被排除于辩论大会门外这件事呢? 就用这个吧 |
[15:33] | What do we do? Film chicken coops and say they’re too chicken to debate us? | 该怎么做?拍一堆鸡笼,说他们 胆小如鸡,不敢与我们辩论? |
[15:39] | I want two volunteers. I want them in giant chicken suits. | 找两个志工,让他们扮成一头鸡 |
[15:42] | In my office first thing in the morning. | 吩咐他们明天一早来我的办公室 |
[15:44] | – Chicken suits. – He’s gonna like this? | 扮成鸡? 他会喜欢这个点子吗? |
[15:46] | He’s gonna like what keeps him in the race. But let’s not, you know, tell him. | 只要让他可以继续参选就行 不过,千万别告诉他 |
[15:54] | Feisty. | 热闹逗趣 |
[15:57] | Play around with the poultry theme. | 就用家禽这个点子 |
[16:13] | Hi. | 妳好 |
[16:17] | – Hi. – Little cold for ice cream, isn’t it? | 你好 这么冷还吃冰淇淋? |
[16:19] | I mean, you could have bought just cream. | 妳可以只买淇淋的 |
[16:23] | I embrace the cold. | 我拥抱寒冷 |
[16:25] | – Okay. – I luxuriate in the cold. | 好的 我享受寒冷 |
[16:28] | – Can I ask you…? – I fight cold with more cold. | 请问… 我以寒冷对抗寒冷 |
[16:30] | – What are you doing here? – I could ask the same… | 妳在这里干吗? 我也可以这样问你 |
[16:33] | …but in your case, it’s more of an existential question. | 不过对你而言 这是存在主义的问题 |
[16:36] | When I want dark, depressing thoughts about alienation, I watch cable news. | 如果我想体会黑暗难受的疏离感 看有线新闻就可以了 |
[16:40] | That’s funny. | 你真好笑 |
[16:42] | – You’re funny. – Know what’s funny? | 你真好笑 妳知道什么才是真正好笑? |
[16:44] | You didn’t call me before you gave that speech at the Shorenstein Center. | 妳到修伦史坦中心演讲前 没有打电话通知我 |
[16:48] | I run the Women’s Majority Fund. I make hundreds of speeches. | 我管理多数党妇女基金会 经常发表演说 |
[16:51] | Trashing the entire Democratic field? | 妳打击了整个民主党 |
[16:53] | Saying we’re gonna lose before we even have a nominee? | 说我们在选出 提名人之前已经大败 |
[16:56] | – I was throwing down a gauntlet. – Where I’m from, it’s littering. | 我不过向他们提出挑战 我认为那是一派胡言 |
[16:59] | The field’s pathetic. Not one can take… | 那些候选人实力太弱 根本比不过… |
[17:01] | …the Republicans. I called them the seven dwarves for a reason. | 共和党的候选人 我不是无端称他们为七矮人的 |
[17:05] | I’m not gonna get into an argument about whether size matters. | 我不要跟妳争论 候选人身材的问题 |
[17:08] | I’m here in the trenches, running a one-man show… | 我在困境里孤身作战 |
[17:11] | …and I’m sick of Democrats eating their young. | 我受不了民主党阻碍 年轻党员的政途发展 |
[17:14] | Wash them down with a little Rocky Road, it’s not so bad. | 让他们受一点苦 也不是太过分吧 |
[17:17] | – You haven’t told me what you’re doing. – Miss Gardner, your room is ready. | 妳还没告诉我妳到这里来的原因 嘉纳小姐,房间预备好了 |
[17:21] | The simple answer is… | 简单来说 |
[17:23] | …prepping Santos for the debate you haven’t gotten him. | 就是帮桑托斯作辩论大会的准备 可惜你还没替他拿到入场券 |
[17:27] | The existential answer? | 至于存在主义层面的答案? |
[17:29] | It’s tricky stuff, Joshua. | 那个倒很难答 |
[17:38] | I want you at every Hoynes and Russell event for 36 hours. | 在接著的36小时内,你们要在 何尼斯和罗素每个竞选活动现身 |
[17:41] | Obviously, Bob goes to the Russell events… | 不用说,巴柏去罗素的活动 |
[17:44] | …and John the Hoynes. | 约翰去何尼斯的活动 |
[17:46] | You know, Bob, John…. We’re making a serious point here. | 巴柏、约翰… 这不是闹著玩的 |
[17:50] | We’re trying to turn public opinion, so no roughhousing… | 我们的目的是激发公众舆论 所以不要捣乱… |
[17:54] | …no tearing down signs, no excessive flapping of the wings. | 不要撕下他们的标语 不要过分吵闹 |
[17:59] | Don’t lie about what you’re doing there. Don’t heckle. | 不要隐瞒你们到场的目的 不要咄咄逼人 |
[18:02] | If you get the chance, you ask humbly and respectfully: | 有机会的话,有礼貌的问他们 |
[18:05] | “Are you too chicken to debate the full field?” | 〝你是不是胆小如鸡 所以不敢跟所有候选人辩论?〞 |
[18:10] | On a personal note, thanks for…. | 另外,我还要亲自感谢… |
[18:13] | You know. | 你们知道我的意思 |
[18:16] | Okay. Let’s go out and get them, guys. | 好了,给他们好看 |
[18:19] | No one’s accepted our debate. | 目前没有人接受我们的邀请 |
[18:21] | The Monitor and the Post-Dispatch are editorializing against the Herald debate. | 《监察报》和《邮报》发表社论 批评《先驱报》的辩论大会 |
[18:25] | Two lousy editorials? That’s it? | 只有两篇烂社论? |
[18:27] | We’ve been calling everyone. The nationals won’t bite. | 我们已经联络所有报社 全国性的报社没兴趣 |
[18:30] | I stopped by our debate site, looks great. | 我看过我们的辩论会场地 布置的很好 |
[18:32] | Tell our Potemkin advance team great work. | 赞赏一下布置小组 他们矫饰门面的功夫不错 |
[18:34] | The second they post those editorials, I need pull quotes for the ad. | 报社在网站发表社论后,立刻摘录精句 用在我们的广告上 |
[18:38] | Why aren’t we putting policy in the ad? | 为什么不在广告提及我们的政网? |
[18:40] | – We got great policy. – We’re trying to get media. | 我们的政网很好 我们想争取免费宣传的机会 |
[18:43] | Great policy doesn’t give goose bumps to bored, 55-year-old segment producers. | 好政网不会令55岁的 老古板电视监制大声叫好 |
[18:47] | – As opposed to…? – Chickens. | 反而… 鸡有这个能耐 |
[18:49] | – It’s a complicated business. – You have no idea. | 真复杂 还用说 |
[18:52] | You’re not gonna believe who’s on the phone. | 你一定猜不到谁打电话来 |
[18:54] | I feel terrible making you do this when I’m not even in the debate. | 很抱歉,我没资格参加辩论大会 但是还是请妳来帮我准备 |
[18:58] | You’re not in the Olympics either, doesn’t mean you don’t do some sit-ups. | 你也不是奥运选手 但这不代表你不用锻练身体 |
[19:02] | You’ve coached 50 women congressional candidates to debate wins… | 妳训练过50个女国会议员 候选人,帮她们胜出辩论大会 |
[19:06] | – …so there must be some secret. – There is. | 妳一定有什么秘诀 没错 |
[19:09] | Keep an extra pair of pantyhose in your purse. | 就是在手提包里多放一双丝袜 |
[19:11] | After bombing the way I did in Iowa, I’m not gonna rule that out. | 经过爱荷华州一役后 我可能需要这么做 |
[19:15] | Congressman, I looked at the tapes. | 桑托斯议员,我看过录像带 |
[19:17] | You’re great. You’re quotable… | 你的表现很好,字字珠讥 |
[19:19] | …cute enough to be a presidential pinup. | 外貌不俗,有总统相 |
[19:21] | Wait until you see my runway work. | 妳该看看我走服装秀的英姿 |
[19:23] | You don’t have the presidential voice. | 不过你欠缺总统声调 |
[19:25] | – The presidential voice? – You don’t have it. | 总统声调? 对,你欠缺这个 |
[19:28] | And it’s a time of global peril… | 现在情况危急 |
[19:30] | …and you’re sharing the stage with two vice presidents. | 你将与两个副总统在台上辩论 |
[19:33] | Or not. | 言之过早 |
[19:38] | What do you think of the nationalist gains… | 你认为俄罗斯国会选举对 |
[19:41] | …in the Russian parliamentary elections? | 极端民族主义者有何裨益? |
[19:43] | It ain’t the Litchfield City Council, but Russia makes its own choices. | 那不是什么市议会选举 始终是俄国的决定 |
[19:47] | And in a democracy… | 至于在民主方面… |
[19:48] | The lamer half of Jay Leno’s monologue. | 你活像蹩脚的夜线主持人 在自我揶揄 |
[19:50] | You’re not a House backbencher trying to get on CNN. | 你不是想在媒体前曝光的 普通众议员 |
[19:53] | Sobriety, understatement. Let the words carry the authority. | 态度要稳重,说话要坚决 让内容显出你的权威 |
[19:56] | – A presidential voice. – Think filling out a suit… | 总统的声调 想像你要穿上的是套装 |
[20:00] | – …instead of wearing orange… – Pantyhose. | 而不是橙色的… 丝袜 |
[20:02] | I was gonna say neckties, but what the hell. | 我本来要说领带的 但是也可以啦 |
[20:05] | How’s the eye-clicking? | 眨眼的训练进展如何? |
[20:07] | We’re still on hosiery. | 我们还在谈袜子 |
[20:09] | – I need the congressman for a minute. – Yeah. | 我有话跟桑托斯说 好的 |
[20:12] | Thanks, Amy. | 谢谢妳 |
[20:15] | How’s the ad? | 广告拍的怎样? |
[20:17] | We’ll have something by prime time tomorrow night. | 明晚的黄金时间之前会拍好 |
[20:19] | Look, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Amy. | 对不起,我没告诉你艾咪会来 |
[20:21] | I just got a call from Hoynes’ campaign manager. | 何尼斯的选举经理刚来电 |
[20:24] | – Hoynes wants to meet. – He wants us in the debate? | 何尼斯想跟我见面 他要我们参加辩论? |
[20:27] | I can’t imagine why, but we’re getting some good editorials. | 我也搞不懂,但是有报章社论 支持我们的看法 |
[20:30] | Maybe making more hay than I thought. | 也许情况比想像中有利 |
[20:32] | – Want me to come? – After your soliloquy at the Herald… | 要我一起去吗? 看过你在《先驱报》的表现后… |
[20:35] | – …I should take the solo this time. – Okay. | 这次由我来比较好 好的 |
[20:39] | You got a few minutes for debate prep? I know how you feel about me… | 你有空准备辩论大会吗? 我知道你对我… |
[20:43] | You should get back in there. | 你继续吧 |
[20:49] | Know what I’m finding, being on the trail? | 再次参与选举活动 让我有另一番体会 |
[20:52] | – What’s that? – I never stop talking. | 什么体会? 我是个喋喋不休的人 |
[20:54] | No, really, I’m surprised I don’t babble like an idiot in the shower. | 奇怪的是,我在洗澡时 不会像个傻瓜般喃喃自语 |
[20:57] | Fifteen stops a day. Eight speeches. Five interviews. | 每天去15个地方 发表8篇演说,接受5个访问 |
[21:00] | I could do a good 45 seconds on your overcoat. | 光是你的大衣 就够我说上45秒 |
[21:03] | – Okay, let’s not. – It’s a stitch too little, a season too late. | 不用了 裁剪的手工不够好,款式也过时 |
[21:06] | Josh, you can do better. America can do better. | 乔西,你可以做的更好 美国可以做的更好 |
[21:08] | – You wanted to talk about the debate? – I don’t. | 你想谈谈辩论大会一事? 不是 |
[21:11] | – Why’d you return the call? – I called you, not the congressman. | 那你为什么回电话? 我找你,不是找桑托斯 |
[21:15] | You think I wanna tell him no? | 你以为我会拒绝参加吗? |
[21:16] | You know how this works. They only put me on if I say yes. | 你也明白游戏规则 我答应,他们才邀请我参加 |
[21:19] | You do benefit from a two-man debate… | 两人辩论大会的确对你有利 |
[21:22] | …but there are editorials denouncing the Herald’s decision. | 不过有社论批评《先驱报》的决定 |
[21:25] | Public opinion’s turning. You’re gonna see it at your events. | 公众舆论开始转变 在你的选举活动中也会感受得到 |
[21:28] | Well, first of all, Russell’s picking up the tab. It’s his decision. | 首先,罗素支付辩论大会的开支 这是他的决定 |
[21:32] | And second, the way Russell’s hammering me in these ads… | 其次,罗素在广告中攻击我 |
[21:35] | …I gotta get him up there, one-on-one. | 我要在台上一对一教训他 |
[21:38] | So why did you wanna see me? | 那你为什么找我? |
[21:41] | I wanna talk about Matt Santos’ statement on Pakistan. | 有关桑托斯的巴基斯坦言论 |
[21:45] | You’re the only one. | 只有你为了此事找我 |
[21:48] | “Free and nuclear-free”? | 〝自由及无核〞? |
[21:49] | I used that exact phrase myself at the Merrimack Chamber. | 我在马力马克商会发表演说时 也说过一模一样的话 |
[21:53] | We’re working from the same material, let’s coordinate. | 既然我们用相同的材料 就得配合一下 |
[21:56] | We don’t wanna get caught up in a plagiarism charge. | 我不想外间指责我抄袭 |
[21:58] | – What? – Amy’s memos. | 你说什么? 艾咪的笔记 |
[22:00] | – Amy? – Amy Gardner. | 艾咪? 艾咪嘉纳 |
[22:02] | Her memos on the presidential voice? | 有关总统声调的笔记? |
[22:04] | That’s where I got the line. I assume that’s where you got it. | 我就是从那里看到这一句 我猜你也是从那里看到的 |
[22:08] | Now, if we’re both gonna use them, let’s divvy them up. | 既然我们都用那些笔记 不如好好分配 |
[22:10] | – She gave you the memos? – “Security as the new women’s issue. “ | 她把那些笔记交给你? 〝现代女性也关注国安问题〞 |
[22:14] | – Pretty smart stuff. – Sir, we’re ready for you. | 写的很好 先生,准备好了 |
[22:17] | Time’s up, Josh. Gotta keep talking. | 我要走了,得继续喋喋不休 |
[22:25] | When Russell was in Congress… | 罗素出任国会议员时… |
[22:27] | …Common Cause called him big mining’s best friend. | 同道会称他为矿业大企业的知己 |
[22:30] | Congress Watch said there isn’t a mining loophole… | 国会监察组指出 他支持所有 |
[22:33] | …or giveaway he won’t support. | 有利矿业公司的法案 |
[22:35] | That’s the new Hoynes spot? | 何尼斯的新竞选广告? |
[22:37] | – Hoynes approved it, into the camera. – I fought for that in Congress. | 何尼斯在镜头前说他审核过的 是我在国会争取这样立法的 |
[22:40] | If candidates had to look into the camera and approve every ad… | 如果候选人要在镜头前 表明他审核过哪些广告 |
[22:44] | …it would somehow raise the tone of these campaigns. | 可以提高选举活动的质素 |
[22:47] | It’s not working very well. | 看来不大奏效 |
[22:48] | Candidates just approve at the top so by the time they twist the knife, you forget. | 候选人在开始时说审核过广告 到拔刀弄枪时观众已经忘记了 |
[22:53] | Bob Russell. Good for the Colorado mining industry. | 巴柏罗素,与科罗拉多州 矿业同一阵线 |
[22:56] | But is he good for New Hampshire? | 但是他是不是与 新罕布夏州同一阵线? |
[22:58] | I’m going back to the hotel for my debate prep. | 我回酒店准备辩论大会 |
[23:02] | One advantage of being vice president… | 当副总统的其中一个好处 |
[23:04] | …aside from the motorcades and the hoopla… | 除了随行车队和 前簇后拥的人群外… |
[23:07] | …is the honor of standing behind the vice-presidential seal. | 就是可以沾上副总统徽章的光荣 |
[23:11] | Tell you what I like about the vice-presidential seal. | 我最欣赏副总统徽章的是 |
[23:14] | If you close your left eye and you squint really hard and you tilt your head…. | 闭上左眼,用劲眯著 把头歪向一边… |
[23:19] | Here’s what’s troubling me about our answer on Pakistan. | 知不知道我们写的巴基斯坦声明 有什么缺点? |
[23:21] | We’re exploiting unverified claims denied by the Pakistani and Nigerian cabinets? | 虽然巴、奈两国已经否认 我们还引用那些未经证实的说法? |
[23:26] | I was gonna say our 60-second answer’s like 90. | 我是说那些60秒的声明 听起来像90秒 |
[23:29] | I hate it when clandestine proliferation networks won’t stay on the clock. | 我讨厌那些秘密扩散网络 总是出奇不意 |
[23:32] | – Mom, look. – Oh, my. | 妈妈,看 真好笑 |
[23:35] | …the heart of who we are as a people. But I am committed… | 作为一个人的良心 我全力支持… |
[23:38] | – …to manufacturing in this country. – You sure that was Advil you gave me? | 继续在本国发展制造业 你真的给了我止头痛药吗? |
[23:42] | – That is a large chicken. – That’s not the mascot. | 那是一头大鸡 那不是球队的吉祥物 |
[23:45] | – Aren’t they the Fighting Wombats? – Warthogs. | 球队不是叫袋熊战士吗? 疣猪才对 |
[23:47] | – Mr. Vice President. – We magged him. He’s clean. | 副总统先生 搜过他的身,没有武器 |
[23:50] | Excuse me, Mr. Vice President. Excuse me. | 对不起,副总统先生 |
[23:52] | About the debate. Why are you not willing to have full participation? | 为什么你不赞成全部候选人 来一次辩论大会? |
[23:56] | – Are you chicken? – I’m going in. | 你是不是胆小如鸡? 让我来 |
[23:58] | May I ask, sir, why you’re not willing? Why are you not…? | 请问你为什么不肯参加? |
[24:04] | – You’re from the Santos campaign. – Yes. | 你是桑托斯的助选人员 对 |
[24:06] | Do you realize how pathetic this is? Do your parents know? | 你知不知道这是很无聊的事? 你的父母知道此事吗? |
[24:09] | Pakistan could be arming Nigeria, a potential Muslim coup… | 巴基斯坦可能会向奈及利亚 出售核武,引发回教国家政变 |
[24:12] | …and you’re pulling pranks. | 你却在这里捣蛋 |
[24:14] | If this is democracy, Santos belongs in a fraternity house, not a debate. | 如果这就是民主,桑托斯实在 太幼稚,没资格参加辩论大会 |
[24:18] | Now, go dip your beak in someone else’s feed. | 走,去管别人的闲事 |
[24:25] | Tell me you’re not gonna use that. | 你们不会播出来吧? |
[24:28] | There are whole generations of Russians who were trained by the KGB. | 苏联国安局训练了不少人 |
[24:32] | When the wall fell, they didn’t all go open pizzerias. | 柏林围墙倒下后 不是所有人都去卖比萨饼了 |
[24:35] | – That’s not to say that… – No, no, no. | 这不代表… 不行… |
[24:37] | Bad, bad, bad. | 差劲… |
[24:39] | If I could pull a lever and drop you, I’d do it. | 如果我可以让你在我眼前消失 我一定会那么做 |
[24:42] | – What, my analysis isn’t right? – Your analysis is fine. | 我分析的不对吗? 你的分析没有问题 |
[24:45] | I don’t know how to explain. It’s not a pop quiz and it’s not a talk show. | 我不知道该怎么说 这不是突击测验也不是清谈节目 |
[24:49] | The leader of the free world has to speak in broad concepts, in value statements. | 自由国家的领袖关注的是 宏观的概念和价值 |
[24:54] | “I love America. I will lead the world towards liberty. “ | 〝我爱美国 我会率领世界走向自由〞 |
[24:57] | Oh, I don’t sound pompous enough. | 我说的不够浮夸 |
[24:59] | You’re commenting on events, not shaping them. | 你好像在评论时事 而不是影响局势 |
[25:01] | I don’t shape them, and it’s not the way I think. | 我不会影响局势,我不是这么想的 |
[25:04] | The prospect of first-strike capability’s gotta change the way you think. | 登上权力之巅的机会 将改变你的想法 |
[25:09] | Anything from Hoynes? | 何尼斯方面有什么消息吗? |
[25:13] | Yeah. I need five minutes with Amy. | 有,我想跟艾咪谈五分钟 |
[25:17] | Take 10. I’m gonna call my wife. | 十分钟吧,我想打电话给老婆 |
[25:19] | Show Amy how little I shape events. | 告诉艾咪我如何不擅于影响局势 |
[25:25] | I’m trying to explain the presidential voice. | 我在解释总统声调 |
[25:28] | The difference between leading the marketplace and catering to it. | 告诉他领导世界与迎合世界的分别 |
[25:31] | The difference between, I don’t know, John Lennon and John Davidson. | 两者的分别就像 约翰蓝侬与约翰戴文森 |
[25:35] | Sergeant Pepper and the fifth Herman’s Hermits album. | 又像《花椒军曹》 和赫曼隐士第五张专辑的分别 |
[25:38] | – You’re working for Hoynes. – I’m not. | 妳是何尼斯的助选人员 我不是 |
[25:40] | You’re giving one-liners to two campaigns. | 妳把相同的材料交给两个候选人 |
[25:42] | It was a memo. I gave it to all seven. | 那只是笔记,七个候选人都有 |
[25:44] | I suppose your love is a free gift to the Bolshevik brothers too. | 妳倒够博爱 |
[25:47] | Did you see the gender gap in the last election? | 上次选举有没有性别差异的情况? |
[25:50] | Probably not, because there wasn’t one. | 没有,因为根本没有女候选人 |
[25:52] | Yeah, and since chicks really dig plagiarism, this’ll help. | 对,女人最爱揭发隐私 这种事会害死我们 |
[25:55] | Security’s the new women’s issue. It’s why we’re losing. | 现代女性也关注国安 这是民主党失败的原因 |
[25:58] | People are scared and Democrats sound like think-tank hair-twirlers. | 人们怕的要命,民主党却苦无对策 |
[26:01] | – So you pick a candidate and help him. – And if that candidate doesn’t win? | 所以妳挑一个候选人,拔刀相助 如果他输了呢? |
[26:05] | – Want a warranty? – I want every candidate… | 难道要给妳保证吗? 我希望所有候选人… |
[26:08] | – …to be able to take the Republicans. – You don’t give a damn. | 都能打败共和党对手 妳根本不在乎 |
[26:11] | – You want… – The whole party to be stronger. Right. | 妳想… 民主党变的更强,对 |
[26:14] | We don’t open our inner circle to earth mothers. | 我们不欢迎大地之母 |
[26:17] | Who’s we? You didn’t even know I was coming. | 谁是我们?你根本不知道我会来 |
[26:20] | No, but I know you’re leaving. | 对,但是我知道妳现在就要走 |
[26:39] | And don’t knock Herman’s Hermits. It’s hard enough getting on the charts. | 别批评赫曼隐士 要登上专辑榜已经不容易了 |
[26:55] | What happened in here? | 怎么一回事? |
[26:56] | Amy practically knocked me over in the lobby. | 艾咪刚刚差点把我撞倒 |
[27:01] | – She’s going back to Washington. – You fired her? | 她回华盛顿 你开除了她? |
[27:05] | She’s been advising the whole field. Hoynes used the same line on Pakistan. | 她给所有候选人提意见,何尼斯的 巴基斯坦声明和我们的一样 |
[27:09] | She’s brilliant. I can understand how you’d want her. | 她很聪明,难怪你请她当顾问 |
[27:12] | She’s my ex, so you didn’t tell me. | 而她是我的旧女友,所以你瞒著我 |
[27:14] | – If you had trusted me for two seconds… – I knew she was advising everyone. | 要是你肯相信我… 我早知道她给所有候选人提意见 |
[27:18] | That’s why I didn’t tell you. You think I care about your dating life? | 所以才瞒著你 我才不管你的感情生活 |
[27:23] | Okay. Let’s get back to Politics 101. The object is to beat the other guys. | 让我提醒你,从政的基本目的 就是要击败对手 |
[27:28] | We are all getting beaten on security. It’s like these debate rules. | 民主党在国安问题上成为输家 跟辩论大会规则一样 |
[27:32] | If all of us were better, maybe one of us would finally break through. | 如果我们做的好一点 也许其中一人可以突围成功 |
[27:35] | And did I just see chickens on CNN up in my hotel room? | 我刚才在房间里看新闻 好像看到两头大鸡 |
[27:38] | This may not be the best time, but we have to get over to the court. | 现在或许不该讨论这问题 但是我们要上法庭去 |
[27:42] | – It closes in an hour. – We are not going to any cou… Chickens? | 法院一小时后便关门 我不会去…鸡? |
[27:46] | I had the lawyers finish the brief. They’re waiting. | 律师写好了案情摘要 他们在法院里等 |
[27:49] | – Tell them to find an ambulance to chase! – In case you didn’t notice, we’re in one! | 叫他们去办真正紧急的案子好了 也许你不知道,我们情况危急 |
[27:54] | We’re hosting a debate that nobody is coming to… | 没有人肯来参加 我们主办的辩论大会 |
[27:56] | …with two lousy editorials taking our side? | 只有两篇烂社论支持我们的立场 |
[27:59] | Why do you keep making me have this argument? | 你干嘛一直要我重复这些话呢? |
[28:01] | Because it’s not the way I wanna do things. | 因为这不是我的办事方法 |
[28:04] | Being in a real debate, like an actual candidate? | 像真正的候选人一般 参加真正的辩论? |
[28:07] | Amy’s telling me to be more presidential, you want me to act like a Mob attorney! | 艾咪吩咐我要像个总统 你却要我像个黑帮律师 |
[28:11] | Here’s what Amy won’t tell you about the voice: | 在总统声调方面 艾咪倒忘了告诉你 |
[28:13] | You have to become president to use it. | 你要成为总统才可以用得上 |
[28:24] | He wouldn’t let me go to the court. I had the brief. | 他不想闹上法庭 案情摘要已经写好了 |
[28:26] | We were ready to go. | 一切准备就绪 |
[28:28] | If you end up canceling your alternate debate because of lack of interest… | 如果因为反应冷淡 而取消你们的辩论大会 |
[28:33] | …the field shrank to six dwarves and a porcelain donkey. | 剩下的将是六矮人和 一头瓷器驴子 |
[28:36] | – Collectible. – You should have told him a case… | 好一个珍品 你该告诉他,闹上法庭… |
[28:38] | – …kicks up a media storm. – He has the PR instincts of Idi Amin. | 可以引起媒体注意 他对公关事宜一窍不通 |
[28:42] | Now we’re shut out of a debate… | 我们被拒于辩论大会门外 |
[28:44] | …I fired my ex-girlfriend from a job she never had… | 我不问原由开除了旧女友 |
[28:47] | …Santos practically had me batter-dipped and seasoned… | 桑托斯在看到唐娜 跟一头大鸡吵架时 |
[28:51] | …when he saw Donna fighting a giant chicken on CNN. | 恨不得要把我杀掉 |
[28:54] | – Talk about dignifying a weak opponent. – Yeah. | 她帮了弱势对手一把 对 |
[28:57] | You don’t engage a chicken. Didn’t you teach that girl not to engage a chicken? | 千万别跟鸡打交道 你没教她别跟鸡打交道吗? |
[29:01] | Though, I swear, watching the footage… | 从画面看来 |
[29:03] | …it looks like she’s gonna pluck the feathers right off. | 她好像要把鸡毛全部拔掉似的 |
[29:07] | – It’s the best press we’ve had all week. – Gotta go. | 这是我们本周最强的宣传了 我得挂了 |
[29:11] | – Postproduction guys worked all night. – Yeah. | 制作人员忙了整晚 是的 |
[29:13] | Did you get a cell number for Amy? | 你知道艾咪的手机号码吗? |
[29:15] | Actually, she called and left it for the congressman… | 她来过电,把号码留给了桑托斯 |
[29:18] | …but made me promise not to give it to you. | 不过她不准我告诉你 |
[29:21] | – Hey. – Well, let’s see the ad. | 你好 看看广告吧 |
[29:27] | Health-care costs are spiraling. That’s something we should debate. | 医疗开支上升 这是值得辩论的题目 |
[29:31] | Then why has Bob Russell refused to take part in a real debate? | 为什么巴柏罗素不肯 参加真正的辩论大会? |
[29:35] | The people of New Hampshire deserve to hear us speak about the issues. | 新罕布夏州的居民有权 知道我们对各种议题的看法 |
[29:38] | I’m looking forward to the debates. | 我期待出席辩论大会 |
[29:40] | Why won’t John Hoynes debate all his opponents? | 那为什么约翰何尼斯 不敢与所有对手辩论? |
[29:43] | The Concord Monitor calls tomorrow’s debate… | 《监察报》将明天的辩论大会 形容为… |
[29:45] | …”an illegal contribution to the Russell and Hoynes campaigns. “ | 〝给罗素和何尼斯的非法捐献〞 |
[29:48] | Post-Dispatch says “a subversion of democracy. “ | 《邮报》则称之为〝破坏民主〞 |
[29:51] | Or maybe they’re just chicken. | 或许,他们只是胆小如鸡 |
[29:59] | It’s an attack ad. | 这是攻击对手的广告 |
[30:01] | They shut us out of the debate. We should crawl and thank them? | 他们不让我们参加辩论 难道要跪下来多谢他们吗? |
[30:04] | You expect me to look into a camera and say I approved that. | 你以为我会面对镜头 说我批准播放这广告吗? |
[30:07] | We were gonna put that at the top. | 那部分会在广告播放前出现 |
[30:10] | Thank you all for all of your hard work. | 谢谢各位,幸苦了 |
[30:14] | We’re not running it. | 我们不会播放这广告 |
[30:37] | Congressman, this is your argument. | 它反映了你的立场 |
[30:41] | – People deserve a full and fair debate. – It wasn’t what I had in mind. | 投票者有权看到所有候选人辩论 这跟我所想的不一样 |
[30:44] | What did you have in mind? | 你想怎样? |
[30:48] | – I don’t know. – Oh, great. | 我不知道 真棒 |
[30:50] | I’ll call the editing bay. | 我会致电剪辑部 |
[30:52] | We need to overhaul the spot. We have no clue, but get it ready for broadcast. | 说要修改广告,虽然我们毫无头绪 但还是要准备播放 |
[30:56] | – It’s sketch comedy. – It’s fun. It’s feisty. | 这是一场闹剧 很好笑,又逗趣 |
[30:59] | – It’ll get us on the news. – It’s cheap. | 我们会成为媒体焦点 太低俗了 |
[31:01] | What did you expect? I’m sorry, but nobody else cares… | 你想怎样?很抱歉 大家都不在乎… |
[31:04] | …about your Marquess of Queensbury Rules. | 你那些曲高和寡的规则 |
[31:06] | I didn’t want this to be some crank campaign, swinging wildly at Eden. | 我不要这选举活动 沦为稀奇古怪的荒诞剧 |
[31:10] | Well, guess what. That’s what we are. | 也许你不相信,事实正是如此 |
[31:15] | I like your debate rules, congressman. Honestly, I do. | 我欣赏你的辩论规则 说真的,我很欣赏 |
[31:18] | And I admire your campaign ethics. But we’re game players, not rule makers. | 我也欣赏你的选举操守 但我们只是参与游戏,不是在定规则 |
[31:23] | And if we walk away from our last chance to make any kind of splash… | 如果放弃这个吸引群众 注意的最后机会 |
[31:27] | …and this is our last chance… | 我们只剩下这个机会… |
[31:29] | …the only rules we’re gonna need are for long, lingering games of shuffleboard. | 我们只求能够继续玩这个游戏 |
[31:34] | We got a good ad. We got a minute of prime time… | 这个广告很好 我们在本州最受欢迎的电视台 |
[31:37] | …on one of the top stations in the state. You don’t wanna run it, it’s up to you. | 买了一分钟的黄金时间 要不要播,由你来决定 |
[31:57] | – Congressman, do you need some time? – No, it’s fine. | 议员先生,打扰了你吗? 没有 |
[32:01] | Maybe we could run a bit of your stump speech. | 我们或许可以用你演讲的片段 |
[32:03] | Get the footage from C-SPAN. | 跟电视台借来就行 |
[32:05] | In less than one hour? | 只剩下不到一个小时 |
[32:08] | Yeah, probably not. | 对,行不通 |
[32:11] | Say, did you happen to catch the New Jersey Senate debate last week? | 你看过上周纽泽西州的 参议院辩论吗? |
[32:15] | No, sir. | 没有 |
[32:16] | Someone asked about the situation in Freedonia… | 有人问及费多尼亚的局势 |
[32:19] | …and Barber said that he was studying it. | 巴柏回答说他正在研究 |
[32:22] | Freedonia’s fake. | 费多尼亚是个虚构的国家 |
[32:24] | It’s from a Marx Brothers movie. | 来自马克斯兄弟导演的电影 |
[32:26] | And there was no follow-up, no cross-examination. | 但是没有人追问 也没有人质询他 |
[32:29] | The bigger story in the papers the next day… | 第二天报章的头条新闻是 |
[32:32] | …was how he slammed his opponent for being too liberal. | 他如何批评对手的政策过分开放 |
[32:38] | You get into this thinking to yourself… | 一开始我以为… |
[32:41] | …that you’re gonna play by your own rules… | 我可以按自己的规则从政 |
[32:45] | …and then, bit by bit, you chip away at them… | 但是慢慢的变成妥协 放弃原则 |
[32:49] | …until you can’t even name the game. | 最后连这是什么游戏也不认得了 |
[32:56] | You were a history major over at UT, weren’t you? | 你在多伦多大学主修历史吗? |
[33:00] | – Yes. – You think there’s such a thing… | 是的 你认为是不是真的有… |
[33:02] | …as a presidential voice? | 总统声调这一回事? |
[33:07] | Seemed to me that the president makes the voice, not the other way around. | 是总统的身分造就他的声调 而不是他的声调让他成为总统的 |
[33:19] | We’re going to WMUR. | 到电视台去 |
[33:22] | To drop off the ad? | 把广告录影带交给他们? |
[33:27] | – I’m gonna do it live, to camera. – Do what live to camera? | 我要在镜头前直播 直播什么? |
[33:30] | Get a room and a laptop. We’ll figure it out when we get there. | 准备一个房间和一部手提电脑 去了之后再想 |
[33:33] | – Call the director. We need… – Room and a laptop. | 找导演,我们需要… 房间和手提电脑 |
[33:36] | Right, and call… | 对,找… |
[33:38] | Call anyone else you think you should call. | 找所有该找的人 (WMUR第九台 新罕布夏州) |
[33:45] | – Congressman. This way. – Hi. | 议员先生,这边走 你好 |
[33:48] | Hey, this is exciting stuff. | 真让人兴奋 |
[33:49] | – We love live TV around here. – Yeah, me too. I love it. | 我们最喜欢现场直播 我也喜欢 |
[33:52] | Talking about Pakistan? Hard for a House member to do much. | 你们会谈巴基斯坦问题吗? 一个众议员做不了什么 |
[33:55] | – I don’t wanna spoil the surprise. – Forgive the staff. They’re jaded. | 我不想告诉你太多 别管那些职员,他们累死了 |
[33:59] | They hardly look up when the first-tier candidates come through. | 即使是领先的候选人来到 他们也是不看一眼 |
[34:03] | Fifteen seconds to live. Stand by to roll VTR. | 还有15秒,预备开动录影机 |
[34:06] | Stand by, VTR audio. | 录影机音响装置准备就绪 |
[34:10] | – Coming live in six, five… – And roll VTR. | 还有6、5… |
[34:13] | …four, three, two…. | 开动录影机 |
[34:17] | Good evening. I’m running for president. | 各位晚安,我有意竞选总统 |
[34:20] | And if you don’t know who I am, I wouldn’t be surprised. | 如果你不认得我 我一点也不感到奇怪 |
[34:24] | I’ve been shut out of tomorrow’s debate for suggesting it actually be a debate… | 我不过建议一场真正的辩论会 却被拒于明天的辩论大会门外 |
[34:28] | …and this is the only ad I can afford. | 我的经费只够买这一分钟的广告 |
[34:31] | I got in this to improve a broken school system… | 我参选是为了改善 被破败的学校系统 |
[34:35] | …fix entitlements, because they’re going bankrupt… | 改革津贴制度,因为已经濒临破产 |
[34:37] | …to expand health coverage. | 扩大医疗保障 |
[34:39] | It’ll save money if fewer people show up in emergency rooms. | 到急诊室的病人减少 可以节省开支 |
[34:42] | What I’ve found is that presidential campaigns aren’t about these things. | 不过我发现总统选举 并不是这么一回事 |
[34:48] | They’re about clawing your opponents so long as you don’t get tagged for it. | 只要不被指责 候选人就可以肆意攻击对手 |
[34:52] | So how about this: | 所以我答应你们 |
[34:54] | I will never say anything about my opponents, or anything about anything… | 如果要批评对手 或是发表任何意见 |
[34:59] | …without saying it myself, right into the camera. | 我都会亲自在镜头面前说出来 |
[35:04] | You might not get to hear much of me, but when you do… | 你们未必会经常在电视上看到我 但是当我出现时… |
[35:07] | …you’ll know I stand by it. | 你们就知道我说的话算数 |
[35:10] | I’m Matt Santos, and you better believe I approved this ad. | 我是麦特桑托斯,毫无疑问 我审核过本广告内容 |
[35:28] | The hard part’s clearing your throat, really. | 清喉咙是最难的部分 |
[35:35] | Great job. | 做的好 |
[35:43] | Yes, sir, we’re still taking donations. | 对,我们还接受捐款 |
[35:46] | Well, I honestly don’t know if we could run the ad again. | 我不知道会不会重播那个广告 |
[35:49] | It wasn’t really… I’m sorry. Could you hold, please? | 那不是…对不起,请等一会 |
[35:52] | Hello, Santos for… | 喂,桑托斯竞选… |
[35:54] | Federal limit’s $2000. Could you please hold for a second. | 联邦上限是二千元,请稍等 |
[35:58] | – Hoynes isn’t commenting on your ad. – I’m not commenting on his failure to… | 何尼斯没有评论你的广告 我也不评论他的决定 |
[36:02] | …so tag, he’s it. | 我无话可说 |
[36:03] | Are you planning to go on TV more? | 你会再上电视吗? |
[36:05] | I’m trying to get my own game show, Let’s Make a Country. | 我打算主持游戏节目 名为〝大家来建国〞 |
[36:08] | I’ll keep you posted. | 有新消息的话,我会再通知你 |
[36:10] | – I don’t understand the strategy. – I wouldn’t call it a strategy, per se. | 我不明白你的宣传策略 这说不上是什么策略 |
[36:14] | – Obviously, we’ve talked about it. – Before you wrote the ad. | 我们的确讨论过 在写广告稿之前? |
[36:17] | – Matt Santos wrote the ad. – Come on, Josh. | 那稿是桑托斯自己写的 别开玩笑了 |
[36:19] | – We’re on deep background here. – He wrote it. | 我们是老朋友 真的是他写的 |
[36:21] | – Off the record, then. – Put me in Witness Protection. | 私下说真话吧 我保证不说出去 |
[36:24] | The guy wrote his own ad. | 但是真的是他写的 |
[36:25] | I will never say anything about my opponents, or anything about anything… | 如果要批评对手 或是发表任何意见 |
[36:29] | …without saying it myself, right into the camera. | 我都会亲自在镜头面前说出来 |
[36:32] | I’m Matt Santos, and you better believe I approved this ad. | 我是麦特桑托斯,毫无疑问 我审核过本广告内容 |
[36:37] | It’s hard to say whether Congressman Santos ‘ minute of prime time… | 难以评估桑托斯议员的 一分钟黄金时段广告 |
[36:40] | …will turn his campaign around… | 能否令他的竞选活动出现转机 |
[36:42] | …but many political observers agree that the unusual ad… | 不少政治分析员认为 这个在WMUR电视台 |
[36:45] | …run on rival station WMUR, raises the question: | 播出的特别广告 令人不禁要问 |
[36:49] | If candidates mean what they say, why don’t they simply say it themselves? | 〝既然候选人说的话算数 他们怎么不亲自说〞? |
[36:53] | Look, Amy, it’s really hard out there. | 艾咪,情况很恶劣 |
[36:58] | We got people lobbing grenades at us from all sides, even our friends. | 攻击四方八面而来 连朋友也不放过我们 |
[37:04] | They need to know if you can take it. | 他们需要知道 你是不是受得了 |
[37:07] | Even your friends. | 虽然他们是你的朋友 |
[37:09] | For its part, the Russell campaign says that it stands by all its ads… | 罗素的助选团表示 其广告充分反映罗素的立场 |
[37:13] | …which is why Bob Russell appears on-screen attesting to its veracity. | 因此巴柏罗素在镜头前 印证广告真确 |
[37:17] | – I should be calling columnists. – Don’t. | 我要找专栏作家 不要 |
[37:20] | – No, we should be doing spinoff events. – Don’t. | 我们要预备其他活动 不用 |
[37:22] | – We should be sending out copies of… – Don’t. Stop. | 还有发放… 不要,住手 |
[37:25] | This spins itself. Send copies, they’re gonna stop running it. | 让它自由发展,拿到那广告的拷贝 电视台就不会再播了 |
[37:28] | – So, what do I do? – Sit here. | 那我该做什么? 坐下 |
[37:31] | …voters don’t especially like, and defending a campaign-reform law… | 选民是不太喜欢 而捍卫选举素质的… |
[37:35] | …that hasn’t done much to clean up campaigns. | 选举改革法也没多大效用 |
[37:37] | For its part… | 另一方面 |
[37:55] | What Congressman Santos did tonight, intentionally or not, was put both… | 不管他是否有意 桑托斯议员今晚的行动… |
[37:59] | – What happens now? – Very little. | 现在怎样? 没有 |
[38:02] | …defending a campaign-reform law… | 捍卫未能提高… |
[38:05] | …that hasn’t cleaned up campaigns. | 选举质素的选举改革法 |
[38:07] | Is it cynical that candidates excluded from the main debate… | 本来被拒于辩论大会门外的候选人 |
[38:10] | …have now accepted your offer? | 现在都接受你的邀请 是不是很讽刺? |
[38:12] | I don’t call it cynical. Yesterday, this looked like a vanity exercise. | 这不叫讽刺 这场辩论昨天还好像办不成 |
[38:16] | I might not have accepted it myself. | 我自己也未必会接受这邀请 |
[38:18] | MSNBC’s announced they’re running the debates back-to-back. | 国家广播电视台 会接连直播两场辩论大会 |
[38:21] | And I’d watch them, but I’m busy that night. | 我也想看,不过那晚没空 |
[38:24] | A disaster. We’re not getting coverage of Politics and Eggs… | 情况不妙,政治与鸡蛋论坛 〝强硬对付巴基斯坦〞等言论 |
[38:27] | – …of “get tough on Pakistan”… – Press loves an underdog. | 完全没有报章报导 媒体喜欢同情弱者 |
[38:30] | – How many points behind this ad? – None. It’s all free media. | 这广告有多少个总收视点? 无法计算,全是免费宣传 |
[38:34] | Can we ramp up our media buy? | 我们该多买广告时段吗? |
[38:35] | Pull the negatives, replace them with positives. | 取消负面的广告 用正面讯息代替 |
[38:38] | That sounds like a retreat. | 听起来好像落荒而逃 |
[38:39] | – Press will smell blood. – It’s a multi-candidate field. | 媒体会感觉到风雨欲来 这次有多位候选人 |
[38:42] | If the press loves him, and we’re rolling in the mud… | 如果媒体支持桑托斯 我们怎能再攻击对手… |
[38:45] | We’re leading in the polls. How did we end up in a crouch? | 我们在民意调查领先 怎么现在如此不堪? |
[38:49] | I’m not changing my ads because of a stunt. | 我不会因为他的故弄玄虚 而改变宣传广告 |
[38:51] | – You saw the debate editorials. – Thank God we kept him out. | 你看过批评辩论大会的社论 幸好没让他参加 |
[38:54] | He’d have shown up in a powdered wig, quoting from the Federalist Papers. | 否则他会戴著假发出现 还一面背著联邦论 |
[38:59] | I disagree. | 我不同意 |
[39:02] | I don’t agree, Mr. Vice President. | 副总统,我不同意 |
[39:04] | Maybe it is a stunt, but if it is, we invited it. | 如果他真的故弄玄虚 也是我们一手造成的 |
[39:07] | By trying to ride above the herd, treating everybody else as if they were a herd. | 我们为了领先别人 而不把对手放在眼内 |
[39:13] | You have to go to Santos’ debate. Then Hoynes would have to go. | 你要出席桑托斯的辩论会 何尼斯到时也不得不去 |
[39:16] | Then we’re letting the chips fall on you, on your ideas. | 让投票者根据你的 立场和意见去投票 |
[39:19] | Not on some Machiavellian maneuver. | 而不是靠狡猾的手段去赢 |
[39:23] | And what’s the alternative? | 另一个方案呢? |
[39:25] | Alienating Pakistan, which cuts off… | 孤立巴基斯坦 不过这样会切断… |
[39:27] | …our only decent source of intelligence in that region. | 我国在该区唯一可靠的情报来源 |
[39:29] | I actually agree with John Hoynes on this one. | 在这问题上,我和何尼斯立场一致 |
[39:32] | We have to keep that part of the world free, prosperous and also nuclear-free. | 我们要确保该区的自由繁荣 而且不受核武威胁 |
[39:37] | – Chest-beating’s not gonna do it. – Thanks. | 顿足搥胸是没有用的 谢谢你 |
[39:39] | – That’s great. – Thanks, guys. | 好了 谢谢各位 |
[39:44] | – Where have you been? – I got tied up. | 你跑到哪里了? 我被绑起来 |
[39:48] | I’m fine if we wanna bring Amy back. | 我不介意请艾咪回来帮忙 |
[39:52] | Any news? | 有什么新消息? |
[39:57] | Hoynes turned us down for the debate again. | 何尼斯再次拒绝我们的邀请 |
[40:00] | He must have been scared off by what he saw on TV. | 他被电视上看到的吓到了 |
[40:02] | At this point, even raw opportunism would suggest that… | 在这情况下,根据原始机会主义… |
[40:05] | Bob Russell for the congressman. | 巴柏罗索要找议员先生 |
[40:09] | Mr. Vice President. Yes. | 副总统先生?对 |
[40:13] | And after Vice President Russell decided to skip today’s Herald debate… | 副总统罗素决定退出 今天举行的《先驱报》辩论大会 |
[40:17] | …and join Congressman Santos, the Hoynes campaign had no choice… | 参加桑托斯议员的辩论会 何尼斯不得不跟随 |
[40:21] | …but to do so as well. One thing’s for sure: the debate you’re about to see… | 可以肯定的是 稍后举行的辩论大会 |
[40:25] | …isn’t the one John Hoynes and Bob Russell wanted just two days… | 与何尼斯和罗素 两天前所想的不同 |
[40:29] | We had a tougher line on means testing. | 之前有关经济情况调查的 用词比较强硬 |
[40:31] | You’re gonna wanna save that for the cross-examination. | 把那个留在质询时才用 |
[40:34] | Right. | 好的 |
[40:36] | …are sure to make this seven-way debate a must-see. | 这场七人辩论会实在不容错过 |
[40:39] | Have you ever actually closed one eye, tilted your head and looked at the seal? | 你试过闭起一只眼睛 侧著头看副总统徽章吗? |
[40:44] | I hate to admit it, but yes. | 我不想说,不过我真的试过 |
[40:47] | – Really just a blurry-looking seal, isn’t it? – I’m thinking about closing both eyes. | 看到的只是蒙胧的徽章吧 下次我会闭起双眼 |
[40:51] | What was it you said about frontrunners? | 你上次怎样形容领先的候选人? |
[40:53] | – Everything to lose, nothing to win? – And tip the dealer. | 大输家,赢不了? 记著要给小费 |
[40:57] | – Wanna grab dinner? – Who else am I gonna have dinner with? | 一起吃饭吧? 我还能跟谁去吃饭? |
[41:00] | …the Hoynes campaign had to do so as well. | 何尼斯的助选团也要跟随 |
[41:02] | Testing. One, two, three. Testing. | 测试,1、2、3,测试 |
[41:09] | Thank you for being part of this very special… | 欢迎大家参加这场特别的… |
[41:12] | …New Hampshire Democratic primary debate. | 新罕布夏州 民主党初选辩论大会 |
[41:15] | I don’t know if I’ve served you very well over the past few days. | 我不敢说这几天我帮了很大的忙 |
[41:20] | What are you talking about? | 此话怎讲? |
[41:23] | The ad was your idea. So was this debate. | 那广告是你想出来的 这辩论大会也是 |
[41:26] | I never thought we’d be here. | 我没想到有这么一天 |
[41:28] | It’s a miracle I ordered podiums. | 幸好我租了讲台 |
[41:33] | Truth is, I can’t think of one thing I’ve done to make this your campaign… | 坦白说,我没有真正 把你的信念加进这次选举活动中 |
[41:38] | …and not some cookie-cutter Beltway hack-a-thon. | 反而依样画胡芦 把它变成跟其他候选人的一样 |
[41:42] | Well, I can think of one. | 我倒想到一件事 |
[41:44] | – You put me in it. – Gentlemen, if you’ll take your places. | 你让我有机会参加 各位请就位 |
[42:01] | Can I buy you an ice-cream cone when this is over? | 辩论大会结束后 我请妳吃冰淇淋吧? |
[42:06] | My flight’s in an hour. | 我的飞机一小时后就起飞了 |
[42:08] | You’re not gonna stay and watch? | 妳不要留下来看吗? |
[42:11] | Could never stand to see candidates flub my lines, anyway. | 我受不了候选人 把我写的稿改的一团糟 |
[42:17] | Please take your seats. | 各位请坐 |
[42:22] | Welcome. Thank you for joining us today… | 欢迎参加 |
[42:25] | …for the final debate of the New Hampshire Democratic primary. | 新罕布夏州民主党 最后一场的初选辩论大会 |
[42:33] | For the next 90 minutes, our panel will ask questions of the candidates… | 在随后九十分钟内 小组会向候选人发问 |
[42:38] | …and all candidates will answer, and all candidates must answer… | 候选人必须回答提问 |
[42:42] | …before the debate is to proceed. | 才可以继续辩论下去 |
[42:45] | Then each candidate will be given the opportunity… | 每位候选人都有机会… |
[42:47] | …to cross-examine her or his opponent. | 质询对手 |